

And Archbishop Diarmud Martin said:


For Christians, surely the most important thing is to behave as Christ told us to?

And if He told us that the truth would set us free why are so many of us hiding the truth and engaging in cover up and denial?

Nobody denies that the truth is often tough and harsh and us humans always try and avoid pain.

But often after the truth is out we feel better healed and free.

For years and years I hid my homosexuality and treated it as my big, dark secret.

I was afraid that if people knew the truth about me that they would not like me and would reject me.

But when I spoke publicly about my secret 97% of the people who mattered to me loved me as much as ever and maybe even more.

And on top of that I WAS A FREE MAN.

Secrets keep us in darkness but the truth sets us free.

People sometimes ask me: “Do you have any secrets”.

I reply: “I do, but there’re all over Google”.


Everyday people call me and this blog evil. They call me unkind, unchristian, uncharitable, a people crusher etc etc …..

But everyday on this blog I only say:

1. What is true.

2. What I believe to be true.

And I get an awful lot of information from people – people who have experienced bad things or have bad things happen to them.

And after trying everything and everything everyone else and failed they turn to me and ask me to speak their truth for them.

And that’s what I try to do – and when I get it wrong I acknowledge my mistake and apologise for it.

The Catholic Church and all churches and all organisations including political parties, have a habit of covering things up and hoping they will never be found out.

That has led to so much human suffering and injustice.

So, why don’t we just try more to recognise the truth and speak recognise truth.

It can be uncomfortable.

It can be painful.

It can be embarrassing.

But Jesus said it would set us free.

What’s that old quote:

“Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains”.

Let us break the chains of lies, deceit, cover up and denial – and let us embrace THE TRUTH!


You speak about these ‘truths’ but you refuse to air a genuine truth about Xxxxxxx parties involving men only that occur a few times a year. Clerics and friends of such.


Pat all the talk of ‘daisy chain’ in Ireland after the Scottish scandal I believe is true. I also believe there are a few of them around and not just one group. Maybe a few priests are in a few chains also?


10:46 St Colmcille also known as St Columba predicted to a crowd of fairies he met that if the water in Curan Na Gorha in Scotland was the same colour the next morning, they would get into heaven. The next morning the water colour had changed so they did not get into heaven. Saint Associated with Scotland and Ireland.


The parties that hold professional high earning and functioning business men, healthcare professionals and anyone with status and the quality of keeping 🤫


Nothing wrong with that. There is no law against going to an orgy attended by consenting adults in private…..
Except the church’s discipline of celibacy for those in major orders.
As so often on this blog comments miss the target.


Priests should be celibate, not attend organised meetings for sex passed off as dinner and wine and the finest off dessert


Men tend to be friends with men so this is not unusual. At the bar yesterday there were groups of men watching the football so what is the difference?


I have named Pat all the clergy I know are in attendance to these parties and he refuses to post


10:54 Shhh! Don’t tell anyone lad, it’s our little secret, you’ll be taken away from your parents
Yes, Father


9.42 am anon

It seems the two English Glastonbury Doms are there. Maybe they will sort it out.


Something to keep you going meantime.

[video src="" /]


Leo @ 9:36am
We believe you Father, Not! Your role is based on a lie. Set yourself free, mate. It cannot be good for your personal well-being to be on here every day shrieking “lies, lies” at victims and survivors and supporters of people wronged by clergy and their laity in Catholic Church.


Holy Father or Reverend Mother @ 10.34am. Why don’t you practice what you preach. Ask yourself if your role is based on the truth or lies? Set yourself free, as it cannot be good for you to be on this blog everyday shrieking lies and more lies. May god be with you. pax.


Just nobody else (apart from other criminals and sociopaths) revels in it and certainly doesn’t make a religion of it.


Pat, with all respect for you, the truth is something that matters to the vast majority of us. Absolutely. Yes, truth can be difficult to embrace. As I’ve said many times, only truth will indeed set us free. However, St. Paul advises that we speak THE TRUTH WITH CHARITY…Very sound advice, particularly for a priest or bishop or anyone in ministry in the name of Jesus. Your naming of truth generally lacks Christian charity, as for example, the blog on Christopher Stalford, on Dom Kirby, on Fr. McAlinden…I could name many other targeted individuals. Dont misunderstand me. Individuals and institutions must be made responsible for abuse, corruption and wrongdoing of any kind; individuals have to be made accountable. My question is: does seeking truth and accountability require mockery of any one, as in the sexualising and effeminising of all monks at Silverstream, of Archbishop Martin and of others? Does seeking truth require personalised attacks and abusive, denigratory comments about individuals, as in the case of Fr. McAlinden? Many people need to be challenged about their behaviour, misdeeds, sins, abuses and duplicitous behaviour, clergy particularly. However, Pat, you have, regrettably, written pieces in such a way that they elicit the most unkind, horrible, nasty vitriol and abuse against not just those targeted but against priests in general. In many of the narratives, including your own responses, the language has been merciless, unkind, savage, sneering, condemnatory, language that very deliberately strips people of their humanity and dignity, language that humiliates. I think it’s unforgivable to intrude so blatantly into a familys grief as happened yesterday so soon after a tragedy. That’s unkind and so unsympathetic. It lacks true Christian love and compassion. I’m not asking you to desist from seeking truth but since you’ve written today about the manner of seeking TRUTH, perhaps you might discern a better, more humane, more Christian way of carrying out your work. And please don’t tell me about Jesus and the whip in the temple…Truly well understood.. No Christian pastor in correcting the sinner or wayward person should leave anyone for dead, not in the name of CHRIST. Aren’t you and I to imitate CHRIST in mind and heart? It does work!! I wish you well.


Many of the individuals leading double lives in the Church are absolutely cynical and brazen.

Satire, cartooning and sarcasm are valid weapons against such characters.

No amount of “charity” would move them. The laugh at and manipulate such charity.


+Pat: “valid WEAPONS !” Your words. Is it necessary to ‘weaponise’?
By such means are you sinking to the same level as the abusers?


You are over emphasising, and in a negative way, the word weapon. For instance the pen is a weapon – and we are told its mightier than the sword.


9.47: Hold in Pat: this response is too well rehearsed. Satire, cartooning and sarcasm may be valid but not the extreme ends of such as used by you. This is not good enough reason to engage the language of a bully boy monster. Yes, of course, we have to be tough and sometimes relentless in effecting change, reform and renewal but the heavy boulders of judgment that dissect into pieces, crush and publicly humiliate others has no place in the lives of those who act in the name of CHRIST. Just reflect on yesterday’s gospel. It is not true to say that no amount of “charity” would move “them”.. “Them” being the ones judged unworthy, unacceptable and “filthy” by whom? Pat, you have played your part in identifying much rottenness and corruption and have brought some to their knees in shame and who have changed. However, there is, I believe, a disturbing, cruel nastiness, ugliness and vengeance in too many commenter’s attitude and approach. While condemning the sin we must not spiritually or emotionally kill our targeted person. While we want TRUTH, let us be guided by St. Paul’s dictum – SPEAK THE TRUTH IN CHARITY…Or to even remember and be guided by JESUS’S words…Love your enemy, pray for those who treat you badly, do not curse them..Be you compassionate as your heavenly Father is compassionate. I believe as a priest or as a Christian, these admonitions must be foremost in our correcting of others. If serious criminality is committed the civil courts of law is where judgment is given.


And which tribunal deals with serious and serial hypocrisy among bishops and clergy?


Asmodeus: +Pat’s comments/replies @ 10:17 & 11:32: you spoke earlier of Pat’s responses as glib etc. Would these be examples of what you referred to?
I think Anon @ 11:29’s comment very appropriate and relevant. But +Pat’s response, as so often, is superficial. It shows a complete inability to acknowledge a very reasonable criticism and blind righteous conviction of always “being right.”
Unfortunately, it detracts from his otherwise good work.


MMM, you are a confirmed atheist. I am a confirmed Christian. I don’t see either of us changing our stances. Really no point in talking about this to each other for ever.


But +Pat being a confirmed atheist doesn’t prevent a person from raising valid questions – questions that you refuse to engage with.

The poster at 11:29 makes some excellent points and posses some excellent questions, all of which you ignore.

You claim cartooning,lampooning etc are excellent weapons against hypocrites in the church. I agree but very often you make or allow comments to be made on the blog that cannot be justified.

A recent example would be the vicious and nasty comment you permitted on the blog two days ago about Eamon Martin. Whatever the man’s qualities as Archbishop ( and you’ve made it abundantly clear what you think and I would agree) you should not permit the vile nasty message, making personal comments about his ‘queeny’ appearance etc.
The whole tone of the message was homophobic and misogynistic and what’s worse is that it contributed absolutely NOTHING to the topic of the blog. In fact it served no other purpose but to be hateful. It’s unchristian and indeed sinful.

Now, Pat let’s hear you defend just that one comment . You won’t. And as MMM says you will ignore the valid question or post a facile remark which basically says I’m right and you just don’t understand.


Eamon Martin presides over many clerical scandals doing nothing about them.

Emperors with no clothes deserve ridicule.


FFS then ridicule the man’s efforts or lack of them NOT the man and not in such a nasty way.

My nephew’s life was made a misery by people who laughed at his queeny appearance, his voice, mannerisms etc. to the point he wanted to die and tried to kill himself.

Seeing a man such as yourself – no doubt a man of unquestionable masculinity and never having been on the receiving end of such hatefulness – allowing such dreadful comments is just not acceptable.


Are you joking. Me never been on the receiving end of hatefulness 🤣

I am genuinely sorry to hear about your nephew’s experiences.

I don’t think Eamon Martin lacks confidence.


I’m sure you may well have been on the receiving end of hatefulness but I think you also know that I was talking of a very specific type of hatefulness here.

That is the hatefulness of mocking gay men because of their perceive femininity but somehow you manage to turn it around to being about you.

So you have been on the end of hateful comments and so that makes it ok to spout homophobic bullshit at Eamon Martin.

Abs what about the young men or women who might potentially read this and are struggling with being called nasty things because of how they look, speak, act.


I have been on the receiving end of homophobic hatefulness and involved the police.


Ok – but once again you dodge the question.

Are you saying because you have been on the receiving end of homophobic abuse that it’s ok to dish it out to others.

I’m beginning to understand – Eamon Martin is fair game because he’s making a mess of things. You’ve been abused and toughed it out – he’s fair game.


No. There should be no homophobic abuse at all.

Martin is not getting homophobic abuse but is being challenged and taunted because he is as useless as tots on a bull.


Mark Kirby is sexually deviant and it is right of our host to point this out and make it public


It’s a form of resistance I suppose. It’s about naming a lineage of men who are queer outlaws and don’t fit into normative ideas about what it means to be gay these days.


12.15: MMM, while I disagree with you at times you make very cogent comments, as as you do today. While we acknowledge the immense good work carried out by Pat over decades, these past few days have witnessed his tm”tactic of avoidance” of very legitimate questions and challenges. When unable to respond with cogent, valid arguments, Pat resorts to glib, dismissive and hurtful commentary. He knows the points I’m making at 9.42 and 11.28 but is too obstinate to reply courteously or intelligently. Pat only has one course of action and response: self defensive glibness and throw away soyndbytes. Pat, you seemed to have exhausted your “intellectual” capacity!! Let’s have honest, respectful dialogue.


As always Seamus can be relied on to chime in with a comment calculated to start a row.


9:55am Alvin

Open your eyes and you will see that no sandals being worn by any of our Bishops or Clergy. They are all remarkably well shod unlike all the dispossessed and homeless in the world today.


10.56: We don’t live in Saharan type weather, you fool. I haven’t bought a pair of shoes in over two years. I wear rhen till they’re no longer wearable. You’d be the first to complain if I turned up to your granny’s funeral with a torn anorak and sandals. Wouldn’t you, idiot??


Where is true Christian love and compassion towards survivors of Institutional Church ABUSE and CRIME ? Where is… THE TRUTH WITH CHARITY… particularly from priests
or bishops or anyone in ministry in the name of Jesus in the Church? Survivors who come forward are re-abused, shunned, gaslighted and re-traumatized. The TRUTH WITH CHARITY are simply words on a page.


10.52: You can reoeatnthus ad infinitum. I have publicly and at different meetings and in my ministry condemned all abuses. The truth of what you say – and I agree with you – does not invalidate or render my 9.42 comments null and void. I keep my comment relevant to the issues being discussed. You prefer the rehearsed ones. My views are very clear and unequivocal.


,,, and bear no resemblance to reality.
You really really don’t like anyone else having anything to say or facing you with some self-knowledge, do you?



The issue under discussion is why so called Christians hate the truth so much.
You have repeatedly claimed on this blog to have publicly condemned all abuse
at different meetings-obviously a well rehearsed response. Maybe seeking truth
and accountability does require mockery, particularly when abuse, corruption, covering
up and crime continues in the Church. And, maybe the reason why Christians hate the
truth so much is due to love of money, power, influence and position. The TRUTH WITH CHARITY is certainly not a consideration in responding to survivors of Church abuse.
What makes clerics so special and so different to the abuse survivors?


You can always tell the ones used to a captive audience at 9:42. I’m sure your congregation turn off at the beginning of your homilies.


Pat name the priest in a gay relationship with a lay man and it is not Rory as you had featured on the first day of this year


Now that is a very big allegation and needs to be backed up with proof or evidence. I have heard the rumour but have seen no proof ?


Again we have seen no proof of the Grindr Swindler. Who is this alleged person?


Since we are able to post anything here I’d like to throw in my ten pence worth. I firmly believe that Christopher Stanford was having an affair with an Australian Kangaroo called Skippy. They met on tinder. Christopher got upset when Skippy left him for a South American Iguana. The DUP found out and they were going to deselect him at the next election


Aha Lily! The voice of reason: at last! More than can be said for some other comments here.


Orange Lily, that is a terrible comment to make. Not because of your humour but because any priests reading it will turn to bestiality because animals can’t ring Bishop Buckley.
Be very careful what you mention around a crowd of such attention seekers with no impulse control.


Before mass this morning I confess to this blog that I am an active gay man and I want to do something about it but I am petrified


9:57am 😂😂. An old man in our street went to confession every week, when he found out that his confessions were being discussed with friends of priest, he began to tell him porky pies and sure enough these tales spread. He had a sense of humour about it but it meant that the rest of us stopped going to confession locally. But even that was odd because some were asked where they lived before they left the confessional. Some Clergy and their laity seem to be obsessed with personal lives of their congregations. Priests Looking for dirt to sling back when their own dirt is revealed. Truth and trust seem to be entirely foreign entities to a considerable number of clergy and their laity.


Considerable number? All of them. At this point in the ongoing sex scandal the evidence is very clear that the church is a scam and anyone who won’t see that is refusing to look at the evidence.


10:07 Which One! Do these Priests register with the Child Support Agency now called Child Maintenance Service. An organisation called Gingerbread will also provide guidance on Child Support issues.


10:58am Have you had the COVID, Father, or anything else you’d like to confess to the congregation on here this morning on Bishop Buckley’s Blog?


Because telling and hearing the truth is not the primary dynamic of Christianity. It is actually maintaining orthodoxy, which does not mean doctrine but has come to mean keeping up appearances.
That’s why you can bet the majority of what the church says is the opposite of the truth.
For example
‘Priests are celibate’.
‘We are concerned about safeguarding’.
‘We care about human dignity’.
‘We believe in God’.
‘Peters pence is a charity’.
And so on.


Catholic truth Scotland has an interesting article about Fr James Mawdsley, in which Editor recounts an encounter in which he criticised her for going to SSPX masses before ironically going independent himself.
I have a question, which is that among the things he did in his eventful life before becoming a priest he was married.
I think he is separated from his wife (don’t know the canonical term).
How does that work?


Eugene OHagan was handed incriminating evidence of wrong doing by a curate and has done nothing about it as usual


12:46pm Accommodation with wheels is also noted to “hide a multitude of sins”…….. another version of the “sabbatical” and the “moving” of problem clergy to unsuspecting and uninformed congregations. Blended in very nicely especially during Covid, Thank You Very Much and Goodnite 😇


Pilate asked, ‘What is truth’ whilst standing before The Way, The Truth and The Life.
The RCC is opposed to relativism but proposes subjective truth all day long and their truth.
A bishop or cardinal or pope will have a different view of what is truth regarding many things: the truth about child abuse, the truth about gay clergy and the truth of their ontological change and power to forgive sins or change bread/wine into the blood of Christ.
They believe in clerical truth which is different from The Truth.
Keep going Bishop Pat and don’t let the bastards get you down.


Can anybody answer this general question: Can the Civil Courts send a person to prison?
In addition, what are the mechanisms involved here?
I must say, it’s all very bizarre Indeed.


I’m just watching John Waters film Desperate Living. I would recommend it to anyone considering a career in the church.


9:42 Have you commented here before? This exchange today sounds very familiar.
I had a job in a very small firm where as part of the appraisal process you would get what was called 360 degree feedback. What this actually meant was that anyone could write what they liked about you with no guidance and it was then given to you unfiltered and unedited, anonymously.
As a tool for personal and professional development this was absolutely useless because if you were self aware there would be no surprises.
What it did do was reveal the staff who were not self aware, who would often be very upset and again it was useless because they thought people were just being horrible and telling lies.

The point?
People who lack self awareness don’t know they lack it and don’t recognize themselves in others’ feedback. Whether or not you are the person who keeps having this conversation and making out that you are self aware – you aren’t self aware and you need to listen not talk.


The truth: The Roman Catholic priesthood is predominantly populated by pedarests and homosexuals (active).

Clerical truth: A few bad apples don’t spoil the whole bunch or only 4 per cent are child abusers or there’s more abuse in families than the priesthood.

The Truth; 300,000 victims of clerical child abuse in France and 1 milllion over 7 decades.
Clerical truth: The statistics are wrong.

The Truth: Pope Benedict lied under oath that he wasn’t at a meeting at which the decision was made to move the priest abuser so he could abuse again.
Clerical truth: He misspoke and misremembered – it wasn’t a bare faced lie.

The Truth: Pope Francis is a Peronist – he is a master manipulator and disrupter whose Yes is Maybe, his No is perhaps and his speech is laden with Machiavellian deception.
Clerical truth: He’s a Saint.


Your peevish and reactionary diatribe observable here for some time now is as far from truth as it is possible to be.


Oh the irony of 2:26’s comment posted on a blog post about so-called Christians hating the truth.
You couldn’t make it up!


Me: forgive me father for I have sinned my last confession was last week, my sins are *******************
Priest: how often do you do that, what do you think about when you do that, where do you do that,
Me: 😞


You are meant to confess your sins and receive your penance, not be judged or quizzed on your sins. This act is entirely immoral and that priest needs to be reported, recorded and thrown to the den of lions.


3:22pm Agreed but the truth is that public have seen the onslaught of nastiness and revenge exacted on anyone reporting their local clergy and toxic laity. That’s why so many have walked away, church attendance figures confirm this fact. Cathbots & Clericals are not busy these days so spend much time online stalking targets. When you start getting weird communications from strange looking lads in destitute parts of the planet, they’ll be the rentboys they use, doing them other “favours”.


2.42: Hello Anon “You couldn’t make it up”…you’re back again with your super intelligent pea size brain…It serms you suffer from Word Deficit Syndrome as you rarely ssy anything different than this s**t repeat trash.


Thank you Asmodeus, and Anons @ 12:47 & 1:42.
Comments today seem to demonstrate unwillingness to respond respectfully and to the point, and continuing inability to appreciate well meaning criticism. A long standing trait of bloody minded stubbornness is also highlighted.
These characteristics seldom change according to the “old dogs & new tricks” adage.


The endless chorus of Roman Catholics.
‘Oh look everybody else is as bad as we are’.
Pro tip: this merely proves your religion is fake and that you are psychopathic moral weaklings.


Perhaps one of the social work distractors would like to point to a social work department whose treatment of children has been described by the United Nations as amounting to torture.


Absolutely bizarre the way RCs think trying to deflect to social workers will help. Or that MMM will pay any attention ROFL.
Not the brightest.


Anon 10:24: like you’ve said, “not the brightest.”
But the , sure that’s attempted ad hominem deflection par excellence 🤔



It’s not a deflective comment.
Rcc and social work are not comparable other than the ability to cover up ‘failings’.
MMM can be quite patronizing condescending and myopic in regards to critical comments against social work practitioners blaming failures due to lack of finance. LOL.


@10:25: I think he tries to impart his reality from a position of knowledgeable experience. Problem is that some don’t want to listen and prefer their own biases or personal experience.


2:41, thanks for your question!
The Lenten season can replenish one for the challenges of life. A chapter a day from the Gospels of Matthew and Mark can bring people on a 44 day journey from Ash Wednesday until Holy Thursday.
People can fast from luxury items and donate the money they save as a result to charity.


All priests proclaim to be Christians, and indeed they are, like the DUP Christians they are all Christians from the waist up


9:59 and 11:09, your information about €7500 and Yeardly do little good as vague comments on the blog. Please contact Bishop Pat Buckley so he can actually do something about these things, so that you can help bring justice to the Silverstream situation.


Patsy do you not think the unemployed should be redeployed to help Ukraine fight against the Russians before we even consider sending our army personnel and last but of all least our clergy.


3:31 The United Nations and all genuinely committed to child protection will even pay your fare, Fr Trendy & Sr of No Mercy but when you get there, please resist the temptation to retraumatize the vulnerable as you have done at home for decades now.


Mon. 28th Feb. 7pm GMT/8pm CET/9pm Kyiv

Turn out your lights. Show Putin we’d rather sit in the dark than use his gas and oil;
We are calling for:

People of Ukraine, you are not alone.


The mega blockbuster movie ‘Father Stu’ is due for release in April. From a boxer to a priest eh, I guess we all end up in priesthood in different angles


Graham Norton doesn’t do uncomfortable on TV… but Mark Wahlberg took him very close to it… available on You Tube. Graham Norton I am sure would get a wry smile watching “Father Stu”….. obviously Warlberg and Gibson doing a turn for Cupich and Co. Attempting a bit of re- invention? Too late .


A little known fact about Graham Norton is he’s Catholic and was a Cistercian novice at one time.


My uncle is a gay man and a priest but is devoted to celibacy. He believes god chose his sexuality for him to refute it and show the true Christian way of life. He tells us he believes homosexuality is wrong and a sin and that it is sent from
God as a challenge that he needs to rise above. We do not agree with him however he is a much loved member of our family. I know you give your peers a hard time on here but he is a true shining example of a practising priest.

Liked by 1 person

I feel so sorry for you, 4:08. You’ve obviously had bad experiences. Perhaps it would help if you didn’t hang out with priests so much.


5:43pm so true!

They Might as well face it
They’re addicted to Priests! 😇

The Lights are On
But they’re not Home 😇

Their Will is not their own
Let us Pray for 4:08


4.08: You’re right. All the fake ones appear on this blog on a daily basis, some 4/5/6/10 times, often responding to themselves. It’s pitiable and sad.


I tried to post a comment earlier about bishop cullinan and you never posted it about his connections with Spain



Was it during this time he joined the one cold shower a dei holier than thou brigade cult?


Is Bishop Phonsie still doing the exorcisms he was talking about in the newspapers a few years ago? He was setting up teams to exorcise the devil out – he looks like a bit of a devil himself & seems to be an anti vaxxer mindset when Guards had to remind him of mask wearing obligations during COVID 😈


He badly needs to exorcise the evil of cover up from the institutional church.
Covering up scandal is a scandalous evil in itself.


Pat wants to know the truth
All priests prefer youth
Christian’s like to claim
That they are not to blame
MLA death is very sad
It has driven this blog mad
All this talk of daisy chain
Is driving me insane


Father where you in the Slieve Donard at the weekend as you never graced us with your presence and poetry


Tennis has always been my game.
Compared to you clergy, it’s pretty tame.
The daisy chain is long and wide
And some of them are very snide.
My lovely Novak wouldn’t take the test,
He’s quite different from the rest.
My local priest goes out on a bike,
Talk has it his name is Mike.
I still really like and admire the lovely Bill,
My feelings for him make me quite ill.


Golly, where to start. Surely your peevish and reactionary post suggests your a cleric or of that ‘bent’ that you can’t see the irony in your reaction – you don’t mean ‘truth’ you mean ‘my truth’ and that truth is invariably heavily laden with a clerical truth mindset


Wrong on every peevishly delivered and reactionary and jejune count. My priesthood is that of the baptized.


Storm Eunice blew all our bins over and the empty bottles of wine that came from Frs bin was mortifying, should really start recycling


Bishop Treanor is in crisis with palliative priests, priests postponing their resignation to help him out and the gay scandal ones. He may hope for a massive influx of foreign priests to help him out.


It’s a lifetime since I have spoken to him.. though I was at his ordination. He was then and I am sure still is an absolute Gentleman. He belongs on the list of gentlemen. A Gentleman to his fingertips… people don’t change… they just get more like themselves. A platinum Gentleman by now.


I am an out gay (chaste) man and this truth means that I will never be ordained a priest in the Catholic Church. However, the Church would happily ordain me if I were in the closet.
The Catholic Church is afraid of the truth. If all gay priests came out, then the Church would be in a healthier state and the world would take Christians more seriously.


Luke Mc Williams is related to an Irish personage whom I hold in as high regard as Noel Browne…. If not higher… but has not yet been recognised as such yet….. but as the Moderator of this Blog said…. “. the time will come.”


My favorite bible passage is the one where Jesus says to the apostles, ‘Now don’t take any shit from the trailer trash you’ll have to meet as you look for posh Dublin types to minister to. If they say anything you don’t like put them right and threaten them with a lawsuit. For I have sent you not to the wrong but to the compliant’.


Pat you are in receipt of members of daisy chain ni and refuse to speculate who they are which is not very truthful


RN admitted to being naive and that +Pat had warned him he was being naive. Sometimes people have to live an experience to learn.
I ate some pancakes in preparation for tomorrow. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail!


Yes, I think the trolls will wind up shooting themselves in the foot. Like Pat said the other day the abusive comments from priests just reinforce his resolve to expose them.
Their behaviour is as self destructive as the church’s policy of shuffling round abusers.


7.15: Lots of non clerics have no time for Pat. So stop making stupid statements. You lying troll.


6:11pm You could take a break from reading the blog – we only see what we choose to look at. Examine your own conscience and motives for checking it daily. That is not essential.


Upon examination of my own conscience; my conscience tells me to pursue, and explore, the motives, objectives and behaviours of certain others. Certainly the conscientious in nature x


And the irony is about 60 to 70% of the comments moderated are intended to piss all over this blog and Pat’s reputation.


Anyone remember the good old days at The Shirley Arms Hotel and The Carrick Curry for the Indian in Carrickmacross? Monaghan was the place to be in those days. Shame the LMB don’t invest in some of the local lace for their attire instead of that dreadful polyester. Lavender Mafia and Latin Mass Brigade have a lot to account for as well.


Thank you once again, Bishop Pat, for your work to expose the danger that is the Church of Rome and giving its apparatchiks a venue to demonstrate how thoroughly violent and unpleasant they are.


One Holy Catholic and Apostolic. is it though. I was brought up in a church that I owe a great deal to. Churches are meant to lead people to Jesus. However many churches seem to think their “brand” is best. The challenge is to find Jesus and he will lead us to appropriate worship. As for all this weird sex stuff humanity has been fecked since Adam and Eve. Not an excuse but a challenge. How did Jesus deal with the weirdos of His day?


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