

The above poem / prayer was sent to me by blog reader BD. Thank you.

This poem was in my prayer book all through my childhood, youth and seminary years.

It is a highly romanticised view of the specialness, holiness and purity of the priest.

When I went out to sweep the streets in Belfast in the early 1980s, parishioners were shocked that I was using my anointed hands for such lovely purposes. I always reminded them that we priests are Anointed as servants and not superiors.

Even though I saw of of my seminary priest professors showing very human traits – Tom March and his hundreds of Dunhills and whiskey , I did leave the seminary with a genuinely exalted notion of the priest.

I was a reader of St John Vianney, the patron Saint of priests, who said:

“If I met a priest and an angel on the road I would genuflect firstly to the priest”.


Out in the priesthood and in Wales:

My first parish priest was a total bully and an Irish hating bastard.

My second parish priest was an alcoholic with a female sexual partner.

My third parish priest was a sadistic bully.

And this was in the middle and late 1970s and long before we knew about the sexual abuses and all the other scandals.

And when I went back to say Mass for my former seminarian colleagues in Waterford – and before Mass began – Monsignor Shine whispered in my ear: “Don’t tell them what it’s really like out there – it will frighten them and put them off”.


For my first year in D&C things were good and peaceful.

But then I was faced with a horrible dilemma.

D&C was obviously as clerical as all Irish diocese.

I literally had to decide to be friends with the clergy elite or be friends with the people.

I did not make a firm intellectual decision.

But by my words and action I was on the side of the people.

That led to vicious clergy anger and resentment.

I became a persona non grata.

The 4 other priests I Iived with at the time ( with one Tridentine exception) were either gamblers or womanisers or both; everyday golfers, work drones etc.

Eventually the clerical club dumped me permanently in 1986 – 36 years ago.

I didn’t realise it at the time, but it was a great blessing and freeing.

But did I still want to genuflect to priests before angers ?

I don’t think so 😀


The priesthood is made up of human men.

Some of those men try and do their best for a while but then get disillusioned and tired and overcome by all caca floating around them.

Others are cynical from the beginning and live the priesthood to their own advantage and profit.

And then there are the thoroughly evil bastards.

I have met more evil men in the priesthood than I’ve met anywhere else.


The whole notion of ontological change is a cynical myth drawn up by clerics who try to fool all of the people all of the time.

The whole notion of priesthood has to be totally reviewed if it is to be maintained at all.

Jesus call rough fishermen and tax collectors to spread his simple message.

Then along came a movement of socio politico schemers who saw a whole new opportunity to form a new THEM / US institution that would give them prestige, profit and power.

And hey presto we get The Church of Rome Incorporated.

And then the priests hands were no longer on the altar. They were in children’s underwear, the groins of women and men, the corsets of nuns and in the various swollen coffers

And, as they say, the rest is history……..


Thank you for the flash back.
This blog reminds me of the early days when I was placed in an English diocese. One day I walked back into the house, only to discover I had mud on my shoes and brought it across the carpet. I removed my shoes, got a cloth, dampened it and got on my knees to clean the carpet. When the two housekeepers came into the room and saw me they were shocked. They told me it was not right. In the coming weeks they got to know my ways – quietly going about my business, avoiding a fuss if possible and cleaning up after myself because I was not ordained to be served, but to serve. That parish appointment was truly the happiest I ever had – but all appointments were an honour.

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If England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland is packed with men like those we see in churches and Cathedrals as Roman Catholic Priests, Deacons, Canons, Bishops and Cardinals, then shame on you!!!


In all my 45 years plus I never had exalted notions of priesthoid. It appeared to me from the beginning that it was a way – not better or greater – to “serve” God and his people. Priests in my home parish mostly inspired me apart from one or two who had personal struggles. The religious of the area seemed good and kind which they were as they became more involved in the community. I have worked with some very awkward clerics and have encountered many who were wonderfully dedicated and committed. I reacted to challenging clerics with honesty of criticism. We worked things out amicably and with those who were difficult, we tolerated our differences. It was not pleasant to share a presbytery with others but I tolerated it. Eventually I had my own accomodation. I look back now (with wisdom) and ask myself – what could I have done better to respond to the difficult times with colleagues in parishes? I realise that in my own selfish, “perfectionist” way, I hurt colleagues. I wasn’t always the “victim”. I wascawkward too. I always sought to get on well with everyone and usually that worked. I realise too that priests can be very hard and critical of one another, can be envious and competitive and are often frustrated for many reasons. Now that I’m wiser and on my own in a parish I long for the support and presence of other colleagues which is now impossible. When I think of the past I pray for God’s forgiveness for the hurt I caused others without ever accepting my wrongs. I ask forgiveness for my unkindness to colleagues especially towards those with personal issues. I pray for all priests who fail, who struggle, who are morally and spiritually weak. I pray for those who seem to have become disillusioned for a myriad of reasons. At this stage of my life I do not ruminate about past encounters that were painful with colleagues: we worked at our differences as best we could and respected one another. I regret ever dehumanizing another person, priest or parishioner, through my pride and impatience and high expectations and readiness to judge. As we grow older and wiser we ought to learn from our mistakes and challenges. To keep repeating stories, like Pat is doing, is to blame all others for some of our woes and pain, when we ourselves through personal eccentricities or quirky traits often construct our own hurt. Pat is not the only one who was hurt in the episodes he recalls. Having worked with many people in deep pain, hurt and suffering, it is very useful to render kindness, charity and some understanding to our “enemies” instead of drawing the wrath of God on them or villifying their name with vulgarity and profanities. Did not Jesus say, love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you…It’s the hallmark quality of Christ’s disciples, but most difficult..And I pray that I may never forget who my Master is to whom I am committed to serve and follow, despite the failings and sins of my life. In the midst of such, we must also see the “good” we have achieved with God’s graces. We are after all just vessels of clay…not made perfect…

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You do realize that now you’re ‘wiser’ and on your own in a parish, your younger colleagues say you’re the awkward one, don’t you?


8.43: Sadly, there are no younger ones…Life changes all of us…hopefully for the better and wiser..


12:15 am
Jesus also mentioned;..”causing little ones— and those who believe in me—to stumble,
it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Don’t forget the Golden Rule- “do unto others.”
Jesus also said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples’” (John 8:31)…etc.
It appears what Jesus said can be jettisoned by the Church when circumstances call for it.


anon.12.15am – this comment is spoken from the heart and to me reads like its a priest who has been hurt in the past. I would hope this cleric thinks of all the good he has achieved with God’s Graces and all the people he has helped in his 45+ years.. God is a forgiving God and understands everyone’s failings. He should try and forget what has happened him in his past and if he hasn’t done so already, maybe have a chat with his bishop/ archbishop.


Maybe it’s time to let it go, Pat. You’ve done great work over the years. For so long yours was a voice crying in the wilderness, a voice of reason against the corruption of the Roman church. They’re never going to change, the rot runs throughout, it’s a sepsis that is killing the institution and the church is experiencing it’s period of palliative care. What you wrote is true and the people have known that for decades now, many were just too afraid of the what if and kept going to Mass to harbour their bets, then lockdown happened and people got used to not turning up, the world didn’t end, they didn’t suddenly burst into flames and now Mass attendance is at an all time low. What the church didn’t see was that their aeon was ending and one of a mature personal spirituality was being born. We don’t need men running around in white collars, we need emotional maturity and a direct experience of the divine. That’s coming on it’s own because it’s the will of God. So don’t waste your time fighting against a dying institution that is slipping into irrelevance, enjoy your life and keep being the wonderful pastor that you’ve always been. You’ll emerge on the right side of history when those corrupt clerics are forgotten.


2.04am. Pat seems unable to let go of his past. The narrative of his past are indisputably linked to his disdain and contempt for priests and bishops. The past is deeply lodged in Pat’s subconscious and every so often it surfaces to provide him with an avalanche of vicious attacks on everyone. Pat took a different direction in his life, brought about by many factors including his own awkwardness and difficulty in working with other priests. We commend Pat’s commitment to seeking truth and justice for many but his ferocious dismissal of priests in general is most uncharitable and unjust. Most pertinently, it’s un-CHRIST-like at its core. Perhaps Pat should let go of the past, find a more caring persona and resist the temptation to crush others who, in his minds eye, are unworthy and un-Godly.


1:09pm it is evident & confirmed by many priests just trying to eke out a peaceful existence as most of them ageing now that it is essential to be complicit in whatever level of wrong doing exists in any Diocese or life becomes hell on earth literally. Ironically that turns these priests into very dangerous cornered rats 🐀


The past is deeply lodged in all humans subconscious/unconscious and every so often
it surfaces in all of us. What the clerical fraternity detests is Bishop Pat calling out abuse corruption and criminality in the catholic priesthood- the cardinal sin in fraternal circles.
The fact the church has crushed so many lives in order to ‘keep up appearances’ seems
not to matter: Truth justice and charity count for nothing in their dealings with survivors. Instead of advising the adoption of a ‘caring persona’, try encouraging others to be authentically caring. We are sick of sham. Bishop Pat could give lessons on living authentic priesthood.


Popes ordering cover-up of abuse worldwide was un-CHRIST-like at its core. It didn’t stop Bishops doing what they were told.It took survivors, whistleblowers and the media as well as internet to bring it into the public domain otherwise wide-scale abuse would still be hidden.


Wouldn’t they just? And I love the way they keep trying to persuade him to let it go for his own good. 😂


Stupid question and pat would not know.
Yes everyone is vetted Clergy, Religious, Parish Workers and volunteers.
It is all part of Safeguarding.
It is also to risky for Diocesan Insurance if people are not vetted as the first question is was due diligence done.


Who vets those involved in Safeguarding?
Any of those involved in safeguarding with scandals in their professional closets, I wonder.


1 – I think all graduating seminarians whatever, should be charged 12 % compound by their dioceses for 30 years. Anyone leaving seminary before 6 years, pro rata.
2 – I think DVs (especially the ones with the eyelashes) should be prosecuted under modern slavery laws.


5:59 of course they are which proves what a pointless exercise that is. Old boys network like HIQA & GSOC 😏


To be fair if this blog is anything to go by they should be doctored rather than vetted.


I knew one of the second kind – overtly cynical (Spanish trained) and blatantly inept with it; he is now a beach preacher a long way off.


Bishop Pat, a beautiful prayer to be cherished in a non hijacked peaceful space of reflection. The true God is everywhere except in churches now thanks to the evil clerical characteristics you & so many more of us have sadly encountered past & present. Thank you for sharing your experienced insight into the stinking & nauseating innards of these truly evil catlick collared & non-collared bastards.


I was very disappointed. I wrote to her in 1985 wanting a miraculous healing and still haven’t heard back. I even sent her a stamp.


What did the nun stalkers do, can you say? Did they actually fancy you or were they obsessed with you as a cleric?


In the past many nuns need a priest “friend”.

I had 2 nun stalkers in my time.


What’s never said about Sr Briege’s ‘miraculous’ healing is that like many illnesses rheumatoid arthritis can go into remission on its own. People really shouldn’t overlook the natural explanation in search of a supernatural one.


The blog has highlighted bonking, bonkers, the boiler-house bonk; and now we have bunny boilers. ‘Tis a funny old world!


10:09am Good Grief, Bishop Pat, quite a few of the priests & nuns that you encountered during your ministry appear to have been absolutely bonkers in one way or other! 🤣😇


Pat, did Tom Marsh really smoke and drink constantly?? I never knew him but think he lived in St. Pats building or so I heard.
I knew a P. Hannon whom retired after my 1st Yr of college, he used drink a bit in pubs and in house possibly. Condescending type person


Marsh was a brilliant man. In Maynooth he taught Christology in II Divinity and Trinity in III Divinity. He produced plays also. The great P.Hannon taught moral in I Divinity. I consider myself fortunate to have been taught by both.


Indeed Inspector!
Pat is there any news on any of this cash, which ostensibly belongs to parishoners?


9:59am it’s all very VACANT at the RCC – common terms here on blog in reference seem to be:
MIA, c/o Diocese, Sabbaticals, AWOL, Missing, Disappeared – people & money…….


2:55pm does anyone know where or how the homeless man in Ennis told to disappear by the priest is now?


12.45: THE LAST RITES….not “rights”.. You and other philistines keep using the word “rights”.. Learn correctly.


5.12 Oops I’m sorry I offended you – last rites is right. I am a very learned person and by the way I’m not an Egyptian I’m a former Israelite. Shalom.


Any updates on the “de-disappeared” international incomings / outgoings of Bp Deenihan’s diocesan house?


Ah yeah well the priesthood is well and truly homosexual now – if you excuse the pun, a right of passage and right up the alley of effete, pansy like men and other shades (homosexuals come in many forms).
It probably always has been and as Martel posits the RC priesthood is a perfect storm of: celibacy (perceived), homosexuality, secrecy, hypocrisy and child abuse.
Dyan Elliott posits it’s been like forever we just bought into the myth and the myth is a profitable one.
I concur I’ve encountered many a Grade A CUN (Tuesday) clergy – bishop, priest and deacon they are wolves in sheep clothing – hiding in plain sight.
The question is why?
Why so much evil and corruption?
I just don’t know I can’t figure it out but I promise you if you get close to them, when the mask is down, in private, they will reveal their true colours.
Homosexuals, Alcoholics, Drug Addicts, Thief’s and so on.


See it’s like this. God in his wisdom created the priesthood and religious life so we can see them coming before getting involved in an altercation with one of the classes of people you mention.
Personally I knew it was fake as soon as I hit puberty myself and knew celibacy was pretend.


Is it really so difficult for you to answer your own question about the reason for so much, and chronic, evil and corruption among priests?
Jesus did NOT establish a priesthood. He did NOT want a priesthood. His death and resurrection obviated priesthood.
Why do you think there was ever a glorifying ‘myth’ about RC priesthood and priests? Because even priests themselves knew that their presence was an outright and blasphemous denial of what Jesus ‘ death and resurrection accomplished for humankind: direct and personal access, for every man, woman, and child, to the Holy of Holies: to God himself.


Anon at 10.59am

Can you prove it that jesus didn’t establish the institution of priesthood?

Can you prove his intentions 🤷‍♂️

Luther post priesthood was valid and illict cos he was ordained as a Catholic before just like the owner of this today blog.

One thing I found in some protestant churches was a empty feeling, devoid in some places.


Read Hebrews, DG.
In Judaism, priesthood was, historically, an intermediary agency; Hebrews makes clear that Jesus’ death and resurrection obviated this agency.
Jesus accomplished what Jewish priesthood could not: reconciliation of humankind with God. Therefore, there was, no longer, any need for such an institution. I pointed this out to you some time ago.
The early church recognised this, and, so, there were no priests involved in agape commemorations (eucharistic services); there were just ordinary folk who, likely, met in one another’s homes and broke bread, each of them, and drank wine from a communal cup. If you can, get hold of Gary Wills’ book, ‘Why Priests? A Failed Tradition’.
As for his intentions regarding priesthood, again, read Hebrews. If you truly believe that Scripture is inspired, then you’ll recognise, in Hebrews, his intentions about priesthood. Besides, as I’ve already said, there were no priests in the early church: there is no evidence of priesthood in Acts, or in any of the New Testament letters.


Your position directly contradicts the biblical evidence:
My copy of Moulton & Geden lists three categories of ‘presbuteros’ in the NT: Jewish; Christian; and ‘presbuterai’.’
Under the second of these, it lists ten occurrences in Acts and eleven in the rest of the NT.
Those who presided at early-centuries eucharists exercised priestly roles in the evolution of the priesthood.
Perhaps you are the equivalent of a literary creationist and not recognising that priesthood evolved and, like everything living, is evolving.


I do believe priesthood has evolved. But its current manifestation is not of Christ.


5.36 I think in Jesus’ mind this included the “communion” ceremony (let alone any idolatry of “eucharist”) because communion is as communion does. He said “IF ye do this, do it in memory of My adopted widows and orphans” but the Foreign Service and Alternate Foreign Service haven’t caught up with Jesus yet.

DG at 2.06, I think God could handle a great deal of apparent frippery as long as the Spirit He intended didn’t get swamped by the meanness and manoeuvring we are obliged to criticise. That’s how at God’s moral level, Bp Pat or even some Romans are “priests” in the conventional sense. Despite your own distaste for cappa magnas per se, I’m sure you sensed that?


DG, if you felt an emptiness inside Protestant churches, then this says more about you, and your bigoted sectarian upbringing, than where you were. God is everywhere ; there is nowhere he is not.


A breath-takingly unerudite and unscientifically cobbled retort. Each of the 22 listed occurrences would require a detailed exegetical investigation. You nonchalantly group them together, without having examined one of them, and dismiss them as “administrative, not sacramental (or priestly) while advising people to read Gary (sic) Wills. That’s called manipulating the evidence to fit your prejudged conclusions.


Those New Testament roles were administrative, not sacramental (or priestly). My argument does not, therefore, contradict the biblical evidence; on the contrary, the evidence substantiates my argument.
The early Church considered these roles organisationally necessary, as the early Church grew by attracting increasing numbers of followers. The roles were the bureaucracy of the early church
I did not say that priesthood didn’t evolve; in fact, I mentioned nothing whatever about how it emerged.
Priesthood did, eventually, emerge from those administrative roles, bringing to them a priestly character. This development was an aberration : a clear deviation from the will of Christ, because his death and resurrection had obviated the need (if ever there was one) for priesthood. Hebrews makes this obviation irrefutably clear.
Priesthood, historically, has drawn into the church incalculably destructive, tenacious evil. And it continues to do so.


@ 2:06 pm
DG, If you leave me now, you’ll take away the biggest part of me
Ooohh no Baby please don’t go And if you leave me now, you’ll take away the very heart of me Ooohh no Baby please don’t go
I’ll be your belle if you’ll be my beau. 💋❤️


You did not produce even one piece of historical evidence to substantiate the argument that those roles were priestly.
Biblical context makes clear that they were purely administrative, for overseeing the early church as it numbers burgeoned.
Priests and seminarians may find this very hard to accept, but it is historical truth, nevertheless.
I am not suggesting that every priest is part of an axis of evil; on the contrary, there are always exceptions, among them Pat Buckley.
However, none of this alters the truth about Jesus’ death and resurrection: together, they did away with (obviated) priesthood: made it redundant.
Until the Catholic Church accepts this truth, there will never be lasting peace within its walls.


7:08 The word priest occurs in my dictionary but that doesn’t mean our Lord appointed Oxford University Press a cathedral.


If the level of your argumentation is reflected in such clangers as ‘Biblical context makes clear…’ that is to say, that the mere assertion of what you wish to argue proves it, forget it. The rest of your comment is ideological dross.


Hold it a moment. You claim there’s no evidence of priesthood in Acts or in any NT letters. It’s just been pointed out to you there are at least 20 citations. Do you want chapter and verse?


Many catholics have had their lives shattered having been wounded to the core of their being by The Holy Mother Church clerical cabal and her lay minions.
Pat, in your opinion, were many priests aware of child sex abuse including cover up by the hierarchy considering the priesthood is a fraternity? In your view, are there historical abuse cases still covered up by the church? If so, might some priests be aware of these cases?


Millions of laity worldwide knew since before 2002 that the real Pell scandal was that he didn’t shop Little & Mulkearns the moment he had full power to do so (being in possession of needed info approx 30 years ago), and could have looked state of the art. Decoy upon decoy, and Pell’s pretend sensational insinuations, notwithstanding.


2002 = “Law” time
1996 = Pell turns Metropolitan, completes his knowledge of any details Little had tried to hide.


Pat at 8.10: I’m assuming you include the priesthood you practice is not of Christ too? How is it substantially, theologically, scripturally, spiritually, morally and ecclesiologically different/better/superior to that of other clerics? Despite the controversies over the evolution and meaning of priesthood, do you believe you manifest a better vision of what Jesus intended? Some clerics have created their own meaning of priesthood which is convenient for their agenda and rebelliousness. This approach is not necessarily of Christ.


That bastardo, Vianney, has a lot to answer for. He helped build the citadel of RC clericalism.

Vianney was a hallucinating, delusional fool.


Bella, get a grip. St John Mary Vianney was human not Divine nor infallible.
In fact he was not particularly intelligent. How do you know if Briege McKenna
is a charlatan ? In all things, charity, Bella.


My grandmother gave me that prayer card before my ordination. I still have it and pray it even though it’s expressed in very pious language and over sentamentalises priesthood. Yet, its ideals are still inspiring. God help all priests today who are struggling spiritually.


Nettie @ 9:20pm
I never said that The Cure of Ars was Divine or infallible you cretin. As for the McKenna bint she;s supposed to be a Poor Clare sister, who should be in the cloister not swanning around the world going to conferences,, what about her vow of poverty. What would you know about charity apart from the fact you’ve lived for years on our charity.


11:46 pm
Bella, Sr. Briege is still a Poor Clare sister. Did it ever cross your mind maybe the Good Lord gave Sr. Briege a gift or ministry to share in the Church. Charity is central to the Gospel.
Using abusive language at others is doing the work of the devil. God is love, Bella.


Pat. My priest is gay. We all know it. But we love him. He’s kind and compassionate and doesn’t deserve the treatment that you have subjected him to on this blog


10:49 your priest wont have to be so nasty to everyone else except you & we all know why that is & he can be free to live a 2 faced life when he moves to a non Roman Catholic denomination. We wish him well.


Maryanne (unfaithful) @ 12.17 – did you read the comment of 10.49? – where does nasty come in to Cathy K’s comment. You are the one always ranting on about the RCC, its sheep and cohorts. Whose the nasty one I wonder?


Cathy K it is NOT about Clergy or Religious being Gay it is about their double standards as they take vows and he is breaking his.
If you Love and Care for this Priest you should advise him to LEAVE now.
The net is becoming smaller and they will be cast out sooner rather than later and not for being gay but for being HIPROCRITES.


I think that Catholicism has gone down the dark alley of clericalism and it’s more a deep dark abyss which they can’t dig themselves out of.
Baptism should be the primary grace but it isn’t it ordination and the quality of men who seek ordination is deplorable and frequently dysfunctional – sexually and emotionally immature, inexperienced and naive – what a recipe for disaster they are.
Every parish has a story of a bonkers priest – lording it over others and wreaking havoc leaving chaos and mayhem.
Increasingly I think they are members of a criminal organisation and see lay people as there to donate and submit to them.
Once ordained they belong to an exclusive club and won’t have to earn either the roof over their heads or the loo paper with which they wipe their arse.
I think they should be worker priests like St Paul who was a tent maker or Peter a fisherman. Whereas they are jumped up little Hitlers who dominate and control.
The child abuse scandal has exposed them and despite all their safeguarding statements they have utterly lost the confidence of society and even most lay Catholics – I mean would you trust a Roman Catholic priest – I don’t think so!!


12.09pm Ah! You were once a devout Catholic but for some reason, wonder why? you now get your kicks out of tearing the whole RCC to pieces. Can you name “every parish” who, as you say, has a story of a “bonkers” priest – etc.etc. You have made some serious allegations in your comment Ms. Anon? Your filth should not have been allowed on bishop pat’s blog – you are a pathetic cretin. To answer your last question – yes I trust many Roman Catholic Priests in my parish and beyond. You never see the good done by these hard working priests daily – no, you just want to bring down the whole RCC as you keep on and on – repetitive daily – its getting a wee bit boring now reading your comments. Take a break, have a kitty-kat and feed the birds. Chow for now.


12:09pm Very well said & sadly it’s been proven repeatedly that they are all part of a cabal, definitely not to be trusted or one will live to regret it. Keep Safe Comrade.


I see Emirates are recruiting cabin crew. Great opportunity to meet different people in different countries. Sadly, many (of the right persuasion) priests, now, are a bit old to be trolly dollies.


I certainly think Pat, you run off blogs with questionable proof and very little credible reports for the most part, and im talking about killaloe. For the most part, you do not know these people, it is quite easy to be a keyboard warrior which you are very good at. Listen to yourself, think about what you say and guide people, and maybe just once consider your opinions…and that’s just my opinion. Be well.


What particular blog(s) concerning Killaloo are you referring to? Specifics, please.


8:39 hey minion, the reports about Killaloe are credible. Just ask Fintan.


8:39 you know exactly whom I mention. Its ‘s Killaloe, you enable people to voice concerns, enable people to argue, enable to be angry with each other, and you have little to zero feelings about the consequences. And some others try to keep these people 6 ft above the ground. Specifics? I’d try any parish.


1:54pm burning rubber on the motorway taking advantage of the mid week specials in the boiler house


There are scores of priests who are involved with each other sexually, the two in a relationship is only the tip of the iceberg

Italy’s Catholic Church at crossroads over sexual abuse investigation
By Angelo Amante and Philip Pullella
May 19, 2022.
” SAVONA, Italy, May 19 (Reuters) – Francesco Zanardi has spent the past 12 years documenting sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests in Italy, filling a vacuum he says is caused by the refusal of the country’s Church thus far to launch a major investigation.
When Italian bishops meet next week to elect a new president, Zanardi is hoping to see the start of a long overdue reckoning for the Church, whose leaders will discuss whether to commission an independent investigation of abuse similar to those carried out in France and Germany.”…. “The common thread I have found among victims is that they don’t want it to happen to others because only a victim knows what it does to you inside, even if on the outside they are smiling and look normal,” Zanardi said.


It’s not easy being a priest, I’m sometimes exhausted from parishioners spitting their dummies from their prams whenever it suits. Roll on June 😇


Pat, we all know priests have arrangements in place with colleagues regarding sexual contact. It has been the case for years. We all have needs and wants and desires.


The Facebook Breviary page has a discussion today about when (mostly) lay folks first were inspired to participate in the various forms of the divine office. Rather interesting accounts!

I’m amazed that many have gone from the Liturgy of the Hours all the way to the Breviarium, Romanum, Monasticum or SOP. While official monks are watching porn or clergy are flocking to bath houses,these folks are downloading copies of the Nocturnale Romanum or Breviaries from the days of Leo XIII. They rave about the newest acquisition going to extremes of posting pics of the envelope they came in. LOL!

( I really don’t understand this fascination with the breviary. I’m so linear that I prefer Cranmer’s no nonsense lectionary and psalter in course without interruption, but Cicero did praise varietas.)

Uncle Arthur will indeed have his hands full trying to control these folks. Reminds me of what the Druids said that about a certain fire lit in your neck of the woods back in the day.


I see someone has posted a new edition of the breviary with the Pius XII psalter. Seraphim will certainly know that this project is certainly dead in the water and I’ll bet he can’t give breviaries with that psalter away. 😂


Oddly enough the Bea/Pius psalter remains popular amongst Latin-Americans and others. I suppose it has its charms. Remember that it was very popular because the psalms finally made some sense although it was not suitable for chant. I do think the neo-vulgate tried to make a compromise between the Vulgate and Pian, but I don’t find it as musical as the Gallican.
In Reggie’s class we did get naughty when we came across Bea’s word replacing, I think it was, apud.
Whatever, don’t throw out your Pius XII breviarie$!


Cranmer’s psalter is used by the Ordinariate as well as by the Western Rite Orthodox. A revised Coverdale is published by Jordanville RO monastery which I use. Cranmer’s lectionary is simply a plan for bible reading.
Seraphim is my Orthodox name. Look up the actual meaning of Seraphim! Indeed I have to control my Seraphic nature when I deal with the likes of you.


The next step on the synodal path for the Irish and UK bishops is to elect a president of their conference for a fixed term. Let Eamon Martin and and Dermot Farrell continue to hold the titles of Primate. It’s time to split the roles of president and primate. The primates of Poland and Spain are not presidents of their conferences. Most countries don’t have primates. Eamon and Vincent would sleep better with some responsibilities delegated.


New Arch in Glasgow settling in nicely. Archbishop’s House sold already, likely clergy changes coming soon including clear out of Curia and Scottish Bishop’s Conference
Offices moving to Clyde Street to save money. Parish closure plans also being halted and reviewed to be aligned with evangelisation. Well done Your Grace! Great man.

Spanish Catholic Church’s internal child abuse investigation of little use, prosecutor says
May 19, 2022. Reporting by Christina Thykjaer and Emma Pinedo.
‘ MADRID, May 19 (Reuters) – An internal investigation by the Spanish Catholic Church into alleged child sexual abuse by members of the clergy is “partial” and “of little use,” the office of Spain’s national prosecutor wrote in a letter to the country’s ombudsman that was made available to Reuters.’


In the days of old when knights were bold sadly minds were still twisted and the blanket of secrecy lay heavily on the land


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