


“The rights and dignity of the unborn children who have been relegated  – culturally, politically and legally – to the realm of the worthless and sub human”

“In an inexplicable medical, scientific and cultural contradiction, so many of our local politicians seem willing to disregard the rights  of our children in the earliest stages of their development before birth while at the same time properly and stridently proclaim their commitment defending the rights of animals, plants, trees and rivers.

In a similar bizarre twist of logic many who stridently proclaim their commitment to equality formally, are at the same time quite content to support legislation that would discriminate agaies nst children in the womb even directly targeting those with disabilities and denying them the very right to be born”.

“Rather than using medically destructive interventions to take away life, it is possible to build a living and supportive society around every child in the womb, including those diagnosed with a disibility”.


My first reaction is to ask if the Roman Catholic Bishops have and credibility left in the moral sphere after decades of the outpouring of evidence that the RCC, its hierarchy and clergy are a real and dangerous axis of evil (obviously with some exceptions).

Can evil organisations and people lecture the public on public morality?


Yes, to the extent that I am primarily anti abortion.

But I would make exceptions in the cases of rape and the real threat to the life of the mother.

I also see the disability issue as a grey area.

In my own family the girls are prone to a serious brain disease called Tuberose Sclerosis and the boys can be carriers.

Hence the death of five sisters at birth and death of my youngest sibling in her 30s.

Would God want or expect a couple to give birth to 6 seriously disabled babies.

How would God feel about depriving such children of years of pain and distress?

I cannot fully answer these questions yet and maybe never will – but I think making such decisions a black and white issue does not help?


The RCC is not an illegal or proscribed organisation and their statement would be supported by many.

I do not think the Belfast Telegraph should deprive them of free speech even though many of us have little or no time for them.

They are not, on this occasion, espousing hatred or anything criminal or offensive.

I think the Belfast Telegraph should have published their add uncensored.

And I do wish the Belfast Telegraph was more investigative on RCC matters.


Maybe the Bishop of Galway can skill his “hobnailed boots” brothers in the art of nuance. As I blogged on the last issue here….his nuanced words were a welcome change.


I don’t know. Let the bishops feel a bit of discomfort and indignation over being censored. They’ve suppressed countless voices and continue to do so; let them have a taste of their own medicine for once. The poor things.



Emotive nonsense? Perhaps. But it is true, all the same. It certainly provoked an emotional reaction from you: anger.

How strange it must be to feel such an emotion for an unborn child.


11:47pm Well Said. The RCC & its complicit teams of professional cohorts have developed a well honed modus operandi in censoring & vilifying & retraumatising of victims for decades. They’ve clearly demonstrated that they’ve learned nothing because they don’t want to learn, all they want to do & do do is cover up all manner of wrongdoing to this day & ongoing. Sadly, many of the misfortunes they abused would have been spared the horrendous agonies that they must have suffered & that we will never know about in most cases – the Church made their lives on this earth “hell on earth” so should not be surprised that even the media are now closing their ears to RCC self interested propaganda on issues like abortion.


Truly wretched of the Belfast Telegraph. Perhaps Roe v Wade and Planned Parenthood v Casey might be overturned or superseded, but honestly I see the leaked opinion (as Prof Vermeule suggested) as more about pressuring Democrats into enshrining abortion in primary legislation. +Pat is right that the Bishops have limited credibility. If the comments on the blog are any guide they cannot manage to keep their priests to basic moral standards. It is not even practicing what they preach (and I think none of them can have babies, and likely few to none have made any either), just show basic competence before they preach too much. Still, something clear is good enough. The politicians of the six counties who are supposedly Catholic have shown themselves to be mainly pro abortion.
I worry the more recent SC judges will cuck out after that glowing demo was rapidly assembled with printed signs that looked handwritten. Abortion should be illegal. A Catholic who supports it cuts themselves from Holy Mother Church.


10:50am. Hundreds of thousands of babies & children worldwide didn’t find safety in RCC institutions. Torture chambers = Nazis.


6:54. Utter shame on the priests & nuns who doorstepped families & called them out from altar when there was an unmarried pregnant daughter in house – targetting free labour & a baby to sell to fill church coffers. Church was paid by State to feed & house mothers & orphans but still exploited them financially, sexually, emotionally. Disgusting shameless church parasites & vultures & their cohorts 🤮


If +Eamon Martin did say that, that would be reason #34343 for his grace to tender his resignation to Pope Francis. Yet most likely +Martin said no such thing. His words were that politicians who support abortion should not receive Communion, but all told, an episcopal chocolate teapot. For example the Tánaiste Mr Varadkar heard Mass in St Kevin’s church (perhaps a Month’s Mind), but did not present for Communion.
This ‘Savina’ incident, presumably the death of Savita Halappanavar was a pretext. Ms Halappanavar died because of medical blunders, Abortion or the lack of it was not the reason for her death by sepsis. Her death was a pretext for the slaughter of unborn, and on occasion, part delivered babies, with taxpayer funds. She comes from India where the poorest toil as de-facto slaves in sewer as ‘untouchables’ are cheaper than modern sewage systems. India has more highly impoverished people than Africa. It was irritating to hear Indians criticise care generally in this country, although in this particular case, there was a grievous failure of medical care.



Do you realise how idiotic you appear when you say such things as ‘Holy Mother Church’?

Do you think that people will take you seriously when expressing such ludicrous hyperbole in light of all the damage done by this church to children and others?


9:51 Anyone following holy mother church is ridiculous anyway, and them demonstrating that once again is merely another opportunity for people to see that. They are also not open to seeing how ridiculous they are.
In perhaps the biggest irony in world history, they call people who won’t listen to their shit ‘invincibly ignorant’. 🤣


3.28: Utter shame on all those families, medical personnel and psychiatrists and social workers who placed these children in institutions and walked away. Utter shame.


The Telegraph did a good editing job, eliminating sloppy repetitions, and actually strengthened their lordships’ message.


Foetuses are not babies.
Abortion isn’t killing a human.
Banning safe abortion kills women.
WHO estimates there are 73,000,000 abortions annually. Stopping those can only lead to starvation, catastrophe and death.
Banning abortion means DEATH.
Their pose is not pro life and they have no credibility to pretend they are pro life.


Soooo … when a doctor is addressing a mum-to-be who is delighted to give birth, why does he or she always speak to the mother in terms of ‘your baby’ rather than ‘your foetus’?


Because that’s what they want. They don’t want a foetus. When you order a kitchen they talk about the finished product not the plumbing, joinery, etc.
This is why y’all look so stupid – you are.


Ah! But the plumbing, joinery, etc can never become the kitchen, because the kitchen isn’t part of their ontology.

A foetus is a baby. And doctors know this. You now know it, too.


When a woman announces that she is pregnant you don’t hear people say, “Congratulations, amazing news, when’s the fetus due?”, or if a mother experiences the trajedy of miscarriage, people don’t say, “I’m really sorry you lost your fetus”.


Yes they are babies, a baby born before it’s due date is called a premature BABY. The WHO is a discredited organisation.


10:27 Correction – the RCC not the WHO is “the” discredited organisation.


8:49pm WHO don’t target & victimise mothers & sell babies & not engaged in illegal adoptions & child trafficking


“Stopping those can only lead to starvation, catastrophe and death”
OK, let’s limit the world population to a manageable level to avoid starvation. Let’s say 2Bn humans… so how do you propose we do this? Abort all but the first conceived? Abort all those conceived in particular continents? Or of particular wealth and social standing?


12.14: In the past 6 months I officiated at the funerals of two tiny babies: one born prematurely and who lived for just a short few hours, the other, a cot death at 3 months old. The beautiful mothers and fathers cried so painful at the loss of their little babies..The little baby – A HUMAN BEING – who was prematurely born was referred to by her parents as “our precious little baby, our beautiful child”. They were broken hearted because they desired and valued the gift of human life and their BABY was, from conception, always referred to as “our child” not our foetus. It’s a word used to deny, cover up and hide the horror of abortion which is the deliberate killing of the unborn child. The pro abortion lobby rejoiced the day Ireland voted for abortion. The Americans out crying and screaming against any restriction on abortion or its outlawing completely couldn’t give a care in the world about any one or anything but their so called “personal freedoms” to do what they like. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Hilary Disgraced Clinton and others are morally bankrupt. Vast swathes of American society are so abandoned and neglected that they should be on trial for their crimes against their own poor, broken and forgotten people. The evil of abortion is an evil too far. Little babies, children, human beings are aborted – murdered – for the flimsiest of reasons. God help our world.


I would agree with tour point entirely Pat. It is very noble and honourable of you to look at it from the ‘I don’t usually agree with what you say, but I’ll fight for your right to say it’ angle. This is very admirable and you are to be commended for that.
As far as the bishops are concerned, it is concerning after reading material on your blog over the past few months which indicates possible alleged corruption, injustice and sexual scandal, that the Roman Catholic Church is criticising anyone. The one point I would make is that if our politicians let us down, we can vote them out. We do not have that democracy in the Catholic Church; priests and curates are imposed on parishes and can essentially behave how they like with little to no accountability. An organisation which functions like this should not really be pointing fingers; afterall love it or hate it, Stormont is still more democratic than the RCC.


I agree with the Belfast Telegraph’s requested redaction of the first highlighted statement, since the words ‘…unborn children who have been relegated…to the realm of the worthless and sub-human’ could be construed by some who chose abortion, or who are considering it, as thoroughly unrepresentative of their feelings and, therefore, as deeply offensive.
The words indiscriminately attribute to ALL who are pro-abortion, including women who may have felt pressured to end their pregnancies (but who may not, in principle, be for abortion) a singular attitude to the unwanted or insupportable unborn. I suspect that many of these women (perhaps most) would never have considered their unborn as either ‘worthless’ or ‘sub-human’, despite, paradoxically, choosing to terminate their pregnancies, for whatever reason.
The second requested redaction makes little sense in terms of what the passage is saying. (Is this why the Belfast Telegraph requested it?) How is it a ‘ … medical, scientific and cultural contradiction’ to be pro-abortion, while advocating and/or defending rights for ‘animals, plants, trees and rivers’? This, to me, seems a non-sequitur. And a pretty obvious one. On the contrary, what IS culturally contradictory, morally and theologically too, is the bizarre juxtaposition, by the Catholic Church, of being, on the one hand, against abortion on the ground that human life is sacred, while, on the other hand, its prescribing to a moral theology in support of war in certain, clearly defined circumstances. How can an organisation be credibly pro-life and anti-life at the same time? The answer is, of course, that it cannot be: it must choose between the positions. However, the Catholic Church has been trying to ride these two horses for a very long time, and not convincingly.
The third requested redaction may have been prompted by the words ‘to take away life’, that is, ‘to commit murder’.
I am opposed to abortion, in principle and in practice, in every circumstance. However, I shall never, as the bishop’s statement has done, fail to differentiate the reasons for personal choices in favour of abortion and, therefore, the degree of personal moral culpability attributable in each and every instance of this.


Pat, Maynooth Seminary Council conducted extensive hands written witness Statements during the the episcopal visit by Bishop Crean, Nutley and Leahy. Seminarians shared their personal accounts of physical and sexually abuse in vivid detail. Pat try and gain access to these statements, hopefully Mullaney has refrained from shredding them or storing them in his wine vault


Its a free country, they are entitled to their opinions and beliefs, it should be published in full.


I don’t think that’s right. Newspapers are privately owned and not obliged to publish any point of view. This is why all newspapers have a particular slant. This is not impacting on freedom of speech because the church is at liberty to publish its own views itself.
If only Pat Buckley understood that this is what freedom of speech is about and not an excuse for him to publish hate on here.


But were they expressing just opinions? Or were they, typically, ‘speaking from on high’ and trying to emotionally blackmail people into voting their way?


8:05 Shame the Church made the lives of so many hell on earth. They didn’t have a life thanks to nuns & priests & their cohorts exploiting them sexually, financially & emotionally. Sickening abuse of trust & all done in the guise of representing God on earth! Frauds in Skirts & Collars.


10.02: The church you condemn also provides wonderful educational opportunities for 1000’s caught in poverty. The church, through religious organisations and Catholic charities provides medical help – hospitals, clinics, outpatient appointments in the most isolted places, training of nurses, doctors, surgeons, managers, leaders. Many religious sisters and brothers have received the highest honour of the country they work in for their pioneering work in education, medicine, third level teaching and in the area of social restorative justice. Check Loreto Sisters, Mercy Sisters, Franciscan Sisters for Africa, Columban Sisters, Little Company of Mary, De la Sells Brothers, St. Joseph of Cluny Sisters…Thousands upon thousands of lay Catholics volunteer for mission appointments. Let’s recognise the great witness of so many and the presence of the Church in the most marginalised places on earth. Open your eyes beyond this blog, sir!!


Yet it is the same paper that have been asking me to tell my story of being in a relationship with a priest? Double standards eh?


Double standards? How?

What has bonking a priest to do with statements on abortion?

If you are bonking a priest, then maybe its you who’s showing double standards.


8:36pm no newspaper will be bothered with a story about priests shagging their parishioners any more, it just don’t sell papers, everyone knows already what most of them up to, a lot of them don’t even try to hide it, no vocations so it’s 2 fingers up to the Bishop. That’s why Bishops training their retired teacher brigade & a few local hoods for good measure to take over the shop. Gotta keep the RCC tills ringing!


The Belfast Telegraph love to expose a Priest. They should be reporting today on the terrible display of Unionism leaders at the debate last night. Doug could hardly be heard and was inarticulate, Jeff spouted the same crap over and over again. Totally embarrassing but the best had to be the BBC for picking a more Nationalist audience to get the viewers at home panicking about a Sinn Fein first minister and getting them out to vote. Well done the BBC


You are only saying all that stuff because you’re a nationalist/republican. So we can all dismiss your opinions.


We ALL love to expose a priest! Why not? They are hypocritical, lying parasites. What’s not to love about exposing these men.
Well done, ‘The Telly’!


10:27 the newspapers don’t “expose” priests, they manage that quite well on their own – look at Jerry Carey Bishop Basher on Salthill beach!


1.18 And if we were all aware of the foreign bank accounts most of those orders have… even more pertinent….what’s in them….. there would be horror all around ; two of them have a particular interest in Germany. The bould sisters in Dublin are leasing the land for 299 years…. Winding rings around the Irish State; Ivana Bacik is absolutely right today; a compulsory purchase order. The poor Franciscans are the wealthiest order in the RCC… insofar as I am aware…. Under those brown habits; Guicci, Hermes…. Any fashion label you can think of……


1.18 You are absolutely correct; and it’s entirely laudable; the only one I ever heard put it like this was Putin, he said over 20 years ago; “ God is the greatest force for good the world has ever known.” Bergoglio is playing a blinder by offering to go to Moscow to meet him . Bergoglio s statement that NATO were banging on the gates of Russia ( not exact words but almost) and have caused havoc is very accurate. Bergoglio is doing good here!


1.59: You would say that Pat, wouldn’t you? You obviously don’t like the good news stories of valiant Religious men and women. You say that all the Religious Orders I mentioned committed abuse. I know only of the Mercy Sisters. That’s well catalogued but this same Order has carried out some very admirable work. As for the other orders, quote for me any example of reported abuse by them, either here at home or on their missions. You have made an accusation whuch is not provable. It’s a throwaway comment and does a huge injustice to the incredible, recognised work of these missionary orders…Give me details or references to validate your claim of abuse committed by them. This should not be a huge task for you.


Pat at 1.59: The only orders referred to by my comment at 1.18 who were found guilty of abuse were the Mercy and De La Salle orders. The other 5 have had no allegations ever of abuse. You need to research the truth before you make false accusations. Read the National Board for Safeguarding re: the other orders: Loreto, St. Joseph of Cluny, Little Company of Mary, Franciscan Sisters for Africa and Columban Sisters – not one accusation of abuse ever. These facts are important, but not to liars obviously. You play loose with truth.


Pat, it’s a pity you can’t comment about RC matters and issues without always repeating your very partisan, bigoted and vindictive rhetoric. It means that the comments are going your way only. Your Pat Says is so repetitive and unfair that you create the framework in which comments will be made. Newspapers or journalists who practice censorship of any kind on the Church’s moral teachings are unprofessional and unjust. Look what’s happened in the USA re: abortion laws. I hope one day we’ll have our eyes opened to the brutality and ugliness of the killing of the unborn child. Our figures in Ireland are a scandal. God bless all who uphold the sanctity of the unborn and their inalienable right to LIFE.


Nonsense. I don’t trail after Pat Buckley, or anyone else.
Read my post at 2.29 for confirmation of this.


Were you equally indignant, at 8.43, when the IRA, in YOUR name, was slaughtering the children of Northern Ireland?
Anyone who supports ANY Irish republican party has no right to protest abortion deaths.


a good point. And those who excused kneecapping of teens are hypocrites when they go on about sex abuse of teens. The gunmen who sacrificed morality to their cause have not a good reputation when it comes to sex crimes and cover-up.


The problem is the bishops are too dictotial and lack compassion in their language when talking about the unborn as they forget about the turmoil of the mother. They havent a clue about rearing children as they are so comfortable in their big houses and the holiday home. Did the bishops support abortion in the 1992 referendum when Dana was on her own fighting for the unborn. Contraception also prevents babies being born.



I agree with you about the bishops’ lack of compassion for pregnant mothers. I think too many of them still take as their moral cue that notorious passage in Genesis about a mother’s being expected to give birth ‘in travail’. It makes them heartless.

What have any of the Irish bishops done to help women in crisis pregnancies? Have they done everything they could? Did Bishop Treanor do everything he could, given that he spent millions tarting up his home with luxury items? Did Bishop Eamon Casey when he spent a fortune on a luxury holiday home with superb Atlantic ocean views?

I’m glad that the Belfast Telegraph has put a foot to the arse of these self-pampered Pharisees and parasites. Reminds me of the memorable scence in Father Ted, where Ted gives his bishop a kick up the backside.😅


Bill – why did Ratzinger have to have Bertone as minder all these years? And during the Munich spell why was he under the domination of Count Von Soden-Fraunhofen (an auxiliary bishop)?


Alvin at 8.54am

I came across that name of Bertone in Martel’s book. Given Bertone’s history inside the Vatican, couldn’t understand why rottweiler Ratzinger kept him for so long.

I began to understand why parolin and other Vatican bigwigs such as some cardinals or prominent prelates were vociferous and extremely against SSM cos once gay men sensed more options in their now, go for gay men and get married in public ceremony instead of applying to a Catholic seminary. Once that takes effect, the numbers of men applying to seminaries will fall in coming years. Remember that SSM law took effect from year will take a couple of years to take effects cos no hetreo allowed, just men with homophobic tendencies eligible to apply.

Saw a word document dated Nov 2021 via Jason Berry by Brady(lay man) in USA saying that American bishops and the Vatican were involved in money laundering.

Please note that Jason Berry is a specialist reporter in area of rcc finances.


While teachers told children to consider “having” sex before marriage, Eternal City Holy Mother Church was busy abolishing the NEW liturgy and teaching us not to pray.


9:49am Don’t forget about the Labour of slaves in laundries and the like & untold monies gained from invoicing their mothers doing menial jobs in England & at same time not telling them that they had already sold & illegally exported their child to the highest bidder usually an unvetted rich Yankee family connected to some Irish priest or nun in America. An international mafia network. Money made from these victims of church exploitation forms part of the huge wealth currently held by RCC.


There is only so much hypocrisy even the media can stomach – and therefore, reluctantly. as I’m opposed to censorship in principle, but in this case they (the bishops) trade on their moral indignation regarding abortion – the truth is the rights of the unborn child is a canard, a card , they play, to create the illusion that they are moral guardians, the conscience of the people, when the truth is, they relegate victims of their sexual child abuse to the realm of the worthless and subhuman.
The stench of their hypocrisy is sulphuric and dizzying.


Yes and it’s very pleasing that the world of people outside the church are finally on to the deception.


They are indeed hypocrites of the worst order, but in this case they are attempting to defend the rights of the unborn child, which is to be applauded regardless of their motivation.


@10:31 How does Ger Fitzgerald manage to slip into nearly every new blog post? 🤣


7:29pm Fitzgerald & Carey are still “unfinished business” …….. that’s why!


Politics and religion, and men, IMO, should never Oversee a woman’s right to choose what’s in their best interests. As has been the case in Ireland for so long and the also the US with the contentious Roe V Wade case that is currently under threat, mainly due to a Republican (and male) majority in the Supreme Court (6 to 3). I am a male, brought up in Catholic Ireland, educated in the US, not a practicing Catholic for many, many reasons, but support women in their right to control their own bodies. Not a church, or right wing political parties, or men.

Liked by 1 person

The Roe vs Wade Supreme Court was made up only of men. By your reasoning, 10.29am they had no right to say anything on abortion, so their judgement is invalid.


The Supreme Court in 1973 was only men of course, doubt there were many Judge Judy’s around. My argument is about religion and political ideals deciding what’s best for women’s bodies.
Also, 5 judges on the current Supreme Court have stated in their confirmation hearings that they would not overturn Roe V Wade, so in effect, they lied to Congress.


@10.55 – very well said. I will quote you on that.
Also, let’s be honest. People make choices when they gave unprotected sex. That’s the choice. A second choice to kill the baby – if assumed to be a valid choice- like the first choice should be made in conjunction with the baby’s father. Dad’s have a role to play too.


@ Diocesan NOT secretary: since you are such a close friend of Fr. Ger Fitzgerald, perhaps you could tell us why the priest was having unprotected sex with at least one of his girlfriends?


@ 7:07 Hey Fr. Ger, a 3 pack of condoms in Boots ROI only costs €4.49. If you had over €17,000 in your bank account, surely you could have bought a supply? In addition to preventing pregnancy, condoms also prevent the transmission of STDs. I wonder how much condoms cost in the North?


“Abortion is a human issue and has nothing to do with religion”

Well Said Whoopi – when one considers the proven and well documented inhumane acts perpetrated against children and vulnerable adults by the RCC.


Waste of money advertising in the Belfast Telegraph. Its circulation has nose-dived and it’s read mostly by Protestants who won’t be influenced by what Catholic bishops say.


May the 4th be with you + Pat. And also with your readers.
Thousands will be walking from darkness into light on Saturday morning. The majority of these people are pro-abortionists, supporters of the modern day holocaust that is abortion. Hypocrites!
Pro life people walking from darkness into light understand the meaning of life. These people can walk with their heads held high on Saturday morning.


I say this without reservation. The greatest catalyst to abortion support in modern times is, unquestionably, the notorious, obscene behaviour, down the decades, of the Roman Catholic institutional church against children and justice.
The moral stain on the character of this church is monstrous, and it is having monstrous conseqences for our unborn children.
Utter shame on all priests, bishops, and popes! If your judgement before God is not excoriating and terrible, then I have no wish to be in Heaven.


Peter Hitchens makes the very good point that taboos have been broken and you can show explicit sex and violence on tv and in the cinema, and every imaginable medical procedure, but they will never show an abortion. The reality is too awful to show.


Some of these human hearts are so hardened in favour of abortion that their only hope of repentance and salvation will be to endure, visually, what they have justified to themselves in the abstract.
God help them.


The Bishops and clergy had the right to choose – the right to choose not to rape the born child and the right to cover it up – their protestations on the right to life lack all credibility and moral authority- they robbed children they sexually abused and covered up of the right to a life – seriously does anybody think a bishop or priest give a feck about a child – in or outside the womb – their baby is their status and reputation and they chucked it out with the bath water a long time ago!!


Interesting coming from you who used tbe canard (unfounded rumour) word to refer to the vast majority of cases of child sexual abuse perpetrated in the family. Readjust your priorities.


Every gay priest wants Noel Treanor as a boss, while he is out playing squash he allows them all to have a discreet ‘someone’ in their lives. I wouldn’t be surprised if he helped them find them.


In light of the war in Ukraine, the Kremlin Night club in belfast should reconsider rebranding and renaming itself to Lisbreen


Who is the priest that got a receptionist sacked in belfast because she was telling people he had an appointment with his Dr and it was regarding his low sex drive?


The more the bishops campaign on sexual morality the deeper will the people dig in – they should move on – they are morally bankrupt and nobody gives a shiny shite what they think about sex and morality.


It is also like hiring a hitman when you cause a victim to take their own life beause of sex abuse cover up.


12:11pm True for you. I hate to say it but I now truly believe based on experience that some of them are so evil, they’d wish victims dead to shut them up about anything that reveals the RCC for what it truly is. Toxic.


Thank you pat for your blog as it has opened my eyes to what is going on. The posts are a help as they let me give my say . I hope i did not take up too much of your blog.


Is it true that Jesus can only be found in the catholic church during the celebrating of Mass? A couple who broke covid rules are refusing to pay a fine because they went to celebrate mass as it is the only time they feel in the presence of Jesus. I see and feel Jesus in the goodness kindness and compassion of people each day.
The covid rules were immportant to follow as one of my nearest and dearest suffered a heart attack after getting covid. People i knew died from covid. It was and is not a simple cold for some people.



Er, a man or woman (you could be either) how can I know, it’s a blog with an anonymity facility, identifies on the basis of the word ‘canard’ made me laugh out loud (LoL).
The word holds no proprietary and your mistaken in your rash judgment – mind you, if your this rash to judge I wonder what else your judge quickly and without reflection.

I see your reasoning though – that child abuse occurs in families mitigates the industrial strength child abuse of the clerical caste – keep believing that ‘old canard’ if it helps you sleep at night.


That’s what you like to argue but it’s obvious you don’t believe it yourself: that 70+% of the sexual abuse of children, the overwhelming instances of that crime against the most vulnerable in society “mitigates” the occurrences of it connected with church personnel. As long as your ilk confines itself to the latter, the 70% continues increases. Only people with a vested interest in not stemming the current (it’s not only or mainly a historic evil) major source of CSA make comments like yours.


If William Mulvihill had an ounce of decency he would tell us his true opinions on abortion, instead of just throwing about random words from the dictionary.


It’s none of his business, as a man, none of you lot should have an opinion on us womens healthcare rights to get rid of products within us.
None of you would mind if I got rid of a tumour so what’s the difference with a foetus?


2.07 You should never then receive semen by your logic. Not politically correct … but the truth ( of course in all instances where agreed and consensual).


1.23 I suspect you would have no tolerance for my opinion, it’s directly related to what Matt O Donnell, a professor or philosophy in NUI taught me about Thomas Aquinas on the matter. Paramount in all that is publicly said in public, particularly church’s , should be a sensitivity to women who have had abortions; moralising individuals with no aptitude for the complexity of life situations do a lot of harm to women already bearing deep pain and massive burden because of choices. My decency and my own respect for it can never be negated by the likes of your comment; well used to the cosy world you come from and it’s attitude to the like of me ; it was George Pell after 14 weeks in Australia who told me “ they are out to get you.” He was referring to a Sydney legal eagle leading attacks on priests who did not fit his ideology. They were recording me in church ( I was impressed) … though I had said nothing that was not “ orthodoxy” . Pell told me that after 14 weeks in Australia, they were saying “ that you are preaching your own gospel and not the Gospel of Christ, that you have said there is no hell and that you won’t drink the precious blood.” That’s a direct quote, I told him he was being ridiculous and expanded on the matter. I was directly challenged on another occasion on abortion…. My answer to the Archbishop for the reason I would not mention abortion in church was that I would not add to the pain of any woman in the congregation who had had an abortion by talking of it. Yes anonymous 1.23, I was well used to the like of you; excuse my language; the like of you really fuck up the head space of women… don’t mention me and decency from your filthy keyboard again. I hope my view is crystal clear to you Sir or Madam!!


2.21 Mistakes and anything obtuse in that comment; entirely deliberate!!!!! Put in the effort😂


William @ 2.21pm – what a powerful comment good on you for giving it back to 1.23pm its a pity there aren’t a lot more like you. Fair play to you William. 1.23 hasn’t a clue what she’s talking about just commenting to get back at you.


3.39 Prince George and his parents guarantee the British Monarchy for the length of his life ( George). The pope of Rome through his Grandmother Elizabeth II gifted the baby prince An Orb….. do you know what that meant ? As human beings, George, William and Kate are not so bed if you want to look for a hero or heroine in the world; like Granny! Your 3.39 comment is quite odious. The young prince is the image of his maternal grandfather…. Obviously stronger genes than the royals !!!!!


I know clergy who have recommended an abortion to avoid scandal.
Clergy who get a woman pregnant are known to put pressure on the woman to have an abortion especially where the priest has raped a nun (more common than you think)
No diocese on Gods earth would front up the cash to support a woman financialy if she chose not to abort.
Joe Biden is a Catholic but pro choice – this is not mutually exclusive.
The early church did not teach that a foetus was a human being – this is late antiquity/ early medieval thinking.
Abortion excites Catholics way more than clerical child abuse – when did you last see Catholics picketing a diocesan office which covered up child abuse?
Rabid anti abortionists get off on moral indignation and the moral high ground and think their Gods favourites.
We live in a democracy not a theocracy – Thank God.


Both Augustine and Aquinas considered the very early stages of pregnancy (the first three months) not to involve human life.
The view that human life begins at conception did not arise in the Church until near the middle of the 19th century, when there was greater medical knowledge of human anatony and gynecology.


Absolutely idiotic. Are you seriously suggesting such great theologians were ignorant about pregnancy?
No, wait….


For those who understand; if RC bishops could get pregnant abortion would be a sacrament. Nothing I haven’t said before… even Enda Kenny heard it !!!!


5.22 So well informed!!!😂😂😂😂 What no one noticed at the time was in the next week or two the Irish Government was feting the then 2nd in command of an every bit as corrupt empire… the now Pope of China!


How many of the women rallying against overturning Roe are over-educated, under-loved millennials who sadly return from protests to a lonely microwave dinner with their cats, and no bumble matches?


5.17 How blessed you are to be so patronising and offensive to those not blessed as yourself. I heard a statistic along time ago, I cannot vouch for its veracity, but 60 percent of the population of NYC were then living alone. You ought to revisit the sentiment of your comment….. you may one day find yourself there yourself… no blame, no fault! Good Evening!


6.25 You are in error. Totally. But your denigration matters to your kind. Great article on the misuse of that word in the IT recently.


7.38 I resisted your ideological approach earlier seamusviii…..but I always respect your stance…..on this comment you are on the nail….O Connell Bridge Dublin On the 25th of December of any year. Tragic.

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The well off will travel to whereit is legal and those who bear the brunt, as Senator Warren says, will be poor, or black, or vulnerable girls.


8.01. Instead of listening to that fantasist Warren (aka Pocahontas), learn a bit more about the racist foundations of the abortion movement, eg Margaret Sanger and Marie Stopes.


This notion that only women have the right to comment on abortion is bizarre. Half the babies aborted are male, all the fathers are male, and men are members of society and as such have the right and duty to speak their mind on what consitutes the common good and on what a moral society looks like (ie that it is a society in which babies aren’t killed).

To insist that only women have a say is as ridiculous as saying that only motorists are entitled to speak about drink-driving, or that only slave owners can talk about slavery.


Not quite. It is the woman’s body that pays the price, and sometimes a social price as well, while the man can keep a safe distance. Find better analogies.


Feckless fathers who father children and then don’t provide for them are a total disgrace.


5.28: Excellent comment. You are so correct. Everyone, including men, should be concerned about abortion. The arguments saying it’s only an issue for a woman is absurd as it is bizarre. It’s a profoundly selfish opinion if a man is told that abortion is none of his business. Of course It’s his business: THE MURDER OF ANY CHILD IS THE MORAL CONCERN OF EVERY HUMAN BEING.

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Totally agree, the child is part of the man as well. I’m in my sixties now, when I was in my twenties my then girlfriend had an abortion and told me about it afterwards. I still feel the pain, the relationship didn’t work out, I would have taken care of my child.


7:29 THE ABUSE OF ANY CHILD OR ANY VULNERABLE PERSON IS ALSO THE MORAL & PROFESSIONAL CONCERN OF EVERY HUMAN BEING INCLUDING THE AUTHORITIES. In comparison, the standard response from the RCC & it’s cohorts is complicity in cover up & denial.


Can’t abide, though, these often male organisations – KSC: SVDP etc – that barge in with their self righteousness boorish opinions judging and pontificating with lay clericalism about what women have to endure – because of boorish men and their desires


You are well out of touch the SVDP now SVP is mixed with Men and Women also there is the YSVP for youths.
The SVP do magnificent work.


9:46pm Charities Regulator are letting their RCC cronies get away with far too much. Not independent.


I replied in detail at 4.22 and you wouldn’t need to have asked the question. For his own good reasons Pat decided to censor the comment.


It was the bit where he was asked a question. The reply requiring censoring indicates his social skills.


Pat, so you would ‘allow’ a woman have an abortion if she conceived as a consequence of rape.
1. How would you propose to determine the conception was as a result of rape and not consensual sexual intercourse?
2. How is a human fetus conceived as a result of rape different and deserving of less legal protection than one conceived as result of consensual sex?


What a stupid question.
If you don’t know how to determine a rape, I hope you are actually celibate for the sake of everyone else.


6:37, those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick.
Consenting procreational intimacy should bring procreational responsibilities. If their is a health concern, medical experts have to make professional decisions for their patient. There would be a legitimate health concern for the safety of a woman who conceived, when there was no consent. The person who puts a woman in that vulnerable position is the person to blame.


Bill what is the truth about you and your paintings left behind in Oz? Did Cardinal Pell steal them?


8:48pm because impertinent nosey “father” is obsessed with wealth & other peoples personal business.


7.01 What is Truth….? Ponticus Pilate ( and so many others). No recourse against untruth. The most profound question ever asked…..and the only answer of note is Richard Gere in Primal Truth….as good an answer as ever rendered. Amen.


Just watched the 21.00 news on RTE. The Irish Government are with capitulating volition allowing the Roman Catholic Church in the person of Religious Sisters to wind dizzy rings around the Irish State….for 299 years. You could not make it up. Cover-up merchants all.


9.10: You silly little Billeen. The Sisters of Charity have contributed to this state in a way you could never do. You are part of the bulldoze the sisters into oblivion brigade. You horrible specimen…


@ 9.30pm Well it depends. Priests are married to the church. However when they partake in sexual activity and their ordinary is made aware, the usual answer appears to be that it is up to the priest to change, if he wants to, but what the superiors ability to take action is limited.
In the words of a priest on Grindr “I mean.. I don’t think I want a boyfriend…but I could do a ‘hoods-up’ forest meet-up”. The offer was politely declined 🙂🤢


@ 10.58 – you clearly did not read the previous comment and what they meant. I think they meant they declined the priest’s offer 😂😂
I’m sure Pat’s reader’s are much more civilized.


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