


An open letter to Fr. Ger Fitzgerald

“Beginnings are always difficult.  One often struggles to find the correct words to begin a story, to instantly captivate the audience and to give the subsequent tale its full impact.” (Ger Fitzgerald)

My first introduction to Fr. Ger occurred in May 2020 when he sent me a private message on Facebook.  Ger was interested in a history post that I had done on a certain 19th c. historical figure from Co. Clare.  My post included an image of an antique letter written by this particular baronet whom Ger idolised.  Ger was very anxious to see the letter which was in my possession and asked if he might call over to have a look at it.  We set up a time, and when he actually saw the letter and held it in his hands, he became very emotional.  Afterwards, he sent me another message to thank me and asked if he might get a frame for it.  Ger eventually explained to me why the baronet who wrote the letter was so special to him.  After much thought and discussion with my husband, we decided to gift the letter to Ger as it meant more to him than it did to us.  When I told Ger the news, he was overjoyed and told me that he was crying from happiness.  I believe it was a turning point in his life.  

Ger and I began to message each other more frequently, and we discovered a mutual love of history.  We made plans to explore old houses and historical places of interest.  Sometimes these trips were with friends, but for the majority of these trips, we were alone.  

As we got to know each other better, an emotional bond developed between us.  Most of our messages were about history related subjects, but as time went on, we began to tell each other more personal things.  I have always been a forthright person; I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I do not believe in hiding the truth.  I told Ger a lot of things about my past including the fact that my ex-husband physically and verbally abused me.  I also told Ger about my current marriage which, on the whole, is a very unhappy one and has been for quite some time.  He told me that I was very courageous for telling him.  He also promised that he would never abandon me…

In March 2021 when Ger’s affair with Yvonne Drake became public knowledge, he sent me a message explaining that some “evil vindictive people” had gotten him into trouble.  Of course, I wanted to help him.  The Fr. Ger I knew could not be capable of telling me lies; after all, he was a priest in ministry!  Being the “good Catholic” that I am, I stood by him and offered him my support.  

When he was forced to leave his position in Cloughleigh and went back to live with his father (who has recently died) and his brother, he had plenty of time on his hands.  We began seeing each other more frequently and spent much time texting back and forth to each other.  I will never forget my birthday in 2021—the birthday that my husband forgot.  I messaged Ger about it and he felt so bad for me that he offered to take me to a very special place that I had been wanting to see and which was a few hours away from my home.  What started as a horrible day ended up being one of the best days of my life.  I still get teary eyed when I think about it.  There were many other memorable days for me with Ger, such as the incredible sunrise we shared together at a location which was very special to him.  The night before the sunrise, Ger spent the night at my house in his own room.  Ger spent the night at my home on many occasions.  It started after Pat Buckley started blogging about him. Ger was in a very bad emotional state because of the blog, but I think that he felt safe in my home where he was offered food, rest, emotional support and a comfortable room of his own.  

I spent so much time with Ger that I know what foods he likes, his favourite music, I know about his fears, I know a little bit about his childhood (which he does not like talking about), I know which books he likes, and I even know what songs he wants played at his funeral.  I began to understand Ger the man, who just happened to be a priest.  While he did perform some of his “priestly” duties in my home (I prefer not to give any details), he became much more than a priest to me.  I can honestly say that I grew to love him.  I accepted him with all his faults and weaknesses (God knows I have my own) and the relationship continued to grow until about August 2021 when an incident happened while we were out with a mutual friend.  I behaved very badly and, in fact, was quite rude.  This happened as a result of my insecurities and I did apologise for it profusely, but I think this incident marked the beginning of the end.  The irony here is that Ger himself can behave very badly and yet he always held me to a higher standard!  We continued to see each other regularly up until around January 2022 when his father died.  

One of the things that disturbs me about my relationship with Ger is that the lines were blurred.  I first knew him as a priest in ministry and then as we grew closer, the lines were crossed and he wasn’t a priest to me anymore.  After all that has transpired between us, I don’t think I can ever trust another priest again. I go to Mass occasionally, but when I hear the sermons from the pulpit, I feel that what is being said is hypocrisy. Ger was very good at giving sermons;  he is intellectually very smart, but how can you stand up at the pulpit and preach a message about Christian values and virtues when your own life is filled with controversy?!  Is it only about the message and not the messenger?  

So much has happened between myself and Ger that I could very well write a book about it.  

I gave Ger many gifts over the last two years:  books, historical letters, clothes, etc.  The gifts were given because I cared about Ger and wanted to make him happy.  He repeatedly told me that he was broke, that he couldn’t afford things.  I took him at his word.  When we went out, it was mostly me who paid for meals.  It now appears that during the time of our relationship, Ger had a five-figure sum of money in “savings”, the details surrounding this are still unclear and I do not intend to say any more on the subject.  

Ger, I am asking you to come clean.  Free yourself from all your secrets.  You can be very selfish at times and I don’t mean about money. You have much to offer.  I know you did a lot of wonderful things in Cloughleigh before your relationship with Yvonne.  You can still make a life for yourself.  Go get a degree in history and publish the book you have been writing.  Find someone to settle down with.  You did some very bad things to me including threatening to call the guards on me, lying to me, and slandering me via the third-party person that you know.  You tried to stop the truth from coming out on the blog.  I don’t know if I ever really knew the real you.  Maybe I knew some small part of the real you but it wasn’t enough.  In order to get things Ger, you need to give of yourself… I tried to give you all that I could (and I don’t just mean material items) and you treated me at times in a very cruel and callous manner.  You need to acknowledge what you have done and somehow try to make amends for it.  You are unfit to be a priest now.  Accept it and move on. The diocese is offering me a modest number of therapy sessions but it will never be enough to heal the gaping wound in my soul caused by you.  I forgive you for the deep hurt and pain that you have caused me, but I will never forget it, and I certainly will not allow you to hurt anyone else while you are still a priest and getting a “generous” salary from the RC church.  

I care what happens to you Ger.  I truly do.  I am sorry that I had to make this public, but you left me no other choice.   Stop getting other people to clean up your messes.  You are a grown man and need to take responsibility for your actions.  It is long overdue. You may not be a priest for much longer but you can create a new life for yourself.  Meanwhile and in spite of the great difficulty, I will try to move on with my life.  I will always remember the many deep conversations and good times that we had together.  They meant a lot to me.  I truly hope that one day you will live an authentic life outside of the church and that you will find lasting peace within yourself. 

Believe me,



Every single word of the letter above was written by “Carole” without any input for me.

This is a wonderful and inspiring letter.

It blows any attempt by Ger or anyone else to label Carole as “a woman scorned” completely out of the water.

I have only gotten to know Carole over the past 10 days.

She has been ruthlessly honest with me about her life and her talents and faults.

She is intelligent, spiritual, and self examining at every turn.

No harm to you, Ger – this woman was way out of your league.

She emerges from this with grace and finesse as well as hurt, disappointment and sadness.

Ger should take her advice, get out his priesthood cocoon, and grow up in every sense.

Carole, like so many other women, has been cruelly treated by the Roman Catholic Junta.

Fintan Monahan is a snake!

Carole emerges from this as a giant.

Ger and Fintan emerge as pygmies.


We need to know where the FIVE FIGURE BANK SUM came from.

290 replies on ““CAROLE” SPEAKS”

Absolutely…ĺllthough not as good as Jack Grealish’s……have you ever seen the firm calves on him?


Carole a few questions. Why did ye part? What happened? Did he ghost you or had you an argument? What about your husband? Can you tell us please


Carole will decide to answer if she wishes.

She under no obligation to answer questions from an anonymous questioner.


“Carole” is clearly a pseudonym, which means her true identity is hidden, too.
Your answer is a cop out, Pat.
“Carole” chose to post on a public site where commenters generally don’t identify themselves, like “Carole” herself. How can she expect to be taken seriously if she avoids questions from those same commenters?
I hope in the interests of fairness that you publish this comment.


As far as I can see, Carole is answering any questions posed to her.

Abusive and inappropriate questions will not be published.


I think that Ger had the notion that having a relationship with me was safe because I am married. IMHO things were getting too intense for Ger and he started ghosting me. I asked him repeatedly to meet with me so that we could end things amicably but I was never given a day/time to meet. He didn’t have time to meet with me but he had time to meet with his other lady friends. My husband obviously knows Ger and did not object to me spending time with him. A mutual friend of Ger and myself tried to warn me that Ger was using me but I did not want to believe him. I should have listened to him.


Yes the fact you were unavailable for commitment suited him , as he is not capable of commitment , he’s to messed up. sadly Carol he will keep latching, sponging and jumping from woman to woman to avoid paying rent and bills it would kill him to dip into those 5 figures. that’s the type of man he is. You won’t be the last either for now. Hes luck is running out slowly but surely…
Stay well clear of him. Yvonne saw through he’s bullshit. she did the right thing by having him removed.


8:45pm Carole, I am very sorry to learn here that Ger Fitzgerald initiated contact with you and also exploited your vulnerability and good nature. Of course, as you now know, he is quite the expert at playing the vulnerable victim and at blaming others when the **** hits the fan on situations that he repeatedly instigates. I just wondered if you ever thought of speaking to his Bishop Fintan Monahan and whether he was of any help or assistance to you? Of course, I respect your right and decision to not answer if you wish but as the Diocese have had prior experience in relation to Ger Fitzgerald, it would be interesting to note their response if any? I wish you well and don’t forget that you are most definitely better off without him, you’ve had a narrow escape. I hope that he moves on and sorts himself out & learns to be more respectful of others. I Don’t understand how he was deemed suitable for ordination in first place. Warm regards.


If your husband was heading out for day long walks and meals with a person who was in vows to another man, or religious institution, how you you feel about that?


To anonymous & Mary: thank you for your comments. I did speak to Bishop Monahan about the situation. He is extremely polite and kind. With all due respect, I do not think that he has helped me very much. He only wanted me to talk during the meeting. I wonder what would Pope Francis would say to me???


@Holy Goat: My husband and I live separate lives even though we are in the same house. He doesn’t care what I do and vice versa.


The Thorn Birds Chapter 6…That’s what this letter seems like. So many conflicting emotions, betrayals, dishonesty, deceit, hurt. None of this will disappear as long as there’s no apology from all concerned. Love is a very strange thing and often we make the wrong choices about and with whom we “think” will fulfil our desires. The deep hurt which follows a breakdown is then defined as an abuse. We often allow people manipulate us. We can be emotionally drawn by the needs of others who make us feel relevant only to find we are being used and abused in every way, emotionally, mentally and financially. I’ve seen It so often in these kinds of relatiinships where one or both persons are not totally free or honest.


Not if he was a joint signatory on an account as it passes by survivorship. Also, his dad may have had a life insurance policy that pays outside of probate, and so much quicker.


As I said in a previous comment, the money was in Get’s account in July 2021, long before his father died.


Pat, I’m confused about the picture of the bus driver in drag. Sorry if I’ve missed the point. Can you explain it please?


10.08: Carole: my comment at 8.31 was not intended as a judgment. I’m not sure though if telling your life story so publicly will lead to healing or inner peace. Love is indeed a strange thing: wonderful if it’s true, sincere and without “extra” others. It then becomes a complicated drama. Sometimes we are better to sort out our hurts through counselling rather than through social media. Don’t allow your story or your truth to be abused by others. By now you know that we all need to be very astute about whom we trust with our pain and hurt.


@ 10.53 pm
I think Yvonne and Carole are speaking their truth to warn other women. This Ger bloke seems a bit of a worry to me.


9:10am Yvonne and Carole are two very brave ladies – they must now be careful of other ladies in particular & others in the community that try to befriend them in an attempt to covertly protect Church interests. Know thine enemy. Parishes are very devious rats nests in these matters. Their identities are known to church management.


1.09: So right. If Carole wants her dignity protected and is to have any future with her husband and family, she should resist the temptation to reveal all her interactions with another man. Her house of cards, not exactly commendable, will draw disastrously. Carole, I have seen too many women like you being very hurt and is awful. But, you must be circumspect about going public. You may be hurt more. Trust and choose your friends wisely. Do not always give “everything” to all and sundry immediately as those same people will betray you too. Try to find an inner peace.


Pat your right Fintan is a snake. Failing to provide Ger with the inpatient therapy he needs. Iggy is under pressure to confirm to Fintan’s direction of damage control and concealment. Scariff, the two former raped seminarians, Jerry Carey and now Ger. It’s one big mess. Fintan secretly sent Des Hillary to interview the victims.


Who is Iggy?? Who is Scariff?? Do trainee priests seriously risked being raped in Ireland?? Were these boys raped? What did they and their families do about it?? I’m assuming they were not orphans like the baby homes victims.


11:56am I don’t think it’s Iggy Pop anyway so cannot help you there. Scariff is a wild and remote place not that far from Tulla where our nephew was based some years ago. Our most abiding memory of his stories from that time in that general area are not repeatable. We were relieved when he was able to move on.


Scariff is the Alabama of Clare, which is the Louisiana of Ireland. I’d rather live in Yemen than Scariff.


1 . Ger should now retrain in something less intense – chemistry or geology – PROVIDED he is closely supervised and there is an alert and thorough employee support programme.
2 . For his writing hobby he should share his ideas with a large selection of men. Showing an interest in records or letters should be an exercise in explaining why.
3 . God wants us to take an interest in the story of the world around us as much as in individuals that are in our faces.
4 . As for doing people a good turn (in the expectation of it becoming mutual) he should address himself solely to people who already have a large and obvious support system of their own: God will not call that cheating or diluting virtuousness. God wants us to do ourselves a favour.


Well, it depends what the specifics are….
Who is best looked after?
Perhaps Ger will ‘decide’ to take some Postgraduate Study in Leuven soon. Ireland needs another financial leech.


Well Carole you were friends with Ger, you had a row and he ghosted you. His Dad obviously left him a few bob in his will. I’d put it down as a lesson learned and move on.


8:52am. Fr Cover Up Merchant, You are trying to undermine Caroles traumatic experience at the hands of Father Ger Fitzgerald who contacted her on Facebook & you are deliberately trying to gloss over the “real and extremely serious” fact that proves that the RCC facilitates abuse of the public by clergy and their laity in local communities throughout Ireland. Historically, priests bullied and called out parishioners from the altar, now they & their toxic helpers stalk and troll them on social media. It won’t be long now until Carole starts getting plenty Facebook friends requests from foreign rent boy & girl looking types in impoverished worldwide locations. Priests don’t do much real work that’s why they have bossy parish councils types who enjoy running the show and lording it over the people of God in local communities with the full back up of the church. It’s far too soon for Probate on his Dad so your lie about Ger Fitzgerald getting legacy from his Dad is another laughable lie, Father Cover Up Merchants.


@10.51 I’m not a priest or any type of religious, imho Carole should try to move on, she seems to be a really nice person who should have no problem meeting someone more deserving of her than Ger.


You don’t know all the particulars. The money was in his account way back in July 2021. The Bishop has been informed and knows exactly who to speak to in regards to where the money came from. It’s in the Bishop’s hands now. Let him deal with it.


I’m not asking the amount but I think there would be a difference between the five figure sum being €10,000 (doable if the parish pays your bills and your lady friends pay for your treats) or €99,999, which would be a different matter.
As you say where it came from and who it actually belongs to are relevant.


Several vicious comnents about Carole have arrived to this blog and have been binned.
Carole is by no means perfect and she played her own role with Ger.
But she was abused.
This Blog will not allow her to be abused here.
If Ger wants his right to reply, He will be given it here 100%.


Thank you Pat for standing up to these bullies and for all the care and concern. I will not be intimidated and I will not back down. The truth will be told and if necessary I’ll go to the national media.


@ 11:09am

I’m sure you will, go to the national media you have no shame. Don’t you realize you’re as much to blame as Fitzgerald, why should anybody have any care or concern for the likes of you. They are not bullies they are just pointing out the truth, which you don’t like.


Pointing out the truth eh? I think Ger and his groupies are scared shitless that I will go to the papers. I was taken advantage of by a priest. If he wasn’t a priest, there would be no need to share my story. The whole point of me going public is to ensure that this doesn’t happen to other women while he is still a priest. Once he is laicised then he will be free to use and abuse as many men or women that he wants. If you can’t stand the heat, get out of da kitchen!!!


11.09: Carole, go to the media. But you’ll find that you’ll be tracked down by all outlets and will never have peace. You need good advice. You need to consider the consequences for you future by going public. If it helps you, do so but be ready for a frenzy of journalists.


Well they will attack anyone who goes against the omerta of holy church, that is the clergy, can do no wrong. So any abuse victim tempted father, anyone screwed over by father is at fault, and any criticism is anti Catholic hate speech.
Incidentally with all this appearing on this blog the bare minimum for Lugs to do would be some kind of statement that there has been talk of a priest and he isn’t in active ministry blah blah.


Calling someone ‘lugs’ is not only disrespectful (and, probably, hurtful), it is also abusive, bullying behaviour.
Stop it.


2.36: But Carole, what about husbands left aside while women have secret affairs? Come on Carole. There are lots of truths you don’t seem to like. While your hurt is very real because of Ger, your husband must have been very hurt by.your acclamation of “love” for this priest. You both acted recklessly.


@2:36 You know nothing about my life. My husband wasn’t shocked about my relationship with Ger. He knew all along. You think I care about what people think about me on this blog or on social media? I say what I mean and I mean what I say. Funny that you say I should stay in the kitchen. I actually have a life outside of my house and continue to live it with my head held high unlike some people I know who are cowering away in their own homes right now because they are afraid of the truth and how it makes them look to others!


Hi Pat. You binned my comment and it certainly wasn’t vicious, I would never do that. Your blog, you decide any I can’t argue. Just one point- why is it okay for “Carole” to be anonymous?


Carole is not anonymous. Most of the players in this know exactly who she is – Fintan, Cleo Ger etc.

She was quite happy to come right out and say who she was.

I advised her not to do that just yet.

If it becomes appropriate, she will identify herself 100%


9.46: Pat, the irony of your position is that by encouraging Carole to use your blog, unquestioningly, you are abusing her personal trauma. That’s a fact you ignore. Carole is unwittingly or otherwise setting herself up for greater hurt. You, of all people, should act with greater moral responsibility. If inly I could talk to Carole, I’d advise her about pouring out the personal details of her experience. She should be warned about potential hurt and further controversies. God bless her.


Carole and I have discussed all this.
She was getting NOWHERE with Ger Fintan Cleo et al
Doing this blog has given her a great deal of closure.
Who are you and what makes you think you can help her?


10.03: I, Pat, am a counsellor with much experience of helping people in such situations. The blog may provide closure, but i’d never suggest this as a way for a closure. The details of her experience are very personal and deserve respect. Even the slutty picture at the top of your blog suggests a lack of integrity and seriousness in approach. Is not Carole receiving therapy? This forum is the better place for her to sort out her trauma. Already some comments are very inappropriate. I just hope she isn’t further hurt unnecessarily. God bless and guide her.


Carole is not the “slut” ( your word) in the picture.

Carole is very happy with how I have helped here


10am. You are only interested in shutting down the truth to protect your own interests, Father. You come on here on a regular basis trying to control and suppress long overdue justice that is outstanding to people like Carole. You just want “information” from her that you can twist for your own ends and maybe even get a promotion for your efforts. Fitzgerald might be a love rat but you are a very cynical control freak yourself.


@9:46 Pat is not abusing my trauma. I am a grown woman and make my own choices. I contacted Pat with my eyes wide open. As I have said in other comments, I don’t care what people think of me. I really don’t. I know who my real friends are. If someone doesn’t like me for being me that’s grand…carry on.


Ger must look up “SpLD”, MUST take ownership for his family relationships, and must stop bringing this down on himself from blameless bus companies / passengers, museum management / visitors, etc.


My wife, her sisters and extended family who sometimes fall foul of law & need jobs and things after benefit greatly in many different ways from their close personal connections with their priests and are rewarded for the supports that they provide to these priests. I am not in the best of health myself so I have chosen to overlook it as our family life is made so much easier in many ways from these connections. You are better in than out. I am not in a position to criticise but I will tell you that I am sometimes very uncomfortable with the instructions that my wife carries out to help priests and church people blacken the names of anyone that annoys them. She gets off on the power of it too, they have her totally corrupted. She is now a very devious woman. Few suspect her as she always involved in good works and gains confidence from those they want to backstab. These priests she & family mixed up with are shockingly ruthless and inventive on what they get her & her extended family to say and do. This Fitzgerald priest will be covered up for, he knows too much. Take good care of yourself and put yourself and your own family first. Keep away from their influence, unlike me you have the health and the freedom that it gives to do so.


Your piece was very well written and quite moving Carole. You have an eloquent and polite style of language. The piece is a credit to you. Instead of being vengeful your words are quite thoughtful and sympathetic and if Ger is smart he will actually heed what you have said.

Your advice to Ger is sound. He was always interested in history and wrote a nice little book a few years ago on Castleconnell folk tales. He really should go back and get a degree in history. He can do that and draw the dole at the same time which is a great rule the State have now. He’s not the first priest to leave and wont be the last.

The five figures is savings I’d say. Ger you need to pay for your own stuff – it is a fundamental of being an adult that you do. You cannot accept material resources from people and then simply blank them.

Ger I believe fundamentally you are a decent fellow. Apologize for your wrongs (it will set you free) and start a new life. You wont know yourself.

Carole I hope you find some closure soon. As a history fan myself I am sure you would be a fine catch for any man.


10:10am. Ger Fitzgerald thinks the whole world owes him something. He’s always been like that & not the only one in his family to think like that either. He is very two faced and just like his connections who are never done being two faced and stirring crap for any decent person unfortunate enough to get mixed up with them. They have long memories and extended connections. RCC is a Mafia.


I sincerely hope that Ger, who I know loves God and the gospels of Jesus Christ, will rise to the occasion and turn over a new leaf.


@Castleconnell Neighbor you’re not wrong. He is as tight as a ducks arse.


I live in ennis 10.33 agreed.
They are a calous shower. Like to get their own way, not this time though.


Some of the women he has hurt have even longer memories and are powerful in their own right. Justice will prevail.


Now I understand why Ger loves all the bad guys in history 🤣. I ought to be like Lola Montez and pistol whip “Fighting Fitzgerald” 🤣🤣🤣.


I appreciate your comment. I chose to share my experience in order to get closure and to ensure that no other women get hurt by Ger while he is still a priest (albeit without a ministry). I dealt with an ex husband who went out of his way to get revenge on me and I am still standing. I am not afraid of bullies.


@ 10:10am

You’re too unctious for words Father, you should be leading that pair to repentance. How can you possibly say Fitzgerald is a decent fella and the Carole wan would be a fine catch for any man. Have you too much drink taken?


What are the chances that Ger has given marriage instruction and counselled a young couple as they prepared for their church wedding – no doubt l he’s lectured the couple about commitment, fidelity, faithfulness and yet oh the tragedy and irony he’s seems incapable of these qualities in his chosen vocation and wreaks havoc in another.
The RC priesthood is no stranger to this kind of double speak and double life and hypocrisy in fact they are bedfellows.
Historically the woman in a priest scandal is perceived as leading a good man astray – I’ve never believed that as Carols eloquent testimony reveals.
Ger didn’t have a vocation and is an accident waiting to happen whatever path he chooses – what Ger thinks he chose the hardest vocation of all and will settle for true easiest one – I don’t think so if he doesn’t get help he will find marriage tougher than the priesthood ever was.


I agree. Marriage is both the noblest and toughest vocation of all. To be a good parent is a daunting call.

We priests have it so easy in comparison to married folk.


What a brilliant comment. Spot on! Hypocrisy at its finest. So glad to know that there are some sensible people out there…


Plenty of fish in the sea Carole, put Ger down as a bad experience and move on. You seem like a lovely interesting person I’m sure you’ll meet someone else.


I’m not looking for any new relationships. What happened with Ger was not planned. It just happened. Better to be on my own than risk being hurt again. Thank you very much.


It seems to me that There is a serious current Limerick/Clare/Tipperary safeguarding issue here unaddressed by Killaloe management. Fr Ger Fitzgerald has proven himself to be a predatory individual using excuses like history to initiate contact with women who he predicts to buy him things and provide him with no strings sex before moving on to the next fanny without as much as a bye your leave / disrespectful & deceitful rat he is. I say fanny not to be disrespectful to women but to highlight that that’s only part of women he seems to interested in – his lies & avoidance of Carole who was at least entitled to a final chat proves that. She would have had closure if Fitzgerald gave her that small bit of respect at least. He clearly finds history & Museums and similar places are an easy source of vulnerable users for the likes of Fitzgerald to befriend. It is outrageous that his Diocese facilitated his vetting for museum and COI contact. Will they never stop foisting their deviant clergy on unsuspecting members of the public. This Museum and COI Minister down in Limerick must be Contacted urgently. I have a good mind to drive down to Killaloe myself with his photographs from this blog to hopefully prevent damage to new potential victims.


I keep trying to comment that there’s a matter of professional boundaries being crossed but it just looks too ridiculous in the context of this lothario.
It also feels like he is treating the CofI the way he treats these women as well.
If they are fool enough to take him on I hope he realizes the lengthy biblical exposition a low church church would expect on a Sunday morning not a short homily, and the amount of preparation.


I’m really baffled by all of this. Carolle continued to welcome Ger to her house after she discovered the truth about his past with Yvonne Drake. . She accomodated him with food, gifts and a room of his own to stay anytime he wanted and admitted herself that she grew to love him. . What Ger did was definitely wrong and i am not condoning it in any way, but unless Ger declared his love for her, Carole is partly responsible for allowing him to stay and take advantage. We are all vulnerable and i think the word can be overused sometimes..


The key word is continued. Intimacy creates a sense that you can’t just drop people and have to do what’s best for them. This is what love is. It’s also a reason people stay in abusive relationships
The fact you can’t see that is quite disturbing.


RCC Mafia is never Vulnerable in thesematters, just Complicit in Damage Limatiion to themselves & Destroy Critics wherever possible.says:

11:16am Mafia RCC clergy and their “faithful” inner circles have never been vulnerable and never will be as long as the sheep keep feeding their baskets and egos.


Ger did say he loved me when we took a trip to Galway. He also called me “sweetheart” once when we were driving somewhere. He knew exactly how I felt about him and continued to visit me at my home. We watched movies together, we took walks outside. Last time he stayed at my house was around New Years 2022. I’ve got security camera footage of ALL his visits so let him try to prove me wrong.


11.16: You are correct. When new flings or intimate connections go wrong, as they’ve done in this case with Carole and Ger, the word “vulnerable” goes into overdrive. Did neither Carole or Ger ever realise how their liaison would be publicly known and how they’d face any fall out? How to leave each other intact with a little dignity and integrity? This relationship went wrong and both are responsible, sadly. Until they both accept responsibility they will remain unhappy, unfree and miserable. To hear Ger’s story would be interesting. We need to hear it before making definitive judgments.



Thank you Bishop Pat – I’ve only ever known clergy remind me that theirs is the highest, noblest and toughest vocation – the undercurrent being that marriage is for weaklings -how lovely and refreshing for you to be so lovely and affirming of my vocation – I’m married with grown up children and grandchildren.


Interesting how Ger appearing here has made the clerical brotherhood visibly furious. It’s almost like they’re worried their own shags could expose them.


11:30am Most of their clerical shags are normally carefully selected & within their own voluntary laity so won’t rat them up. As you’d see for yourself, they attract the faithful type in more ways than one. But the likes of Fitzgerald is certainly making them nervous, he is unusually indiscreet for a priest. They must be fit to kill him 🤣🤣🤣🍟⛽️


Every priest who is exposed erodes the lie that they are celibate. That lie is the only thing which supports their hypocritical lifestyle.

Anyone else remember when people thought a priest couldn’t possibly abuse a child? 🚸


12:45pm Insider jobs keep them looking clean. It’s all a farce at this stage. Gerry Careys replacement in Ennis was never no angel either he fooled no one all these years but he’s Teflon coated since his days in 6 Mile bridge. Smooth waters run deep with some of those more accomplished & polished in it all than Fitzgerald & Carey.


Any clergyman or member of church management who engages in the sly and underhanded destruction of the characters of those who dare to question or challenge the multiple and ongoing categories of physical, emotional and financial abuse being carried out by clergy and their laity on members of the public is NOT A GOOD PRIEST.


@1:49 Scandalous & sickening? Really? I think that I am setting an example for other women out there who might be afraid to come forward because of public opinion. I don’t give a shit if it seems scandalous and sickening. My objective is to stop it from happening to anyone else in the priest’s radar.


School Chaplain Gerry Carey was a great buddy of Fitzgerald and their circle of mutual friends. Is he still shacked up with the Galway wan or is he back near Fitzgerald in Tipperary??


Gerry Carey used to go on Holidays with Michael Collins to inappropriate locations for the intimate encounters 👥🫂


1:13pm Oh Dear, what a strange bunch they are in Killaloe. No wonder that poor Bishop Willy Walsh took early retirement- honestly, could you be bothered with them – good on him – he wasn’t going to be on Willy Watch for the rest of his days.


May he rest in peace and rise in glory. One of the loveliest and sincerest men one could wish to meet. Fr
Jim was a late vocation after a successful career in social work and when he retired only 5 years ago he was ordained Priest after being a Permanent Deacon which required special approval from the Holy See. A huge loss for the Diocese and Parish Community of Househillwood. Thanks for everything Father🙏

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Have you seen Armagh’s issues earlier this week on the blog? Doctor’s cure: Postgraduate study far far away.


Be careful, people, about rushing to judgement here: there are two sides to every story, and Ger hasn’t told his.
The fact that he may not want to tell his side on Pat’s blog should not condemn him.


I’d be delighted to hear his side of the story. He’s telling people that I have been sectioned by my own husband. I have been treated for anxiety and depression in the past but to use my medical condition to try and make me out to be a nutter is about as low as you can go.


Classic abuser’s strategy.
The ‘theres two sides narrative is trotted out to discredit the side you’re hearing if you’re unlikely to hear the other side.
Because seriously, Grrrr won’t have the guts to publish the ‘other’ fictional and easily disproved by Carole, side


12:50pm. Carole, this is a very commonplace modus operandi in Irish parishes and he will be well experienced in this from his time as a serving priest & likely have been advised by his colleagues and assisted in executing this form of third party abuse to attempt to discredit you. It’s all to Save the church at all costs. We observed in horror something similar in our community some years ago. It was an education.


“Carole”, I am the commenter at 12.30.
My advice was in no way a denial of your alleged experiences.
I don’t know you from Eve, nor Ger from Adam. Therefore, in the interests of fair play, I believe it is necessary that both parties tell their stories before any judgement is made. However, this balance has been ignored by some commentors today. I’m sure that if things were the other way round, you, too, would make the same point as I have done.
I honestly don’t know what the truth is here. You sound sincere; you sound truthful. This is as far as I can go, at the moment, in good conscience.
If Ger did gaslight you (try to discredit you, and your account, by suggesting that you are a “nutter”), then, as someone who, also, was treated for anxiety and depression, in hospital and as an outpatient, then I’d kick him so hard on the backside that he’d, quite literally, be talking sh**e for some time to come.
And no, this would not be the behaviour of a “nutter”, but of an ordinary, decent, human being.
My best wishes to you.


A member of Gers family rang me in an attempt to stop the Blog being published and told me Carole was sleeping with all kinds of men, was once sectioned by her husband, was going to have her children taken from her etc.

These were all lies.

Gers’ contacts did the same to Yvonne.

It’s how priests and their supporters to cancel abused women.


Get suffers with he’s nerves and mental health as well. He hasn’t been well for a long time.


@1:02 reply – I see the RC church for what it is: it’s all about men wielding power and the subjugation of anyone who gets in their way! It makes me so sick that I threw up twice this morning at 5 am. All this stress caused by Fr. Ger has made my ulcer flare up again.


12:30pm Ger Fitzgerald has been proven to be yet another deviant cleric protected by RCC whilst his lay victims and survivors are subjected to reprehensible treatment by himself and his cohort of lay and ordained accomplices.


1:28pm Hurley Factory Boys out in force. Tyres from the Taliban


12.57: You are thick. Of course there are two sides to this story; that of Carole and that of Ger. In your eyes obviously only one person is right. BOTH – yes 2 people – a man and a woman – are equally RESPONSIBLE in this situation. Get a grip.


I agree. But Carole has spoken the truth from her perspective. No lies. No exaggerations.


Gers contacts slandering and lies about yvonne is what motivated her more to stand her ground and not stay quiet they essentially made every thing worse for him and the church. She got results. Fintan is next on her radar, if ger is allowed to preach again.


12.54….And remember, Carole has shown herself to be an unfaithful wife. Let’s call a spade a spade. Lers have no equivocation about the wrongness of both parties in this saga.


Martin @6:49 “unfaithful wife”? I didn’t sleep with the priest. Some of these comments on the blog make me want to be an atheist.


Lol that’s hilarious pat, ger slating and he’s supporters spinning lies and highlighting our issues won’t save him , actually will do fuck all to help him, Only makes things worse for him essentially. If he’s or their antics did him any good he would of been working for the last year. once you have the truth and proof , there’s fuck all anyone can do for him including the church. Thought they would of learned that by now from last years shit show. nobody cares about the apparently mentally ill girl with issues or a married woman having an affair but the whole country gives a damn about a priest not only taking the piss out of he’s job, breaking he’s vows and taking advantage of more than one woman at a time. There’s the difference. You took pictures too, good girl Carol, you will need them for the future if no satisfaction is had.

Fintan must love drama because by the looks of the things he’s in for another looooong year of it.

When will the church learn that this problem is not going to go away quietly and those hurt won’t rest or be quiet until that sad excuse of a man child is gone. Simple as that.


Yvonne, both you and Carole were targetted, used, abused, and cast aside by Ger.

Fintan Monahan, there are no other words for it is a fucking disgrace !


@Yvonne Drake I owe you an apology. I believed what he said about you and that was a bad choice on my part. I will not tolerate slandering lies and abuse towards me or my family by the rogue priest or any of his fan club. All threats/slander will have serious consequences. I still haven’t received an apology from him. It is long overdue. Until then, I might just keep writing open letters about it all as I have plenty to say that I am sure you and others would be interested in hearing…


Yes, please do be careful, people. Just because 3 or 4 woman have all come forward confirming they were indeed taken in and abused then discarded like an old Wellington boot by the same priest is not really sufficient enough to raise any suspicions or concerns whatsoever.
Signed: Lead Safeguarding Advisor.
PS If you hear of any rumours or allegations of the abuse of children or vulnerable adults (i.e. vulnerable middle-aged women under the pastoral care of a priest) then please do all you possibly can to let it be known.


Pat, I have prepared 12 months of reports, logs and files on all accounts, everyone involved. I have requested 15 years of my medical records up to the situation during and after. Fintin unfortunately will have a serious situation on he’s hands later this year, not Ger.

Will come into effect in the summer once I have finalised a few details etc. ..

All good things take time.


Being married and seeking out another man right under your husbands nose is equally as reprehensible as being a priest and seeking out a partner for a relationship and sex.
Both of them broke their vows, both of them had questionable agendas. Both are at fault.
I hope the poor husband in this situation can move on with his life. It’s him I feel sorry for……

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1.40: Pat, this woman is no pure virgin. She chose to break her marriage vows as did Ger his priestly vows. A married woman cannot blame the “other” person when the experiment goes wrong. Responsibility lies with both participants.


There was no sex involved. Ger is unhappily priested. Carole freely admits to being unhappily married.

Ger got in touch first, charmed, used, and abused Carole and then slunk away.


Apparently, there was no sex involved either in the relationship between Pope JP II and a married female Polish philosopher. And yet, I seem to recall, Pat, your publishing a blog on the subject, in which you used the phrase, emotional infidelity, in respect of the philosopher, and her husband. Or something very like it.


1:42pm Fr Ger Fitzgerald used his Facebook account to befriend and target ladies to fulfil his various needs & requirements.


Of course Bill Clinton famously said of Monica Lewinsky, ‘I did not have sex with that woman’. Luckily she didn’t clean the dress covered in his j***.


12.39: A very sensible comment. This woman’s h6sband must be deey hurt and Ger too. Some people, not just Ger, have been reckless and irresponsible with their decisions. Pat wants this to be just abiut Ger’s behaviour. It should be about THE WOMEN too.

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Arse me arse. He’s a priest. Its conflict of interest at a minimum and will get you fired from any type of job like that. Except in the Catholic Church:-)


Carole’s husband is fully aware of everything, including Carole’s letter today.


Y’all would love this blog to be about anything other than clerical misconduct wouldn’t you! 😂


This reminds me of a similar case here in England a few years ago, this time concerning an elderly Dominican and his inappropriate involvement/grooming of several young women. A pattern of behaviour emerged in each case, with friendship beginning initiated by him via shared interests with these young women, before progressing to boundaries being crossed on an emotional and maybe physical level in a couple of cases. This was then followed by repeated denial and blame on the young woman each time he was uncovered, causing great trauma to others involved. Said elderly Dominican has now been holed up in a nursing home, for being too much of a ‘trouble and embarrassment’ to the English Province.


I am friends with several English Dominicans and know exactly of whom you speak, though the incidents described took place several years ago and thankfully are rarely spoken of in the Province, as is the perpetrator. Any mention of him on their websites seems to have been almost entirely removed, except for their daily sermons page which simply states the nursing home he is in. I know the damage caused to a couple of young women involved was insurmountable, though I suppose one could argue the phrase ‘let sleeping dogs lie’.


Is the alleged ‘perpetrator’ Scottish, by chance? If so then I am good friend of one of his young victims, and can report she is now in a far stronger and happier place. This man insults the very name of the Sacred Priesthood, and I know is an evil narcissist through and through, who claimed at the time to have been ‘seduced’ by his victims and blamed the events that unfolded entirely on them. I hope being forcefully bunged off to a nursing home has allowed him plenty of time to contemplate and repent for his actions.


Interesting that around the same time this was ongoing (around 2016 I believe), a Dominican novice was asked to leave their novice house in Cambridge because he knew too much and threatened to spill the beans- they gave him a rumoured sum of £40,000 to ensure his silence


Isidore died recently sadly, RIP, a wonderful priest. This one was also based in Leicester for a considerable time and as far as I’m aware is still alive (and is Scottish).


Any follow up on the comments made on here a couple of years ago about the austere Frenchman Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP and his questionable friendship with a young woman at his group for young people in London? Said young woman is now apparently married and living elsewhere


Is this the young redhead who was rumoured about when she used to attend his Mass for young Trads in London, often seen there with her fiance (now husband)? Father de Malleray supposedly gave her more than a fair share of interest, though it is believed she and her husband have since left London, so present circumstances are unknown.


I wonder if any of the people mentioned and rumoured about in these comments are aware of this blog? Certainly De Malleray has far too much on his hands to be aware of such ridiculous nonsense!


12:46 It is well known that no cleric or seminarian reads this blog. Which explains why it is the talk of clergy gossip everywhere and they all tune in around midnight to see who’s going on sabbatical next.


De Malleray has been believed to have a close association with said young woman (now married to an Etonian) since observations were made in 2018.


Salacious gossip, the young lady alluded to in these past rumours was indeed very upset at the time. I am a friend of hers and we used to attend Juventutem in London together She is now happily married and has a child. Please stop publishing these unfair lies.


Can anyone who is acquainted with Fr de Malleray FSSP verify these rumours? I’ve always been told he would be too austere to fall in love with a young Trad?


Considering how swiftly Father Malleray dealt with the FSSP priest involved with a gay cover up in Reading (involving a young policeman I seem to recall) a couple of years ago, and his frequent sermons and writings on the sexuality and the beauty of the female body, I can very much believe these suggestions were true-no smoke without fire!


To Anonymous @2:08pm, dealing with a young priest who broke his vows and violated his position in the vilest as swiftly and properly as Fr de Malleray did, does not at all suggest he would be tempted to violate his own vows with a young woman!


Amazing how some people (2:26 for example) are determined to miss the point.
If you read the comment again carefully (run your finger under the words and mouth them phonetically if you need to, who am I to judge), you will see that that was not what the comment implied.


If the young lady mentioned in relation to Malleray is the one who is now married to an Etonian, there is some truth to be told.


Anonymous post at 3:21, you know very well that you are sailing perilously close to the wind by virtually outing a potentially innocent young woman by describing her marital status. You know very well that Trad women married to Etonians are few and far between. By mentioning her connection to the London Young Trad group anyone reading this who knows could easily name her. It’s shameful and wrong, please leave well alone.


3:37 Don’t be ridiculous. I haven’t been to London for 30 years, have never been to an FSSP mass, have been to Latin mass twice in my life, have never met anyone involved, don’t mix in trad or Etonian circles, and even I can name her. Those rumours have been going round the internet for literally years.


Anonymous at 3:53, if you don’t mix in those circles then how can you name the woman with whom Fr de Malleray is/was supposedly besotted with? If she’s the one I am thinking of (young redhead) then these rumours only started in the spring/summer of 2018 when they were often observed together at the yound Trad Mass after-social and a couple of retreats in the following couple of years.


Why would Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP stoop to reading such spiteful and untrue comments? Do you really believe any relationship/association would not have been uncovered by now, two years after these rumours first surfaced?


4:46 Because of her being named on the internet.
2018 was four YEARS ago.
Do you have someone to do your laces for you or prison issue shoes without laces?


@6:49 as far as I can see her name was not mentioned on the internet when these rumours first circulated. Perhaps state the first letter of her name to see if we’re thinking of the same woman? E


7:07 No. I have commented that there was (but as you say apparently no longer is) gossip online. If you decide you don’t want to believe me, that’s fine, but giving initials is a step into saying who, and I’m not doing that.
You either pruriently want to know or else have the positive motivation of removing gossip online and you have satisfied yourself you can’t find it.


8:56 – And was the gossip you refer to on this website, back in 2018? If so how can you claim to be able to name the young woman yourself without having known either her or Fr de Malleray? As those comments never referred to her by name. Have you heard these rumours from other people?


9:05 You will find you have answered those questions yourself within your question. I won’t engage with you any more, your interest is getting more creepy and your questions more stupid.
There are two sorts of people.
1. Those who can extrapolate from incomplete evidence.


10:01 You have only named one ‘type’ of person, and no you have not answered the main question which is why do you claim that you can name her, when her name has never been mentioned online?


I think you should go to the media Carole. Pat’s blog is only known in religious/church circles. Ordinary Mass attendees do not realise how corrupt their church is. I think you could be the eloquent speaker/representative needed to open up an expose in Killaloe.


Pat, do you find the comments on your blogs receive widespread attention from Irish and UK clergy? Especially when they implicate individuals in previously unknown circumstances? Genuinely interested to hear how widely known your blog is in clerical circles?


No, wait. There’s something wrong here.
I thought when God gave a man a vocation to be a priest (confirmed by the church) he was also supposed to give him everything necessary to live that vocation when he turned him into another Christ.
Specifically in this case, keeping it in his pants.
What is God playing at?
Or could it possibly be the vocation thing is another grift?


There are no such things as vocations to the priesthood. There are inclinations, thats all.
Just as someone feels inclined to medicine, law, bricklaying, or carpentry (or whatever), some men feel inclined to priesthood.


LOL it’s when they’re inclined to put it about and sponge off other people the trouble starts!


Pat, do you know if your blog is read by the FSSP/ Institute and other Trad priests based in the UK and Ireland?


I do not understand why this tool together with Dick Purcell are still being given a salary. Is this what people put €2 into the mass collection for? Don’t forget Mount saint Joseph is also in this diocese. Purcell had the sexual encounter with priest in this diocese. The RCC is well and truly finished.


Apparently Purcell is getting an allowance of €52,000 pa. All part of the deal when he resigned. And he uses the charity status of the Trappists to avoid tax. Not bad money if you can get it.


I suspect this is not wide of the mark, the Cistercians had a major problem. The Roman Church uses their money to pay people off. Purcell did not resign after the ‘visitation’ to spend a life in poverty. He came from a privileged background and was used to having the abbot’s credit card. Purcell allowance would be at least 52k a year plus the use of a lease car.


3.55: You haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. Utter rubbish. Lies about Purcell. Lies….


Clerics Shrieking “Lies” is Proof you’ve touched a “Nerve” on Money or Sex issues or even BOTHsays:

4:45pm – Father, everyone knows by now you come on here shrieking “lies” every time we all getting too close to your bone for comfort. What nasty habits you’ve got. Shameless you are. What a cushy club a clerical life is when the likes of Purcell can have church pay him €52k per annum, plus car and benefits after what he did to his victims. A lay person would be imprisoned. No wonder clergy and their cohort come across as so self entitled and passive aggressive at a minimum & that’s just when they pretending to be nice & reasonable. Ugh 🤮


3:36pm. Willy Loo Killaloe – Land of The Three Toms, The 2 Jerry’s & the Dodgy Mickey. Fintan needs to grow a pair & do a Dev!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Unfortunately , the situation that Carol has experienced is only the tip of the iceberg. How many more Gers in the RC mafia are doing the same thing?


I wish that some courageous journalist would do an exposé on what is really going on in the RC church. I know someone who has a radio show on RTE. He was going to interview me about an unrelated subject but perhaps I should suggest a change in subject matter? Seriously. I will not be bullied into being silenced.


7:51pm Fr Brendan Quinlivan is the media communications contact for Diocese of Killaloe. Local media and local contacts in RTE & other National outlets do not upset him. He has been associated with local radio station for decades.


I remember that. Even if my memory is mixed with clips shown since, Gaybo was deeply hostile to her. It availed Eamon Casey very little, although the theft was made good by someone and the abuse never came out in his lifetime (instead there were words that Casey was a holy living saint in LatAm).
Carole was brave and generous in her words. Fr Ger is young enough to fix his situation if he wants to.


May I wish ‘Carole’ every good wish for the future. It is quite obvious at this point that Ger has used his position as a church man to use women, for his own advantage. This pattern will continue regardless of what denomination he would be in. He comes across as a bit of a tight fisted skanger. His ordinary can proceed with his dismissal of the clerical state as it is for the good/protection of the faithful/church


Thank you Shylocke. In the meantime I have not received any apology from the man who appears to be a bit of a “tight fisted skanger”. Maybe he should send me a written apology? I know how much he enjoys writing essays 🤣


Gaybo’s treatment of Annie Murphy was horrendous. He always was of his own self importance and was a fierce defender of the RCC


Relating to the rumours circulating about Fr Armand de Malleray FSSP – do you receive any contributions or readers in Warrington?


Purcell is getting an allowance from both Roscrea and Mount Melleray. The entire deal was trashed out the days before the visitation. The Abbey in Roscrea is charging the usual licence fee to the boarding school. So the fees the parents are paying is going to Purcell! Typical Catholic Church dealings really.


I see the Cistercians are at it again. An odd lot they are. Always suspected the order attracted the weird and repressed. The sooner they close up their circus the better. Donate the land and buildings to the international Red Cross. Move the last few monks to a caravan in Tramore. Channel 4 would buy the television rights.


The big issue here is the use, abuse and ghosting of several people, women in this case. Oddly enough (or not), I can get my head around a priest falling in love with just one person and not using, abusing, and ghosting them. It’s still a breach of celibacy, but that’s an argument for another day. There’s a very senior priest in Galway who has been in a relationship with a woman, a nurse, for years. I also know a Meath priest who is in a relationship with a Galway teacher, a former seminarian. They don’t fool around. You could argue, though, that’s it’s unfair to both partners of the priest. It’s a big ask to sign up to a life below the radar.


Pat, what the poster @5:11pm wants to know is do you suspect Fr Armand de Malleray and/those close to him have read your blog?


Carole sounds an amazing lady and the story seems to follow a pattern. Priesties may long for the luuuv factor that can never be found in current ordained mainstream ministry. Thing is if he or anyone was licensed by CoI would they be faithful LIFE OUTSIDE THE BUBBLE-


Carole are you getting phantom phone calls yet? That method of intimidation is a favourite of the church Mafia.


No I haven’t gotten any yet. Any harassment/intimidation will be reported to the Gardai and then I will starting getting women’s aid and other groups involved. Maybe I should stage a rally at the Cathedral? I bet Pat would come to Ennis for that 😁


There is something incongrous about an anonymous complainant publicly analysing the actions of a named individual with whom they were involved consentually.


I see that the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Kirill, supports President Putin’s actions in Ukraine. So it must be okay then ‘cos Kirill’s a Christian clergyman, ……of sorts.
Mind you spokesperson’s for other branches of the Orthodox churches disagree.
Maybe they’ll have to consult the Russian versions of the Bible to settle the matter one way or another, for there’s bound to be some definitive directions in there somewhere!
Exodus, Introitus or something like that.
Wonderful stuff this religion!


Wonderful stuff indeed.
Jesus abhorred violence, but his ‘followers’ have never agreed with him.


Disgrace or no disgrace, I am perfectly happy to keep the open letters to Ger coming on this blog. I want a meeting with him and a sincere apology. That’s the LEAST he can do in order to make amends. And P.S.: I don’t give a flying fig what you or any of Ger’s buddies say. Now get stuffed.


Nice try trying to deflect with the Cistercians. Time enough to come back to them. Stop trying to turn it into being about the Abbot again and gay stuff. Let’s stick with this diocesan secular clergy for the time being please and thanks. Stop deflecting. This story is obviously really affecting diocesan clergy if they want to deflect it to the Orders so quickly. Don’t fall for it!! Plenty of other weeks in the year to return to the Orders.


I am not sure about +Fintan being a snake, Bp Pat, slimy more like, a friend of Richard Purcell, Mark Kirby, and Dorothy (probably). Ger sounds more like a snake, a snake at the top of his game. Will he warrant a fourth day? I wonder.


It’s the 33rd day of Lent. We are three quarters of the way through our Lenten reading, as we journey towards the Easter Triduum. Today we read Mark 5.
5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”


Speaking of ger and women abused …. I wonder how the new ger, fintans secretary has been getting on in cloghleigh, any update to how he’s been doing ?


Carol , did you know that he’s ex the woman he still sees is shagging a married man a bus driver with a big guy as ger says. He still loves her and she dumped him. Ever cross your mind as to why he might want to be a bus driver suddenly? Have a think about it ….he’s got the gut ….


I am a student in AS year, just turned seventeen, and am thinking seriously about becoming a priest. I’m also gay, but look and sound straight.
I feel called to join a religious order, but don’t know if this call is from God, or from my own desire.
A commenter said earlier that God does not vocate men to the priesthood, that it’s simply an inclination like any other, for example, to medicine or law. Is this true?
I am studying maths, chemistry, physics, and biology; I am considering reading medicine, but only if I can be assured that God does, actually, vocate men to the priesthood. I don’t want to enter the priesthood and then learn, years later, that the desire for priesthood was entirely my own. That God was not involved in my choice, after all. That speaking of priestly vocation was nothing more than a personal delusion.
If I become a priest, I want to feel that my position came directly from God himself. That it is very special.
I don’t know what to think or do.


If you are gay you do not have a vocation to the priesthood and it is certainly your own desire.
If you can get the grades and stand the stress, become a doctor or other health professional.


Homophobic prejudice. The majority of clergy (bishops and unmarried priests – not necessarily married deacons) would not agree with you.


“just turned seventeen … also gay, but look and sound straight”
Stay away from any people-person job, then.
If your “beloved church” has entrenched your obsession with your orientations and the image of same, it will you take more than a lifetime to stop being intense.
Mourneman (10.00) is no mocker, he is right.


Dear Student: Walk up a convenient mountain. Stand on a rock. Ask God does he want you to become a priest.
If He replies, and says yes, we’ll that’s it then. If He doesn’t reply, stays silent, take that as a no.
Oh aye: bring a tape recorder so that if He says yes, ……every time your faith weakens, just listen to “The Voice of God.” For reassurance like.
I’m serious: Oh aye!


MMM, thank you. You are the most sensible of my respondents.
Why is God so elusive? So silent upon earnest beseeching.
I did what you suggested (though not upon a mountain … silly), and still, nothing.😕


Dear Student, I hope you are of an enquiring mind. ‘cos when you really question the basis of religious beliefs, you’ll begin to realise what a huge con it all is: imprinted by childhood indoctrination and sustained internally by our own insecurities and the reality of death, and externally by familial, community, and social pressures, …….and in particular a framework of clerical collusion in perpetuating religious myths, ….for their own benefit.
I suggest you start reading more broadly about religious matters.


9.21, the only thing that distinguishes a priest is confecting. Communion is as communion does (the international organisation). God made it work to some extent for a long while. Mix with people that love Scripture and exhort each other. Maths got turned into gobbledy gook so I’d appreciate it if you would write a maths text book for middle aged and old people who got thrown out of maths class despite being good at it, and can’t catch up. And the world will always be short of chemists – and physicists (you could replace that excellent young woman that got driven to her death).


Now that Carole has had her day on the blog, what might be the outcome? Will this publicity stand to her integrity or does it leave lots of unanswered questions for both herself and Ger? Sometimes the story becomes more complicated when further revelations are revealed.


Mind, Bp Pat, Ger may have been a beneficiary of his father’s will resulting in a five-figure bank balance. I am only saying, like.


Ger is a tight ass, when he’s helping the homeless he pretends to throw money into their cup asking if they need help instead of actually throwing something in ….


Respectfully Pat this sounds more like Stephen Wilson or Ryan McAleer especially regarding oral intimacy 🫂


Thank you Pat for your clarity on this matter. Has Des Hillary in the Diocesan office tried to contact you.


Pat any update on Michael King after the Tiktok incidents. Mullaney so deemed him fit for orders 🤣🤣


I am out of the loop here has there been an official decision as of yet regarding Fitzgerald’s future as a priest ?


Not that we know of. It would not surprise me if Fintan Monahan made him a parish priest and chaplain of the biggest girls’ school in the diocese.


I would imagine the diocese was hoping for this settle down and blow over and quietly move Fitzgerald on to another parish.
Sounds like the diocese and Mr Fitzgerald has underestimated the ladies involved.


Fintan and Iggy are lost for words on how to deal with the so called vacations of Jerry Carey with Michael Collins.


Fintin is afraid to speak , he is only worried about he’s own position which will be challenged later this year for not acting.


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