

One of the pitfalls of the post Vatican IIass in the vernacular is that some very untelligent priests see the Mass as THEIR PERFORMANCE.

The video above shows just how crazy some of these guys are.

This quote sums up what we Catholics believe about the Mass

“The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is not only a ritual which reminds us of the sacrifice of Calvary, but through the ministry of ordained priests, Christ continues, until the end of time, His sacrifice of the Cross in an unbloody manner.

The Holy Mass is the sacrifice by which the Church not only remembers Jesus Christ, but really brings Him, His saving Death, and His Resurrection into the present, so that His followers might become part of it. The Church can do this because Jesus is united to His Church in the Holy Spirit. When the Catholic Church celebrates the Eucharist, Jesus is truly there, and it is He Who does once more what He did at the Last Supper”.

After Vatican II there was the rightful emphasis on the role of the community at Mass and in it also being a community gathering and meal.

But because the Mass is now in our usual daily language some priests think their Mass is all about them and their performance

The purpose of the Mass is for God to feed us spiritually on His Word in the Scriptures and feed us with the Body and Blood of Jesusnin Communion.

Of course good music and the activity and words of a sensitive and appropriate priest especially in the homily enhances our experience of the Mass.

But the Mass should be absolutely centred on God and Jesus – and not on the priest.

Look at the silly Redemptorists here and their carry on at Mass;

Mass is not a pantomime.

If we want a pantomime we visit a theatre.



Fr McCann, with an address at the parochial house on Maddens Row in Keady, is accused of voyeurism on March 28. None of the alleged facts surrounding the offence have been opened in court but it is understood the charge arises following an alleged incident involving a female at a changing room in Rushmere shopping centre.

Fr McCann was ordained in July 2015 and serves in the Armagh Diocese.

District Judge Greg McCourt adjourned the case to September 2.


God above, why the hell do these priests do this shit? Can they just leave the Mass alone and do their own mental shit somewhere else. Plonkers.


10.43 they should leave the church but won’t because it’s a cushy number, free house, team of helpers to wipe their nose or anything else they need wiping.

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@ 10:37am
Exactly that’s the poly’s for you. I wonder what oul Martha Roche, Fanny’s rottweiler as regards the liturgy would say if she saw that performance? Probably SFA she’s too busy harassing the trads.


2:58 To be fair you can’t expect much from a polytechnic education, and it might even leave you thinking the Latin and lace brigade are traditional Catholics.


Because they thick in mind, without good education and gay…
This is the criteria to become a Seminaries at Allen Hall and every where in Roman Catholic…


10.48 just walked past Boiler House, it smells. Gives me the creeps thinking of all them holy priests in there, my granny would have cried, she was very religious, God rest her.


A priest talking to a group of young people boasted, ‘I can change water into the blood of Christ’ can you do that?
Clergy see themselves as the centre of everything they do and hate to be outshined or usurped.
Ministry seems more like a power or high control trip for many.
They are not humble servants they are tyrants and clowns.


He THINKS he can change wine into blood.
A load of self-deluding nonsense.
Smell it, taste it post-consecration: it’s STILL wine. 🤣


I agree 10.54.
At Mass once, I was last in the queue to drink from the chalice. There was only a small number of people pesent and the priest had provided too much wine
When it came my turn to drink, he whispered, “Just finish it.” I did.
Me-o-my! I almost staggered back to my pew.
Wine thou art and wine thou shalt remain.


After Communion at the Sunday Mass in Maynooth college chapel, the still half-full chalices were taken to the Lady Chapel, to be consumed by the deacons whose job it was to distribute Holy Communion under both kinds. They called it the Blood Bank, which shows their cynicism and level of respect.


10.01 Some attitude in “formation” – no wonder these Maynooth clerics attract so much negative attention in ministry. Maynooth is a breeding ground for toxic clergy.


10.54 & 12.02
There is a gospel scene in which Jesus tells his disciples that they must eat his body and drink his blood. Familiar with it? The upshot is that some of the disciples, despite everything they had so far witnessed Jesus do, grumbled among themselves: ‘This is a hard saying. Who can accept it?’ They had understood Jesus, LITERALLY. And they parted company with him there and then.
Jesus didn’t catch up with them to explain that he had been talking only figuratively. No; he had been talking straightforwardly to them, and they had understood him correctly.
God isn’t unreasonable. He knows that we could not consume the flesh and blood of his son without puking, let alone police investigations at every church. So, being more than a little imaginative, he presented these bodily elements under the APPEARANCE of bread and wine, the main prandial course in the Passover feast.
A clever move, that.


As they claim to have the power of forgiveness equal to the Christ…why not the rest!!!
Roman catholic priests the centre of Universe & Worship!!!


It’s regrettable that some priests turn the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass into a moment to appear cool and connected to people’s feelings. The Eucharist should not be a totally joyless experience: this a sacred, holy, divine moment. As such it is deserving of reverence and respect and prayerful presence but we can have some light hearted moments too. This dancing, discoeing, scarf waving cleric demeans not just the Eucharist but also himself. Nowadays we seem to allow anything to happen at mass: poorly chosen music: ridiculous symbols: flags of all hues: complete disrespect at sacramental celebratiins and repetitive homilies. Our world has lost its sense of awe, mystery, beauty and the transcendent. The liturgy of the Mass must strive to help people to reconnect more deeply with the Divine. Such videos like this are being posted on You Tube from around the world by idiots like this!! Sad.


We should appreciate diversity, and acknowledge our own insular ignorance of other cultures.
Concheros dance in devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mexico › watch


Paddy McCafferty uses his platform correctly by highlighting decent catholic concerns about abortion. No other clergy has the balls to do it. Mass is a platform for a priest to preach Gods word, God hates abortion; well done Paddy.


Yes, as a young man probably. These days he could stand in for Jabba The Hutt ( Google it).


@11.27pm. How do you know God hates abortion? Did he tell you personally? Did he announce it from the rooftops? Don’t confuse Church transitory teaching with the mind of God.


LOL Somebody hasn’t heard of eisegesis.
The Torah is very clear that an unborn foetus is not to be considered on the same footing as a person. In fact it has one case where a woman MUST go to the temple where the prescribed ritual may result in an abortion.
If you take the commandment against murder alone and think that is against abortion you are reading your own opinion into Scripture.
NONE of the biblical passages used to bolster up the anti abortion case have any reference to abortion and it has to be read into all of them.
When you read the bible without this prism, the only conclusion you can draw is that abortion is fine by the bible. This was the position evangelical Christianity took until they swapped to the Roman Catholic position. Mainly through lack of biblical knowledge.


Who cares what the Torah says. It says lots of things which are not binding on Christians. Catholicism is not a religion of proof texts.


Jesus was being worse than eisegetical, wasn’t he, when he actually contradicted that bit in the Torah (Deuteronomy, I think) about an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth? You know, not repaying evil with evil?
Was he wrong?


The teaching on abortion has extraordinarily early origins. The History of Christianity by Anglican scholar Diarmuid McCulloch strongly posits that Christian opposition to abortion and exposure (the Roman idea a father could legally abandon a out weak infant for death or enslavement), together with unconditional social care, ensured both many conversions by women and a strongly natural increase among the Christians of Rome. The only point of different between authorities like St Gregory of Nysa or, say, St Thomas Aquinas was the point of ensoulment, after which it would be plain homicide. The former suggested conception, while the latter considered that to come at a somewhat later point. The soul means consciousness in practical terms, that is, when can the unborn feel pain, or feel generally.

The above named are saints, theologians so have a greater sense of God’s will than various anon randoms here.

Our wokists, including the horrible sounding Bacik, want abortion to little short of birth, wishing to remove even the limited controls on what is a bloody form of contraception. And scandalously while public health services continue to deteriorate (not just a matter of taxes but also the horror which is the HSE) it’s fully taxpayer funded. Basic life saving procedures are de facto unavailable without PHI.


Aaand they shift ground when their contradiction is pointed out.
You cannot logically use the decalogue to refer to abortion when it doesn’t mention abortion.
If you’re going to do that, logically you also have to be following the decalogue’s prescription of how you should treat your slaves.
You also can’t logically do that and then say, rightly, that the law has been superceded in your religion.
No, wait… This wouldn’t be you being sore because you don’t know where the only two biblical passages which actually refer to a foetus are, would it? 😂


Yes, the Decalogue CAN logically be used to condemn abortion, and any other deliberate killing, including those in war. But I guess some people just don’t wanna know.


3:42 Show us where it uses the word abortion. Take all the time you need.
To apply it to abortion you have to have already decided that abortion.
That is eisegesis and is not logical.


Symmachus: Quite. However you have unwittingly demonstrated that you have to bring other authorities in to uphold a condemnation of abortion.
Incidentally the Jewish world is split about it and the side which is against, correctly sources their condemnation in midrash rather than Torah.

It is logical to say that the church teaches that abortion is wrong because it does. But the source for this has to be the church’s teaching, not found in scripture, and to try to buttress it with bits of scripture is disingenuous and, of course, eisegesis.



Nonsense. The source of the Church’s teaching on abortion is solidly scriptural. For one, the Sixth Commandment, which prohibits deliberate killing of human life. What is intentional abortion if not this?


But St Thomas Acquinas taught that human life was not present from the beginning?


(Sigh) No, it isn’t eisegesis.
The commandment prohibiting deliberately killing human life (The Sixth) logically covers abortion, too.



He did indeed, Pat. Along with Augustine, he taught that human life (ensoulment) was not present for, approximately, the first three months of prenancy. But were they right?

We are dealing with men from, literally, many centuries ago, especially Augustine. What knowledge had they of human anatomy and ontology? A strictly very limited knowledge.

It was only in or around the middle of the 19th century, that the Church changed its teaching on human ensoulment, plumping for the premise that life begins at conception.

So, was Aquinas right? No. Not according to current Church teacing.

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What is the difference between how mass is celebrated and the sacrament of confession?
Look at the scores of priests that perversely get off on questioning young men about their masturbation habits.
This is totally immoral and a sin.

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@10.11am the usual thou shalt not kill rubbish. It’s rubbish because the foetus is not a human being. Up to 12 weeks abortion is fine as it does not kill a human person. This is the while debate that was missed in Ireland. Both sides were extremists all or nothing. Go and read Thomas Aquinas. A foetus is a potential human being but not a humybeing until the brain stem forms and is in place at 12 weeks. Not all killing is wrong. What about war? Your fundamentalist approach is typical of Irish Catholicism and only results in hypocrisy because you can never stick to it fully. Those pieces of wood on the floor are not a table, no matter how much you insist. But they do have the potential to become one given the help of the Carpenter


A foetus, in humans, ‘is the product of conception from the end of the eighth week to the moment of birth’. Your statement that the human ‘foetus is not a human being’ is, therefore, nonsense.


😂😂😂 come on lads and lasses the unholy roman church wasn’t too bothered by thou shalt not kill during the inquisition or crusades were they??!! bunch of feckin gobshites, eejits and hooers!


Forget the scientific and moral questions for a minute. It’s not regarded as a human being if it’s not wanted. However, if the pregnancy is welcome, then it’s referred to, “the baby”, from the moment the pregnancy is confirmed.


You are right.
This hypocritical church taught that human life was sacred (hence the teaching on abortion), but had no compunction whatever about ruling morally in favour of capital punishment and of war.


@6.50pm It’s easy to dismiss Aquinas on biology and science but he was on to something re ensoulment. What is the soul after all? If not our consciousness. When does that begin and end medically? With the formation of the brain stem at 12 weeks and it’s death. This is why brain death is classified by medics as the death of the brain stem. That’s the point of no return. You can’t separate beginning and end of life issues and to be crude, the Bible has fuck all to do with Catholic moral theogy. We all learned that in seminary. It’s based on natural law. The Bible only provides an extra impulse but not the philosophical base.
No one questions that human life exists from the moment of conception but don’t make the standard mistake of equating human life and human being. They are not the same. Here Aquinas is still valid, human life with potency is NOT YET a human being. We have to wait unt 12 weeks for that.
The Irish law should have forbid abortion after 12 weeks. Instead, the pro life idiots colluded in the pro choice campaign by advocating an extreme Catholic stance that’s no more than 150 years old. But who needs scholarship or academic priests and laity when you have the half wit extremists leading the church.


@11.34pm The plaaying of music at a religious service is usual and very welcome. Can you give me one reason why the music should not have been played at he wedding. I am afraid your question is rather silly. Any sensible person would enjoy greatly the praise it offers. Please refrain from pridish thoughts and enjoy the gift of music.


Diddly dee pub songs and shouts of “yee haw” are inappropriate. Can you imagine the Orthodox doing this?


They are laughing at and are embarrassed by him (and none of them are going to Mass now, floss or no floss).


10:12 Do you know them all?
You really have to wonder at the sheer stupidity of some people.


The Redemptorists are mad as a bowl of fruit. Look at that spectacle they put on, Derek Ryan thinks he’s one of the lads, running round refereeing football matches at his age – catch a grip!


12.03 I know nothing about Derek Ryan except this ; he is a very good referee and as referees go( GAA ones! Rugby refs are all honourable ) very just and fair. William Mulvihill


Pat, any chance you can do a blog on the contribution of Fr Derek Ryan. He is doing great work as a referee. Check out all the newspaper articles online


After all we now know of RC priesthood and priests, I’m very surprised that you, Bishop Buckley, should ask such a superfluous question.
Christ’s death and resurrection obviated ANY itermediary agency between God and humankind, including (and especially) priesthood.
Since priesthood is a sharp deviation from (and a denial of) the efficacy of Christ’s salvific death and ressurrection, we should not be surprised at the evil it has brought into the Church. Pope Benedict XVI HIMSELF admitted as much in a television documentary, Secrets of the Vatican.


I have lost any religious sense I ever had so don’t have a view on what you say from ‘Christ’s death…’ but fully agree that we shouldn’t be surprised at anything from priests after the revelations of the last few decades.
If you can violate young children and cover it up, well obviously nothing will be sacred to you. This includes staying in a church where these things happen. I think I’ve got a better sense of the sacred/numinous than them!

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Jesus is truly present in each of our sufferings and jesus is truly present in the support we give each other as we journey this life. Jesus said to pray simply he said nothing about elaborate pray.


I’m very glad to hear that, 10:11. My piles are really giving me pain today and I’m glad you can spiritualise it.


8.49 Have never seen him close up but I have seen him ref. two matches. Not stuck for oven temperatures I assure you.


Oh that video made me laugh so much. If he ever gets tired of the priesthood, he would make a great performer in a circus!


I heard it recently pointed out that the liturgical reforms of the second Vatican council presumed a spiritual maturity that wasn’t actually to be found in every case. I think a big part of the problem was the lack of formation for both clergy and laity as the reforms were being implemented. Instead it was simply perceived as a spirit of anything goes once the strict and almost infantilising rubrics of the older rite were relaxed. The superficiality that afflicts every aspect of modern life is also now to be found as one of the biggest underlying problems at the very heart of the church’s life.


Some priests (Eugene O’Neill, Tony Devlin, Eugene O’Hagan to name a few) think they are God.
Therefore they feel they can put on a performance at mass and they all get away with it.
If you had of heard Tony describing so passionately positive about a criminal at his funeral mass the other month, you would have been sick to your stomach our Pat.


This is your opinion of this priest : not mine . Not as I have found him . It might be better that in future you don’t write comments as if it is factual .


Modehani lifanecha ruach……………….Bishop Pat Buckley is a very good man and a very decent human being. It is the way people from Divis spoke of this priest in Summer 1989 that inspired the way I have tried to relate to the downtrodden my life through since….Thank you Pat. Bill Mulvihill


6.03am: Bill, had you chosen JESUS CHRIST as your true model and inspiration, you would be in a better place in your life, not necessarily as a priest but as a normal, ordinary human being. I suppose we each need our fellow human beings to be a light and guide…My honour goes to Alice Leahy; Brother Kevin; Fr. Peter McVerry and Sister Stan and St. Anthony; St. Martin de Poress; St Therese of Lisieux……


8.58 Thank you for your comment. You will have to respect what I say: I am 58 in November….I have never been in a better place in all my years than I am now…it takes four to five years for someone of my 29 years priesthood to disengage from everything involved….I had no idea it would be so difficult. It is an Aussie guy now in his late 70’s who contacted me some time ago to advisee me. He left at 64 to marry a woman. My spiritual director in Maynooth, Fr Frank Murphy ( I liked him a lot) left at 62 to marry a 29 year old woman. They have at least one child !!! Don’t presume to know where anybody is in their life but of course you are a priest…I would know from your comment that you don’t have a private life…so everybody else private life you make your business. I am wiser than you, hope you can take “the arrogance.”


8.58 Funny that….anyone you name who is alive are media people !! And thrive on it !! The housing minister went to celebrate Br Kevin last week along with the Taoiseach. Successive Governments for the last four decades owe Br Kevin much…but he has definitely been part of the problem!! If you find that offensive…you just have not thought it through. I have no doubt that Br Kevin is a very good man. Very strange that after all these years he is leaving the city he has lived in for decades to return to Cork, curious.


Sad to hear that Frank Murphy took his hand off the plough, though leaving at 62 to marry a 29 year old with daddy issues shows that there’s no fool like an old fool. Having children at that age is selfish – the children will have an elderly parent in their teenage years and are likely to be bereaved at a young age.


10.03 that’s a very narrow minded view. Many young parents sadly pass away leaving very young children. Older parents are usually exceptionally well equipped time wise, financially and emotionally for the commitment of parenthood. Better to have a good parent for 20 years than a damaging one for 60. It’s individual choice based on personal circumstances. We don’t walk in their shoes.


10.01. Bill I normally have great time for you but in fairness now, Brother Kevin is a native of West Cork where he has family & friends. He is 87 years old, I’m sure he needs a support network now, it’s time for him to be looked after, he has done so much for desperate people that no one else would help for decades. As you have experienced for yourself as I have the selfish clerical bastards that feature on this blog could learn a lot from him.
I hope he has a happy & well deserved retirement.


Bill- as a former parishioner of yours I have to take exception with ANY suggestion that you ever stood on the side of the downtrodden. You are engaging in massive self delusion through this blog as anyone who knows you in real life would gladly testify. I’m surprised you can write these things about yourself without seeing the glaring irony!


12.59: I can attest to that truth too. Bill is first and foremost a narcissistic seĺf seeking guy. I know..His life is a series of grand delusions. He is not a victim but victimises many.


12.59 Why don’t you go to your local Garda Station and report Pike Devine for the snuff movies he makes in Monasterboice , the people of Monasterboice are a bit like the germans who populated Nzai germany. Don’t you dare indict my integrity or virtue if you live in Monasterboice….a lot of horrible individuals including yourself. Put up your name you coward.


BBC Radio 4 just now have had a news item about a new boiled test…it is called “the holy grail test”….it is a blood test for the over 50’s that can assess the rick of cancer and save us from it ( according to the news item just now). That would be a wonderful progress.


9.33 and 10.01: Bill, I didn’t intend any arrogance or insult in my 8.58 comment. I’ve had many challenges and struggles in years of priesthood. It’s only when I really allowed CHRIST be my focus and guide that I found the strength within. His WAY has to be my focus, otherwise I’m a lost cause. The modern day icons I mentioned do not always enjoy the favour of the elite as they are a restless voice and advocacy for truth on behalf of the thousands forgotten about in our society. We need them. Incidentally, Br. Kevin is 87 years of age. I am glad he is spending his days in his beloved Cork. He is A True Icon..Did you hear the staff’s sadness and regret at his retiring? Says it all. He is the compassion of Christ in action. Even the homeless men and women are in tears. They found love, acceptance, kindness and welcome in The Day Care Centre. Our elite feel embarrassed by these saints…Life is cruel to many and we owe our gratitude to the few who “do” rather than just “say”…


Gone are the days when clergy could tell funny stories, it’s a PC world now. No fun or craic – most are said with the view of how quick can we get this done so we can go and see our partners.


Yeah like the chancellor of Boston who publicly joked that abusing children used to be a perk of the job.
Happy days. 🫣


Christ! Some people have no filters at all, like that prick English aspiring comedian, Jimmy Carr.


10.58 I would. Could have been more graphic. But you did get it, didn’t you ? You have a beautiful mind ( you probably say filthy or dirty ?)


The Reds are the randiest catholic priests you will ever come across – they are all at it with each other and beyond


Poor Fr McCafferty relies on us parishioners sometimes to get him through mass but he always comes back stronger.


“Roisin”? No he doesn’t “Fr”. It’s obvious who you are. Wee Fr P is well able to “get through” Mass without anyone’s help. At least he is available for Mass and everything else, “Fr”. Unlike you, “Fr”, who are often among the missing “up the road”.


Is it wonderful news that being homosexual and have sex and make love is now legal in Singapore, I am delight to wake up to news of this for my country


And a parish dodger. He retired from Maynooth at the age of 60 with his pension. He should have been put in a parish.


Mass should be done away with, what a load of old tripe don’t you think? Just an excuse for Priests to dress up and be the centre of attention.


@9.54am. You small minded bile ridden nincumpoop. There’s more ways to be a priest that sitting in a parish all day.
As for pensions, I doubt the Pontifiy University pension is up to much, if it even exists.
It’s nice to see Irish begrudging alive and well, or to call it by it’s real name, the sin of ENVY. Who the hell are you to decide what other free human beings should be made to do. Thank God you have no power to wreck people’s lives. Keyboard warrior fuckwit.


Stay off the gin. It’s not good for your blood pressure or anger management issues.


Last time I looked, Martin Henry is a diocesan priest, ordained for service in the parishes of D&C, but he never served in a parish lol.


Pat in that YouTube video is that Bishop in waiting Noel Kehoe making a mockery of mass on the altar of St Joseph’s Church?


@11.18am Flurry Gin is definitely not Bill Mulvihill but one of his contemporaries. Now move that G and F around a little and the odd other letter. Try rhyming with Flurry Gynn.


The priest in that video is most likely on Cocaine or having a mystical experience. The most likely theory about the circles on stones at New Grange is that they are a replication of what the nobles at the time saw when they were taking what we now call LSD.


Towards the end of that video, one might be forgiven for thinking he is trying to wind up the man in the wheelchair !!!!!! My father sat in a wheel chair for 22 years, 1984-2007.


The Redemptorists were always theatrical, whether it was the old days of “hellfire and brimstone”, pride flags or youth rallies. I was in formation with the Redemptorists in the 80s. Some well-known Redemptorist priests used to dress in drag, supposedly for the concert or the occasionally play. I remember Arsenic and Old Lace, particularly the ‘rehearsals’. Particular friendships were frowned upon, but dressing as a woman was acceptable – all for greater good. Maynooth also had concerts, it was an ingenious process to see leaders, pranksters and sexuality expression.


Does this dancing and wild flapping of arms at Mass have anything to do with the Catholic Charismatic Movement?
Yesterday I went to St. Mary’s Cathedral in Limerick. The Dean was ill and so two lay readers conducted the service. One is a former Catholic, a dote of a man and openly gay. The service is online. The COI is progressive and I find it very refreshing.


9.21 Is that you again Slagger? If you think that you and your pals are going to succeed in keeping me stum, you are delusional.


9.46 Why don’t I join them? 🤣 You and the rest of Ger’s banditos have been working overtime lately on the blog. I am not going to give food to the trolls 🧌🧌🧌🧌🧌.


CofI are more natural guests in Ascendancy/Planter houses. Not so long ago, a Catholic wouldn’t have been allowed across the threshold.


10.32 All you have to do is look at the comments directed at myself/CanonTodd over the last few days to see that there is a deliberate and pathetic attempt being made on the blog to intimidate us. You could very well be Ger’s cousin. Calumny, deception, etc. are easily accomplished on this blog by those hide behind an Anonymous handle this your comment is irrelevant to me.


People disagree with your view of things, you have made statements, revealed private information and made accusations that some don’t agree with. On this blog everything is up for debate, you are the only contributor that cries foul of the trolls or ‘minions’. Enough whinging and making out that Ger has that power as he has none. Stop playing the victim.

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Kar, Todd Unctious said correctly that your comments are tedious, so I’m not sure why you are starting a non-aggression pact with him.


11.16 The corrupt priest named Fr Ger Fitzgerald and his Banditos will be called out on the blog every time I discover new evidence. Stop proselytising.


It’s quite obvious that Castleconnell/Killaloe agitators working for Ger Fitzgerald are in action on this blog.
We have some ridiculous responses and poisonous messages -most of which we don’t even see on here thanks to Pat. It is abundantly clear that this is happening. Many of the comments contain details only Ger and Karen would know and therefore have to have come from the GF camp – the most recent one about Karen’s medical history.
This is absolutely shocking but in the context of the wider RCC it’s hardly surprising. I’m sure Pat and Bill have seen it all before but it’s an eye opener for me. What I cannot understand is why Fitzgerald simply will not apologize for his behaviour, Call off his gobshite friends and let himself and everyone else move on. Fitzgerald has caused a lot of hurt to at least 2 women while he was and still is a priest. There is absolutely no apology of any description forthcoming much less acceptance of what he did even. He was wrong in normal life but he was far more wrong doing what he did as a padre. GF if you are reading this blog will you get in contact with Karen and end all this? Apologize and move on.


I am a good Christian woman, I try to live the best life I can through kindness. I am sorry that you were treated badly by that priest but I do not agree with you Karen, mostly because you arguements stem from hate, power and superiority.

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11.51 You call yourself a “good Christian woman”? No one is good except God. “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.
Hate = I hate lies; I fight for the truth no matter how revolting it is.
Power = I have proven time after time on the blog that Fr Ger and his Banditos have no power over me & cannot intimidate me. Superiority = Many “good Christians” on this blog are trying to show themselves superior to me with their vile, unpublished comments (that I have seen), some are trying to test my knowledge of local history in order to make themselves feel superior, some are calling my spouse a “settler” when he is just as Irish as any of you “native” Irish, who all probably have Viking & Norman blood in your DNA 🤣. Some of you bloggers are sadistic hypocrites and full of hatred and vitriol towards anyone who dares to disagree with you, so don’t go pointing the finger at me. I do not feel superior to anyone. I am nobody who just happens to love local history and live in a big house which I cannot afford to maintain. I drive an old car, I have no money for a holiday, and I struggle economically to survive. Not complaining; just saying it like it is. Some of you are ruthless agitators who would like nothing more than to see my downfall & complete and utter humiliation. That’s grand. You don’t have to like my forthrightness and outspokenness. I am perfectly content in my own skin. I promise you this, my God will protect me from all my adversaries! He uses the “cracked cups” of this world to accomplish His purposes.


Gee, you would never guess that Ger and Kar weren’t an item, by the way she talks about him.
Incidentally I’m another one who isn’t anything to do with Ger and in fact am not Catholic and have never been to Ireland. But I can still see when someone really really should keep it to herself and let Pat decide any further published information as a blog post.


You’re misjudging what I, commentor at 11.51, am saying. I talk of your agruements not you personally. I do not know you personally, just what I can read but here you are offering personal information and spitting vemon, arguing from hate, pushing you agenda with superiority.


The most extraordinary thing about Karen is putting personal information in the public domain then being surprised when you’re criticized. 🤷


Canon Todd unctious at 11.45am..
Name of Castleconnell kept popping up now and again on this blog re Phonsie, GF, Karen and another woman name I forgot.
ANSWERS on the Postcard!


@8.40am The COI is progressive. Yea. About time after 500 years of bleeding this country dry, a tool of Imperialism and an oppressive force that bled Catholics of their money in the form of tithes. What a bunch! And they have the gall to still use that title. They are not the Church of Ireland and should have the decency to abandon that silly title for Episcopal Church in Ireland or Anglican Church in Ireland. They are brazen and still in tow to British cultural values.


10.32: You are right. Karen is obsessed with her former co-star partner priest. She is so enraged by Ger – understandably so – but revenge is now her primary DNA. If any of us nurture hurt, anger, vengeance, they grow into nasty little monsters. There is therapy and psychology to help people unravel their complexities. Obsession with an “ex” leads to delusional behaviour where we convince ourselves that the whole world is against us. Karen now sees “trolls” where they don’t exist. It’s just that many people see through her shabniness and vendetta. She was wronged. Clearly. But this continuum of a farce and obsessive compulsive attachment to Ger’s name and memory needs instant severing. Otherwise we remain in our own s**t.

Liked by 1 person

Karen, whose husband is a settler, and who likes settlers in Palestine, naturally would support the settler “Church of Ireland”.


10.42 You know nothing about my husband so STFU. His dead mother was Catholic. He descends from the Butlers of Ormonde and has Maire Rua and Princess Saibhe in his ancestry.


10;37 am. I like your comment but we need to get one thing straight – Ger is and never was an EX of Kar – he was a friend and companion who travelled around the country with her, looking at historical ruins, castles, houses etc. Can people get it in to their head that it was a friendship/companionship, nothing more.
Marcella, just a note…Yesterday we had Karen and Todd driving past the Fitzgerald house …..with what purpose?
Seems so strange Kar that given your insistence that he destroyed your life, you and your buddies are now driving by his house….I’m afraid now that to any normal observer or anyone without an agenda, this behaviour is gone way to the extreme altogether.


Your point needs to be repeated often because, the way Kar goes on, you’d think that there had been some love affair. To repeat what you said:
“Ger is and never was an EX of Kar – he was a friend and companion who travelled around the country with her, looking at historical ruins, castles, houses etc. Can people get it in to their head that it was a friendship/companionship, nothing more.”


@12.11 I passed the bullring on the way to Limerick, going the back road. I hate the old Dublin road. There were actually no cars at all at the Terrace.


12.11 The Facts: Ger told me that he loved me. Ger told Terry he loved me. I was not in Castleconnell with Todd on the same day. I drive by Ger’s house regularly to and from the gym and your feeble attempt to portray me as a stalker will not be tolerated.
Warning ⚠️ Fitzgerald has been given an opportunity to close this business once and for all. If he continues to ignore and you Banditos don’t stop harassing me then I will take the next step. Don’t push me too far or your Father Ger and Fintan’s Killaloe Diocese will soon be trending on Irish Twitter.


11.45::CTU….Baloney, Baloney, sheer baloney. Karen is inviting much opprobrium to herself. Her narratives are of the Mills and Boone genre…many of which I’m sure she has read. She ought to rise governor slushy muck. Go read Aristotle, Maya Angelou, Mary Oliver, David Whyte, Patrick Kavanagh and maybe Maslow”s psychology. Or preferably, go mind the peoole who should matter most to you and they won’t be found on this blog or in Ennis or Castleconnell…


12.11 If you think we have an agenda, report it to the Gardai or better yet, let Fr Ger phone his friend high up in Ennis. I’d be delighted to have a chat with the police!


“Fr Ger Fitzgerald and his Banditos will be called out on the blog every time I discover new evidence”
Karen will not be silenced. Nobody is trying to silence you as you are aware, only +Pat has that power and luckily he’s on your side. Some people will disagree and I’m sure Pat regulates what goes on the blog so stop whinging about minions and trolls and produce this evidence that you are claiming exists as I have seen no new evidence but only long winded conversations about your personal life etc… and again I reiterate, I am not trying to silence you as I do not have that power.


“Fr Ger Fitzgerald and his Banditos will be called out on the blog every time I discover new evidence”
Except you call out anyone you think is in that group of people and are frequently wrong. Jumping to wrong conclusions is your strong suit, Kar.


1.43 To the presumptuous, pompous, preposterous, and pontificating Priest and/or Offensive Person: I have never read a Mills & Boon book in my life.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I have five fingers
The middle one is for you


2.19 Is it wise? I don’t have an answer to that but if you push me too far I just might.


Kar, you are a keen, albeit unqualified amateur local historian. In what year did the English colonisers steal the former St John’s Cathedral from the native Irish Catholic population? And your own seat – from whom were those lands taken?


11.02 SLAGGER – Mount Ievers was purchased in 1945 by my late father-in-law when it came up for sale on the open market. The land on which the house stands originally belonged to the McNamaras whom my spouse descends from on his mother’s side. Granny O’Halloran worked at Mount Ievers as a parlour maid.


11.45am So Kar you are now saying that Fr. Ger has caused a lot of hurt to at least 2 women…..what happened the third lady he’s “supposed” to have hurt? It was always three and maybe even a fourth we have been told on this blog. Simple question Kar.


12.14: Karen, your problem is that you are not navigating your way well through this drama. While we all know the “reality” you are in denial. Total denial. Much like the stages of grief as Elizabeth Kubler Ross outlines…I hope you’ll carve your way through the self created fog (vengeance, pride, anger..) into a clearer space. You continue to allow the name Ger be so ingrained in your memory that he’s becoming almost immovable. Psychology is a good tool to help unravel ourselves from webs of delusion and entitlement. The frequency of your commentary and it’s content are a loud scream for HELP! No one is trying to silence you but we are advising you to be more judicious in sharing your personal stories. For what we give away we cannot take back.


12.22 Address your comment to Pat Buckley who writes and moderated the blog.


1.34 Fitzgerald revealed a sensitive piece of information about me to his gang in order to heap further abuse me. I preempted him and acknowledged it on the blog so that he cannot ever have the satisfaction of thinking that he has one up on me. Get it through your head that I am not interested in your psychobabble.


11.03 Shamefully condescending comment. In my decades working as a senior professional historian, I have found nothing replaces genuine passion, interest and love for a subject. I constantly reiterate this to my students and advise on the need for more focus on “voices from below” in history education.


Pat how come you never considered being a Red instead of a Diocesan priest? You would have suited the simplistic life but theatrical in personality – I would have thought


Philip Mulryne is leaving service and is turning his attention to a career in Teaching. Love on the horizon do we think?


Anon at 7.49am
Redemptorists had a parish Misson in our parish. I didn’t like cos late father was pushing me to go there. I refused it one Sunday morning cos no level playing field re brothers and sisters no need to go to mass except me. So I was kind of boiling it over. Hence my fightback.
Then all of a sudden, he said to me, there is a Redemptorist priest in sitting room for you to speak with. So I went down and met him. Explained it to him re my background on abuse plus father pushing me to go to mass which I didn’t want cos brothers and sisters weren’t going as they avoided it. At last, that priest believed me as he said my father, he doesn’t need go to mass. That was end of him pushing me etc as that was my teenage years.
Fair play to Redemptorists on that parish mission.


Keith at 9.35am
Just to be clear with you, i’m not in Thailand as I’m in Ireland.
2 deaf fellas have asked me to arrange a month holiday trip to Thailand(phuket) next March 2023.
Now it’s all planning stage for me as I do the work for them, gathering info and presentation, explaining pros and cons of Phuket. But they wanted me to go as well which is fine cos I’m the planner in case plans go awry etc.


I love it when people like Keith at 9:35 show that they don’t understand what the word Catholic means and that only the local church, in fact probably only the parish, is of significance to him
Talk about missing the whole point. 😆


9.35 Deaf Guy is a private citizen & a free agent. what about the serving clergy travelling on long haul sex holidays & weekly boiler house jaunts paid for by sheep? Baaaaa 🐑


Today’s blog hits the nail on the head. Eugene O’Neill is seen by many of his parishioners as an actor.


Anon at 8.59am

Think VAT 2 brought in bit of play drama into mass. Its all about the priest himself but not Jesus etc. It degrades the value of the mass itself.

But there was one particular TLM mass where I saw excessive play acting by actors, too much movement, hand waving etc. That was the high mass conducted by mother Burke as that was the only time I saw it.

But its not only that, new mass played a huge part in acting bit like a rehearsal in any drama theatre. All the focus is on that priest instead of jesus.

Hence an actor in part.


8.59 The “modern” liturgy…Mass….is invariably almost a one Act play now !!! Thats were the Tridenine liturgy was so rich…drama and many on the altar engaged in liturgia as a Sacred Act: the reenactment of Calvary. The banal language of masses I went to and celebrated is so poor. As Paddy Corish told me; the modern liturgy depends on the ability of the priest to read well ( The Mass) and few of them can do that Bill. WM


Anon at 3.05pm
Indeed re clergy on long haul.
Know few bishops who had visited Bangkok (Comiskey ex ferns, for one) or that seedy place that I would avoid it (a regular side trip for Stock of Leeds fame). Even a well known cardinal now deceased) too as well.
Was chatting to a woman, (Thailand) bar manager a decade ago as she was telling me that some priests had sex with her employees.
I asked her how do you know that. She said she could tell if that guy was or is a priest or not. Her tad inquisitive nose probing here and there re men had sex with her, her employees tales, and their lies, their occupation etc.


Pat please say prayers for me that I make it out of this in one piece. I can finally blog after having bowel surgery and I’m struggling with my illeostomy but your support encourages me and gives me strength.


9.03 Cathy P, may I recommend getting some Yew wood from a woodturner who has crafted it into a nice piece….keep the Yew wood near you for the next few months. It has properties. Courage !


10.28 We agree, We also have classical theology before any of them from last century got at it !!!! I wish I knew who you are. …


For so many priests the priesthood is all about them. Especially as a vehicle to ensure a comfortable life, and also to fill their own needs for approbation. For some the priesthood has become a vehicle for the fulfilment of their inadequacies and can often lead them in to dysfunction and even criminality. I had a rude awakening early in my priestly life. I had been trained in the culture of unaccountable and unquestionable priesthood. But, I found myself in a chaplaincy role, and I very quickly learned that my employers did not share that exceptional vision of priesthood, and they had their own view of what they wanted from me and how I would fit in to their world. And so, I learned very quickly to see myself as nothing special and exceptional, but accountable and answerable to people who could, and would, ask very searching and probing questions, and who would expect a certain level of performance and achievement. It was very good lesson to learn, and has taught me not to see myself as so special and above the norm, but to expect that I would be critiqued and called to account, and that there are expectations of me that I must fulfil.

Well emotionally and psychologically adjusted and ‘normal’ young men are not coming forward for priesthood. What we are left with are the deficients, in one way or other, those who see the priesthood as bolstering their own lives and personalities. It is no surprise that young men, who are much more worldly wise and self-aware that I was at their age, see the priesthood as something that would lead them in to a strange, odd and dysfunctional life. They understand the need for intimacy, affection and love, never mind sexual relations, and they simply see the priesthood as an anachronism that does not fulfil their reasonable expectations for life. So, they do not come forward. I am heartened to see that in many synodal path responses the laity know this instinctively, and are asking for change to the clerical culture and lifestyle, as well a more clerical accountability and lay involvement in authority, as well as extending priestly ministry to women and a whole variety of God’s diverse people. So, maybe there are some signs of hope … ?


An excellent criticism of the priesthood except…. you are actually still making yourself exceptional, just from the priests who aren’t as mature and rounded as you. 😂


Indeed, why doesn’t he resign and hand over his free presbytery to one of the new lay pastoral workers?


Or sell it and give the money to the poor, 9:09. Not an original idea, this one, I can’t think who said it.


Who said I’m still making myself exceptional ? I’m now far too old for active ministry, a number of years beyond 75, and so I don’t do any ministry, and don’t wander around wearing a clerical collar or calling myself Father, or trying to find ways of making myself relevant as a priest. I have v very little contact with the diocese, bishop or other clergy, except those who are life long friends. I don’t live in a church house. I own my own house. I don’t receive a penny from the church because I already have enough money from pensions, savings etc to live very well. In fact, I was told by the bishop that he wasn’t going to support me because of what I already had, even though I had ministered in his diocese and elsewhere for just short of 50 years. I didn’t even get a thank you letter ! I wouldn’t want any continuing links anyhow, because that way you are controlled. So, I’m effectively inactive, non-identifying as a priest, and only keep that identity and character to myself and my own spiritual life. So, please do not presume to lecture me about still being exceptional and still being dependent on the church. I am not. Thank God !


12:52 I said you are making yourself exceptional because of the attitude, which comes across clearly in your comments, that you are far better than your colleagues. And incidentally your inability to cope with the feedback when you put yourself on here.
Not used to being answered back, are you?


9.06: Thank you for your sharing. You speak from experiences of life. My childhoid and ternage values were very Catholic centred and as I grew more into late teenage years a rebelliousness occured, mostly against the discipline of family prayer, mass attending, weekly confessions, missions.. etc…but not of a kind to turn me away from “the faith”. I eventually grew into finding contentment and peacefulness by attending mass and confession and various liturgies. I value what has been given to me. I try to hold in to it: I find great strength fot each day in prayer and the Eucharist. This will never leave me, though I struggle at times. When I was ordained in the early 80’s I found it strange that there was a hierarchy of personnel and being the youngest and new priest, I was allocated many responsibilities. That was it. It was my duty from then on to ensure I remained committed to what was asked of me. I did that and felt a certain fulfilment and “authority” in my ministry. Thankfully, all my years in my first parish were amazing, fulfilling and enriching in so many ways. One particular P. P. was wonderfully affirming at all times. But what shocked me after some years was the complete absence of any real accountability. We met once a week to review and plan but no one asked accountability of any kind. As I moved on to new parishes the lack of accountability became worse. If you were conscientious you did more than was asked. There were “some” who did what they liked and were often unavailable at critical times. We know, as priests, that we’ve been entrusted with huge responsibilities and yet there’s no proper framework, reference points or blue print for evaluation and assessment…Our bishops literally leave us adrift. Because our life is primarily one of “aloneness” we do not interact meaningfully with others, however well we may get on with them. Thus you go back to the solitude of your home and….decide to sink or swim….to stay or to leave…and pray… sometimes!! I have huge admiration for colleagues, mostly older, who seem to have weathered the storms better but I also know they too ask – what’s really happening, has it been a wasted effort? Unless we are emotionally, mentally, spiritually and morally strong, living priesthood today is precarious and in many ways, a most unhealthy lifestyle. Thank God many who came to the Synodal Meetings expressed their observations very honestly re: priesthood, celibacy, LBGTQI, women in ministry, what does being church mean..etc. Now we hope Pope Francis and the Bishops truly hear our voices. I am a hope-filled person mostly, but these times are bloody awful to feel relevant. I won’t jump ship…As you say, 9.06 – there are signs of hope!


But the synod meetings are quite clear that the clerical age is over. Time to hang up your biretta and hand over to the new, fresh, young, female lay pastoral workers. The priests have had their go and gave us nothing but abuse and guilt. Your caste is literally redundant.


10:13 Were there any laymen or under-60s at your local synodal meetings? There were none at mine.


Dear Martin, I have just read and then re-read your piece in todays IT. As usual as is your way, with your superior intellect ( it is huge) you are being “playful” with deep truths. Two thoughts: Why do you presume to know what is in the heart or mind ( to say nothing of soul..if it applies) of any Secularist about “God?” The second, you ask a disingenuous question about secularism being a Christian heresy…well following your logic, is Christianly not just really an Emperors brain wave to extend his dying empire ? What success Constantine has had!! Bill


William you need to calm down. Yes you are an Armagh Survivor of abuse but this is not healthy for you. Maybe go to the same Health Spa as Michael Mullaney in Cap d’Agde .


Never in world history has telling someone to calm down because they’re agitated, actually made them calm down. 😆


Do “pull yourself together” or “cheer up, worse things happen at sea” still work for counselling people who are down in the dumps?


9.14: Bill, this letter should have been sent to the IT…or have you done so? It’s not pertinent to present discussion.


1.22 If you can retrieve in mind earlier comments…somebody alerted me to Matin Henry in the IT earlier. I read the IT about 7.00 am each morning, I don’t go near Rite and Reason any more..always very poor….Henry lifted it today. My comment did relate to todays Blog and not at my direction. Pay attention !


Darcy’s Mass at the Graan are a big “look at me” show, whether it’s his showy entrance, gladhanding up the aisle, his refusal to use the current Missal or his whispering of the institution narrative in a slow, sentmental voice, with a theatrical raising of the voice at the end.


@ 9:17am
Well that’s no surprise, he’s been the same all his life, and won’t change now. How he’s got away with his life of attention seeking is a mystery the fault lies with his Superiors in the Passionist Order who should have dealt with him years ago.


Fr Alexander Master, formerly sub-administrator of Westminster Cathederal, still has that address in the diocesan directory. He is not named as being in any parish. Any dieas?


@11.58 I asked a perfectly reasonable question and got an answer. That is all I sought. Why do you display cynicism? Please stop that approach..


Correct – and a good priest too
Rev Alexander Master
Archbishop’s House, Ambrosden Avenue, London, SW1P 1QJ


Correct. He is now secretary to the Cardinal. Prior to that, as sub-administrator at the cathedral he was very much involved in the cathedral parish.
“where is this priest at 11.28am should MYOB. Simply bitchy mischief making.


Pat . By accident I came across a couple of videos on YouTube of you being interviewed by Pat Kenny on clarehis RTE show in the 1990s. I think you should put them up on the blog as you came across brilliantly and you were well able for Pats interrogation


I think it’s all about the ability of the priest . Some are fantastic and you could listen to them all day , others are hopeless. It’s like football , some are like David Clifford , others woukdnt make the Junior B team. I’ve been to Ferbane parish for mass and funerals and the parish priest there is fantastic. Makes it look easy . Ud wish his sermons were longer. A good complaint.


1.26 Mount Ievers hosted the first Feis Ceoil in Co. Clare in 1899. It is recorded in the RC records of the Diocese of Killaloe. The local PP was a friend to the Ievers family and at least half a dozen Catholic priests attended the funeral of Mrs. Ievers in 1903. Ms. Mary Ievers taught Irish to the local townspeople and was a member of the Gaelic League. The house remained intact during the War of Independence because the Ievers were sympathetic to the Nationalist cause and even delivered food hampers to the Clare volunteers. There was never an eviction here and Mrs. Mildred Ievers and her family were well known for giving charity/alms to their tenants. It can all be backed up with evidence. Mount Ievers was amongst the first of the Big Houses to sell off their land at reasonable terms. Doesn’t fit your narrative but you can’t change the facts!


2.36 a most honourable history, Karen ❤️. Shame other big wigs friends of Killaloe can’t say the same.


You can’t really blame them, it was probably to save the poor Protestants from the terrible fate of being thrown among Romanists.


Why doesn’t Karen get Mount Ivers registered for weddings/civil partnerships, with Pat as officiant. Big house weddings are lucrative.


Even better still couldn’t Ger officiate! Winners all around!! The blog wouldn’t be half as silly, no more stalking, annonymous name calling, veiled threats, accusations of criminal misdeeds, yada yada yada…I’m sure I left some of the mud that’s been fired from both directions!!?? If that could be sorted, fixing conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East would be a doddle!!!


I think we’ve found a solution to so many of the church’s problems in one go. A sauna for the clergy, some bleach for the kitchen table, and bingo.
How about it Kar?


You could fit all the Maynooth sems into the gate lodge, after fixing the two broken windows.


At the risk of having today’s blog subject make a brief appearance in the comments, the reason some priests use the mass to give crazy personal performances is the obvious one: they’re crazy people.

If they were sensible people they wouldn’t do it.


1.40: Is this the finding of your PhD…The conferring college should rescind any certificate given to you!! Brainless twaddle.


I said it was the obvious one. I realize that this simple fact would equate to a PhD in your head, but still. Now do try not to fall over those long clown shoes. 🤡 😂


1.26: This self pitying essay from Karen finally tells us why everything went wrong for her. It’s a salutary tale for men and women. Don’t mess around dishonestly, recklessly and irresponsibly when you’re ready in a commitment. You’ll end up losing almost everything. And, for God’s sake, men and women, don’t ever emulate Karen by selling your soul to any blog. Look where this has landed her!! She can’t afford a holiday (neither can I): she drives an old car: ( so do I): she’s finding it economically difficult: ( so is the world)..Karen, finally, come into the world of 2022. It’s tough and shitty at times. .


2.11 You are an offensive fool. How dare you talk about Karen, whom I presume you have never met, as you do. Put up your name you anonymous offensive coward. William Mulvihill


1.54: The big Looney protector is up in arms again. You too require help. After your despicable behaviour last weerk, STFU….Braveheart Milleen.


William at 1.54: Snowflake. You can’t bear home truths either. As a poster said earlier – a former parishioner – you’re not really on the side of the oppressed..


Karen is only being challanged on what she tells us. It’s not personal. I do not know her, I do not know you but I can make assumptions from my reading. Like you made assumptions of me. Read the thread correctly to give it context before name calling.


2.11 not everyone who drives an old car is poor. Crafty couple of helpers in the Church keeps a low profile that a was, skilled at inheriting from old vulnerables they latch onto. Don’t give it to church neither. There kids & grandkids do well from their skullduggeries,


2.29 visible connections to church still buy trust in a lot of rural communities, those 2 sound like confidence tricksters. That’s all wrong and shameful trickery.


Karen is now playing the I’m poor card but in the same breath I am mentioned in Burke’s Irish Family Records.


3.08 Ask the oppressed . On Saturday morning last I was with Paddy at 9.00 am on O Connell Bridge. He sleeps in a hostel. He is there nearly every day, we can go and talk to him together ? He takes a Cappuccino with two sugars. Will you join me next weekend ? I give him the same euro note when I see him….there are many more….you on ? His wife and only daughter died of cancer.


Does the Irish Government have a scheme whereby people can open their homes to Ukrainian refugees, and get a payment in return to cover costs/disruption? If I had a big house that was costly to maintain I’d get a few families in. Everybody wins.


2.29 Great idea, there must be hundreds of spare bedrooms throughout Ireland in all the Bishop Palaces & in their second homes like Bishop Tom Deenihan as one example, several parishes have additional empty houses as clergy haven’t been replaced & then there’s all the properties obtained dubiously by their members.


5.43: Billeen, did you sleep rough too ir in your comfy bed in beautiful upmarket Gteystones? 😂😉🤣😃🤣…


2.29 Ukrainian people are hardworking, you won’t find them lounging about stirring shit on their phones like our local serving clergy & their dodgy members.


Tipperary GAA county board were ruthless of course. The former hurling manager was “relieved from his duties”. Tom “Thundering Disgrace” Deenihan must also be relieved from his duties.
Relieving Tom of his duties will send a strong message that the mistreatment of monks, clergymen and seminarians will not be tolerated.


Hope my credit union loan is approved so we can get kids school uniforms and books for next week. Credit union is inundated with applications this year.
Prayers would be appreciated.


Interesting that Karen has, as her pinned Tweet, a puff piece about Ger’s book, including the photos she gave Ger (whom we learn from the pinned Tweet is Fr Gerard).


2.26 And it will remain a pinned Tweet & Facebook post until the priest sees fit to apologise to me and bring an end to this.


Kar you are coming across as being besotted with Fr.Ger. Will you let him go and get on with your own life. You even have him as a pinned tweet, from what I’ve just read, on your Facebook page, doesnt that say it all Kar. You need, for your own sake girl, to move on and find someone who shares the same interests as you. Ger has moved on which is a pity, as he was a good friend/companion to you.


5.51 There is a very good reason why the pinned tweet is still up and it has nothing to do with being “besotted” with Fr Ger Fitzgerald of Killaloe Diocese™️ 😇


2.26 you must live online, Father Stalker, have you no prayers or anything to be saying, the Boiler House shut today is it, mopping out after the weekend.


Tom be fair, 2:26 probably isn’t a priest. The comment isn’t long enough to be by a priest, lacks the usual passive aggressive preface that they’re slumming it here, and acknowledges that somebody other than himself exists.


I’m a pensioner this year so for first time I’ve come to Horse Show. used my travel card, got a shock to get a glare from my parish priest walking around with another man, didn’t say hello or anything. I have as much right as him to be here, I’m very shaken and annoyed. There is no goodness or religion in church anymore.


2.42: This is ridiculous. Your P. P. has every right to go to the RDS…You’re another makey up merchant. Did your “supposed” P.P. ask you to leave or did you speak to him. I have a friend who goes to the RDS as he has a keen interest as a vet in animals. He has often been there in his capacity as a veterinary surgeon. He’s a married man with 3 children. He has invited me over the years to attend. I didn’t but if I was spotted by an idiot like you and you knew I was a priest, would you ssy the same? As Hyacinth Bucket would say – ” you people.. “!! You people and you only in your 60’s…Wait till your 75 or 80!! You’ll be twitching curtains…


4.17 I’m entitled to go to the Horse Show or anywhere else in public & not be subjected to his strange attitude. It was not normal. Why not just smile, nod or say hello. You didn’t see how he was, his body language & facial expression when he spotted me. It’s made me feel very uncomfortable.


Unctious the net is closing around you. You are almost rumbled. You’re going down big time
Love from Castleconnell


Jumping jellybeans! There’s a whole army of them. Pat, people talk about my “drama”. Look at what is going on here! 😂


3.13 Nothing to see here folks. Just an Anonymous threat against Canon Todd Unctious from the Fr Ger fan club in Castleconnell.


Go away you gobshite. Go down the bank and have a wash under the footbridge you Castleconnell gobshite


Mr. Mulvihill, in your last month’s and weeks as our parish priest you verbally abused us from the pulpit every Sunday and you bullied couples about baptisms and marriages. You were nasty, aggressive and insulting. We were glad to see the back of you.


Thank you for saying this. I stopped going to Monasterboice and went to The Augies in Drogheda because of Mr. Mulvihill.


Drogheda is the right place for cover up merchants allright. No dignity for patients in their paedophiie hospital & well in with legal system to silence hundreds of outstanding victim complaints & some child victims of Dr Shine have died waiting for justice. His age is not a valid legal reason for shutting down his victims. They were only children when he abused them. He wasn’t bothered about their age, now we not bothered about his age either.


Thank you and Monasterboice for your comments. From what we have been reading on this blog particularly in the last few days you are well rid of Mr Mulvihill. He has been coming over as an arrogant, snobbish intellectual bully.
He certainly went down the tube over the correspondence with the Archbishop of Armagh.


@3.34pm. You went to the Augies in Drogheda to have your conscience massaged. Isn’t that what the other priests in Drogheda say?


3.27 God bless you. You sound like a delightful parishioner. No such thing happened…I told a lot of unpalatable truth from the altar which was next morning ( Mondays) relayed to Ara Coeli. To my knowledge Denis Mulroy was the only one to speak directly to him….tells you a lot about the situation. May God bless you in your lovely new Parish Priest. Win. wing….he loves talking about abortion and having a shot at same sex marriage!!!! You are Michael O Neill or one of that set. If you have such convictions about me…bloody well put up your name O Brave One !!! Your X PP.


@3.27pm I’m sure you deserved the verbal abuse if it really happened. In my experience of Tenure and Fieldstown Fr Bill was an excellent kind preacher.
I’m sure he did call out the Provos among you, as well as the Valley of the squinting windows types and all the Hickey cock suckers. And I know who you are anyway. It’s far from the Augies you were on a Sunday, down in Donegans instead.


6.14 Thank you Flurry Gin….I like Monkey47 and Brockmans as a general rule…I was in a bar in Bendigo Victoria with 57 gins in the Gin section. Thank you again. Bill Mulvihill


3.27: Very insightful comment and I believe every word. Ever since Bill Mulvihill appeared on this blog he’s been nothing but rude, aggressive, bullying and insulting. He has been allowed unquestioned access on this blog to make all kinds of allegations against so many. I also contend that a person doesn’t suddenly overnight become a nasty bully and an overbearing narcissist, screaming at anyone who dares question him. Bill had many years to hone his skills while a priest to be the insufferae person he is. He never listens, is oblivious to other people’s feelings and concerns, has an irrational hatred of many, is slow to grasp the enormity of his own dysfunctionality. His only coping mechanism is to let rip in the nastiests way possible. We are each flawed and broken and sinful but that’s not a charter for his pernicious behaviour. I have no doubt he is clever but for now his personal battles should not be foisted on this blog. It’s embarrassing. Like Karen, his narratives are a big sign for HELP.


@7.23pm You’re most welcome Fr Bill. Be careful with Monkey 47. You’d never know what you might pick up from that.
On a note related to Mainistir Búite, I heard a story from my friend the bishop of Leighlin and Kildare that he met you in Donegans many years ago at Sunday lunch and you had a young Spanish cardinal in tow. It sounds bizarre, a young Spanish cardinal! But he says the cleric was wearing a black soutane with red piping and red buttons. I didn’t know you entertained such high ranking princes of holy mother slut in Tenure.



Killaloe sounds like a right shit hole

You’ve even got your own real live Joan of Arc

Holy Joes & Marys Tearing the priests victim apart like vultures and parasites

Sick and twisted for sure


4.21 My Jane AUSTEN (not Austin) family album was sold a few years ago at a considerably lower price than its actual value to DONEGAL ARCHIVES because I wanted it to stay in IRELAND even though SOTHEBYS had agreed to auction it for me. FOOL THAT I AM, I thought that such a treasure should not be allowed to leave the country and so I took a financial loss in order to ensure that it stayed here.


8pm the cabal wouldn’t be so self sacrificing- tight as a ducks arse – magpies


8pm who would know this – that sounds creepy? Something you had years ago? This is seriously out of hand, Canon Todd said it first & I have to agree. You are blaming Gers street friends, they are not interested in antiques, it’s more educated people getting at you, church has plenty to lose, poor people in Cloughleigh that Ger Fitzgerald was exploiting for free food & sex aren’t your problem, start looking higher, way higher. Take care


Why do so few priests welcome people who have come to celebrate Mass?
Why do so many priests get ‘pissed off on the altar – angry and incandescent when things aren’t done the way they want.
Why do so many clergy get flustered when a baby starts to cry in church – chill out Father you were a baby once (true, your a big baby now)
And so on….long boring sermons, can’t sing for toffee but think they can, give off that vibe of it’s all about them – when it’s all about the base, no treble!!


At this point, the Pope of “Reform” and his lackeys are having a good belly laugh at the rest of us. The Reformation seems to make more and more sense with each passing day.
Becciu: ‘The pope told me I will be reinstated’ as cardinal
Cardinal Angelo Becciu said Sunday that he has been invited to attend an upcoming consistory for the College of Cardinals, claiming that Pope Francis told him his rights and privileges as a cardinal will be reinstated.
Becciu was sacked from his curial positions in September 2020, and forced to resign his rights as a cardinal, after Vatican prosecutors met with Francis and laid out possible evidence of criminal financial activity by the former papal chief of staff.


Patsy go have a look at your Armagh sidekick James ‘Luke’ McConnell’s FB page, it’s comical to say the least, you’ll piss you’re pants laughing🤣.
Jesus, Mary and St ‘Holy’ Joseph who does thon Buffoon think he is! We call him ‘The Bishop’ in Middletown- by the way he’s an embarrassment to the area. Was gonna say his family also but then the buffoon hasn’t got any family and that says it all!


Who is Bishop Fonsies secretary or mc i saw him in action at the Carmelite sister 25. Th anniversary of rebuilding their Convent in Tallow.His Excellence appeared bored and was not interacting with any priests .It was wonderful to see such joy on the faces of the nuns they now young members from Singapore,India,British VIRGIN Islands.


Is Fr Michael Hickey s in Mainistir Búite? Why does Eamon Martin not have the balls to get rid of him? Hickey has very sticky fingers, a divisive cult following and is malicious, conniving, cruel, lazy, deceitful and dishonest. How people are taken in by him testifies to the innate inbred stupidity of many rural parishioners.


That’s Bishops & their pals for you, easier to attack the weaker option in the hope they’ll shut up fast.


You are very confused. Firstly, he was well praised in the Irish Independent in 2009. Secondly he was recalled in 2017 to his religious order.
Please google Fr. Michael Hickey Armagh.
You might learn something.


7.44 Hickey was in Sierra Leone ….in conjunction with a psychologist now deceased, they siphoned a lot of UN money “to help ” child soldiers. Where is that money ? He left in a hurry because of the Civil war ( thats the story).Hickey will be dead when the Africans start to tell their stories. He knew Sean Brady from Roman days,…..there hangs a terrible tale. William Mulvihill


Bish Pat, a very fine piece on your Legacy last week. We haven’t forgotten you or our offer in the Tuam province. We will be in touch by phone in a week or so. We have to quieten some people at our end first.


8.46 Bishop Doran, Eamon Martin and Sean Brady know/knew that Michael Hickey does not have a police clearance certificate for all his years in Sierra Leone( and many returned missionaries di not have police clearance certificates from the “mission appointments” Jesus wept. So much for their Garda vetting process…the RCC I mean…..not the Gardai. William Mulvihill


Poor Bill Mulvihill. The things he has to put up with on this blog from ungrateful nasty degenerates.
You should be honoured to be subjected to William’s illuminating intelligence and wisdom. True, you may need to take an online course in Williamite exegesis to understand all of his pearls of wisdom.
Now, I must go and check that filing cabinet in the Tom Fee library for that Church & General insurance policy from the 1980s.


6.31 1987…that should curtail your efforts….it was 1987……they are no longer there. They are in the Vaulted Safe under Tom Deenihans commode in his cathedral.


Hi Deaf Guy
Did you follow Tasha the deaf girl on Love Island? she went on show to raise awareness & she is doing great interviews and follow up since the show finished 3 weeks ago.


Yes Tasha actually is a positive role model for the Deaf community, Ginger Deaf Guy does the opposite. Shame he isn’t blind.


Fr Mccafferty was very subdued in mass today – you all need to wise up and be mindful of your comments on this blog


7.26: If by your comment you infer that Fr. McCafferty may have been stung and hurt by comments about him on this blog, you’ll understand why he may feel and look down and subdued. Very regrettably, Fr. McCafferty, despite having shared his story of abuse and enduring long term suffering, has endured poisonous crap thrown at him. It is appalling that commenters on this blog have ridiculed him, weight shamed him, mocked him, belittled his spirituality and poured scorn on him. This was all facilitated under thec watchful eye of the author, Pat. Fr. McCafferty is one of many vulnerable people who are chosen targets for fun, sneering and mockery. The behaviour of some commenters is pure evil. Sstanic in nature and content. May God bless Fr. McCafferty.


If he wasn’t so judgmental himself, maybe he wouldn’t be on the receiving end of it?


8.42 yes, Martin, it’s shameful the lengths anonymous. Clergy & their members go to on this blog to try & shut down the truth.


Rembert Weakland has died. He stole $450,000 of the faithful’s money to pay off a disgruntled gay lover, then had the audacity to write a memoir endorsing the “genital” expression of homosexuality. No wonder James Martin reveres him.


James Martin is unassailably orthodox when it comes to homosexual acts: he accepts their unequivocal moral condemnation by the Church.
You are s**t-stirring. Stop it.


I have been burned alive at the stake today by the slaggers in the comments. Now it’s time to burn you back: Fr Ger Fitzgerald and his friend Bernard. Keep up the slagging and the truth will be told.


Jesus will you just stop! Bringing someone else into now, and every time someone says something to you, they are minions
Let me tell you this none of us have to be friends with Ger to know you are seriously off your rocker
Not one bit of proof of anything! I hope Ger is on this and sees you for the vile, vengeful, scorned woman you are


I’m not enjoying the blog Bishop Pat. It’s a bad read in a bad way. Bill continues to throw shapes and Karen, it’s all about her and only her. It’s not easy on the palette Pat, I enjoy a good argument but today took the biscuit.


8.56 If you look at the first comment that I posted today, it had NOTHING to do with Fitzgerald. The fact that his supporters provoke/slag me on the blog leaves me no option but to respond. You want me off the blog? Convince Fitzgerald to make an in person apology. I will bring Terry. He can bring whomever he chooses. It will not be a duel: it will be a genuine attempt at closure. Take it or leave it.


Jesus luvvie, give it a rest would you? Can you not see that everyone is bored with you now?


Nothing there to apologise for, you wanted to shag him and he didn’t want to touch so you cried wee wee wee all the way home.


11.10 Bored? Au contraire. Why would bloggers deliberately provoke me on a comment totally unrelated to GF unless they wanted to engage with me on the blog? 🔥


8.56 You should have had a piece of cake…have a piece before bed….and sure don’t go on the Blog tomorrow!!! Use your loaf !!!


Bill, why don’t you take up a hobby and get outside and get some sunshine instead of spending all day commenting on here?


Sorry, Pat, but I have to agree. I am sick to the back teeth of hearing this bloody woman moan, whinge, and whine about that fat prick, Ger Fitz.
For Christ’s sake love, would you ever tell yourself that you fell for an utter, useless, self-serving, narcissistici toe-rag?


10.57 Its an Apple iPhone Pro Max 13, it would make coffee on the beach…I can blog from Dalkey Island to the Clermont in Blackrock Co Louth…even from the Dart…its 2022, you should join us .


It’s been like this for weeks. Increased comments but from the Bill and Karen show. Take back control Bishop Pat.


Good Lord, Pat, I have just looked on the blog today and read through over 350 comments- once again its the Bill and Karen show. Pat could you not exercise some more ‘journalistic discernment’ and spare us from these two?


Pat, say a prayer for me- I am just going on to nightshift now. I am tired and my colleagues are a nightmare. I’m praying that God will give me the grace to be gentle and kind. Hello to all on the blog xxx


The Redemptorists provided extraordinary missions to well within living memory. Now many seem utter cast of fools. They lazily pander to societies mores failing to offer any sort of insight. If the

Anyhow, the New Mass has any number of options for a priest, particularly extra points in the liturgy to offer remarks to the people, but for an unfortunately large crew, this generous provision is not remotely enough. Nothing less than an hour of acting out.


Pat speak to Michael King he has his own account of Mullaney’s overseas Villa, similar to McCarrick’s Jersey shore beach house. Mullaney’s Kitten parties with seminarians. Alcohol, drugs, Poppers and abuse.


We are still in Milwaukee, Irish Festival was great craic. When is the funeral so I can tell my aunt in Chicago?


Pat, didn’t you allow a whole big song and dance at Seamus Tansey’s Mass? The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was not the appropriate forum for Michael Flately taking centre stage, wasn’t it not?


10.40 The late Mr Seamus Tansey was highly respected In traditional Irish music circles in Ireland and beyond. Michael Flatley, Mick Molloy and others paid their respects appropriately at The Oratory. You are a jealous and scurrilous individual and it’s no wonder few dare to sit under the same roof space with your light fingered, slandering cabal these days.


Bishop Pat was foot tapping and really going at it. At one point I thought he was about to do the Oirish jig.


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