


Dear Eamon,

I enclose a letter I received in the post and wanted to ask you for a comment / response.



Dear Pat,​

I refer to your email of earlier today, 26th August 2022, which included a copy of a letter which you received in the post.

There is no basis for the accusations set out within the letter. They are entirely without foundation, untrue and designed to simply cause scandal and upset.

I would be grateful if you could advise as to whether the author of the letter has identified themselves to you so that I can consider the legal remedies open to those identified by it.​

Yours Sincerely,



Dear Eamon,

I received it anonymously in the post.

I believe it is from an Armagh priest.

I’m told it is circulating among the Armagh priests and others.



I regularly get these kinds of letters from priests and others.

In justice and fairness I cannot just accept them at face value without supporting evidence.

In this case I emailed EM to ask him about the matter. As you can see, he completely denied the allegations in the letter – allegations of bullying.

Obviously he considered legal action against the writer – perhaps on behalf of the other person mentioned – a lay person.

I was sincerely not able to help him with the writer’s identity – as I did not know the identity.

In any event, as a journalist, I would protect my sources.

It’s very important to try and provide evidence and or witnesses whenever we make an allegation.

It is also good practice to give accused parties the right of reply.

Sadly the church and clergy often refuse to comment or engage.

In this instance, Eamon Martin is to be complimented for his swift reply.

If this was RCC practice they would encounter much less misunderstanding and criticism.



My opinion of Eamon is shifting. He was courteous in correspondence with Mulvihill and has been good in responding to you.


So, this guy, Blackal, despite being described as a priest, wasn’t really a priest, since he had been ‘never lawfully called, nor made minister by any bishop’. Am I right?

What does ‘truded’ mean? Anyone? I tried looking up this Middle English word, but could find no entry for it. Clearly, a now-redundant word.


It’s probably short for “extruded”.

I once heard about some people who had been promised (I forget by whom) that they were going to be “inserted into” the church.


In English you can intrude (thrust yourself in) or extrude something (force it out), from the Latin trudere, to thrust. So as you say, a defunct word meaning thrust or forced.
He’d forced himself into the priesthood, intruded into the presyterate, or thrust himself into the clerical state.


Pat, a few weeks ago, I asked you to pray for my deceased father, David, and you very kindly did.
My younger brother, David Jnr, is very ill in hospital. Would you mind praying for him, too?


In the late 15 th century at Merton College one Richard Holt was accused at a “scrutiny” of the “frequent game of tennis in public places” (Dyan Elliott says).


I am on the cusp of declaring Amy Martin to be rather a good egg, but his threat of legal remedy is holding me back.
What did Jesus say about interpersonal grievances, courts, offerings and altars?


Pat himself encourages his victims to seek legal remedies. If they don’t they are deemed guilty. If they do they are ridiculed. A perfect sadomasochistic formula.


This appears to be a no brainer. Why waste time energy and effort
on anonymous accusations or allegations. Those making accusations
either put up by naming themselves or shut up. Jesus said lots of things which the hierarchy conveniently forget when the occasions suit such as millstones little ones and harm.


My favorite bible passage is the one where Jesus says to the crowd that if anyone disses them they should take them to court, before he hands out cards for ambulance chasing lawyers.


12.06: I have always thought Archbishop Martin to be a kindly man, courteous and reasonable. With Mulvihill’s shenanigans against him, he came up trumps and honourably. In responding to Pat he is swift and ciurtdiys. He too, the Archbishop, has to be very careful and circumspect in accepting any anonymous complaints via a third person who insists in protecting his sources. Why would any person allow themselves be drawn into Pat’s spiders web? Well donevagain Archbishop. Why are you Pat playing games with an anonymous letter? Some priests are deserving of a tough response sometimes from their Bishop.


Are you suggesting being kind courteous and reasonable while swiftly responding to correspondence might merit some form of ecclesiastical canonization? I suspect episcopal leaders check the veracity of anonymous accusations just in case a legal web looms on the horizon.
Why are clergy playing games with the lives of victims/survivors?

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9.35: Don’t ascribe assumptions or judgments to my comment which are figments of your imaginative script. I assert that the Archbishop is kind, caring and reasonable. After that you have other issues.


10:47: Can I just say, being kind caring and reasonable are not exactly unusual character traits in secular society. An unkind uncaring and unreasonable employer might end up in the labour court if employees were treated in a despicable deplorable abusive manner. Replying to correspondents in a professional role is simply good manners. In relation to figments of imaginative or unimaginative scripts or other issues, can I just say, most if not all human beings have issues. It’s a component of being human. Maybe the ecclesiastical world operates in a sphere above us mere mortals.


11.37: I merely stated in my original comnent that the Archbishop is a kind, courteous and reasonable man. I stand by that assertion. The rest of your comment is an overload.


Playwright credited with exposing truths about Magdalene Laundries in Ireland has passed away. Rest in peace.


Presumably she’ll ask for a humanist funeral, as did that Irish abortion-promoting lawyer who died recently.


12.05 Presumably what’s it to a paedophile protecting catlick like yourself, Father/Sister/Staff/Volunteer


May Patricia rest in peace, Amen.
Condolences to her family, relatives and friends.


A good woman gone to her eternal reward. Rest in peace Patricia.


Eamon Martin prob failed to reply to the complainant in the first instance…. but has done so so often that he doesn’t know which one has now surfaced.
Ramon Martin has no place in the priesthood.
Nice to see them acknowledge your Bishopric tho.


Modeh Ani….the primate is wanting to know the identity of the writer coming against him so he writes to.the Bishop for information; interesting from one who pushes priests around on the phone about complaints against them, never having the decency to say who is complaining ( except his friend odious Denis Mulroy!). What a bag of tricks is this E. Martin Boyo…and his VG a not much better…henchmen. William Mulvihill


6.55: The eternal ungrateful brat is out of the traps early. Bill, with all you have written in a vindictive, ugly and violent nature in your scripts, you must have been a super bully. We know you were. Your expressed hatred for Archbishop Martin is sinful, immoral and reprehensible. Totally unwarranted. You, au contraire, are deserving of all contempt for your poisonous rhetoric. Are we going to witness more of your tantrums today. In your last battle with the good, decent Archbishop, played out here recently, you destroyed your already diminished integrity. The Archbishop’s s integrity shone brightly. Shadow man of darkness, come into the LIGHT.


Martin, martin, martin! Your ministry seems to consist of full time rants against a former colleague, while pointing out bullying as well as highlighting the integrity of your superior. Martin, take your own advice, ‘come into the Light’. Who do you say you are, Martin?


9.17 He who laugh s last laugh s loudest. I do realize that in the Middle Ages, your organisation preached that laughter is from the Devil. I am back to my old self again after the RCC trashing…I laughed with Krisna ( his mother is Dutch, his father Chinese) so many times in The Fat Fox this morning..around 7.15..
Guess you were still slothful at that hour.


6:55am Exactly Bill, Eamon Martin only replied in the hope of obtaining the name of the letter writer so he could destroy them. All the Irish Bishops and their cohorts are evil, corrupt bastards living like Kings in their posh palaces & with multiple holiday homes and luxurious and self indulgent lifestyles. They couldn’t care less what harm to the vulnerable that their clergy & lay staff & volunteers are doing, they just want to shut everyone up & these Bishops threaten legal action and also use underhand means to pervert the course of justice.

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Ah, clergy bullying ! Like everything else to do with the clergy, there is nothing new. Bullying by priests and bishops has been around forever – bishops bullying priests, parish priests bullying their curates, priests bullying lay employees etc. However, like so much of the underbelly of the clerical beast – like sexual abuse, sexual incontinence, financial irregularity, dysfunctional clerical behaviour and lifestyle – it has been brought to the light and cannot be ignored any more. In the behaviour and bullying stakes, the increasing appointment of lay chief executives in dioceses and the regularisation and implementation of employment and other policies, which are seen as the norm in the secular world of work, means that there is now a process that can be followed in cases of clergy misbehaviour such as bullying. Church lay employees have also recognised that their clergy have feet of clay and can be wrong, as well as having a decreasing deference and respect for clergy generally, so they are willing to escalate complaints given that there is now a mechanism and a process. I would expect in most cases the lay chief executive who is dealing with the complaint will do all in his power to ensure that the process follows the informal route, usually meaning the parties get together and come to some sort of accord with some kind of recognition of misbehaviour and apology by the priest as part of the process. This keeps it out of a formal more legal route, and probably out of the public knowledge / press. I know of several cases where senior clergy have had to apologise for their behaviour to other clergy, parishioners and staff. Thankfully, the days of the clergy ruling the roost and being unaccountable have gone, by and large. As Cpl Jones said, however, “they don’t like it up ’em”. Mostly…..!


I suspect there are a few senior clergy who are worried now that this matter of bullying has raised its head of + Pat’s blog. Will they get named ? Will they be shamed ? They may have been able to keep their pecker in their pants over the years, but have they been able to control their behaviour and their anger as well ? All could be revealed. Watch this space !


8:57 Parish priest is an unmerciful bully, doesn’t indulge in sexual activity but his frustration is taken out everywhere else.


9:06 yes, like the Priest sticking his bottom out the curtain in the gay sauna for the passing Bishop featured on this blog last week.


Eamon Martin is someone who I see often. I will say this: he is someone who means well. His biggest problem is the farcical behaviour of 2/3 of his priests which no bishop could control. Once this is remedied, he will be a happier man.


4.46: Pat, you always love to exaggerate. Stop being a serial despiser of Archbishop Martin. Come on, show respect to The Archbishop.


7.59 Check with anyone who observed Eamon Martin doing a Prince Philip to His Majtsyy Sean Brady on any of their sightings together over the days of the Eucharistic Games in Dublin 2018. Eamon Martin, very cleverly stayed in another hotel apart from his Episcopal brothers and sisters..


In fact Bill, I collected you from that hotel. While waiting for you John Buckley of Cork gave me a prayer card saying: “I give this card to every bishop I meet”.


7:59 is doing the thing which is either a psychological trick to avoid facing the reality or a PR trick to avoid telling other people the reality, of minimizing the problem. The sad thing is 7:59 might actually think there are only two or three problematic priests.
It’s exactly the same thing as saying that abuse was carried on by a few bad apples.
Or as misusing the statistic about the proportion of priest abusers being the same as in any other walk of life. It conveniently ignores the fact that 100% of bishops covered it up, and that there were peaks of abuse in some places.
Another one is to place the problem away from where you are, like the comments here saying abusers wear polyester.
What is clear is the church is still nowhere near ready to admit it has a problem and so I can promise you the scandals won’t be over for decades yet.


9.35 Thank you Pat….there is a USA bishop who featured on this Blog…I had a strained conversation with him when I heard him declare ” we are the victims ” to two other bishops…I tore strips off him and took his photograph…he has since resigned in disgrace and made this Blog. Will send photos later Pat. Thank you again. Bill


@7:59 Surely the clerical tail cannot wag the hierarchical dog? There must be canons to cover for farcical behaviour. If so, are they being implemented? If not; why not..?


Anonymous allegations of bullying and/or other issues are just that. Correctly Pat you didn’t publish and did the right thing.
Unfortunately like a number of other readers here I am not prepared to judge Eamon Martin until further evidence. He came out of the Bill Mulvihill issue quite well. Bill had plenty of moaning about Eamon but had absolutely no evidence. You published his letters which showed Bill to be an angry, spoilt child and made Eamon look like a saint. Eamon certainly has a few naughty priests under his umbrella but I’d say there’s no bishop in Ireland without these problems.


Well said sir. I have not always agreed with you but you are fair minded like myself. You are quite correct about the archbishop. He cMe out good in the AM letters. The number of posts regarding that proves it. WM rambles on and makes no sense. “So and so is a good man” . He is certainly got boulders on hi shoulders.
I have no doubt that PB will not publish this about his good friend.
Garngad Lad


Thanks GL. WM rambles on non stop. And it’s all caca. Throws out atrocious allegations with no evidence. Like another commenter on here he is absolutely obsessed with one person but has been shown throughout as having been an absolute pup while the object of his ire has come out looking like a gent. Flat in Greystones me hole, I’d have gotten him a council house in Moyross


10:21 Bullshit he can, his name isn’t Flan Costello! Can’t wait to go dancing in the Tavern again!


8:28 you are an unadulterated snob Canon Todd, making derogatory comments about the socially disadvantaged and vulnerable residents of Bruach na Sionna in Castleconnell the other day & now making comments about one of the most deprived areas of Limerick City in Moyross. Shame on you Canon.


Who’s this Flan? Is he another Flan pal of Fr Ger Fitzgerald? More fellas connected to Killaloe named Flan than you could shake a stick at?
The name is short for St Flannan of Killaloe.


11.45 Flan Costello is a publican. I wouldn’t be worried about Flan. I’d be more worried about Bernard.


12.04 if a priest is on here saying Flan Costello isn’t to worry about & diverting the attention to Bernard, it’s worth looking into…….


8.04 ” Appearances mock reality” W.B. Years. God help you if you go by appearances. My conversation of one and a half hours at the Clayton Airport Hotel in March 2019 was recorded by my Apple device and an old dictaphone. I may well yet put it up on YouTube for all to hear the three veiled threats. It will eventually be heard…when I choose. Bill Mulvihill


9.18 It is the reason I refused to meet his three ” demands” to meet again. They were not invitations because the Bastard was sure I was returning to his tit.


I advised my wife to record a meeting with her line manager and another colleague. They were both attempting to create a situation which would pave the way towards constructive dismissal. The secret recording subsequently proved crucial particularly when minutes of meeting
were written up.


I have taken an interest in this blog only recently because of who I have been told, is a regular on same. I take offence to a comment made at 12:04pm today mentioning the name of a relation of mine, on a public blog, on a few occasions. I have shown this comment to others and they have told me who the culprit is. She has no permission whatsoever to talk about, or publish this name or indeed anyone’s name, out of the blue, on a public blog. I will be checking this further.


8:04 Bless the good people of Bruach na Sionna, Castleconnell trying to pay their bills and survive. No Bishops or Priest cushty numbers for them in these challenging times with soaring food & energy bills & threats of winter power cuts.


@11.21/10.09 no snobbery was intended whatsoever and I apologize if came across so. I come from a council estate myself. My points were (a) Bruach na Sionna looks shook and (b) Moyross real estate is a lot cheaper than Greystones.


12.10: It’s more than creepy. There’s something of the night darkness about Bill. Something stinks about his life. I dare him to print the taped conversations. All the promises made about so many things are just that – empty words. We are dealing with a whacko boyo in Bill.


Recent events on this blog have not gone unnoticed at Westborne. Fintan’s book may be number 9 in the charts but he has a lot on his plate


8.20: The only discernible bastardo on this blog is Mulvihill and a monstrous one. His absurdities, caca, abuse of others, constant bitching, tittle tattle, colossal ego, untruths, and obvious unwellness ensure he’ll be unemployable in any respectable company or business. Many of us have wished him well and asked him to act carefully, respectfully and intelligently. I wonder if Bill required a reference from his former employer, would he take legal action to force the kindly Archbishop to write one?


10.04 This is a Republic now…distancing itself from Theocracy. Your kind don’t hold all the sway they think they do….unwell ? I choose it so. Alot better than your ” health.” Lol


8.17 Pat, you are censoring me heavily today! All I want to know is whether Fintan is actually doing something or not? 😂.


I think you will have to rely on the Guards for that. If any of Fintans people are threatening you put that in writing to him and give a copy to the Guards.


12.12 I am being threatened because of the actions of a Killaloe priest named Fr Ger Fitzgerald. Fintan has evidence of same. Doesn’t the Bishop have an obligation to try and protect a parishioner in his own Diocese? If he doesn’t want to help me, that’s fine, but at least let him do something for the sake of Killaloe Diocese™️.


Fintan should be calling GF pronto and threatening his paycheck if his goons are intimidating your Karen. What have they done now exactly?


Because pat stated a couple of weeks ago that comments will only be approved on the subject of the blog that day.
Why don’t you contact Fintan Karen if you want to know, ah that’s right he blocked you on all social media.
Oat doesn’t have the answer if he did he would of blogged about it by now.


And besides there’s was no threats posted in comments the other night, you were called on a few home truths that you clearly handle when you dish it out, but I’m not surprised you can’t seem to take rejection either.
Your lacking some something in the brain, common sense mostly and a bit of cop on.


8:17 This blog does wonders for the careers of some Killaloe priests such is Fintans paranoia with same. Mickey Casey one of the Westie twins & Mick what’s the story in Scariff Collins have been promoted on the back of Buckley’s Blog recently.


8.28.And you have just exposed your values for what they really are. What allegations would you like me to explicitate further on please?


10.04 I have no need of a reference from anyone..ever. My name own good where it matters….in this word and the next. God is good. Sybaris, Formosis, The Little Prince, Shimon, Insecticus….


Karen , Fintan blocked you on all social media and you created fake profiles to continue to stalk. He won’t entertain a psycho like you.

Something seriously wrong in your brain love.

Fintan has nothing to do with you your not he’s responsibility in any shape or form. You burnt your bridges with the church.

I think you’ll find it’s you dishing out threats to people on and off the blog and crying for the guards whenever someone says boo back.

I posted the local guardai number the other night, your welcome to give them a call you’ll be in for a reality check.


Now ye will excuse means I grind my Burundi Mutana coffee beans in my Commandante Grinder….you can purchase those beans at Catalyst in Bray as I did yesterday morn on the dot of 7.00. Talk after coffee…..the Devils drink.


8.28 I assure you, it is not a Flat. It has the most wonderful sea views…best in Greystones.


You are not far from Beechwood avenue Billy. Lots of nice artwork on the walls.
Good company, of which, you are not invited.
Toodle-oo my dear!


10.39 Aussie ass I am after…and not stuck for company!!!! Good looking South African guys in Greystones…in fact the gene pool is to Michelangelo s mathematical formula for beauty ? Are you familiar?


10.39 Martin Dixon,you always give yourself away…you are the only person ever in all my life to call me Billy….now you can disguise yourself….do you still smoke Havana s? THAT is not a cigar Blogger!!!! Lol lol


10:39 Bill has very good reasons to be not “bovvered”, ya big child, Father. You only read on this blog what we WANT you to read.


10.39: Greystones and Ranelagg are worlds apart..One is a class act Gombeen, the other has “class”. The conflicts over art down under is intriguing. I know.


9.06 ” Are we there yet, are we there yet…?” Later met….a bientot….the coffee was evil.and divine.


No Armagh priest will blog here today…he has quashed all dissent or opposition….he rules by fear…the worst Archbishop of Armagh since the hatchet man centuries ago…thank God Dermot Farrell has a saving grace in Dublin…Cashel is a waste of space and Francis Duffy has a vow of silence….no wonder Archbishop Eamon Conway is headed for the most isolated city on Earth.


Bill, In case you do not know Archbishop Martin is excellent at care for his dying Brother Priests and visits them reguarly all over Ireland.
However tonight is was one of his own brother priests reception and Requiem tomorrow
Very Rev. Fr. Sean Quinn, late of Parochial House Tallanstown and Louth Village Parish. September 7th, 2022. Peacefully at Moorehall Lodge, Ardee.
Requiem Noon tomorrrow


It is well known in the world of psychoanalysis that Judges are extremely submissive sexually….as a direct result of the power they exercise in their professional lives. Corollary in clergy life…but if I say anymore the good of it will be dismissed…search it out if you are interested.


Corollary in clerical life? Sexual submissiveness??

Boys-o-boys! ‘Tis a wonder, then, that ANY children were raped by priests.


10:07 indeed often to be found with an Orange stuck in their gob & having their bottoms whipped like that politician years ago found dead with Orange stuck in his mouth.


Stephen Mc Laughlinn of Derry, probably the nicest guy in my Ordination year can tell you of Eamon Martins cruelty. Stephen left during Martin s Reign Of Terror in Derry.


Stephen is happily partnered with a beautiful woman now. I met him in the Point years ago…he had a beautiful woman in toe as I did…Orla was so good looking..I could have swapped sides….Stephen had the finest “Derry air” in all of Christendom….an incredibly attractive guy… lucky Lady! Bill


He is a decent person. If he’s the same person, I believe he worked at Bank of Ireland for a short while before he came off the path.


11.33 That is Stephen. He floated above all the rest of us in Maynooth…no nonsense, none. A lovely guy. BILL MULVIHILL


Of course, that 1571 clergyman Blackal was a Protestant vicar in the “Church of England” under the so-called Virgin Queen and an Anglican so-called “Archbishop of Canterbury”.


Never heard of a church of England in inverted commas, and, likewise, an archbishop of Canterbury.😕 Must be novel ecclesial categories.


Eugene Sweeney employed John Mc Vey. Even that is worth a Blog. John took a title to himself in the later years of Brady. Bollox Martin whipped it from him when he took power.


Of course Amy of Armagh is bffs with the authoritarian Tom Ryan, Lugs right hand man in Gulag Ennis Presbytery. They both cut their teeth in Derry where Ryan started out. Birds of a feather…


Interesting story in Killaloe. Lugs has pulled off a coup in getting a local County Councillor Mark Nestor FF to sign up for the Diocese. Very well liked and respected! Don’t envy him what he is facing.. but best of luck to him anyway. Will Church politics be easier than Clare County Council life? Lugs missed out on assistant county manager permanent deacon Rev Leonard Cleary who fled the ‘Westies’ aka the Casey brothers and had to go to Cloyne.


@1.29pm Thank you for your optimism, destroyed by nasty cynicism. You should send your congratulations and express hope about this man’s vocation.


I’m sure there was no ‘coup’ and that the man made up his own mind to enter. The drama of the Killaloe people would sicken and drive you from the blog. Best wishes and blessings to the new student.


Mark Nestor.. interesting family.. was v close to ex father ger fitz and was part of the Chloughleigh ghetto gang …


Nice man, and definitely not part of yhe ghetto gang of cloughleigh. Far from it. There are a few good people there ha know.


Why would you turn this news into something negative. Be grateful that this man has made the decision to enter into religious life and pray for him.


He is not entering religious life. He is entering tge secular priesthood.


Vocations are needed, well done to Mark and the Diocese of Killaloe. I wish him every good wish on his journey.


Please, Pat, can we stop the Karen v Ger conflict being played out on the blog. It has deteriorated into a form of madness, and it has become maddening.
No, I am not one of Ger’s friends. I have never met the man and hope never to do so.
Please, Pat. This has gone on far too long.


We pray for a wonderful woman and human being, The Supreme Governor of The Church Of England , Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a true Hero. ( Not heroine)

Gay DC man accused of embezzling millions in COVID funds to buy house and yacht
Kenneth Gaughan is also accused of embezzling more than $400,000 from the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington.
By Rhuaridh Marr.
” A gay D.C. resident and former official for the Catholic Archdiocese of Washington has been accused of illegally obtaining over $2 million in funds intended to held small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.”


@7.44 He won’t be able to keep his big mouth shut. He has a negative public image. He is likely the one who made the comment about the colour of Harry’s child. He didn’t take a recent opportunity to apologise for the Britain’s role in the slave trade. He accepted a stack of cash from a Qatari billionaire. He has too many political views and he’s a tad thick.


8.12 I am not a fan of Charles. He may just rise to the occasion, but who knows what the future holds in store for him—the last monarch named Charles made a deathbed conversion to Catholicism!


He certainly is not thick. There is no evidence he or anyone else made a comment about the colour of Harry’s child. On the contrary, Meg’s mother accompanied her to the Windsor chapel and Prince Charles (now King Charles) escorted her down the aisle. If that was not welcoming her into the Royal family, I don’t know what is.
Even if true, I don’t see what the problem is. It is natural to ask what the colour of the baby’s hair or eyes is going to be.
Garngad Lad


His father was an unadulterated racist and Charles is similarly capable of committing what some others would dress up as gaffes.
You are right, most people do inquire about baby’s hair and eye colour but not the colour of their skin. There are numerous articles claiming that he is the royal who made these comments.
Some people equate a posh accent with intelligence and you may be confusing the connection.


What a most gracious, perceptive and wonderful Monarch she was. Inspired millions and her legacy will be spoken of for generations and centuries to come. A truly remarkable lady. God will indeed be justly kind to her. (8.12 is a plonker).


I have no particular issue with QE. It’s the progeny. Thick as mince, living lavish lifestyles while millions struggle to survive in the 21st century in a country where the divide between rich and poor is disgusting.


@ 9:59pm

You know who forgot to check google it’s not RIP HRH it’s RIP Her Majesty She was a truly wonderful sovereign, May she rest in peace.
We didn’t need Martha’s cheerleader to remind us of that


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