

Since I met him I believe that Robert Nugent is a very sincere man.

He has had to abandon his Silverstream campaign for personal reasons – mainly because “THEY” came after his wife and family.

His wife was receiving sinister, silent calls and this completely unnerved her.

Robert is her husband of 22 years and the father of their children.

When your family is being intimidated and frightened you simply cannot ignore it.

I don’t blame Robert for waving the white surrender flag.

The people who went after him are ruthless and dangerous.

They would be quite capable of cutting the brake pipes on his wife’s car.

They would be capable of much worse.

But this shows you the evil and disgusting under belly of the Catholic Institution internationally and in Ireland.

This is simply Satanic and Demonic. No other words for it.

PROFOUND EVIL pretending to BE OF GOD!

So many bishops, priests and fanatical Catholic laity disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.


Robert has another big problem and I mean no disrespect to Robert’s sincerity.

He has swallowed all THEIR bull shit about magisterium, Canon Law, hierarchy, ontological change etc.

And that’s where they have sincere Catholic like Robert by the short and curries.

They tell them that you can only have access to God and Heaven through US.

They have made themselves, the way, the truth and the life.

Here they have even hijacked Jesus Christ and his message.

The hierarchy and clergy are the SAVIOURS, not Jesus.

At the turn of the 20th century they were selling crucifixes in Rome with the pope on the cross and not Jesus!

What Jesus gave us for free is now being charged for by bishops and priests.


Bishop Pat, things like the canonical sidelining of Dom Anderson and the intimidation of the Nugents convince me that there is much more to the Silverstream matter than meets the eye. The lengths Deenihan has gone to to protect this odd traddie group doesn’t add up, unless there is something else very big at stake.


I remember somebody mentioning to me, over a year ago, that “They seem really tetchy over this, they’re never really get this tetchy.”
And as for the demonic – ‘you’ll know when you see it’. I completely understand. Likewise, for the angelic.
Satan and the demonic are a reality. And it is at times of exposure, getting close to unveiling – even after unveiling – that the demonic manifestations begin in earnest.
My Lord and my Saviour, in non other have I founded all my hope; only in thee Lord. Amen


Deenihan will recall what he got up to in his Hull days and how that was all brushed under Afghan rugs and now he is affording the same cover up that he received


Guys, my honest opinion. It’s not Silverstream going after me. It’s the Micheal Deegan coverup. That story which Pat or myself didn’t I go looking for. I’ve rattled too many comfortable clerics in their retirement. Something not right.

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What about the death of Fr Tony Corr? Why has this been overlooked and also covered up to the highest official?


Can you give us more information, even off the Blog to help us see the credible?


11.37: Robert. Sad that you have morphed into Pat’s poodle. Be your own man. You are better than the impressions being given in your changing language and narratives. You are using “Pat-speak” in your replies.


The closer you get to exposing them and the more they have to lose the more they will resist. It’s a sign you’re doing the right thing.


I am not surprised. When I saw the video, I knew they would go after him. They would probably also contact his employer and threaten his income. That’s why so many do nothing. The risk of speaking out is too high. Apart from Betty Turpin, they can afford good lawyers to intimidate, and most people haven’t the financial resources to ‘lawyer up’ and face them in court. All very sad.


“When I saw the video, I knew they would go after him.”
11:30, was that the one hour video from a few days ago? It had a lot of views compared with other recent videos. Something about it must have had some people really worried.


Yeah you can’t expect anything else of a cult that thinks nothing of covering up child rape.
And Mr Nugent I’m afraid has to realize that the covering up abuse and threatening phone calls are what the RC church is really about and the religion bit is pretend.
TBH if he loses his RC faith (and many do when faced with the reality) it will be the best thing for him.


Shocking but not surprising – women and children & any vulnerable groups are the usual targets of these powerful & fanatical laity, social control freaks & clergy that have them as a front. I hope that Robert and his wife and children are OK.


Forgive me — I am confused. There have been been both civil and ecclesiastical investigations in relation to all the allegations of impropriety at Silverstream. The monastery and its leadership have been entirely acquitted of any wrongdoing. Why isn’t that the end of the matter? This is a sincere question, asked respectfully; I am open to correction.


Ben at 12:51 — The statement on Silverstream’s website is sleight of hand. I’d not be surprised if Martin Long, the Irish Bishops Conference’s well paid liar, helped them with it. When the Gardai pass your file on to the DPP, it means that the Gardai think you’re guilty. The DPP can turn down the An Garda Siochana’s request for a number of reasons, including the poor health of the defendant, or a judgment that a prosecution is not in the public interest. There was no “acquittal” or “vindication” here, just luck.


The exact same happened to the two ex Killaloe seminarians and the ex Ossory Seminarian. These young men recieved threatening phone calls and threats to stop the redress scheme. Pat please reach out to these men who were abused while in Maynooth Seminary.


There isn’t such a scheme, nor is one needed, except in your creepy, obsessive imagination.


Yes, Pat, please reach out to them and ask these two private laymen if they want to be mentioned by a stalker every single day on your blog.


Note : If anyone gets those type of calls, the Gardaí can and will trace the numbers for you.
Speaking from experience, the callers soon turn out to be the cowards they are.


Killaloe stalker alert. Unlikely you have permission from any of the people you are claiming to vindicate. And even more unlikely you have begun to deal with your obsession and infatuation.


I have such a mental image of what the Killaloe stalker looks like, and it’s not flattering.


1.53am one of those men was actively involved in sex during he’s time in maynooth, while getting ordained, he told me himself, then did a puplic piece on it saying there was happening during he’s time there, he was it himself… Cop on!


Like +Pat I don’t doubt Robert’s sincerity but I do not believe his reasons for giving up the Silverstream cause.
After all his soap boxing and clear declarations that it would be sorted within the week he has come to realise how foolhardy these claims were and he cannot deliver.
Let me be clear, I believe there is something rotten at the core of Silverstream and this blog played a significant roll in exposing that rotten core.
Roberts, heated ‘I am not going to stand for this’ attitude has backfired and made him look slightly ridiculous. It turns out he isn’t going to stand for it and he chucks in the towel as quickly as he picked it up.
My family are being abused comes across as a handy excuse to let himself off the hook. Can’t deliver as promised – use family as an excuse to get off the hook without looking foolish.
I don’t know this for a fact.
If I’m wrong in this – I will apologies to Robert.
It’s not clear from the blog if Robert is going to continue to expose the hypocrisy and clarity and justice in the RCC?
On his YouTube less than a fortnight ago he was castigating Bishops and priests and he claimed that he would be challenging them and if they refused to engage he would be standing at their presbytery doors and their altars forcing them to engage. He was going to root out the duplicity, the drugs, the rape, the hypocrisy and double standard.
Has Robert raised the white flag on these issues to or is it just Silverstream?
If anything good has come of this it is that Dom A has received an apology and Robert has help highlight, through his YouTube channel, the extent of the vile corruption that is the RCC church.
I wish you and your family well, Robert.
Stay safe.


6:56 am
Threats, wifi hacking, destroying reputations, gaslighting, etc…are par for the course when dealing with abuse, corruption and criminality in the Rcc. I know from experience.


Yes , I get that but Robert was guilty of ranting at the screen that THEY tried to shut Pat Buckley up but they weren’t going to shut him up or close him down. Turns out THEY where.

Didn’t Robert also make reference in one of his video to having left plan for action should something happen to him. I don’t know what that means but it sounds like he was saying nothing was going to stop him.

I’m with Asmodeus. I don’t buy the story of him or his family being threatened. If someone is making threats – go to the police.


+Pat. Is the last word of your 9:41 comment a noun or a verb?
Just askin’ ….like!


I do not believe a word about this RN story. He uses his family as a get out clause and excuse. If people are willing to swallow this nonsense then more fool them. If his wife is receiving alleged silent phone calls then how does that threaten his children? This stinks.


It’s all fake Marcelo, a caller who says nothing? Crisis I would hate to see what way they would behave if they actually spoke.


Totally agree with Marcelo 100%. What a load of old cobblers and Pat niave as always swallows it too. I believe lies are being told here and not just by Nugent.


6:56AM – The reaction from the powers that be to Roberts work on Silverstream indicate that he has only scratched the surface and by whatever means necessary they will put a stop to him – that will include threats to income, family members, infiltration of known family & social connections in community to elicit anything they can use on him & they will network with their well connected & moneyed elites in high places to shut him up. Rotten to the core. Best Wishes to Robert and his Family – we hope that they will be OK & that nothing happens to them “by coincidence” down the line when the Mafia might attempt to make it look like it was unrelated to the truth that Robert has been revealing- either that or they might try to pay him off to restore the silence they seem so desperate to preserve.


Facing the evil in some Irish clergy requires a lot of preparation. I was extremely naive. Even Pat said to me I was naive. I wasn’t prepared for the depths of rot and decay I was confronted with.

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I respect your honesty in this regard.
One of the most impotnt life skills I ever learned was to pick the battles l knew l could win. It doesn’t always work though.
I hope you and your family are safe and stay safe.


I don’t have a problem with RN. The issue I have is that he proclaims to be this great Catholic and yet will not answer simple questions like a) how many kids his 22 year marriage has produced? B) has his wife been his only ‘lover’ in life? Even if he answered these questions, one would have to take the answers with a pinch of salt.


Pat – I’m wondering if you shouldn’t delete any personal information about Robert and his family and prevent further posts along these lines i.e where he works, number of children etc

These add nothing to the debate and why contributors would want this informant is creepy and suspicious


I am being careful. I have binned 10 comments this morning about his family.

But readers have to be free to challenge everybody even robustly.


Pat, Why is giving details of his children considered “challenging him robustly”, it has nothing to do with what Robert is challenging.


It is very strange and disturbing to keep on asking how many children he has. Does your hard drive need checking?


Many of the harassment calls are coming from the trolls that attack RN on this blog daily.
It suits their agenda to do so as well.
Newsflash : Robert isn’t finished, keep sweating boys.


Oh come on. What utter billishit. Some men must be so insecure in themselves they can’t believe a man can just sleep with one woman for 22 years. And no I don’t sleep anyone. What is the point of the double life? Why live with that stress. Can’t men just be at peace with themselves? When I see the comments invented about me I wonder what goes on in their minds. Pat says it’s clerics who are commenting. Or seminarians. Who knows. Maybe people can come to Mayo and actually talk to me. See my house, see my oratory here. I’m an ordinary man, but destroy my family I would never.


12.04: Robert, what’s billishit? Beginning to wonder how you have time to write do much (self defensive gibberish) and make such long videos? Also, it would be good if you prepared calmly and not in the gung ho style of a chieftain warrior.


7.35 am @ anon
Oh don’t be so ridiculous. What difference does it make to you whether RN has 2 children or a dozen.


In life we are all in the firing line, everyone is always outraged or angry, the world owes everyone a living. Where are all the easy going people who live and let live?


Many a man and boy who is suffering has been told by insensitive shits to “man up”, even if is at great cost to health and wellbeing.


I have to agree with this comment after the years and videos of RN attacking Dom Ben to have this massive turnaround is embarrassing as it is admirable


Nothing wrong with hiding behind a woman, the ones nowadays you would be mad to tackle them they are built like power houses


If you seen my neighbour bulldozing her name at through Tesco on a Saturday you would not tackle her


Don’t start dissing women on this blog or we will have Roberta on later lecturing us on how misogynistic we all are as well as lesbo phobic


Low blow! My wife didn’t marry me to get harassed by my battles. And anonymous one , I’ve gone public with my comments. Confront me in person not as some troll afraid to be a man.


Pat you are as much a coward for blaming catholics or the RCC for ‘coming after’ his wife. Don’t believe this Coca Cola man who works on a Sunday much against his good old faith…..


Patsy, I don’t believe a word from this Nugent character, if he or his family have received threats he should have called the Guards immediately. Who are “THEY”? you’re only supporting him because you always do if it’s against The Church. Remember no matter what you lot do or say “The Gates of Hell shall not prevail”


RN has reported this to the Gardai.

The gates…… – But Satan is firmly inside the Church.


Yes I’ve reported this to the Gardai. As I said some retired cleric or person from Thurles seminary must be very very uncomfortable with the questions we asked about Micheal Deegan. What do they not want uncovered?


Priests and their helpers go to the Boiler Sauna & the local woods on Sundays – hypocrisy- people with mortgages, rent & families to feed have to work on Sundays. This just proves upmarket clergy and their laity do not live in the real world. Arrogant, over privileged, over protected by the authorities and self entitled. No wonder they continue to get away with all manner of corruption and abuse of human rights. Toxic.

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R Nugent @12.27pm I think you are using Thurles as a total smokescreen because your big report produced nothing on the subject. All you came up with was a copy of the inquest which contained info already out there in the public domaib. Who in Thurles with any connection to the Deegan suicide would feel threatened or scared of a public document available to anyone? You are using this as yet another excuse of not fulfilling the promises you made. You know that so you do and your side kick Pat. Why don’t you produce the evidence you have so far on this case. I put it to you that you can’t because you don’t have any. You blamed Silverstream for the silent phone calls and now it’s Thurles. Who will it be next?


RN seems sincere alright. He came on the scene like a new hurler or footballer playing with abandon.
Coming after a man’s family like that is cowardly, abhorrent and absolutely disgraceful.
RN speaks of being authentic. An authentic Christian community can live in parallel to the RCC.


Pat people are saying you sold yourself short but I think this meeting between you two has has a positive impact on your reputation


At least RN met with you, hats off. Other cowards like Queen Treanor, BB Purcell, Whoopsie Kirby, King Puc, Amy Martin etc will not. I applaud Robert for his graceful and humble apology

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Amy Martin is still in mourning can we cut this man some slack. He has had to go on antidepressants due to the realisation that he can not have a wife and children. Poor Amy


As a straight married devoted husband and father focus your energy and life on the things that matter, you have been foolish once Robert, learn and move on


Nobody is straight we are all on the spectrum of sexuality and we don’t always need to define what we are


True. I’ve seen many “straight” men in prison turn to other prisoners.


That Howard League report found that male prisoners serving short sentences of up to 6 months did not do the bizz with one another, but the longer that heteros were in prison, the more likely they were to have situational sex. An interesting footnote in the report was that in some prisons, a basket of condoms in put in prison chapels, to allow prisoners to discreetly take them back to their cells.


Even reading the text ‘he had to abandon his Silverstream campaign’ like who do you think you are RN? Are you that desperate for fame? Which would go against your good faith?


Who is working with the Grindr guy trying to expose gay priests, married men, paedophiles etc if it isn’t you Pat?


He’s already financially drained a married man and drove him to the brink of suicide. There was a report of a woman doing the same in Derry but she was caught so this behaviour does not appear to be uncommon


Good morning ya all, I hope to see positive comments about Mr Nugent today; we are all Christians and need to remind ourselves of our Christian values.


9:48 he could also take over to US, some of these local Irish priests who are “compromised” because they too close to home in every respect. The change would do them good. It must be painful ducking & diving all day every day here at home in Ireland as it’s so small.


Dear Pat, to the Priest who is fornicating with my gay brother, quit while you are ahead or risk exposure. I will not warn you twice and I know you read this blog religiously. Regards, Bo


Pat I think you should do a piece on priests who have caravans sitting on the presbytery grounds and what they use them for?


Is that priests in the UK or NI that have these caravans? Do they ever hit the road on tow? Why are you asking? Does your priest have a caravan parked in his garden? Why don’t you just ask him what he uses it for? This is just fascinating as I’ve never seen a priest towing a caravan or even owning one so it must be a new trend?? I wonder how many bloggers on here have spotted priests with caravans, motor homes or static homes recently??


Most priests are not into shoes
Instead they love men and booze
Flashy cars and coffee
A latte with a splash of toffee
Hanging out with their male friends
Driving around in their Mercedes’ Benz


Pat I hope you don’t write this awful child like poems? I’m sure an intelligent man of your standard could do better.


You are a gifted poet with a fine turn of phrase. You will be on the A Level syllabus one day xx


😀 Robert and I are not in each others pickets. He never asked my permission to do a video about me and that’s the way it should be.

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Tyrone is screaming out to be investigated it will only take one person to blow the whistle and the whole place will crumble


The cross dressing priest who answers the door in tights, the priest who has a live in gf, the countless gay clergy who are unashamedly active, the gambling priest who is never out of the casino, come on Pat get your car down here


Pat are clergy allowed to keep pets? I didn’t realise how many of them had cats which I understand as they are self sufficient and not as needy as dogs, but a pile of them have dogs I’m sure they can’t look after properly


I love the way you don’t take yourself seriously it’s a fantastic trait to have and I hope Nugent takes this in and can apply the same to his own personality and circumstances


May we remember, this day in 2016 Pope Francis questioned Donald Trumps Christianity over his plans to build a wall on the Mexican border. I have great fondness for our current Pope. Long live he and in health.


Like Taylor Marshall would recognize heresy if he saw it.
Incidentally the sedes conveniently ignore the fact that the magisterium is clear that a pope can be a heretic and…. you’ve got it…is still pope.
Don’t tell them, it would upset the poor dears


Marshall is not a sede, and recognises Francis is technically Pope.
If you want to be taken seriously, criticise Marshall on what he actually claims, not what he doesn’t. And before you troll, I don’t agree with Marshall on many things.


@2:26 Honorius I (or others of that time like Liberius) was not a heretic. The Sixth Ecumenical Council ‘In Trullo’ did condemn Honorius as a heretic but Pope St Leo II instead condemned the weakness of Honorius, his excessive efforts at compromise, but did not condemn him as a heretic (see Ott). John XXII is simpler. He offers theories on the Beatific Vision as a theologian (although he was Pope). This was unwise, but the matter was then not defined dogmatically until a bit later. Pope Francis has said a lot of very uncertain things, but TM should avoid becoming one of those social media e-Popes.
It’s a provocation that has to be avoided utterly, even when it seems just. It’s slightly like how the Canadian truckers have to avoid any violent actions even if they are menaced with loss of jobs, pets and children. Fr Davide Pagliariane SSPX SG recently met with Pope Francis and talked on some matters. Polemics solve nothing. Talking is better.
Prayers for Robert Nugent and Bp Pat. Both have done more than most of us put together.


Has Frank the Fraud taken down that big old wall round Vatican city, or taken in the immigants he is always demanding that other states take in?


lol . . . Biden has kept building it and keeps approving the funding for more. Did you think the media is staying quiet on Biden because he’s doing such a good job . . lol


MBE wonders who is selling him out well he should remember the loose tongue that Andrew had while he was his wing man


Brian D’arcy OBE was defending Mince Andrew on the radio yesterday for settling for £12million with Virgin(she is not)ia. This is hardly surprising though as he is clearly desperate for a Dame hood


D’Arcy will never change he’ll do anything for publicity, if you remember when he was on “The Late Late” far too often altogether, he was forever trying to upstage Gaybo.


I’ll feel sorry for D’arcy, he’s a few cards short of a full deck, and the product of bad management.


Its horrendous that nasty, bullying trolls intruded into Robert’s family. Perhaps he got too emotionally involved with all issues about Thurles and the monastery. His presentation of these issues in videos were contradictory in many ways and this led to varying reactions. But he did not deserve the nastier, intimidatory intrusions into his or his family’s life. For this reason I believe Pat, from here on, must not print these hate inciting and bullying trolls. They should be named when people feel threatened by their hate comment on this blog. But Robert is not the only victim and many of us have challenged Pat about these issues frequently. What’s going on? God bless Robert.

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Stay strong Robert, prayers for you and yours, if you need my help I will be there for you. Brothers in solidarity. #justiceforRobert


Pat, I honestly think the harassment started with the Micheal Deegan story. But who knows. I don’t agree with what everything you have written about me, but we have radically different views. You are a sincere good man, that I know and that I respect. But we won’t agree on everything, that’s fine. Looking forward to going to Larne. Also I know personally priests who have been grateful for your work, for showing them their double life. I would ask those priests and others to please tell Pat. Your unlikely friend RN. Pray for me.

FYI. I want closure for Dom Benedict! He is a man treated horrifically in this process.

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Thank you Robert. We do have very different views but we are and always will be brothers in Christ.

I look forward to our next meeting and another stimulating conversation.

Those priests are very welcome to contact me and I will treat them like brother priests and try to explain to them that sometimes the hand that hurts is also the hand that heals.

I am already in touch with several priests and seminarians who appeared on the Blog and we are friends now.

“God writes straight with crooked lines”.


I could never blog the way you blog Pat. I think scandal can be handled differently.

Remember those who think they can get away with sin and double life in this world will face justice. Many man are hurt, without peace and can never actually encounter the Christ that loves them.

What I will say to the many many people who say “Don’t talk to Pat”. I don’t have to agree with Pat to have a conversation with him. To call to Larne to say hello. Or am I missing something? I don’t think Christ’s message is preached ignoring people who are open to talk. Talking isn’t agreeing, it’s call HAVING A CONVERSATION!!

My faith has captivated my heart, as a suffering father who had the joy of many births and mourned with my wife the miscarriages, like many families. People judge me, but you haven’t walked in my shoes. Being a father you have to see the miracle of birth and the sorrow of death.

I would only ask that people who think they know me to TALK TO ME! And the people who THINK they know Pat, Talk to Pat. You might be surprised the men you encounter if you ditched your “anonymous mask” and faced me face to face.


Robert we are two very different men with radically different views.

Our blog styles are also very different.

It’s a bit like cutting the lawn and setting the cut level on the lawnmower. You cut at 3 inches and I at one inch 😀

“How’s she cutting”

“She’s threshing” when things are good.

“Tight to the ground” when things are difficult.

I cut tight to the ground.

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We cannot deny that Robert is a sincere person. He promised too much with the language of a war chief. He was going after everyone with his “you guys, we’re coming after you..”. I felt I would need security after his warmongering which I felt was emotionally and worryingly melodramatic. Robert has inspired me by his videos on faith and prayer and I hope he will continue these. Sadly, when you express certain narratives on this blog, some horrible vitriol is tolerated all too frequently. Maybe from here on Pat will discern more wisely and stop printing the uglier, vicious comments which are designed to cause great pain, hurt and fear. I believe the uglier side of the intimidation is carried out by supporters of the monastery. God kerp Robert and family safe and well. Do not given up in seeking to challenge us in the Church.


Why should they release reports when they concluded that there’s nothing untoward. They don’t do that for other cases which don’t go to court.


I agree love I think it’s important to debate, listen and speak. I would welcome Robert and Pat presenting their own debate on the BBC I think it would be fantastic


I slept with a priest in 2015 and when I woke up the smelly git had been sick all over my floor and left me to clean it up


Pat I do not wish to name anyone as it’s sheer hearsay to me at the moment without concrete evidence. Have you heard rumours of two priests in a relationship in belfast and it being widely known?


What proof do you need Pat? Did you have proof of Rory and Padraig? What proof did you have? Spill the beans…..


I think it’s lovely that everyone knows about Rory and Padraig and that nobody even cares, even Lisbreen seems to have accepted this union.


Some Priests can be very competitive- they like to get each other into trouble – political animals & lying gossip mongers when it suits their agenda. Zero integrity & now with promotional prospects better than ever due to lack of vocations & high drop out rates amongst student priests.


Why would he get sacked for? Having fuller lips does not impact on his ability to carry out his duties.


@ Bishop Pat
Quote – I am being careful. I have binned 10 comments this morning about his family.

Tell me how posting or fishing for personal information is a challenge or how it even remotely contributes to the debate?


If the comment maker believes there is some hypocrisy?

I believe there is no such contradictions in RNs life.


Pat. I must challenge this Sentence that you have written.
“He has swallowed all THEIR bull shit about magisterium, Canon Law, hierarchy, ontological change”
It has taken me years to understand my faith.(and that is still a work in progress I have lots to learn) To understand the Divine institution of the Church and distinguish between the hierarchy of men who govern. I was so disillusioned with the Catholic Church I was either going to become Atheist or REALLY know my faith. I was about to become Orthodox and had gone to Monks on Mt. Athos to get advice. I even met the Orthodox Patriarch in Istanbul, actually, it was meeting him that changed me. A couple of months after meeting him, I saw him again outside Santa Marta in the Vatican (he happened to be in the Vatican when I was there). I have lots of problems believing what the hierarchy say and do how they act. If my faith was in THOSE men, I would NEVER be a Catholic; Many have ZERO passion for the faith, ZERO zeal, many priests have nothing to offer the laity by bland pre-printed homilies and rote masses. Their hands are black with sin, and they hearts have no place for Christ.
But I also see the hidden Christ in many clergy. Yesterday I had confession with a priest in his 80s who was ordained late in life. This man battled himself all his life, and he challenges me and other men to battle ourselves. To KNOW Christ. He isn’t asking me to believe in Christ (no himself)!. He is asking us fallen men to go to Christ, to the Eucharist. He is asking us to use the gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen the Church, (the Divine Institution of the Church). To live in a state of grace.
Also if you read authors like Valentin Tomberg correctly, you will end up understanding that the Catholic Church (Divine institution) has the fullness of truth. Has all the ordinary means of salvation. That Christ IS the way, truth and life. and that all those who came before Christ were liars and beggars.
I’ve swallowed the water from John Chapter 4. And I say to you with all my heart. IF YOU KNEW THE GIFT OF GOD!.
I know the cynical follower on this blog and the anonymous keyboard warriors will say I am deluded, mad, putting on a holy front. There is NO priest, bishop, monk in Ireland who has forced me or pushed me to swallow anything. I had to arrive to the truth with my own very long meditation. All I ever wanted to encounter was the Truth. People can believe what they want about me, but if people actually TALKED to me, they might know a different man than the man blogged about.
I don’t get everything right, I let ego, anger, vanity govern my life all too often .I look for confirmation from others. I don’t think I will ever stop confessing the sinner I actually am. but I am a member of the mystical body of Christ. If only those who struggle with their sin and double lives could understand this.
Please, Pat if you love the Church, be gentle sometimes. I don’t ask this to control you or change your blog. I would sit with Christ beside the well for a moment. Have the glass of water he is holding out to you.
Christ is the person who can’t speak in heated conversations; when he hears people angry and throwing insults at each other, he just sits in silence, he can’t speak to anyone or get a word in. It’s only when the arguments stop and we have nothing more to say that Christ starts to talk. I learned all this the hard way. If people could only see how much I ACTUALLY love my faith and the ACTUAL person of Christ that I have found. And I’m not saying to listen to me or follow me. Encounter Christ yourself! Who am I anyway, lots of more experienced and holy people in this Church who would do a far, far better job of preaching Christ’s love.
Robert Nugent. (the sinner and practising Catholic and your very unlikely friend)

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Thank you Robert.
But where in your understanding is the place for the Jesus of the Temple, whip in hand, consumed with righteous anger?
Where the place for the Jesus who devoured the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and chief priests – the religious hierarchy and clerics of His day.
Of course compassion, love, tenderness, empathy, forgiveness.
But let’s make room for the Warrior Jesus with His love for the “poor” and his anger for the religious hypocrites who walked all over the “poor”.

Jesus was no effeminate pious eunoch

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That Christ is there also. and I say to those who are living the double life, the hypocrisy, to the Priests who refused to allow me go to adoration, refused communion to me, and refused to allow me open an adoration chapel. They will face Christ. That whip is coming!.

Pat, Christ comes in mercy first before he comes in Judgement. I’m not a cleric, I don’t have the Authority to use the whip, it hasn’t been given to me. As I said I’m not asking you to change, I can only change one person, myself.

The hypocrisy and double life angers me, the lack of Faith. My mission and the mission other men I know have (laity) is to be radically authentic men of prayer. We commit to a life of grace and prayer. I need to leave the whip to clerics and those who can change, to make the changes needed. Pat if you feel Christ is asking you to use the whip I leave it to you to discern. I know that I’m not called to that.


Why is the local priest away to Brighton? Quote “will be visiting auntie ******* and cousins” unquote. If he thinks we believe that nonsense he must think we are fools


Pat ask Thomas Deenihan what happened between him and David Best in 1998 when studying in Hull on his over night trip to Leeds……


A complete utter waste of my time getting out of bed in that weather for a mass that lasted 12 minutes 57 seconds and had already started by the time I arrived at 10am


Stop going to mass or try a different church your priest is obviously rushing out to get away from you and your stopwatch!


11:33 if the mass was too long you’d be the first whining as well. You must have quite the easy life if that’s all bothering you. Get up earlier like working people do.


Yes, 2:13, daily mass isn’t exactly aimed at working people is it. Because then ‘father’ would have to get up at the time working people do.


The price of heating will more than double by April and I’m already struggling to meet my basic childrens needs while the priest is loving life in his 5 bedroom presbytery free of charge.


Why did you have so many children if you can’t afford to look after them? China had the right idea for years, one child per person is the way forward.


12:33 Show some empathy, the poor woman is not allowed to shake her basket 🧺 like you are. 😇


11:38am why are your freezing children the responsibility of your priest? Is he their biological father? Is this another Michael Cleary or Bishop Casey scenario? Tell us more, we are agog with anticipation. Where are you based?


It’s the priest that keeps telling his flock to procreate and yet when they have all these children they clearly can not cope with he is nowhere to be seen to help out. The church is so irresponsible


My kids are not freezing yet as I’m using credit cards to heat my house up but I don’t know how after April I can continue this I don’t understand why you are all attacking me for.


12.46. Are you the Prot who makes up stuff? No Novus Ordo priest ever preaches about contraception, nor do they tell people to procreate.


5:14 Don’t be ridiculous the mafia were all over Robert Nugent saying he wasn’t a proper Catholic because he hasn’t got 32 children. Catholicism is all about causing suffering for certain people and pleasure for others, and they’re very selective when.


We are all sick of listening to
Your jealous rants about priests and your kids go and find a charity and look after your kids instead of sitting on Facebook all day


That’s a bit harsh. I have 7 children to three different women but it doesn’t make me a bad person


The priest should help pay for gas and electric for this young mum instead of decorating his house. This is what the Lord would have taught and expected.


Yeah sure why doesn’t he feed the 5000 and house all the homeless too, utter stupid comment from you


5:06pm – he’s right too & not to be making an eejit of himself offering to share it with the sarcastic Bishop this time. Bon Appetite!


But Pat if you read and understood Thomberg CORRECTLY. You know , the way Robert has. 😂
The man’s arrogance is astounding and what is worrying is that he is blissfully unaware of it.


I will never forget the day I arrived at my place of work to find the priest running round the house naked with a young woman. I made a complaint to Bishop Walsh who offered me £3000 for my silence and it was that day I realised the extent the church would go to, to cover up and protect their own. That day I left the church and I haven’t looked back.


Housekeepers if the pats could write some book telling the tales of all they saw. My mum use to hide the priests alcoholism and had to sober him up for mass every day and there is no way she would have accepted blood money from Walsh as she too loyal to the priest and recognised her had his issues.


11:50 . .lol . .the details always give troll fantasies away, you wouldn’t manage to get 3,000 for finding him with a man, never mind a woman.


This behaviour has been rife for years and more so continues to this day. I can count on one hand the many priests I know of both sexual persuasion who openly have active partners. 2 are straight which may come as a surprise to most, sure what harm are they doing if it’s between consenting adults?


Robert is sincere and should not have to be dealing with what he is. Prayerful best wishes to you and your family.


I don’t know about the rest of you but I find Robert very endearing, handsome and I quite like his accent. I think his wife is a very lucky lady.


Pat, you were working with another Robert, Robert Hourigan. Are you still doing so or was he specifically interested in Mount Melleray?


Still working with RH. His primary interest was Mellerary but continues to work on other issues even as we speak.


12:25pm Has that Killaloe priest also left the Church like Purcell has? Surely he’s not still down there?


Intimidation by the lavender Mafia does happen. I denounced a priest who had sexually abused a young man, and the next thing, his pals rounded on me in an orchestrated attack. It all started with a sinister call from a former boyfriend of his, who told me to keep my mouth shut, or I would pay. Within a year, I was packed off for psychological assessment and accused of being malicious and sexually active and seeking to deflect. Looking back, I wish I had kept my mouth shut. The priest is now in a shit hole of a parish, one of my accusers dead from alcoholism, and one had a mental breakdown. I left ministry and was glad to do so. Had I remained, I would have been a dead man walking. The RCC is a sinister place.


12:30, I’m not surprised after seeing the level of hateful trolls on this blog and them going after Robert’s family. Cowards the lot of them.


Let’s all meet up and show our support and solidarity for Robert. We are stronger in numbers and presence.


Also worrying when a lifesite news journalist is in a secret gay relationship while typing out anti LGBT articles.


Dublin priests are annoyed at the possibility of parishes getting sold… are they right!? Is it the beginning of the great reduction of parishes? Discuss


Eugene OHagan has been putting out testers asking them what they would ‘feel’ about a potential transfer in the coming months so I think Treanor is planning changes as was mentioned a few days ago about palliative priests and gay ones leaving with their lovers


What’s a palliative priest? Coleraine deserves to close. It’s got that lay Dublin motormouth who writes to the Irish News on behalf of “Voice of the Faithful, Ireland” but conveniently forgets to mention that he and an aul doll are its only members.


Neil Farren forgets the humble upbringing he had and is a stuck up pompous man for a priest


Neil Farren will not be missed in coleraine wherever he is shipped out to I wish you the best of luck, one piece of advice, do not let him in your house for you will never get him out again


Eugene OHagan is furious with me as he has been trying to contact me all week and left numerous voicemails but I do my own thing I won’t be dictated to by a man who sings


merge. not close. no parish closes. They haven’t always existed in the past: they won’t always exist in the future.


That was in the newspapers yesterday about sale of church property in Dublin & also another feature on a private meeting where Taoiseach has told his TDs NOT to object nor support public to object to planning applications for public housing around the country. Pat Kenny eat your heart out.


Less and less people are going to church, they just use it for their own gains and this is the beginning of the end of the biggest fantasy story ever told.


Eugene Sweeney is trying his best to support the rehabilitation of Stephen Wilson. Wilson will overcome the tribulations of his addictions.


@1:11: Yes, I certainly think it’s the ‘beginning of the end’ so far as the RCC fantasy is concerned, but not for religion per se, nor for it’s many other manifestations whether in formal churches or other movements.
On the one hand, humankind appears to exhibit both arrogance and insecurity by attributing directive causation for the unknowns of our existence, and the happenstance of our lives, ……. always with we humans having central significance: almost as if the whole universe exists for our benefit! The “directive causation” agent of course is God, gods, or various similar projections of humankind’s wishful thinking.
On the other hand, there will always be the purveyors of this nonsense. They will range from it’s “devout believers”, invariably indoctrinated individuals, through to its rampant charlatans who capitalise on human frailties for their own benefit. The RCC is a prime example of the latter. Many of the flourishing new American ministries seem similar and use the media and flamboyant showmanship to spread their attractions.
As you’ve said @ 1:11, it’s a fantasy story.


Yeah, radically change it so it’s like the stupendously successful Anglicans in England and the Lutherans in Germany.


Frankly, 4:42 being in the Lutheran church is an ark of tranquility in comparison to the RC church. And your hatred of other denominations is so reassuring that you’ll stick with your lavender mafia, dearie.


I just received an on the spot fine for smoking in me own car Cus there was two weins in it like this isn’t on


£850 on new blinds for the parochial house! No expenses spared when it comes to luxury items like this and yet you all attack a mother struggling to heat her home in winter, shame on you lot.


2.10: I do not believe any priest would be so unkind to parents or individuals who are really struggling at this time. There are very smug and selfish people in society who approach the poor and those who struggle with a “get out there and work…” attitude – as If life was as easy as that!! Thankfully most priests give help or will find help for those in real need. The unfeeling trolls who mock the poor are despicable human beings. They do have their day…


If priests were to pay for the gas of all struggling parents they would be bankrupt themselves it’s not possible and then you have the people that would pretend to be poor to get a free heat top op


I hope Robert knows that the vast, vast majority of priest would be appalled at the abuse being given to him. We may not agree on his faith expectations and his appreciation for the Latin Mass (which is beautiful) but I enjoy his sharing of his faith and prayer fillled videos. His loyalty to TRUTH in all things is noble and commendable. I guessed some time back that once Robert came on this blog with his videos uploaded, he became the focus if hate rhetoric. It happens on this blog too often. Pat, why don’t you moderate your blog to ensure these hate figures are not printed. Robert needs to be challenged but not to the point of being so abused by cowardly haters. May Robert be strong. Some comments today by Robert are taking on the approach of heavy judgment of clergy…and of the Church. I am seeing a very noticeable demeanour!! I’m not sure where this will lead him…or where he wants to go.


Funny how the vast majority of priests just sit there wringing their hands while happily representing a criminal organization.


7:31 we are wringing our hands trying to resist the temptation to choke all these blabber mouths on this blog. We just want our sheep to pay up and shut up. Amen.


Parishes are going to have to be closed or amalgamated throughout dioceses in the near future simply because under the present clerical arrangements there are not going to be sufficient priests with the required levels of ability and energy to staff them. Priests are increasingly older and less physically ablel and a huge wave of them is currently retiring or dying. Drastically fewer young men are offering themselves for the priesthood to replace those who are retiring or dying. Who could blame them ? Why would a young man want to become part of such a discredited, dysfunctional and toxic group ? So, radical changes are required, in the short term such as shutting parishes and amalgamating parishes. However, in the medium to long term, even those steps are not going to be adequate or to stabilise the situation. Eventually, the Church is going to have to ask itself how it can survive under the current understanding and application of priestly theology and ministry. And, if it is honest, it will see that it isn’t going to survive and needs to do something about it. Sadly, the current synod meeting in Rome about priesthood just appears to be retrenching back in to a discredited and failed theology of priesthood that has been seen to be unfit for purpose, and worse an occasion of damage to priests themselves and to those to whom they minister, not least the young and vulnerable.


@2:27: Why does it seem so necessary to have a “priesthood “, or a church?
For those who believe in Christ would they not just be better following his example as they understand it from the gospels as opposed to all the paraphernalia of churches, their ministers, and all the accompanying , ……..U know what?


MMM 3:12, those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
Regards parishes being closed, the bishop of Rome has previously said he would be open to allowing older married men to be ordained to the priesthood where there is a “pastoral necessity.” Why delay?


MMM it’s essential that they retain a priesthood, because judging by this blog would you really want them in the real world outside?


My Parish Priest has spent years discrediting me & told all the neighbours for miles around that I was dysfunctional and toxic. Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. We don’t care, my sister gets the tip off from the car dealers when he changes his car so often & she lives in another County so he doesn’t know. If you buying a nearly new second hand car, a priests car is the done deal & usually shiny black like their kettles & pots although he’s tried to smear ours.


How do you castrate a woman who was beating her dog earlier in plain view of all to see and yet we were all scared to challenge her


If you don’t feel comfortable confronting these people then report them to the police


Priests should lead a simple life no? Of little luxuries? There is always one shopping in M&S and Lidl and he buys the best steak and wine possible so surely this is contrary to how he should live life?


I love the Lidl me, it’s the only shop I nip into for a bottle of wine and panic buy a canoe and a set of screwdrivers


I haven’t never been to a more dysfunctional funeral than I was at today. That man had not a clue what he was doing I think he is doting


Unfortunately priests do not live in poverty anymore and most prefer the luxury lifestyle. They all ought to live like a redemptorist I think


It’s 2022 can we allow everyone to live their best authentic life and stop holding priests in high regard


Fr Deegan and Fr Corr will never be able to rest in peace until justice is served for their untimely and covered up deaths.


I earn £1300 a month after tax etc and I have 3 kids, I would have put in £49 when I got paid monthly into my gas and that would have got me 137 units of gas, this eeek it got me 81 units and by April the same price will get me 40 units. Please don’t ridicule us mothers who are genuinely struggling and will get worse with the mounting price hikes while you clergy swan off to Brighton or the Galgorm with your lovers, while eating your damn steak from Lidl and guzzling wine from M&S and rolling round in your Mercedes’ Benz and spending nearly a grand on blinds.


And yet it’s these men who swan off on holiday and have luxury items that are preaching to women to have more and more kids


Have all these kids and live a life of poverty while Fr drinks champagne in the Galgorm and is all nice and warm and fat


Calm down Shannon. Life’s hard fot all of us dearie but i still keep the house well heated. I’ve two dogs and no wY am i letting them go cold no matter what it costs.


M&S and Lidl for Wine and Steak, blluuh. Not the brightest gastronomes those Priests, there’s much better available and custom service in your local Butcher and Wine Shop.


3.46 pm Shannon
If you take in to account their basic salary and then add on their free rent, subsidised bills, petrol allowance, this, that and everything else, it amounts to over £3,000 per month., with no wife and children to support. So, of course they can afford expensive steak, wine, holidays etc etc.


Without wanting to insult anyone. A lot of mothers on such low income get their rent paid for, get free school meals for their kids and receive certain benefits. I’m not saying this is the case with Shannon and she has my greatest sympathies in these hard times but to be taking rising cost of living out on her Priest hardly seems logical?


Shannon is most likely a disgruntled cleric or ex-seminarian who has featured on here taking the piss out of the blog. The lack of logic is caused by her not existing.


When I was a student I worked part-time in the Halifax call centre in Belfast. One of the things they taught us was not to make rash promises. The rule was, “under promise and over deliver”. Unfortunately, RN did the opposite. He over promised and under delivered.


When Scotland introduced the minimum alcohol price per unit, alcohol related deaths dived for the first time in 17 years. In the same period drug deaths soared at the highest level in 22 years. They all replaced one addiction for a harder core one.


Hehehehehe. Best laugh all day for a most unusual simile. Not sure I’d be entirely happy to pass it on to my students though. 😀


Question to clerics reading this blog, what percentage of clerics in Ireland pray their breviary and say a Rosary daily?


There’s a root cause identified right away. Prayer is like the lungs of the soul. Without prayer anyone’s soul slowly dies. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


5.38: Robert, since you failed your own test of producing a promised earth shattering Report; having been shunned by Silverstream, forced to apologise for your part in the abuse of Dom Benedict, promoting In Sine Jesu, the Latin Mass – all of which brought unacceptable, horrible vitriol against you, you are now turning your wrath on priests in general and presenting yourself as a spiritual director. (I have a good Jesuit). Perhaps this is God at work through you. I don’t know. I abhor the personalised abuse at you and your family, spewed out by revolting and cowardly bullies. To answer your question re: priests praying breviary and/or Rosary. To be very honest, personally I find the breviary to be a “lonely” prayer experience on my own: I sit with some of its psalms and prayers and allow them to give me God’s comfort. I love the Rosary with a group of people and will often hold a beads for the assurance of our Ladys presence, sometimes praying just one decade. Some of us undoubtedly are “careless” but I wouldn’t dare be so arrogant, proud or presumptuous as to make a judgment about another priest’s prayer or spirituality. We try to encourage one another. Each priest develops a “spirituality” which hopefully nourishes his soul, mind and heart that gives strength and inspiration for his work. I think all priests know that prayer is a daily necessity and try to spend time in prayer. Eucharistic adoration which we have 3 days a week in our Church (9 hours) gives me those moments to be still in the presence of God. I try my best at prayer. I wish I was a person of greater prayer, holiness and grace. I’m not and I am often disillusioned and “lazy” but that’s my business with God in my conscience. It’s not for you to even begin to make a judgment. Sometimes learning “HUMILITY” as a Christian is the best gift we can pray for because it makes each of us aware of our need of God’s grace 24 hours a day. “Blessed are the poor in spirit…” is preferable than the Pharisee’s proclamation, “Lord, look at that man over there; I thank you that I’m not like him. ” Thank you Robert!! For now I prefer the beattitude of Jesus and my Jesuit spiritual director, who as a qualified psychologist, psychoanalyst and trained spiritual director keeps me grounded.

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Only the dodgy ones to see if they’ve been mentioned. The good ones have no fear of ever being mentioned here.


I started Praying the Rosary daily last year. It’s a struggle to complete at times, I’m the world’s worst at praying, but I make myself say it and finish it every day no matter what. I find the troubles of life don’t bother me or stress me out half as much as they did, it’s better than anything else I’ve tried. Mother of Christ, Star of the sea, Pray for the Wanderer, pray for me.

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His fellow Norbertines commented about how devout Fr Brendan Smyth was and how he habitually had a miraculous medal held in his hand.


This blog is well spoke about amongst clergy peers. It installs the fear of god clean into them. They are egotistical yet scared to be named and shamed on this. Bunch of gossip mongers


I’ve given up going to Mass after reading about all these goings on. I now chant to Twisted Sister “we ain’t going to take this” & then when I calm down I say a few prayers. That’s grand.


A comforting song. For my own evening devotions, I am rather partial to Public Enemy’s “Fight tha power”. 🎙


This is interesting:

Bp Pat do you want to ask for a further correction?
Robert, both first and second half should interest you about the bad dynamics in those organisations.

These also relate:
(there are also further parts linked there)


BTW I think the Where-Peter-Is people, Kwasniewski and RN are all mistaken in thinking the Vatican which has moved the goal posts too far, is still aligned with the Church.


Pat, I always wanted to know, is Sinead O’Connor a valid Priestess, can we go to her for sacraments etc?


I think Sinead’s greatest ministry is contained in her intense suffering.


Mother Sinead would have a lot to say about how females are treated on this blog and by the church in general. It’s a shame mother Sinead doesn’t have a clue what the hell she is herself when it comes to religion and sexuality her head is all over the place.


Pat maybe you can do a piece on the pinch everyone is feeling and what/if anything their local church is doing for the communities


7.34: You are wondering what the local Church community is doing for all who are struggling? What are you personally doing yourself? As for the Parish where I work: every weekend the St. v. De Paul have a collection outside church doors and an average weekend brings them almost €1000. The annual Christmas indoor collection last December brought the Society €18,000. Indoors!! Yes. Our Charity box allows us to support those in need. This month so far, over €2000 was given to local families and individuals. The local day care centre, supported too by parishioners, cared for over 50 elderly or more with meals and other supports. I am aware of similar generosity and caring in many, many parishes. A great deal of parish caring, giving and compassion is carried out without big headlines. All that matters is that we be aware of what we can do both individually and as a community. The kindness of our parish community is inspirational. God is very much alive in the hearts of many. Recently we initiated a Hospitality Group to specifically care for the housebound and elderly, who, because of the past two years are still afraid to return to social activities. Yes, the gospel of Christ is being lived.


‘What are you personally doing yourself? ‘
It’s always always turned round on someone else isn’t it!
Like when they blame the children for tempting them.


8.39: The response of a man with a very guilty conscience..You obviously are disturbed by being asked what you are doing – PERSONALLY. Tell us.


Personally? I’m just sitting here not letting the church forget. This is on top of a long day helping the homeless.
Happy ‘father’? Now tell us what you’re doing. Oh, my bad, you can’t because not even Pat Buckley will publish it. 🥺


Good evening Pat.
Just discovered your blog recently. I admire the good work you do in uncovering lies.
Have you been keeping much tabs on rural priests and their hokey-kokey priesthood styles in Mid Ulster. It is very interesting indeed. One minute you are talking to a priest, the next thing … well let’s not go there.
I would be concerned about these clerics and links to professionals who are charged with pastoral care. What can we do?


‘professionals who are charged with pastoral care’
No such thing. Any pastoral care is done by clerics and some lay people but certainly not any professionals.
Another fictional comment.


@8.30pm I think this comment comes from someone wholly uneducated. There are several professions that require pastoral input as well as professional practice. I’m surprised anyone would make such a broad comment. It would provoke one to ask if there is a hidden agenda here.

The only rational explanation for such a silly comment would be that it is an attempt at sarcasm.


‘There are several professions that require pastoral input’
Yes ‘father’. To the professions, not by them. 😂


Anonymous @ 9.43pm

I would argue, and I am sure Pat would agree. A priest is probably less a ‘pastor’ now more than ever. Today they are more like businessmen.


8.33: Not at all uncomfortable. I merely asked what Benedict was talking about and out of curiosity sought further information. That’s all. Nothing more.


8.26: Benedict, I don’t need to look in the mirror. Definitely not but with your smarmy, facetious, arrogant reply, perhaps you should do so! I genuinely ask you to explain your observations. Try again.


Martin @ 8.34pm

What a terrible tone you have: “Try again”. Quite pretentious. I’m under no obligation, nor am I answerable to you, or the likes of you.

Rather, I am genuinely concerned about what I have become aware of. I understand that you may be of a generation that still removes the cap for clergy. And yes, respect where it is earned. In this case, quite the opposite.

Don’t be gullable. I was once told that if you want to get on in this world, you cannot be nice but ready to let things go and say nothing. You must be very successful; on the outside anyway.


9.01: Benedict – a little too much hubris methinks.. I was simply asking you to explain a little more. That’s all. But, since you are in a moment of angst, don’t bother trying.. …Relax.


Not “angst” here. Quite the opposite. I enjoy a good laugh at sheep like yourself jumping to the guard of the clergy. Silly old uneducated Ireland. How stupid the Irish can be.
A very close friend has been changed forever. If you think I would share their story with you, in detail, for a cheap laugh or so that you and others might belittle the individual, then you are mistaken. I can guess the leanings of your opinions.
The church has decimated many lives and affected someone I know. I’m disgusted by it and the lack of action to be quite truthful. Irish people have left 800 years of opposing British oppression, and happily and willingly for the most accepted oppression from Rome, through every PP in the country. Ever remarked how in the crux of the Great Famine, most Irish Catholic Churches were constructed? The starving pillaged for their money to build grand churches and parochial houses.
Isn’t the decline in clerical vocations glorious! Perhaps we are now more enlightened 😀


Pat, you must be over thrilled and delighted with the entrance of Robert Nugent unto your blog. My God, he has garnered fields of commentary, not all pleasant or acceptable because of their nasty content..Next time you meet, it’s a Bordeaux Grand Cru you’ll need to open or a top Dom Perignon…Oh, that wird Dom though might start a war…🤣😂🤣😂…have fun.


I’d say the numbers have doubled here since Robert publicised the blog. The trolls certainly have gotten excited, and are sweating even more than usual.


9.45: Benedict, loosen up a little. You are so, so wrong about me. I merely asked you to clarify your original post. You could have saved yourself all that angst had you printed what you’ve just printed now. Honestly…..say no more. I wish you and your friend God’s blessings.


Pat you need a like 👍 button here. It’s been hilarious all day. RN poor chap running around chasing up rumours and priest bitching over it etc, get the pop corn out!


9.08: You’re right. RN is chasing around like a lost sheep..following up all kinds of rumours. Wish he would finish the stories and updates. Otherwise it’s laughable.


I wish I had time, you can’t be an amateur investigator/journalist, it takes hours of time that I simply don’t have. I would very much like to see the Thurles seminary investigation happen.


Congratulations! I’m not so sure. I find it tedious scrolling through so many inane inconsequential stupid comments, and wish +Pat paid heed to so many previous requests to bin the shi£e and aim for quality, not quantity.


Ledwith groomed Mullaney and Prior to his ideological image and to continue the cult. Pay look more deeper into the cult members and their Rituals.
‘Almost any sect, cult, or religion will legislate its creed into law if it acquires the political power to do so’.


Stay Robert, stay. Although if you started your own blog, you’d be in competition with Pat. That would be very interesting. Aside from the jesting, could Robert tell us what he truthfully thinks about all the publicity he has received.


Except my blood will be on their hands, I’m prepared to go all the way, your not, you have family to think about I don’t, cop on and think of them, move on, Robert….


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