


Chastity and homosexuality

2357 Homosexuality refers to relations between men or between women who experience an exclusive or predominant sexual attraction toward persons of the same sex. It has taken a great variety of forms through the centuries and in different cultures. Its psychological genesis remains largely unexplained. Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity,141 tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.”142 They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved”.

The above is the official teaching of the RC Church on homosexuality.

The RCC teaches that homosexuality is a serious “disorder” and that homosexual acts are “acts of grave depravity”.

The RCC also insists that most of its priests have to be celibate and chaste.

One of the primary functions of an RC bishop is to teach the RCC faith- welcome or unwelcome

Why then are more and more RC bishops ordaining men suffering from intrinsic disorders and performing acts of grave depravity on each other and others?

Possible reasons:

1. These bishops do not accept the teachings of the Catechism. This begs the question: Should these men not be dismissed immediately from the office of bishop?

2. These bishops are homosexuals themselves – either acting out or not acting out. And their personal inclinations and situations cloud their thinking and actions

3. These bishops themselves have been homosexually active since their time in seminary and have been active homosexual men as seminarians, priests and bishops. An example is ex cardinal Ted Mc Carrick.

4. The men these bishops are now ordaining have been or are the sexual partners of the ordaining bishops.

5. The ordinands themselves have been the sexual partners of seminarians, priests and bishops. They know too much about so many other clerics that the best way to keep them quite is to ordain them.

“The best way to solve a difficult problem is to ordain it”

6. Have some bishops been forced to ordain a man because the man is a former partner of the ordaining bishop and the bishop is being blackmailed to ordain him?


As a result of all of this the priesthood is gradually becoming an almost exclusively gay profession.

And not only that. The priesthood / episcopate is becoming a sexually active gay profession.

The quickest way to ordination and promotion in the RCC is to do your religious superior sexual favours.


If you are constantly sexually active and especially engaging in acts like sadomachism, assault, rape, and other sexual extremes, is it not nearly impossible to have a spirituality and to pray?

And how can the priest integrate the spiritual and prayerful life of a priest with sexual depravity and extremism?

The two cannot exist side by side.

“No man can serve two masters”

Can you be a slave to sexual extremes and a practioner of spirituality and prayer?

Can the soul be healthy in a lecherous body?

Years ago someone said: “Sex will the the Catholic Churches 20 th century Galileo”.

Can the priest or bishop easily and authentically go from semen strewn floor of the gay sauna to the sanctuary to celebrate Mass?

Can the priest or bishop easily and authentically go from the world of lube and leather to the world of baptising, confirming, absolving and ordaining?

Can the priest or bishop easily and authenticslly go from the world of “fisting” and use the same hand, albeit washed, to bless?

Can the priest or bishop easily and authentically go from the world of the sadomachistic harness to the world of the bishops throne or presider”s chair?

Can the priest or bishop easily and authentically go from his gay porn addiction to reading the Missal and Lectionary?

Well, dear reader, these things are all happening and being tolerated commonly within today’s priesthood and episcopate.

The Laying on of hands, has acquired a whole new meaning.

WHO or WHAT will call a halt to all of this?


I don’t think you can understand this question without also considering the other huge examples the hierarchy and clergy just ignoring the rules: the previous heterosexual sexual activity of priests and also the comprehensive ignoring of the church’s teaching about sex to facilitate child abuse. When you also consider that other crimes have been reported by clergy and the Vatican’s finances are horrendous (in fact the reason HQ is in a tinpot micro state to evade European banking standards), the answer becomes very clear.
So the question isn’t really about homosexuality at all.
And the answer doesn’t show them up in a very good light.


An excellent article. Interestingly, the problem has increased within the last 20 years. Since that time, every candidate has passed through the hands of The Reverend Father Dr Fieldhouse-Byrne at St Luke’s, Manchester, for psychological assessment. This begs the question of his sexual orientation and competence. I know the answer! The deviants so often featured on these pages all received his nulla osta. He should be replaced immediately.


12.00am I never heard him say it, he did most definitely say it and it is as wise as was ever said; “Everything is personal, everything.” That was Denis Faul RIP, a good man but theologically conservative while socially and in justice so progressive and deeply concerned, never attached to any Establishment and no Establishment attached to him. Invariably these people in these positions are more work in progress than anything sitting in front of them including the X military Guru that ran Washington for far too long and crossed the globe plying his wares, his attitude to the “demonic” is frightening if you care to view on youtube. Everything is personal, everything.


Rossetti is barking mad. How can they expect St Luke’s, Washington to be considered a scientific institute when its former director runs around the US casting out Demons? One of the first priests with AIDS to attract national attention was the Rev. Michael R. Peterson. Peterson was a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington and founder of St. Luke Institute, a psychiatric hospital in Maryland for Catholic priests and religious-order men and women. He died in 1987 at age 44.


You need to stop looking for the explanation in the micro and start looking at the macro. Every bishop has also accepted every candidate going through St Luke’s and they’ve all been through seminary but it’s St Luke’s fault?

Are you stupid?


So what purpose does it serve? Would a bishop accept a candidate against their recommendation? Are you stupid or just rude?


It’s all about the Tipping Point – when a critical mass is reached when there is no going back, the damage is irrevocable and beyond repair – such that the the people stop donating and supporting via the collection plate and Gift Aod and Standing Orders and Legacies and the financial well runs dry.
That’s when it stops and only then!!


A Bishop would tbh Bishop Nolan and the Rector of Scots College he was not suitable and Kearns has went to the Administraor of Glasgow and got back into Scots College so now Archbishop Nolan has someone he has already rejected.
The current Rector leaves this month so it will be Archbishop Nolan and teh New Rector’s problem.


I met Kearns once when I visited the Scots College. He came across as a psychopath.


The questions you ask about gay priests and Bishops are well answered by your own life, Pat! You transitioned well into a bishop’s life despite your own personal struggles, conflicts, failings and sexual identity challenges. I do believe you have many contradictions in your life but I also affirm the desire of your heart to be as true to yourself as you can be – “authentic” – and in the way you believe God accepts. I also believe you try to be as principled as you can be in living your fidelity to God and to your partner. There is in today’s priesthood a huge crisis of sexual identity and promiscuous behaviour which is destroying the priesthood. I have been blessed to have met some wonderful priests in over 40 years and have been enriched by knowing them and working with them. The themes and situations outlined are doing untold damage to both church and priesthood and are a cause of great scandal for the faithful people of God. Can we be truly renewed or redeemed in Jesus’s way ever? The challenge is very difficult and overwhelming.


It is all hushed up No know’s which Diocese’s or who the ex priest it was so the Bishop’s Conferance covered it all up.
A good guess would be Blairs


Superb, + Pat, Superb.!!!
What happens when ducks fly upside-down? They quack up!!


“Well, Holy God”, said Miley. “What’s Dinny gettin’ up to… at all… at all…at all…”
“He’ll see a mighty release of… you know what… over you know where… you know when…”


Great blog, Pat. It explains much. However, when did Maynooth evolve into a two-tier College to become Gaynooth. Who, ordained who, ordained who, in this network of promiscuity. Perhaps, another research project for those with an inclination to research such matters.


Toleration plus Extraordinary Support from RCC to conduct fraudulent double existencesays:

You have hit the nail on the head, Bishop Pat, these nasty queens know too much about each other so this keeps the fraud show on the road. Birds of a feather flock together.


8.37 it’s horrendous to even try to imagine how Vera Pauw has had to carry this turmoil for 35 years & disgusting that the authorities failed to hear her case. Abuse of power at the highest level where she was subjected to bullying, intimidation, isolation, framing and systematic sexual and psychological abuse. She is a great strong lady to still have it in her to keep fighting back & hoping she will now finally achieve true Justice. She is a shining example and role model going forward & no doubt her case is only one of many we have yet to hear about.


9.57 I totally concur. Watch them nobble her, Dutch Sport is well financed and very powerful. A great woman to do this, very courageous. It has happened in Canberra and China very recently, the nobbling of those who speak the truth about their horrendous experience.


The extraordinary reaction to any small iota of valid criticism speaks for itself. Ireland is a very small island with a very close cohort of devious clerical operators & their lay teams of self interested double agents.


8:41 I’m not in Ireland but the level of scrutiny and small town mindset is palpable on this blog. Even to the extent commenters repeatedly forget this blog can be accessed almost anywhere in the world and so are convinced they’re talking to the same few people.
The only wonder would be how any priest ever gets away with any misbehavior in Ireland with all the net curtains twitching!


9.48 “Misbehaviour” you say…does that mean you are in a Mediterranean territory or an Anglo-Saxon enclave ? Clearly your sliding scale needs adjustment at any rate? Would you please tell me what appears to you as “small town mindset” here, that is not to contradict, I am wondering just what exactly you alluding to. On the use of “level of scrutiny” That was the problem, there was none but the clergy were never out of tormenting the population about the depravity of enjoying their beds and partners, invariably then a husband or a wife!! They caused painful scrupulosity in so many decent lives. This Blog lifts the lid and has lifted it on what was the secret life of roman catholic ministering personnel. WAS. Not in Ireland may well mean you are on holidays also? ” Misbehaviour” would be amusing if it was not such a tragic euphemism.


Gaybo - It all started on The Late Late Show & now it’s Tubbs Time - Crockett & Tubbs - Miami here we come!says:

9.48 it’s a case of right back at them, they started it from behind their greasy panes!


Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam ⛅️ 🌞 ☀️ 🐝🇺🇸🐝🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺😇says:

Au contraire, Commenters are very mindful of the 24/7 international demographic of this blog, one of its core strengths.


@9:48 We know who you are and your employer will be hearing of you commenting on Buckley’s blog.


Whether Fr Ger Fitzgerald & Fr Jerry Carey & others overestimated the value of their inside knowledge & of their hold over the hierarchy & lay & clerical colleagues remains to be seen.


8.43 don’t mind those 3 eejits, they let the side down when they dropped their guards & were exposed, there are others far more dangerous in Killaloe & quite adept in maintaining a much more convincing Public front. Smooth waters run the deepest.


@9.47 Luggs Monahan has inherited some serious operators, Willie Walsh was no fool to himself in washing his hands of it even though he didn’t know the half of it & is a well meaning gentleman.


8:51 The arrogant Fr. Ger may have overestimated his power & authority in the hierarchy of the RCC but he severely underestimated the two women who came forward on this blog. May I remind you all of an anonymous comment on Pat’s blog (NOT from Yvonne) dated June 24th, 2021, 11:10 AM : “Ger was seeing another woman while he was dating yvonne and he dumped both of them just days prior to valentines, because hes a complete cheapskate, hes a coward. Pat can you arrange for me to speak with yvonne so he can forward this information on to her, it may help her situation. Thanks”.
Pat responded with his email address but he/she never contacted Pat. Could this person please pass on the information now? It would really help Yvonne & Carole’s case. Thank you 🙏


11.06 I hope this person comes forward but you would do well to more fully understand how deep the snakes & their community “friends with benefits”, will hide in the grass & utilise any crack they can find to close down avenues of co-operation to you ladies achieving your goal. There is zero integrity when it comes to them accessing personal & what you might view as unconnected information to block goals of truth and Justice & peace of mind for victims & survivors of this cabal. Take care.


Correction: Should read “so *I* can forward this information on to her”. Cleo on behalf of Fintan claimed in an email to Carole that they were not aware of any other people coming forward about Fr. Ger’s shenanigans. In the interest of truth & justice, we need the testimony of the other woman who was dumped by Ger. Please do not be afraid to come forward.


11:35 We are well aware of the risks and are cognisant of the unscrupulous tactics that are being used against us by the RCC mafia / minions to try and shut us up…
We are both strong & determined women who, no matter what the outcome will be, are NOT AFRAID to speak the truth, so take note ✅.


11.06 Ger Fitzgerald listed his marital status as widowed on social media throughout his ministry. Closed same profile immediately on removal from ministry.


Maynooth has 27 seminarians!!! When will the bishops get the point that it’s beyond repair? Appointing a new Dean isn’t the answer. Appointing someone just ordained himself certainly isn’t the answer.


Who is the new dean? They appointed a newly-ordained priest as the Junior Dean back in the 80s and it was a disaster.


Some bishops are gay and will ordain gay men. Other bishops, who are heterosexual, disagree with the idea that gay men are ‘disordered’ and therefore justify their actions by ordaining them. Then there is celibacy, which is a trial for many priests of all sexual orientations. The answer is to be honest – do away with celebacy and affirm homosexuality.


The exit door is a hard one to crack once they’ve accepted the apple of temptation along with its various associated illegal activities & privileges. That’s why some junior minions appear untouchable.


Since the eruption instigated by Eamon Casey and all that has publicly emerged in the interim, the latest revelations on Dublin Boiler Room gay sauna for priests & their friends & internet romance fraud & tinder blackmail etc., it’s the tip of the iceberg, keep scratching and digging Bishop Pat, much more to be revealed.


9.21 It was O’ Reilly did it, not having got his annulment , no doubt. He stated he would destroy the RCC in Ireland and he lifted the veil by printing the story that morning on Eamon Casey. I remember walking into the Newsagents after 8.00am Mass, I was a incredulous ,the horrible media I thought. I grew up a few years later at the age of 29. The Irish Media is the only conscience the Irish Bishops have ever had. Said it many times before but “Gormans People” you are very accurate, that was the eruption, the volcano that all Establishment in Ireland up until that point colluded to keep from the Irish population, many in Ireland knew what was going on, police, politicians, the judiciary, school principals, medics but all colluded. It was O’Reilly who began the exposure. They got him in the end by using AIB Bank!!!!!! Thats how they work, the grass they work in knows no height , they wait and bide, then strike. AIB Bank is/was an amalgamation of all the smaller “RC Banks” that existed on this island since La Touche (s) started the real ball rolling.


9.16 Bank Managers & Undertakers play their part in the high grass.


Yes, exactly.
Growing up in England in the eighties whenever the subject of the priesthood came up there was always a wave of nudge-nudge and we definitely looked on priests as dirty old men.
Despite this being in the Archdiocese of Birmingham I honestly can’t think why – it was before the headlines started, in a Catholic school, and there are certainly no allegations public about the school chaplain.
I wonder whether the church’s narrative became untenable after the sexual revolution – people were more aware of sexuality and less willing to believe that some people could live by the church’s teaching and take on the guilt that it was just you masturbating, etc.
Certainly as soon as I hit puberty myself I found the idea of celibate priests very difficult to believe but I’m still not sure where my contemporaries had already got the idea of the priest automatically representing a dirty old man.


I don’t think that’s a classic deflection, more intended to make the blog a horrible place by trolling and to bully MMM.
I think the people/person who does this also genuinely doesn’t care what impression they give, so it may not be a real deflection at all.
What I mean is that when they reply to a comment about the RC church’s abuse by pointing out that it also goes on in other churches/scout troops/schools/families, they must be aware of the impression this is giving. This is either that they don’t give a shit or else think paedophilia is normal (an argument you only ever hear from paedophiles, strangely).
Don’t get me wrong, I’m keen on anything which makes the RC church look like a paedophile haven with no moral sense, because that brings the natural next step in this saga ever closer, so while I honestly don’t think their motivation is really to deflect it still serves the good of humanity.
Did I happen to mention that cathbots are stupid?


Ara some former seminarians think they can trump God. You completely miss the point re MMM. Why does a former child protection social worker never mention child protection issues on a blog focusing on RCC clerical crime! Duh !


It is also a study in cod-ology and quack-olgy i.e. misinformed dishonest charlatans. Small wonder they leave within a few years of ordination.


9.30 Stephen Wilson & all the rest of them spend enough time on this blog to know exactly where Bishop Pat is if they wish to make contact.


Fr Lily Savage is settling in very well isn’t he. Him and that Derry seminarian got on very well at college didn’t they………?


The gay conveyor belt that is Armagh Archdiocese Ordinations. Look at the mess they hve there. The remedy for such priests? Go on ‘study’.


Or whatever other “excuse” for the various MIAs or c/o Diocese & on full pay & perks & psychological support packages all aimed at gearing them up for export into new unsuspecting & hoodwinked communities.


If you are a gay priest and would like to be active then come to D&C because Noel aids and abets the gays. As long as you are discreet and don’t get caught he doesn’t give a fuck what we are all up to.


Down and Connor has the highest level of active priests that are involved in sexual agreements with each other. I would name them but Pat always refuses to publish their names.


I work on the basis that all Catholic priests are paedophiles and all Catholic bishops are covering up paedophilia unless proven otherwise.


It has always been such. Even back to dear Greg RIP and as for his associates. From Gold Coast to third level studies. Bless them all. At soirées in Lisbreen, no doubt serenaded by the trio. All before departure to GC. Oh how we laughed at the sheep


On leaving clerical life:
Feeling of loss (bereavement) for their ecclesiastical career – Not understood or appreciated outside of the church.
Not knowing yourself anymore – Loss of priestly fraternity.
Fear of the unknown or the future – Feeling that non-proestly work is unfulfilling
Not feeling competent to work in another job.
Annoyance with “trivial” matters, council tax, bills, mortgages etc.
Lack of control
Financial worries
General anxiety and worry
Fatigue / Insomnia
Wanting to be alone
Feeling of not being valued
Loss of identity and status
Feeling of inadequacy
Loss of purpose
Temptation towards alcohol abuse


Priestly fraternity my arse – doesn’t exist – witness this blog! Most on here are clergy with gossip and daggers at the ready – true or no


William Mulvihill goes on so much about how noble a man Gabriel Lyons is and yet he is the least I know. Very self sufficient clergy but has the personality of a good fish Bill.


Haha. A lot can be said for dear Fr Lyon’s. And others. There must have been something in the waters at De La Salle. Those still in clerical circles and those who were pushed. Watch and wait……..


Someone accused you of having lots of oral sex in Cloniffe, but where you aware of fellow seminarians who were sexually active with each other?


I always thought you and paddy Walsh had a thing going on despite the appearance of ‘animosity’


12.49: How are we to know for certain? Why is it that you claim innocence in all things? Pat? Nothing wrong if you had sexual desires for fellow students! Did you not have such feelings? Of course you did..


It’s up to you whether or not you believe me.

Yes, I did feel attracted to other seminarians


I only ever hear this supposed connection between animosity and attraction from catlicks. It’s strikingly revealing.


‘Why is it that you claim innocence in all things?’
Once again the Catholics reveal how they think everyone is as deviant, corrupt and dishonest as themselves, and honestly can’t imagine that anyone could be different. Not everyone is a kiddy fiddling money grubbing fiend in a dog collar you know.


Well be honest, how many women did you sleep with before you went on to become one of the best clergy I have ever known?


And thankfully their number is one fewer today than it would have been had you not had your seminarian and clerical career abruptly terminated.


1:04 They don’t. That’s men’s fantasy. ‘Our bodies our selves ‘ will tell you the truth about lesbian sexuality.
There, now sit down and listen to the adults.


12.43: Ah Roberta, such nonsense…women are so territorial and bitchy and greater trouble makers than priests…they’d ruin parishes. Compassionate, my eye!


‘greater trouble makers than priests’
Yeah, they’re all over Bishop Accountability.


1.13: So true…The women in our parish groups are nasty bullies when challenged by anyone. They are gossips. They hold on to their power bases in a destructive way…


1.13 the territorial bitches in parish groups are most unchristian & toxic shit stirrers. 🤮


Good afternoon Bishop.
As an Australian drag queen that once outed and shamed a Priest for his role in breaking my heart and gaslighting me, I would like to thank you for the wonderful work you do in exposing the RCC for what it is.
The institution protects all of them despite their indiscretions and immoral behaviour.


My brother calls this place Frankenstein, how right he was. Proud Aussie here,but not in Australia. I love Australia.says:

1.08 Most particularly in your neck of the woods..or rather The Bush!! Lol


&1.22 not ones with 4 legs anyway – their most effective guard dogs are of the two legged, acid tongued variety.


Please tell me, someone else has seen Fr Muscle with the same gay bike for the last year?
Eating out, walking, travelling, coffee-ing
How is he getting away with it?


Derry seminarians are all the same and always have been, one suspects that they are only wanting ordained to become ‘infamous’ and not for the actual role. I have never been a ‘slut’ myself but it must be hard to go from being one to making a vow of celibacy?


At least if you were never use to sex before you joined you wouldn’t know any better. But I concur Clare.


I don’t hate Noel Treanor. Being made a bishop was very bad for him. He is only suitable for desk work.


Eugene OHagan never shuts up about you and this blog at all our dinner parties. You must be doing something right.


I love you so very much
Every second, I long for your touch
Those piercing blue eyes
You have been, quite the prize
That cheeky smile
I would run more than a mile
To be in your clutch
Oh, how I love you so, much


Why what did Noel do? Chris is now happy in the straight world studying to be a solicitor and happy with girls. How could Noel have betrayed him?
You are a jealous ex seminarian who had the hots for him


6.54 Is that the Fr Martin who used to buy Connell his ‘smalls’ and he made a point of saying it?


Pat where is Bella as he has not commented for nearly 10 days.
Surely you have not excluded his defence of the LMB.
Is he on vocation with his partner Martina.
The worse situation is the daisy chain funeral director has got him.
Maybe moving into sheltered housing.
Come on Bella we miss you 🙂 🙂 🙂


7.14 Martin O Shea, the Mons. in Corpus Christi Parish. He was like Philip to the Queen, two steps behind Connell everywhere except when admiring biceps at a dinner table ( once!!!).


Salutations Dear Bishop Pat,
As an avid reader of this blog, may I request that you share a reflection on Roe vs. Wade in the USA as this ruling has pastoral implications on both sides of the pond.

Tell me strange things,



Good question, Montegue. I was in a secular state school, aged 14, when county council teachers promised us boys sex on political grounds. This was when the Vatican City State Church (in which Bowen was already prominent) wasn’t praying for England’s boys because it was busy abolishing the already reformed liturgy and contorting re. what reforms to pretend to be enacting. The war against boys is the same war as the war against women. I am 67 and single so far. When I marry, we shall not ask any denomination permission should we fancy sleeping in separate beds. Marriages do not belong to any religion. When did the US government promise boys sex or was it piecemeal?


Can anyone join the Scottish Daisy Chain or do you have to be a priest?
Who is big Hughie. Is he the Boss?


Big Hughie is the Vicar General was Administraor during the vacancy Hugh Bradley.
He has featured on this blog as Hattie Jacques.
Sadly two of his close friends under investigation took their own lives.

There are two vacancies at Scots College one for Rector and other Spiritual Director so many Glasgow Priests is in hope that he gets appointed.

Scottish Daisy chain is gay (active) clergy and friends you need to be invited and with NO fear asa the Bishops close their eyes and minds.


Bishop Pat – many are surprised not at the mention of names but at the names not mentioned. Are there protected species?


3.05: You have expressed this comment so often. Are you brain dead or simply plonk stupid? Act like an adult.


Eugene OHagan never shuts up about you and this blog at all our dinner parties. You must be doing something right.


How sad for fathers Wilson and Morris that they can’t stand side by side with their fellow gays on this 50th anniversary of Pride. It must be hard to suppress your true identity.


Well, Bobby Mc was such a nice kid and a superb student all through grammar school and was the darling of the FCJs. I heard that he changed quite a bit as time went on, but don’t we all?
Such a pity that he never went beyond such a potty place as Worcester. At least this is stirring his blood up as he coasts toward retirement.


Rubbish! Bishop McManus is upholding Church teaching.
Sodomy is gravely sinful and those who engage in it cannot, as Paul confirms, enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


Sodomy is the delict of inhospitality. Church teaching on human sexuality, on the other hand, is developing in keeping with the science of same-sex attraction.
If you are. uS cultural warrior, best not to transfer that cultural phenomenon here.


You have no Koine Greek.
The correct translation, in English, is that homosexuals WILL not enter the …, not that they will be prohibited from entering it.
They will CHOOSE not to enter it.
Jesus keeps no one from entering the kingdom.


To Abbot ☕️ & Co.: you published your newsletter on social media which includes an article about the medieval stone mortar being used on your premises as a “fount of healing”. The land that your abbey stands on was given to the monks by our family’s ancestor Theobald Walter (Butler). You did not welcome me, mother of Theobald’s direct descendants, into your guesthouse. In fact, you flat out refused me because of my association with Bishop Buckley, therefore I am putting you on notice: The Butler “curse” is now upon those at Glenstal who were responsible for shutting the door in my face🤣.


In answer to the blog question Pat: because our bishops are in sexual arrangements with our MIAs. I have been told this by an infamous cleric.


Pat, can anyone report on the number of priests who attended the ordination of Christopher Morris in Motherwell on Thursday. There does not seem to be any video of this event.
Also there are unconfirmed reports that Fr Chromey, Bishop Toals VG in Motherwell has resigned from both his post as VG and as Administrator of the Cathedral. Can any Motherwell reader fill us in.


There was No coverage of the ordination and even Sancta Media was not allowed to cover it.
Father Chromey has resigned his VG role but has took on a new role care of the clergy.
Father Breslin is the new VG and Chris Morris has been appointed to Carfin in September.
They are looking for a Rector and Spiritual Director for Scott’s College as current holder have returned to Paisley and Dunkeld.


The poor turnout of Motherwell priests reflects poorly on Motherwell diocese, not the new priest. What an impression to make on the 20+ visiting priests, assuming you’ve counted them up correctly.


I always count my priests properly, sure I need to know how many cups to put out for their tea 😘
It reflects entirely on the new priest, there’s no getting away from the fact that at least half the diocese rejected him as curate!! Sticking to their guns.
Now, would you like a cup of tea father? Go on, go on, go on!!


It’s not the place of the diocesan priests to accept or reject. Their responsibility is to respect the Bishop, which I’m pretty sure is one of the vows the new reverend will have taken last week. The Motherwell diocesan priests look petty and entitled. One occasion where I doubt appearances are deceptive.


Pat I’m terrified of the recent young Armagh Priest. The fecker keeps sending me weird messages on Grindr.


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