

Pic of Paul with Paul Martin-Tighe

27 th June 2022

Mister Keenan and My Dear John,

I wanted to refer the matter below to you and ask you to investigate. It was sent from the Paisley area.

Please let us know your findings.


Your brother bishop,


PS warm regards to your Estate Agent.

Dear Bishop Pat,

I am writing to you because I was absolutely​ shocked to find a seminarian for the Diocese of Paisley on the gay dating app Grindr. His name is Paul Laverty, 34, and he will be going into his fifth year of formation in September at the Scots College in Rome.​

His Grindr profile is faceless but shows his legs and feet. He gives some general details about himself etc. However, I was also shocked to discover that he was recently tested for HIV in April 2022 – the Easter holidays! Therefore, he must be sexually active while he is in Rome and in Paisley. I was also told that Paul got excessively drunk at the St. Andrew’s Day 2021 celebrations in the College and was embarrassing himself in front of other seminarians, College staff and a guest who was celebrating his jubilee.​

Moreover, I find it completely unacceptable that Bishop John Keenan is allowing Paul to continue to priesthood. However, John Keenan is a wolf in sheep’s clothing so it’s hardly surprising. I think Paul Laverty is a completely dangerous individual who clearly is not suited to a celibate lifestyle. He should be stopped from continuing his studies for priesthood before he causes more damage to himself and to others.

Feel free to do a blog on Paul or on Scotland. There is a lot more I can tell you about certain individuals.​

I have attached photos of Paul’s Grindr profile for reference.


Imagine a priest defending himself by saying: “I did nothing wrong. I was only being immoral”


Pat, you become more vile and reprehensible every new post.
Just accept the fact that your are bound for damnation.
Bon Voyage!


Howling. In yesterday’s post Pat said he wouldn’t go to hell to protest the devil so why would he want to be where ‘Therodorus’ (?) Is.
The Roman church is immoral through and through and my adult life has been guided by doing the opposite of what it teaches. I have just given a substantial donation to one of the charities in the US which transport poor women across state lines for safe medical abortions.


11:01 God is a Good God. He won’t be putting Bishop Pat Buckley anywhere near the likes of Eamon Casey, Michael Cleary and the thousands of known and unknown vile ordinations that enjoyed the protection of the Roman Catholic Church here on earth with zero regard for their thousands of victims and survivors worldwide. Enjoy your ill gotten gains because Satan will roast your greedy ass for all eternity 🤣


Mister Kennan will regret sending you that solicitors letter (my phone wanted to type sending you hugs lol).
I see the picture you’ve posted is a cropped version of the one on this page:
It’s not very clear but what’s with the ? scarlet buttons and sashes and ? purple cassocks?
Looks like a tat queen’s heaven.


Each national seminary in Rome has a different cassock to distinguish the seminarians. It was helpful in days gone by when they wore them all the time and kept them off the Campidoglio.


LOL thank you. I am delighted you gave the real reason for this as well as explaining it. 🤣


These Bishops & Priests & their Pals in the Church are taking the right Mickey altogether out of the people that still go to Mass and pay for all their 2 faced carry on. No need to go in Roman Catholic priesthood, if you know the celibacy part is an issue, it’s not the place for you, so why all this hypocrisy- one lie turns into 100 & all the complicit colleagues are dragged into it to keep the shitshow of lies on the road.


It’s not just the priesthood. The ‘faithful’ don’t believe it either. 25% of recipients of abortion in the US give their religion as Roman Catholic. If you look out the stories of so-called pro-life people getting abortion they bizarrely treat the clinic staff like shit because they are evil.

TL:DR The RC religion does not give you a moral sense and duplicity and hypocrisy are the norm, not the exception. This includes terrorist acts against reproductive health facilities.


How does your correspondent know the profile is of the said seminarian? Do they have a foot fetish and so know the feet and legs intimately? Or is it someone making trouble?


“Making trouble” – church speak for pointing out the truth about yet another hypocritical seminarian facilitated by his corrupt superiors who fully intend to fast track him to another farcical and dishonest Ordination such as that witnessed this weekend in Armagh. More lies and deception from the cauldron of the Roman Catholic Church.


Exactly, 8:20. It’s also significant 2:51 jumps to a sexual reason for identifying the legs. In fact that picture would definitely be SFW and the owner of the legs could wear shorts.
The abiding motivation is blaming the wrong person.


9:48 It’s a common internet acronym.
Ignorance is the state the cathbots want everyone else to be in as well as them.


Bishop Pat, do you believe in the existence of Helk? No matter how hard I try, I never measure up morslly.
I’m afraid of god.


On behalf of Bishop Pat God has instructed me to reply to your comment and say that hell is a figment of religious imagination, as am I. The aim is to get people to exactly where you are, frightened and captive.
You really have to wonder what kind of divinity would manipulate and intimidate people like that.


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10).


Don’t be ridiculous, Gabby. I only exist because God allows me to, is a monster of cruelty and humiliation and really, really hates figs.
You’re just jealous because we’ve got all the most interesting people down here and the best music.
Of course the fact we’re both imaginary may play into your angst.


Up to your old tricks again, Satan.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.(John 8:44).
While you, accompanied with your, ‘interesting’ crew, listen to; ‘Burn, Baby, Burn,’ we listen to Bach’s; “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”. “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” (John 20:29)


12:30 You mean you don’t listen to ‘So light up the fire’?
Are you one of the Latin and lace crowd?
Just wait till you find out what God’s got in store for you! And don’t blame me, I was appointed by God to administer the punishment, I don’t make the decisions. In fact I often say to her over a cigar in the evening, that giving the Catholics the idea that everyone has got free will but her was a bit of a mistake. She chuckles, and says it’s not an excuse, and adds another to the list…..
BTW she’s a Druid herself so she’s not really fussed.


It’s truly remarkable how they’ll stand up to someone pretending to be the devil on the internet but when there own priests are raping children suddenly you shouldn’t judge.


Still causing trouble, Satan;
We, Anonymous Angelicus, have risen above Latin and lace;
to…Celestial heights…’Panis Angelicus’…. ‘Visio Beatifica…’
While you, along with your demonic crew, dance to the music of Lucifer, ‘disco inferno’;
We, enjoy a Blissful Eternity-a Celestial, funky fanfare, free gratis of the ETERNAL FATHER.
Poly is hardly going to be fussed, now, is she! She’s also dancing with the Devil.
You have made your bed and must lie in it, Satan, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Abadon,
Mammon, Belphegor…along with Lucifer….


Deeply unattractive and stubby hairy legs. He would only score in a darkened room. He looks 54, not 34. I hope he is instantly dismissed.


Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! I suspect Paul Laverty was probably outed by another seminarian/priest who is also active on Grindr. And in these days that is no longer a surprise. Clerics are some of the greatest “bitches” that walk the planet.


Good morning bonnie Scotland.
Please forward all evidence on this matter & more to Bishop Buckley.
For contact details see the top right hand corner of this page.
Merci beaucoup.
Au revoir.


In Scotland, lower-end “high street” solicitors also act as estate agents. Betty Turpin instructed a “high street” solicitor to threaten Bishop Pat, which backfired spectacularly.


I can’t wait to hear what the ecclesiastical lay ambassador of the Isles, Jim S, has to say on
this outstanding display of total complete and utter muppetry. Calling Jim, come in Jim! Over…


It was an Irish fortune cookie.
Daoine grá, ní rudaí; rudaí a úsáid, ní daoine.


No doubt all his complicit colleagues and catlick members will have all manner of excuses & methods of coverup for yet another 2 faced paragon of virtue priest about to be let loose on unsuspecting communities. 😏. It’s all preaching to forgive and forget but they don’t practice what they preach, far from it as repeatedly and reliably verified on this blog and elsewhere worldwide. A self propelled sinking ship of toxic lies and corruption heading straight for the rocks on a huge wave of its own deceit & abuse.


He will be the talk of the college for a couple of days for appearing on the Bp Pat’s blog rather than Grindr. I wonder what his Grindr name was or his tribe.


It’s a very evocative picture. The hairy legs would appeal to lots of guys on this blog. This Laverty seminarian is very obviously a bear.


Why would the bishop give her an apology if he did nothing wrong ?

I would really like to meet with Yvonne to see what she has in those messages for the bishop to warrant an apology.


8:39 response to Anonymous blogger requesting personal meeting with victim of Fr Ger Fitzgerald c/o Killaloe Diocesesays:

8:39 in the interests of her personal safety, Yvonne Drake would be well advised to screen shot your barely veiled threat of intimidation for the authorities in requesting to meet her personally, in view of previously administered death threats alleged to have been made in this connected matter. Who are you and what right do you have to view any messages in this matter? Bishop Monahan and the authorities must be urgent contacted in light of the content of your post @ 8.39 and in light of outstanding Garda investigations into alleged property damage at home of Carole in this related matter of Fr Ger Fitzgerald and his initiation of this outstanding issue of him contacting & grooming vulnerable parishioners for personal gain.


9:06 I honestly believe that Fintan & Co. do not give a damn about what threats are made to us nor does he care about any damages that we incur vis a vis Ger’s supporters. We realise now that the blog is most likely being monitored by the RCC for the purposes of a legal defence. I think Pat should make a paywall for priests & their associates to view the blog 😁. Thank you for your concern.


Who in the name of xxx are you to request meeting this girl!? She may be vulnerable but does not seem to come across as dishonest or stupid!? Get back on your knees and pray to some relic!


Fr Ger Fitzgerald, another example of an inappropriate candidate for Ordination & let loose on unsuspecting vulnerable parishionerssays:

Ger Fitzgeralds admission that he was “ONLY being immoral”, is reflective of his knowledge that he is indeed part of the corrupt & immoral Roman Catholic Church where he was already facilitated, still on Killaloe payroll despite everything and where he earned his brownie points toward becoming yet another unsuitable example of Ordination decision making by his making false and misleading statements about what really goes on in the Maynooth Seminary aka Gaynooth.


The way to judge a situation is to honestly acknowledge how you’d react if same were done to you. Prayers this morning for all victims and survivors of any form of church related abuse executed by clerical and their members.


“I did nothing wrong. I was only being immoral”

Par for the course. Of a piece with ‘Our church does so much good you’re mean if you don’t let us ignore all the child rape’.


I take it that the black skin is a rather fulsome pair of black buttocks ? And I take it that the hairy chest and man boobs belong to the chap we are talking about ? If you shaved the chest, the man boobs could easily be a pair of female breasts. Neither is particularly pleasant to look at. Yes, I agree from the picture of the assembled Scots’ College seminarians that this man looks more like he is 54 rather than 34. Old before his time. Not attractive. What is most compelling is that + Pat and others clearly have evidence that there is an active gay sexual and Grindr culture alive and kicking in the Scots’ College. No surprise there, because you can go to any of the seminaries in these islands and you will find the same – the VEC, Oscott, Allen Hall, Maynooth, and the recently closed Wonersh. However, as we have seen from the Wilson ordination saga, the diocesan and seminary hierarchy of these seminarians will blithely ignore what is being put under their noses and what they know and they will do nothing. The reason for that is that they simply will not allow themselves to be pushed about by the likes of + Pat, and would prefer to let these men be ordained, and hang the consequences. What they do not realise is that those consequences will come to haunt them pretty quickly because these unsuitable seminarians, when priests, will continue their dysfunctional behaviours and lifestyle and will walk themselves in to trouble. Watch that space. I watched Wilson preaching at one of his first Masses, and not withstanding the butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth tone, there is no doubt in my mind that this man will reappear on this blog at some later stage having behaved egregiously and will go MIA. It is only a matter of time.


9:17 excellent post. Church management fail to accept that they are ultimately responsible and accountable for the wrong doing of their appointed ordained and lay members including the vile specimens that attack victims and survivors on this blog and elsewhere.


9:17 I’m confused. All I can see is a picture of a man’s legs then some Grindr screenshots with a black background.
Why are you seeing hairy moobs and black buttocks? Are you seeing the premium version of the blog? 🤣


🤣@10:42 I was wondering the same thing ha!! I think @9:17 found some strange mushrooms somewhere


You know something @9:42, you are right ! It is two hairy legs, with one slightly darker in the shade. For the life of me I was sure I saw buttocks and manboobs. Must be my eyesight, my age, or just maybe my wicked mind ! However, look again and think buttocks and manboobs and you might be able to see what I first saw. Anyhow, the substance of my comment still stands. This business will come back to haunt the man himself and the Church. I’m just astounded that it is tolerated. Not that I’m a prude or anti-gay or worry inordinately about what people do sexually. Mostly because it is dysfunctional behaviour, it is living a lie, it is lacking in integrity, and it is just putting two fingers up to what he and the Church claim he is as an intended celibate. That’s the real problem for me. It’s just dishonest and a lie and does damage all around.


11:57 I’ve tried, honestly. However after seeing what I saw in the mirror this morning I can only see legs. I have seen the real thing and it’s spoiled the illusion! 😁


There is nothing I can say other than John Keenan is either weak or compromised and lacks Leadership.
Sadly THREE of Keenans Curia are in the Daisy Chain and John Keenan knows this and his friend is the funeral director so Paul Laverty will be safe.
The PP that was involved in the “rent” bot saga is back as a curate awaiting an appointment.
That picture deffo looks like Paul Laverty but he will denigh it and sadly the writer to Pat will mot stand up and be counted however likely wasting his time with John Keenan.
The guy in the right of the Picture Kearn has did so many years in Galloway but now transfered to Glasgow to be nearer Celtic park.
The only thing is the UK is very fortunate to have a Papal Nuncio who is excellent and believes in Pope Frances and his statement that gay semanarians should not be in semarnaries.
Archbishop Gugerotti is excellent

In fairness John Keenan has removed three from the clerical state.

It will now be interesting if Paul Laverty is a server on Thursday night at the Daisy Chain Princess ordination in Motherwell who fell out with Paisley’s Evan or 35 Blackstoun Road Paisley PA3 1LU


9:20 given all that has been revealed over the past decades about the criminal, sexual and financial corruption at every level that still exists and in fact thrives in the present day Roman Catholic Church, it is accurate to say that all of its ordained and lay members are knowingly comprised and complicit, they may kid themselves that they can pick and mix to suit their own agenda but that’s a bit like a Guard saying, I’ll be a drug dealer on Sundays for an extra bit of cash and I’ll apply the letter of the law the rest of the week as a Guard, father, spouse etc. What about the consequences for others on the Sunday extra curricular? As I say, it don’t work like that, be in or be out. No 2 ways about it.


Normally they move diocese to get away from accusations of child abuse and to deceive families that something has been done about father.


11:42 long before the term people trafficking became everyday terminology, the RCC were mother and baby trafficking & priest trafficking by moving clergy around to cover up abuse. They’d take the eye from your head and come back for the eyebrow.


9.20 Why does Laverty’s friendship with the funeral director guarantee his safety with Keenan?
Is there something we don’t know about Keenan and the undertaker?


1:48 undertakers, catlicks & clergy – are frequently discovered to be birds of a feather.


I agree with the traddy policy of not accepting fat men into seminary, on the basis that a young man who is fat isn’t exercising and has uncontrolled appetites and is comfort eating to resolve emotional/psychiatric issues.


There is far too much on display for this hour of the day, or any other day, or night.
Was morning office recited, I wonder.


The current Rector of Scots College is a Paisley Priest and a Very Good Holy man Father Dan Fitzpatrick and that will be a worry for Bishop Keenan.


Media reporting this – gratifying to know that crooks and criminals feigning old age and illness with zero regard for deceased victims and living traumatised survivors are not beyond the clutches of responsible and well run policing and courts service free to exercise their duties with due diligence and integrity.


10:09 good point, all these retired clergy that appear from out of town into new communities need to be looked into by local communities- but church gossips & busybodies only interested & complicit in hiding them. Toxic.


Paul Laverty has been seen in Boots this morning buying Immac Hair Removal cream in a desperate bid to convince Betty Turpin that those “ain’t her pins.”


These pins are made for walking
And that’s just what they’ll do
One of these days these pins
Are gonna walk all over…


Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee has announced that plans for her Department to tackle gender, sexual and domestic based violence is the most ambitious to date in Irish legislative plans.


Zero Tolerance €360 million funding to eradicate gender, sexual & domestic related violencesays:

11:20 Good news & not before time. Minister McEntee has announced a €360 million funding for this zero tolerance initiative. 🙏


If Yvonne & Carole decide to pursue this blogger requesting a personal meeting with Yvonne, I would respectfully suggest they both attend together at Ennis Garda Station as they already dealt with Yvonne’s aspect. Putting their 2 experiences together will add more weight to a proper investigation and the Garda now do take this relatively new crime of online grooming for financial and other gain seriously. Fintan Monahan can bury his head in sand no more, he monitors the blog & I strongly suspect he writes on it, some words match letters I’ve had from him but of course I may be wrong. He most definitely as discussed with you is indiscreet and does not respect privacy of parishioners personal information & shares that with his lay volunteers and their families in my community in his interests of protecting his extremely wealthy and abusive benefactors including his Heads of Parish Council who have donated land to Diocese here and in other parts of Clare.


The guards would probably have to listen and take statements, the DPP, however would throw them in the bin ! It could be a civil thing for slandering, but no solicitor would take it unless parties pay up front, win or lose ?


It is also apparent that the discrimination exercised again Carole in Glenstal cancelling her retreat booked for her by Killaloe as a deterrent to prevent her pursuing further action against Fr Fitzgerald & the Diocese of Killaloe was initiated by Killaloe Diocese who are clearly scrutinising the blog to circumvent future actions pending against them, their agents, representatives and associates. I would take an educated guess that defamation lawyers are on board to garner information in advance for a Defence. They forget it’s all been done before & smart dinosaurs don’t forget!


1:44 Thanks very much for your input. All avenues of legal recourse are being looked into by myself and Y.


1:53 was she a professed nun? This blog & other similar sources also highlighting proven Roman Catholic Church deviants certainly provides multiple reasons why so many clericals might walk funny these days. 🤣🤣🤣


Whatever the together of a calf may be!
Is it possible the jokester meant calves?
What’s the betting the source is Bela or Jim S.?


@1:53 i have never heard that before, I cannot believe it, but its funny as he’ll and I will be using that one forever 🤣


God will never give you more than you can handle apparently….
The journey is not supposed to be easy regardless of the path/position or side of the fence your on. It’s the destination that makes it worth while.
Keep the faith folks
God is with me ❤️❤️❤️


“God will never give…apparently”? “Apparently” being the operative word. It explains suicide to a tee.
If only suicides had known that God gave them no more than they each could handle.
Jesus! What a load of platitudinous bollocks!


Fairness and equality …..
To be fair we are working off the churches protocols, proceedures and rules for the last 14 months it’s the churches schedule babes, not ours ….


Paul came to the refectory in his shorts for lunch and has been laughing this off today, convincing everyone there is no similarity between his legs and those pictured and his.


That’s funny, must have got home quickly then coz he was serving the ordination last night in the Archdiocese of St. A and Edin.


It’s baffling – why do these guys join the Roman Church & why don’t they leave when they realise it’s not a long term option in light of their preferences?


Watch Out GiGi, More Fr Dwyer’s arriving shortly 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸says:

3:15 it’s priest holiday time now for next few months – all the Gigi’s in the hot spots had better watch out! What a farce all over the world. One big fat lie. If I was a honourable priest & had a few quid to keep me going, I’d be sliding’ outta dat door Frank Sinatra style 🕺


Who is Fr Ger Fitzgerald’s appointed Canon Lawyer in the Diocese of Killaloe?


6:26 more likely to be a priest in the Diocese dealing with him at that stage assuming Ger was telling the truth!


Ha well obviously that’s not true even the former President would be unable given her priors to represent him 🤣


Pat, very important that this question is answered by someone: was MIA Dungannon present at Coalisland Mass of Thanksgiving last evening?


You must have a boring (or EASY) life if this is the important question needing answered.
There were no Priests who are currently serving or resident in Dungannon Parish present at the Mass in Coalisland. The recording is available should you wish to check for yourself.


Probably the Paisley ex seminarian that has been banned from all the paisley churches the paisley tinder swindler as he is now known that has brought this to the attention of Pat.


I have been reliably informed he left Paisley after a chat with Mister Keenan and is no longer living there. He does attend the Wednesday lunches once a month according to a Motherwell sem


I have been reliably informed he keeps a very low profile in Paisley as he has been found out by a lot of people now


So its all made up nonsense and lies? One scorned seminarian making it ALL up? Yeah right! We all know the core is true … Scottish Bishops safeguarding office – beware the wolf in sheeps clothing ….


Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex trafficking minors for disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. Robert Maxwells fraudulent misappropriation of hundreds of millions of pounds from the Daily Mirror staff pension fund came to light shortly after his death in 1991.


Ger Fitzgerald will never contact Bishop Pat so it’s time to move on Carole and let go. Your comments reek of desperation and despair. Go live your best life it’s the greatest revenge.


Carole, be careful. You’re hurting now but think of your children who will read these comments as stuff stays on the internet for years. It would be best if you had time out.


8:57 & 9:02 I am in no way, shape or form desperate or despairing. I am living my best life right now. My children will not read this blog as I am using an assumed name. Even if they do find out one day, they will be proud that their mother stood up to RCC corruption. So with all due respect, your comments are not going to change my mind and I will continue on this path for as long as I deem necessary.


Sandip Moneea is free as justice requires. Charges dropped AGAIN. A terrible indictment of the Law that these men continue to be harassed. I am not sure whether the 50,000 offered is a help or a hinder to the truth.


Fr. Ger Fitzgerald: you fucked with the wrong women. Do you want to end this once and for all? If yes, contact Bishop Buckley and he will arrange a meeting in order to reconcile our differences. If you are a true Christian, then you won’t say no. Do the right thing and contact Pat.


I actually do not think he would, he’d listen! My opinion. And I do have a few issues with Pat so I’m not just saying g that. 🤔


9:18 Right. So that implies that Fr. Ger is only interested in proving that his narrative is the authentic one. He is not interested in any kind of reconciliation. Of course not. Why should a priest ask for forgiveness or admit that he was wrong? 🤣🤣🤣. Bunch of hypocrites and misfits the lot of you. Tell Fr. Ger that what’s good for the goose is good for the gander 😁. And make sure he says 10 Hail Mary’s for that artefact he stole from the farmer’s house 😂.


9:18 All you self righteous hypocrites enjoy giving out to Yvonne about her language on the blog; insinuating that she is a bad person because of her choice of words. I want to let you all in on a little secret 🤫: that woman has more courage in her index finger than all of you wusses put together have in your entire bodies 🤣. Look at your own durty deeds before you dare point the finger at Ms. Y. Her way of winding people up on the blog only goes to show what fools some of you are. As for Ms. Y’s past messages to Fr. Ger; they are irrelevant! I’d love to know what Canon law says about sharing personal communications of parishioners. Ger did indeed forward on to me some of Y’s intimate messages (to him) long before I ever met her and I am certain that he has shared my messages (to him) containing personal info (
with his minions. I thought priests were supposed to maintain confidentiality?! Oh stupid me! Bless me Father for I have sinned 😝. The ordained RCC priest needs to play by the rules of the institution he serves & collects a pay check from. If he doesn’t want to play by the rules then why doesn’t he get the hell out? Oh yeah. Now I remember. It’s all about his benefits 😂. Hey Ger, did you forget about one of your favourite words: “sarkasmós”??? Remember when you gave me the middle finger? A priest flipping the bird to a vulnerable American woman parishioner…I wonder what the Yanks reading the blog in 🇺🇸 think of that one? Such a lovely way to treat foreigners…


I am one of those people who gave out about Yvonnes mouth and i stand by that. Yes i agree that she was treated unfairly by some of the people in Ennis and thats not ok for one minute and i have always said that, but to come on this blog and make fun of somebody who has a speech impediment is far from ok and totally unacceptable. Its the lowest of the low and to call Fintan Monahan a vagina is disgusting. As for you Carole, you have really taken things to extreme with revenge and i’m not being unkind to you.Sometimes its best just to cut your losses emotionally.


9:12 I think you should be more concerned about the filth coming out of a RC priest’s mouth than what is coming out of the mouth of a vulnerable woman who lost two homes, received death threats, and nearly committed suicide. Perhaps you should refresh your memory and read through some of Fr. Ger’s messages that were published on this blog—in particular the one where he mocks Y. after he heard about her suicide attempt…and don’t forget the message where he calls his own Bishop a coward.
You call this revenge? I call it exposing lies, deceit, hypocrisy and abuse within the RCC.


9:12 Are you the one who was asking Tommy, the homeless fella, in front of Dunnes in Ennis for the name of the woman he was talking with? Why would you be asking for Yvonne’s name hun? Are you a busybody with nothing better to do? Or are you a Ger apologist / minion? Either way it doesn’t matter. Yvonne never had an issue with Ger’s stammer. In fact, she says it was one of the things that she loved about him. Could it be that the point she was trying to make was that Ger uses his speech impediment and other issues in order to make women feel sorry for him? Do you get it now lady???!!! FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️


One day the Nuncio must realise that for Betty; his role is too much for his capabilities.
The dictionary describes one as
‘a senior member of the Christian clergy, usually in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders.’
Now the NRSV-CE Bible clearly states the Catholic rule on homosexuality.
According to the Catechism, “homosexual acts” are “acts of grave depravity” that are “intrinsically disordered.” It continues, “They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.” Regarding homosexuality as an orientation, the Catechism describes it as “objectively disordered.”
But Betty had chosen to turn a blind eye to this. Betty clearly cannot be bothered dealing with this whilst the numbers that attend mass is falling, paisley churches are in further states of disrepair, whilst the people he has bought in to be around him keeps increasing. How can these ‘holy’ men lead us to heaven when they are clearly heading the opposite way from it?


As usual this blog is filled with half truths and mindless gossip.

JK has not removed three priests from the clerical state. JB and FH have both left since JK took over neither have been laicised yet. ML had already left prior to JK, he allegedly has been laicised and this allowed him to join the Piskies.

I can’t imagine that the current Paisley Curia are involved in the Daisy Chain nor covering up for them. In fact they are much better than the previous incumbents that served under Tartaglia.

The ‘infamous’ ex seminarian is well gone, hardly seen around Paisley Town and rumour has it has a sugar daddy providing the high life for him these days!


Not been on for a while, regarding the ‘infamous’ ex seminarian the big story will come some day he is running scared now!


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