


Product Description

The Gospels might not be “good enough” for modernity, and science is certainly its god. But neither is an impediment to the one, true God. Indeed, He is using methods of the twenty-first century — His twenty-first century — to show how our Faith can be proven through Eucharistic miracles with clinical scientific precision.

In this astounding book, prominent cardiologist and author Dr. Franco Serafini walks us through the extensive medical and scientific research into five Eucharistic miracles, unveiling the stunning testimonies of hematologists, oncologists, neurologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, and more who all concluded the same thing: the five Eucharistic miracles are undeniably authentic.

In surprising and fascinating ways, each of these miracles relates to the others: all reveal heart muscle tissue, many reveal a heart that was experiencing extreme suffering, and some reveal a heart still enduring tissue trauma.

You’ll learn how the human DNA found in Eucharistic substances was identified, what kept a revered eighth-century relic alive until the twenty-first century, and how the identical blood group recurred in the unique miracles to provide contemporary man with a thrilling statistical fortress. Best of all, you’ll be armed with the scientific data to prove not only that God is still active in the world but that He desires all of us to be in union with Him through His Most Precious Body and Blood.


In general, reported Eucharistic miracles usually consist of unexplainable phenomena such as consecrated Hosts visibly transforming into myocardium tissue, being preserved for extremely long stretches of time, surviving being thrown into fire, bleeding, or even sustaining people for decades.


Dr Franco Serafini grew up, received his education and still lives in Bologna, Italy. He is an ordinary Catholic without any particular attributes or group affiliations except for his local home parish. He and his wife are happily married and have two children. Dr Serafini enjoys his work as a cardiologist at a local country hospital he rides his bicycle to on most days, weather permitting. So far, none of his colleagues living in Bologna have taken up the same commuting habit yet!

Around 2015, an unusual medico-scientific interest in a number of Eucharistic miracles overwhelmed the routine of his professional life, made of hospital ward rounds and outpatient clinics. He immediately realized the subject had an enormous importance in terms of its apologetic potential, although no one had ever systematically analyzed it with scientific rigor before. He wondered: “How could this be? Our Lord revealed his physical presence in the Eucharist and allowed forensic medicine to perform medical investigations on himself? Did CSI scientists actually describe his Flesh and Blood and nobody talked about it?”

Since then, in his spare time, Dr Serafini began collecting and appraising all available clinical evidence about five Eucharistic events officially recognized as miraculous by the Catholic Church. In the process, he made connections with the Polish, Mexican and Argentinian scientists who were involved in the most recent investigations. He also often travelled around the world to meet these experts along with local eye witnesses in person.

The book Un cardiologo visita Gesù – A Cardiologist Examines Jesus published in 2018 by Edizioni Studio Domenicano was the result of his hardheaded personal and comprehensive research. After the unexpected success of his book, Dr Serafini effectively became known as a reference person and medical expert in this mysterious and fascinating subject at the interface between science and faith.

Since 2018, Dr Serafini had to practically reinvent himself as a public speaker on this topic, as invited to give talks around Italy, release multiple radio and television interviews and participate in film and documentary shoots.

This is not over yet: his book has been recently published in Polish and is also due to be published very soon in both Spanish and English.


From what I understand Dr Serafini has tested five Eucharistic miracles – in which it is claimed that blood is the blood of Jesus Christ.

He is a cardiologist and has involved other specialist doctors in his research.

Dr Serafina claims that he has discovered heart tissue in these miracles.

Dr Serafini’s claims are new and surprising.

As a Catholic Christian I do believe that in the Eucharist I receive the real Body and Blood of Jesus under the forms of bread and wine.

It will be interesting to see if Dr Serafini”s claims are backed up by the whole scientific community.

I wonder how MMM will react to this news?

Will he re-embrace his Catholic faith?


….”don’t believe”…..dont use that expression ……but perhaps i did ?


Are you all that naïve, or just simply pretend to be out of fashions!!! Are you talking for the same “body of Christ” everywhere in East Market Street! That is scientist Blood of Christ!!!
Such a laugh stockers!!!


LOL you’re having MMM on.
But you’re showing your own background in the arts not science. Because testing these body parts (for such they are) only proves they are body parts not that they belonged to Jesus or got there by divine intervention.
Like all miracles the most likely explanation is that blood or heart tissue has been claimed to be miraculously produced. It’s called a scam. 😂
Still waiting for someone to produce evidence for the immaculate conception BTW.


If it was a miracle the blood would contain all the blood groups to show that Jesus wants to save us all. Now are we being told that people with blood type ab are the only ones Jesus is going to save as they are made in God’s image who have blood type ab.
The eucharistic meaning is allowing God’s love act in us as we help each other along the road to salvation. The sacraments and prayer are a help to us to understand God’s love but it is the kindness and love in Gods name that we show to the ordinary people we meet each day that is the road to salvation.


Thank you for once again showing how religious people don’t understand science or even what these tests might prove.


+Pat. In truth I was laughing to myself as I read the post, …..long before getting to your end question. And that, in truth, was my reaction.
So much of religious faith beliefs and their alleged miracles and the like have been exposed as credulous naivety, and/or the work, intentionally or otherwise, of charlatans, that I don’t expect this “pseudo scientific” stuff to be any different.


The evidence for the ‘good without God’ notion is comparable to the empirical basis for social work- non existent, pseudo scientific psychobabble gobbledygook.


11.33 I saw and heard it too; a beatific sound in the stadium:
Leinster 40
Toulouse 17


Pat, you should have left out your question to MMM. It is expressed as a teaser for him. You can write his response. The faith, theology and teachings I have received convince me that in the Eucharist I am receiving the very life of God in and through the body and blood of Jesus Christ, made truly manifest in the Eucharist. I believe in the great gift of the Eucharist. I believe in the healing geace of the Eucharist. I value the Eucharist as a profound encounter with God. Jesus draws us to God…What we do at the Eucharist is what Jesus asked: Do this in memory of me..We keep the memory of Jesus sacred and holy in and through the Eucharist. We truly receive his body and blood. It is the richness of my faith. It is fascinating that medical and scientific personnel assert their religious beliefs and confirm Eucharistic miracles.


Anon@12:27: To quote your comment: ….”I have received…convince me…I believe….I value… faith……”
This tell us a lot about your beliefs, ….but offers no validation of those arcane beliefs.
Anon@ 12:50’s reference to lack of any peer substantiation together with Anon @ 8:50’s noting the lack of any proof of link to Jesus hints strongly to one word used by Anon @ 11:41: ….”SCAM”.
But then if it keeps the naive and gullible happy, …….just so long as they neither try to foist their gobbledygook beliefs on others, or expect us to “show respect” for such rubbish.


Yes, MMM. The church is largely dependent on the ignorance of believers. And an inability to see that these tests on random human tissue (presumably filched from a hospital clinical waste bin) proves literally nothing about Jesus, is the classic example.
The phrase ‘snake oil salesman’ comes to mind.


I have a doctoral degree in bio, – medical science.
Not one of those assertions has peer reviewed substantion.


10:24 You can tell the ones who have never seen any scientific literature and have no idea how it is published and referenced 😂


There was a good example in yesterday’s blog where a commenter claimed there was no evidence of priesthood in Acts or NT letters, even though in each case the number is in double digits.


Anon@ 10:54, the value of your comment is lost on those who, as you say, “have no idea”. I suppose such innocence and true ignorance provides some excuse.
“Empty vessels and most noise” etc, etc!


MMM, Dawkins has no idea for the origins of life or first self-replicating molecule.
Will you do him a big favour by telling him the answer.


The commenter produced it yesterday: consult Moulton & Geden under ‘presbuteros’.


Those citations in the NT do not vallidate the claim that priesthood is mentioned here. As I stated yesterday, all those roles were administrative; they were not sacramental.
Even if they were, they prove nothing about Christ’s intention vis a vis priesthood.
Hebrews is clear. Jesus’ death and resurrection did away with the need for any intermediary agency. The existence of priesthood is a denial of this, and an affront to God.
Historically, priesthood has brought the church nothing but evil


How many of these citations can you even identify, not to mention can you interpret? That inability doesn’t prevent someone like you from arriving at your tedious and prefdictable conclusions without having gone through the hard graft of exegesis. Which is why they are worth the proverbial.


Jesus certainly isn’t providing proof for Rome’s stances. In Jesus’ meaning, communion is as communion does. Indeed, His suffering is at the blasphemy against Holy Spirit, by Vatican politicians and their alternates. Cardiological research definitely does not support “frequent” consumption of elements: we should quake to do so. All bishops should break with any clergy and popes who won’t completely stop pushing it.


@ 2:24: referring to your “nom de plume”, I’d say that arrogance also lies in a presumption that Dawkins, or anyone else, knows all the answers to this, or many other fundamental questions. Neither should Dawkins feel any obligation to justify his comprehensive demolition of arcane religious beliefs by providing “answers” sufficient to satisfy those clinging obdurately to such beliefs.
Cosmologist Lawrence Knauss provides some interesting ideas on our universe’s origins. Dawkins provides excellent ideas on the origins and development of living organisms. Hitchens ably demolishes religious beliefs by showing their incomprehensible contradictions. I prefer to be informed by such polymaths than the “smoke and mirrors” faith mantras of religious beliefs, for, like Hitchens I see such utter cobbled together gobbledygook in its propositions, ……and that’s before I consider the ugly actions of its supposed acolytes, the clerical class.


@ 8:21pm

At least Dawkins acknowledged ignorance on the origins of life. A few weeks ago a commentator on this blog gave the distinct impression he could trump God, claiming to know where God went wrong in His creation which confirmed for him Gods non-existence. Delusional arrogance to say the least. The problem with polymaths including the New Atheists is that there is nothing new about them: it is the same old middle class bourgeois atheism which cannot offer humanity anything except the cold dead universe of scientism.
It is 19th century atheistic ideology dressed up for the 21st century gullible market.
A little knowledge…etc etc…etc…


This fabric of suppositions is a poor ad for catholic faith, the sort of thing that kept catholics so immature and benighted for centuries.


Pat is doing the best, mind your own business. Go and ask your priest his own health status. See when his last trip to the GUM clinic was.


Sure priests don’t use the local gum clinics they use private ones. Would be too risky to be seen in the RVH level 2.

Scientific Proof For The Eucharist
By Laura Hensley
May 12, 2022.
‘After Pew Research published a poll in 2019 stating that only one third of all Catholics believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, there has been renewed energy among those who do believe to spread the word to those who don’t. This is the foundation of what separates Catholics from other Christian denominations; we are the ones who believe fully in the words that Jesus spoke during the Last Supper and he wanted us to repeat this miracle at each and ever Mass. Dr. Franco Serafini, a prominent cardiologist and author, reveals the science behind the Eucharist and provides proof from other scientists the research into five Eucharistic Miracles. A Cardiologist Examines Jesus: The Stunning Science Behind Eucharistic Miracles, by Dr. Franco Serafini, shows us that science is real and can be used to prove the existence of God.’


What a ridiculous article. It both says that we are the ones who believe… But also says we don’t.
The vast majority of religious believers don’t take it half as seriously as they make out. If they did there’d be no child abusing or sexually active priests.


10.06am – what’s ridiculous about this article – don’t jump to conclusions because you’re a non-believer, there are those who do believe in miracles, and I certainly do. Begorrah you did not forget to mention sexually active priests and child abuse….here we go again. That must be all that’s in your tiny brain, RCC priests, religious, cohorts and their sheep. How sad or should I say how bad, are you.
Bishop Pat has written a very good article,.


Jesus and John were in cahoots. This is why I love to see Priests having girlfriends or boyfriends. It’s a lonely enough life.


I’m absolutely fascinated as to why you would do this.
Surely faith of its nature doesn’t need proof, and if you seek proof it suggests your faith is somewhat lacking?
I’m also fairly sure (but stand to be corrected) that these Eucharistic miracles wouldn’t be de fide anyway so he’s busy trying to prove something that is at best peripheral.
And then there are the objections already raised that this really doesn’t prove these are miracles at all!
It’s all a bit pointless?


9:02am – right on, any excuse you know. it’s no secret that vice districts in proximity to Roman Catholic sites of pilgrimage enjoy increased income during “visitations”. Pray & Play Time 😇


It’s easy to tell that 9.09 and 10.32 are both from the north by their turns of phrase.


In general. Priests are men. All men have sexuality. Celibacy was not introduced nor enforced by Jesus. It developed into practice in the 11 century. If your priest is straight, gay, bi or other, who cares? He made a vow of celibacy that is outdated and not defined by Jesus Christ. While you lot complain about my lack of celibacy, take a look at yourself. Are you perfect? We are only human, we are made to make mistakes, fall and get back up.


9:09 The modern world has come up with a strangely accurate phrase for this – ‘post nut clarity’.


I want to know your name. For I will not be attending any service you provide you massive HYPOCRITE of a man.


Keep telling yourself that, do your sexual purges fill you with happiness? Or leave you feeling empty and cold?


9:40am Oliver should learn more about “boundaries” – back to the academy for him.


9.16am very good comment. I put my hand up and say no, I’m not perfect and I agree with all you have said.. Celibacy is outdated and yes we all fall down, make mistakes even in married life after making a commitment before God, to our spouse. Life is what we make it and it can be fair tough. I’m sure there isn’t one person who comments on this blog PERFECT or if they think they are they’re kidding themselves.


A study released today shows 0.1% of NI population are transgender.
Yet it is their voices you hear all the time complaining.
The travellers would do well getting advice from the trans.


There was a wo-man on the news today telling her story and it was really bad. Everyone deserves a voice.


Why are they always rampant in poorer areas? Because they have too many children and have children to every man. Let them eat cake 🍰


11:13am according to RTE report on St Vincent de Paul Charity volunteer lady with over 40 years service to the poor – she confirmed that those who previously donated to their food banks are now unable to & in fact have to call once or twice a month for food for themselves. Shame on your over privileged snootiness on mocking Iceland brand shoppers, Father Greedy Gut.


Homophobia is “an unholy line of tradition” in the Catholic Church. Archbishop of Berlin, Heiner Koch


Michelle O’Neill should be ashamed to call herself a woman and a mother. Yet again out campaigning for ‘healthcare’ rights of women to access abortion. Women use to be the more compassionate gender, now they are murderous treacherous bitches.


How dare you tell us women what to do with our bodies. Homosexuals are just as bad as women having abortions, anal sex will not make them reproduce so it’s much of a muchness.


Pat you are missing my point. I’m not out protesting at all the gays draining our NHS through GUM clinics. So Tony needs to back off and not tell me about abortions. An average woman will have two abortions in her lifetime. How many stis do gay men pick up a year?


Shannon what planet are you on? That comparison doesn’t make an ounce of sense. Like your argument that it’s “my body”


Since when was it gay mens fault for the lack of access to abortions in NI? I think blame with that lies with our executive which is mostly made up of straight men.


10.00 Shannon what a sweeping statement you have just made. I hope I will be backed up here when I say I’m a very average woman and I have never ever had an abortion and would not ever dream of putting myself in that situation. You need to go and get help or see a psychiatrist if you have had two abortions – may God forgive you.


9.34 You are so respectful of the many “duine gan breith”….perhaps you should review your respect for the born.


It’s my body, I’ll wear short skirts and boob tubes and no panties. The modern day woman 🤮. I feel sorry for straight men, I really do.


I was at a restaurant yesterday and was served by a lovely young man. This man, under the abortion laws would be legally aborted up to 9 months, supported by Sinn Fein IRA. All because he has Downs Syndrome. Absolutely disgusting.


10.30 You do now know that Aran Islands…..were called after the word for Kidney!!!!! Lol Lol Lol…..or are you just into the modurnn stuff!!!!!


Pat you’re obviously in a mood where you like to see pretty well everyone abused and humiliated on the blog.


Dr. Serafini’s wirk and vigorous scientific studies are fascinating. Whether any of his contemporaries agree or disagree with him, his findings are very thought provoking and for religious believers, his studies will deepen their belief in the True and Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We can at times be an.ost left “faithless at the incredulous mystery at the geart of the Eucharist but this gift which Jesus left us is a wonderful gift. It us at the heart of a believing, praying community in Christ. No atheist will ever shift my belief; challenge it, yes, but destroy it, never. These findings by this doctor and ithers deepen my faith in the Eucharistic Christ – fully present, body, soul and divinity – when I offer mass later today.


I’m fairly sure you don’t mean vigorous.
I suspect you mean rigorous, which his studies may be but his conclusions certainly are not.
Don’t worry, clergy reading this, your core audience remains ready to keep you in luxury for generations yet


Yes True Believer, offer away! Y’know this “offering mass thingy”, the hallmark of priestly ontological change, is what differentiates priests from the peasantry. It highlights their superior status.
Oh yes, it makes them feel good, exceptional, …the anointed.
Do the cuckoo’s sing loudly in cloud cuckoo land?


11.03: Poir old Sammy Sceptic: continue your ignorance.. I only dialogue with educated people, not the charlatan peasant you seem to be…The Mass as a prayer is just so beautiful, inspiring and meaningful. But you wouldn’t appreciate beauty, mystery, transcendence or wonder!!! Try and educate yourself, Sammy..


11:01am Specsavers doing a discount on eye tests right now – mind you there are none so blind as those who “choose” not to see for reasons highlighted daily on the blog with examples helpfully contributed by seething catlicks.


Most parishioners are not obsessed with priests sex lives. A number of commentators to this blog give such an impression. Maybe those commentators are simply obsessed with sex.


What is the matter with you all? They’re not obsessed with priests’ sex lives they’re just interested in making the blog and Pat Buckley look stupid with their hateful, stupid comments. They’re still hoping to escalate to the point it gets shut down. And bullying off regular sensible commenters is a bonus.
There, fixed it for you.


I think you are on to something. In the last while I’ve noticed vicious generalizations made against all clerics-sometimes the commentator answers him/herself. I think vilifying all
priests is the main agenda while making the blog and Bishop Pat appear vengeful resulting
in discouraging genuine sensible commentators from posting.


I’m not the one having sex in parks or public toilets am I though? Can’t even take children to the park for fear they will be subjected to obscene behaviour by the local gays.


12:07pm what about the souls of the babies buried under the well manicure d lawns of former RCC run facilities or the older undocumented institution child/teenage slaves rented out to toffee nosed pals of nuns & priests???


Well I must agree with Shannon on this. I had to stop going to the park in Lagmore with my children due to anti social homosexual behaviour. They left used condoms and lube on the ground instead of using the bin provided. What is wrong with actually having sexual intercourse in the comfort of a house?


Maybe Shannon could go to Lagmore Park and learn what contraception is? Then we would not have the need for abortion services in NI.


It’s not funny. I did actually get out of bed literally the wrong way and stubbed my toe on the bird bath.


It is not ok but they do so anyway. When they are in their houses alone we don’t know what they are up to. We can speculate but that’s all we can do.


This idiocy is reminiscent of the faulty sacramental theology of an Irish bishop, often in the media, who when he heard a priest clang ciboria said in exasperation “Jesus is hurting.” He didn’t have Tom Marsh for Christology.


Tom Marsh was a wonderful human being…..a really good and genuine man…..I can still see him checking out the lecture hall with The Blue Guitar. His Christology was quietly rooted in the human essentials. Way ahead of his time interiorily. Paddy Hannon also….they must have been martyrs to put up with the idocacy surrounding them…


I Waterford it was my job to buy Tom March his Dunhillbfags – hundreds at a time.

He was also a big whiskey man.

He killed himself early.


In 1996, in Buenos Aires a piece of bread spontaneously transformed into what looked like flesh and blood. The Archbishop, now Pope Francis, wanted it to be scientifically investigated. 20 years in the making, unseen original material seen for the first time,this is the official firsthand account of the investigation of Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires by Lawyer and Documentary Filmmaker, Ron Tesoriero. This miracle is included in Dr. Franco Serafini book. It includes comments from Richard Dawkins et al.
See for more. Enjoy!
Blood of Christ Part 1: The Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires


You’re going to have to provide evidence that ‘God’ was in any way connected with this or even that she exists.
Science, my arse.


Anon@12:19, you make a very pertinent point. It’s one however that will be “lost” on the gullible believers projecting divine intervention onto anything “out of the ordinary.”
Of course it will have to be their particular version of the divine, Jesus, Mary, St Patrick, ….or whatever is this month’s flavour.
Fact is that there’s much we humans can’t explain or understand. But naivety and gullibility, being only used to simple cause and effect, projects what some call the “GOD OF THE GAPS” as the explanation, the religious one of course. And of course this great “mystery” is validated, (in their minds) by the comprehensive explanatory virtue of “FAITH”
Wiki refers to faith as “a strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, BASED ON SPIRITUAL CONVICTION RATHER THAN PROOF” (My capitals)


Until the 1990s, Lanciano was the only proven case of the Eucharist turning into human flesh. Other cases had not been tested with modern scientific equipment, nor had the many dozens of bloodstains on corporals and chalices that have been preserved and are venerated as having come from bleeding hosts. Eucharist miraculous occurrences from Argentina in 1996, from 2006 in Tixtla, Mexico: 2008, in Sokolka, Poland: and 2013, Legnica, Poland:received intensive study with HIGHLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY. In several cases, doctors did not know the source of the material. And yet, in all the cases, the same results were found, and are consistent with the results of Lanciano, providing even more details due to more ADVANCED SCIENCE. You can’t have it both ways, MMM.


Anon @ 1.22. Anon@ 10:54 above refers to how alleged scientific findings are validated. Independent objective peer review and confirmation is a prerequisite before acceptance. As yet I’ve not been made aware of any reliable validation of the many religious claims, miracles, transubstantiation and the like. Smoke and mirrors at best, and as a previous comment says, by ‘snake oil salesmen.’


You mean Lanciano was the only case where it was proven human flesh was substituted for the Eucharist.
For proof that it changed you would have to do it in a totally contained and controlled environment.


” I’ve not been made aware of any reliable validation of the many religious claims.”
Oh, so no one has made you aware of reliable validation of religious claims.
Read the findings before making puerile remarks. As mentioned @ 2:54pm
Dawkins has no idea for the origins of life or the first self-replicating molecule.
Will you do him a big favour by making him aware of the answer. You seem to know…


LoL.. Many consider social workers ‘snake oil merchants’ par excellance, waffling their way through their working life, with meetings, talk shops, case conferences, case reviews, supervision,etc.Talk about smoke and mirrors. What scientific basis is behind social work interventions-waffle!!


There is a difference between proof, evidence and scientific examination of unusual phenomena. Lanciano Eucharistic miracle dates back to 750AD. In 1970, more than 1,200 years later, the archbishop of Lanciano, with Rome’s approval, requested a thorough scientific examination of the miraculous relics by Dr. Edward Linoli, director of the hospital at Arezzo and professor of anatomy, histology, chemistry, and clinical microscopy. His report, submitted on March 4, 1971, detailed the following results:
The coagulated substance is human blood, AB blood type, with the same protein distribution as found in normal, fresh blood
The host is human muscular striated tissue of the myocardium, left ventricle (heart); arteries, veins, branch of vagus nerve, and adipose tissue all can be identified.
Like the blood, the flesh is also fresh, living tissue, because it responded rapidly to all the clinical reactions distinctive of living beings as if the flesh and blood samples had been taken that day.Histological tests revealed no sign of preservation techniques of any kind.


Leonie at yesterday’s Post,
I contribute less and less on this bog as time pass by except for an issue which might interest me.
But in the meantime, I continue to read this blog for the time being. I sensed re losing interest which is working especially weaning off from this blog nice and slow in last few months. But it accelerated much faster than I thought.
Readers, anyway apart from that, today blog isn’t surprising cos I had visited lanciano in Italy back then and also visited a stigmatic priest(deceased) outside of Rome. Which turned out to be a fake stigmatist priest. PBXvi barred him to exile and stripped his priestly status I think. Nuns were all flocking around him to protect him which was unreal as my camera was stolen at that place.
Let us aside the science for now, before we return back to science. I noticed when at live exposition of the eucharistic, it comes alive at time as if something was there – no science, just anecdotal experience of mine and few others as well. What I’m saying was, when eucharist was exposed, it’s no longer empty (like I used to find myself feeling empty in some protestant churches) but something is there if you get my drift. Sometimes, I feel a ripple of wave coming from eucharist exposed live. It made me wonder what was it? 🤷‍♀️
When a priest takes away the host from the monstrance as if it was turned off. (when time was up to end it). Some of us felt the same way when it was removed as if turned off at tap.
It doesn’t happen very often but came across like that from time to time. That’s my anecdotal experience. Few others felt the same way as myself.
Anyway back to science, jesus blood group was supposed to be AB group I think. But science isn’t perfect as they claimed it to be. Covid 19 is another example where science failed cis it wasn’t convincing nor through.


“I contribute less and less on this bog”
DG, the Greens are an absolute disgrace. Our brethren only wants a few sods of turf to keep the home fires burning through the winter. The secular society have lost the plot completely.


Seamus at 1.59pm
My apologies cos I meant blog, not bog due to my fat finger pressing wrong button.
Agree with you re green party absolute disgrace re bogs as I have seen various people doing the work in the bog to bring home the turf as its Roscommon Galway border.
Green party so out of touch and clueless. My mistake was to vote for them in last election. Never again will I vote for GP again as they are going towards Labour way now. GP are finished as they won’t get another votes from us or another extra seat from our votes.
A pressing need to set up an alternative green party or a party with strong green agenda plus proven track record of delivery.
Its the FFGG govt who lost the plot re various issues more pressing.


1.59pm Yes Seamus you are one of the many good commenters on Pats blog – and it is very hard to blame you or any of the other good ones who have left. Pa’s blog is not like what it used to be, nonsense and rubbish by a lot of new recruits who as can be seen reply to themselves quite a lot under disguise. Seamus its up to pat to stop these stupid comments being put on his blog and ruining his chances of ever getting it back to the way it was.


12:10pm, DG, travelled all over Europe on an extended trip one time – visited all kinds of areas rich & some very poor but the “only” place we were robbed in & broad daylight too was when car pulled up outside hotel & snatched the biggest & most expensive looking of our suitcases only barely left down & sped off. Common enough occurrence apparently . Rome, my arse! Capital of crooks & criminals international led by Captain Frankie the Fraud who can’t even go home in case he’d be “lifted” by authorities.


Anon at 4.08pm
Maximus would say ‘Rome, Rome, Rome, mother of all cities, my camera was stolen inside a church, imagine that 🙈😉. I couldn’t believe it but I realised its ROME after all, re petty crime and sorts, not on the same planet as Bangkok.
That church was run by
the nuns whose order that brother turned into a priest stigmatist founded it. He was abusing seminarians, left, right and centre as he needed young seminarians, not fully fledged priests. Mostly seminarians from USA were flocking to that place outside of Rome. We visited him as a side trip as part of our Italian trip. It was that church where I found him very cold and aloof, he was quite tall well over 6ft 3 inches of him. His name was fr gino Burresi of the oblate of Mary order. We didn’t know re his hidden history as it was covered up by the Vatican via jpii. It was only when Ratzinger became a Pope, then he did the first thing next day is to banish that brother into priest stigmatist into exile with strict restrictions, no seminarians et al.
I don’t know how people especially Americans fell for him and gave him loads of money to build a church some 12. 5kms outside of rome.
I noticed one thing during our trip in Italy, male waitress was v handsome, he drooled over a gay irish man. That was starting point of lesson 101 re Rome/rcc and homosexuality.


7:25pm the rent boys make an absolute fortune in Rome, they fight like Tom Cats for territory – La Piazza.


Hi DG,
I understand,DG.
I love your contributions to the blog.
You speak with the wisdom of life experience.
Years ago I knew a few people from the deaf community.


I’m in two minds.
My partner is a massive drinker which is increasingly becoming problematic.
He told me once while very intoxicated he had slept with a priest on a number of occasions, but when sober denies it.
Do I challenge the priest?


This is how Noel can not see when other priests are ruining parishes. He has no experience running one himself. D&C is in utter crisis. I know of very little happy parishes that are being efficiently run. The mess David Delargy leaves behind him is truly unbelievable.


Where are all the comments originating from? I do wonder does Noel contribute to the blog in a sneaky way. When he was a parish priest he had a good sense of humour.


Why has Noel refused to meet you for years? Very cowardice I would say. You have had him caught out on so many things.


Noel was a curate for only a few months. That is his entire pastoral experience. The rest of the time he was a desk priest.


12.25: But you still allow commentary which incites hatred of priests. You actually facilitate hate rhetoric. Pat: You are spiritually and morally bankrupt.


What the hell would you know. Public figures have the right to be scrutinised. They should be held accountable for their actions in public roles. If they stopped having sex with each other and practiced what they preached the world would be a better place.


Priests put themselves in the firing line by becoming public figures. If they can’t deal with the scrutiny Pat offers, then they should get out or shut up.


12:39 Catholic Church also abuse the rights of private citizens via their illegal use of personal data obtained in the course of necessary interactions.


I have to agree with Marcelo. Even the feminine names you give colleagues and the other nicknames you have made up for them, Poppy, Tank, Bulldozer, Pom Pom, Gorgeous, Bling, Bambi, Tinkerer, Rinder, Bingo etc are not very nice Pat.


Bloody emergency phone went off in the middle of the night and it was gypsies wanting to book a months mind. What bloody part of emergency do these invalids not understand! From now on I will be turning the damn thing off.


Why would a priest have an emergency? Not like being asked for money in an emergency will help.
You don’t like it that the attitude you attribute to Irish travellers is the true priestly motivation.


1:40pm Spoofer!! Sure we weren’t the real Gypsies at all, Father, we were only trying to rise ya, literally!! Even da Gypsies know all about ye, ye don’t house them neither no more than ye housed the poor aul Ukrainians. Ye all “talk”, Father. Full ya lies & bullshit.


5:58pm just as well they weren’t having their bare knuckle fight outside the church, if they spotted what goes on in there on top of the altar at night, there could be hell to pay.


I love the fear you put in priests when we are reading this blog. We all talk about it Pat, at least I can admit to it.


2:01 sensible folks couldn’t give a tinkers cuss if the next Pope was Marlboro Red with 40 Shades of Green stuck to his arse.


I just love your Blog, Bishop Pat Buckley
For how the Nasty, Vile clerical representatives “demonstrate” on here every day on the
Unenviable opportunities they offer to engage with a population of all manner of Bastards, Frauds & Thieves.
Aren’t the rest of us spoilt for choice.
What a shower of Motherfuckers, indeed. No example to any school child nor indeed anyone.


I can not believe a cardiologist would make such outrageous claims just for a bit of fame. What is wrong with society today?


Priests in good standing order; Fr Martin Magill, Fr Patrick Sheehan, Fr Patrick Delargy, Fr Eamon Magorrian, Fr Brendan Hickland and Fr John McManus.
William Mulvihill, correct me if I am wrong.
Fine and noble gentleman.


Pat do you enjoy Chardonnay? I got a lovely one yesterday in the Lidl for £5.50 and you couldn’t be bad to it.


Nothing wrong with Lidl. But I don’t like Chardonnay. I like Pinot Blanc or a German or Austrian.


Hello Bishop Buckley, I just wanted to remind you that you have an open invitation to the Devenish for food with the lovely Eduardo, anytime you like. It was wonderful to have your company last month at the wedding and we look forward to welcoming you back.


One day; would you let readers just blurt out any accusations they have about clergy and not moderate it. Just let it all roll. Would be fun


3:55 pm

One day; why not share some scandalous outrageous shameful details on your life for our amusement.


2.19: What does it matter where he is? Are you just being a lazy auld gossip and trouble maker, queen of queens!


Let’s face it, we all know what priests are heading out of town soon. It will come as no surprise when you all find out the names.


Shannon, why are you so mad with all the gays when you can be GLAD. You need to calm down, Cus shade never made anyone less gay.


Well I have to say todays barbs between clergy have been very disappointing. All the accusations of sexual immorality has sickened me to my stomach.


As a former unhappy priest in the west riding Archbishop Roche has now helped me. Arthur is’nt all black.


Pat What do you think about Cardinal Cordileone today formally announcing that Nancy Pelosi will be refused Communion in the diocese of San Francisco because of her stand on abortion


Isn’t he the hierarch who was arrested on charges of drunk driving with his elderly mother and a man in the car? What allows him to see into the conscience of another?


11.05pm just about to retire for the night but this caught my eye. “What’s the matter father” – why do you always assume its “a father” but we all know why you think like this – its as plain as the false smile on your face “mother”.


Have studied this Afternoon’s Troll comments ——– here’s just a sample of “some” of them….1.40,1.42,1.53,1.54,2.01,2.18,2.19,2.42,2.46,2.49,3.09,3.10,3.16,3.19,3.24,3.35,3.41,3.52, 3.55,3.57, Say no more. Pat you need to moderate a lot more for your own sake. I know you are the owner but deciding to entertain these trolls will be to your detriment.


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