


Archbishop Eamon Martin has said anti-abortion campaigners will continue to advocate that “both lives matter” ahead of the ‘Rally for Life’ march in Dublin today.

Speaking at Saint Saviour’s Church and Dominican Priory, Dorset Street in Dublin earlier today, Archbishop Martin said “sadly and shockingly” the number of abortions in Ireland have increased “significantly”. 


People like AMY MARTIN regard morals are rules that lay people have to adhere to but they do ot apply to bishops and priests.

They also seem to think that ABORTION is the only great moral issue of our Time.

AMY wants to protect children in the wome and at birth – protect the first 9 months of a babies life.

But they don’t feel half as strongly about:

1. Subjecting young people and their parents against being shown gay porn by their PP.

2. Protecting young males from being shown the penis and testicles of their PP or CC on the internet of an evening.

3. Protecting young females from being filmed by their curate in a ladies toilet cubicle.

4. Protecting young males from being drugged and sexually assaulted by drug taking and alcoholic priests.

The “abortionists” and their co-operators are automatically excommunicated in this life and bound for Eternal Damnation in the next life.

BUT the lecherous, assaulting, voyeuristic and addict priests are rewarded with:

Paid leave,

Plush accommodation,

Unending 5 * therapy and counselling,

Fully sponsored degrees and doctorates,

Full clerical fraternity,

And finally new sneaky back door jobs and placements.

Most RC bishops stink.

Amy Martin stinks to high heaven.


It was announced at Mass in Tralee yesterday that this gentleman’s ministry will end in Tralee on 20th July 2022.

Where to now?

A Kerry priest tells me he is being appointed to the Killarney Pastoral area.

Ray Browne is obviously putting Jones in parishes where there are other priests to “keep an eye”.


Different day, same guff. Either get off your ass and do something or give it a rest.
You left the Roman Church, so why not just watch it burn like an 11th night bonfire and comb through the ashes the morning after?


I suspect 10:53 also wore the Gold Chasuble of Doom at his ordination that so many of the priests who appear here did.


You hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy of you, when he said: “‘This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’”
Once upon a time Charlie Haughey told the nation “to tighten your belt”. Oh the hypocrisy!


8.21 – the exact opposite. I’m what the world hates – a straight white male. I’m not a priest, deacon or seminarian. I’m a lay person who is sick and tired of the tripe that gets spewed on this platform.
Everyone ignores the church anyway, so why don’t you ignore it and get back to your bumming of each other?


Well you’ve definitely get the cathbot martyr/victim complex.
Have you thought of moving to the US? You’d love it – they’re bringing back slavery next.


2:53 You can’t tell someone who isn’t a sexual deviant to stay off the blog, really. After all you’ve already got your special place for sexual deviants called the priesthood.


King Puck being moved around Kerry. What is the official response from their Director of Communications, Mary Fagan? Ignoring parishioners is not an option, Diocese is accountable to the public.


Baa Baa Baa – wake up quick & get this, Sheepy Sheep, Bishops do not give one iota what level of abuse their members dish out, the only priority is protecting their own interests. That’s why they behave in such a self entitled manner & ignore communications from Bishop Pat & others. A thundering disgrace they are.


Mary Fagan, Communications Director for Diocese of Kerry also presents radio programme on Radio Kerry @ 9am on Sundays – Horizons – religious & social affairs show reaching out to “growing number of people who have become distanced from their Christian faith” & regular contributors/outreach interviewers include Fr Brendan Walsh, Deacon Connor Bradley, Fr Francis Nolan, Fr Kevin Sullivan & Fr George Hayes. Mary Fagan invites contact on the following email address.


7.09 George Hayes was the pin up boy for the Irish bishops for quite a time. What happened? ( I don’t know, unusually). Interesting collection of names and lives.


7.09 Kevin Sullivan was extremely attractive in Maynooth. Sex appeal by lemniscate. I assume the man was/is straight. A really nice guy too. Never would have picked him to survive it all, so that begs a doubt. Very mature compared to the rest of us back then. Attractive man! That hint of USA helped…


Yeah, remember when the priests were all out protesting how bishops covered up and facilitated child abuse? Me neither.


Hi Pat, I do value and respect your opinion, however there is one slight error in your intelligence report. Sean Jones has a permanent Diocesan liason person (DLP), to monitor Sean’s progression and continuation in Vocational Growth Counseling to prevent any relapses. They meet once a week and Sean shares his weekly journal and both Sean and the DLP Officer sign it. It’s all about accountability and reducing the risk of relapsing back onto Grindr and Sliver daddies. com. Armagh have a different set up for Ryan and Rory.


Those who drop their pants quickest fast track to Roman Catholic Church Ordination & plum posts.says:

2.08am it all about crossing the t’s, & dotting the i’s to cover their asses after they’ve been dropping their pants & showing their bits in the middle of the night on altars & in the bedrooms & corridors of Maynooth seminary to name but a few venues of Irish Catholic Church ill repute.


Are you serious? How much does it cost to employ a Diocesan liaison vocational growth counselor?


12.12 open your peepers, clergy don’t leave themselves short, I nearly broke a nail last year literally wrestling a colleague for first shout on the annual trade in on a clergymans car. Immaculate it was as usual – saved me a fortune. Mind you since we found this blog we do indulge in more speculation about its past life now!! 🤣


3.21 The Vicar General from Drogheda did not go to Stephen Wilson’s First Mass either. They were hardly blessing graves that evening too. He was staying away from something, if not the one who appointed him himself.


@3.21am I am sorry but your sentence makes no sense. Please rewite it with correct spelling, enabling readers to understand what you wish to say. Thank you.


++EM just feels a great sense of gratitude. He is fully correct that both lives matter. Feminists say “my body, my choice”. Consentual procreational intimacy is a feminist body choice.
If feminists could please take responsibility for their body choice and let the unborn babies live, the world will be a better place. “Love” and “compassion” is not the premeditated murder of unborn children. The abortion holocaust is absolutely scandalous. It must be stopped world wide.


Seamus when did the Irish government promise boys sex? In England it was the “discussion” lesson and we were 14.


Good morning all on the Emerald Isle.
Please forward all evidence on these issues & more to Bishop Buckley.
For contact details see the top right-hand corner of this page.


Do any of the usual suspects featured on this blog have moral credibility or moral authority on abortion or any other moral matter? If not, why not?


7.14 Philosophically you are very accurate but practically speaking, its like prison; the prisoner and the prison guards. Oh yes he may be “free” but not so practically. Prison systems are designed to dismantle the sense of self just like the training in a seminary. The whole catholic thing; assimilation.


Holy Goat, I’m sure you will stop saying that without further clarification when it is pointed out that it is not true. Whatever you’re trying to say, the reality is that abusive humans don’t respect others boundaries and so it simply isn’t true that people only have authority over us that we allow them. Apart from the obvious examples like rape and abuse, there is the example more relevant to today’s post that if you were sitting in, say, the archdiocese of Armagh you will not have been involved in appointing Amy. You may think that he shouldn’t be archbishop, however also have no power to get rid of him.
Another example would be that you might think that Boris Johnson is a dangerous psychopath who should not be prime minister but he’s still got authority over you whether you like it or not.
It simply isn’t true that people only have the authority you give them and I’m only saying it this politely out of respect for you and your many insightful and thoughtful comment.


Thank you. I have had a bishop I didn’t like. I was often “sick” on days of meetings with him and frankly if I knew he was on parish visitation I was on holiday that weekend. Did he move me, yes – it’s part of ministry. Did he send me to a “punishment parish”, yes. Was it punishment? No – because I ministered happily there. Then he retired and I didn’t attend the function or visit him in the home… or attend his funeral.

Amy makes bad decisions. They are his to make and own. Would I get upset? No. My job is to run the parish as best I can. I cannot run the diocese. A protecting mentality goes a long way – and remember – the laity have to deal with bullies, rubbish bosses, ill mannered neighbours too. How we handle bullies in life takes practice and perseverance. Keep them at bay.


What is happening to Mark Moriarty? He is the same class as Stephen Wilson yet he has not even been ordained a deacon. My understanding is that he is still a seminarian but how can this be if he is not in formation?
What is going on here in Kerry Pat


People like him & Wilson should be made permanent deacons. We need some permanent deacons that have been better educated.


“Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught”.

Oscar Wilde


How could a priest change in to vestments in the sacristy around Fr. Aidan McCann? I would be nervous in his presence.


McCann is toast, and once the legal process if completed he should be cut loose and sent off to make his own way. There should be no long term support for him, cosseting him forever from the realities and consequences of his own behaviour, and at our expense. We know what would happen in any other walk of life, and that needs to happen in the Church with errant clergy. What is so special about clergy that they have to be protected and supported endlessly ? Why is the likes of Roreeee still being supported in London at great expense. The man should be making his own way. He is not the only one.


8.02 I hope so. He will be happier. Pity its a crime has brought it all about. Cathartic Maturation with trauma. Mc Cann if straight does not have a chance of friendship in that diocese. Rory is as twisted as Eamon Martin and “belongs.”


8.02 agreed, it’s fraudulent to keep asking parishioners for donations that are secretly used to fund long term supports for clergy with criminal & abusive backgrounds & proven indicators & tendencies- as you rightly say, in any other job, it’s instant dismissal for serious misconduct & the lay person rightly has to paddle their own canoe. In sharp contrast Clergy & their teams proactively attempt to destroy victims & complainants at every possible opportunity. Freemasons & Mafia to the core, zero integrity.


Roman Church appears to attract evil, nasty, prejudiced, obsessive control freak clerical & lay types to its sick & twisted fold in parishes. Oh, & then there’s the foot soldiers cementing local teaching opportunities for their kids & grandkids etc., all guaranteed to keep the cycle of secrecy & cover up & vilification of complainants in their control. Church needs a swift kick up ass out of all schools urgently. Their days of using various means of abusing & exploiting kids from disadvantaged circumstances is being extended into our modern times as still socially & morally acceptable as long as they are allowed to remain.


“Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.” (Matthew 7:13).


Devino Afflante Spiritum ( best document from a pope in 20th century) and Apostolicam Actuositatem.says:

8.06 He never said it. Propaganda by those who tell us they hold the keys. Fine redaction and editorial skill over centuries. There were ‘eye of the needle’ entrances anyway, holes in the walls if you like. Gate is an addition, probably around 800 or 900. God has no dimensions at his table. Everybody featured here will get in, though they preach at others that they won’t . The nonsense of perdition over abortion. Nonsense. Its all about pain and suffering for women. The male psyche cannot possibly understand , to say nothing of clerics and priests who give up children for the kingdom . Jesus wept, nonsense.


The reason for this collapse in credibility and integrity in the clerical ranks ? Simple. Abuse, coverup and lying.says:

The blog subject today points to something very important about the Church, about bishops and about priests – namely, that they have long since lost any credibility to talk about anything, and particularly anything that has to do with morality or what affects personally the lives of the faithful. Yes, they will maintain that they are simply speaking the truth of the Gospel, but that would in this day and age be better and more creditably done by others. The reason for this collapse in credibility and integrity in the clerical ranks ? Simple. Abuse, coverup and lying. There is no getting away from the fact that the whole structure of the clerical establishment over hundreds of years spent its time conniving in and covering up the activities of brother priests at the expense of the most weak and vulnerable, all in the interests of. protecting the Church and its reputation and ensuring that their brother priests were protected from the glare of the truth. This is simply unforgivable in the eyes of the vast majority of people and I do not believe there is any way back for the likes of + Armagh and his priests from this. They are simply not listened to, they are discounted, people turn away, and they have no credibility or integrity and are not trusted. If the Church wants to proclaim the Gospel then it needs to find other voices in order to do so, and for that to be so there needs to be a root and branch revision and change of the clerical hierarchy to involved a wide spectrum of people, including women. If a women was speaking in + Armagh’s place, preaching the Gospel truth, then she would have more chance of being heard. + Armagh is pissing in the wind when he makes pronouncements and needs to realise that he is not listened to. Especially when he is telling others how to live their lives ! Most people are wondering how he and his priests are living their lives, and I think most of us know the truth !


8.57 I met Gerry Buttimer on Georges St in Dublin just before he went as an “observer ” to the USA for the Clinton/ Trump election. He was sure the divil herself was going to win. I put him right and was right!! His comments on the Incumbent in Armagh and the political classes view on him were music to my ears. I would state them but won’t let Buttimer down. He was saved from being a priest, a decent and good man. A very good man is Senator Buttimer. L O’ M


8.13 When Trump is elected again, please God he will, he can and wants to return the world to peace. This would not be happening if he was in the Oval office. He was pulling USA expansionism back. That Bergoglio didnt like him confirms my support for him. I do not share his politics but a good man…or as Good George Pell says; he is a Barbarian but he is our Barbarian, and George would know. Lol lol


8:57 Excellent, and the blustering, arrogant replies your comment is likely to get from them will show they don’t get this and only have a script where they’re always right, so can’t deal with it.


8.57: Thus is a good, honest and true analysis, getting straight to the point and the core of the present crisis of credibility within the Church. You have done so without personalised, ugly and nasty name calling or ad hominem attacks or without degrading any individual priest or bishop. This is a quality contribution to a necessary TRUTH. As disturbing as ignominious personal moral failings of priests may be – which disturb the faithful of God – the one big cause of our lack of moral credibility is the clerical abuse scandals: the frequency of them; the horrendous, life long hurt caused; the lack of accountability; lack of true care for survivors; the deceit and cover up by Church leadership; the legalese approach which has been painfully adversarial; the hiding of information; the silence by so many within the Church. Need I go on? For many, many people in our country the seared memories of the Church are now remembered by children’s shoes hanging on railings outside churches, the protests when Pope Francis arrived, the Magdalene Work Houses which dot our landscape, the ongoing need for proper and just compensation, the inability of the Church to fully and repentantly express true remorse and sorrow. Coupled with these great moral failings are the church’s teachings on sexuality and morality, teachings which have defined some as being “intrinsically disordered” and “unnatural”. How is such fundamentalist and crushing doctrine suppose to be embracing, inclusive and welcoming of all peoples? There’s a sense among many priests that we’ve lost our way, that because we’ve lost our moral credibility, our spiritual authority and integrity are also in tatters. The on-going talks about Synodality, Building Hope Initiatives and other Renewal Projects are looking increasingly like the last throw of the dice!! A little like trying to rearrange the deck chairs as the ship goes below the water.. We are literally all at sea! Sliding down under. Adrift. What keeps my commitment alive – the gratitude of parishioners for the ministry I try to offer as caringly as possible. Thank you 8.57: if only we could all keep to this level of debate!! Thank you.

Liked by 1 person

Agreed, an excellent contribution by 12:20.
The secular feminist society are in an evil place however. With the Church having lost moral credibility, innocent unborn babies are being murdered. There is no strong moral voice in society to call a stop to the slaughter of innocents.
The feminists have their bodies and they are making an evil choice. The feminist secularists are reluctant to take responsibility for anything, even their body choice of consenting to procreational intimacy.
Once upon a time, if people were enduring difficulty, people would carry their cross. Life is not a bed of roses.


Sound comment @ 8.57.
I wonder to what extent one could make comparisons with the RCC ‘s duplicitous abuses and the current UK’s PM’s behaviour?
Any takers?


Rory Coyle and Stephen Wilson are positive moral role models to loom up to, lol. Pat who is worse Rory or Stephen and his Trolly


” Who are your friends in the diocese?” Archbishop Martin asked a very nice man in Mell. Interesting intrusive rude and careless question. In Derry Big Mick Mc Caughey, Colm O Doherty and Eamonn Martin were a very tight arrangement. Tells a lot. His question tells a lot about him.


9.18 not at all a “careless” question from Archbishop Martin, that’s now they operate, they ensure they find out all information & links on anyone they view as a threat to exposing them & then set to “work” on them. Amy Martin & all of them are rotten to the core, that’s why they promoted to these roles, it’s patently obvious Christian values are 100% absent & zero moral code or integrity when it comes to all manner of corruption flourishing in parishes.


The Billy Can in Armagh is at boiling point. L O’ M


I must go an see an innocent man today. Nothing to do with clergy but the the Ordinary has an interest.


Ryan Mc Aleer was ( gropped/asaulted, would need the legal definition) by an Armagh priest when Ryan was a student. There is a domino effect at work here to be sure. The dominoes are sarx.


Another attempt to divert attention from truth Pat. Ulterior motives at play here. The RC clergy and their supporters are out in force today.


Scales of justice have holes, to let the rain through and give equibllibium, never found in an Ecclesial Governance setting.says:

I don’t like to see the Episcopal dynamics of who they choose to rise and fall ( very powerful people over priests, very powerful in the Establishment as well ), I shall wait to see how it all pans out, not only the dominos players cause their collapse. The board/table top can be knocked over deliberately or accidentally. People do bad things, invariably but not always because ( dear reader you know why).


9.47 seminaries have long histories of swarming alligators 🐊 – this behaviour & mentality is transferred into communities after ordination, a never ending cycle.


11.10 There is a set of individuals who got away with similar crimes in the 1980.s. One even ended up teaching primary school teachers. 1 + 666=667 sometimes.


An Armagh priest told me this personally and I believe that priest 100 %

It might also explain Ryan’s “issues”, at least to a certain extent?


I take it this is an attempt to forget victims. Inaction speaks louder than anything else.


12.15 In a Dublin College, to make sure no present clerics are indicted by my comment.


12.17 Cathal Daly said to an Armagh Priest at the time he reported the “behaviour” to him, “Go home, it never happened.” It was said loudly at the priest if not on the cusp of shouting. Two of those men who were (…..) are now married men and very happy. The perpetrators, well thats a days work.


The Armagh ‘Famous Five’ you list above Pat are an example of why the process of laicisation exists. Some of them unfortunately have not started the process yet. An open gay scene awaits.


10.24 If you are familiar with those books, you will know they were always contextualised in a wider community.


Bergamo Diocese,Italy

Sexual blackmail and threats: victim was a parish priest of Val Brembana, who denounced
Desperate, he turned to the police, who vanquished a gang of young people from Brianza. Also another young priest among the blackmailed

There are also two priests among the victims of sexual blackmail that came to light thanks to the investigation that yesterday, Friday 24 January, led to the arrest of nine young people . The investigation was conducted by the Carabinieri of Zogno, precisely because in that barracks a priest who works in Val Brembana had turned to the military to report the blackmail he had been undergoing since the spring. The other priest, on the other hand, would operate in Brianza.

The requests for money to buy the silence of their torturers met in a chat for dating between homosexuals, never ended. Until, desperate and in tears, the prelate from Bergamo decided to turn to the Carabinieri, finding the courage to expose himself to denounce the fact. Even for the priest from Brianza, the modalities were the same: threats to make some videos public led to an excessive outlay of money. Overall, there is talk of a figure that is around sixteen thousand euros.

The arrested are nine, almost all young people between 20 and 24 years who live in Brianza and who are now in the Monza prison accused of extortion in competition.


Transgenderism is the Fruit of Sexual Revolution w/ Dr. Jennifer Morse

If you have 3 hours to spare, search for and watch this video on YouTube. USA focussed of course, but my God, she hits the nail on the head with the state of society.


12.26: I’d say you’re a freak, into lacy knickers, lavender lippy, dresses…the typical closet queen.


4.26: So right Leopold! The drama, closet queens are easily identifiable. They’re a nasty group…to be avoided.


Not a patch on his extraordinary trips to the ladies toilets at the shopping malls with his smart camera phone 😏 I concur with the commenter that clergy should be issued with Nokia or Doro only – they just cannot resist the lure of the hook up apps such as Tinder & these have contributed to some of their current outstanding issues


7.22 Ambrose Mc Auley as Dean in Maynooth to a student; “Caught once, (I) presume you have done it a hundred times.”


Pat I hope you kept the pictures. The flickr album has been removed by the author. Who is John Briody? This blog is being watched by Aidan and his enablers.


12-26 photo
Can someone please, please tell me what all this dressy up shite has to do with
the child in the manger or the naked victim on the cross………thought not
Where has it all gone wrong?


1.44 arrogant priest got more than he bargained for when that lady spotted him & reported him. Good for her.


12.49 Sounds like the Irish College many years ago . Fleming ( rector) decided who stayed on their perch and who fell off. The other Fleming stayed on his perch! Quite a few others fell off.


2.05 Brady was the rector, Fleming the vice rector ( apt) and did Brady dirty work. A CORRECTION.


Amy, you hypocrite. You have zero credibility after what happened in Armagh last week.
Fintan, please do not disappoint us with your Diocesan changes/ much depends on it 😂. Hopefully the Lothario priest will be out of his RCC job permanently. Just think, no more lady parishioners will be targeted and GF will finally be free of the shackles that bind him. No more sneaking out on New Year’s day with his girlfriend who allegedly has a married boyfriend bus driver with a “big gut”. Oh happy days 😁.


another few days & Ger Fitzgerald & Jerry Carey will be free as birds. Yet another example of zero accountability from the RCC


2:22 Correct but surely the majority of us will be relieved to know that they are both OUT. It will be a great credit to Bishop Pat & the blog if the announcement goes the way we hope it will.


4.03 no doubt they are both OUT, it’ll be interesting to note their next career moves. Remake of Baywatch for Carey or opportunity for him to dig out his sailor outfits again! Bus driver or drag Queen for Fitzgerald?!


Born Free
Killaloe and Tuam dioceses are on annual retreat so it will be surprising if any announcements before they finish on Friday.
Last retreat at Esker as it is closing.


7:58 Will Ger go into politics? County Council? Aontu? Think twice dearie…your durty laundry will haunt you wherever you go 😜.


7:58 Who gives a shit about his plans? He used to talk about going into politics. Sure, he’s corrupt enough to be a politician 🤣. If he thinks he will con people that way, he best think twice. We aren’t going to let that happen 😎.


GF was spotted alone on New year’s eve watching the fireworks in recent years in Limerick, was this Gf of Gf invisible? Or is it just your imagination 😹


10:30 December 31st 2021 he was at my place 😇. The next day he spent with her 😜.


10:30 Ger is this the best your friends can do? Pay attention to what I said. New Years Day = January 1st. Eejits the lot of you 🤣


I’m disappointed that your Westminster sources have not passed them on. Interesting reading I believe.


2.41 Do Brady, Toner, and Brian Mc Canny still holiday in Northern Italy at a place I know well, doubt they go swimming? Or has that come asunder. Mc Canny is clean so I cannot understand who got in the way of Bradys promoting him. Willie Doherty who died in Northern Italy, I pray gets to haunt them this year for what they and others did to him. L O’ M


4.14 Most clergy work hard on Sunday morning and apart from a few contoured punctuations like mass and a bit of the other, its holiday mode for a lot of the week. Fooling nobody.


Work hard? With the same script every week? Presiding over the assembly is hardly difficult.


If I were a bishop:
1) Priests would always wear clericals – stop the boilerhouse or sneaking into women’s loos to take pictures.
2) No smartphones – they only use them for Grindr, to take pictures of their private bits, or perve on women in ladies’ loos. Only phones to make and receive calls.
3) Holidays, destinations, and travelling companions will be submitted to me for approval. The local ordinary to be informed of their stay, and an obligation to register at their hotels with the title “Reverend” and to wear the clerical dress at all times. I would want to see that they had made arrangements with the local parish priest to attend or say mass.
4) All overnight visitors in presbyteries are to be approved by me.
5) No sofas or double beds allowed in presbyteries.
6) Curfew at 11 pm.
7) Priests to live in a community where possible. Parishes should be combined, and priests live together to supervise one another.
8) All cars are purchased by the diocese and leased to priests. These should be simple cars such as a KIA Picanto or Ford Fiesta. A sticker in the back window identifying them as a priest’s car to stop pulling into truck stops etc.
9) Random drug and alcohol testing.
10) I would call unexpectedly at parishes and stay overnight. Every presbytery should have a bed prepared for me.


Number 5 needs a rethink. I once bucked a fat blade in a single bed and there was plenty of room for all sorts 🤣


4:28 Can I suggest you acquaint yourself with how well similar arrangements prevent ‘strange goings on’ in religious orders?
The problem isn’t a lack of rules, it’s that sociopaths ignore them, look on life and religion as a game, and have no respect.


4.28 Sounds to me like you are a fucki ng bishop but thank God nobody heeds you . Is that you Eamon Martin ? Bill Mulvihill


2.41: Awwww, are you stuck in some backwater shithole, poor thing? Oh to have a fab holiday on French Riviera in my apartment…you’re welcome to have a look at it😁😂🤣😁😃🤣🤣🤣..


Can we help you move. " We could have put your things out on the street " before you slipped across the table an unsealed envelope. You asked me to repeat what i understood had transpired. No need, i was recording it.says:

I would like a text message from your removalists Archbishop Martin, you and Jim Carroll. Cyril Bellew has my number. It concerns the theft of a juicer ( 1200 pounds in 2010), the coins collected throughout life and 270 euro in coins by his reckoning. Two witnesses to this. Long game..but legal proceedings in the offing if not reconciled. Regards to John Mc Vey. I was sufficiently prudent to record pertinent calls…despite your framing my capacity. I hope that is clear Your Disgrace Martin.


I don’t envy her, Bp Pat. Frau Amy has her hands full with Tom Peeps and all the other gentlemen of the backdoor.


Eamon Martin has the capacities and empathy of cuticle cells. I would guess his cuticles are capable of top prizes for their manicuring.


4.40 pm Sweeney please copy… thats Sweeney of Berkley for three years. And all that went with it. Counciiling. Next time i email you, i dont want a reply from your Archbishop. You are one of the ones who knows what happened Ryan in an Irish bar in Rome. Business intended here. Sort it.


Carol and Yvonne, in the next while through the offices of Bishop Buckley, I shall give you some pointers as to hownto proceed against the Diocese of Killaloe. A cess pit historically. All Massie had to cover for! They fear only legal treat and the media.


James Grace PP Killaloe. Desmond Hillery PP Nenagh. Neil Dargan Retired PP Kildysart. What a tangled web that all weaves.


6.57 I will start with The Court Address in Ennis where I can apply for the Court Records that put the Homeless Man in prison. That is where I shall take it, I realise you wish to pursue in another direction entirely. That homeless case was an abrogation from justice and right. That Judge needs study.


7:22 I know where to find the homeless man in question so if you need any assistance please let me know through Pat.


I think priests should have working holidays or be obliged to do things like take relief to Ukraine. They don’t need a holiday as such, because it’s not like they do any work.


5.46 The parish priest of Termonfeckin takes that sort of a holiday…in Africa…people think he is on mission or working. Lol…lol Flight patterns are all traceable. Cape Town is lovely! So are the residents.


A day working in the bog is a good grounding for anyone during their summer holidays. Far better than going to Adare for a round of golf!
One would be surprised by the youngsters of today who still put in a good day’s work, getting the turf home for the winter. It is often the grandmothers giving them the instruction to help their uncles. Wise women. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit.


Your Disgrace E. Martin regards ( best not) to your friends Denis Mulroy and Michael O’ Neill. Hope Rushes homilies still land on your desk by telephone or mail. I landed you on a desk in Rome. I learned your trick. WM


Nobody would take Loughgall so you landed on Garrett despite the advice you received from those who “ascessed.” Its been quite a while since the words Daly of Derry used, which incensed you, ( deliberate) , could be said to hold truth; ” a clean pair of hands.”


Bishop Buckley is not retiring as he is only 70 and has a younger partner keeping him fit so there will be no rush.
Pat will be writing his blog God willing for the next ten years and more.


8.10 Hopefully the Nuncio will be wishing him well on his next assignment soon too.


Public Service Announcement on Irish Illegal Birth Registrations & Illegal Adoptions facilitated by Irish Roman Catholic Churchsays:

An information booklet aimed at anyone affected by these issues will be distributed by the Irish Government to all homes in Ireland shortly.


Former Magdalene Laundry, Sean McDermott Street to be turned into “site of conscience” within 5 yearssays:

Plans to turn Dublin’s last Magdalene laundry into a memorial site are set to be approved by councillors this evening.


They should also turn the first Magdalene Laundry (opened by the Anglicans, btw) into a museum.


I agree with you Pat, on all 4 of those, (and probably a few more) 5ft part on abortion, where I think you may have an opinion on. Of course you are entitled to on this issue…whereas everything else is swept? Its strange in this country of ours abortion is not an issue anymore but a women’s choice ? Maybe education and the separation of Church and State is slowly doing Ireland very well? Just an opinion. But it’s my opinion.


Was not Mc Ginley an associate member of The Girls Club ( James Lennon) all now Canons of the great Archdiocese and adviser to Tiguan Girl ( to use his own words)? He may have changed the car. They protect The Club, the marble halls of Canon Fees for a coven.


Denis Diderot did not exactly say the words attributed to him but did say similar in the poem ‘Les Éleuthéromanes’ in two lines: ‘Et ses mains ourdiraient les entrailles du prêtre, Au défaut d’un cordon pour étrangler les rois.’
Our rulers are getting endless of mileage out of their telling of the Mother and Baby Homes plus the Magdelene Laundries, which were found in identical or similar forms in so many other countries. Religious brothers and sisters were used by our rulers as a cheap labour force in lieu of making the effort to properly build a modern state. We got instead a carceral state where many, many people were locked up for various reasons or no clear reason. If a pair of greedy sisters want rid of an eccentric bachelor farmer or spinster who inherited something they wanted, it was relatively easy to get those oddballs committed. This wasn’t the doing of the Church although in leadership were complicit. It was how our political and commercial class wanted things. The final decades of British rule were good times for them, so it continued with a slight change or personnel. The overambitious could emigrate.
Most politicians or celebs like the vacuous and wildly overpaid grandson of Todd Andrew (destroyer of our railways and privately anti-clerical) are descendants or closely related to those rulers who predictably avoid blame entirely. Instead bishops, priests, nuns and brothers are wholly at fault. You see lay Catholics, with little help from the reliably useless bishops, repeatedly frustrated referendums the Great and the Good wanted passed, hence no end of this stuff. That’s the reason for it. They don’t give a damn about those poor women. I wish most of our politicians having tanked the rental and tourism trade could be send to Ukraine to clear landmine and bobby trap devices. It would save us so much money.
+Eamon Martin is a reliably useless (arch)bishop with quite the cast of bad characters, the blog regulars, if you like. It’s an easy win to attach himself to that almost wholly lay Catholic effort. Easier than somehow improving the standards among certain of his priests.


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