


To the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress Nancy Pelosi

The Second Vatican Council, in its Decree on the Church in the Modem World, Gaudium et spes, reiterated the Church’s ancient and consistent teaching that “from the first moment of conception life must be guarded with the greatest care while abortion and infanticide are unspeakable crimes” (n. 51). Christians have, indeed, always upheld the dignity of human life in every stage, especially the most vulnerable, beginning with life in the womb. His Holiness, Pope Francis, in keeping with his predecessors, has likewise been quite clear and emphatic in teaching on the dignity of human life in the womb.

This fundamental moral truth has consequences for Catholics in how they live their lives, especially those entrusted with promoting and protecting the public good of society. Pope St. John Paul II was also quite consistent in upholding this constant teaching of the Church, and frequently reminded us that “those who are directly involved in lawmaking bodies have a ‘grave and clear obligation to oppose’ any law that attacks human life. For them, as for every Catholic, it is impossible to promote such laws or to vote for them” (cf. Doctrinal Note on some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in political life [November 24, 2002], n. 4, §1). A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others. Therefore, universal Church law provides that such persons “are not to be admitted to Holy Communion” (Code of Canon Law, can. 915).

With regard to the application of these principles to Catholics in political life, then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, wrote to the U.S. bishops in 2004 explaining the approach to be taken:

“… when a person‘s formal cooperation becomes manifest (understood, in the case of a Catholic politician, as his consistently campaigning and voting for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws), his Pastor should meet with him, instructing him about the Church’s teaching, informing him that he is not to present himself for Holy Communion until he brings to an end the objective situation of sin, and warning him that he will otherwise be denied the Eucharist. When ‘these precautionary measures have not had their effect … ,’ and the person in question, with obstinate persistence, still presents himself to receive the Holy Eucharist, ‘the minister of Holy Communion must refuse to distribute it.’”

In striving to follow this direction, I am grateful to you for the time you have given me in the past to speak about these matters. Unfortunately, I have not received such an accommodation to my many requests to speak with you again since you vowed to codify the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in federal law following upon passage of Texas Senate Bill 8 last September. That is why I communicated my concerns to you via letter on April 7, 2022, and informed you there that, should you not publicly repudiate your advocacy for abortion “rights” or else refrain from referring to your Catholic faith in public and receiving Holy Communion, I would have no choice but to make a declaration, in keeping with canon 915, that you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion.

As you have not publically repudiated your position on abortion, and continue to refer to your Catholic faith in justifying your position and to receive Holy Communion, that time has now come. Therefore, in light of my responsibility as the Archbishop of San Francisco to be “concerned for all the Christian faithful entrusted to [my] care” (Code of Canon Law, can. 383, §1), by means of this communication I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publicly repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.


Cordileone was placed on three years’ probation and ordered to pay a fine. He also will have to attend a Mothers Against Drunk Driving victim-impact panel and a three-month first conviction program through the state Department of Motor Vehicles.

After his arrest, he issued a statement saying he was stopped when driving his mother home after having dinner at the home of some friends. He said his blood-alcohol level was over the 0.08 percent limit for California drivers.

Court records show it measured 0.11 percent within three hours of the stop.

Cordileone apologized for his “error in judgment” and asked for forgiveness from his family, friends and co-workers at the Diocese of Oakland and Archdiocese of San Francisco.


I have never refused anyone Holy Communion in my 46 years as a priest.

As a sinner myself, how can I refuse Holy Communion to another sinner.

We can, as Catholics, objectively condemn the action of abortion as a mortal or grave sin.

We cannot judge the subjective moral guilt of any particular individual.

That is God’s job.

Cordileone is himself a PUBLIC SINNER.

He drank and drove and put many people’s lives at risk.

His story of the young man in the car changed.

He was once a young friend, then a seminarian, and now a foreign priest.

Cordileone is just another RC episcopal hypocrite.


It is very sad that evangelicals and other Christians are switching to the Roman Catholic position given above rather than the biblical position which is clear that a foetus is not to be treated on the same footing as a person and in fact commands when it should be aborted. This is what God has clearly revealed in His Word and it can’t be changed.


@10:39. “…..what God has clearly revealed in his Word…” you say, presumably referring to some biblical writings?
There are several difficulties here for sceptics like me.
1) Can anyone “prove” that your god “wrote” the various ancient tracts which eventually made up the “Bible”, while other contemporary writings were set aside as irrelevant?
2) Whose interpretation of biblical tracts is to be considered authentic and correct? (Just recently on this blog there were comments saying the bible’s words were not necessarily explicit or accurate: just a vehicle conveying the writer’s message!)

There’s many other issues. But surely the central issue is to ask what kind of god chooses such a convoluted and weird method of communication: dubious ancient writings by different writers in a small country focusing largely on localised pastoral issues etc etc.
After all, this alleged God sat on his hands for a couple of hundred thousand years of human evolutionary development before “the Christian era”. Why didn’t he hold on for a wee while longer until Caxton’s presses started rolling, or better still, our present digital age presented more efficient and effective communication?
Or maybe “It’s a MYSTERY!”
Jus’ wondering, …🤔


Bishop, I never give verses when asked, believing that it’s better for people to be exposed to the scripture by finding them but there are two passages:
One amongst penalities for violence where a woman miscarries. The penalty for harm to the woman is noticeably different to what happens if she only miscarries.
In the other the Lord commands that a woman who has cheated on her husband have the priest abort the baby and gives a recipe to do so.

It is very clear in the Scripture that a foetus is not treated the same as a human life, and this is the biblical position which Evangelicals rightly adhered to until the last few decades.

Mourne Man Michael:
We live by faith! So in terms of scientific or textual criticism it can’t be proved.
The interpretation is that of the Holy Spirit in the believers heart. You will be thinking that that is also unprovable and you would be right. I’m frankly rather tired of Christians who don’t have faith, don’t know the Scripture and try to compromise with the world, so have stopped pretending that faith can be proved!


@ 9:29. In terms of answering my questions, your score parallels GB’s Eurovision points last year: null points!
But you’re right to “stop pretending faith can be proved”, by which you probably mean to say that the TENETS of faith can’t be proven. After all a standard definition of faith is that it is “a strong belief in doctrines of religion based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.”
Perhaps on reflection you might have the courtesy to provide +Pat with the references to the verses you refer to.


Archbishop Cordileone is quite right to refuse that oul hag Pelosi Holy Communion, she has some cheek to present herself for the Holy Sacrament in the first place while supporting abortion. The Archbishop was wrong as regards driving over the limit. He received his punishment, so why all the woke ejits on here are all for Nancy but down on this particular Archbishop. I suppose it’s because he’s one of the few prelates in America who is still actually Catholic.


The ‘h” word shows that the commenter is called Bela Lugosi Willy of Govan. A commenter pointed out that Bela has the occasional fling with another male. Why he’s so judgemental to NP is bizarre.


Pat, in your world, anything goes – you need to truly read the moral teachings of Jesus. We must each be careful about our judgments of others, yet you have just written this Bishop off as a hypocrite, thetefore as undeserving of mercy or respect or worth in his role. If that’s the narrative, none of us are at all worthy of God’s graces. Even you. We are all sinners but that doesn’t mean we equivocate or compromise the truths of our Catholic teachings. Miss Pelosi is a cheerleader for abortion up to late stage, almost to birth. How disgusting of her!


Abortion is a sorrowful and desperate action to take.The condemnation by people should take a different action.People who decide to abort their child are not thinking in their right mind they are frightened, their horomones are all over the place and instead they need as much support as possible. The people who are condemning the action should be fighting for a better soceity to help people raise their families. We should be condemning the lack of housing and homelessness ,lack of school places for special needs children , condemning the lack of condemnation from the RCC on the cover up of child sex abuse and let families experience a safe environment.
Salvatore Cordilone was arrested for a drunk driving charge in 2012 and which he later joked about. He could have taken the right of life from people through this action and have committed a manifestly grave sin. He refused to condemn child sex abusers and tried to get a rule allowing extending statute of limitation against clergy overturned. This is a grave sin shown to the vulnerable sexually abused.
Mrs Pelosi why would you receive the Eucharist from imo a grave sinner. I do believe that a lot of clerics despise the female


Anon at 1.08pm

Can you provide the evidence or proof re this quote ‘ He refused to condemn child sex abusers and tried to get a rule allowing extending statute of limitation against clergy overturned’.

This 👆is particularly interesting cos double standards, sheer hypocrisy demonstrated by him and the same time he was able to put out in PUBLIC re his decision to OUT Pelosi but NOT public re HIS decision NOT to OUT priest abusers or clerical abusers as a man of CLOTH re abuses on kids.

I wonder, did he ever sack or defrock a priest or clerical men of religious orders on the grounds of sexual abuses on innocent kids 🤷‍♀️.

I am so upset that he does not understand the meaning of the Eucharist. He shouts for the unborn but when they are born he stops shouting
If he understood the Eucharist he would have seen Jesus in the homeless who went to his house for shelter. Instead Jesus got soaked by the sprinklers.


Google the smears with which trumpy homophobic would-be supercatholics have flooded the social media against inoffensive Fr Martin, friend of the pope, whom they also hate.


@ 12;28pm

He might be inoffensive to you, he is very offensive to plenty others. The fact that you say he’s a ‘friend’ of Bergo condemns the both of them. Truly birds of a feather flock together.


People in glass houses should never throw stones, and the archbishop is definitely in a glass closet!!!!!!!!


The archbishop is doing what he promised to do at his episcopal ordination.
After the homily, the bishop-elect is asked nine questions to ascertain whether the candidate is 1) prepared to discharge this sacred duty until the end of his life, 2) remaining “faithful and constant” in proclaiming the Holy Gospel, 3) maintaining without change the “deposit of faith” that the apostles have passed along down through the ages, 4) to “build up the Church as the Body of Christ,” 5) to “remain united to it within the Order of Bishops under the authority of the successor of the Apostle Peter,” 6) to guide the People of God “as a devoted father,” 7) to “be welcoming and merciful to the poor,” 8) to “seek out the sheep who stray,” 9) and to pray unceasingly for the People of God.


And withholding communion from the unworthy appears where? Don’t get me wrong, I think having the Catholic church excommunicate you is a sure sign you’re doing something right.


Was the archbishop fulfilling his Christan duty driving under the influence or living in a house in 2015 that had sprinklers on it that soaked the homeless when they came looking for shelter.
Nancy Pelosi supports abortion where there is a risk to life. The RCC rules that a baby or foetus cannot be removed from the mother as long as their is a heartbeat. A few years ago there was a pregnant brain dead woman connected to a machine as the foetus had a heartbeat. Her family were watching her decay before their eyes. The courts had to intervene as the foetus was dying as well and could not survive.
Cannot we not discuss this in a caring Christian way. No one is perfect and stop the judging and nasty name calling.


12.05pm so much for you reading the comment of 9.59am – you are always out to attack the Church. I will pray for you. You’re a lost soul.


Pat why are you letting priests away with sleeping with one another and not featuring them on this good blog


True. However such priests are breaking a public solemn promise and can be guilty of hypocrisy as the represent the teachings of the Catholic Catechism.


What other organisation does not let people have sex? It is not fair or normal. I regret signing up to this now.


Oh Pat, I am so hungover, I don’t think anyone should be refused communion, I think you are right. We all sun and should repent likewise.


2.12: What a nasty hobby yiu have! Who authorised a twisted geezer like you to play GOD with people’s lives? While you may proclaim your live for CHRIST, your behaviour us totally disingenuous and NOT OF CHRIST. EVER. Considering your past and present life, you are no icon of virtue. Get behind us, Satan..


Throughout the world, sadly, the RCC appear to be a committed membership of duplicitous & highly Judgemental purveyors of all manner of lies, cover up and filth who proactively enjoy creating, supporting and covering up for wrong doings.


Speaker Pelosi and Archbishop Cordileone are cut of the very same fabric….like all of their kind. They “use” power on and over others. Its a global fabric…..and always expensive to wear …in cost and in soul.


3.20 The Speaker like Biden is a warmonger around the globe in the places where media have gone silent or seldom bother!!! Blatant racism and sectarianism rife in the world. Rife…as never before….I do not include the horror of Slavery past and present in my comment.


I literally cannot wait until Archbishop ‘Dickhead’ Corleone’s (or whatever his name is) sex life comes out. He had better literally be celibate to pull a stunt like this or some rent boy will take the opportunity 😂. ‘Celibate archbishop keeps Kleenex next to the bed’ isn’t news.


12:03. You could be a hell of a long time waiting. Wealthy RCC can more than well afford to purchase the silence of destitute rent boys 🥲


@ 12:03pm
I hope you never get what you wish. Stop being a ‘Dickhead’ judging others to be like yourself.


Make your mind up you lot, we are either depressed Cus we are not having any sex or we are at it like rabbits with each other.


Put off the road for drunk driving while a bishop and yet refuses communion to somebody who is pro choice.
You honestly couldn’t make this stuff up. No wonder the RCC is going the way of the dodo.


@ 2.02 pm

What an idiotic fool you are, he could have killed someone or left them with life changing injuries such as brain damage, loss of limb(s), paralysis from the waist down or worse the neck down.

Now go and sit quietly for some time and think about what I have said above together with your stupid and reckless comment.


What’s the difference between “his car, his choice” and “my body, my choice”? In the first there’s a strong possibility that another human being will be killed; in the second there is 100% certainty that another human being will be killed.


He should not have drank more than a hem.
The commandment say: Thou shalt not kill. I’m not comfortable with denying anyone Holy Communion but at the same time, abortionists should reflect on the loss of life of the innocent unborn children.
Pelosi visited the Ukraine. She abhors the war in Ukraine but supports the modern day holocaust that is abortion.
When it comes to the modern day secular feminist society, you really could not make this stuff up. Hypocrites!


Hallelujah. Ould John Knox, the man who “wiped the smile off Scotland’s face” is now having the smile wiped off his own. Hehehe


Why isn’t there a similar ban on Sleepy Joe? His record is as bad as Pelosi’s. Is it because the Francis-appointed Archbishop of Washington is a known Democrat who puts politics above doctrine?


1.27….of lineage from Mc Carraig…Whurl..a ” creation” of their ” pool”…..the underground pipes to the many pools…..including Bergoglio s….are filled with more than water!!! Mc Gee had the finest tiles in the local one!!!!!


With killer monkeys added to the list of things that want us dead its going to be an interesting week. I’ve survived covid, long covid, Aids, Omicron, and climate change. I’ll be damned if i now die to a monkey.


Yes we certainly live in dangerous times. Sounds like you’ve been through a lot. Onwsrds and upwards. Don’t let the monkeys grt you down.


@2.29pm The feeling is very much mutal Mr disgruntled reject. You always stick out like a sore thumb on here. Who spurned you poor wee saddo?


Unbelievable to read Catholic truth Scotland as they were cheerleading that Archbishop cordileone.

Why didn’t he do the same thing to abusers like he did to Pelosi? It’s sheer hypocrisy by that Archbishop cis why didnt he do it before or much earlier say 1 year ago or 5 years ago or 10 years ago.

So why NOW re cordileone decision? Why now, now? It got me thinking, is he angling for the RED hat or something else that I don’t know.

Think he was one of the Liberal bishops that Catholic truth Scotland didn’t like it as much as other Liberal bishops.


Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. This archbishop boyo is either as pure as snow or a complete hypocritical arsehole


When I had the emergency phone the other week I got a call in the middle if the night and I had drank wine earlier and it was safe enough.


Apparently it takes 1 hour per unit for alcohol to leave your system.

A bottle of wine is c 10 units.


I was probably over the limit but I felt fine and was not a danger to anyone. The biggest danger was leaving the house in the middle of the night with so many hooligans about.


You are fairly accurate there. BUT, the system does slow down and taking another unit after the hour will take longer to leave your system and may put you over the limit.
In the UK limits vary between countries. Scotland is very strict and someone who fails could possibly pass in England.
I presume the various states in the US will vary as in the UK.
Best not to drink and drive. I appreciate it is easy for me to say that, as I do not driand have never been drunk.
As regards to the speaker and the Archbishop there is a difference between committing sin and living in sin. HE has committed sin and paid the price. SHE is living in sin by supporting abortion..
As someone has already said on todays blog, slow Joe should be next to be denied communion.

Exposing the darkness at the heart of Irish Society…
Declan McSweeney on May 23, 2022.
‘ I joined the staff of the now-closed Offaly Express in 1988 but did not begin to cover law courts in earnest until 1995, following the retirement of the late Eddie Rogers.
That period coincided approximately with the first cases relating to child sexual abuse. From 1994 onwards, local and national media found themselves having to cover such cases as they began to come to light to a greater degree.That year saw the revelations of the Brendan Smyth saga, which was to lead to the downfall of the Fianna Fáil/Labour coalition in a dispute over warrants for the Norbertine’s extradition to Northern Ireland.’


Bojo has been at it again! Caught drinking while we were in lockdown. He’s more lives than a cat. Priests are obsessed with the bottle.


@5.12pm Ypu are obsessed with breaking bbc news headlines. We are capable of watching the news for ourselves. Twits like you just repeat what has already been reported.


Yea there are a lot of problem drinking priests. Yet parishioners don’t help them as they provide priests with lots of wine etc

Fordham conference on abuse highlights ways the church can foster healthier culture of sexuality
May 23, 2022
by Mark A. Levand
‘ Last month, scholars from all over the world met to discuss projects related to the clergy sexual abuse as part of Fordham University’s “Taking Responsibility” initiative. Some attendees disclosed their abuse by Jesuit priests, adding a palpable solemnity to the larger, systemic issues that make up the Catholic sexual abuse crisis.’…’As a community, we must continue finding solutions toward becoming a sexually healthy people to end sexual abuse in the Catholic Church and beyond.’


7.37: Pat, I wonder why you had that experience? I think you were very shy. I was from the country and most of the seminarians were city guys, some from very upmarket areas and who had been to poshy schools. There was a sense that if you weren’t university material that you were a lesser student. However, in Clonliffe I asserted my own abilities and did not feel left out..But I initially found the experience of seminary life very challenging. Looking back now I really had some great times and great opportunities. And, I got a good education…but the real and necessary education came through parish life and ministry.


Pat you were well noticed running over to see John Charles Morning noon and night. His number one informant you were or so the senior man always said


7.37: Pat, did it ever occur to you that you were very odd? Why did you leave Clonliffe???? You were not mistreated in any way in the seminary…You should be grateful that you got an education from both Clonliffe and St.John’s.. Sometimes you seem to forget. As in all your many conflucts, do you ever “own” your responsibilities? Ever……


Recently featured on this Blog was a homeless man, his encounter with a very reverend gentleman ( lower case!!), the Police and his encounter with the judicial system. Today Catriona Carey…an Accountant…..had multiple encounters with the police and the juducial system…..she got three months prison …SUSPENDED entirely. Anyone who things we have moved on since the 1950s in terms of Establishment and tipping the hat to status and personage…think again….covered on media outlets in Republic of Ireland today. A Disgrace….still have not established if he is a M….r F….r….
.but the Law is an a.s.! Oh to be privileged in RC Ireland Father in Ennis.


7.21 and 9.24 Does anyone who how “special” he is ? I remember the priest asking out the window of the Lourdes Presbytery in Drogheda ” Do you know this isn’t a supermarket ?” unaware he was of my approach……some of them are just like that…..awful.


9.38 “Dean” That cannot be so….Mc Quaids No 1 Informant was a student with very bad acne…..The student would remove his shirt and the Archbishop would apply the ointment…on the Archbishops instruction to the President of Clonliffe he always passed his exams ( Like Ledwith to the NUI on three seperate occasions for the same student….he attempted a fourth and the NUI refused), he had no academic prowess and was never ordained…..he is still alive to my knowledge….other details are not here necessary except to say his later issues perhaps go back to that time. He to my knowledge was the No 1 Informant…..the senior you cite had his reasons I am quite sure. Clonliffe then could have given lessons to Maynooth more recently…..”strange goings on”……he knew a lot about it. Bill Mulvihill


P.S the Castlecomer Rd is a very fashionable address in Kilkenny….I happen to know that the AIB Branch manager….if you in the right housing area on that road…..comes to visit you… need for you to have the hassle of visiting the branch!!!! Ireland…lol…


Why is any bishop or priest looking at the person receiving communion.
It’s none of his business who the


it is there business. Their rules. if you do not like it, go somewhere else. As has been mentioned many times on this blog, if you are in he public eye you can expect to be called out. Old Nancy deserves all she gets the same as bishops and priests.


Nancy Pelosi called Donald Trump obese before the world…..and got away with it!!!!!!! A really nice person indeed!


It is now my considered viewpoint…and a viewpoint it is; that Tomasz Hadjuk, intoxicated or sober may well be very discerning. It is further my viewpoint that Father Tom Ryan of Ennis Parish does not have a sincere Christian outlook on the Christ who lies broken on the street whatever truth or falsity he may utter. After today Court sitting for Catriona Carey, perhaps Judge Patrick Durcan and Judge Geraldine Carthy might have a conversation about mercy and “authority figures” as the learned judge referenced. His words were more akin to a medieval encounter than anything approaching a humane and humanist understanding of the dynamics that are operative in the created underclass of our century. Mercy was asked for in both cases….the Accountant went home and the Homeless man went to prison. One used a vehicle as an aggressive missile to endanger the lives of others although banned by law from driving, the other used words however foul ( false or true I do not know) and injured the Egos of The Established: The Cleric and The Law Officers. A thundering disgrace ….Donegan never used those words….but they will do for what he really said here. I hope the Learned Judges are sitting comfortably on their armchairs before they retire to their comfortable divans this evening. They at least have honour unlike their supreme court colleague: they complied with Covid-19 Regulations as far as I am aware. Ireland…..a great little country if you are the right side of the line…….Father Ryan, have you gone to visit those in prison as The Nazarene instructed you ??


Father Tom Ryan is not a Prison Chaplain and they will see the prison chaplaincy failing that Bishop Pat Buckley will visit him sadly there are no money in visiting Prisons.
Father Tom Ryan is very highly thought of with two loose cannon priests Ger and Gerry in his deanery.
Clergy and the pastoral Worker have a duty to protect themselves and also church property.
father Tom is busy with the Cathedral renovations making it fit for Mission as it is so tired looking with stable green doors.


Lazarus….dip……fire……tongue…….ring any bells, even Cathedral ones. I don’t care how highly thought of the MF is…..those other two men will be in Heaven a lot quicker that Tom I called the Garda Ryan… do I know….its written into the New Testament categorically. Categorically….but who believes in that in an Irish Catholic Parish. Remember Parnell….Oscar Wilde………sex is the measure of the Irish Faith!!!!!


A poor drunken man will always comes out worse in court than a(n) (un)professional women. The latter could have killed someone, and the former should surely only have excited pity, not two months of jail. If the homeless had been driving a car without a licence and the woman abused the priest, the homeless man would still be going to prison. Women usually have an automatic credit in the courtroom for being women.


However I think the courts and the DPP are well aware that there are far more serious charges to be brought to Ms. Carey, which if RTE did not thwart the case by their Investigation program, she will be going into the care of the Prison Service for a nice long period!

Liked by 1 person

Abp Cordileone is right to bar a notorious supporter of abortion from Communion. She does present for Communion at times unlike our Leo who didn’t when he was at St Kevins’ Harrington St some Sundays ago (maybe he goes every week, I don’t know, but perhaps it was a Mass for a relative). Now +Wilton Gregory might be whispering Rome-ward that he thinks little of political seeming denials of Communion. Cordileone is no rad-trad, and is politically careful, so he likely considered that beforehand. And according to Irish judges drinking driving is barely worthy of consideration. Another thing they think is unimportant is running over and killing people – very short sentences.


10.37 Leo is a Medical Doctor. This is a time of Covid-19. His knowledge of how viruses transmit would be a good reason not to go forward. There should be sanitising of the Ministers hand after each administration of the Eucharist…EACH. The wisdom of LV is extensive.


Ryan of Ennis should be censured Bishop Monaghan. I take interest in this case. You are a bishop, an Irish Bishop so the sex lives of your priests is one of your obsessions, what is your view on the imprisonment of a homeless man for calling Father Tom Ryan a Mother Fucker ( and the dreadful slur was used on the police as well….incredulous with the record of those two cohorts of proprietary on this Island of Saints and Scholars.) and how do the words of the centuries about the poor sit with you and your inkwells this evening?


for Seamusviii; I annonce to you Seamus News Of Great Joy; David Pocock elected as an Independent to the Australian Senate. A good day in Australia, a very good day.


……announce…..error…..habemus Pocock. One of those in Rome next time….if the Spirit is taking requests !!!!!


So, there is no difference between having a drink and, as a legislator continuing to support abortion or the invasion of Iraq etc …
Do you want to be taken seriously?


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