


The Blog has learned that Dom Mark Kirby has either fled to the Netherlands or been sent there and has brought two Silverstream novices with him.

The move is reported to be permanent.

One source said: “Dom Mark claims he is very ill and cannot do manual work. How ill he is is hard to work out. It could be a front? He will be able to say Mass there and be looked after:

Another source has claimed that Dom Mark just up and left with two novices.

A source close to Silverstream said: “Sending the two novices with him was mandated so they could look after him”.



Now that Dom Mark has left Silverstream the remaining issues to be resolved are:

1. The letter of good standing for Dom Benedict from Tom Deenihan.

2. A heartfelt apology from Silverstream and the bishop of Meath to Dom Benedict for the grave injustices done to him.

3. Compensation to Dom Benedict for the injustices and for all the financial deprivation and losses he suffered.


I cannot understand why two novices, young men, went with or were sent to the Netherlands with Dom Kirby given his history of “problems” with young men.

If he needed two companions should those not have been one or two senior or professed monks?

In any event it does bring the Kirby era to an end in Silverstream.

The remaining community members have not been properly formed in the true Benedictine mould. Rather they have been formed in Mark Kirby’s version of what it is to be Benedictine.

If Silverstream is to continue, and that is a big IF, an effort needs to be made to bring a small group of traditional Benedictine monks to reside there for some time to form and reform.

I don’t imagine that Dom Benedict would want to return to Silverstream, but if he did as the co founder he would be the natural prior.

I also fear he would not be welcome back at Silverstream and might meet both resentment and resistance there.

So, hopefully Dom Benedict can now discern where God wants him to go. I do know he is 100% committed to priesthood and discipleship.

It’s a big world out there and I’m sure Dom Benedict will find his niche.

Robert Nugent reminded me yesterday that we should be praying for both Dom Benedict and Dom Kirby.

And that is certainly the Christian thing to do.



It is that bad that they are sending him to live with all women and clearly the two novices must be lovers of his.


Even this is strange because a canonical novices role is getting formation in the monastery and that’s all.
The novices sent with him will end up having to make time up or even start again.
And while there is a long history of novices wiping bottoms any length of time out of the noviciate house is a no no.


10:45 Rules were made to be broken when it suits the RCC, we’ve seen that repeatedly. Nepotism was always a prominent feature of RCC, still is.


I knew someone that happened to. He was from Brazil but was a novice in London. He had endless problems with immigration and had to keep going back to Brazil to another house of the order, but it didn’t have a novitiate so he spent YEARS doing a one year novitiate. It was mad.
He got to profession but left before final profession anyway 😂


I doubt the “novices” in this case are actual novices; more than likely they’re young monks in vows.


Wow this is outrageous isn’t it, if I did, what he did, in my employment, I would be sacked and sent to jail


10:45pm – Exactly, but don’t forget, the Church Mafia are “Special”. It’s all “who you know” & “how deep your pockets are to curry loyalty”.


Paul that simple fact is largely why clerical life is so attractive to men who like waving their willies around.


Pat a close confidante has authorised me to speak for them in relation to a priest’s behaviour in Northern Ireland, his connections to professionals and concerns arising from this. I am most concerned about what I have heard. Could you advise me on what to do in private?


How does Mark Daniel Kirby escape justice everywhere he resides, he is not even a proper priest and yet this charitable foundation he was committed to is protecting him


It’s easy. When you don’t keep any records at all there is nothing to contradict the accounts you present to the tax man and charity regulators.


Such a claim most certainly would bring about a “lighter” approach to the scandals at Silverstream? Wouldn’t it? Should we keep that in mind…?


8:34 It’s a bit difficult to see how the approach to the Silverstream scandal could get any lighter. So far the only punishment for the actual wrong doer is a free trip to Holland.


One of the traits of a narcissist is that they will claim all sorts of health issues in order to elicit sympathy and possibly even prevent justice catching up. Sean Fortune wasn’t so much a narcissist/sociopath as he was a dangerous psychopath and he was constantly at it. Who would want to prosecute a suffering, Christ-like figure?
Sure look, we’re all dying, some of us have 30 years, some 40, others only 5. No one gets out of this world alive.


10:55pm Is Dutch Law more liberal in cases like his? Kirby is being protected, that much is obvious. No such privilege for those he was permitted to prey on by RCC management.


Oh dear – I am sure there will be a few ‘whoopsie’ moments in the convent. Not wise to send two young novices. Who will form them?


Ireland and the Netherlands don’t need visas for visits up to 90 days by US citizens. If he’s taken Irish citizenship, Ireland and the Netherlands are both in the Schengen area so he’s good. If he wanted to stay permanently in the Netherlands there are ways ministers of religion can do that.


On this blog we have heard outrageous claims in the last few days about him so how do we verify this is true?


Ask Mother Immaculata Franken, OSBap, Prioress of the Benedictines of Perpetual Adoration, Tegelen, The Netherlands


Tommy @ 9:37am
Never mind, his main protectors & accomplices were left behind when he travelled to Belgium with 2 novices to carry help him carry the large amount of cash that convinced Mother Immaculata to hide him away from the scene of his crimes. Now we know why he kept so much cash around him. There are still a lot of questions to be answered starting with Bishop Tom Deenihan.


11:06 Marty’s family are suing the PSNI and Ministry of Defence as new proof has emerged that these authorities were made aware 3 days before that he was to be murdered. The O’Hagan family are delighted that someone finally started singing the truth. Praying for Justice for the family of Marty O’Hagan.


Dom Peter will not have access to any alcohol when in Silverstream or Tegelen and therefore any chance of a relapse is reduced greatly as a result. The real challenge will be when he has more readily access to this.


Kitty should’ve gone to a lovely convent in Italy or Spain given his love for those ‘Mediterranean ways’.


Witness C is a close ally of Marks and decided to withhold valuable information he knew in order to protect Kirby


Pat, remember many of us asked for prayers for all the monks, including Dom Kirby for quite some time. Yet, you dismissed such requests. You only mention “praying” after RN’s request!!! Why? Yes, prayer is the proper response now and I hope that as we begin Lent we will pray for them. With God’s blessings let’s hope that Silverstream will now be formed anew, if possible. I hope Dom Benedict will receive justice and compensation. I doubt if he’d return to the monastery. It’s been a very long interesting drama and I pray that we .might allow the monks some peace. Also, let’s not forget that Pope Francis asked that all Catholics dedicate Ash Wednesday to prayer and fasting for the Ukranian people. This we must do and contribute money to reputable charities to support relief efforts for all who are suffering. In our church we are having an evening vigil for 6 hours of prayer and adoration. If Dom Mark is sick, we should, in Christian charity, pray for him. Pat, have you spoken with or had any contact with Dom Benedict? Can you let us know how he is…..


“Martin” you got the current fixed then….between the i and the o on your keyboard, good.


Kirby is being mollycoddled – what’s new – what a shower of spoilt, abusive and self entitled brats the clergy are. No consequences for the suffering he has inflicted on other human beings. Well Done for flushing him out – no doubt that would not have happened only for the efforts of Bishop Pat & Robert Nugent. Hope Dom Benedict will receive his letter of good standing now & try to move on – peace and closure.


Kirby will be close enough to our Ryan in Belgium. Ryan is embracing his true self from a physical perspective. 🙃


We all need to give up our Aul sins and practice what we preach. It’s a day of Fast, Abstinence and Charity towards the needy here and in Ukraine. God keep all safe. Pax.


Though there are still some outstanding issues, the departure if Dom Kirby must be seen as an opportunity for the reitganisung if Silverstream. If this monastery is to survive it will require the supervision and caring of monks from more established Benedictine monasteries. It is Lent and can we hope this season will bring stability and healing to the monastery? I hope Dim Benedict, while probably surprised at this development, will be restored to ministry. I cannot visualise him returning to Silverstream. We may want to continue to speculate on all kinds of scenarios, but maybe we need to allow a space of peace and quiet for the monks to renew, pray and reflect. This day above all calls us to fasting, prayer and almsgiving. Perhaps we might fast from unnecessary sneering, judgmental and ugly rhetoric and imagery. Primarily we are asked to dedicate this Ash Wednesday to the Ukranians for their safety and well being and pray for them and an end to any escalation of war from the warmonger in Moscow. These are worrying times. God be with us all.


There you go, I said a couple of days ago that the two English Doms would sort matters out at Silverstream.


I doubt the Boy Prior Elijah would play ball with that. He’s not about to lay down his big toy for two Jonny-come-latelies.


@ 12.49 pm

I doubt he will have a choice. He will be voted out for one of the English Doms to take over.


DMK has previous of up rooting and moving on like this. Sure that’s how he and Dom Benedict Andersen moved from Tulsa.
Dom Benedict Andersen must get his letter of good standing without delay. He is owed an apology and compensation.
Silverstream should join a federation of Benedictine monasteries, for the sake of some stability. One would hope that the Silverstream community would come to their senses and make reparation with Dom Benedict Andersen.
It is absolutely disgraceful that Dom Benedict Andersen continues to be banished to the wilderness.
Dom Benedict Andersen is the true Prior of Silverstream. In Prior Benedict Andersen we can trust.
P.S. I agree that we must pray for both men and the community. People with a good PQ (Prayer Quotient) will understand this.


As if Europe doesn’t have enough problems of its own without transferring American criminals. He should have been deported back.


Did Brendan Coffey have a role to play in all this? Hence the spineless git comment from last night? It seems it was a cover up.


9:30am. Brendan Coffey was only trying to clear up the mess in time for Lent. Sweep it all away under the carpet. I don’t understand why Kirby wasn’t returned to America. Are there legal reasons for not sending him home to US?? Is This is a cynical and carefully executed strategy to hide bigger issues??


If Kirby is ill then he should be able to access the healthcare that ordinary people are able to access in whatever country he finds himself. I am sure that the Netherlands has decent health care provision and he should, if entitled, access that. Removing two novices to look after him seems a bit entitled, and will have considerable consequences for those two novices. Perhaps it is an indication of the dysfunctional control that Kirby is still able to have over the Silverstream community. I think that the two novices should be sent back to Silverstream and Kirby access healthcare from the Netherlands and do what everybody else does. Given Kirby’s globe trotting over the years, and whatever his nationality might be, he will probably have to fork out quite a bit of money in the Netherlands. Who is paying for that ? Perhaps he has taken with him pockets stuffed with cash. Maybe the two novices are the mules ? It all sounds very dodgy to me, and a continuation of a questionable pattern of life by Kirkby.


‘Now that Dom Mark has left Silverstream the remaining issues to be resolved are:’
Even this isn’t resolved because he’s left for health reasons not because of the whoopsie moments.


£/€/$ 7.5k, what we know thus far?
It was silence money for a victim – Yeardly?
It was stolen from Kirbys room?
It’s a missing donation to/from Coffey and/or Deenihan?
It was offered to Dom Ben in return for his silence?
Pat can your sources offer any comment on these questions?


In fairness Pat may not (yet) have that information but i can confirm that its all true- and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


If at least nothing else there were allegations against Kirby which Deenihan should have addressed and has not. Instead putting up the wall of silence that he was afforded when he made his very own mistake on that night in Leeds. We need more transparency from all involved in this disgusting institution the RCC. That ethos is filtered from the top down and this is why even at grass roots level (priests), they cover up each other’s gay relationships, have secret groups, are morally and financially corrupt etc.


Pat you should really delve into the Grindr Swindler and appeal for more information about who he or they are. I would say I’m doing so you would be helping a lot of men out and also get some coming forward.


Kirbys sister and his nephews and nieces live in Venlo in Holland which is not far from Tegelen so he must be being sent there to die and have his family beside him.


In my opinion rumours of Kirbys death have been greatly exaggerated.

I think it’s another diversion tactic.


The dead cat strategy, or deadcatting, is the introduction of a dramatic, shocking, or sensationalist topic to divert discourse away from a more damaging topic. The strategy, or at least the “dead cat” metaphor to describe it, is particularly associated with Australian political strategist Lynton Crosby.


I think that that there is a whole manufactured haze around the idea and times of Mark Kirby.


12:57, nonsense. Kirby’s family is in the USA. Tegelen has a convent that has been very close to Silverstream, that’s all.


In my old home town, the RCC’s letting us off with “religion lite” was a result of an ultimatum by a family member of mine (following the attentions of the Knights).
A highly strung new curate got hot under the collar with our lax attitude but he was sent to a rest home ostensibly for being highly strung, when really (I now see) it was feared he was unearthing something because his underlying instinct was honesty.
This is why I was repeatedly told by priests that the RCC had nothing more for me: I only wish they had explained this better, then I wouldn’t have developed an interest in “being inserted” later in life.


I predict that Dom Ben will never get a letter of good standing. He will have to make his way as a cleric, or non-cleric if he likes, outside of the RCC. He’s a whistleblower and is thus not welcome in most RC institutions.
Kirby, however, will ride off into the sunset, living out his last days with two handsome young novices at his beck and call, and a convent full of nuns who think he’s a living saint and an oracle of God’s will.
Deenihan’s totally on board, because as he’s being blackmailed he’s got no choice. Or maybe Deenihan is truly under the Kirby spell. Either way, the escape to Holland has not happened without his approval — for which he will have had to provide … a letter of good standing. 😂


Bishop Pat, I don’t know why, but I’m experiencing great anxiety for the two young novices sent with Kirby. God protect them, open their eyes, and get them as far away as possible from Kirby, Silverstream, and the Diocese of Meath. What the hell is Deenihan thinking, allowing this? When does Rome wake up and do something about this?


Conan Grays song “ Maniac” is worth a listen when thinking of recent matters of Judea… sorry I mean Silverstream.


To understand clerical power abuse, look to the seminaries.
by Brian Devlin

‘The power that a seminary faculty has over students would never be accepted in a state run institution.’

” Jesus did not preach: “Blessed are those who hold the Omertà close to their hearts,” but observing the hierarchy you’d think that was his most important beatitude. The abuse of power is seen up close in the seminary system. People learn from their teachers for good or ill. There must be a better way to create a beatitudinal Church.”



Most excellent contribution. What you outline is all pervading within. Bishop Gerard Clifford in my hearing said “ being a bishop used to be fun.” These bishops use what you outline in every diocese. Every one of them. And the pope uses it on every bishop. All pervasive.


I watched RN’s video for today and I am full of puzzlement. Robert focuses on a comment made by a viewer questioning his authenticity, a word all too frequently used by Robert. Yesterday he permitted Pat to challenge and ask him questions. He has not answered questions put to him. Perhaps that’s not necessary now because I honestly believe that Robert is much better suited to sharing insights about his Catholic faith and considerable spiritual depth. It would indeed be great if he posted a Lenten reflection for this blog each day as an antidote to all the negativity and unsettling rhetoric. In his video for today Robert makes great claims about his financial support for the Church (amazing) and speaks about how the Church has treated him in a manner that was/is offensive and could possibly have caused him to abandon his faith and the Church. Having listened carefully to his video, I stand in admiration of his commitment to his Catholic faith and his exploration of prayer styles and spiritual paradigms. Inspirational. Thank you Robert. While you had a role to play in the Silverstream saga, I am of the opinion that you have been very hurt since you became involved in the battle of arguments and debate on this blog. I’ve challenged you frequently about your stand vis a vis this monastery and its monks. I believe that all of us need to genuinely pray for one another, for the monks and that we will be a little less judgemental and harshly denigratory of others. It’s Ash Wednesday and aren’t we called to have more of Christ in us? I wonder what Jesus might say to us about the way we respond to this monastery in its many complexities? This is my only way at present to communicate with Robert.


Imagine sending a creep to live with 18 Sisters. He has volunteered to move to Amsterdam more like it, the dirty git. They all love a Whoopsie over there.


5:47pm Holland is a very liberal country – a multi lingual destination & ideal for the narcissistic and self indulgent Kirby. We wonder if the families of those 2 young novices are aware of this magical mystery tour that their sons have been despatched on with the deviant and manipulative Dom Kirby at serious potential cost to both their path to profession and to their personal well-being. Dom Kirby certainly seems to be a law unto himself. Why does he have hierarchy by the short & curlies – this is the real question now?


Spot on 9:18.
As a monk if you need care you have it in the monastery unless the community can’t manage it in which case you go into residential.
Even if the community is poor that wouldn’t be a problem because some religious nursing home would take in a priest and put the cost on everyone else’s bill.
The two monks who’ve gone with him ought to be thinking WTF and if they’re not they’re perfect for Silverstream.


I want Silverstream to continue, grow and prosper. But that won’t happen unless Dom Benedict has closure, support and encouragement. He has had two years of hell and Silverstream could have avoided all this 2 years ago. This whole saga is beyond sad for me. We can do better in the Church. I really feel so sorry for how Dom Benedict has been treated me by and by Silverstream. He is truly a good man. We need him and we should encourage him to help us.
FYI I’m not answering all questions put to me on the blog as I’m not following to constantly. So no reply does not mean I’m not engaging, I simply don’t have time to follow comments. My email address is public so just email me.


5.51 “ We can do better in the church.” Who is “ We.” This is what the Institution of the Church does, has always done and always will…. for a very particular reason… it thrives on its inner dysfunctional makeup and will guard it carefully. Really good people are no longer interested. I am dubious of yours, apologies if I am mistaken.


6.40: Of course you’re mistaken, William. Robert is entitled to speak of the Church as “we” since he understands that the Church is the family/community of God’s people in Christ. He is interested in the “we” because he believes in the
Christian community. Thank you Robert. William, Robert is interested precisely because he is “a good person”!! Stop your silly nonsense.


5.51: May I respectfully suggest that you, Robert, take a step back from the blog. You told Pat to permit questions and challenges to you and yet, every time this occurs you have an excuse for not responding. You’re busy at work and dont have time to follow comments. Robert, many of us are very busy too!! I’m disappointed that you do not respond to legitimate questions. Perhaps, take a Lenten break from this blog…


Robert, you don’t want to comment publicly on your very peculiar public stances.
1 – RN “closure” doesn’t belong to you
2 – How long did you know the Kirby associates in Connecticut and Canada?
3 – RN are you still influenced by the Legion mindset?


Public Savant at 5:45, your comment is spot on.
The clear image of Kirby that has emerged over the last two years is that of a master of narcissistic manipulation.
I am sure that has the entire monastery and all of his supporters (including the Tegelen nuns) actually believing that he is newly incarnating the Passion (including his supposed bodily ills), and that Dom Benedict is his Judas.
His groupies eat it up because it feeds their basically paranoid view of the Church and the world.
All of the content about “victimhood” in Kirby’s book of revelations feed right into this delusion/deception (see Dawn Eden Goldstein’s series on “In Sinu Jesu”).
And Tom Deenihan just sits there and presides over all of this mental disturbance as if nothing’s amiss. The criminal stupidity of it all is simply breathtaking.


Robert Nugents comment about “We” in the church/Church interests me. He is one of two things in using it. Not for now. Father Bruno Mulvihill ( no relation… insofar as I am aware) tried decades ago to put a stop to Brendan Smith and left the priesthood in the process. He died in what was not a car accident! Brendan Smith died in prison in what was not a heart attack. That is the Institution of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the greatest distributor of welfare in the world ( a by product of its wealth on the back of cheap labour of its priests and sisters and nuns( not withstanding their bank accounts ( usually German) and their physical/ psychological and sexual abuse and crime), but as Putin pointed out in the early 2000’s “ God is the greatest force for good the world has ever known.” The church institutionally is rotten to the core…. in the men, women and children who adhere to Gospel values within it ( and Pat Buckley) it is globally precious.


Bill we all know you left for other reasons than that. You must have been thinking of your love life. I do believe part of the reason you left priest hood was due to the fiasco you mention but let’s face it, it worked out better for you out than in (beg the pun).


The Church, mystical body of Christ, Triumphant, penitent, Militant. It’s not beholden to only those men who have been ordained to minister. I’m a baptised Catholic, this is my Church as much as theirs. While some in the hierarchy are rotten, the rest of us are not. There are many many good humble priests who don’t make headlines and who love this Church. There will always scandal and sin, because when it comes to saving souls the battle will be there


7.17 The she is an icon for any person who has ever been used ….. naivety is the reason the world does not change.


7.27 Thank you for the reply. No , insofar as I am aware, she has no business with me at all. I do rejoice that she can get on with her life; the distribution of drugs within Western Society would not have been possible without the fiscal gain of many the police force. Bill Mulvihill


The details of a person now dead were too much for me… along with the tangents I am acutely aware of…. I am not a fit for a “ Multinational “ of (…………) I should have quit along time ago…. I rejoice for young lives that escape it. Of the preceding sentences, I could go on and on. I marvel at Bishop Pat Buckley and what he has succeeded in his life despite the arrows of the organisation. By the way , coming on this blog has more arrows than an episode of “ the Vikings” minus the positive of Leo Suter( absolutely beautiful).


8.06 for clarity: that’s Fianna Fáil ( FF) ; a blight except for the like of Brian Cowen and others. ( His brother was an exceptional Taoiseach).


Are you completely insane?
Or just stupidly provocative?
Cowen was easily the worst Taoiseach ever inflicted on this country. A drunken disgrace. His brother a cute hoor caught out after getting away for years.
What kind of standards have you?


She’ll be a big miss, Bp Pat, for the blog and its readers. Kitty’s kept the auld ones going with all her outrageous antics. I’ll miss her.


Honestly I doubt she’s dying. And her kitties are still in Ireland, enjoying the full support of Big Tom Deenihan, so I’m sure they will be a source of outrageous antics for years to come.


I am now absolutely convinced Robert Nugent is part of a strategy to “ address “ this blog. “ Dan” is an honesty but has an agenda. The truth always outs and I trust my judgment!!


9.12: Robert, thought you said you didn’t have time to follow comments!!!! There are a lot of questions you won’t answer. Thought too you were very busy..hmmm..


9.12 Robert, ostensibly at least, you are suited to be let loose, it doesn’t matter to “them” whether you are “in favour” or “against”. You have had years of explanation of the ramifications to read up on. Which have if anything now got worse. You are international, you are a Legionary, saying how good the Legion is, and until the other day how good this Legion lookalike establishment is. You are too conditioned to these dynamics to see them realistically.


8.50 Go to the top of the class! Just checking! No price on paying attention though sad you felt the need to point it out. Fastidious.


Today, on the 1st day of Lent, we read Chapter 1 from the Gospel of Matthew.
1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.
1:23 … they will call him Immanuel (which means “God with us”).
I wish our brethren and faithful well on their Lenten journey.


9.20: Seamus…what planet are you on? That’s not the gospel for 1st day of lent….stay with Lenten readings.


The liturgical movement has passed Seamus by completely. Of course it’s entirely possible he’s on here telling people to read the nativity gospel on Ash Wednesday, to take the piss. 😂


10:36 is correct. The 28 chapters of Matthew and 16 chapters of Mark can bring people on a 44 day journey from Ash Wednesday until Holy Thursday.
The 24 chapters of Luke are often read by people as an Advent reading for the first 24 days of December.


Dr Seamus has method to his maddness. With 28 chapters in Mt and 16 in Mark, in 44 days time he’ll reach Easter with Mark’s Easter Gospel chapter. Then he can read Luke’s 24 chapters and John’s 21 and that will take him up to Pentecost, almost.


“ Martin” has been quiet since I asked a question. The shenanigans on this blog is indicative of the RCC. No full stop.


Contributions here get away with murder ( not literally). The feel good factor to their anonymous contributions needs a Ph.D study.


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