

The Irish Synodal Path document sent to Rome is critical of some younger priests and calls them ” rigid”.

Some of these young priests have taken to the media to say that they are hurt by being written off as rigid.

In what senses can a priest be rigid?

It could be by throwing the doctrinaire Catechism of the Catholic Church at people and telling them that they MUST obey every word and line in it – and not taking into account the individual’s circumstances and subjective morality.

It could be by interpreting the Bible, especially the Old Testament, ansolutely literally. Using Leviticus to condemn homosexuality and not telling people that the book equally condemns the eating of prawns.

It could be expressed in the Liturgy – by insisting on the superiority of the Latin Mass over the vernacular Mass and insisting on using pre Vatican II vestments and smothering themselves in girly lace, linen  and silk.

It could be by appearing to be a pharisaic pillar of virtue on the altar on a Sunday and swimming in bodily fluids in a gay sauna on Monday.

You see, many of us who have watched some other specific younger priests come along – the ones named on this blog in the past – have noticed that they live double lives – rigid on others and totally permissive in their private lives.

And that type of living is blatantly hypocritical and absolutely unacceptable.

Don’t forget how “rigid” the Pharisees were and how Jesus lambasted them.

This Blog has shown over the years how rigidity can often be a cover for hypocrisy.

Recently I visited a consultant about the osteoarthritis in my hands.

He was a middle aged Catholic and surprised me whenever he said:

“I see lots of priests of your age. You were of that generation of priests who got on on the street and got stuck into community action and ended up with broken hands”.

Nowadays many of these rigid young priests have moisturised hands and visit nail clinics.

That’s a far cry from the Nazarene who had one garment and who fished and cooked and whose companions were tax collectors, prostitutes, lepers and outcasts.

Jesus was not rigid!

Neither should his disciples be!

People become rigid whenever they deify and practice man made laws.

The cure for rigidity is allowing the Compassionate Jesus to turn our hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.


Some of the more recently ordained priests are very conservative, which is no bad thing and they try to be true to the teachings of the church. They do so uncompromisingly. I admire them. They may appear rigid and are condemned. Their world view as priests is one of certainties, black or white: they tend not to see the in-between colours of people’s lives and struggles. Though not a priest, Robert Nugent’s definition of Catholicism is what they strive for. Those of us of an older generation spent a great deal of our ministry as pastors among the people, with visitation of homes at the heart of our work. The quote from the consultant seems a bit iffy!! The people with broken hands I have witnessed are those of parents, guardians, carers, grandparents. Let’s not forget the inspiration of love, sacrifice and compassion these great people have. The fact that a priest’s hands may be soft is not indicative of anything. There are those who love the “nivea cream” approach to staying young!! What do we really offer people as clerics in the name of Christ that shows in our hearts is the question to ask, not questions about the state of our skin, wrinkled, cracked, broken or soft.

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I agree with your comment that the broken hands are found among the ordinary people who do the real living of life as they travel the road to God’s salvation.Let us not forget that the traditional ways gave us the religious on a pedestal that we dare not question. The traditional way gave us cover up of child abuse the traditional way gave us the rich materialistic Vatican and it’s dealings with shady bankers and expensive apartments. Let us not go back there and instead let the religious walk the walk of living with God’s real people. Let us see Robert do family videos of his family praying together and which may encourage families to spend some time in quiet reflection


‘Some of the more recently ordained priests are very conservative’
The word is not conservative, it’s homosexual. A conservative Catholic would not seek ordination if he was homosexual.
You, and they, are both confused.


9.30: Tough on you…there are, thankfully many good, caring, empathetic and kind priests who are appreciated by many. I’m sure you know that!! Credit where credit is due. And thankfully too there are good counsellirs for those who require such…Off you go!!:

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I would not let a priest into my home again. We used to have the stations in our home and a Fr. J. O Grady used to come in and make the nice ladies sit on his lap. He was removed from ministry.


There was a Jesuit priest who uses to visit single mothers and kiss them on the lips and fondle their breasts. They were stuck. He was their landlord.


Pat at 11:21 There are only three reasons people are still in the sway of the cult:
1. They’re too stupid to see.
2. They’re too entrenched for other reasons.
3. They’re a criminal themselves.
If you’re a practicing Catholic and don’t think you’re in one of these categories you’re in number 1. 🤔


11:21 Clergy have been taking advantage of vulnerable parishioners for centuries, sadly little has changed as per examples on Bishop Monahans turf in Killaloe etc.


That’s the Synod for you. Their laity will blame the few clergy that are doing their best for the demise of the Roman Catholic Church & conveniently ignore the corruption & coverup instigated by the hierarchy & their high powered cronies that brought about the requirement for the Synod in the first place. Anyone would become rigid in any environment where truth and transparency is smothered eventually smothering the RCC itself.

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Doing their best? Putting it about on Grindr and playing golf if they’re past that? I hate to think what you would think ‘not trying’ would look like.


Good points.
It was the RC episcopate’s rigidity in observing Canon Law in relation to child rape by priests that necessitated this synod.

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11.49: Would be interesting to know if you read any documents about the Synodal Way, if you attended any gathering in yournparish, if you’ve read any collated Diocesan documents, if you even grasp the meaning of SYNOD? Do you participate in your parish community? If the answer is NO to all questions, then your opinions are questionable and cynical.


4:04 Arrogant catlick shamelessly proselytising on Bishops Pats blog 😏
Catkick to you Padre.


They have nothing to attract, offer or retain young priests and think little of insulting, abusing & harassing young priests it seems when you consider the reports from some seminaries etc.


Extremists have the same hall mark. They hate their own flaw when they see it in others. It has been the same all my life. The homosexuals, gamblers, alcoholics. The only thing that changes with extremists is the subject of their addiction.


You have three choices
You can let it define you
You can let it destroy you
You can let it strengthen you
No surrender!


Wonderful news! NOT the genocide you mention, but the irreversible (hopefully) loss to Church income.


I’m glad you are blaming the sloppy farrago, the CCC. As for young priests, it was in fact Holy Mother Church that trained them. She had better look at her training than blame the trainees for having been trained.


You have a point about training, Pope Hormisdas II. I think we already know that our seminaries are woefully lacking, and in many cases are encouraging the kind of young priest who is being talked about here. The staff seem to instil a sense of exceptionalism, aloofness, unaccountability, all justified by the sacramental signing of ordination which they say sets these young men apart, chosen by God…..etc. etc. In part because the staff themselves believe it about themselves. There is also a nod and a wink given by staff to seminarians about public and private life. Seminarians know and see what the staff get up to, and learn the lessons of duplicity and a double life. They also pick up that the clerical life is a nice comfortable existence – all that senior common room stuff, pre-prandial drinks, Puginesque decoration and furniture, siesta, not having to work too hard, always finding a handy excuse to be away, having housekeepers and cleaners (what young man in his 20s has housekeepers and cleaners in the real world ?!) etc. It’s a faux existence that they inhabit, and isn’t tenable anymore. They most certainly do not have the smell of the sheep on them. More like some exclusive cologne that they have had prepared specially for them on Regent Street or Via die Condotti.


You can have the smell of the sheep if you want Ugh! I’d much rather have the scent of Bulgari from the Via di Condotti. I’m also partial to a pre-prandial drink before dinner.


Very pertinent and all the more reason to stop giving. There is no need for seminaries in the age of the internet.
Intellectual formation could be from literally any university in the world.
The other parts of formation can be done by the diocese of if it is too small or weak, several dioceses could club together.
Student priests should be based in a parish or several parishes throughout and their placements should be in settings like hospitals, refuges, homeless shelters, rather than in parishes, where they should be anyway.
This would also be much cheaper than running a seminary.


6.42 I am aware of an Irish Priest….no longer in this habit….he has aged.
He would drive anywhere in the country for his exploits….but then almost immediately would suffer with debilitating guilt and have to go immediately to confession.
Very sad….the years now bring him peace because his appetites have waned.
He is a very good man.
The Putrid RCC….how dare they speak of young priests as rigid when their medieval sexual ethic causes it !!!!!!


9.36: Mulvihill – you can’t surely blame the Church for your afflictions, since you seemed to have nourished them since childhood and still doing so. You never grew up or matured as you told us you did in the seminary. Little evidence of it. It seems you too traipsed around the country stalking every priest…with lenses!! Rather strange…


Young, rigid and so called orthodox and conservative priests are largely playing a game. The priesthood is a vehicle for their waltzing around, dressing up, making themselves out to be something special, while all the time enjoying a very comfortable and cosseted lifestyle. Holidays and trips abroad are often wrapped up as pilgrimages, retreats and conferences. I see it so often. In to the bargain, the majority of them are just Big Girls who inhabit a camp and gay culture, some of them a little bit scared of full on sex, but quite a number of them taking any opportunity that presents itself. I often ask the young camp little girl of a curate in my parish when he has last been in Rome / or is about to go to Rome, and what new trinket is he planning to get get at one of the clerical tat shops around the Pantheon. I might ask him next time whether he got some alfresco sex up on the Campidoglio or at one of the Roman saunas, and counsel him to get his Monkeypox vaccine before venturing out. I think he will know exactly what I’m talking about, even if he will put on pretend shock ! It’s important to find ways to let these twits know that we are on their case and know exactly what they are getting up to. On our money, too ! This blog of + Pat’s is one way that we are able to serve them notice that we can’t be fooled anymore. Keep it up, + Pat……


Rightly critcised.
They have no historical sense and are merely performing cosplay Catholicism of the past as they imagine they would have liked it to be.
Their dog whistle that Vatican 2 is the problem has no basis in reality.
And as you say, practicing gay sex alongside it puts the lie to their facade.


8:48 The Roman Catholic Church is an exercise in mythology designed to extract lucre from the sheep.


I think the main characteristic of young priests is they actually believe in God and want their parishioners to do the same. It’s not just saying mass and wearing a collar for them it’s real for them. I for one wish them well.


I think a lot of young priests come in with the zeal of the convert and try to be hardcore. Likely because of difficulties in their social life before entering the seminary. The become like those incels in the US, hating women because they don’t understand them and can’t get the leg over. Also they may be gay and mentally punishing themselves over it believing being a hardline priest will straighten them out. Of course it’s extremism and in all cases extremist views find a home in the lost, lonely and confused. It’s a refuge for them.
Of course none of this is of any use to the RCC, to whom 95% of the Irish population no longer listen. These hardliners will only sink the ship faster.


6.42: Perseverance is a necessary virtue for any commitment we make either to God or to one another. The requirements of a well lived priestly life certainly needs perseverance. When we fail in our commitments we shouldn’t be definitively judgmental towards one another. We write people off far too easily. There are, it must be stated, some very conscientious and committed young priests who have a preference for the certainties of tradition, the teachings of the Church and preach them without apology. In an a la carte liberalism among some clerics, the conservative younger priests have no place. That’s wrong. Perseverance as a virtue surely also means fidelity to what the Church teaches. Those who courageously proclaim such teachings, in season and out, often against vicious mockery, are to be admired.


Just in case there are any Irish bishops reading this: if you want a monastic foundation for your diocese you would do well to look to the missionary Benedictines of St Ottilien or their female branch, the Tutzing sisters.
They have many hugely flourishing monasteries in English speaking parts of Africa and are making foundations like they’re going out of fashion.
They have two advantages over old rite monastics:
1. You avoid the suppressed gay Nazis and other fascists found in the cosplay trad movement and
2. Mission is their thing.

Did I mention that the idea that Vatican 2 has caused a decline is a complete lie?


I don’t know what your on, but you should check the statistics before and after Vat. II. The decline in vocations and religious congregations since then is phenomenal and the statistics don’t lie!


1:53 You are confusing correlation and causation. You are presenting evidence for correlation but none for causation.

But you won’t understand what I’m talking about, will you?


‘The decline in vocations and religious congregations since then is phenomenal and the statistics don’t lie!’
I think I can help you understand this. I commented yesterday that the death of Marilyn Monroe also preceded the decline you mention. Therefore this decline was caused by the death of Marilyn Monroe.
Does that sound ridiculous?
It’s exactly what you’re saying about Vatican 2. The demonstrable fact that one thing follows another does not indicate the first event caused the second. Rather than just pointing at the statistics and putting your own interpretation on them you’re going to have to produce more evidence that Vatican 2 CAUSED the decline.
Can you?


Hold on, 1.53. That decline in religious vications occurred AFTER the launch of the Austin mini. I think the decline is due to this.

Are you getting the point yet?


3:27 Don’t be silly. It was the Morris Minor.

Thank you for reinforcing the point so accurately. There is no evidence of causation between Vatican 2 and the subsequent decline in church attendance.


How many of these priests living a double life have caused irreversible damage to the lives of the Faithful? For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.


11:38 But you said you can’t allow it to be irreversible. How about you try to THINK before you post these airhead nuggets of faux self help?


@12.53 if somebody has committed suicide that’s generally irreversible.


10:21 they are either living a double life or totally complicit in covering up for their deviant members. Mafia they are headed up by Frankie in the Vatican.


Interesting that perseverance (and commitment) have come up. Perseverance is the act of carrying on especially when the situation you have got yourself into is complete shit, illegal, abusive, wrong for you, and so on.

This is why the church emphasises perseverance and life commitments generally because otherwise more people would leave it, leave their abusive spouses, and so on.

I believe in some religions you can commit to monastic life for a discreet period of time but that wouldn’t be enough for the RCC.


10.46: Perseverance also comes into play by conscientiously living your life as well, faithful and as good as possible, staying on the pathway of “gospel living” despite the awful situations that may say – leave, go, get out. Though I recall once talking with a therapist about ideals, expectations, “perfectionism” and achievements placed on us in various professions and he said such framework of thinking can imprison us in that we keep striving – (persevering) – mostly in our minds – to achieve and be “perfect” but it eventually collapse. You break, you discover your true self and if unable to live with that real truth we find other ways of coping, often with negative results, i.e – drink, addictions, casual relationships..Still, I think perseverance as a virtue is essential but in proper perspective.

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Excellent post 12:06.
Perseverance is the way of thinking. We all have our crosses – Jesus fell three times under his Cross so keep thinking positively. Everyone has their faults, NOBODY is perfect.

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I fully agree.
But remember, even the Master in His weakened disfigured state was assisted by Simon of Cyrene. Long suffering is a fruit of the Holy Spirit.


The Holy Spirit can be gentle as a dove, or rambunctious and unpredictable as a wild goose.
“The Meath Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2022 takes place from 12th to 19th September 2022, led by Most Rev Thomas Deenihan.”
5 days to go until the pilgrimage to Lourdes. Spare a thought for anyone suffering from pilgrimage anxiety, after Tom’s disgraceful treatment of Dom Benedict Andersen.


Seamus, is Dom Benedict Andersen still waiting for a letter of good standing?


Perseverance is not the act of carrying on etc etc. as you have stated in your comment – thats a lie but lots of what you spout about are lies.
For your information perseverance is “the persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success” or “trying to achieve something despite difficulty or discouragement” – that is the truth.


Why…? Why pursue to the ‘very end’? For family members to be re-traumatized? Justice may appear in the lexicon of the Church.
However, in practice, it is as rare as hens teeth!


11.51 Kudos to the Church on presenting such a well packaged facade to the Faithful! Yesterday I went to the bookshop and discovered that besides the usual Catholic statues, medals, etc., they have a wide selection of self-help books on healing and recovery from trauma. What took me by surprise were the books for sale by Buddhist monks and Eckhart Tolle, a well-known author and ‘spiritual teacher’, who promotes a new religion, one which combines the most mystical aspects of every major religion. If the Church is directing the Faithful outside the Christian faith for spiritual guidance then it has completely lost its moral compass. Should survivors of clergy abuse expect help from a Church that is experiencing a crisis of faith? ‘And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?’


1.56 There is a very good chance that we are heading towards a new religious syncretism within the RCC. Perhaps it will evolve into a one world religion led by the Antichrist?


The Church’s well packaged facade to the Faithful is like a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. Are we heading towards a new religious syncretism or plurotheism to include synchromysticism? The phrase something old something new, something borrowed and something blue comes to my mind when I think of the synodal pathway. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?’ Good question!


1:12 When I see those books for sale there I wonder whether it’s a business opportunity?


Oh, I wouldn’t know. I’m not privy to the inner machinations of the RCC.
Apparently some catholic commentators believe it to be the case.
My point of reference is the gospel and the book of revelation including solid catholic commentary rather than half baked notions on end-time concerns.


2.11 The RCC has their fingers in many pies…
Veritas today
Our function is to serve the needs of the Irish Church, so we seek to be alert to the questions and issues that are emerging and try to make resources available that address these, either through our own publications, or by sourcing them from other publishers for whom we are distributors. Veritas is wholly owned by the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference and is governed by an appointed Executive Board. Bishop Brendan Leahy is President of Veritas.


3.09 It says that Veritas can source books from other publishers in order to meet the needs of the ‘Irish Church’ 🙄. So selling books by Buddhists and New Age teachers is how they provide for the needs of the flock. Time to abandon sheep!


It was at a 50 year bash for a man called Fitzpatrick in Melbourne that George Pell spoke in quiet conversation to us about perseverance . Fitzpatrick as a PP in Melbourne returned to his parish house to find his assistant priest had suicided and was in plain sight when he opened the door. George Pell is a very good man. Bill Mulvihill


Any update on why an organization whom you hated so much and left voluntarily should give you a big handout?


12.55 and 2.27: The pitiable reality is that the “unctious” Mulvihill is so disconnected from himself that as ssid yesterday, referencing a quote from Plato ” Wise men speak because they gave something to ssy; fools because they have to say something”. The “something” Bill produces is the very worst of insidious trolling. Saying nothing for the sake of nothing. FOOL indeed he is.


Canon Todd at 2.27pm..Bill never ever answers relevant questions asked of him. He runs for the hills..always. He’s a sham.


5:35 That’s a given. You were already in the club before the books publication. lol


7.27 Veritas on O’Connell street is open. Fintan’s book is at No. 9 on the Veritas bestseller list.


8:10pm Bishop Fintan Monahan, Killaloe. Also see all his social media platforms and UTube presentations etc. Don’t bother emailing or writing to him to seek help with outstanding issues though, he pedals off into the sunset.


Because priesthood offers a perceived alternative to reality. This may cause frustration which leads to such manifestations as the wandering willie syndrome. Butt and it is a big but, I believe the Holy Spirit can use the experience of these new padres to fix the church from the inside out. It does mean taking up the cross and the starting point has to be a strong personal relationship with Jesus who was not rigid but focused and committed to the Kingdom


2.59 I think I may have got up your nose Martin. I shall not quote Plato or indeed Socrates ( would do you good to go and sit under him the Rose Garden at The Botanics in Glass.nevin) back at you….for one thing is sure, you would have to look it up as you did that little sentence. Happy to be a fool if it is that that delineates me from you and you vacuous opinionated clerical orbit . WM


4.17: Now, now Bill. All my student life i had the habit of writing into my folders, which are hundreds at this stage, the writings of poets, philosophers and theology we studied. Plato and Socrates featured often. Seems the quote I quoted got you. Try staying with the subject matter of the day and then you may be ascribed the epithet “Wise One”!!! As of now your contributions are disconnected, discordant and a master in trolling.


Christians of good standing will take up their crosses. Difficult for sure. Staying positive doesn’t mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on the hard days you know that there are better ones coming. ☮️🙏


As mentioned earlier even the Master in His weakened disfigured
state was assisted by Simon of Cyrene. The weight of the cross is
always relative. Following the cross there is always the resurrection.
God’s strength is made perfect in weakness.
”For when I am weak, then He is strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10

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5:45 Well said seamus – difficult situations arise when people have to deal with being harassed and humiliated publicly by non-believers.
These people sure have a heavy cross to carry but by thinking of the
3 Ps – prayer, perseverance and positivity – thats what will help anyone get through their hard days and in time, be able to look forward to better days ahead. God loves everyone and is a forgiving God.


@ 10:03

Difficult situations also arise when victims/survivors have to deal with being harassed and humiliated and re-traumatized by clergy as well as
the wider catholic community. Is positivity a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
Has the clergy and catholic community any role in helping victims/
survivors get through their hard days?

According to Teresa of Avila 1515-1582;
Christ Has No Hands But Our’s
Christ Has No Body
Christ has no body but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
Compassion on this world,
Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good,
Yours are the hands, with which he blesses all the world.
Yours are the hands, yours are the feet,
Yours are the eyes, you are his body.
Christ has no body now but yours,
No hands, no feet on earth but yours,
Yours are the eyes with which he looks
compassion on this world.
Christ has no body now on earth but yours.

But the clergy and catholic community seem exempt from supporting victims /survivors of church abuse. Yes, God loves everyone and is a forgiving God. God is also a God of justice. Even Christ Jesus was supported in carrying His cross.


@7:50 I stand corrected so? it usually looks closed. The one in limerick I pass frequently definitely is but may have relocated. Never in either I’d go up in flames!!!!


If a priest is leading any of the activities outside of the Sunday Eucharistic celebration, it is a leading indicator of clericalism. And inside of the service, the laity should lead as many activities as possible.


Maybe Bishop Pat might write a blog on the difference between clericalism as patently evident in RCC, and priest, ministry and
service, as outlined in the gospels.


1.15: A good suggestion. There are clerics who are fastened to clericalism, with its inherent failures, dangers and unattractiveness. There are also many, many clerics who live the gospel vision of service and shepherding and ignore the piled high, unrealistic ideals of church law and teachings put before us. When you are tuned in to people’s experiences after 30 years +, you learn to walk with them at their level of daily struggles, trials, heartache and suffering. Mostly, what people need is genuine caring and kindness. Didn’t Jesus come into our world precisely to show us THE WAY to live to the best of humanity and his way must be the way of those who shepherds and disciples. This is the wsy through which we allow the Divine take root within us.


1:50pm I have not had the luxury of studying scripture or theology.


1.31 You claim that there are many, many clerics who live the gospel vision of service. Are you resident in Ireland?


And he sat down and called the twelve. And he said to them, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.” Episcopal leaders, as always, must lead by example.


@ 5:49 Walking the talk is the perennial problem of many including Episcopal leaders.


Have you noticed how these young priests like to get themselves enrolled in the chivalric religious orders – Knights of Malta, Holy Sepulchre etc? It gives them even more gear to get dressed up in. Think Dean Kennedy who used to don (probably still does) his order robes and medals whenever he could. There are lots of minor groups as well, especially in England, stuff about Marian shrines, resurrecting old churches, supporting ex-Anglican clergy etc. Maybe they do some good. But the youngsters love all the gear and the ceremony. They lap it up. More excuses to go on ‘pilgrimage’ or to acquire new gear for their clerical wardrobes. Alongside which will be their drawer of Levi 501 jeans and their leather straps and harnesses….. !!


1.50: What would you know, Bill? If you believe what you say now I’m sure you believed your interpretation while part of the presbyterate. So why didn’t you abandon ship before now?. Oh, I remember, you had travel to do, time away, art to purchase, holidays, meals, Down Under adventures…..!! And you needed the financial benefits of priesthood, didn’t you, Bill? And, you got an abundant package, by threat, from Archbishop Martin, to continue to be a
sponger. Hypocrisy flows freely through your veins. Get a grippeen, Billeen.


2.52 You ask a question, the answer ; FEAR; it was well founded; the transition has been very difficult , HOWEVER, I have made it; its not for the fainthearted. I love the Gospels plagiarised from earlier texts, I detest the Putrid RCC structure and its perversion of “The Deposit.” Pius 12 died with those words on his lips; ” Guard the Deposit.” He was not a believer.


2.34 I respect that, if I gave offence in this instance, believe me I did not mean to. Bede Mc Gregor O.P used to say that when you started Theology you were confused, he said when you had finished the 3 years you were still confused but at a higher level. Dear Blogger, you have missed nothing. Michael Ledwith, the most learned of men, unfortunately he never taught me, used to tell the students when they were almost finished the B.D that ” You have read the Thoms, now you will go out and teach for the rest of your lives what you learned at your mothers knee.” That is what Faith is..and I am sure you have it as a treasure . Theology brings one away from GOD, FOR IT IS CONTRIVED TO BACK THE MAGISTERIUM. BILL MULVIHILL ( I am speaking of the RC tradition which is my experience, not anything beyond it).


4:08 pm No offence taken. Personally I think the best place to study theology and scripture is in prayer. I am speaking from my experience.
You seem to draw the ire of many in the priesthood. I wish you well.


3.31: I’m afraid Bill your reason that it was FEAR that kept you in the presbyterate for so long is very limpid. Did you feel trapped? Did you feel imprisoned? Was it only since before making your decision to leave that you said – FEAR kept me inside. There’s nothing wrong with deciding to leave. What’s wrong is the narrative you write now could well have been written 10/15/20 years ago by you. I’m sure like many of us you had the 7 year itch experience. I often felt challenged to the point of wanting to get out but I worked through the challenges with caring advisers. In all the years you were in “fear” to make decisions about your future, you enjoyed all the perks of ministry. All of them, perhaps more than others, from what you say here. Its the utter contempt you display towards the Church which sustained you materially and financially and your grabbing an “undeserved” exit package from the Church, given generously, that renders your criticisms viud. Till you are at least humble in gratitude for what you received and availed of in plenitude , you should exercise a more discerning self awareness.


One very noticeable feature of some commenters who rage against the clerics they regard as queens and dames is the depth of their knowledge about the sub culture of gay life. Their descriptions of clothing apparel, titles given, venues, gay vocabulary and familiarity with queenie jargon is revelatory of their own closeted practices or actual membership of facilitating clubs where “it” all hangs out……ALL…


My knowledge about the sub culture of gay life comes from Bishop Pats blog. I’m not condemning or judging anyone. I’m making a statement of fact. And yes, I note you mentioned ‘some commentators’ in your post.


1.49 It is a sub culture as you call it because for far too long it was driven there by the ( excuse the word but it should be used for all the offensive words used by straights, even yet, for people like me) Breeder Society, period.


‘My knowledge about the sub culture of gay life comes from Bishop Pats blog.’
Well I hope you’re aware of the sheer ignorance and bigotry of many of the comments here about gay life. It is not a reliable source.
The comments section also isn’t a reliable source for the real situation in the church because of the many trolls and clerics settling scores.


So so far today we have
Not wanting the smell of the sheep.
Sexually assaulting tenants.
Intellectual inability, nonexistent education.
Double lives.
Not following the teachings of the denomination they represent.
And this is without all the keeping silence about abuse.
And priests are supposed to retain any respect at all? Perhaps the stated rigidity is an attempt to make up for the total absence of backbone?


3.17: That certainly is a narrative that can be written about some – all too many, sadly. When you collate all revelations there are unpalatable facets but imperative that We acknowledge them so that full truth be stated. In the midst of all of this there are the many who behave and live with great fidelity to Christ and are good pastors. These narratives too must be acknowledged.


3.21: Of course I’m resident in Ireland. Am proud to do so. And Yes, I sense the cynicism. BUT – I know there are many priests and religious and lay faithful who truly live the gospel vision of service and ministry. THEY are the ones who initially inspired me and who continue to encourage me to walk with them. I meet such people, I’ve worked with them. They are of Christ. They keep me on the straight and narrow.


3.45 Perhaps I was being cynical but at the same time curious to know where I may find these clerics? I do hope there are many of them as you claim. My experience with Catholic clerics in Ireland has made me into a skeptic. An inspirational book I bought yesterday at Veritas: ‘To Raise the Fallen’ A selection of the War letters, Prayers and Spiritual Writings of Fr Willie Doyle SJ, Compiled & Edited by Patrick Kenny. It would be nice to believe that clerics like Fr Doyle exist today…

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Yes, the Fr Doyle story is nice. But he and it come out of a spirituality that was full of self-loathing, self-abasement and all that nonsense about seeking martyrdom. How unhealthy is that ? He was a man of his time, but that kind of silly sacrificial spirituality was damaging and so childish. If he were alive today, he would minister I hope in a completely other way and have a different spirituality, which would be more rooted in the here and now, and firmly grounded in a sensible emotional, psychological, sexual and spiritual reality. I can hear someone telling me that Fr Hugh Thwaites SJ was, likewise, a holy man who gave his all. I knew him. He was nuts ! Did good stuff in some ways, but was completely bonkers, telling people they would go to hell if they didn’t say their rosary every nice. Even to children ! Colourful, entertaining, but uncomfortable and somewhat unhinged. I guess Fr Doyle would have been a bit like that.


Nobody bothered to teach me there was such a thing as a rosary 60 years ago, that’s how important it has never been. BTW I still can’t count while I’m praying.


Fr Willie Doyle SJ had a nervous breakdown while in formation yet was the bravest on the Western Front armed with nothing but the tools of a priest (Ritual, cross, oils, Rosary) and words. An example to anyone who starts nervous and uncertain.


Were they living the Gospel when they remained publicly mute about the bishops’ mishandling child sexual abuse by priests?


Of course they weren’t, 4:16. It is impossible to live the gospel in a church with their history.
The gospel they refer to conveniently omits this fact and posits their faith as something that props up the edifice.
This is why they’re a cult.


4.01: Mr. Mulvihill yet again avoids the contradictions off his narratives. He breezes over the truth that he belonged for many years to the Church He now abhors. He, in his silence, in his garnering all benefits, material, financial and otherwise, in his enjoying opportunities for travel, art, fine dining, theatre and entertainment, in his obliviousness to abuses and wrongs and scandals, contributed to the sub culture as much as he accuses others of doing so. Until he addresses his own moral hypocrisy and answers questions put to him about the financial package he received and corroborated the scurrilous accusations he makes about many so menacingly. When he accounts for these matters then he can speak with some integrity and honour.


5.33 If anonymous comments like this continue from cowards in the shadows Bishop, I shall simply disengage.


4.16 I was never silent…check with the people of Ardee and Collon to say nothing of Monasterboice. The people love to criticise the RCC but when they realise the priest can outflank them in derision of the RCC; they are appalled!!!! Now get real in my regard. 7×7×7


7.54 Its not a promise Dick-Head and contrary to all the nonsense before…I never promised on this Blog to anything. Not a place of Truth except my own comments and some others, period.


7.43: So Bill, you did what most clerics did: You got angry in your homilies and took the side of the victims/survivors and condemned the very “awfuk” “revkless”
Bishops. Be truthful. You weren’t out in public platforms…You weren’t a Pat Buckley, a man who was always there and who spoke out. Don’t try to pull that stunt and pretence over us. Really!! The majority of clerics hadn’t a clue. Along with you.


Really! ‘You did what most clerics did: You got angry in your homilies and took the side of the victims/survivors and condemned the very “awfuk” “revkless” Bullshit! In all my years I never heard a priest taking the side of victims/survivors in homilies.
“The majority of clerics hadn’t a clue.” Really !! More total complete utter bullshit!! If you extrapolate numbers abused on this little Island of Ireland lots of people must have known including clergy of various ranks. It is not credible to claim the majority of clerics were clueless. Ever hear of the professional grapevine. Fellows like you are unwittingly projecting on to
Bill Mulvihill your own troubled consciences for not speaking out while continuing to lap up all the perks of the priesthood in these troubled and troubling times. But hey, the talk shop synod will sort all troubles out !!


@5.56 Your comment, correspondent, is not in the least amusing. It is tired, poorly expressed and much repeated prose. Good goodness sake, have something novel and interesting to say if you are to engage further with this blog.



Your wish is my command. I wonder what interest you have in McAleer? Your use of the word “tired” suggests the cleric’s use of Grindr is well known to you. Perhaps this is your ‘interest’? You weak individual.

Go and do some philanthropic work. It is much more fulfilling and spiritually nourishing than ass-licking down-and-out cowboy clergy. I will pray for some clarity and lucidity to come over your dense intellect. I hope you get better soon.


Is this you, Pat? It appears someone thinks they have the shout over free speech on your blog.


Scotland is full of these rigid young priests who are definitely not going to inspire kids to come back.


@ 6.30pm – Bp Pat – a disgraceful defence of the cleric. It sounds like a threat by whoever the contributor is: “have something novel and interesting to say if you are to engage further with this blog”. Shame on them.


Blogger – I know victims. Agree with sentiments u express. Didn’t realise support was so forthcoming! Willing to meet to discuss.


Francis is always angry, particularly when he beatified JP1 (who genuinely could smile unlike Francis) to a handful of Italians. His animus to the future doesn’t matter too much. The Spirit of V2 is dying with him. The pain he is suffering can cause that anger but sufferers learn to rise above it and not lash out. Pray for him and all ill priests.

A priest who is a slovenly no no mark (why so older priests so slovenly in how they dress?), a category so loved in Rome is useless. It is not humility, just projects not caring. The Saints of old could go about in rags but were able to preach beautifully sometimes by words. The ACP boomer types are themselves hypocrites who just want a small nice community of upper middle class people. Fr Sean Healy lover of fancy cars who used to ritually call for high taxes which wouldn’t really matter for someone who is looked after, is representative of the type. Fintan O’Toole (someone who’s at best a guide to what are the best sausage roles given how he looks in reality) who once wanted to be a priest when young, is a lay version.


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