

Rome has spoken. The cause is closed.

WILLIAM NOLAN is going to Glasgow.


MR KEENAN is staying in Paisley.

This is a bitter disappointment for a wee man who made is clear that he was the man for Glasgow.

“Man proposes. God disposes”.

I don’t think that John Keenan’s wrestling with this blog and its author helped his cause.

Nor did sending an estate agent solicitor letter.

The Church in Scotland is in as a bad a state as the Church in Ireland

The active gay group of priests known as THE DAISY CHAIN has not helped.

The Scottish bishops are turning a blind eye 😞

People say William Nolan is a nice man but a company man.



Leo Cushley – Blairentian & Friend of Dorothy. Diplomat. Egotistical. Obsessed with his appearance, never far from a mirror. Smarmy. Not liked by priests or people. Lots of gay priest friends.​

Hugh Gilbert – convert. Monk at heart. Intelligent – well read and good writer. Holy. Useless bishop , refused Westminster, Edinburgh and now Glasgow.

Steve Robson – convert & Friend of Dorothy. Taught at Blair’s under Keith Patrick, they were close until Robson dumped Keith at time of scandal. A friend of Deacon Christopher Morris etal

Brian McGee – Blairentian. Good man, says his prayers. Thick as mince. Weak, out of his depth in Argyll. Friends with the Daisy Chain members whom he trained with at Thurles.

Bill Nolan – Blairentian. Company man, safe pair of hands. Cold hands, cold eyes, cold heart.​

Philip Tartaglia – Blairentian. RIP. Useless.

Huge Bradley – morbidly obese & Friend of Dorothy. Church Administrator. Lazy. Best friends and holiday partner with Michael McCoy, Canon of Newcastle who hung himself over allegations of Child Abuse. Friend of Deacon Christopher Morris etal.

Joseph Total – Blairentian. Holy man but useless bishop. Afraid of Deacon Christopher Morris etal.​

John Keenan – Salesian Junior Seminarian & Friend of Dorothy. Ambitious and bright. Mother’s vocation and NOT his; she controls him and doesn’t let him speak to his brother who is ex priest. Hasn’t tackled use of rent boys by his priests. Former member of The Faith Movement. Friend of Deacon Christopher Morris etal.

➕ All a bit boring (on the surface) but if you dig deeper you’ll see they’re all compromised except Bishop Gilbert and maybe Bishop McGee.

➕➕ A Blairentian is someone who attended Scotland’s Junior Seminary of St Mary’s, Blair’s, Aberdeen.


Willie Nolan will simply fill a gap for 7 years.

He may clean out the Glasgow Curia.

He will not address the SCOTTISH DAISY CHAIN PROBLEM.

Or many other problems.

He will simply manage the decline and demise of the RCC in Scotland.

Ah well !




10:51 – Johnnie – “Why”? What’s going on “Down South” – that you’d rather not see featured?


Bring back the most corrupt Archbishop of Dublin since the Middle Ages. He was self gifted several Million euro when he became Archbishop, which he used and birthday present, Christmas present gifts to high flying Cardinals in Rome in the hope of raising his profile and to get him transferred back
to Rome and possibly a red hat. He was a disaster as Archbishop.. He bankrupt the diocese and surrounded himself with idiot advisors both lay and religious. He refused to work with the Auxiliaries he had. Telling one that he wasn’t his Auxiliary but Cardinal Connelly. He never appointed any auxiliaries himself as he didn’t want anybody to stand up to him. All you idiots who supported him know who you are, you aided and abetted in the pillaging of the Diocese. He should be in jail but you lot have his back, some of you keep running to him in Aughrim Street. It’s truly awful


Bring back the most corrupt Archbishop of Dublin since the Middle Ages. He was self gifted several Million euro when he became Archbishop, which he used and birthday present, Christmas present gifts to high flying Cardinals in Rome in the hope of raising his profile and to get him transferred back
to Rome and possibly a red hat. He was a disaster as Archbishop.. He bankrupt the diocese and surrounded himself with idiot advisors both lay and religious. He refused to work with the Auxiliaries he had. Telling one that he wasn’t his Auxiliary but Cardinal Connells. He never appointed any auxiliaries himself as he didn’t want anybody to stand up to him. All you idiots who supported him know who you are, you aided and abetted in the pillaging of the Diocese. He should be in jail but you lot have his back, some of you keep running to him in Aughrim Street. It’s truly awful


It’s a cow. What planet ye from that ye think it a bull. It looks a much a bull as you look to be a Christian. Off to the bushes with ye.


And how do you know Farmer Joe? Where’s the evidence? Where’s the evidence?


I can just imagine the pope saying to the teddy bear “ Little does Keenan know the laugh is on him”. Lol


Pat’s review of the inadequacies of the Scottish hierarchy is spot on; a similar analysis would apply everywhere. I’m prompted then to throw a firecracker into the ring. I have been taken by the reflections and sermons available on YouTube by the American sedevacantist Bishop Donald J. Sanborn. NB I am most definitely not promoting his position. I confess to sympathy for the SSPX, but not even Bishop Williamson would go down the “no valid Pope” road. However, if you want to know what Catholics (used to ) believe, then Sanborn is illuminating. BTW I should love to hear from Pat an account of his conversation with Mgr Lefebvre.


Dear Fathers &Deacon….no mention of his parish pastoral councils who did all the work to keep Father safe, our Parish Pastoral Worker did a great job. She ran the show. He really has no pastoral appreciation.Dear Father…. Says it all!


Will he ever address the non-disclosure agreements he made the students sign in protection of his cousin drop-the-hand-Ledwith?
He was Ledwith’s personal secretary. How much influence did Ledwith have on him? He did bring Farrell to Maynooth for the fake secretary job.
I wonder


He was, however, Executive Assistant to the President when Mgr Ledwith was the President.


As a matter of interest and not seeking to be controversial, what do lay pastoral workers do?


Nothing really. They were invented by Mater Dei Institute for failed religious Ed teachers. They earn twice as much as a priest and are as useful as tits on a bull. They seem to cause all sorts of cow shite wherever they go and we’re probably involved with the hatchet job on Bileen


Instead of reacting to reading the first line, read on and you will see that they are indeed mentioned.
Open your mind.


It was the talk in Glasgow that Keenan curried favour with rich and influential catholics with an eye to them promoting his name for Ab.
The powers that be had other ideas. Thank God.


Maybe Rome found out about about Bishop Keenan’s connections with the Courage Apostolate which is a weird American organisation with links to gay conversion therapy.


They have said they do not support conversion therapy, which can be akin to torture. The Wikipedia article is good enough on the matter. Cardinal Cooke RIP of New York created it to counsel gay men and women. Now in that area there are con artists, but Bp Keenan not getting it might simply because Bp Nolan edged him out in various area. Choosing of bishops is a black box thing. The little people have no input.



It’s great that Courage no longer promote conversion therapy, but the truth is that for decades they promoted van den Aardweg and Joseph Nicolosi, two of the most notorious conversion therapists. Fr Harvey supported conversion therapy, and in fact, he believed that child abusing priests should be returned to ministry after a course of therapy and for this reason, Courage has been implicated in several sex abuse scandals.

There are remnants of conversion therapy in Courage literature and they have not yet managed to eradicate all of it. For example, there was that creepy document on the Diocese of Paisley website which advised parents of gay children to consult NARTH, an infamous conversion therapy organisation. This was reported in the national press in 2018 and the document is still on there.

If I ever found out that an under-18 was receiving conversion therapy in the diocese of Paisley then I would be straight on the phone to the police and social services.


That sounds disturbing. A bishop who loves dabbling in quackery is worse than the usual mediocrity who becomes bishop (men with actual talents and integrity say no as the episcopacy isn’t for lovers of truth). The Wikipedia article reads a bit like they wrote it (this often on that site), featuring all the positive and presenting criticisms weakly. Thanks for the information.


11.22: Sir, the priests of parishes had the responsibility to ensure all protocols were enacted. We worked with Parish Councils and relevant personnel. We were also responsible to minimise close contacting and to protect and care for the well being and health of all. You really haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. Find more useful things to do. God bless Archbishop Farrell.


The way priests ape other people is very interesting and suggests they are play acting. Obvious examples would be Oratorians aping Philip Neri, or in the case of 12:08, having a go at Dr Johnson. Beyond the play acting there is the very real danger that a profession built around being someone else attracts men with a poor sense of self or actual personality disorder.


‘Aping’ the founder is surely keeping close to the charism of the founder. St Philip Neri often got lay people to preach at times when priests had a mixed reputation, although that was later stopped. Perhaps they won’t imitate lay sermons.


Dear Pat,
I alerted my diocese to inappropriate activities by a priest in N Ireland. Their response was wholly inadequate as you might have expected.
However, I am pleased to say that hate, as a weapon of the Evil One, is no longer consuming me. It might sound strange, but I feel a sense of pity for the cleric. He is obviously lost, with a lot on his mind. At first I struggled with the reality of priests and hypocrisy. Now I know it’s a fact of life for some, definitely not all.
We all have dark places we do not want to go.
I recall in the Bible where we are called to pray for our enemies; what good is there in only praying for those whom you love, and who love you?
Indeed the biggest challenge and greatest reward has been to learn, pray for the person who caused the hurt, and ultimately forgive. We are certainly not on this earth long.
Self-examination is key. It is our Christian mission to right our wrongs. If we fail, go again. The rebound is Christ at work.
Every saint has a past; every sinner a future.
Lord, grant me a loving and forgiving heart.


Another uninspiring missive from DLF, no flair, dash or esprit de corps what so ever. No attempt to reverse decline or encourage priests or the laity. Dull company man, bereft of ideas, a safe pair of hands. 🙄


Once again, no attempt by DLF to personalise the letter. it’s not that hard to to Dermot, and gives the impression that you gave a damn about your clergy!!!! Tis all about getting the money trickling in again.


7.11am: Don’t be so bitchy but also get your facts correct. The letter is by means of clarifying protocols which parishes asked for. The Archbishop keeps in touch more regularly than the previous incumbent. I know of few priests who complain about him and this letter is perfectly normal. Stop creating lies. If you really care about the Church and/or your parish, offer your services and prayer.


The letter is normal, it’s presentation and delivery are very poor. How standards have fallen.


7.11: What do you want? Good trimmed note paper, kisses all over it and each to be addressed individually? Get a life. It’s a reminder, update note about protocols to be still followed. It’s not a love letter. You folk…get excited about real issues, not a letter from Archbishop Farrell.


Sad day for Paisley. We were hoping to get rid of him.
He has simply created an office of yes people and anyone that isn’t on board is in for a hard time. Wasted collections on synod, staff (more are started every week) and not addressing issues that need solved. He will be bealing, glasgow was always in his sight. His priests can’t stand him but are afraid to speak as they will get moved to a lesser parish.
Praying the Nuncio moves him out of the road to Galloway. Suppose the priests of glasgow are glad they don’t have to resign for now.


8.23. This is lies. In his 9 years at Paisley he has appointed three or four staff. Name names if you think he appoints people weekly. Trouble maker. He isn’t perfect but does try his best. I know he regrets his squabbling with +Pat and without doubt that stopped his appointment as several sent it to the Nuncio and Holy See. He needs our prayers and this unfair criticism needs to stop.


It is increasingly clear what a cesspit of bitching and backstabbing the church is. Not to detract from the inertia of the bishops, of course.


Today is the feast day of St Agatha, Prayer to St Agatha, Saint Agatha, you suffered sexual assault and indignity because of your faith and purity. Help heal all those who are survivors of sexual assault and protect those women who are in danger. Amen


How many Bishops does it take to change a light bulb?
A Conference followed by a referral to Rome.!!


The whole lot of them would find more sympathetic quarters in the diocese of Bishop Strickland in Texas. 🤠


All that this new appointment has elicited from me is a big yawn. Do these bishops and priests not realise how increasingly irrelevant they have become ? Yes, this appointment will impact on some priests, and some disappointed bishops, but that is a bubble. For the majority of people, this has no relevance, importance or impact in their lives. People do not listen to priests and bishops and the Church anymore. They are not trusted. They can blame themselves for that. People have got used to making up their own minds, making their own decisions, and not becoming plaintiffs to a pile of men in dresses. So, yawn…..!


The CSsR’s won’t survive in Ireland another 30 years. It’s very sad what has happened to them.


In the interim, they have perfected the technique of dumping their problem priest’s on Irish dioceses.


What they did to Tony Flannery was disgusting. I have so much respect for him as well as many in Galway and further a field. Someone who I know (a priest in Clonfert) who has a close connection with the Bishop of Clonfert, Michael Duignan, said to a few people in private that he would love to reinstate Tony, but that the Papal Nuncio contacted him last year forbidding such an action. The order came from Cardinal Farrell, who called Loughrea last year asking Duignan if he received communication from the PN RE Tony Flannery. He was warned never to mention his name, otherwise he would be moved.


I hope the new archbishop will tackle the problem of fanatical traditionalism which has run rampant in Glasgow.


At least we don’t suffer from that complaint in Ireland. For some reasons the excesses of this movement in the UK is more or less non existent here.


10.22am all forms of Catholic life are more or less non-existent in Ireland but there are more Irish trad sems than the number of sems in Maynooth or students in orders.


I would be interested to know what makes you think that. The TLM I occasionally attended pre pandemic was sparsely attended – let’s say social distancing wouldn’t have been a problem. I have heard there are traditional leanings at Turnbull Hall, the University Chaplaincy, but as far as I know they don’t celebrate the TLM, Most Catholics in Glasgow would not recognise what you describe.


Turnbull Hall is a hotbed of fanaticism and vociferous anti-Francis sentiment. Many of the Turnbull Hall folk attend the TLM elsewhere. There may be no TLM at Turnbull Hall, however, you will find there the same cliquishness, snobbery, and elitism which is to be found in TLM parishes. They have a great fondness for Latin, chant, and dressing up at Turnbull Hall and the atmosphere is utterly pathological. Many of them aren’t even students!


Scots Lass,
Are you the same one who was promoting Lefebvrism and sedevacantism @11.21?
I don’t understand why you comment here … none of us are trads.


I’m sure that’s not at the top of his in tray. Interesting to see if the VG and Chancellor get the boot. He’d do well to get Fr Hill made his Assistant and he should sell the 2 Archbishop’s houses and give the money to the homeless as a starting point. The he needs to deal with Daisy Chain, get rid the clergy who are C/O Clyde Street, close several Parishes and cull the numerous staff on over £100k for doing diddly squat.


Even if Boaty is right about Turnbull Hall, is there any other evidence of “ the problem of fanatical traditionalism which has run rampant in Glasgow.”?
Goings on at the chaplaincy impinge on the lives of a tiny minority of Catholics in the archdiocese.


Scots lass – that’s untrue – there a small but virulent elitist louder-than-they-merit TLM clique – and in the sway of Keenan, Campbell several others mentioned in this blog and the Faith gang! They need outed


@ 10:08am
Fatty you really need to go on a diet and take something for that indigestion which is making you so nasty to people who prefer the LMS. It will not matter what Silly Wille who looks like Wurzel Gumedge does or says, Traditionalists will never ever stop attending TLM. And will never go anywhere near the fanatical left-wing mods Novus Ordo, not in a million.


The best of luck to our Scottish brethren against the old enemy later! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏉 I hope everyone will be ready to sing with great gusto! 🎶🎵🎼
O flower of Scotland
When will we see your like again…
Those Daisy Chain days are passing now
And in the past they must remain…
+Pat stood against him
Proud Bishop’s Daisy Chain army
And sent them homeward
Tae think again.


I believe the Bishop Nolan is a lovely and prayerful man. He will try his best I am sure, but he is 68 and past normal retirement age. Why does the RCC appoint Pensioners to these posts? Bishop Nolan also has a dodgy ticker, so I hope the job doesn’t impact his health! Mr Keenan issued a short few lines yesterday offering congratulations and is clearly upset. Maybe a move to Galloway would suit him? Anyway, good luck to both of them.


The young ones are too risky – look at the young Spanish bishop that ran off a she-devil and Conroy who was banging two birds.


Betty Turpin was always a supporting character in The Rovers, a mere barmaid and never the landlady. She wasn’t destined for the responsibility of Glasgow.


Betty had a son, Gordon Clegg (né Preston). When Betty gave birth to him she was unmarried, so Gordon was adopted by Betty’s sister Maggie Clegg and husband Les, who raised him.


Bishop Pat – deacon Christopher will be the catalyst of much of the mess in Scotland – thank you for keeping this front and centre and providing a space where we many can say our peace safely in these vindictive times- because there are fireworks to come and careers to destroy !


How does it work in relation to being President of the Scottish Bishop’s Conference? Does the present Bishop President now step aside and give way to the Archbishop of Scotland’s mother Diocese? Do any followers think that the Holy Father will send a red hat to Scotland?


Not quite accurate. There was actually 4. Cardinal Theodore Heard. Educated at Fettes college in Edinburgh where his father was headmaster. Converted to Catholicism at farm street, rejected for the priesthood in Edinburgh but accepted by Southwark served as curate in bermondsey. Spent most of his life in Rome
Garngad Lad


Anonymous @ 6.46pm. NO. That is a matter between him and the Archdiocese of St Andrews and Edinburgh.
Garngad Lad


Irish Land Registry have confirmed that property transfers are currently taking 4 to 6 weeks. Take the Bull by the Horns & don’t forget the Cow. All Lives Matter.


I want to thank the Bishop Buckley for his kindness to me and my family when we were in Ireland when my wife got sick.


11.41: I want to thank my local priest who visited my father weekly for three months in the end days of his life. That pastoral visit meant so much to him and brought comfort to all of us. We don’t always see the behind the svrnes witk of priests. The funersl mass for my father was very moving and we had opportumity to make it the celebration we wanted. Well done to our priests.


Anon at 11.45: He is DOING….you’re rught….DOING much hurt, pain and condemnation against his targets.


Just a gentle reminder that when a comment appears which is wrong, offensive to a certain group or likely to cause a row, that’s usually because it’s intended to cause a row rather than make a sensible point.
The real wonder is why Pat would enable a comment insulting Scotland and managing to include an obvious deliberate mistake. Do you really want dysfunctional church dynamics to be reproduced on your blog as you call them out in the church?


Jolly got three years and four month in October 2019. He would normally do half of that and then out on probation for the other half. Buy calculation he should have been out of prison in May / June 2021. Where is he now and what is he doing ? Any news ? I guess he should be young enough to work at something else, although he may well be under various restrictions until his full sentence is over. Timpsons employs ex-offenders and gives them another chance.


I’d say his career choices are severely restricted after a criminal conviction, especially for what he did.


11.45: Nonsense….we need CHRIST LIKE PASTORS…who live JESUS FULLY…not charlatans and frauds wherever they’re found. The many priests who are on the ground work as best they can for the good of all, even in illness, struggle and challenges with personnel. The kindest, most CHRIST LIKE people are the parishioners we encounter each day, people like Robert, whose sincere witness to their faith, church and parish is inspiring, people who are genuinely caring, compassionate and merciful.


Your case might be more convincing if you didn’t rant and SHOUT about it and pummel bishop Buckley into the ground. Most unfair.


1.23: What a contradictory statement! As if Pat hasn’t pumnelled people into the ground!! Come on, Sir, open your eyes. Perhaps you even pumnelled along with him and the rest.. Hypocrite. Sometimes words need to be highlighted to make impact, thus the capitals. That’s not shouting!! Delighted you might get the core message.


12:36, but Robert the CHRIST LIKE now works with Bishop Pat who according to you is DOING hurt to people. 😂


1.52: No, you’ve got your deductions wrong. You nor I do not know if Pat and Robert are in unison about a new plan, a new way, a new vision or a new approach in “helping” sinful, damaged, wayward priests. I referenced Robert as a Christ like person and am inspired by that. He is a powerful advocate for change and renewal in church and priesthood. People with his qualities and passion can indeed be a powerful force for good. I acknowledge that and also the incredible Christ likeness of parishioners, which is always inspiring. While Pat also seeks to act Christ like, he has, sadly, strayed from this pathway causing much hurt to individuals and their families. I hope that since Robert’s contributions we can each reflect about how we can truly help, renew and rebuild a priesthood and church that reflect the essence of CHRIST. Dialogue, respect, understanding and openness are very central to this new conversation..


Scots Lass @12.00

There are four parish churches in the Archdiocese of Glasgow which offer the old Mass: Bridgeton, Balornock, Dumbarton, and Toryglen. In your comment @10.35, you claim that the TLM in Glasgow was “sparsely attended”. If this was the case, then what is the need of having the TLM in four churches? The TLM will be a source of division in these parishes. What is the point of marginalising a parish of several hundred of the faithful simply to appease a few fanatics?

I first got involved with the traddy scene over a decade ago and I have witnessed a massive increase in popularity of traditionalism. I believe this is related to the increase in popularity in right-wing populist movements, such as Brexit and Trump. When I first started attending the TLM, only one priest said the old Mass in public in Glasgow. In recent times, several Glasgow priests have been seen at the Cardinal Burke Masses in Balornock. These Masses are always very well attended.

In 2018, the deranged bigot Fr Mark Morris brought disgrace upon the Catholic Church in Glasgow when he offered a public rosary, litany, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament for the “gross offence to which is Pride Glasgow”. This was widely reported in the national press and Fr Morris was thankfully dismissed from his role as Catholic chaplain at Glasgow Caledonian University. Archbishop Tartaglia did not punish +Morris but he should have been canonically suspended, or at the very least, put on a long ‘sabbatical’. Hopefully, the new archbishop will not tolerate any of this kind of nonsense.

I hope the new archbishop will enforce Traditionis Custodes. The archdiocese need only have one TLM on a Sunday, and it should take place at an oratory, not a parish Church. There is an oratory in Glasgow which has been supressed as a parish, and I think this would be a suitable place for the TLM.

The TLM scene in Glasgow is toxic. The number of people who attend it is irrelevant. It only takes one drop of poison to infect the whole tun of wine.


I wasn’t aware of the TLM in Toryglen, but four Masses in a diocese of nearly 100 parishes doesn’t seem excessive. The increase probability came about because of the moto proprio (?) which gave any priest who wanted to say the TLM the right to do so. If people want it and priests want to provide it, why not?
I think it was courageous of Fr Morris to hold “public rosary, litany, and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament” (in his own parish. I believe) in reparation for “Pride”. I hope more of our priests felt the same way, even though they didn’t have the guts to say or do anything.
I have been a practising Catholic for seventy years. No one yet has taught me what Catholics believe about homosexuality, contraception, fornication or any of the other “hot potatoes’. Day and daily Catholics face genuine questions about their Faith from families and in work places that most are ill-equipped to handle. That’s the issue I would like our new archbishop to address. Start teaching the whole of Catholicism, not just on sexual matters, but there has been huge neglect in that area, and it’s a topic that comes up often, so it definitely needs attention.


Scots Lass,
I suspect that you are actually a Scots lad, the same lad who has been defending the TLM on this blog recently under various pseudonyms.


After centuries in the RCC when the only sins seem to have been of the sexual kind, it stands to reason that the pendulum has begun to swing in the other direction and the church is beginning to appreciate that God isn’t fixated about what happens in the bedroom. (I’m not speaking of criminal activity.) So, Scots Lass, you’ll have to wait for a few centuries to get your wish.


Well if you’re unaware of the shenanigans going on in Toryglen then you are clearly so out of touch you ought not be commenting on anything !!


It beggars belief that someone your age would say the things you do when much of your schooling took place before the changes wrought by Vatican II.
Surprising you can repeat the answers to these questions:
1. What is commanded by the Sixth Commandment?
2. What is forbidden by the Sixth Commandment?
3. What is commanded by the Ninth Commandment?
4. What is forbidden by the Ninth Commandment?
Were you asleep in class? Were you a slow learner?


Fatty, you should declare an interest. Since you came out of the closet you have lashed out at the TLM. You need to fix your anger issues.


Anonymous @4.58,
You say:
*After centuries in the RCC when the only sins seem to have been of the sexual kind,…”
That’s something that is often said, but it has never been my experience. As I said already, in seventy years as a Catholic I have yet to hear any teaching about sexual sins or the right use of sex. The perception of the popular press is otherwise and that, I think, is what makes people think the Church is obsessed with sex. It definitely isn’t. It is downright neglectful in that area and others, if my experience as a Catholic in Catholic schools and Catholic parishes in Glasgow (and in another Scottish diocese) is typical.
The media, and most non-Catholics probably think our beliefs about sex, marriage, abortion and contraception etc., along with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, are the oddest things about us, so they get lots of publicity. But they are rarely if ever actively taught in Catholic Churches. Without sound teaching on the whole of the Faith, Catholics, like everyone else, get their view of the Church from people who are hostile to it and therefore their beliefs are never nurtured or strengthened. The same is true of the Sacraments. The Real Presence is seldom mentioned, nor do we hear much about the benefits of and the need for Confession. When did you last hear a sermon on Purgatory? Or the Communion of Saints? Or angels (much misunderstood in popular culture)? Or any topical issue on which Catholics might be expected to form an opinion informed by Church teaching and then defend or explain their belief to others?
Teachings need to be brought out of the catechism and actually taught. Having them on the “statute book” but ignored is not helpful.


Scots Lass I think your experience, particularly over 70 years has somehow managed to be atypical. Our RE lessons in my Catholic school reluctantly followed the syllabus but the things consistently stressed were
1. Mass every Sunday and day of obligation
2. No sex outside marriage
3. No contraception
And absolutely
4. No wanking ever.


Who is offering in Dumbarton? It’s a traditional area but not THAT traditional 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


Mcginley is thick as s**t and never out the gym – hanging out with the pretty staff! Suspect the “TLM” he is mumbling is barely valid !


Anonymous @10.05,
Only the first item on your list featured in my formal religious education.
Do you agree that popular Mass media are likely to be the main source of information about Catholic teaching for most people and that this is unlikely to be an accurate presentation of the Faith? Do you agree that this failure to teach what the Church teaches should be corrected urgently?


Scots Lass
I don’t really have a strong feeling either way but would expect a religion to teach its own doctrine to its adherents. Perhaps I should say I am not Catholic and was brought up with no religion – I think I got into the Catholic school because my mother started going to mass shortly before. Both my parents were previously Catholics who didn’t go to mass.
As you know from my comment I think the religious education I got was heavily imbalanced but it sounds like yours was imbalanced a different way although probably a more healthy one.


What about the weirdos who turn up at balornock from papa stronasay at the drop of a hat when a TLM is on,also what happened to the Dennistoun PP who was charged with inappropriate behaviour towards a minor


Exactly. Immaculate Heart in Glasgow has become the national centre for traditionalism in Scotland. Glasgow is the centre of it all.


That’s fine. If the diocese wants to shove all TLMs into one little disused disused church, they will just have to accept continued decline and eventual death of the diocese. A characteristic noise in a TLM is crying children, while in the NOM, stifled coughs and shuffling are all there is, on the rare times the priest shuts up. The New Order has been the occasion of the basic disappearance of Catholic in Western Europe. Blaming social change is just weak. Only older people stubbornly fixed in their habits want to see the polyester priests. Really they just do that out of habit. I think your animus towards the Mas of the Saints has personal roots.


Symmachus at 5:10 see the kids hate the untraditional Latin mass. It makes them scream 😱


Animus, personal roots, are projection on your part. Ahistotical and tendentious rubbish.


@06:20 there are kids there, brought by parents, veiled mother, suited father. Increasingly the usual Novus Ordo has a congregation of older people there out of habit and routine, plus some foreign students. The traditional Mass was largely fixed in its form by the late 4th century AD (the Vetus Latina texts in the ordinary and older Feasts show that), with Kyrie added in the sixth century, and after, nearly nothing, barring new Masses for new saints, plus rubrical revisions. Compare that to a Mass whose first GIRM had to be rewritten as it was heretical (as Cardinal Ottaviani pointed out) and which has had so many translation changes (given how rare a Latin Novus Ordo is, translation changes, are changes).


Symmachus at 9:15 You could really do with looking up the meaning of the word Catholic in any catechism of your choice. This obsession with youth is quite disturbing.


KOB once let the weirdoes from Papa Stronsay rake through old chests and drag up for a TLM at St Mary’s. Few attended but the old queen Damiam Thompson was in raptures over it.


12.44. – there is good and bad “behind the scenes”. Please be respectful of those who have had less positive experiences than you have been fortunate enough to have had. You will deny this but no doubt you came from a well connected background. The cowards only swoop on the weak, we see the same pattern all the time dealing when with victims. Why are you on here if all is so hunky dory with your personal experiences of church or are the numbers not crunching so well these days.


You make a good point about priests giving special treatment to well-to-do folk.
I would never have been admitted to the seminary because I am simply not middle class enough. I come from a poor family and we lived in the most deprived area of the town. My brother and sister went to a Catholic school and the teachers treated them and my mother like chav scum. It has put my siblings off religion for life.


Good for them to realize the reality and be saved the pain.
Apologies if you knew this but of course the only reason the Roman church has seminaries was their yokel priests were ill educated in comparison to the educated ministers of Protestant churches with university degrees. this is of course the perfect example of how it’s really about competition and one upmanship.


Priesthood is now a profession for the lower classes and those pursuing social and economic mobility from the developing countries.


Most of the seminarians I have met have been insufferably middle class, except one. It makes me wonder what you consider to be ‘lower class’?


Paisley Deacon at 10.55am. Keenan has little support among the priests , certainly he’s more popular with the under 10s but the others have no respect for him.
He has cost the diocese a fortune with the agreement he set up with Willie Haughey re maintenance of church property.
The splits in his family of origin are a source of scandal , reportedly he does not have contact with one sister and brother and Philomena follows his lead.
He is vindictive and surrounds himself with weak advisors.
Archbishop `Philip was somewhat surprised when he got Paisley.


According to a previous poster it is Bishop Keenan’s mother who forbids him to speak to his brother. I think family dynamics are complex and the rest of us should attend to our own relationships and not gossip about others.

Liked by 1 person

Except if they are leading the movement on family life with his buddy in the Briggs (who did his laundry) and pontificating to us all – and all the poor couples on the “marriage course” who have to sit through their nonsense – about how it should be ! Make you 🤢


3.54pm Is Willie Haughey related to Charlie Haughey – helicopters – race horses – great tips for the gg’s. Private Islands off Irish coast. Terry’s Sweetie! Hubby a Judge – where would ya be going without a “bell on your bike”!


No. Willie Haughey, Lord Haughey of Burnside in the County of Lanarkshire,is no relation to Charlie Haughey. He is probably Scotlands most prominent catholic businessman and well known and respected for his philanthropy and kindness.


Having read the entries on the blog about Mr Keenan and his mothers influence I can now understand a remark made by a priest yesterday on hearing of the new appointment. ‘At least decisions on diocese matters won’t be made in Maryhill’
It all fits now.


He’s a devotee – period – pious shite – no relation to real life but attracts poor wee fragile folk -IMMENSE relief he never got Glasgow! If you agree let’s give bishop Pat a like or 👍for saving us from the sanctimonious wee … (add your own adjective !)


Catholic group calls on Pope Francis to set up independent abuse inquiry for Vatican files
Network wants investigation to ‘determine global extent of cover-ups of clerical abuse’
Patsy McGarry

” The Catholic We Are Church International network of groups has called on Pope Francis to establish an independent legal investigation of the files at the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) “to determine the global extent of the cover-ups of clerical sex abuse cases”. ” In a statement, it noted how “a decade ago in Ireland State judges investigating clerical abuse cases sought relevant files from the office of the Vatican’s CDF. The CDF refused to supply any files.”


One of Ratzinger’s many mistakes was to have the CDF administer sexual abuse cases. One hopes prurience was not his motivation.


More like control I guess. Funny how when he became pope he suddenly wanted to do something about it but the cases had all been passing over his desk for years.


I would like to thank the priest who took my confession today for not asking me questions about my sins or asking me to elaborate on them. It was a welcome change.


Symmachus @17.10

You hit the nail on the head. I love the old Mass but it’s the revolting people who attend it who I can’t stand.

How many of those screaming babies will keep the faith into adulthood? Not many, in my experience.


Your hearing of the TLM is the best argument for abrogation and for the need for Traditionis custodes: you don’t understand the words being whispered sotto voce and so they are having no effect on your living.


NHS England has decided a first plan for those over a certain bmi and/or have type II diabetes. Average person loses around 2 stone in an many months which is fantastic. Many reversed their type 2 diabetes also.


Yes, they are absolutely deluded. Traditionalism is niche. Mass-going Catholics are a minority, and trads are a minority of a minority. Neo-traditionalism is a fad. Many of them will end up atheist or Eastern Orthodox in a few years time, mark my words. The future of the Church is the third world. Catholics in the developing world don’t take the old Mass seriously. Almost all trads are white, western, middle class.


10:54 I would have thought SSPX or sedevacantist were a more likely destination with an even smaller minority turning Orthodox when they realize the contradiction in their position.
I like to point out it is basically the same contradiction held by Anglo-Papalists 😜


I don’t care what happens to my body when I die, it’s not in my control and I won’t know any different, lights out, so why does everyone else care so much?


9.31: Pat, some idiots are just being silly stupid. Robert Nugent is a very sincere guy, has lots to offer and has his own mission in life, just as you have. Since Robert’s rendezvous with you, there’s a more humane dimension to your persona. I think you’d be even more powerful if you prayed, dialogued and supported one another in a common vision of helping clerics who genuinely need and desire personal renewal. God often uses strangers to heal us. Because of Robert’s desire for a better church and priesthood, a little more sharing together might initiate something new…who knows. The time may have arrived for a new direction.


Bishop Pat why would you let a comment through to your blog like that from 9.30pm. How could someone be so hurtful to a wonderful man like Robert. Disgraceful.


9.30pm what an obnoxious comment to make about Robert Nugent. You should be utterly ashamed of yourself and need to apologise to Robert for suggesting same.


10.30: Pat is the one who should apologise to Robert. Some comments should not be printed. Pat deliberately prints anything that will put him in a favourable light and ithers in unfavourable lights. That sick comnent abiut Robert at 9.30 should be removed. Commenter who was allowed to be printed is a sicko.


Why shouldn’t he play with bears? I think it’s great to have a pope who doesn’t take himself too seriously. Saint Philip Neri had a half shaved beard and an ugly dog. Let us all follow his example.

I myself love bears.


Camilla to be Queen? Not over my dead body!!!! Scandal! Deflection from Andrew, bad PR move! Camilla loving it!


Another thing about Courage to be careful of are their radical teachings on language which are not part of the official teaching of the Catholic Church. Nevertheless, Courage present themselves as the official voice of the Church on the matter. Courage members are forbidden to call themselves ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual’ and they must say “I have same sex attraction”. What does it matter? Surely actions are the most important thing? No, for Courage, identity and labels are the most important thing to get hung up on. They got this idea from the American Protestant conversion therapy ex-gay movement.

James Parker, the former leader of the London Courage chapter, is an avid supporter of conversion therapy. He got angry at me when I called myself gay. He claimed that he himself had been cured from homosexuality and he is married to a woman. He was removed from his position as Courage leader in the diocese of Westminster and now lives in Australia.

Thankfully, Courage have stopped promoting van den Aardweg who is a vicious and hateful man, a fascist and an Opus Dei man. Until recently, van den Aardweg’s book was promoted on the resources page of Courage’s website. This vile book caused immense psychological harm to me and no doubt many others. It was published by Ignatius Press, a Church approved publisher. American Catholics are weird, they really are.

Joseph Nicolosi was a pathological liar and a quack, although he remains immensely popular among conservative Catholics in America and he even appeared on EWTN which is a proto-fascist organisation.


It’s always the same on this blog, axes to grind, mindless gossip, slander and most of the time half truths and fantasy.
Bishop Keenan is a good man, the ‘family feud’ doesn’t exist, that rumour was spread by a disgruntled seminarian and seems to have taken hold on gossip blogs like this one. The Diocese of Paisley is under strong leadership for the first time in nearly 20 years, the
Diocesan office has been streamlined and those picking up salaries for not a lot have been gone now for a long time.
Let’s be honest who would want to be Archbishop of Glasgow, half the clergy think they are untouchable and would ignore any Bishop in place, most of the other half are either clowns or charlatans. Keenan is better off in Paisley where he can do some real work. Contrary to previous posters most of the Paisley clergy are supporters of the Bishop and will do what is asked


Sadly very little of what you say is true: the family rift is only too real and clergy morale is pretty poor. He’s done very little after the much-publicised Synod which went nowhere.


Paisley parishionersays:
Feb 6, 2022 at 1:41 am
Regretfully what you state is not true. His brother was banned from the family home for years. Where was his sister and brother in law, a deacon no less, at his episcopal ordination.
He is not a strong leader , you are mixing leadership with bullying. Yes, he has his supporters, even among the priests but not too many of them.
I am delighted he did not get Glasgow and I certainly sympathise with the decent, hard working priests of Paisley who must be pretty demoralised since the announcement was made.
Regarding leadership in Paisley, it had a beautiful, gentle , fair and wise shepherd in John Mone. Keenan would do well to try to follow his lead if he is able.


Well said: Bishop Mone was a model bishop. The young Bishop John could do a lot worse than follow his example.


This made me laugh so much I had to reply!! Must be a Keenanite because it’s total mine. Before him the diocese had loyal, hardworking staff, who were never top earners and he has NOT streamlined it. His staff now have assistants where none were needed before, hmm, wonder why, there’s not more work. After 3 hard working bishops we got the dross who only has yes people around him. He never answers questions directly, ensured his consultations never produce anything and has wasted a mind boggling amount of money. His clergy and people mostly can’t stand him, ignore him as best they can and the diocese is under the weakest leadership it has ever had.


It sickens me to the core the ignorant view that Keenan takes on his Diocese towards his active gay clergy.
Gay relationships are widespread throughout this Diocese in particular, with some clergy frequently visiting gay bars with some having parties and ‘male prostitution’’ back at their chapel house.
It’s just not right on any level.
They know who they are, Keenan knows who they are.
We all know nothing will be done under his tenure.
Do the right thing and resign, this task of ‘Bishop’ is too much for you.


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