


Here is his presentation of the four roots of the crisis and his explanation.

#1 Homosexuality among the clergy

One of the evident, observable and deepest roots of the sexual abuse of minors is homosexuality among the clergy. Of course, I will not say that all homosexuals are necessarily abusing children. This would be unjust and untrue. But we are speaking about clerical abuse in the Church, and so we have to focus on this illness. 

It has been proven that more than 80 percent of victims were post-pubescent males. It is therefore evident that the nature of the majority of this abuse involved homosexual acts. We have to stress that this is one of the main roots.

#2 Relativism of doctrine

The other main root of the abuse crisis is the relativism on moral teaching which began after the Second Vatican Council. Since then, we have been living in a deep crisis of doctrinal relativism, not only of dogmatics but also of morals — the moral law of God.

Morals were not taught clearly in seminaries over the past 50 years; it was often not clearly taught in Seminaries and Theological faculties that a sin against the sixth commandment is a grave sin. Subjectively there may be mitigating circumstances, but objectively it is a grave sin. Every sexual act outside a valid matrimony is against the will of God. It offends God and is a serious sin, a mortal sin.

This teaching was so relativized… We have to stress this… the relativism of moral teaching, specifically on the sixth commandment. 

#3 A lack of ascesis in seminaries

Another deep cause is the lack of a true, serious and authentic formation of seminarians. There was a lack of ascesis in the life and formation of seminarians. 

It has been proven by two thousand years, and by human nature, that without physical ascesis like fasting, praying, and even other forms of corporal mortifications, it is impossible to live a constant life in virtue without mortal sin. Due to the deep wound of original sin and the concupiscence still at work in every human being, we need corporal mortification. 

St. Paul says: “Make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires.” (Rom. 13:14) We can paraphrase these words, saying: do not nurture your flesh too much or concupiscence will dominate you. And this is exactly what often happened in seminaries. Seminarians and priests nurtured the flesh through a comfortable life without ascesis, without fasting and other bodily and spiritual mortifications. 

#4 Above all the absence of a deep and true love for Christ

But to me, the deepest cause of the clerical sex abuse crisis is the lack of a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When a seminarian or a priest does not have a deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ, in constant fidelity to a life of prayer and really enjoying a personal love for Jesus, he is easy prey for the temptations of the flesh and other vices. 

Furthermore, when you have a deep and personal love of Christ, you cannot deliberately commit a horrendous sin. Occasionally, because of the weakness of human nature, a priest or seminarian could commit a mortal sin against purity. But in the same moment, he is deeply repentant and decides to avoid the next sin at any cost. This is a manifestation of a true love of Christ. But it is for me completely excluded that a person who deeply loves Christ can sexually abuse minors. It is for me impossible. In my opinion, a deep love of Christ excludes this.



Bishop Schneider might be right or wrong in what he says – or even partially right and partially wrong.

He makes the point that over 80% of the sexual abuse victims of priests are post pubescent males on whom priests perform ”homosexual acts”.

Is it accurate to call these acts “homosexual acts” or would it be more accurate to call them “paedophilic acts”?

Doctrinal relativism

I cannot agree with the bishop when he says:

A sin against the sixth commandment is a grave sin. Every sexual act outside a valid matrimony is against the will of God. It offends God and is a serious sin, a mortal sin“.

This is an extremely legalistic view. It is denying that loving sexual expressions between two adults who are not married according to RCC theology and law, are always committing mortal sins.

In this day and age such a view is disgraceful and irrational position will be rejected by very many people.

Corporal mortification. 

Schneider suggests that it is impossible to live a moral life without fasting and other “corporal mortifications”.

Is he talking about people whipping themselves with “self flagalation”?

I hope not.

Above all the absence of a deep and true love for Christ.

It is easy to agree with the bishop on this.

Any person with a deep and true love for Christ could not abuse a child in any way.

But I suppose that does not allow for people who are either mentally ill and those who are sociopathic.

What do readers think of Schneider’s views?



I didn’t say that Snatter was 100% wrong; only that he isn’t 100% right. You will appreciate the nuance with effort.

No one knows, not even Snatter (since he wasn’t there, nor questioned any of the participants) why that sensuality fest took place. Alas, we can only speculate, and some of us do it better than others. But we all should do so with caution: even those who profess love of Christ (and I’m sure Snatter would do so, very loudly indeed) … even these will fall morally, like Peter, Andrew, James, John, and all the rest down through our infidelitous salvation history. You see? It doesn’t necessarily mean that they have no love of Christ. Perhaps they just got out of bed on the wrong side that morning, or, with the Maynooth Summer of Love, someone else’s bed.


11.20 Like unto like; the ordaining prelate fits the category you posit as being ordained. Systems perpetuate themselves.


As do you. Just because you have left the cesspit doesn’t mean that you behaved appropriately during your cult days. Total hypocrite.


@10.10. Some of you on here need to get a grip. The assumption that I am a priest is laughable. I happen to have an opinion about BM based on what I have listened to on this blog for the past several months. I am no supporter of the RCC and a big supporter of Pat.


7:31 what is your name Father? Easy to hurl anonymous abuse at the only two people who clearly identify themselves on this blog. Since finding this blog and related sources, it has been eye opening to find that the church is even more evil and twisted than the public know.

Liked by 1 person

9:53 your assumption that anyone gives a damn who you are nor do they have any intention of tolerating any church related lies or crap is even more laughable! 🤣🎈


Because that’s their core demographic. That’s why you find sociopaths in other organized crime organizations as well.
When an organization has thousands of victims and has deliberately helped their abusers, the reason is obvious. That’s what they’re about, and the pretend religion is a front.


Because the Church has historically been disobedient in denying to itself, and to the wider world, that Christ’s death and resurrection did away with the need for such intermediary agency between humankind and God as priesthood.


I think the figures he uses in point no 1 can only be contextualised if we know the percentage of priests who are homosexual.


Chair Yoga tomorrow – Wednesday 21st September
Belmore Court Motel
See you there!


The secretive culture ensures clerics won’t rat on each other because most of them have “something” on each other.


The correct term and category is ephebophilia. The Fr. David Marsden / Schneider types wrongly and exclusively blame homosexuality for this problem but this is inaccurate as ephebophilia has it’s own specific characteristics. It manifests in same sex or opposite sex attraction and is not exclusive to either.
The 80% male demographic may seem shocking but given that access to males was easier it could account for the high numbers. Males were primarily abused in male led institutions, females were primarily abused in female led institutions.
The issue is also a evolutionary/biological problem as (most) humans are conditioned to look for younger more fertile partners to copulate with. Many older people whether they be homosexual or heterosexual tend to naturally look for younger partners. The issue which then arrises is that of legality and age of consent which is different depending on the race/religion/culture. Ephebophilia is very complex and questionable but indeed it is a problem in the Church.

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Ah, Father David Marsden. Now, there is another nut job with an obsessive interest in seminarians’ masturbatory fantasies and activities. The seminarians in Oscott used to do the wank / hand job sign behind his back as he walked down the corridor. I hope that his bosses are keeping him away from young men in formation / school / parishes etc. The man should be referred to a safeguarding agency to be assessed given his inordinate interest in the sexual / masturbatory expression of young men. He’s dangerous.


Note that lots of ephebes are very keen for close encounters with adults. They speak and write abundantly about this in later life despite the censorship.



You made good points, but your classification of human sexuality into more or less separate and distinct categories (paedophilia, epheboplilia, homosexuality, heterosexuality, etc) is too neat and too abstract.

There are varying degrees of overlap among all these categories. For example, homosexuals and heterosexuals can have both paedophilic AND ephebophilic tendencies (or just one or the other), while similtaneously being attracted to adults. This does not necessarily indicate psycho-sexual maladjustment, nor the likelihood of self- criminalisation through acting out.

These tendencies are, in fact, quite natural, though such is the strength of social taboo against them, particularly in the West, that most people would be too ashamed and too frightened to admit them.

Moral evaluation of the tendencies is culturally attributive rather than personally instinctive, and, historically, has not been (and still is not) universally disapproving.


How about we add the utter failure of Church leadership to discipline child abusers as a cause? Or if not a cause, surely leadership by its failure allowed the cancer to grow, spread, and as we see in Ireland, ultimately lead to the death of the Church for so many good people.
Bishop, take the planks out of the eyes of your brother bishops and your own eyes, before you presume to take the splinters out of ours.


Except it isn’t a failure, it was planned. John XXIII told bishops to deal with it in house and not go outside and look at the result.
A failure would be seen in an inconsistency in bishops’actions, whereas in fact they did the same internationally and were apparently happy to do so.


For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather round them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy‬ ‭4:3-4‬ ‭


8:39 Abuse, Abuse, Abuse – spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological, financial, sexual, you name it, those are the fruits and legacy of the Roman Catholic Church and the vile circling rats left guarding their wealth whilst victims and survivors die awaiting redress.

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The Bishop’s analysis here is 100% correct. The only thing I would add is the lack of strict supervision an management of Priests in the past . In many ways they were left to do whatever they liked without any real supervision by their bishop which you would have in any other workplace. They were trusted to do the right thing by bishops and sadly some priests broke that trust with terrible consequences . There is also the factor that many priests ended up as bishops and they didnt have the ability or qualities to undertake that role . They got the job because of who they knew or much more capable priests did not want to take on the responsibility.


Derailment 101: Minimize the problem by ignoring that ALL bishops helped clergy abuse and this was international, and make out that some priests went off the rails.

Liked by 1 person

No, you weren’t lucky: you were just easily deceived by the mystique of priesthood, such was your obsequious nature when ‘Faaather’ was around.
Human nature does not change, and, unfortunately for the world, nor does the immorally recidivistic nature of Catholic priesthood.


‘the poisonous world flows into my mouth like water into that of a drowning man.’ Kafka


6:44 just mind yourself and make sure you don’t pay with your mental and physical health, Karen. Take care.

Liked by 1 person

10.38 I thank you for your caring words. I believe they are genuine. Most appreciated. Karen


12.37 the only time we’ve ever personally been subjected to Satan was in interactions with and in unsolicited and self interested approaches from the Roman Catholic Church. It is you pro Church trolls and stalkers who are the real disciples of Satan. Ugh! 🤮
Anyway why do you care what we say or think, why does it bother you? After all, it has “nothing” to do with you & doesn’t affect your life or family. Who are you to “judge” how others use their legal right to deal with ongoing wrong doings by your members.



Given the nature of your typically unchristian posts, the only place in which your prayers are heard is Hell.

If you had any sense, even a little, you would have been able to work out, all by yourself, the preposterous contradiction between calling the Church ‘Holy’, while similtaneously inviting prayer for it. If the Church were genuinely, rather than nominally, holy, it would not require prayer, you complete fool.


With another strong worded letter and a threat to not underestimate you anomously’ on this, I don’t think so love.


Message to the Killaloe Priest & his ‘fine ass beoir’: Continue with your shenanigans and I will have no qualms about exposing the whole story on social media & the Sunday Mail 😊💥.


‘Darling on my worst day on drink I would run rings around ya and on my best day without alcohol I would run rings around everyone’-butcher girl


8.18 You could have stayed with us Bill. If you’re still around, pls feel free to call over to us. Safe travels. Karen


10.17 Thank you…I am well aware. Twice recently there were attempts to hack my Mac…it is well protected and monitored…..I hope those hacking me did not pick up a virus that speaks in Yiddish !!!!! Lol Lol Lol


Like the broom , I have the v8,2000 , its a gem in a stormy season, most people don’t even see me coming, let alone flying rings around them 😉


Aswith all of his brother bishops he is in complete denial of the problem. It is he who is relativising.


8:04 he’s not at all weak or in any mode of denial about anything, you are all wrong about Fintan Monahan.


8.48 Firstly, I don’t think WM’s comment was directed at Fintan. Secondly, what do you know about Fintan Monahan’s leadership abilities? Do you draw your conclusions from his social media accounts? If Fintan was strong, would the Diocese be in the mess that it is in?


10.12 I most certainly would never draw my conclusions about anyone in any context from fake constructions including social media accounts. You misunderstand my analysis based on personal experiences and ASSume it to be complimentary of Bishop Monahan when that might or indeed might not be the case. Those within and “know” will understand.


11.22 If you are ‘within’ then why don’t you have the guts to answer my question in last sentence above? After all, you are ‘anonymous’?


11.56 My dear child, my benefit of my education, experience and professional consultancy services do not appear “free of charge” on a public blog! After all isn’t the Church often berated on here for being a “business”. And what a fine profitable business it is and that takes “real educated effort”. To quote the late TD, Padraig Flynn “you should try it sometime”.


Mulvihill you state, in reply to 8:33am “Aswith all of his brother Bishops he is in complete denial of the problem….
What a scurrilous comment you have made against the Bishop of Killaloe.

10:12am Read it again, his comment was directed at Bishop Fintan Monahan. Of course you would agree with Billeen, as you call him.


Dawn Edel Goldstein offered the first high profile critical analysis of Dom Mark Kirby’s book, In Sinu Jesus. She was savagely attacked by fans of the book. She was denounced and called names by numerous people and became the target of anti Semitic and other slurs on social media.


Schneider is ignorant. There ius no link between homosexuality and paedophilia. The idea that ‘you can knock it out of them in seminary’ is to createa bigger problem. Relativism has no relationship to the situation he discusses. There is no acceptance of paedophilia within the church. It is an absolute that challenges clearly any relativism. Love of God – yes but that does not deal with the minds of people who are tempted to commit sexual acts on minors. He is ignorant and needs to be moved to a desk job far away, withnout permission to communicate beyond his office.


Dunning Kruger runs through everything the church says about human life and particularly sexuality.


8:23 what was it they were trying to knock out of them in Maynooth seminary and then Bishop Willie Walsh in Killaloe Diocese had to sell off land to pay off the 2 seminarians from County Clare.


‘There is no acceptance of paedophilia within the church.’
I hate to think how many victims the church would have if it accepted paedophilia in your view. It’s a bit difficult to see every bishop covering up crime as anything other than acceptance.


Dom Benedict Andersen continues to be defamed in revenge for voicing concerns from inside Silverstream Benedictine Priory, Co Meath, Irelandsays:

It is noted with grave concern that Bishop of Meath, Tom Deenihan continues his lengthy, ongoing character assassination of Dom Benedict Andersen by withholding his letter of good standing, causing him considerable mental, physical and financial distress. Meanwhile, although an independent canonical investigation conducted by Abbott Brendan Coffey, Glenstal and others dubiously claim to have found no case to answer, the subject of the allegations, Dom Mark Kirby, remains as a “guest” in a nuns convent in mainland Europe. Kirby is the author of In Sinu Jesus as confirmed by journalist Robert Moynihan – this book is a favourite of Cardinal Raymond Burke & Bishop Joseph Strickland and a veritable who’s who of anti Pope Francis clerics. Dom Benedict Andersen is being openly defamed by those who claim to be orthodox and traditional Catholics who are in fact found repeatedly and paradoxically to be much less honest and transparent than those who have serious disagreements with the Roman Catholic Church.


@ William M – “I was in Ennis overnight.”
Really? Didn’t you claim last night that you were on your way to Paris and Germany?
“I shall be in the Republic of Ireland for only a few hours before I proceed to Paris and Germany”
Between getting to Paris and Germany and getting back to Larne with your chalice today, you will be very busy. How do you manage such distances in such short periods of time?
Whatever you’re up to, take care.
Jer 29:11


9am The Killaloe Stalker now known as Cyberpunk is up early! None of your ******* business and everyone knows why it “bothers” you and your benefactors.


9.00am I left Dublin at 22.00 and was back init at 8.35 this morning….my time is my own…when I purchase the Paris ticket and am safely there you are welcome to a screen shot of it ? Is that you Pat ? I was being true to my word making the necessary visit to Ennis before the Antipodies you anonymous coward…and any way none of it is your business essentially.


9:38 exactly Bill, totally none of their business, the bigger question is why are Killaloe so defensive, what on Earth is going on there? I think few are shocked by sexual scandals involving priests any more and let’s face it, it doesn’t seem to bother any of the Bishops either apart from them being openly annoyed with the complainants as they believe the church is beyond reproach for anything their members do wrong to others. A Dangerous, money mad organisation.


Bill you’ve been caught and you’re waffling. As usual.
The closest you’ll get to the Antipodes is watching Home and Away at lunchtime on RTE


9 am. What are you trying to insinuate Cyber-Punk? Ennis is only a 20 minute drive from Shannon Airport.


9.00am When I am safely in Paris and onwards to Germany, the two weeks bumpy road for Deenhihan will hit a crater in the road.. Stumbling bock…scandal….Peter….The Anatomy of a church .


Peter Kwasniewski signed off on the books nihil obstat, given when a book is reviewed for doctrinal errors by a theologian prior to a Bishop granting his imprimatur. This is highly suspect as Kwasniewski is not a theologian, his doctorate is in philosophy. Malcolm Schluenderfritz in an overview clearly demonstrates that Kwasniewski’s views on papal authority and ecclesiology are closer to Protestantism than to traditional Catholicism. There are other conflicts of interest suggesting that Peter Kwasniewski played a role in editing the book. Added to that his wife is an oblate of Silverstream Priory and his son is understood to be a monk in the priory. Dom Benedict Andersen reported various concerns including spiritual abuse and has been fully vindicated by subsequent revelations yet he continues to be defamed and subjected to abuse being denied his letter of good standing.


Spiritual abuse is described as a form of psychological abuse that uses the victims own conscience to ensnare them. In the context of cases that Bishop Pat Buckley is currently dealing with and as confirmed in published posts by pro Church laity and clergy, intrusion is exacted via the dissemination, misuse and distortion of confidential parishioner data elicited when church relevant illegal matters are brought to attention of church hierarchy.


Pat when you insult Bishop Fintan by addressing him disrespectfully,you need to be able to accept when it’s also done to you. You print what suits you and you didn’t like my insulting comment about you so you didn’t print it. I am a parishoner from Ennis and i will guarantee you one thing, Bishop Fintan would never be as ignorant as you are. You have no class whatsoever.


9:33 your comment confirms that you either know everything about Bishop Fintan Monahan or in fact you know “nothing” about the “real Bishop Fintan Monahan”. More likely you are one of the chattering classes deliriously imagining that there are no consequences for supporting, aiding and abetting wrong doing.


9.33 No, you are wrong, that’s like the kettle calling the pot black, it is noted and witnessed worldwide that church interested parties and beneficiaries say what suits them about anyone they perceive as a threat to the money making machine of spiritual, sexual, financial & all manner church related abuse. The likes of Dom Kirby writing books under dubious circumstances and victimising and deliberately freaking out his holy colleagues and young men. Dom Benedict Andersen and many others continue to be proactively defamed and their privacy & data rights violated by those ruthlessly faithful to dark truths and realities within their conflicted system.


11.49 majority on this blog don’t work and the regular commenters are lazy and unemployed.


Is Bishop Schneider a religious and Athanasius his religious name? If you chose it as a religious name you’d be setting a course of always putting other people right. If not, being called Athanasius would be bound to send you peculiar.


Think Bishop Schneider is in deep denial. I don’t agree with his 4 reasons. What about lack of celibacy, formators in seminary were homosexuals with approval of bishops who were homosexual themselves.
Its not homosexual act that bishop is suggesting.
Is he out of touch? Just wondering 🤔


Partner of County Clare TD, Violet Anne Wynne, ex Sinn Fein & now Independent is to contest allegedly driving with no insurance last October. The case of John Mountaine is being adjourned to January due to unavailability of Garda/Police witness.


Once again? Wtf has this to do with anything relating to the subject of this blog? Write to the Clare TDs there are plenty I think


12.35 it entirely relevant to other contributors on this blog, are you searching for anything in particular and if you are, let us know & we will post what you may find of interest in keeping with the ethos of Bishop Pat Buckley’s blog exposing crime, corruption and criminality in the Roman Catholic Church worldwide.


The treatment of Dom Benedict Andersen is a living symbol of the true arrogance that flourishes in the Irish Roman church. May God help Dom Benedict Andersen because his Bishop certainly won’t. Amen.


10.34 That is how they operate…..they could teach any terrorist organisations dirty tricks that terrorists could never dream up. WM


Meanwhile in Southern Ireland, the Government permits energy and food suppliers to rape and pillage the so called Free Staters. It’s going to be a dark, cold and hungry winter for the most vulnerable in what Bob Geldof dubbed the Banana Republic. He later discovered that most of the money he raised for African starving was siphoned off and didn’t reach the hungry people.


Bishop Deenihan

Have you told the people of the relevant parishes of your priest who went to private counselling for himself, the councillor reported him to you and you removed him from ministry. Further , have you told your priests that any councillor they talk to will report even a fantasy they may have discussed. In the world of psychoanalysis everything is treated complicated for readers here.


11:17 Bishop Pat, when you wrote about the priests with the “housekeepers”, did you discover that many of them were the so called “fallen women” from the mother and baby homes handpicked by the nuns and priests for a life of sexual and domestic slavery in “respectable” parishes all around Ireland and beyond including here in County Limerick.



Bishop Deenihan,

I wish to report to you the multiple gay relationships in your diocese.

You are bound to investigate because the celibacy vow is being violated: I hall begin with Xxxxx Richard PP and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx for years. Xxxxx Xxxxx and his Brazilian boyfriend who has been beating him up before he left now saying Mass in Xxxx at the weekends.
You will give That Gentleman his letter of good standing today or for the next few days I shall print the names of your clergy, who they are in relationship with and what under the law of the church you must do of course to do anything you risk their exposing you;exactly want I am at you will never have a peaceful day in your diocese again.

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Blackmail doesn’t work unless you have provable facts.

BM is always threatening lurid revelations but like those of Mike Lindell (‘My Pillow’) they never materialize.


ALL sexualities are prone to paedophilia/ephebophilia, though few people would be brave enough to admit this openly and publicly, for fear of severe social censure and stigmatisation. In the RC priesthood, this tendency is exacerbated through celibacy, and the traditional deference shown priests by the laity. Having power over people (clericalism) while attempting to observe sexual continence (celibacy) can actually be counter-productive, and make breaches of celibacy more likely.

It is obviously easier for a homosexual priest to manipulate a minor than it is a fully grown male, which means that the opportunities for paedophilic/ephebophilic expression in the priesthood are plentiful, and the incidence of it more likely to be higher than in any other walk of life.

Until the clericalist distinction between priests and laity in the Catholic Church is broken down, the exploitation of minors by homosexual priests will almost certainly continue. However, since this distinction is, by centuries of tradition, deeply entrenched in the daily culture of the Church, it is highly unlikely ever to be broken down. With this degree of certitude, the only alternative (and, therefore, an absolute imperative) is to refuse to admit, without exception, homosexual candidates for the priesthood, and to laicise those proven to have acted out on homosexual paedophilic or ephebophilic tendencies, or, indeed, with adult males.

There is now an irrefutable correlation of homosexual priests and the widespread existence of paedophilia and ephebophilia in the Church; this is confirmed by the John Jay report.

Are homosexuals more likely than heterosexuals to act out on the paedophilic/ephebophilic tendencies naturally in their natures? I don’t believe so, outside priesthood. However, these tendencies appear to be more acute among homosexuals, whatever their circumstance; this would, of course, make them more difficult to resist.

In plain English, while both homosexuals and non-homosexuals can have paedophilic/ephebophilic trendencies, the homosexual’s tendency is statistically much more likely to be stronger and, therefore, his likelihood of acting out on it all the greater.


Yet y’all get very offended when people say how Catholic priest=kiddy fiddler and try to normalize paedophilia by saying it’s everywhere and mostly in families.
Now supposedly homosexuals are most prone. 😂


Everyone is prone, including you and me. But, statistically speaking, homosexuals are significantly more prone. You can laugh at this, if you wish. But it would remain the truth.


I disagree with your conclusion. You rightly point out that outside of the priesthood, homosexuals are not more likely to act out their ephebophilic tendencies as that of their heterosexual counterparts. This invalidates your conclusion that the Church’s problem is primarily a homosexual one. Saying they are “more prone” indicates a bias in your thinking. If they are “more prone” in the priesthood then you must ask the question why? There are many varying reasons. I think if you view the ephebophilic category as it’s own category then you will reach a more balanced conclusion. It is very easy to scapegoat the homosexual but statistically many homosexuals stay within their adult relationship group just like Heterosexuals. So therefore the ephebophilic issues within the priesthood must be looked at on their own. It’s is a very specific category and not a general one.


You’ve made thoughtful and challenging points.
However, I did not say that homosexuals were the Church’s problem; this is priesthood itself.
The very nature of priesthood, and the power differential it creates between priests and laity (clericalism), can exacerbate the paedophilic/ephebophilic tendencies naturally present in the homosexual. In crude terms, priesthood can, paradoxically, act like an aphrodisiac.
These tendencies, to varying degrees, are present also in heterosexuals. But the incidence of paedophilic/ephebophilic offending by heterosexual priests is statistically much lower. Logically, there can be only one reason for this: these tendencies in the homosexual priest must be stronger (and, therefore, more difficult to resist) than those in his heterosexual counterpart, making the homosexual, as I said, more prone to this type of offending. This is not bias, but empirically reasonable conclusion. Otherwise, we are left with the patently absurd proposituon that homosexuals must, ontologically, be sexually less moral than heterosexuals.
Priesthood is the perfect cultivator of these tendencies, especially in the homosexual (since his appear to be stronger than those of the heterosexual).
Outside priesthood, there is, therefore, significantly less temptation, and fewer opportunities, for the homosexual to offend sexually against minors.


11.2.33: Why Pat did Mulvihill not forward the comment himself to Bishop Deenihan? Why are you a carrier of his allegations? Why are you allowing him to make such threats to the Bishop? Why is Bill a co-author of your blig in the most vicious, offensive and destructive a manner? You have incited a horrendous hatred and vengeance against Deenihan and Cowardly Bill is your agent.


Bill is not a co author but a comment maker.

I have asked for a comment from Deenihan.

I sent Deenihan the unedited version of Bill’s allegations


11.52 I have communicated to a Roman desk what I would not put up here. There is a fine side to Denihan….I do not want to destroy his reputation…but he withholds a letter from a good man to indicate his good reputation ….is that not fair ?


11.33 Thank you. Let us escalate their woes if they will not give a GOOD MAN a simple letter to help him move on in his life.


Pat, please don’t bin this before reading it through. I hope you post it – feel free to edit it if you want but please let blog readers know that you edited it.
@Killaloe Stalker Alert
Newsflash – I am not from Kilaloe and as for your assertion that I am a stalker – I have already published my interest in paying close attention to Bill’s posts; whether or not that makes me a stalker, I am not sure but I will say this – if paying close attention to Bill’s posts makes me a stalker then, I am happy to to be called a stalker.
I am interested in Bill’s posts because I believe they are indicative of a man unravelling, a man who has a mental health issue. Of course, I have no proof of this but it’s my firm belief that he is not well.
Admittedly, I can only make that evaluation based on what I have read here.
I do not say this to make fun of or ridicule him. I say it because I would like to see him seek help. One of the sad realities of certain mental health issues is that the sufferer often denies there are any such issues.
Yesterday he posted on this blog that he was, within a few hours, on his way to Paris and Germany, he was also aiming to be back in Larne today too. These are some of the out-of-touch with reality statements that he makes and these are some of his more moderate statements. A fortnight ago he was addressing me on this blog using a combination of letters and numerals which he claimed were his version of Sanskrit!!! I have no idea why and, to be honest, I doubt Bill knows why either. Bill’s posts to the blog reveal someone to be either unwell or genuinely eccentric. I have a feeling it’s the former.
Now he is threatening to destroy Tom Deniheen. Bill might well have information on Tom D that would be interesting from the perspective of this blog but unfortunately, whatever he claims can be reasonably dismissed by Tom D and his supporters as the ramblings of a madman.
And there is a key issue here. I believe this blog has the power to unearth the hypocrisy and sinfulness of the Irish RCC, in particular – but while Bill runs amok on the blog pages it loses credibility if only because its readers will dismiss valuable revelations amid all the mad assertions.
Finally, I also worry that Bill’s apparent ‘unravelling’ is being used for shock and entertainment value.
please forgive bad formatting, spelling etc – in a hurry


12.33 Tell me who you are and I shall issue proceedings against you and Pat for putting up this defamation….working for the RCC you anonymous coward?


William, defamation requires what is said to be untrue. Cyberpunk has clearly indicated that what he has written is true. He is also clearly expressing concern for you.
No reputable solicitor would tell you you had a case.


1:41 that is correct, defamation requires what is said to be untrue. You will be reminded of that on the day.


1.18: Bill, your treatment of Pat and all of us in this blog is morally reprehensible. One moment you’re at table with Pat, extolling his virtues, the next you’re suing him for defamation. 😁😂😂🤣😃😊😊..what a f*****g laugh you are!! Mad laugh. Bill, you are DEFAMING the ugly remnants of whatever pieces of your ugly specimen. With all the aegations you make on this blog, you have never validated any of them. With all your huffing and puffing your oxygen levels must be dangerously low!! Kerp p6fging. You’re a busted flush and soon will be no more…Go and find useful work. Stop disgracing your parents and family.


12.33synopsis of your long rambling post on William Mulvihill:
“Anyone who questions the Roman Catholic cabal is slanderered and made out to be mentally unstable”
Get back to the drawing board, Paedophile Protector. It’s all been done before and the true definition of “madness” is demonstrated in pulling the same stunts although they’ve long stopped working.


Why do silly people draw conclusions from my post that aren’t there?

I am not from Kilaloe as stated by a previous poster nor am I a Roman Catholic.

@ Bill – I haven’t defamed you. I have said you appear to have etc…

And I have also expressed a concern for your welfare. You might think that concern is insincere – it’s not.


1.41 How can you assert the veracity of his words when he calls himself “CyberPunk.” I think Cyberpunk and Florry Gin are the one individual…not the same person!


I don’t know who you are , nor bill or he’s comments or have any issues with him but I think this is the first time on this blog that I have read a comment, where you couldn’t of hit the nail on the head more. Very well put together and highly impressed.😂

I would ride and corrupt the fuck out of yeah , you punk ! 😃

And Gordon Ramsay , 🙃


Spot on. Bill is rambling on and now trying to use blackmail. While he travels around courtesy of the RCC payout.


2:05 don’t be ridiculous, he didn’t even get a decent years wages! Such exaggeration to Church agenda! 😒


12.33: Cyberpunk. I hope Pat listens to you as you express the feelings and thoughts of many. I would suspect that all the blog readers are “laughing” at Bill. He is close to psychological implosion. All the signs are there. Now he is engaging in bullying, threats, blackmail, allegations, lies. I am shocked that any person can behave like this in so public a way and delight in doing so. It is as if Bill wants to be the monkey at the market square: tied up and when outside goes all he’s teased enough he goes crazy…


1.20: “Take those comments down”…Thought Bill sat at table with you recently!! Pat, this wound up dangerous battery head is about to self destruct. If Bill cannot see the trajectory of his behaviour, he’s in a worse psychological breakdown than we realise. Why are you allowing him to control your blog? Why give him the space to publicly fracture in so humiliatingly a manner? There’s something morally sick to be enabling Bill’s crazy madness. Pat: intervene. Mr. Mulvihill has traumatised, through threats and bullying, many peoole in your blog. This truth may yet involve court cases. I know.


Bill stayed with me from Saturday evening until yesterday afternoon.

I always communicate my honest thoughts directly to Bill


Ah come on now your starting to sound like Carroll, if you dish it out daily you have to be able to take not have a tantrum and threaten guards and solictors when you hear some mething you don’t like, we have listen to ye’re all day everyday !
Your a big boy , surely you can handle a challenge !


10.05am.. You haven’t a clue about me but no need for hurtful names by Pat when addressing the Bishop . He should know better. He doesn’t have to agree with him on anything, but have a little bit of respect when name calling and how he addresses him. It doesn’t say a whole lot about Pats character indeed. . Where did you actually see on my comment that i was excusing any wrong doing of the church.??? I’m around over 60 years to know that this is not true but you also have a person on the blog everyday playing victim and making some very untrue statements and the cracks are starting to show with her. I have to laugh sometimes at her guess work


1:44 it is you who clearly hasn’t a clue about the real hurt being deliberately done for profit. Go away & do your knitting or golf or whatever.


1:44 you’d have to be “cracked” to have anything to do with a priest, sure we all found that out when Casey & Cleary opened the flood gates to the long hidden truth. Poor women, hope they will be okay in the longer term.


No white smoke for the desk jobs for the lads yet in Ennis. Have heard yer wan is a great looker though. I dunno how Fitzgerald does it.


Schneider calls the rape of children by romanist priests ‘an illness’. This minimisation and euphemising of criminal perversion is, or was, typical of romanist bishops. Priests were seen as needing help and protection (hence the cover-up), not the children they violated, and marked for life.

Schneider is the type of clerical elitist and scumbag who drove me out of the church into which I was baptised as an infant. I despise people like him. I see nothing of Christ in either him, or his perverse kind. He is the antithesis of Christ.

I hope Pope Francis cleanses the Church of him.


You didn’t even mention what that paedophile apologist said of the priests who rape little children: not that they were vile criminals and perverts, but that they were just ill, connoting that they deserve our sympathy.
You haven’t a clue, have you?


Pat, this blog is again becoming all about Mulvihill.

You are the moderator of the blog, Will you please moderate his comments? He’s turning the blog into a near- farce. He even threatened action against you today! Why do you allow this? What kind of hold does Mulvihill have of you?

For God’s sake, do something about him, will you, please?!

Enough is enough of this grandstanding fool.


Bill has absolutely nothing on me.
I agree I have been unduly lenient with regard his comments. I had my reasons.

You will see that change.


CyberPunk, I have just “discovered” who you are , period Check out George Pell episcopal motto. Maybe throw it around a bit.


One more thing Bill – if you think I have defamed you and want to take it further I am more than prepared to give Pat my full name, address and telephone number.
I hope it wouldn’t come to that though.
Take care
Without wax 😉


But you’ve just ‘discovered’ who I am. Therefore I don’t need to post anything on the blog.
Know that you know who I am – contact me directly.
I have decided that I have nothing more to contribute to this discussion.
Until next time. Take care


Ah come on now bill, grow up a small bit will yeah. I hear everyday people on this threatening guards and solicitors , ye must have great faith in them to constantly threaten them, because they are not a disappointment and corrupt like the church or politicians in anyway 😂


2:24 Info on John F Kennedy now despatched to Bill! See thats what happens when you “go too far with your arrogance”! Shame you so stubbornly refused to accept the only olive branch that was on offer although you didn’t even deserve that for what ye doing.


Don’t you sometimes find yourself laughing at inappropriate times or places? Like, when Bishop Schneider lambasts what he calls ‘moral relativism’ as a reason for priests’ raping children? (Yes, I can see the direct link between the two, if I intellectually squint enough.) If I morally relativise (which is a posh way of saying ‘exercise my conscience’), I’m bound, inevitably, to violate a child sexually. 😕

How in hell was this halfwit ever made bishop?

There is presumptious arrogance in churchmen like Schneider. They present themselves as the collective gold standard in moral teaching, not Jesus Christ, and they pejoratively call anyone who disagrees with them ‘a moral relativist’.

These Romanists have, for centuries, been in conflict with the ONLY standard of morality that matters: Christ’s. They have failed to practise what they preach by ignoring the moral onus on them to love fellow human beings and to forgive them their wrongs.

They have caricatured Christ’s command to love, even and especially, one’s enemies, by making war a moral imperative, and by making sin unpardonable through moral approval of the death penalty.

They have even devalued the ‘little ones’, of whom Jesus unconventionally made so much, by enabling and facilitating the crime of paedophilia. And they have made the crime which cries to Heaven for vengeance, abortion, seem small moral beer by denying the sanctity of human life in all those other ways.

Schneider’s church is the proto-type, par excellence, of moral relativism. So, if moral relativism really is partly behind the rape of children by priests, then I think, on this occasion, we may have a meeting of minds, Schneider and I.


I shouldn’t say I’m not posting again and then go back on my word but I couldn’t resist.
If you’re referring to my use of the expression ‘without’ wax you’d be wrong . I just remember you using it in the blog in your earlier appearances here and decided to use it.
Incidentally, I’m assuming you realise that it does not mean sincerely.


He certainly has a problem and is certainly causing this blog a problem with legal threats. He is ranting and raving and talking drivel. He made a fool of himself publishing the correspondence with archbishop Martin. He is worse than magna Carta.
Cyberpunk, Canon todd unctious, myself and many others cannot all be wrong even if we disagree on certain issues. There is a certain politeness among us. We do not abuse or threaten people. We do not use foul language either.
WM please go and have a lie down, put the lights out and keep taking the tablets. In other words you have become a pain in the backside and an embarrassment to PB who has shown incredible patience.
Garngad Lad


You have the wrong person. Read my post again. I do not ridicule or abuse people. I do try to be fair
Garngad lad


Please quote where I have abused or ridiculed an individual or used foul language. I am willing to apologise if you can prove it.
Garbage Lad


I love it, when caught out and called out for ridiculing and abusing people and then wishing them ‘Pax’, you come over all mature with ‘it wasn’t me, mum’, and then still part with ‘Pax’.😅


He’s like my sister’s youngest, who developed a habit of doing something naughty and then going and sitting himself on the naughty step to get it out the way.


Gaslighting clerics and cathbots are in overdrive today.
What has rattled their cages big time-is it fall-out from Silverstream..?


The Silverstream charade has gone on for far too long. Tom Deenihan is an absolute disgrace. His mistreatment of Dom Benedict Andersen is morally reprehensible. How long more must the good clergymen and parishioners of the diocese endure his hypocritical Episcopal leadership?


I remember the time when I was told that I should go to church to find a decent nice man , look how that panned out ,found a real winner 🤣🤣
Oh the memories, take me back t the good old days lol 😆


The Church needs to stop saying ‘We’re just like the secular world & its values, just fluffier & with God’, & start saying ‘We have contempt for the false values of our empty, materialistic society. Becoming a Christian means a painful rejection of complacent worldly values’.


Yeah they do need to stop making out they’re just like the secular world and start admitting that they’re MORE venal, cupiditous, psychopathic, libidinous and mendacious.


Is this blog full of church rejects ? Or am I missing something …

For an establishment ya’ll hate so much , majority on here either worked for them spent their lives attending and dedicating etc ..

All rejected either prom their postions, by priests or the social click some way or another ….


I’m not so sure ….

Maybe in some cases, ya… But

Bitterness is like poison , expecting the other person to drink it.

Do you not think outting corruption is important, absolutely and speaking out, yes !!

but surely , at some point you have to forgive and move on, no ?

Especially ,previous clergy who have been condemned by the church for different reasons, they spent their careers preaching about forgiveness etc… They should be the ones to hold the highest standast on this blog even as hurt as they are to set an example…

Vulnerable, lay or otherwise mentally unwell abused, hurt etc victims, ok , everyone handles and deals with trauma differently and wouldn’t expect them to be as adept as ex clergy on this…


‘but surely , at some point you have to forgive and move on, no ?’

Your reminder that the cult of Rome sees anyone critcising its relentless rape, torture and criminality as their failure to move on.


Are or were you not a religious attendee of this church until you were rejected for some reason or another , and now your bitter ?

If you need acceptance and approval , your looking to the wrong people and establishment. Casting the first stone is not the answer.


8.33 your absolutely right I wasn’t thinking of the 70’s era and prior generation of torture laid on the poor souls of the public, our parents and grandparents .they have a reason to complain. I’m a modern baby and wasn’t born then, not forgetting them and that generation , things are alot different now but the church has been held accountable on alot of levels since then hence their attitude change in recent years and why their seats are mostly empty now in Sunday mass in comparison to when I was growing up it was so full we queued in the yard as kids of the church grounds for mass wjen our parents forced us to go… We and those victims are doing something right, but I’m referring to the constant regulars on here who are insesantly and repeatedly condemning the church on a weekly, daily and monthly basis to the point it’s taking up their lives …. On a blog might I add…

I do agree the chruch have still alot to answer for. The ones that were beaten in schools by them for merely being left handed , thrown in mother baby homes they suffered. Not half the fools on here that were banned for breaking the rules clergy or lay people or some victims who claim they were abused when really were simply rejected for one minor reason or another can’t talk shite half the time.

All I’m hearing from some on this is, not all …

Is ah why won’t they respond to me I’ll make hell for them, why didn’t he like me , why was I banned and this gobshite he did worse than me as a priest and he was protected … Etc..

Will they ever moan about someone worth moaning about. I have yet to see a proper victim on this.

My apologies if I didn’t articulate myself correctly !


8.33 I’m not taking anyone’s pain away from them as I said everyone deals with things differently whether people react right or wrong , but surely daily monthly weekly and yearly moaning about it , is them winning ?
As I said bitterness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. At some point you have to process and move on, otherwise they win.
The only way you will best your enemy is by being happy or at least happier than them lol


Regards the blog subject of today, anyone criticising the lifestyle of a hyper-sexualised society is going to be shot down. It’s an unwanted message.
Babies are baptised though their parents are not married. Parents are married. There isn’t a total exclusion.


Nothing wrong with a bit of sex , good for the soul mind and body !

Screamed ‘oh God’ a few times, still don’t understand in a state of complete extract of oenatrstion of the highest form , that’s what we scream. Ironic isn’t it lol 😆


And we can’t forget the one ‘oh Jesus’ from a lay person , Seamus you know you’ve hit the right spot if your screaming those words. Mind you doesn’t happen to often as most lay men don’t know where those spots are.. . especially clergy 😱🫣🫢


Mind you Seamus, I can just imagine clergy in active , particularly the older gerstion reading this ,who abstain from sex reading my comments either horrified by my sexual comments and the rest of the sexually disfunctional flock are whipping their cocks out for masterbation session as we speak I’m sure father Jerry clearly will be first in queue this evening 😆🫣😱😁


He was dead serious too, only thing worse than corrupt clergy is stupid fans or sheep that are mentally unwell, it’s worse than a circus of freaks. I’m not referring to the normal ones that are religious.l but it’s them that stand out the most, doesn’t do the church any favours in their sinking ships.

Shame some people don’t have a brain and can’t think for themselves, need to follow establishments other people’s views opinion ethics etc… rather than think for themselves and know better…

It’s sad…. Very sad!


I lived with a religious but for a while,
Pat uses the expression , the church needs spiritual fruits, not religious nuts, this person is a religious nut, dedicated and completely deluded beyond normal.
he told me recently that he thinks Sinead o Connor should be a bishop,
I llcoukdnt even respond only to ask him to stop speaking and sit in silence if necessary , I just can’t like 😆


9.20 You couldn’t live with a religious nut but you could live with a bunch of alcoholics and drug addicts? 🤔


I think you’ll find they’re kinder and more compassionate and boundaried. Much easier to live with.


11.58 You live in La La land. The ones I am referring to are dangerous and abusive. A dog always returns to its vomit.


@11:58. And probably easier to live with people that don’t confront you of the harsh realities of life? Because you clearly have no comprehension of the concept. Grow up.


I know exactly how the church in Ireland works. I’ve witnessed and experienced it first hand. The RCC is a total anaethma to what Christ teaches. It is a self serving, self seeking cabal of insignificant men aided and abetted by psycophants. They will use every trick at their disposal to discredit any individual who stands up to or challenges them. The word of God is not their foundation. It is simply their business model-a way of getting the coffers replenished. The way bishops and clergy live in splendour is truly nauseating given that there are those in desperate need. The treatment of the peoples kitchen in St Patrick’s by that clown O’Neill will be his legacy. Make money from a charity so that bishops blings coffers can be topped up. No wonder the peoples kitchen left . The RCC is corrupt from top to bottom . They know NO shame . Ontologically changed my arse.


What in the name of goodness is corporal mortification to do with anything? Where do these idiots get off. Christ paid the ultimate sacrifice by his death on a cross. Remember the veil of the temple was rent in two . There are no more physical sacrifices to make. None were good enough. This bishop is a complete buffoon peddling more RCC crap


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