

First published May 2021

In 69 years of life and 45 years of priesthood, I have had three occasions on which I met a PHYSICAL manifestation of Satan.

One of these incidents happened at the grotto in Lourdes, pictured above.

The other two happened in a parochical house in the diocese of Ossory and in the chapel of a retreat house in County Tipperary.

I was leading a pilgrimage of 120 pilgrims from Northern Ireland To Lourdes.

The feast of the Assumption of Our Lady on August 15 th occured during our pilgrimage.

The Troubles were very bad in N. Ireland at the time and I decided to do an all night vigil at the grotto for peace in N. Ireland.

All 120 pilgrims decided to do the vigil with me.

We began with a Mass of healing in St. Joseph’s chapel in Lourdes at 11 pm.

After Mass all 121 of us went in procession to the grotto.

For most of the night we had the grotto mainly to ourselves and I led the pilgrims in prayer some of the time and the rest of the time was spent in silent prayer.

About 3 am we had planned a break and all the pilgrims went across the river to have a snack of flasks of tea and coffee and some sandwiches.

I intended to join them but just remained for a few minutes at the grotto to read from my Office book.

Within a few minutes a deformed hand was on my right shoulder, pressing hard enough to cause me severe pain.

I presumed it to be one of those mentally ill people you often see at Lourdes who like to touch priests.

But the pain got so severe I reached my left hand up to pull it off me.

At that point I was pushed to the ground face down, my prayer book went flying across the grotto floor and I lay unable to move with what seemed like a cold concrete block on top of me.

A nun on the vigil with us ran into the grotto whipping her veil off and screaming “God is not here. Only the devil is here”.

Out of out pilgrims across the river saw me collapsing and shouted “Fr Pat is having a heart attack. Ring an ambulance”.

I then heard a scream coming from the pilgrims across the river.

I was able to stand up and quickly made my way over the bridge to find the pilgrims very quite hysterical.

They told me a big black dog with flaming red eyes had run through them.


We Christians HAVE to believe in Satan and Hell because Jesus spoke about those topics in the New Testament.

99.9% of the time Satan or the Devil uses human beings and worldly circumstances to accomplish his mission.

Only VERY RARELY does Satan or evil manifest itself in a physical form.

He does this when he is angry/frustrated at good being done.

That night, 121 of us were staying up all night praying for peace in N. Ireland.

We were doing good.

Evil intervened.

Where there is GOOD, EVIL is always near.

Incidentially there were 18 genuine apparitions at Lourdes.


There were also 18 false, deeply disturbing apparitions.


Thanks for sharing Pat. Yes Satan exists, he wants us to worship him and to remain with him. We are called to more, to cross this world and climb Calvary to heaven.. You are a man with a great heart. I went to confession in knock today and ended up talking to the priest for 30 mins. He had just come back to Ireland.. keep going Pat, I’m absolutely sure Christ wants you to go to him and not the other fellow.


10.51: Robert, did you think Pat was under the influence of the “other fellow” that you made this comment? A little weird, may I add. Pat had this experience many, many years ago and I imagine he’s not had anything similar since. I think we all agree that there’s a power of evil, badness and ugliness in our world. These may be manifested physically as in war and conflict but also through our daily actions of hate language and our readiness to condemn and judge people to the point of leaving them for dead, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. The gospels show Jesus casting out “devils”.. Evil is a reality and in Christian terminology we refer to evil in the words Devil or Satanic. All if us of course – Christians particularly – should seek only to live in God’s ways and imitate JESUS.


Martin, when the enemy wins a soul, he does not need to make his presence known. The accuser is very much a real person. Today we don’t understand this spiritual battle in the Church. We seem to think that whoever we feel is going to get us to Heaven. There is only one objective truth. One way, one Lord. One cross. One heaven. And unless we align our lives to the one truth then we can’t claim to be going to Our Lord.


And the ‘one truth’ you speak of, Robert, is what YOU proclaim, isn’t it? YOU, and your self-righteous kind, alone.
Hasn’t it always been so? The beginnings of religious cultism? When one person or group claims to have salvific truth and, effectively too, that there is no getting to Heaven … except through THEIR hands.
I guess, Robert, the legitimate criticisms of you on the blog a few days ago went right over your head. The presumptious, personal arrogance you displayed then hasn’t dimmed. You just won’t listen to others, will you? You know it all, so learn nothing about yourself.
And you never miss an opportunity to turn a social-media site into a platform for self-publicity: your own internet pulpit.


Martin, what’s hate language? It’s so loose a phrase that its meaning (if it has one) seems entirely, and shiftingly, arbitrary, a posh way of saying that words should mean what we opportunistically want them to mean. No more; no less. Why, just like Humpty Dumpty!
So, does criticism constitute hate speech? For some it appears to. Isn’t this why members of Trocaire, along with ‘Antifa’, protested outside the Irish Parliament in recent years? To have statutorily restricted the public’s ability on freedom of speech?
Whenever I hear or read someone’s mentioning ‘hate speech’, I can’t help thinking of the 1930s, the decade of facism in Europe, or the year 2022, the time of ‘Putinism’, and its heavy-handed reaction to street protests against the murderous tyranny of Russia on plucky Ukraine.


From your last sentence, 10.02, you appear to be implying that if we don’t ‘align our lives to the one truth’, we’re headed for Hell. Is this what you are implying?
And is the ‘one truth’ Roman Catholicism?
Are you proclaiming that old latin aphorism, “extra ecclesiam nulla salus”? (‘Outside the church, there is no salvation.’)
Since I’m a Protestant, I’d like to know.


There was a certain Dan that run Bill Mulvihill off this site for a few weeks with some truthful statements.


12.26: A rather harsh string of personalised commentary. Robert is, unfortunately, totally oblivious to his off putting sermonising on his videos and in his comments on this blog. I dislike the tone of nasty criticism against Robert. Recently I watched a few videos of people similar to Robert’s world view – some priests in USA and lay associates – all presenting catholic doctrine in very black and white terms. Therd is an oft repeated reminder about evil and satan and about the ONE TRUTH by which we are and can be ssved! THE TRUTH OF JESUS CHRIST. The stridency of their preaching is very difficult to appreciate and I’m not sure if it yields much fruit. Saying that evil does exist, however we wish to define it. Evil is very real. In Christian terms, evil/satan are very, very real. We need to trust God for protection from harm and evil.


I once thought Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy were “very, very real” too. But no matter how much I believed they were real, they, um, weren’t.😕


Guess what, 3.32? Those ‘harsh’ criticisms Robert will likely interpret as attacks by … have you surmised yet? … yes, the Devil. It’s what these cultists, especially the religious ones, do when criticised: they fall back on this defence (or a similar one): ‘Get thee hence, Satan!’ Because these little messiahs just won’t brook ANY criticism of themselves, such is their unwavering sense of righteousness. I’ve heard similar defences of Christina Gallagher.

Criticisms only convince the religious cultist that his cause has God’s blessing, that he is a little Jesus on a cross. And I’m not exaggerating.


America and the West with Nato have been Satanic in making Russia react in the way it has. They are not innocent in all of this and I believe Satan is involved in this whole mess with America and the West just as responsible. They have blood on their hands too.


Hello @1059 – are you an out of work Russia Today / RT reporter ? Because you are peddling the same old lies and disinformation as they have in the past to justify the wickedness of Putin and his henchmen. Free speech does give you the right to tell lies, but it gives me the right to call you out and call you a lier and what you are saying lies. Oh, don’t worry, I know when you lot get frustrated you send in the goons, resort to poison and assassination etc. All the more important to tell you what you really are – a liar !


8.56: I’m afraid you are naive fool. There is little opportunity to establish truth in wartime – everyone lies. Demonizing the enemy is the oldest propaganda trick in the book. You can sympathise and support the humans who are suffering horribly without swallowing the media tales.


Pat, thus is an amazing story. Not doubting your story, our minds can play havoc with us at times and though I have never had any such experience as you had or anything close to it, I believe there is a force of evil in our world, manifested in hatred and conflicts as evidenced presently through the barbarism and slaughter of Putin and other despots in the past. I believe evil is present when people carry out heinous acts of abuse, rape, vengeance and murder, much of which we’ve seen in our country in the past and in recent times. I frequently pray the Our Father when alone… Deliver us from evil…Jesus recognised evil and freed peoole of its power. We must pray often to be protected from harm, danger and evil.


I too have never had any such experience as +Pat had. Different people are given different glimpses/experiences for whatever reason. Some of us are given knowledge that there is an afterlife.
“A person without prayer is like a tree without roots.” “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.”
We must pray for sure. Many theists are struggling with their religion. Are they living without prayer? Are they struggling to breathe as a result? “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Theists without prayer are in need of a doctor.
What causes hurt? Is it an action caused by another? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Some respond to hurt with love and understanding. Other’s react to hurt with more hurt and hatred. Forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation.
What does RN 10:51pm mean by “keep going Pat”? He writes in this manner quite often. Is it a condescending comment or am I misreading the intention of the comment?


‘Satan’ is a name denoting the deviation of the human will from truth; it is not the designation of a natural being.


I believe in the existence of a spiritual being called Satan. He is the personification of Evil just as God is the personification of Good.


The evil one is very real, and when you’re doing good work he, it, will attack in different ways—-no two-ways about it! Stay in the truth and light of Christ, always.
If you take your faith seriously and are a follower Christ, a true followe of Him; then you are already a target of the evil one.
Never, brothers and sisters, never give up the struggle for working for good. Always, always, love and care for those who are weak, hungry or weary — that’s where the treasure is (not gold or other precious metals) the treasure of heaven! The treasure of heaven is in the poor, the weak, the lost and hungry x


MMM, what do you make of today’s blog? Is Pat telling the truth? Or is he delusional or lying? It’s one of the three.


4.32: You must be under a spell at this hour of the morning to ask so inane a question. Pat never depends in MMM’s interpretation of religious experiences. It’s a psychiatric analysis we’d need to interpret the experience at Lourdes. We can have strange, delusional moments thriugh bad dreams…


Pat at 9:40 That’s far from unknown! The Indian rope trick would be the classic example.
It’s also very common for people to share a false belief with no evidence – e.g. all the conspiracies the past few years. At it’s extreme you get folie à deux, where one person has delusions because of mental illness and someone else shares them but isn’t ill. When you treat the I’ll person the other person stops having the delusions as well!


9.38, ‘so inane a question’? Not at all.
MMM does not believe in the supernatural, but respects Pat, all the same.
So, as Pat’s alledged experience at Lourdes can fit only one of the three categories I mentioned (truth, delusion, or lie), I’m curious to know what he thinks.
Shouldn’t you?


The study of the brain and its impact on behaviour and cognitive functioning, both normal and abnormal (due to neurological, psychiatric and neurodevelomental disorders, is the field of neuroscience. My limited knowledge of this field makes it presumptious for me to offer an “explanation ” for +Pat’s experiences.
What I have read suggests that in some circumstances, certain stimuli, internal or external, may cause an individual to have “experiences” which for them is very real, yet there is no apparent external factor or cause. Additionally, studies in psychology and psychiatry have shown how easily an individual’s perception and experiences, and that of contingent others, can be influenced and indeed shaped: examples of group think and hysteria are common.
No doubt there have been examples of conscious lying manipulation of perceptions and consequent beliefs/actions. Some of the American mega churches wealthy pastor leaders have been accused in this respect, by seeking “donations” debateably for their church. Many individuals genuinely believe in the reality of experiences for which there is little objective evidence. The strength of their conviction, personality, and circumstances often “convinces” other perhaps more susceptible or weaker personalities.Whether those experiences, explanations and beliefs are valid or delusional is indeed a moot area for debate.


@4:32: Adding to my earlier comment, (not yet posted):
The word ‘delusional’ commonly denotes irrational, unreasonable or OTT stance, perhaps sometimes with intentional deceit. In straightforward simple terms I prefer to consider it as a belief or perception not in keeping with external objective evidence, so misguided honest belief may be more appropriate.
I certainly don’t think “the devil” physical or spiritual exists other than in people’s minds. Neither do I think +Pat was/is lying.


MMM, if you don’t believe in the supernatural (the Devil, and so on), nor believe that Pat was lying, then there is left only one option: that Pat was delusional (or, as you put it, had a ‘misguided belief’). Yes?


Pat, did you look round to see who was pressing so painfully on your shoulder? I’d have done so. What did you see?


Pat, you said that a deformed hand was painfully squeezing your shoulder, so you must have seen something. Otherwise, how can you describe the experience as one involving a physical manifestion of Satan?


I felt it was a deformed hand but voluntary see it. It was digging painfully into my neck and shoulder.


3.50, Pat, I am not being hostile, but this is the first time you have admitted that the hand you described was actually a mental impression rather than an objective limb. Previously, you gave the impression that you could see an actual hand.This puts your experience, quite possibly, in another, more rational perspective.

Did you, and the others, discuss, or read about, alledged demonic phenomena at Loudes BEFORE the events of that night? It’s hard not to research Lourdes without learning such things. If you did, this may have prejudiced your perception of what would happen. Perhaps you felt severe pain from a trapped nerve, and then quite naturally attribted to it a supernatural explanation.

As for the dog, well, a dog is a dog, isn’t it? Fiery eyes or no? Have you ever seen a fox’s eyes caught in the headlight beam of a car? They look, well, positively demonic.


All I can say is I continued to feel the hand even when I couldn’t see it.

No. It was only after our experience that night that I did more research into Lourdes and also talked to one of the priests living in Lourdes who had access to the library.

I never saw the dog. I just heard the screams of the pilgrims when they saw it.

I actually like foxes and have never thought they look demonic in any light.

I have no interest in whether people believe my account.

I know what I experienced.


1:08 pm — Being flung to the ground and unable to move sure sounds like a physical manifestation to me. I believe Bishop Pat was saying he didn’t see anything more than the hand, and the book flying across the grotto


2.52, I’ve known of people who have been flung against walls, and pinned there, by such meteriological phenomena as hurricane-force winds. I’m betting some were even flung to the ground on occasion and couldn’t, temporarily, get back up. No physical manifestation of anything need be involved here.

Yes, I know such winds were not responsible for what happened to Pat that night in Lourdes. My point is that there can be alternative and rational explanations for these occurrences. Sometimes, the only evidence of supernatural involvement in the natural world is everyone’s eagerness for such involvement.

No; Pat has admitted that he saw nothing, not even that hand. What he perceived was just a mental impression.


Not o lying a mental impression. I was in physical pain as the hand was on me.


You say the eighteen apparitions were genuine. Can I ask for you what makes the difference between them and Mark Kirby hearing St Theresa or Jesus from the tabernacle?
I don’t believe the latter to have been through the normal process of judgement by the church which the former have been, although are implicitly approved because of being published in a book given an imprimatur, and this would make them both authentic for RCs.
What makes the difference for you, please?


“By their fruits ye shall know them”.

Lourdes has proven to be a place of faith, healing and comfort for millions and millions for 160 years plus. Bernadette became a nun and lived a humble life.

No published book. No whoopsie moments. No hysterics. No men under 35.


What is M. Smith’s level of theological education and proficiency? Was it he who gave the imprimatur?


Yes he gave the imprimatur. I have no idea of his theological education and proficiency but it sounds like he’s pissed off the clergy of his diocese so we’ll probably hear before the day is out


Mind you I didn’t hear much criticism by Meath clergy during his long tenure. If he has, as you say, disenchanted them, is that from his retirement home?


Perhaps it’s the current one they’re annoyed at then. You made me laugh because my own mother is quite capable of creating havoc from beyond the grave…


5.30pm. Pat, the more information you give, the more incredulous is your experience. 5.29 makes very persuasive points. I’ve had dreams where I actually shouted because of the “feeling” that “something” or “someone” was pushing against me.. Just a dream. but very very real and nightmarish. Almost like what you experienced at Lourdes. Such moments or dreams are scary and can be surrounded by exaggeration when we recall them. Thankfully I can explain my dreams rationally.


Pat. I often visit the Chapel of a certain retreat house in Co. Tipperary. I would be anxious to know if that is where you had that encounter.


My experience was during my preordination retreat at the Rosminian retreat house at Glencomeragh.


Thanks for that reply Pat. I guessed it was there. I am glad Satan failed to put you off priesthood. He knew you would go on to be ” a thorn in the side” You may know that the Rosminions left there a few years ago and Phonsie has installed groups of young people there as the Holy Family Mission retreat centre


Patrick C. at 10.56, if Satan knew that Bishop Pat was going to be a thorn in the side of the RCC, why would he have tried to keep him from ordination?


3.06, y’know, hadn’t thought of that. Obviously.😁


Satan must have been terrified or very angry of the good that was being done in Jesus`s name to appear in such a way, but I would have thought that Lourdes being such a holy place, would have a ring of protective holiness to protect it.


You mean, James, like a science fiction movie, with invisible laser beams of holiness zapping Satan every time he tried to breach Lourdes defences?


Yeah – love Lourdes – am not major holy or anything but feel it is a very special place. Like you – super surprised (shocked) to hear such a demonic manifestation in a place of intense peace


Decade ago or more, I met fr A o Brien in Mt Melleray. I didn’t know that he was an exorcist at that time. My discussion with him re seeing black shadow, one supernatural incident which I thought was not possible. He said Satan is father of all lies. He questioned me few things but he was accurate to what he had said to me later. He didn’t want to reveal too much, I suppose not to shock me etc. I took his advice as it went away.

One thing that priests don’t preach on the dangers of reiki or TM (transcendental mediation) or new age healing or séances. These are the doorways to evil. I got caught in myself as it was a huge struggle to extract myself from these evil spirits. Windows opened themselves, broken window at one stage out of nowhere as my hairs stood up straight, shook etc.

Then I met an irish Catholic healer in London decade ago as I explained my situation. He said it was evil spirits as I needed to confess it re reiki, tm etc which I did. That experience really shook me up as I realised there is a spirit world out there waiting to pounce on.

Heard screams in a retreat coming from a woman very long ago as someone said to me it was horrific to hear it cos demonic. But I couldn’t hear it but could see the ugliness of her face. I saw 2 or 3 priests saying prayers over her that afternoon.

Its a huge pity that priests or bishops or cardinals don’t preach on this dangers of new age therapies.


Anon at 1.39pm
Come back to me when you have done all these – reiki sessions or TM mantra or new age therapies. I’m all ears when you come back here and tell your story to Phonsie, not me👆. I have no time for Phonsie.
Its not the fairies that you are dealing with, it’s unseen spirits that you are dealing with after being initiated with. That’s the mistake I made cos I was naive to their dangers.


DG, I practise centering prayer, and even about this there were dire warnings of demonic influence. A load of nonsense!

There’s always one eccentric or other to claim HIS way of praying, or HIS set of beliefs, is/are the ONLY proper ones. And he does it because he want others to see him as a little messiah, so that he can then lord it over them. Men like Michael Voris, and the prophet above, Robert Nugent. 😅

As for your dice with demons, how do you know this? What evidence can you produce for your claims? Or did someone you gave authority to tell you this, ever so sincerely and persuasively, and you just fell for it.

Be careful to whom you give authority, DG.


@ 1;39PM

I agree, that’s what you get when you get involved with that satanic new age crap. So DG was away with the fairies then, and I think he still is.😏


11.04 Deaf geezer go and join Phonsie in Waterford as you will feel at home there. He often denounces the stuff you talk about.


Leave DG alone. He does go on a bit at times but he does make sense most of the time. like now. He does not deserve to be called deaf geezer. That is a London wide boy expression.. A geezer is full of hot air. Describes you perfectly.
Garngad lad


Anon at 11.42am
I don’t want to have anything to do with Phonsie, period. He’s like china in a bullshop. His dealings with RP was disgraceful cos he was tacitly supporting RP in all sort of ways even in consensual ones. I couldn’t understand how he got that mitre at the end.
What I’m saying is there is a spirit world out there invisible and unseen. It’s like a wind that was blowing and totally unseen.
It can happen to anyone even a greek orthodox or Muslims. Heard a Greek man who was sort of affected in evil ways in Greek Islands that I had visited. He had to go and see a Greek orthodox priest in Athens (famous monastery I think). Its not mutually exclusive to Catholics only. It could happen to anyone of any religious persuasion.


And Phonsie is a model of rationality.
These people are on the cusp of insanity, right up there with Armageddonists, UFO-ers, and various other absolute nutters.


Anon at 3.48pm

I have heard quite vaguely about centering prayer and it’s dangers. I don’t know what to make of it cos I never practised it as such. im not an expert in prayers, just simple ordinary Joe public. I don’t know who said that exactly re dangers of centering prayer.

You are dead correct on giving away authority to etc. Cos I gave away my spiritual authority to a Hindu god with a mantra name which specifies a name of Hindu god based on age. TM Centre in Dublin would ask you re your age so that they pick a list of manta linked with certain age so that you practice that mantra over and over etc.

Also gave away my authority to a reiki healer as he or she invoked healing power from their training re 1st to 3rd or 4th degree. Reiki was all the rage back in 1990s. Again I was naive or clueless at best cos I didn’t do some research on it🤷‍♂️.

My room where bad spirits or demon spirits as I was renting that room. Black magic/ tarot cards were practiced in that student room plus my involvement in spiritual aspect re giving away my authorityas I didn’t know it. Then it started to move re cups, windows, red eyes at 3am et al. To be honest with you, I was quite frightened to see this as I was at my wits end. Then I decided to call a irish Catholic healer in London as he confirmed it for me. Also spoke to fr Peter rookey in London around that time re my room problems. Was told to bring holy water and sprinkle it around along with blessed salt. It calmed down a lot but some lingering feeling re vibes. Then few months later I moved to another room which was much better, no bad vibes as it was in my previous room.

I’m quite wary re Michael voris and the way he used his words to that effect. People fell for it re his words. He’s like a pied piper with a tune.

RN is rcc PR officer to that effect in my view.


@10.36 – Dan run Bill off the site for a few weeks? As if he has that power. If so maybe he is the one targeting vulnerable gay men.


Thanks for your comment. I cited the reason for my laconic contributions when I blogged of The Vikings and Leo Suter. I also hold that Bishop Pats Blog has descended into farce like the RCC as the polemics of Robert Nugent cause deflection. Today, Pat enters territory for which he “ reprimanded “ Kirby and utterances from the tabernacle ( as another contributor today points out). And my final “ rambling bizarre” point; Putin should not be demonised any more than Biden. Nagasaki, Hiroshima, the Bay of Pigs…. Coveney ( as close to a despot as there is in Irish politics.. as well as Adam’s) was on RTE after one today saying he did not think he would see war in Europe in his lifetime… Where was the sailor in the 90,s when the Baltics were at war and tearing themselves apart… there are people who went up into caves in the mountains and have never come down again…. No counters at an Irish port for welcome and help there( as is right and proper now…and then !!) . As I say, like media at the moment, the Blog has descended into farce ( very cunningly done.. and not by Pat). No one has ever “ run” me off anything or to anywhere!!! To anyone who reads this with an openness to my comment; thank you. To anyone else; no arrows please…


7.12: William, for the first time I agree with you on one point: Pat’s entry on his blog today is akin to hearing whispers in holy rooms about which he has condemned and mocked others, i.e. Dom Kirby. I don’t doubt Pat had an “experience” of something. I lived in a quiet country village where, in the dark winter nights with a huge forest across the road, we were forever seeing and hearing strange things. I’m still convinced I saw a banshee! Her image won’t leave my memory but….I was after reading many ghost stories…So!! Almost 55 years later, my family still recall our “strange” dark, howling winds in the winter evenings…The mind is a peculiar reservoir or storage memories…Spiritually, I believe in the concept of evil and satan. William, I disagree with your benovelent assessment of Putin. Russia is indeed a great artistic, cultural, musical and historical place but its greatness or indeed its “goodness” are not exemplified in any way in Putin. Irrespective of the politics, the daily slaughter of innocent and the sending of untrained teenage soldiers as fodder for war are profoundly evil. Morally, these crimes are crimes against humanity by Putin. Yes, the western governments are asleep in a horribly selfish, self protecting way. Their utterances of outrage require a more proactive expression. Re: Robert Nugent’s comments: He believes in his perspectives but I find them very disconcerting and disconnected from a psychology of the human psyche in the 21st century. I think Pat’s book on the supernatural will make for very interesting reading. Wonder will RN give his imprimatur?


8.21 Micheal Olden RIP whom I admired preached several times in my hearing of his suspicion of the one who came back to give thanks out of the ten that were cured. I am suspicious of your agreeing with me on this one time also. Easy to concur for selfish narratives.


8.21 Respectfully why are we all not as exercised with the abomination that the West has caused in Afghanistan. Jennifer O Connell in the Irish Times was sundered for answering that question in honesty….in my view. And so many other wars…. Right now tonight GMT


8.21. “ profoundly evil”…. Such nonsense…..Amen Amen I say to you…. Editorial garbage… Jesus did not say one thing more solemnly than the other!!! “ I tell you solemnly….” The propaganda machine that came after him in print most especially…… profoundly evil, what the hell is that ??


As a declaration of my own honesty let me state; I am no fan of how Putin conducts himself but he is not an evil man. My whole being is with the Ukrainian victims of this war but it could have been prevented and could be stoped. But the utilitarian attitude of the West that allowed Hitler sway in Europe is at work here ( and Putin is no Hitler)…. Oh we can’t go in because it would be WW3…. Nonsense. People are being slaughtered.. of course you can go in. But it’s not about any of that for them in grey suits who rule the world; this is a clash of governance and the executors of that government; the Ukrainian people are the sacrifice… as the Jews…. the Yemenis…. the Palestinians ….. the Syrians,,,, the Indians….. the Aborigines….. the shock of the distressed is so dishonest…. This is neither new or unusual; may the gods preserve the Ukrainian people. Russia is a great civilisation and its place in the world has been bullied for a long time. P.S Mary Robinson was decorated with its highest honour by the USA…. read my lips. I will always admire and support the USA… it’s the civilisation that protected people like me from speaking German. Putin is not evil. He represents the negatives of all who are alive today. Amen


7.34, You castigate the West for its lack of reaction against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and yet, you lavish praise on the USA, not least for saving you from speaking German. (Actually, the saviour here was the RAF in the Battle of Britain, in 1940. America didn’t enter the War until 1941.)
America is part of the West. And it ‘s refusal to intervene in the Russo-Ukrainian war is the greatest reason Europe could not intervene either: it hasn’t the miltary muscle to do so.


8.03. You and your kind: wise up; I “ castigated “ no one. Don’t insult me with your reductionist verbiage.


8.03 Russia and the USA ( NATO) conspired to disarm the third most powerful nuclear power on the planet ; Ukraine. Ukraine are wiser now. Fact.


People need to remember what Sting used to sing in my teenage years ; The Russians love their children too. Insofar as I am aware, the Finns are the only race providing respite for fleeing Russians. Humans are tribal and cruel to the “ outsiders.”


7:55 pm And your point is? It seems you think you make (far too many) helpful contributions to this blog. Believe me, you do not. Have a think before you post a jumble of words that really say nothing, please.


9.11 I don’t believe you. I don’t have to. Your opinion nevertheless is as valid as mine, but that is all it is: an opinion. If I am looking for scholarly contributions, I’ll deal with Oxford University Press. You and your bully boy kind; wise up, I’ll blog as I see fit. You interested in academic; find a wiser place than here.


What a strange post.
Medieval in its worldview. Pre-scientific.
Personalise evil if you wish, but for many of us that’s a form of medieval superstition.
I doubt that anyone sane really does believe any of that. You don’t really live your life assuming that demons and devils are flying around all over the place. That’s bizarre.
I can understand why someone with the metaphysical worldview of the ancient would would believe in substantive evil, but there’s no theological requirement for a Christian to believe that today.


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