

The Church is to start moving the preparation of children for Holy Communion and Confirmation out of the classroom, putting more pressure on families to prepare their children for the sacrament. 

The country’s largest archdiocese is developing plans to strip back pre-sacramental preparations in schools amid growing sentiments that many families and children have little interest in the celebration.

The new policy in the Archdiocese of Dublin, which has been in development for four years, follows a survey of 1,800 people including parents, priests and school principals.


I think Dublin is quite right to take sacramental preparation out of the schools and put more responsibility on the parents.

In fact, I think all denominational religion should be taken out of schools. Schools should teach religion as comparative study.

The places for denominational religion are the church, the Sunday school and the family home.

Many teachers, even in Catholic schools, do not practice their faith.

Many parents who want their kids baptised, given Holy Communion and confirmed do not practice their religion or even believe.

Baptism, Communion and Confirmation have now become social occasions, parties, and excuses for eating and drinking to excess.

Parents spend hundreds and thousands of pounds on clothes and these occasions.

Some families even hire limos for the occasions and occasionally helicopters.

Are Sacraments not for believers?

Should they not be more spiritual and less materialistic occasions?

Should the children of the non believing and non practising be baptised?

We have a lot of thinking to do about the Sacraments and how we prepare for them, celebrate them and who receives them.


It’s about damn time!!! As a mother of twins in 2nd class at a Catholic ethos primary school, I welcome this decision. It can’t happen soon enough for me.


I’ve never yet met a ‘Catholic’ (how they’ve debased that word) who was a believer. Kink, illegality and money, that’s what it’s about.

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10.15 I am a believer in Jesus Christ and that will never change. My eyes were forced opened by the actions of a corrupt priest in Killaloe Diocese™️, by the Cult leaders who allowed him to do the the things he did, and by the revelations about RCC clergy on this blog.


I’m assuming you’re not Irish and don’t know that in many parts of the country, you don’t have a local alternative.


2:15 what are you talking about?
No local alternative to what? Whilst church involved in schools, they no better than glorified paedophile rings.


2:15 please stop embarrassing Irish people. Not all us Irish people “assume” everything. Speak for yourself for a change and stop making up what you know nothing resembling the truth about. You clearly never heard the one about Curiosity killing the cat. What a thick ass you are.


Lucrezia you might fool some of the people but you certainly dont fool all of the people – we all know who you really are? How many more names are you using to disguise yourself?


5.26 Why would I want to disguise myself when most regulars on the blog know who I am? I don’t feel the need to use my real name anymore. Why to make it easy for those collecting my data? 🤣🥳


7:07 I apologise and please know that I will not be asking that awful priest or his types anything about anyone. It’s just awful the way they treat people and get away Scot free. It is not right, I’m ashamed to be Irish when I hear and read things like this.


7.27 I wasn’t sure if your question about ivf was genuine or not. The ivf route is not easy and would be forbidden by the Catholic Church.


1:21 You mean like any abused wife who leaves her husband should remember how she was once supposedly happily married? And so should presumably keep quiet?
The perspective of the Romanists is informed throughout by abuse and violence.


Fr Gerry is not well; can we take this time to be mature adult’s and not use this blog to hurl abuse at each other.


9:56 a lot of people are very hurt and continue to be hurt, vilified and abused by RC members. You just want them to shut up them up because the Roman Catholic Church is the most vehement enemy opposed to the basic principles of truth and justice because the profits of wrong doing fill your evil coffers.


9:56 – like greedy babies robbing the toys and refusing to give them back not caring about anyone but themselves. Greedy Daddy forgot to educate them that actions have consequences.


First morning in years that I have not said the Modeh And before I got out of bed….so its too late noe….big sleep in !!!! Larne is worthy of The Church Of God and Bishop Buckley s Cathedral !!!! I love a tree lined street !!! Larne is more than a sea port, with the presence of The Bishop it is a portal to what we cannot see but is ubiquitous!!!! Bill


10.22 Thank God for the Protestant Church food bank in Ennis. The Catholic Church sold the community centre to Clare County council.


2:13 Great idea, Council Executive cum Deacon Leonard Cleary and Bishop Fintan Monahan can liaise. “They can do it”, not a bother to them, to be sure, to be sure.


Daniel O Connell of MI in Limerick is the man to lead this venture! Parish, Sacraments and Schools !!


6.54 I texted Gerry Buttimer the other day to tell him I am going to sit in the Next Dail !


Oh stop. The mad bastard in MIC Mick Wall got caught over in meetings and asked Dan if he could lead a lay communion service. He respectfully declined an Delia the Nun did the honours!!!


The penny has finally dropped that the clerical attempts to continue to exercise control via the schools system is not bearing the desired fruit! Tough!! 🤣

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3:57 that’s a strange thing to say, you don’t say that to my face when I’m sharing the spoils with you?


At the wish of Canon Stanley Pettigrew, his funeral will be attended only by his children, their spouses and grandchildren.
Long Funeral Directors, Scariff.


We live in a shallow world, none more shallow than the money and property obsessed clergy. Can’t criticise the public for how they shamelessly use church for fancy backdrop for wedding photos and other sacraments for kids. Clergy pander to Couples choosing traditional looking churches that they have no worship or family connection to. It’s all a looks and money game.

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@10.24 what’s not to like, fantastic weather, beautiful backdrops & the razor tongued relatives don’t like to stray too far from the chamber pot at home nor indeed their weekly church duties.


8.47: Eoin, you are living in a previous century! Move to the 21st!! Couples who come to the Church do so because that’s what they want and desire. These couples, despite having good life experiences also partake in pre marriage preparation courses. They are happy to do so and have a religious belief. I haven’t in the past number of years had any couple who “used” the church: they chose carefully and in many instances they admitted that the religious aspect was of supreme importance to them. Thank God couples can choose their own style of wedding today. Also your silly conclusion that “it’s all looks and a money game..” is thick! Means nothing and is rather supercilious.


1:17 move to the 21st century yourself Sir, teachers are not allowed to abuse kids by calling them thick anymore. You are so yesterday’s news. The fizzogs of your type will be no doubt be wrapping someone’s fish & chips supper by next weekend.


1:17 the photos of the stained glass in our wedding photos was lovely altogether so they was.


This will mean only a handful of kids will have their Comminion or confirmation because their parents couldn’t be bothered putting in the effort. Their effort extends to having a shindig on the day. The rest of the kids will be full on atheists from the start just like our neighbours across the water. The enemies of the church will be happy. It will suit most bishops an priests as well who are in full on wind down mode of the church in ireland.


Seanie, I’m afraid I have to break it to you that production line communions and confirmations have been producing full on atheists for decades. Perhaps if the church wants to see the fruits of its worship it could try repenting for its record of child rape.

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8:53 You would not approve of my various neighbours from all walks of life, on Sunday mornings they do as they please, browse in local markets, go to gym, prepare lunch for family gatherings, kind people they are, send their kids to fetch my newspaper and small items from corner shop, will often call with gifts of food and make enquiries to see if I need anything. My sister in Ireland relies on a local busybody who arrives for one hour per day allocated by health board and who has no respect for privacy and does as little as possible and discusses my sisters business openly with any neighbouring enquirers who help nobody but think they entitled to know everything so they can pass it on to Catholic parish priest who apparently has a sexual relationship going but that’s apparently not newsworthy gossip by his volunteers but my sisters business is of interest to him & his friends for some unknown reason. People who go to mass are the most unchristian and think they can lord it over every one else.


5.13: Nuala, The use of the word “thick” is appropriate in response to some commenters as they deliberately misrepresent posted comments. If you’re a teacher, I’m sure you know your place vis a vis children, as do I and with all with whom I work. But we’re I to share my recorded stories and experiences of teachers over a 40 year period, I’d shock you…But then, maybe not!! Some amazing principals and teachers, religious and lay but also some very twisted and nasty ones too!! I could still tell the “truth”…


7:24 telling the “truth” will be an exciting new experience for you, first time for everything no doubt.


I agree Pat. If parents want their children to receive sacraments I’m sure they are also prepared to put in the same level of effort they spend hours and lots of money on for the other areas of preparation for communion & confirmation on booking entertainers, bouncy castles and what not. It’s futile to have teachers and priests doing all this work in preparation anyway if parents haven’t a clue nor are willing to continue religious knowledge and values inside the family home. It’s all just a fake sham for the photos.

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Sure Paddy Devlin is taking the sacrament of confession away from all those young men who are addicted to masturbating by shaming them.


We dread these First Holy Communion and Confirmation after parties on our street. Cars parked everywhere including across our driveway, loud music into the wee hours, kids running riot, police attending to deal with drunken rows and drug related offences including knife and machete incidents. Rarely see these families in church at any other time.


So why drag these ‘lowlifes’ (classy attitude there) automatically through the rites of your religion. You’d think at least believing the religion and some desire to continue to take part would be expected. But no.


@10.29 poor children abused by lowlife nuns and priests and buried in septic tanks & worked to death & trafficked to non vetted homes accompanied by clergy on Irish government owned airline. Looks like you’ve put your foot right in your own mouth again.


12.59 lowlifes feeding off the vulnerable in the Irish County Homes and Workhouses until very recently. No wonder they so rich now.


4.26pm Shocking how two faced these fake charitable types can be. Professional parasites feeding off the vulnerable behind the scenes.


4:26pm that’s horrendous calling the victims of mother and baby homes etc., featured in various media liars. But no surprise this being the tried and trusted modus operandi of the Roman church.


I recall being taken aback to hear a pp speak directly to children attending mass alone because it was one of the masses designated compulsory to qualify for receiving the sacraments many years ago. He informed the children very clearly from his pulpit that they should go home and let their parents know that if they did not attend the remainder of the compulsory masses with their children that the children would not qualify to receive the sacrament on the day. Catholic schools overseas were highly desirable for the quality of their academic staff frequently sourced from Irish education system in the past but clearly parents had no intention of actually practicing the RC religion.


Just exactly like a free coffee after a number of visits to a coffee shop!
But sure let’s blame Vatican 2 and polyester. 😂


12:17. No we had to pay 6d for it. There’s no such thing as a free coffee. I’m surprised your nanny didn’t tell you that.


9:53 the lifetime supply of silk stockings must prove a real crowd puller at the Boiler House sauna, Father!


7:33 You’re just jealous because I was catechised before Vatican 2 and got in a lifetime supply of silk stockings. The two things you aspire to.


4:12 The only time my mother entered the kitchen was to give the servants their instructions.


I am so happy that my husband told me what he would reply when the priest asked what we wanted from the church, if we had our first baptised. Luckily my sister in law is a high priestess so we had a wiccaning instead. The priest might not have been happy that we’d been handfasted anyway.


12:27 Believe you me, I will happily take that gamble for now.
My children have been encouraged to explore our library at length and I’m very happy they won’t grow up to take bullshit.


@12:27: ….So you “won’t be too happy about that?”
Go on then. Just be another fearful miserable ‘hell avoider’, heaven obsessed catlick. Y’er probably one of that right lot of ‘holier than thou’ sailors in the sinking, and stinking ship/t of that man made corruption called “the One True Holy Catholic Church.”


12.27 Members of Roman Catholic Church have minus zero right to criticise parental choices made with the best of intentions whilst hundreds of thousands of abuse cases remained unaddressed and resolved by your church worldwide.


10.10: Wiccanning – all elements of such practise has religious themes…presenting the child to a “God” – remeniscent of the child Jesus being presented in the temple: blessing of child – same ritual in Baptism: pouring of water – baptismal symbol of new life….A Christening in every way but called “wiccanning”..!! GOD bless the child.


@ 3:19pm
Get a grip ya miserable bollox I’m neither fearful nor miserable but happy to be faithful to The One True Holy Catholic Church. You of course will be very miserable in the fires of hell which you deserve.😏


4:56 As long as you’re not there, dear. But it’s surprising to see how little instructed you are in the Catholic faith, and don’t even know the creed.


Actually 1:23 she made up her own ritual with our ideas. That’s how paganism works.


Food Bank services continue to be available for anyone that needs them at
St Johns Bingo Hall.


Priority queue for elderly and vulnerable
10am to 10.30am
3rd Friday of the month
Please wear a mask and observe social distancing
10.30am to 1pm – drop in service


Poor people have to buy a mask to visit food banks, when masks are not required anywhere else? Madness!


4:23 poor people have to put money in mass collections, often 2 or more collections announced at each mass. We have a supply of masks at no charge if required.


The comments printed that are unrelated to this issue are from the usual sources: the brainless ones whose minds are stuck in their trailer trash mode. Regarding the subject matter for today: for many, many years parishes all over the country have long establishes parish programmes for the sacramental classes in our schools. The parish based ones are very good, very child focused and friendly but also involve the participation of parents and guardians. These are moments to impress upon those participating the meaning of living in Christ…Evangelizing moments. I truly believe we are now at the point where, to preserve the sacredness and integrity of the sacraments, we’ll have to challenge parents much more than we have previously. We are also close to the big debate about total separation of church and state where denominational religious education will be done outside of school times and a broad based religion syllabus introduced into schools. In more recent years I have found that couples who have a Church ceremony have actually thought seriously about the Sacrament of Marriage. I applaud them for doing so. A radically changed society, now comfortable with secularism, well educated, unafraid of questioning and critical of authority at every level will eventually create a remnant church, as Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI. That may be a good reality. Didn’t Jesus allow people to walk the other way if they chose to do so?


11.45: You’ve proved my point brilliantly. Try find your intelligence and debate the topic…


at the rate the food, energy & housing crisis is going, people will be honoured to be called trailer trash, it’ll be preferable to living on the streets. The price of motor homes, converted vans, caravans, shipping containers or anything that can be turned into housing are rising steadily. The opinion of snobs from an organisation long in breach of international human rights legislation is completely and utterly irrelevant in this day and age. God is everywhere except in the churches these days. These arrogant name calling snobs actually think they have exclusive licensing rights to God!


I’m from England. If our Catholic schools do not participate in core Catholic activities and traditions, what is the point of having them and spending all that money that we do spend in all sorts of ways in keeping and supporting our Catholic schools ? I guess what I would want our Catholic schools to focus on, and where I would make a sacrifice for our Catholic schools, is teaching children about the true gospel values and how those should be lived in the world – especially in terms of social justice and peace. I’d prefer them to be taught that first of all, and leave to one side the moral, sexual teaching and prejudice that is still part of Catholic belief. I’d also not be too bothered about the arcane and largely unbelievable sacramental tosh that is taught to them, rather encouraging them to belong and identify as Christians by virtue of the evidence of their lives and their charity to those around them. So, I would slim down what our Catholic schools teach, down to the core of the gospel values, and very much would continue to value their input in to forming future generations in these values. So, less sacramental myth and nonsense, less moralistic exclusionary belief and teaching, and more about our world, those around us, the poor, those who are marginalised, those who are unfairly treated, those who do not have power…….


God be with the days when people knew their place and didn’t question everything including educated ambassadors of Christ here on earth. There were no germs in church or hospitals, floors and walls were scrubbed clean every day.


Reply to; Anonymoussays:
Sep 18, 2022 at 12:52 pm
Your far too correct, I know it used to called P–s pot, that’s got far more impact, I think.


2.20: How very wonderfully sensitive of McMoan. What intellectual snobbery and arrogance! I wonder if a Chinese member of government was to call by Trinity, would miss conscience take a stand? The story of human rights violations in China is an appalling tragedy. Their treatment of the Tibetan people is a moral tragedy. So, we can assume that McMoan’s concerns are more about upsetting the conscience of the Chinese president than honouring a Principled Man of Peace, Justice and Spirituality, admired by millions in our world. McMoan is misguided and morally wrong. A sham.


5:53 The whole world knows what the Roman Catholic Church did to family members of former Irish President and Canon Lawyer, President Mary McAleese. 😏


What about the cesspit that is Cistercian school Roscrea? Purports to be a Catholic school but continues to welcome priests and brothers who are only after dirty gay sex. These are the same monks having access to the young boys in the dorms.


We all know what happened in the school kitchen with the abbot and the priest, maybe you are the one who needs to be very careful, everything comes out in the wash…..


4:41 it would appear that either your colleagues are deliberately very much keeping you in the dark or it is indeed you who is telling very very dangerous and misleading lies.


It’s remarkable how nobody is piping up to say either that the monks definitely don’t have access to the dorms or that any that do are police checked. This should be a perfectly simple, unemotional matter but of course we have 4:41 ranting and threatening.
The reality is this is how the adults who work in normal schools are treated: they are not required not to have a sex life but are required not to have a criminal record.


6.36: The whole world knows too how McAleese kissed every Bishop’s ring while President, lauded them, hailed and sanctified our religious orders, visited parish fetes weekly, spoke in churches.. visited missionaries abroad….was anti abortion…used and manipulated her Catholic constituency in a perfect way for self adulation….and vote catching..Then, out of office she turned nasty when her son expressed his sexuality. She knew he was gay long before she went “anti Catholic” ranting. She also knew her brother was horribly abused, sadly, and yet she never spoke out…..Why?


We in cabra never had a preparation classes for confirmation. Not one but still we were confirmed by their bishop back then.
I should be arguing for any priest to barred from entering any classroom cos it has happened in Renmore parish. Alternatively, withdraw rcc power in schools as they set up their own schools.


Deaf Guy the only thing you’ve missed by not having confirmation classes is cult mind control. That is why the cult is so insistent on ‘education’ and getting them young: education and wide ranging reading are the enemies of superstition.
That’s why they try to keep abuse quiet with NDAs.


Anon at 5.07pm

I never had ANY classes preparation for confirmation in Cabra, which I was very very surprised years later. Cos I kept seeing confirmation classes in the media years later.

We were all rammed into a queue re confirmation ceremony with a Bishop that we didn’t know his name etcetera.

To be fair, I didn’t feel anything on that day except for more money in my pocket. Returned home on that day as an exception.

Agree with you re wide ranging reading and education.

My friend’s brother who was abused by a priest in Renmore parish when taking him out of the classroom set off alarms bells inside my head.

Cos they had the power to enter ANY CLASSROOM which reminded me of my experience in cabra school. These CBS staff had the right to enter anywhere in their own area or within the boundary area of St Joseph’s school, cabra. They entered at will, in our bedrooms, showers, toilets, kitchen or dining hall or living halls. That hadn’t occurred to me until that priest from Renmore parish classroom incident. I didn’t realise that extent of their (rcc or priests) power also extends to schools as well until Renmore story told to me by a friend.

These or any rcc schools were funded by parish donations or Sunday cash collections which wasn’t theirs in the 1st place. Priests shouldn’t be entering any classroom and taking a boy of their liking out for their own gratification. That’s what I’m worried about schools right now cos their POWER and position of using schools for their own advantage.


5.07: Another repeat mantra of a lying narrative. A very false and poisonous one. But if your lies keeps you happy, keep telling them.


Deaf Guy, I’m sure their motivation was anti deaf prejudice but honestly try to look on it as a lucky escape.


6:12 The measure of how true something is on this blog is how much it annoys the cathbots.
That’s why it’s called formation, it shapes you into an identical mould so you parrot the same shit.


3.54: When you corroborate your allegations with facts and reliable evidence, then your assertions are LIES. It’s easy to tell LIES.


7:15 Thank you for admitting you think facts are lies.
Of course you could try checking your comments before hitting the red button in your rage.


People need to remember that in the case of secondary schools the buildings and land the schools are on are owned by the religious orders. The discussion around ‘get the Catholic Church out of education’ is a joke. The Catholic Church set up schools when the state were unwilling to. Generations were educated by the religious.


@3:56, I presume your comment refers to the ROI.
If what you say is true, I would like to see the state take possession of your “church’s lands”, schools, and all those other educational linked possessions accrued by public donations. Similarly with regard to all property not solely and specifically necessary for religious observance.

And it WILL happen, eventually even in that clerical infested country.


@ 3:49pm
Are you for real? he beheaded most of his wives divorced his first and only legal wife. Started is own church and stole all the property of The Church I don’t think he was right at all.


It is indeed, 5:39. Coincidentally it’s the one fact they’re fanatically determined to try to forget.
Otherwise people like us wouldn’t make a point of reminding them so much.


I don’t know whether you’ve done anything specific to cause this but the holy ones are particularly furious today.


3.49: The religious orders returned their salaries to their schools and hospitals to ensure that only the best was given. An indisputable fact. My sisters went to a convent school in the mid 60’s – 70’s. The religious order provided opportunities for learning German, Spanish, art, music and all science subjects. I recall their incredible commitment to a full academic education. The Sr. principal sought every financial support she could from her Order to build the state of the art sports hall, theatre room and art/music academy. An incredible achievement. The salaries of all teaching sisters were ploughed back into the school. This generosity of spirit was and is replicated in towns and cities across our country. Despite the horrendous crimes of some, I am appreciative of the enormous commitment of religious orders in health and education. Let’s give credit where credit is due. I went to a scho run by lay people and, while good at school, most of the teachers were cruel, harsh and often beat us..They took their anger out by shouting at us to humiliate us.


‘The religious orders returned their salaries to their schools and hospitals to ensure that only the best was given. An indisputable fact.’
Actually it is disputable. What you mean to say is staffing these places with religious makes them cheaper to run because they save on salaries. That is the real motivation.


Did yous all see the video that went viral & also printed in newspapers of our teacher having sex with the woman on the window cill on the side of the street in Lisdoonvarna last weekend. That’s the very last time I’m listening to any crap from teachers or priests that come into our school.


7:34 Any responsible parent would be more concerned about the far more serious matter of the bad example set by his teacher on viral public street video than by a typo or a spelling error. YOU are deliberately missing the point teacher priest.


7.34 must be hard to concentrate in school when the teacher creating nationwide level scandal and distraction.


Lawyers confirm the Archdiocese of Chicago agreed to pay a US$2.1 million settlement in a lawsuit that alleged a 7 year old girl was sexually assaulted at a Catholic Church camp.


Spiritual abuse is an extremely serious matter deliberately designed by church members and cultic groups using religion as a tool to manipulate and exploit victims causing them and their families considerable harm in the process. The Roman Catholic Church has consistently failed to establish a workable system of accountability despite widely documented outstanding issues worldwide.


Its deeply shocking to read the trauma shaming conduct of pro church contributors clearly representing the real views and attitudes of clergy and their circles. Makes me ashamed to be a baptised Catholic. Horrendous.


9.34 Horrendous but I have developed a thick skin. The saddest part is that some of these comments are from a person that I tried to befriend and help when she was in a bad place. Pat knows that I speak truth.


Bishop Pat has anyone any information on holy family mission in glencomeragh house county Waterford? It is a catholic residential house for young people training to be ‘’missionaries”. I know of the testimonies of countless young people who have been emotionally and spiritually abused there but they are too afraid to come forward. Also countless young people have been suicidal there with no medical intervention, all kept under wraps by Phonsie and supported by him. Also benefactors money was used for trips to medjugorje for these young people.


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