

“Satan’s smoke has made its way into the temple of God through some crack.”—Pope Paul VI, 1972


I have been working with an Irish parish priest who was drugged and raped by another parish priest.

This happened a number of years ago and to date has not been reported to the bishops involved or the police.

But it will be reported to both Church and police in the very near future.

The rapist priest is VERY CLOSE to an Irish bishop, who the victim priest says is gay himself.

And I suspect that this bishop is weilding more than his crosier.

Drug rape is not new among clerics.

There was an unresolved case in Dublin.

There is a non resolved case in Armagh.

And there are other cases in the pipeline.

The whole gay clerical scandal is not just about sex.

It’s very much about drug addiction and crimes like rape and financial fraud.

The Irish bishops know about many of these cases and some of them are personally compromised.

When I started out investigating the Irish hierarchy and clergy I did not know how bad things really are.

I thought I was unshockable.

But what I am gradually discovering is shocking to the very roots.


I believe you have a civil obligation to report this immediately to the PSNI, this is a very serious matter if your reporting the truth.


If you were a serving PSNI officer you would know that when you do what you suggest the police won’t do anything unless the victim comes forward. I have myself rung police about alleged child abuse by a priest and got this answer.


Don’t tell me you believe that, its’s you know who creating an other fantasy for herself . There is no way she’d have passed the security check. Not with her .record.🙄


I address these questions to cathbot type defenders of both religion in general, and the RCC specifically. (I ask rather “tongue in cheek” for as when I’ve asked similarly before, there will be no sensible response, only ad hominem deflection nonsense)
WHY? What lies behind this abusive clerical behaviour? How is it possible for so many clerics who profess to believe in Christian moral behaviour, (with potential drastic eternal consequences for transgressions) to behave in such longstanding repetitive immoral unChristian behaviours? Do they really believe in any of what they profess to believe and represent?
Apologists for clerics as representatives of Christian centered religious beliefs may point to their human weaknesses, ……the barrel’s rotten apple syndrome and such like “explanations”. Are such excuses really sufficient when such widespread abuse is being regularly revealed?
If religion and its acolytes, primarily the RCC so far as Christianity is concerned, were thought of as a nation, perhaps quoting Hamlet’s Marcellus might seem apposite: “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. ”
Some might reasonably ask if such widespread disreputable behaviour simply reveals the underbelly of the massive con job of religious beliefs and its organisational structures.


20th Century atheist governments murdered many millions of their own citizens.
The figures cited below are the generally-accepted death counts from a number of atheist regimes during 20th Century. I think it’s important to note that these figures are the most conservative.
Mao Ze-Dong (China, 1958-61 and 1966-69, Tibet 1949-50) 49-78,000,00 people murdered
Jozef Stalin (USSR 1932-39 only) 15,000,000 people murdered
Pol Pot (Cambodia, 1975-79) 1,700,000 people murdered
Kim II Sung (North Korea 1948-94) 1.6 million people murdered
Tito (Yugoslavia 1945-1987) 570,000 people murdered
Suharto (Communists 1967-66) 500,000 people murdered
Ante Pavelic (Croatia 1941-45) 359,000 people murdered
Ho Chi Min (Vietnam 1953-56) 200,000 people murdered
Vladimir Ilich Lenin (USSR, 1917-20) 30,000 people murdered
Adolf Hitler (Germany 1939-1945) 12,000,000 people murdered


Bishop Fulton Sheen put Tito’s hostility and persecution of the RCC down to the fact that he was reprimanded severely by a priest for dropping the cruets whilst serving Mass.


Tito was an Altar Boy physically abused by a priest.

Was Hitler not Catholic?


@10.15 Hitlers mother Klara was a practicing Roman Catholic & Hitler was baptised and confirmed in the Roman Catholic faith.


What I love best about the reflexive pointing to atheistic regimes is the way it admits the church is no better.


11:14 But not as much as the fact you have to keep coming back to the blog even though you hate it in case you appear here yourself. 🤣


I address similar questions to social worker abuse defenders. Even MMM will have seen the recent damning review of social services in Rotherham, leading to immense suffering to young girls. Here is one of the many media reports.

Cue MMM “explaining” that it’s all about money or poor overworked social workers. If social workers cannot cope with workloads they should shape up or ship out. In the case of the endemic abuse in the north of England, woke social workers refused to act on ideological grounds and blamed victims.


MMM, great job! It’s almost like they don’t have a defense, or, more likely, are just trolling and don’t care. Or believe their religion.


11:14 : Wrong. MMM has no defense in relation to SW. Why does MMM not share his practice wisdom, knowledge and experience in relation to CSA? He is continuously repeating the same mantra, another former catholic, educated in catholic seminary.


Nazi ideology could not accept an autonomous establishment whose legitimacy did not spring from the government. It desired the subordination of the church to the state. To many Nazis, Catholics were suspected of insufficient patriotism, or even of disloyalty to the Fatherland, and of serving the interests of “sinister alien forces”. Nazi radicals also disdained the Semitic origins of Jesus and the Christian religion. Although the broader membership of the Nazi Party after 1933 came to include many Catholics, aggressive anti-Church radicals like Alfred Rosenberg, Martin Bormann and Heinrich Himmler saw the kirchenkampf campaign against the Churches as a priority concern, and anti-church and anticlerical sentiments were strong among grassroots party activists. (Wikipedia)


@2:07: Let’s get this straight mate: social workers do NOT abuse children: their carers do! Some residential careworkers (generally unqualified but not qualified field social workers) have abused, but simplistic media focus on abuse tragedies persists in the pillory of field social workers inferring that they, the SWs actually inflicted the abuse.
As for “ship up or ship out” : yes, many SWs have been forced to leave an intolerable thankless profession thereby placing further pressures on an overworked demoralised workforce.


9:27. Have I come to the wrong blogsite, just like those in +Pat’s cartoon.
I’d thought this blog was about the RCC and clerics, not social work.
Can you explain why you ignore the blog theme to focus on social work?


Because every phenomenon has its context outside of which it cannot be understood. It’s the scientific method.


You’ve put your finger right on the problem they can’t answer. It’s as if they’re all asleep like God during slavery.


there are none so BLIND as those who do not WANT to see
there are none so DEAF as those who do not WANT to hear
there are none so DUMB as those who do not WANT to speak
They cannot answer because their own nests are well feathered by the toxic RCC system & wallet & they cannot defend the indefensible so instead Father Complicit & his St Mary Sheep ably assisted by Tessie the Teacher & Vincent Voyeuristic spy on victims & survivors & spray their nasty spleen anywhere they can gain access into the lives of their victim targets & their families including their children & elderly members etc.


9:27 Tusla in Ireland is also completely unfit for purpose & conflicts of interests exist in relation to its Irish Catholic Church connections. Good money in fostering & the like for lay church volunteers, a modern day extension of revenue to keep church going in indirect ways by funding lay volunteers & akin to mother & baby home profiteering done by Church. More wallpaper. 😏


1:19 their numbers minimal compared to the innumerable number of victims created to date by those who remained in RCC 😏


@12:09: your response is typical avoidance/deflection gobbledygook.
You might as well said “because so (must =). !!!!


‘Mrs Smith, why did you allow your children to burn down the shopping mall?’
‘Well, you see, they’ve got free will….’


11.02: You have told a massive lie. TUSLA has nothing to do with The Catholic Church. There is absolutely no connection. Why tell dangerous lies? Why?


@12:37 am
Do Social Work practitioners adhere to professional ethical principles at all times during their professional practice? Might there be an underbelly to Social Services and its organisational structures?Just asking, MMM.


@10:38: Indeed a very reasonable question.
Yes there is an “underbelly ” in terms of the structural reasons placing social work practioners in impossible and vulnerable positions, ….in the full firing line of those with an axe to grind with the benefits of simplistic hindsight, but no understanding of the realities of child protection practice.
For anymore genuinely interested do read the Community Care article referred to by 9.33 above, and the subsequent comments by social work staff. I suspect the poster @ 9:33 hasn’t read them, and/or fails to understand their message.


MMM, you are avoiding answering my question. Do Social Work practitioners adhere to professional ethical principles at all times during their professional practice?


The actual position of the goalposts are concealed by mixed messages, as in all commerce, administration, movements, sodalities etc nowadays. A conscientious social worker or member can’t change the situation for the better by staying, and can’t change it for the better by leaving.


@ 11:39: not avoiding, just ignoring. This blog relates to religious matters, not the deflection matters on which cathbots seek to focus.


What lies behind the clerical abuse behaviour is that those people were not called by God to be priests .The priest hood a generation ago was looked up to and they were on a pedestal. People who have paedophila sickness saw it as a place to abuse children while being honored by the catholic people. The catholic church still is supported strongly as we are a vulnerable people who hope to get to heaven but in our selfish need to reach heaven we forget to develop the love of God for our neighbour. If we really understood Gods love there would be more outcry about the abuse and cover up in the RCC. . In the census the question should be asked do you practise your religion?. As a lot of non practisng catholics are declaring themselves catholic because they were baptised catholic and attend church only on family occasions.


Question question question. Assuming there is an actual intelligent question worth answering in that self-aggrandizing monologue. Alas, no.


Pat, we here in Armagh are all too aware of the case you mention here. A non resolved matter indeed. I wonder if the bishop you mention is a northern one? Perhaps you would feature an interview in the future?


7 Jun 74.7 Appointed Kevin Joseph Farrell President of the Investment Committee Cardinal, Prefect of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life


You couldn’t make it up. McCarrick’s flatmate Farrell (“I saw nothing”) runs the family department in the Vatican.


1:09 exactly, when it comes to matters linked to the Roman Church, fact is stranger than fiction.


Drugs within clerical circles is part of their underground scene, they have the funds, the safer environments for exchange, their connections in the vices they engage in are rarely if ever apprehended or arrested.


Are you serious Bishop Pat? What a nasty and dangerous environment even for some of the priests themselves. Rape, drugs and financial fraud are very serious matters but then the hierarchy are only committed to keeping all this under wraps and not at all interested or committed to addressing these or any other issues that drive public in opposite direction unless they are part of it and gaining in some way from it themselves.


I do keep saying that if you’ve covered up child abuse there will certainly be many other crimes covered up, but y’all keep ranting at me.
Apart from low level lone criminals or oncers, crime never fixes on one crime. All crime fraternities (especially the RC church) have fingers in multiple crimes. That’s how it works.


8:40 that’s why theres so many catlick sheep & their collared & skirted God Squad brigade on here trying to work out how much is known & how long they’ve got before the shit hits the fan.


There was a headline on the blog some time ago about priests raping and sexually assaulting deacons – and not just in Ireland. Did it turn out to be untrue or ……


Canon Stephen Shield also drugged his victim on the third occasion of sexual assault. I know there are some supporters of this evil abuser on here but you should get your facts right. A while ago someone wrote that they found it unbelievable that he could masturbate his victim under a table during a meal. But the victim never claimed this! He was found guilty of fondling his victim under the table, putting his hand down his trousers and touching him. Also Shield actually admitted the first charge of indecent assault so whoever claims he is innocent need to realise that of the three charges of indecent assault brought against him he admitted the first charge and therefore is guilty of sexual assault. If it is true that he is petitioning Rome to be allowed to work in a parish again once he comes off the Sex Offenders Register next year then this needs to be brought to the attention of Rome, the press and the general public. Shield was found guilty of 3 counts of indecent assault, whatever some people may believe, by a unanimous jury. He received jail terms of 4 months for the first charge and then 12 months each for charges 2 and 3. That makes 28 months! However, the sentences were served concurrently, which means they take the longest (12 months) and so that’s what he had to serve, but of course he was out after 8 months. He is still listed as ‘Canon Stephen Shield, c/o Bishops House, Lancaster.’ He should have been lacized by now and should never be allowed to work as a priest ever again. I know that if he does his victim will expose Lancaster Diocese for the way he was treated. He never received received apology, the Bishop allowed a petition to be placed in the Cathedral in Shield support after he had been found guilty by a unanimous jury, after Shield had been sent to Prison the Cathedral offered a Mass for him on the Feast of the Holy Innocents – a real painful kick in the teeth for the victim and a clear sign of what the Diocese really think of Shield and how they disrespect the opinion of a unanimous jury. Lancaster Diocese treated the victim disgracefully, but I guess there is no suprise there, whilst they still support a convicted sex offender.


7:24 the lengths RCC chapels & schools go to to protect offenders & those family members complicit in vilifying the victims & their families by any means possible is a matter of very serious concern & needs to be address by the governments and parliaments that fund these paedophile protection units which is all they amount to when reports from parents groups are analysed confirming being ganged up on by schools boards of management that include clergy and by teachers they reported for failing in their duty of care to pupils etc. Horrendous stories of parents being phoned to take children home when schools unwilling to make provision etc. Unchristian to the core in the RCC. All the focus is on protecting the offender who is frequently found to be well connected to the hierarchy and/or lining the right pockets & vestments.


Your cartoon about the Predator Convention is so accurate +Pat. This blog is religiously scanned by the predator clericals & their Mafia, the nasty greedy bastards always bite the cheese! Will send on the evidence privately for a future blog +Pat


If there's somethin' strange in the neighborhood Who ya gonna call (ghostbusters)….says:

Pat, is this a case for Ghostbusters., Inc. Are we dealing with a Global Clerical Pink Confraternity (GCPC) parish? It is good, however painful, these matters are finally being
exposed to the light. Only Truth sets us free.


9:43 crooks & criminals international with fingers in pies of all sizes & flavours.


10:47 All. There is a well worn route through the revelations of the reality about the church.
You begin by thinking that one scandal is a one off.
You move on to trying to understand it politically, e.g. the problem is one side of the Conservative/liberal divide.
Ultimately the best explanation which explains everything which has appeared on this blog and in the media is that the church is a facade for its real business which goes on behind the scenes.
That’s why it’s run from a micro state which isn’t in the European community to evade their laws and financial standards.


The thing is – rape, non consensual penetrative sex, is a statutory crime – a crime so serious it’s one down from murder or manslaughter.
If the victim has the courage then report it to the police knowing that rape is a terribly difficult crime to prove and the church has deep pockets of cash but not deep pockets of truth and justice – in the end though truth and justice will prevail.


9:31 the close links between the justice system and the RCC have been known to hinder victims fight for justice & successful outcomes and this needs to be addressed. Despite falling attendance & negative press on church covering up for abusers etc., the RCC still wield considerable influence with the authorities & the day jobs their volunteers & their families hold are a significant contribution to this angle of RCC related corruption.


Is there no limits to the lengths that clergy will go to to shut down and censor the truth about themselves & their volunteers. Date rape drugs just another nail in the coffin. Steer well clear seems the only safe option. The date rape drug fits in with their usual modus operandi of gaslighting & spreading false rumours to suit their own agenda of protection & coverup for their internal clerical & lay offenders & their families.


I know of a group of clergy that meet up in a well known local priests parochial house. Here they eat a plenty, take drugs and drink wine, and scroll through Grindr perving on the local men.


10:51 Disgusting dens of inequity those parochial houses, they probably too high & pissed to drive to the Boiler Rooms Gay Sauna.


Tell us more about this group we would love to hear it. That’s of course if your statement is true!. Do you work in the house and watch the priests scrolling through Grindr?


Putting aside the content for a moment, it’s typical inaccurate headlines. The lady wasn’t given the Last Rites – the Anointing of the Sick was celebrated.


The issues raised by today’s blog should be taken seriously. The conversation must not be about which institution has committed the most abuse and which has failed more egregiously, as if saying some abuses are worse than others. All abuse, committed by whosoever, is morally reprehensible and must be brought to the relevant authorities of the state. It is futile to pit social worker’s history of negligence – leading to horrible consequences- alongside clerical/church abuses. The truth is that all abuse of any kind is morally wrong and sickening. Wherever the location of abuse may be and whoever the perpetrator is, state agencies must be involved. I also believe that when clerics become so abusive, distorted in thinking and use drugs, alcohol for rape and sexual violation of any person, there is a profound psychological dysfunction at play. There is also a loss of faith and a loss of moral fibre in any cleric who engages in sexual abuses or deviancies as described above. Whether one can argue convincingly for the existence of God has really nothing to do with the the depravity of abuse of any kind. Sexual abusebus found in every strata of society, by religious and non religious alike – in families, businesses, colleges, music and fashion industries, theatre, art and elsewhere. But Church abuses are unforgivable because of the deep betrayal of trust and the sinister psychological and spiritual games played by the abusers. There is a deeper pathology at play which is manipulative guilt inducing, the purpose being to destroy or to silence the abused person. If proven to be true, the story today is very disturbing on many levels.


It’s just a shame the RCC puts so much more effort into victim blaming and in protecting & facilitating evil colleagues & moving them into unsuspecting communities.


History of mass murderers in state sanctioned re religion.
Hitler was a baptised Catholic before he became a leader.Hitler was born to a practicing Catholic mother, Klara Hitler, and was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church; his father was a free-thinker and skeptical of the Catholic Church. In 1904, he was confirmed at the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Linz. he never again attended Mass or received the sacraments after leaving home at 18 years old.
Stalin was a Catholic seminarian at age 15 in order to access education. Before he turned into communism.
Idi amin was trained in british army as he was in Islam religion.
Pol Pot was a communist.
Mao zadeng was a communist.
Tito was a Catholic.
It seems that membership of Catholic or communist are dangerous when it comes to mass killings re Hitler, stalin and Mao,pol pot.


Honestly, Deaf Guy, get with the programme. The cathbots only want to hear about mass murder by social workers today because MMM upset them. 😂


Are you of a manic disposition? The programme is adherence to ethical principles.
See MMM post @ 12:37am.


11:22: And have you noticed how they never, yes NEVER answer reasonable questions concerning their religious beliefs? Attack: Attack: Attack.
Very telling


If the cartoon was not so frightfully accurate it would be humorous whoever put it together 👏 the story after is shocking. I’ll play the 👿’s advocate here and say not all clergy are morally corrupt, but certainly some are. While I respect some with real personal beliefs and thier ‘callings’, I’m astounded by the institution. But there is a BIG difference between priests abusing children, and priests using their authority for financial gain by silly women who need some sort of life guidance. ?


Could someobe give me a honest answers to my questions?
I have been searching for TRUTH.
1. Why was that some Catholics usually women who went into possession, but not in other religion. Does it imply that catholicism dangerous?
2. When I was dabbling in new age therapies, I found myself exposed to demonic elements. I could give you few examples, windows opened itself, broken windows out of nowhere,increased addiction, red eyes at 3am inside my bedroom. That room was used for black magic before I took it re renting a student room. It was a frightening experience for me personally. I didn’t know what to do at that time, cos bishops never preached about these dangers of new age therapies.
3. Bishops who don’t preach about the dangers of new age therapies cos they don’t believe it, therefore, no faith etc. They are supposed to be shepard of Catholic souls re warn them etc but in reality, they don’t. Examples are Crean and kildorrey altar, bishops and their dismissal of new age fad therapies. Bishops aren’t interested in the welfare of souls that were entrusted to them.
4. There was a lot of famous abusers who were baptised and ordained in the old Latin rite such as Smyth, mc Carrick and Marciel Marcel et al. Does it mean old Latin rite doesn’t work or is it just their beliefs and urges which sent them off in a different track 🤷‍♀️.
5.Finally these leaders such as Hitler, stalin, Tito and pavelic were baptised in the old Latin rite then in later years, they became Catholics in name ONLY. Later they became mass murderers. What gives?
Catholicism dangerous or was it they had left catholicism and became dangerous, which is which , is the correct one?


@ 12:31pm
You chose to dabble in that satanic new age garbage and I’m sure that’s whats left you with all your mental health issues. Your constant insults to certain prelates and your pyschosis and mad fear of the Cappa Magna is the price of you. True Catholicism is not dangerous you were and are a danger to yourself, get a grip.🙄


Anon at 1.10pm

You spoken like a true die hard cathbot🤣🤣🤣.

Mother Burke would be mighty pleased with you. BTW, I DON’T call him eminence. He just seek for attention re his overflowing dress as I gotten over cappa magna.

Let me clear with you, mental health issues came from abuses in institutional schools for deaf kids in Dublin, ran by catholic orders. This was verified by pysch.

The point that I make was that Catholic bishops don’t give a damn about their laity flock cos they DON’T preach about the dangers of new age therapies except FOR money that they want from you at TAX FREE status.

Well I’m starting to think that Catholicism might be dangerous.


‘True Catholicism’
The no true Scotsman fallacy wanders through the comments for the umpteenth time.


Some traditions come and go through the decades and centuries. The evening of the 23rd of June is Bonfires Night, St. John’s Eve.
The Feast Day of St. John the Baptist is usually June 24th. In a rare occurrence this year, the feast day is being celebrated today, June 23rd.
Bonfires Night should have been last night for those still inclined to keep the tradition going. 🔥


Seamus viii at2. 13pm
It sounded like pagan re bonfies night🤷‍♀️.
Tradition isn’t sacrosanct cos it can be changed or altered over time.


DG 2:31, tradition changes for sure. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse.
Ireland had a Celtic Christianity before it was in the pope of the day’s interests for the Norman’s to invade Ireland. There’s an interesting heritage park in Wexford that will bring you up to speed on the history of it.


Seamus viii at 2.56pm

Thanks Seamus as I know that heritage park in Wexford but I never visited that place 🙈😁


Friday is the Solemnity of The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Hopefully some on this blog will trust in the sacred Heart of Jesus.
You are all in good company when we have Pat and Bella in agreement.

Liked by 1 person

Seamus this year on the 24th June (tomorrow), we celebrate the Feast of The Sacred Heart.and also The Annual Global Rosary for the Sanctification of our Priests.
Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you. Amen.

Liked by 1 person

12.29: Deaf Guy. Now we know why you often speak in forked tongues, OTT imagination, and your ad nauseam repeat narratives. You are a fantasist with words. Your dabbling in that new age therapy was a fatal mistake. Such therapy with its satanic connotations leaves permanent scars. You’d have done better looking into your own crystal ball…BTW…..I’m not a Catholic but know stupidity when I see it.


Anon at 1.47pm
So you are claiming that my OTT imagination re abuses. You don’t know it cos you never been there nor abused, you still don’t know psychological harm that cause damage to ourselves at the hands of Catholic orders.
BTW, well over 100 deaf boys corroborated with my story at their varying age years and amount of time spent in that school even I didnt know every one of them but some of them. End of the story was that stories matched as bigger picture was enabled re horrific abuses.
Mr know all, you seems to know more about new age therapy than myself, re your mention of satanic connotations as you became more judgemental re claiming it as ‘fatal mistake’. It is not fatal. That says it all about you and your mindset, perhaps anger issues that I might detect there 😉. 🤔🤷‍♀️


@ 2:07pm
You’re right for once. I don’t know anything about all that new age crap because I was not stupid enough to become involved with them. If anybody has anger issues it’s you, I was very happy in my younger day’s and quite content with my Catholic faith. The only time I felt anger was after all the changes came about and I saw everything we’d been taught watered down to something that was not recognizable to what we knew. However God’s good and we are able to get the Mass and sacraments as we always knew them. So no anger now at all. We just let you lot get on with it and have a good laugh at the darts of you.🙄🥱🤐😏🤣🤣


Ger Fitz aka The Third Eye. Remember the YouTube video you sent me once?: “You will no longer need to believe anymore”. What did I say to you? Don’t get carried away by false doctrines. As an ordained RC priest, you have no business pedalling your new age crap…


4:46 Fintan Monahan doesn’t give a Fuck – bingo hall money already well gone on new premises in Jerry Carey’s old parish – see planning applications at Clare County Council.


@7:33 I am sure you may be correct, but to which Planning in the diosese are you speaking of? Jerry had a couple? Jerry had his hand in a few things including his own obviously 😒👍🤪


It was a fair and pressing question. And obviously one does not want to answer, somebody made money from it. This blog is great at bringing this stuff up! 👏


2.07: Deaf Guy: Dealing with new age therapies by untrained crackpots is a recipe for mental and emotional harm and hurt. There are far too many “alternative” quacks posing as professionals after reading an article in a psychics magazine by Mystic Meg…..We should always seek counselling or therapy from reputable sources not from people sitting in a tent behind a fish bowl…


Anon at 2.26pm
Agreed with your word ‘crackpot’. As I realised there was a lot of crackpots out there . But some of them were really trained in esoteric healing such as reiki. It just opens door to another spirit world aka demonic as I try to explain in layman simple english terms. We all live in a spirit world that is unseen and invisible to ourselves.
Any abused person who shouldnt go there to any new age therapist bec they were already exposed via abuses, their spiritual shield or protection not closed due to trauma. (1st door open). Then if they did attend reiki or some spiritism or seance or medium whatever it is called (then 2nd door is opened), a lot easier entry(cis door wide open by 1st and 2nd) by demonic spirits disguised as reiki spirit or whatever its called etc.
The way out of this was confession, acknowledge it as my mistake even though I didn’t know it re dangers due to lack of proper c religion education., lot of masses with HC. It might take few months or more depending on how bad it is or not. Latin Mass was best route cis its more effacious as I found it. it reduced a lot of effects stemming from dabbling with new age therapies. I remember I had a fear of dread going into the church as it was quite v uncomfortable. Lot of struggles going to mass then it stopped re spirit of dread fear was gone.
Bishops don’t want talk about it nor don’t they want to preach about the dangers of new age therapies. Cis they don’t give a damn about their laity flock, also they don’t believe it nor have faith etc.
It was that Donegal healer who spoke about it a lot, a lot really which got him barred from various churches which he ended up in hotels room or halls.


A leading psychiatric authority on demonic activity is Dr. Richard Gallagher. He wrote a book called “Demonic Foes: My Twenty-Five Years as a Psychiatrist Investigating Possessions”. This book gives scientific and psychological insight into the world of Satanic attacks. Initially, Gallagher was a skeptic, however, exorcists began seeking him out for his careful assessments. It soon became obvious to him that some people were not suffering from psychosis or other psychiatric conditions, but rather from demonic attacks. Skeptics and the naysayers are usually quick to dismiss accounts of demonic activity as myth or outdated cultural ideas. However, Dr. Gallagher’s book on the subject must be taken seriously.


Trouble is, to believe in demonic attack you have to believe in demons. If not, you are not automatically psychotic because those beliefs are within cultural norms.
However the majority of those sufferers will be psychotic and the others suffering from trauma, hysteria, conversion disorder, etc.

The cases which remain unresolved after treatment should be considered as treatment resistant and managed accordingly.

Demonic possession is not a psychiatric diagnosis so he is acting outside of his profession there and the fact he is a psychiatrist is neither here nor there.


Are you a psychiatrist or mental health professional? Are you a priest-exorcist? Have you read Dr. Gallaghers book. Cultural norms shift. You mention unresolved cases should be considered treatment resistant and managed accordingly-how do you think these cases should be managed? Do you know the processes involved in determining psychiatric diagnosis? Dr. Gallagher was working within his area of professional competency by ruling out psychiatric illness.


This happened a number of years ago and to date has not been reported to the bishops involved or the police.
But it will be reported to both Church and police in the very near future.
The Irish bishops know about many of these cases and some of them are personally compromised.:):):)
We have heard this for years on this blog about compromised Bishops and not one has been brought down and likely never will at least Scotland had the balls and got rid of KOB so we will see who has the balls to bring down Cardinal Kevin Farrell or any the Irish Episcopate.


And this is post Richard Purcell. It is shocking what is allowed go on in the monastery and college. Roscrea still have the mentality of behind the stone wall. The principal and abbot think they are not accountable to anyone. Staff are treated desperately.


Hasn’t the principal been sidelined when the abbot appointed a new president? Also, a new chair of the board of governors was appointed? The former chair Ronnie Culliton was shafted by Malachy. Ronnie was a pal of Dick Purcell, Malachy wanted to make sure Purcell still wasn’t pulling the strings. The college has been toxic for 20 years. It’s a pity Malachy is very limited in style and substance.


Actually the real reason the cathbots ramble on about social workers here is they resent the involvement social workers have when a priest abuses a child and would far rather keep it covered up in house.


Priests are wary of social workers but some are very close to foster carers that they facilitate into these roles.


LOL priests are wary of police officers. And we all know why.
Apparently in prison they’re very wary of the prison officers.
We all know you’re trolling and whatever your agenda is it will always reflect badly on the church here, so we all think you’re hilarious. X


The samaritans do indeed do a great service to our country I believe. As does Pieta House, 1800 247 247. In my lowest point I did contact pieta, and once the person understood I had a gun, and alone, became extremely aware to the point had my name, address and was at my door in the middle of the night. I donated a small 4 figure sum to it after. Some charities get a bad rap because of misplaced funds, but both if these do not. For me it’s not a PRIDE problem, but due to clerical abuse. I keep my gun at the hardest place to find and recover, however safe in my home. And I recover knowing tomorrow will be a better day.


Keep your eyes peeled on the Archbishop of Armagh’s young clerics. Moves are afoot. Careers may change. The rest stays the same.


Pat, as the above seems relevant; a close friend of mine, made victim by a cleric, has received several carefully worded subtle ‘warnings’ from the cleric’s sexual acquaintances. Threats hinted that things could “get dirty”. Perhaps you might wish to hear my friend’s story? It’s so terrible that Armagh is in such a bad way.


Are we finally turning our focus friends to the priests of the under-40 category in Armagh Archdiocese? This is overdue.


Word is some MIAs are sneaking in the back door in quasi-career moves to a new northern diocese. Does the educational institutions know the background. Are parents aware?


Remarkable the comments about fantasy today. Coming from people who believe a virgin conceived through her ear. 😂


The country needs another priest-academic like a hole in the head. How can Armagh stand over this disgrace?


What if I follow him and he’s only drinking coffee with a friend? That’s hardly compelling evidence?


My gay brother had an on off relationship with a priest and as a result had a nervous breakdown, lost his job, became a wino and died prematurely. Tell him to get out while he can.

Survivor priest says US Church still needs ‘lamentation’ for abuse
By Rhina Guidos, Catholic News Service
Published: June 23, 2022.
“As the Catholic Church in the United States marks two decades since the US bishops adopted a document establishing policies to deal with allegations of sexual abuse of children by clergy, Jesuit Father Jerry McGlone worries about the psychological responses the event could trigger. And he knows from experience because he’s not solely a priest who works with survivors but also a survivor of abuse by a priest”..” But expressing “lamentation” for the church’s sex abuse scandal is something Father McGlone, a psychologist and researcher at the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs at Georgetown University, said he still struggles to find in church circles, even 20 years after the church “was forced” to respond to sex abuse perpetrated by clergy.”


Greetings from 🇩🇪, but Im actually in Ireland. it’s a technology wonder re Tor browser app.

Next time I might try the Vatican 😉

Dozens of Northern CA Priests Facing Child Sex Abuse Claims for the First Time
NBC Bay Area’s investigation mined a trove of new court filings, revealing startling child sexual abuse allegations against Catholic priests and institutions across Northern California.
They show what the public previously knew about the scandal is potentially the tip of the iceberg.
By Candice Nguyen, Michael Bott, Mark Villareal and Michael Horn • Published June 22, 2022 • Updated on June 22, 2022.
” Dozens of Northern California Catholic priests and church employees – some still working, others retired or deceased – are being publicly accused for the first time of sexually abusing children in their care. The allegations suggest startling new depths to the decades-long scandal that continues to rock the church and its followers.”


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