

I have been a priest for 46 years and I have never broken, or was tempted to break, the Seal of Confession.

I have heard stories of priests breaking the Seal and passing on information about seminarians to seminary authorities or about priests to bishops.

A priest or bishop who breaks the Seal of Confession is AUTOMATICALLY EXCOMMUNICATED and in my understanding that censure is reserved to the pope.

I do not know if the civil authorities in Ireland or the UK would attempt to force a priest to break the seal of Confession?

It would certainly be a major step for the Church and priests to contend with.

If that happened I think the Church would have to encourage penitents to confess inaudibly to the priest and then the priest to pronounce absolution audibly.


It is important to remember that only God forgives, not the priest.

The priest, as minister of the Sacrament, only pronounces the words of absolution.


On one or two occasions in my 46 years I have heard things in Confession that made me feel that the penitent had further work to do on a matter discussed and on the question of restitution. This was always resolved in a kind, compassionate and mutually agreeable way.

I have never, ever, refused anyone absolution.

I too, and all priests, enter the Confessional as sinners.

161 replies on “THE SEAL OF CONFESSION.”

9:55 Said with the “confidence” of being a member of the ultimate protector of abusers of all kinds – The Roman Catholic Church and its complicit networks. Disgusting cabal.
No wonder everyone that hasn’t a job or business of some kind connected to you keep well clear. Dangerous Mafia you are one and all.


it will be remembered by readers of this blog that the seal of confession can be weaponised against priest-whistleblowers, as it was by Tom Deenihan and Silverstream priory in the case of Dom Benedict Anderson. The Holy See eventually forced Deenihan to clear Benedict of that bogus charge, as reported on this blog, but it could have been easily used as an excuse to laicise him. The only thing Deenihan and Co. have left against Benedict is simply to withhold an attestation of good standing, without any explanation (which is in is itself a further character assassination)… not that I understand why Anderson would want to continue to serve in a rotten church which has repeatedly victimised him.


While I admire your dedication and discretion that’s not entirely true either and you weren’t excommunicated because you broke your seal you were ex communicated because people ratted you out !


Actually he was excommunicated automatically as a result of seeking episcopal ordination without a papal mandate.
TBH that’s a fantastic way to get excommunicated.

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9:56 why are paedophile priests not excommunicated by the Pope? Was Bishop Eamon Casey formally excommunicated by the Pope or did he go back to the Vatican to teach John Paul II how to dance The Walls of Limerick and the Siege of Ennis as promised?


4:03 Exactly. And they’re not stopped from receiving communion either. It’s almost as if it isn’t a sin and a scandal.


Some priests might keep the seal the majority are so immature, chaotic and indiscreet that among themselves they break the seal – confidentially and the seal is a myth like celibacy is a myth.

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Are priests who sexually abuse little children and cause their victims to commit suicide excommunicated.?
The priest who continue saying mass in the full knowledge that their is was cover up should also be excommunicated. They are very quick to excommunicate people who use contraceptives not recognised by them and women who are traumatised and have an abortion also same sex partners and people in second relationships are also excommunicatex.


No. They are not excommunicated.

Only those who threaten the power are excommunicated.


5:08 or more accurately threaten their wealth. Their one true God is money and property and they will kill if necessary to protect those interests on behalf of themselves and their thieving cabal that prey mercilessly on the sick and disabled.


There is a case of a priest- not in Ireland – being canonically investigated for breaching the seal. All the evidence was strong but his “pal” the archbishop leaned on the canonists – it remained a kind of “not proven” 🤷🏾‍♂️


You say you have heard of the seal being broken, and obviously in some of the examples you give, like in seminary, presumably the authorities knew that the seal was broken.
Has anyone ever heard of a priest actually being excommunicated for it?


Reply to Anonymoussays:
Sep 11, 2022 at 12:16 am
The excommunication happens automatically. Your not notified, Presumably, everyone is meant to be aware of the reasons for excommunication, which I doubt. I guess if you are a Roman Catholic priest and violate some of the code then it happens officially.


2:08 More BS, zero transparency, no wonder some of the auld ones are bent over from all that ducking and diving. Wouldn’t it just be easier to tell the TRUTH.


Why are certain priests in St Pats allowed to quiz young men during the sacrament of confession about their masturbation habits?

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Because that’s what it’s all about. If going into a cupboard to tell your sins to a guy who pretends to be celibate hadn’t brought home the full ‘get in the van I have candy’ nature of this, the questions asked should do.


Rply toTad perversesays:
Sep 11, 2022 at 1:21 am
Simply, because they are getting off on it. Let me tell you the same interrogation happens to women, again for the sexual gratification of the Roman Catholic priest hearing Confessions. Not all priests will quiz you, find one who will not, for God’s sake they are at it themselves, and more……


1:21 that’s disgusting. I went to Knock about 4 years ago thinking I might let bygones be bygones and try to reconnect with the church. I went into that big church building & waited my turn for confession. I told the priest aged in his mid to late 30s that I hadn’t been to confession in 20 years & he tore into me about what a big sin that was. I didn’t even know about this blog then until a friend you had helped gave me the details. I was very upset walking around Knock for the rest of the day & I pray at home but don’t go to church. No doubt some priest will come on here & abuse me & say it’s “Makey up”, a word they seem to use when attacking people seeking help and support from this blog but there it is. That’s my experience. That young priest made me feel bad when I was hoping to just say my confession. That’s me done. My family were livid when they saw how downcast I was when I returned home.


I believe that any Priest that betrays a lay persons confession should be executed for his perfidious actions.


MODEH ANI It perpetuates and fortifieys the Keys: the Ontological Myth; that the priestly caste are the manner and path to the Divine; the necessity of Sacramental life for salvation; Antiquated, period. William Mulvihill

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5.54: More proof that you, Bill, lived a big LIE knowingly but were too attached to your comforts, money and all benefits yo give a f**k. Stop trying to hoodwink us into believing you were a living saint!! Au contraire, you were a living nightmare for many by your obnoxious and unciuth behaviour.. Get real.


12:12pm what is your name? This blog crawling with shady priests & volunteers letting it all hang out & pretending to be living Saints in public. Dangerous Hypocrites & back stabbers covering up for wrong doing.


12:12 Childish and unrealistic comments. When one takes his education, experience, qualifications and length of service into account the then Fr William Mulvihill was seriously shortchanged by his Bishop and I was shocked to read that he had to pay his own legal costs. I speak from experience in handling these cases for many years in the business world. There is also a case for former clergy struggling to get their lives back on track but with the added stigma of having been part of a by now internationally recognised institution of unresolved and proven abuse. This is a very unreasonable platform for former clergymen like Mr Mulvihill to be forced to operate from in trying to rebuild their lives post priesthood.


Good morning Pat, the confessions I have heard over the years would make your skin crawl. People are up to all sorts of thing, but we are not there to judge. Enjoy the sabbath day.


@ 8:55am

Tut! Tut ! Bileen you had that powerful privilege yourself, I’m sure you used it with compassion. I’m still praying for you, don’t be bold it only gives your detractors more ammunition to use against you.


This from Bill Mulvihill the Class Clown. Who yesterday stated Ireland should all belong to Britain again. You’re some tool all the same.


Why did he confess it, if he wouldn’t denounce it? Surely, confessing a sin is, in itself, a denunciation of it? 🤔


Why would the person confess to a sin if the person thought it was not a sin.?
Some priests have an easy life living on a pedestal and in a bubble from the harsh realities of life and relish the power when they can act judgemental to a vulnerable person in front of their admirers.

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12:43 You have to understand that not only do RCs expect you to confess to a priest but also expect you to accept that they’ll decide which of your actions are ‘sins’.
It’s like having a survey on a house and the surveyors firm decides what are terminal problems with no objectivity.
In the case of the RC church it would be like the priest condemning your house for being dusty while you can see the sky through the roof in his.


A vulnerable member of our family asked a priest for assistance with a matter but he did not help although well within his capacity to do so and he breached the confidence of that vulnerable person now deliberately subjected to ridicule, harrassment and discrimination etc., by close known associates of that priest who have no right whatsoever to be privy to the personal business of our vulnerable family member nor indeed should they have any right to be privy to anything brought to a priest in the course of his duties and responsibilities in his office.
Would you have any advice for that vulnerable person, Bishop Pat?


Bill you’re so full of it nobody knows what from what with you.
Any update yet on why you threatened Armagh diocese with demands for cash, even though you were leaving?


10.19 Mine was not a statement again. You ought to be more precise; you use the term ” Britain. “


11.24: Truth wins out in the end. Bill has no profound insight into who he truly is, what he believes, is confused about sexuality, blathers in and on meaninglessly…Would the real Bill stand up or bend over?


12.46 The sum I had in mind was 140,000 . It was never stipulated…as you can see from the published documents they were doing it their way…I wanted a complete separation…they insisted otherwise. I am countenance ing an action against the wider RCC on behalf of all priests who have left ministry. I do not know him but an x PP of Greystoneas who left in his early 60 s and lives in Tallagh is iconic of how they treat whole lives spent in their service. I have been researching the legal cases on the British Isles for context over the last 140 years. I shall keep the Blog informed. Don’t tell lies about me; I threatened nobody. My solicitor wanted to pursue Eamonn Martin for a personal injury claim. I stopped him. Who knows what the future holds. They learned nothing from their crucifixion of a good man in Patrick Buckley…there is more than sparrows here( hope you know the New Testament). William Florence Mulvihill Nightingale, I don’t think!!!!


You become more hateful by the day Mulvihill. Do yourself and family a favour- take yourself off to a remote island and starve as a penance and maybe just maybe before death would call, you may come to some sense of mind and body.
Hateful is an understatement regarding you and your accomplice Pat won’t print, democracy at best!


6:53 more hateful rants from representatives of the Roman Catholic Church. Abusers one and all, if they not “at it”, they “covering up” for it. My relative never recovered from what they did and it won’t be forgotten for their “convenience”.


4.52: Bill, Archbishop Martin would bring a counter lawsuit against you. He’d win. You’d lose. You have boosted gate filled rants against the Archbishop on this blog, you have smeared his good name, harrassed him, threatened him, bullied him. Your incitement to hatred of the Archbishop are documented on this blog, poisonous, defamatory and denigratory. There’s plenty of evidence to take a civil case against you. Bill, you are NOT a victim but you are a victimiser..Your reckless behaviour in this blog is not VICTIMLESS. As for the ex P.P you speak of. I know him and I doubt if you speak for him. Your emotional distress is minimal, being the result of your narcissistic behaviour and utter selfishness. You do not deserve a penny more. You knew what you signed up to. You now want more easy money. Go and find yourself a job. “Personal injury claim”. I fully support Archbishop Martin.


12.25 You lazy lazy person…Google him ….it’s available. I am not culpable for your gargantuan ignorance. WM


Good morning Bishop Pat,
you made a comment yesterday ”I would engage the person in every way I could to prevent further abuse. I would ask the person to work with me outside the Confessional.”
Pat this is a total and utter cop-out. What if they had confessed something very serious and didn’t want to work with you outside the confessional?
Does that mean you wouldn’t report it to the cops if it was a criminal matter or a child protection issue?

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8.24: Canon Todd: I asked a similar question of Pat yesterday. No satisfying answers or plausible reasons were given. I know that if a priest was found to have deliberately withheld information about an abuser because of the seal of confession and was discovered to have done so, he’d be rattling from the rooftops in utter condemnation and asking for his resignation or there’d be a missive emailed to the Archbishop. Pat did say that he would suggest to a penitent to “chat” outside of the confession. Pat, even if the penitent was a child abuser? The first time I visited a psychotherapist, he outlined his moral and ethical responsibilities, one of which was to tell me that if my visit was about having been abused in any way or if i had abused anyone, he would have to inform relevant authorities. That was very wise and correct and I’ve adopted that in the confessional or with counselling parishioners. Thankfully I’ve never been in this situation except on one occasion where the issue was about domestic violence.

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4.52 I shall include the personal injury documents in October. And the Bastards frightened reply through his Belfast legal eagles ( dense by Lemniscate) WM


5.56 It will soon be evident whose pocket Eamon Martin is beholden to…civil case..go for her life!! Again gargantuan ignorance in your comment. I wonder why.


6.26…go for your life. Eamon Martin at this stage does not warm to judicial review or courtrooms. Imagine trying to from my sleep with the grave threat….I sleep the sleep of a just man…EVERY NIGHT. I also wake on q.


In my 43 years I have never ever heard of any priest betraying the seal of confession nor have I heard of any priest or student being reprimanded by a Bishop or Dean because of information shared outside the confessional. In all my years in ministry I’ve discussed the Sael of Confession with so many priests re: particular information and confession. Not one of these priest ever broke the seal of confession in debate. Stories of the breaking of the seal…more hearsay and conjecture than reality!! Many of us have been greatly challenged and disturbed by the nature of certain confessions but never tempted to break the seal. Where we’ve been very concerned about a “confession” we counselled the penitent or arranged another forum for discussing the problem or issue. Despite the sanctity of the Confessional Seal, which i uphold, I do believe we have to review the seal in relation to the serious moral sins, especially those of a sexual abuse nature.


I bet you haven’t heard of any child abuse or financial irregularities either.
Remember, in a crime organization you’re either a criminal or a dupe!


“Stories of breaking the seal more hearsay and conjecture than reality” What utter nonsense. How would you know whether a priest broke the seal or not. The clue’s in your sentence-more hearsay and conjecture.


Well, you wouldn’t hear of it, would you, duckie? It would hardly make headline news.
If priests can rape frightened kids and have others, along with themselves, cover it up, you can take it for granted that breaking the so-called ‘seal’ would be very small beer.
Your problem is that you still believe priests to be pillars of moral integrity.
Here’s a tip. That movie starring Montgomery Clift as the heroic priest who wouldn’t break the confessional seal was make-believe.
Stop living in fantasy land about yourselves, because the rest of us have seen through you all.

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12.48: 😂🤣😁😊😃🤣🤣😂😁🤣😉😊😉😍😄😋😄😅….you’re a laugh…😉😊😊🤣🤣😃😋…


I have not been to confession for decades. Certainly not for 30 years. I realised what a nonsense it was, another creation of priests and the Church intended more to bolster their own significance and importance by making them the gateway to forgiveness. The clerical class have done such since the beginning of the Church, with all that talk about them being administrators of the sacraments and the ways and means of being in contact with God and his grace. Well, I think most of us have seen through that, and realise that it is a human construction, contrived with no regard to grace but rather to clerical control and power. Even the eucharist should be celebrated and administered by lay people. The 12 around the table were not priests, just ordinary people. Why not now ? Because their successors saw a way of ensuring their own position and power by excluding others with all kinds of self-serving nonsense sacramental and theological tinkering. Well, having seen and knowing what we know about our bishops, priests and the hierarchy of the Church, I think we know what they are up to. Radical change is required. It will come.


So well said, 9.01!
NOWHERE in the Gospel does Jesus tell his followers that they must confess sin to a bunch of elite other followers. Instead, he tells his followers to confess TO ONE ANOTHER their wrongdoing and to forgive one another.
That passage about forgiveness of sin and retention of sin is a later addition to the Gospel by a human author, and it is designed to bolster the power of an established human elite in the church.
Jesus would never have agreed to ‘retain’ the sins of a sincere penitent, but power-greedy humans would.


Reply to Anonymoussays:
Sep 11, 2022 at 9:01 am
The big question is, when the laity are given the responsibilities/power of the Roman priest, will it be more of same, only in a different guise? I fear it will be so, and it may even be worse.
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”


2:37pm it will create more complicated issues. Look around your local area and ask yourself honestly what these individuals are bringing to the table.


So the seal of confession was broken by some priests….
Fact or fiction…?
If fact, any consequences for these priests otherwise it will continue…?
Is the Irish RCC a failed entity…..


9.05: Pat always goes that bit extra in.emohasis…he always KNOWS…he should stop speculating. It’s easy go say, ” I’ve heard of…” and add whatever narrative you want..


9:14 am
The problem with your narrative of Pat is clerical narrative vis a vis child abuse/ abuse of vulnerable adults….Uncle Ted, et al.
It’s forever shifting.


9.38: No priest can do as you’ve described. If this story is true – and I’m very sceptical of its veracity – both of you were foolish. Why didn’t you have a phone conversation, why not the current form of Confession? A text messsge confession and absolution – unheard of. Think you are deliberately trying to elicit condemnation of clerics. As for 10.00am – unless this was a child or young person – this is even more incredulous – it would be a GDPR matter.. I think this story is makey up!!


9.12 I can assure you that it is not made up. I have already gotten confirmation that the complaint has been received and is being investigated!


‘Investigated’ lol.
You do realize church investigations merely consist of reaching for the template findings, don’t you?


10.02: Well, I’m appalled that you experienced this. I cannot believe how any priest could countenance giving Sacramental Forgiveness through an email. It’s reckless. Have you had a similar experience before?

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A priest heard my confession about a grievous sin in a text message and shared it with his friends. While he is not guilty of breaking the Sacrament of Confession he may well be guilty of breaking GDPR rules. All evidence has been forwarded to the relevant authorities and my formal complaint could very well set a precedent. The Diocese will be held accountable for the damage caused me by their errant priest.


10.00 Ignoramus. Betcha the folks at Westbourne are not happy with recent events. Another fine mess!


I’m a mental health nurse and for several years worked in a triage centre for referrals into a children’s mental health service. My absolutely favourite thing was when parents would complain that I’d broken their confidentiality by making a safeguarding referral.
My manager used to roll his eyes as the stupid parents ranted and raved at him about me. 😂


@ 11:42am
“The stupid parents”! some nurse you are, perhaps they should have had you sectioned if that was your favourite thing, doesn’t sound good for a mere nurse to have that attitude.

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12:24 You would prefer them to use imagined legal loopholes to get away with child abuse, obviously.
No, wait. You’re a Roman Catholic aren’t you? It shows.


11.42 That comes as no surprise. You probably did break their confidentiality, but sure that doesn’t matter; you got to do one of your favourite things. The HSE is not fit for purpose because there are so many of you. William Mulvihill


Absolutely howling at these comments.
I’ll break it to you gently. Safeguarding trumps GDPR.
If a child is being abused we all have a duty to break any confidentiality.
Did I mention that the cathbots have learned NOTHING about safeguarding from the events of the past few decades?


4:28 You don’t. You report on suspicion. That’s how it works.
You don’t determine a crime has been committed before reporting a suspected crime.
Do you diagnose a disease and then see a doctor?
You people really are something else and the reasons the criminal cult still has followers, are very clearly on display today.


So did you make determinations of CSA when you worked in a children’s mental health service?


No, 8:03. Thank you for demonstrating your complete ignorance of how safeguarding works.
As if anyone is surprised.
Remember, these are representatives of a church which says it’s cleaned its act up. (It hasn’t).


@ 10:48
If you didn’t make assessments or determinations of CSA, who did…?
You refused to answer a direct question. I wonder why…?
I suspect you work in mental health services in Great Britain.
I don’t like your attitude towards parents of children with mental health issues. Your attitude stinks. I’m very familiar with safeguarding. Did you ever force inject teenagers or patients with medication…? If so did it cause you any ethical qualms…? I strongly suggest google Dr. Moira Woods, particularly if assessments were included in your employment contract.
I don’t represent any church. Never make assumptions.


General Data Protection Regulation. It’s a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area.
GDPR is an important component of EU privacy law and of human rights law. If your privacy or human rights have been breached, report to Bishop in first instance and Data Protection Commission if not resolved by Diocese.


Why would anyone trust a priest ? Haven’t we seen how fallible and weak they are, and how criminal they can be ? I never trust a priest, anymore than I would trust someone whom I do not know well. They are strangers to me when it comes to me confiding in them. Surely we have all realised that by now ? If not, you had better begin to.

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10.29: A very disingenuous land very biased a view. I don’t trust people whom I don’t know. We normally get to know people by interacting with them over a period of time. That’s wise. We dint entrust ourselves totally in one encounter. I’m sure you didn’t trust your work colleagues on the first or second day at the office!! Of course, as human beings, we priests are fallible and weak. We’re human first and foremost. I wonder if you interact with clergy at all? I suspect you don’t. Therefore you are speaking out of ignorance. If you want to be FAIR in your assessment, it would be preferable to first get to know them!!


Why would I want to get to know you, a priest, who by continuing as a priest is complicit with a clerical culture of egregious and criminal behaviour, and a Church hierarchy and establishment that is only interested in protecting itself ? Please do advise ? I would have respect for you and be able to trust you if you had the guts to call out the institution you are helping to hold up and to distance yourself from a toxic and dangerous clerical existence. But, you won’t, I’m sure, because life would be too precarious for you and you wouldn’t have all the supports and protections that you have come to rely on. You couldn’t survive without the prop of the clerical position. So, how about quitting lecturing us ? We have heard it many time and have heard enough. We don’t listen anymore. We just call you out and name you for who and what you are – liars, charlatans, cheats, abusers and people who live a lie.


1.41: Conversely, why would I want to get to know someone like you in my life with an attitude like this? A lot of the time people use us for their own advantage asvidiscovered . Thank God I have responded kindly, caringly and compassionately to people all my life. Sir, you know nothing of me personally. I couldn’t care. What matters is that I do what, in conscience, before God, I know to be just, right and true. I try not to stray from this but I’m sure I have done so. My ministry indeed is undermined by the egregious behaviour of others, but my ministry is also carried out with the same integrity, commitment and fidelity as it has always been, difficult as it is at times. In fact the criticism ike yours, strangely, urge me to greater Christ likeness. So thanks for the promptings…..Your seething venom doesn’t prompt, though!!😁😁😁


3:48 Yes how kind and compassionate you are comes across loud and clear in your reply to 1:41.
In reality you don’t know what has brought 1:41 to where they are now. But we do know that attitudes like yours are the reason people won’t trust priests.
And rightly so.


@3:48 – but for all your protestations, you are still a priest and part of a wicked structure that you know to be so, but you don’t distance yourself from it. I guess because it’s too comfortable for you to remain. It’s called guilt by association. Sorry, but your pleading about being a ‘good guy’ doesn’t wash. Grow a pair of balls / conscience / duty / whatever, and distance yourself. Then I might have some respect for you.


11:14 When we know a man is a priest we know him and no further effort need be exerted to find out what he’s about.


5.27: Ssdkt, i agree with you that the child sexual abuse scandals and all the subsequent issues have impacted in people’s perception of priests. Every time I am in the altar that truth plays likes video in my mind. I know the trust is broken and I understand the reactions among the faithful. Therefore it emboldens me to do my level best to fulfil my ministry. So many peoole today just like to beat down an oppressor or oppresive regime and are entrenched in particular narratives. I do not think thag all of us should be tarred with the same brush.


12:23, 10:29’s caution is natural and understandable. Cf the news over the past thirty years.
You belong to a cult which has prolifically covered up and aided and abetted crime by its clergy. You are either a cover up merchant or a dupe.


You people are something else.
Why would any person of reasonable intelligence even hope to trust a priest when we all know that his first and primary loyalty has been promised or vowed to a morally corrupt institution that historically allowed, covered up, facilitated, and played down the utter depravity of child rape?
You bastardos! Your post shows not just the fact that you lack self-insight, but that you haughtily insist on being trusted.
Go to hell!

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Pat, I am beginning to be aware, that most of us have been automatically excommunicated, you are among “friends.”
There must be millions of Roman Catholics, and Roman Catholic clergy, who continue to practice, or, minister who have been excommunicated many years ago.
Leave me to wonder how many of us have been excommunicated automatically, who monitors it? That’s a rhetorical question.
Who monitors Roman Catholic priests who break the seal of Confession? Nobody.
How many of us are heretics?
How many have broken the seal of Confession.?
How many Roman Catholic women have had an abortion……?
How many of us have been an accomplices and, who were needed to commit an action that has an automatic excommunication penalty
How many Roman Catholic priests, who in confession solicits another to violate the sixth commandment.
How many of us are Apostates, heretics, and schismatics.?
How many Roman Catholic priest, Desecrate of the Eucharist?
In order for the penalty to be considered to apply, certain conditions must be met (can. 1323):
The individual must be at least sixteen years old.
The individual must know that his action was a violation of Church law.
The individual must have acted freely without threat of force or grave fear, have the use of reason, and not have acted mistakenly.


Where can you look up to sre who is excommunicated.? If a person is excommunicated can a case of defamation be taken against the person who excommunicatef a person. Can bishop pat sue phonsie for defamation as pat in his heart wanted to get strength from Jesus.


A Vincentian priest who broke seal of confession in Cabra by reporting to a senior CBS. That senior cbs knew sort of knew our sins. We were puzzled until ex classmate asked me and others if did I rat him out to that CM priest. We strenuously denied many times. Then he hatched a plan to tell him that he stole 5 pound note which was a lot of money for a young teen at that time. Then he told that CM priest and waited. Few months later instead of 1 week, senior CBS told him that he stole $5. He got his answer and told us. We were shocked cos priests weren’t supposed to tell our secrets. Some of us stopped going to him as he was marked. Never comfortable with him since he arrived in Cabra. The more unease the boys were with him, he was transferred to St Mary’s school for deaf girls. A deaf woman was telling us that same priest was ogling her teen breasts. She reported him to him to teacher or nun I think.
That was the first sign that I saw there was something with rcc. Never liked that priest as Bishop of Dublin kept him on in deaf chaplaincy Ireland for 5 or more years. To me, he is a traitor, treacherous etc. That had me questioning re motives of some priests since that day when seal of confession was broken in Cabra.
Again, no accountability, no oversight, no standards, et al on part of rcc as he was kept again.


2.31: is that all you’ve learned!!! You’re a slow learner…Pat is multifaceted…and multi purposeful and multi everything….No pointy ref hat unfortunately..


We have learned a lot about Pat this week.
Firstly an Irishman on Monday.
Secondly A journalist that was Tuesday.
Thirdly He is a Priest.
So next up maybe his pointy hat 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hopefully he is a Priest First and Foremost


Did you cook something nice for Eduardo and yourself today, Patsy? I didn’t make it to post office last week, will do so this week so book will arrive this week. Enjoy!


Mark at 9th Sept @10.14pm
I wasn’t aware of ptsd in me for some 20 years until 2 psych’s identified it. I didn’t know what was the mainsymptoms until it was identified. Psych never told me what to look, how to stop for etc.i had to google it as I understood it.
The movie ‘deer hunter’ was one I identified with, classic ptsd that guy was showing it plus full mental jacket film which was stunning to watch.
Around 2014 I started to work on my ptsd with bodywork cos I realised that counselling or Psychotherapy isn’t visual but more of an audio or sounds as most people are just like yourself.
Whereas I’m more or less in visual spectrum. Hence my switch to bodywork. I worked with a guy who specialise in levine’s work sensorimotor Psychotherapy. It seems to work as its a very slow process. It takes a lot to take it out of the body as body registers the trauma inside.
It worked well until ISL interpreter came in as 3rd party as I was very uncomfortable with her. Cos I know her etc.
The problem with guy that he insisted on interpreter which I didn’t WANT in the 1st place. Plus his approach to sensorimotor was very slow as it takes ages but I found it effective than any talking shop such as counselling or Psychotherapy. Cos it was funded by towards healing.
Gradually over time, I became more comfortable with myself as I cut off my ties with family or siblings. Cos they never invited me to their kids HC or confirmation or their 21st parties et al.
I realised that sensimotor was slow over time as it would certainly benefit therapist bank balance in the long run. Plus issue with ISL interpreter as well.
So I switched over to another bodyworker with his approval to see if it work or not. They had to assess me first then decide to accept or reject me. The fee was €300 per 2 hours or less without ISL interpreter as that was PRE Covid. I was accepted in.
It worked well as they work on a very deep level than sensorimotor thetapy. It would take 3 or 4 days for my body to feel it. Then it became more regular on a weekly or fortnight basis until I stopped it. The reason I stopped it was the reaction of my body which showed up fast in 30 mins afterwards as I felt bit sick inside. I had to stop it in order for my body to recover. Then Covid came in etc as everything was stopped. I haven’t had a therapy in 36 months as everything in society is returning to normality.
So I’m considering it returning but my request is no interpreter etc. The therapist is aged but vastly experienced in sensorimotor as he was trained under Peter Levine. Also I like to see it quicker or my issues solved in shorter time frame cos his approach is taking ages which I suspect it might benefit his bank balance as he’s paid by toward healing.
Or I do some research on Lowen methods cos I never came across his work.
Some of the bodywork I used was bit limited as I realised it now over the years, massage, physio and cranio sacral. I could tell if that therapist is good or not after few sessions. Cranio sacral was very good but it tends to come back without resolving the inner issues inside etc.
I’m getting more closer to what had caused ptsd than before. One day I had a terrible irrational fear which I didn’t understand it at first. But I realised it now it was the source of my ptsd as that was v recent without any therapy in last 36 months. So it’s bit of work in progress in my view.


Hi, DG @4:07!
DG, you’ve been through a dose and a half! PTSD was only recognized
as a response to severely stressful traumatic situations following WW1
and WW2. The DSM 3 in 1980 recognized PTSD as a distinct response to stressful life situations other than life situations such as divorce or unemployment, etc. I well remember the Deer Hunter when it first came out around 1979 or 80..? It packed a punch.
I imagine being deaf exacerbated your situation in terms of articulating symptoms- symptoms can happen out of the blue.
It’s great you found a body therapist. I’ve heard of Peter Levine.
I completely understand reservations around confidentiality, etc. It’s good to be cognizant of unscrupulous therapists ‘milking’ a client. Do you keep a journal…? Writing down what’s going on interiorly for you or what’s going on in your life- your emotional responses, etc, can be very therapeutic. It takes practice. Do you walk regularly…? Exercise is very beneficial for a range of psychological issues.
Here’s a link to psychotherapy networker which you might find useful;
Use search for topics of interest.


Mark at 5.21pm

Thanks for your reply.

2 psych’s had me down for DSM 5 I think from my recollection on pysch report.

What they didn’t say was methods for treatment or medication. So it was down to myself to do some reading and research etc re treament for myself . It would take a while to get my head around.

Yes movie ‘Deer hunter’ or full mental jacket or platoon(worse cos it reflected bit closer to reality) packed a punch cos it was harrowing reflective of my institutional school experience. I didn’t understand it at that time until 2013 or 2014. It was kind of stop and start re therapy.

At the mo, I don’t know what to do next re return to that sensorimotor therapy therapist but with my condition or stipulation that no ISL interpreter.

OR return to that body worker who charged €300 without interpreter but I don’t have that kind of money to keep it going until it resolve itself.

When counselling failed, then I had to resort to alternative avenues such as new ages which I dumped it and went for bodywork. That was the main reason for my switch.

Good idea re walk.


Deaf Guy, I honestly don’t know if this would help at all but are you aware of a very good book called Visual CBT? Not to suggest you couldn’t work with any other book but a lot of people have told me they find it very helpful.


No bother, DG @ 6:34.
DSM is updated every so often. DSM-5-TR is most recent.
How many sessions are Towards Healing willing to pay for?
Can you ask for a more sessions due to specialised therapy
required for your needs? Otherwise a go fund me page is in order, DG!
I’d avoid new age approaches.
Check out Janina Fisher Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)on Also check out Pete Walkers work on Complex PTSD. Exercise, healthy diet and a good support network are also necessary to facilitate recovery.


Anon at 7.32pm
I recalled discussing the value of various therapies such as CBT or mediation with that therapist trained under Levine.
He didnt agree with CBT cos it was bit dangerous. I was puzzled with him at that time. But his vast experience rejected 3 therapies that I brought it up to him. I don’t know if it was just his bank account or his experience.
Yes I have heard of visual CBT. I saw it somewhere in a bookshop. I never tried it re CBT.
however I did small bit of research re CBT after his negative comment. The more I read the more I thought.
My view is CBT can be dangerous if applied wrong. What I mean by that, I realised that cbt is a thought therapy, quite useful for anxiety or claustrophobic attacks.
Again after some thought, I realise it doesn’t suit me or others especially when in the area of trauma cos it’s a deep seated one where cbt focused in irrational thoughts arising from anxiety or panic attacks (did have these before).
I never had an session with CBT nor experienced it myself. But I do think it’s useful in certain areas relating to thoughts such as irrational thinking etc. It’s mainly focusing on thoughts but it doesn’t address the deep seated problem inside the body caused by trauma.
That’s my view. I’m quite open to other perspectives to that. I will try cbt at some stage in near future after taking into account re their dangers.
Link to dangers of cbt :


Deaf Guy
For your therapist to describe cognitive behavioral therapy as dangerous is really strange. As you’ll know it’s about the connection between thoughts, behaviour and emotions and is evidence based for depression, anxiety, OCD and helpful in all sorts of situations.
The only known danger is that it helps people be more in control of their mental health and live a better life!


The comment above are your reminder that your children are no safer in church than they’ve ever been, since people would clearly prioritize imagined confidentiality requirements over reporting a crime.
Child abusers NEVER want safeguarding which is why you just do it.
It’s literally asking a criminal if they agree to you reporting them to law enforcement.
Keep your kids away from church, folks. And stay away yourselves for your own sanity and safety.


I’m a health professional as well, although a doctor in England and can confirm that the law is clear you make the referral or ring the police. I would try to gain consent but ultimately to act without consent if parents wouldn’t consent. There is also a duty to break confidentiality in safeguarding or in any other situation concerning another person’s safety. For example I have had a patient tell me they were planning on killing someone else and of course I broke their confidentiality.
I think this is essentially the question posed to Pat yesterday and today – would he break the seal in this situation if the penitent refused to work with him.
I don’t know if you’ve answered but I think people were pressing you for an answer that you would. Rightly, in my view.


If any priest remained silent about the sexual abuse of my child in observance of the canonical seal of confession (a man-made Church law) and I found out about it, he would be an utter imbecile to expect my understanding and sympathy.
Priests who observe this are no better than the bishops who observed the canon or canons that required them to handle, ‘with the utmost secrecy’, reports of child rape by priests.
I’d have as much mercy on such a priest as I would a bishop who had protected a priest-paedophile in observance of the so-called ‘Pontifical Secret’.
Both priest and bishop here are morally no different: they are endangering children for a man-made principle, and any opprobrium they attract would be richly deserved.
Any priest on this blog who has ever criticised a Catholic bishop for upholding Canon Law on reports of child rape by a cleric, while similtaneously having observed the confessional seal (or being prepared to do so), is an arch hypocrite, not a moral hero.

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7.28. Pat has not answered satisfactorily the precise questions posed to him as to whether or not he would break the seal of confession if he had a paedophile as a penitent or a penitent who told him he was about to fatally harm another person. Pat said he would try to talk the person into choosing differently through a conversation outside the confessional. I believe in the sanctity of the Seal of Confession but not in these scenarios. No. My moral duty would be to protect the child, vulnerable person and a potential victim.

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The cathbots are raging today. I suspect it’s because confession is on the table and they like people to think that is something they hold sacred.

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Pat, if a priest says with disgust, “that dirty old man” referring to a man who went regularly to him for confession – is that breaking the seal of confession?


4.34: “…prioritised imagined confidentiality requirements over reporting a crime…”. Rather strangled!!:I “Imagined requirements” cannot be confidential or prioritised as they would have to be validated by signatures. All parishes follow the states protocols and guidelines with CHILD SAFEGUARDING policies constantly under review not just by Diocesan personnel but by the HSE and TUSLA. No organisation or institution can compromise on such protocols or not have them reviewed frequently. Now, if you, spinner of facts, had done a little research, you’d not have written such an ignorant narrative of lies. Considering it’s a well established, clinical fact that the highest % of child abuse takes place in family settings and by people well known to the child, one might be rightly justified in cautioning against belonging to a family. But then you’re not interested in these realities, are you? Keep your families away from families folks!


Your daily reminder that the cathbots try to deflect from the criminal behaviour of their cult to, well pretty well anyone else. And also that this is not the approach the law takes which is that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
But then you wouldn’t expect them to be responsible would you.


6.59: Isn’t it amazing how people like you seem bereft of even a scintilla of intelligence. The ridiculousness of your words might be apparent to you if you read them again. Your verbatim mantra is tiresome and absurd as it is every time you resort to it. These philistines…..God help you.


Look at the cathbots making out you can hide behind GDPR to avoid reporting abuse.
How they think this will help them at this late stage….


” OFF TO GERMANY FOR THE AFTERNOON BOYS?” Who has a good memory on the Blog. It’s to be just slightly longer than an afternoon…3 to be precise….visiting the files!!!! Many Maynooth students who left in my time there wrote to me !!! Unbelievable stuff in thise letters ( not related to sex). Well I suppose every thing relates to IT. Bill Mulvihill


Is John Mc Vey still the financial Administrator ( the title he took to himself) or has he quit ? Is he an employee of the Archdiocese of Armagh or the Archbishop of Armagh? I would be most grateful to KNOW.


Everybody could listen to a most beautiful song this evening: There is the love that makes a cup of tea. It relates here and what some endeavour to do.


6.52: John O’ Donohue wrote that words are like bridges: they take us from one place to the next: they lift us beyond the mundane when chosen well. There’s poetry in these words. Patrick Kavanagh I think talks about the tea pot or cooking pot…they too were our fore parents instruments of creating beauty. And how I loved it. Words are like bridges, Bill!!


7.15 I have visited John O D s grave many times…it is as if he were a Traveller…which he was. My favourite section from Anam Cara is his piece on Approach….which I discussed with Cahir O Higgins yesterday morning! Bill


Jesus what’s going on today. You’ve got half the comments telling William he’s a narcissist and half who want to keep crime secret. The church is fucked thank God.


7.40 If it’s narcissism that I have in their opinion…I am happy out…never have had such contentment in my life; not unrelated to words Pat Buckley said to me during a taxi journey recently. Par with many many others has restored what the RCC have tried to kick out of me with their malevolence behind the scenes; very short sighted of them.


Yes William, quite right. Pat has achieved the remarkable achievement of making a captive audience of the clergy of the church that excommunicated him. Even when they’re not forced to look in case they or their friends appear they can’t stop looking, and in fact I’ve heard clergy describe this blog as addictive. So they’re so mad they start trolling the blog and as has happened ☝️ today someone turns round what they say and they look even worse than they did to start with.
They don’t realize that the truth tellers are in it for the long haul and they’re just digging themselves into a hole all the time. I would feel sorry for them but, well, why would you.


Must be the only profession where you can kiddy fiddle, tell them, and they’re not obliged to report it.


Pat will you do a blog on the Queens faith? I think it would be nice to hear one Queen blog about another Queen


Mark at 7.51pm

I don’t know as regards to how many sessions cos I never asked them. Think it was down to therapist in question which was my ex therapist.

Last time that I was in touch with towards healing was some 36 months ago.

This time around my stipulation would be no interpreter, full stop whether they like it or not. Cos sometimes ISL interpreter brainwash some people such as therapists re deaf people then later their bank BALANCE which they join with therapist. It was my mistake to let them in, then few sessions later my uncomfortable or unease with her had increased due to 3rd party issues and also she works for deaf chaplaincy INC now (her new job). I take a very dim view if interpreter tries to take over the job. It’s quite common than you think. I have already warned Minster mc Grath then minister for disability at that time via email. Then I got dismissed which didn’t bother me cos its not my problem anymore.

Procedure re towards healing was 1st meeting with therapist and then I show him my psych report which he wasnt allowed to keep it. Cos its my only original psych report. Then few sessions we work on to see if it works. It was working very slowly without an interpreter which I didn’t mind(looking back now). It was there I started to realise that body do hold memories of trauma. I was feeling shades of hot and cold re various situations.

Counselling didn’t have that.

Yes I have heard Janina Fischer name a lot through books especially van der Kolk one.

Also I have been looking at emdr therapy as I heard it being used on deaf people in USA cos its visual one. There is one trained psychologist in UK with BSL skills plus emdr as well. I’m fluent in irish and British SL with little bit of international sign, American sign language as well. Its bit of smattering especially international and American as well.

Never heard of Pete Walker as I will have a look at him. Thanks for mentioning his name.

I’m rebuilding good support network since I cut off my ties with family or my siblings. Reconnecting with ex school deaf friends and long talks etc.

Re good food, apart from that, I have been taking nutrition such as supplements such as natural or organic instead of synthetic ones.

Re educating myself or improving myself bit more so that hopefully I don’t have to rely on interpreters any more. The danger is co – dependency especially SL interpreters as I did warn then Minister mc Grath re this as I was arguing with him for introducing more variety of options for any deaf person to choose from instead of totally relying on interpreters (again it’s on their bank balance as its unhealthy as well).


DG@ 9:32,
It might be an idea to contact Toward Healing again.
I imagine a particular number of sessions were on offer
even if not made explicit to you. You may be due more
sessions. I think your wishes re interpreter must be respected.
However will communication between you and the therapist be
an insurmountable difficulty…? Just mentioning for your
consideration, DG. Surely fluency in Irish and British SL must
be a big help in finding a therapist…? I don’t blame you taking a
dim view of interpreters interfering in the therapeutic process.
Vested interests re interpreters is not surprising.
Another therapist worth checking out is Charles L. Whitfield.
Here is a link to his books:
I’m sure most of Whitfields books are on Amazon.
All of what you mention; reconnecting with former school pals,
having long talks, growing in self-awareness, education and
self-actualization, are very important in terms of recovery. I’m a
fan of Abraham Maslow. He was quite a basket case. However
re psychotherapy he claimed a good solid friendship can be as
beneficial and therapeutic as psychotherapy. There are plenty
of critics of psychotherapy including Dr. Thomas Szasz, Jeffery
Moussaieff Masson and Dr. Vernon Coleman.

The Angry Catholic has posted an audio version a documentary entitled “Manufacturing the Clerical Predator” produced and directed by Sarah Pearson from The documentary includes:
Kevin Wester – former priest
James Egan – former seminarian
Thomas Doyle – former Dominican priest and cannon lawyer.
Names of U.S. bishops included in the program includes:
Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Blase Cardinal Cupich


It’s well known that if Ted McCarrick or other perv found some upright priest whom he couldn’t intimidate or bribe, that he’d make his Confession to that sincere priest for his lips would be sealed. Dealing with lay whistleblowers or victims was harder for Ted or other pervs and never something he or they resolved.


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