

The Pope has said even priests and nuns give into temptation and watch online pornography.

Francis, responding to a question in the Vatican, said: “It is a vice that has so many people, so many lay people, so many lay women and also priests and nuns. The devil enters from there.”

He said he wasn’t referring only to “criminal pornography like that of child abuse”, but also to “normal pornography”.

The Pope urged prospective priests to delete any such sites from their phone “so you won’t have the temptation in hand”.

Francis warned: “I tell you, it is something that weakens the soul. It weakens the soul. The devil enters from there: he weakens the priestly heart.”

In 2020 there was embarrassment for the Vatican when the Pope’s official Instagram account liked a revealing photo from Brazilian glamour model Natalia Garibotto.

She claimed to have gained 600,000 followers as a result and Vatican staff launched an investigation into how it happened.


It is no news to me and to readers of this Blog, that PORNOGRAPHY plays a big role in the life of seminarians and priests – and obviously, by extension, bishops.

NUNS AND PORN – a kinda of a new aspect.

“Porn Again” Elijah.

The Silversteam whistleblower did make it known that Dom Elijah had a gay porn addiction and was not allowed to be alone in a room with a computer.

Kitty Kirby made Elijah sit in a room with the door open when he was “on line”

In spite of his gay porn addiction, TOM DEENIHAN appointed him as the prior to replace Kirby !!!


Is basically a porn app. And the vast majority of priests these days use Grindr.

On Grindr seminarians, priests and bishops seek random sex. Grindr is not for those seeking friendship, companionship or love.


Used Grindr etc to seek out young men and seminarians for sex and altar sex.

Images of the altar sex – which were absolutely pornographic, appeared on Grindr and other social media.

THE ARMAGH PRIESTS like Rory Coyle and McCamley showed off their “bits” on Grindr etc to other men.

Surely the pictures of priestly genitalia are pornographic?

Could King Puck’s jock pics be described as porn?


I have no direct information about nuns using porn.

But as a younger priest I had two nun stalkers.

One of them went as far as breaking into a hospital consultant’s office and filing cabinet in an attempt to discover why I would not have sex with her.

If seminarians, priests and bishops use GRINDR

What would we call a similar app for nuns?

Suggestions on a post card please………


Pope Francis apparently said to the room and I quote: ‘I’m not going to ask you to put your hand up if you watch porn’ – I imagine the nuns who don’t watch porn blushing and looking like they do!!

The Pope is like an embarrassing Dad who says the wrong thing all the time and embarrasses his kids!!

Of course clergy watch porn – mainly gay porn I’m sure – the Pope says it’s a gateway drug for the devil to enter – yeah like child abuse and cover up and sucking up to China.

Get a grip (no pun intended) – porn is the least of their problems and I like the way the Pope blesses normal porn v deviant porn – like mortal v genial.

If the pope knows about porn he shouldn’t and addressing it is like pissing on a forest fire soon to engulf the village – straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!!


I’m sorry but if a human especially a man or a priest given their vocation doesn’t slap the bass then something is wrong , your arguing human biology Christ sake


10.31 try telling that to parishioners in Doora Barefield, Ennis and Galway family subjected to indecent exposure on Salthill beach by Fr Jerry Carey who apparently continues to be accommodated by his colleagues & Bishop in Killaloe despite his court appearance. Why he didn’t just leave ministry many years ago speaks volumes about the arrogance of both himself and his institution.


So, where are Killaloe hiding Fr Carey & their other reprobate clergy & cohorts these days?


The pope is humbled enough to admit watching the glamor braziil model on his internet account but really he should pray more and what is the world coming to.


I meant in private not public you gobshite. That’s a different issue. Normal people and even priests or nuns have biological urges regardless of their vocation or health.


Condemning a human for having biological sexual urges is like condemning a woman for getting her periods and nature taking its course. All about how they handle it.


Supervet Noel Fitzpatrick confirms Priest in confession told him NOT to talk about his child abuse horror at hands of family employee.says:

Noel Fitzpatrick tried to get help in the confession box. He was told “don’t talk about it” when he revealed to him that he was abused between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. Known as the Bionic Vet, Co Laois born Fitzpatrick has been speaking to the BBC and RTE in recent days for the first time.

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11.31 typical rural Ireland mentality of priest advising one not to expose abuse, he was probably friends of or related to abusers family, no doubt they were “grand people, upright members of the local community”, local shorthand for professional coverup merchants slandering and vilifying threats to their cozy arrangements with church Mafia.

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@7.35 it’s another Irish case of it’s not what you know, it’s who you know.


7.35am “…he was probably friends of or related to…” Truth always serves justice well, speculation not so much.


11.31. Your Irish super vet also spoke to Philip Schofield and Holly Willoughby on This Morning on ITV network earlier this week. My family have been fans for years and we admire his bravery in speaking out now. He is a shining example of what needs to be done to stamp out abuse in all types of settings including the church.


A dry alcoholic has to abstain from something they want , urges are human .up to you how you handle it …
A priest or a bishop or pope watches ,God forbid lol


I seen Sean Jones’ pic being reposted on bear porn websites to mixed reaction.
“Kerry Priest caught on Grindr”


Clergy are largely ignored by the rest of society unless they want a memory making christening, wedding photograph opportunity these days. It’s very isolating and frustrating so clergy rely on 24/7 internet access to check out anyone they decide to focus on for whatever reason that might be.


Clerical Stalker Alert 🚨says:
Oct 29, 2022 at 12:29 am
If Roman Catholic priests are only doing part time work in ministry, they need to get off their arses, and find part time employment outside the Roman Catholic church, it will be beneficial to their physical, mental health, and a few more bob in their pockets, with less time for shenanigans.
What the hell do they do all day?


If you think ones attitudes and your will fix a response ,,,,.. This should be should be fun, none claimed smothered and no one claimed anything !
All the best and take care 😀


Pope Francis is right. There’s a degradation of sexuality in all media outlets: this means a degradation of the human person. Sadly, young children and teenagers have access to so much exploitative and destructive sites which cross the normal boundaries. We know from some horrible murders of young people that the phones of the perpetrators were full of graphic sexual imagery and apps which were of a vile, sexual nature. We need to protect children and young people from these horrors. I’ve had many men express in confession their usage of pornography by way of reenergizing their sexual intimacy. That’s perfectly legitimate to me. I cannot be the judge for them as to how a man or a woman spice up their relationship. As for priests and nuns using pornography, it happens undoubtedly and I’m sure even Pat is a viewer. I’m sure too Pat used a site to seek friendships or with a view to meeting someone, long before grndr….Nothing wrong with this in my view. Seems natural especially when you literally had to be underground abiut your sexuality. Because of the nature of some pornography – involving children and young teenagers – the reality is sickening. Porn is a multi billion dollar industry and seems not to have constraints or ethical boundaries of any kind. I believe Pope Francis is absolutely correct when he says that the constant usage of porn weakens morally our soul and spirit.. It can dull our conscience to the exploitation of children and teenagers – girls and boys – and normalize the extremes of sexual violence against women. The need for human, sexual intimacy is deep in all of us. Its part of our physiological and psychological make up. Of course for a priest or religious, it would be more preferable to “pray”, “pray”, “pray”..I suspect many will condemn clerics while doing the very same themselves, perhaps even more gratuitously and destructively!

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This is the pope whose predecessor told the hierarchy to manage clerical sexual abuse in house with the results we all know, that they spent the next four decades covering up crime.
Porn doesn’t weaken the soul and spirit half as much as being a religious nut. Or were all those bishops using porn?
Jesus you people are so blind.


2.26 you are obviously from the school of thought that “conveniently” demonstrates “selective amnesia” about the clerics and their members who made repeated visits to family homes of unmarried pregnant girls in order to shame and harrass their parents into sending them to nuns laundries because clergy had hidden money driven agenda to exploit these vulnerable girls and their babies for free labour and a product to export abroad to unvetted American couples some of whom abused these children illegally exported thousands of miles from Ireland on false paperwork & with the truth of their whereabouts deliberately buried sometimes forever from their blood families. Shameful organisation you belong to Fr.

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10.57: Sir, all abuse in any era WAS and IS morally reprehensible and anyone who was abused should be given full justice. Your response to my 2.26 comment (written after visiting a dying lady), is very interesting. Why? Because, while you rightly condemn the Church, you forgot to recall that, sadly, your parents, grandparents, relatives and neighbours knew what was happening behind laundry walls!! AMNESIA is your problem too. Remember, government ministers knew: they did nothing except record their visit and commend the “good works”. Industries and commercial businesses in society availed of the services of the laundries. AMNESIA, yes Sir, your problem again…..Like the story of the Good Samaritan, everyone passed by on the other side….I think you need to read a more complete history. Irrespective, ALL ABUSE IS MORALLY WRONG AND REPREHENSIBLE. When you’re honest, yiull realise that “selective amnesia” is a problem for many people still today.. Thankfully, out of my own abuse experience, I joined a support group and continue to help ithers when asked….

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10:57 You’ve sent him off into his Doctor Johnson impression again. 😂
Interesting how he had to show off that he was visiting a dying lady….


11.49 poor dying lady probably played dead toward the end so she could go in peace without listening to 11.51 droning on & on.


The Pope should look closer to his residence and the side streets outside the Vatican first for priests who watch porn. Then he could move on to his Swiss Guard and the various universities not to mention the various seminaries/colleges dotted aroind the city..Get your own back yard sorted out first on porn Francis before you start pontificating to the world outside Rome. I am sure you have watched the odd bit of porn Pat. Twitter is a good platform for gay porn.


You have twisted honesty of the Pope with your twisted logic of Buckley. You have made it fit for this ‘rag blog’. I suggest that this rag blog’ does to truth what porn does to the soul – lets Satan in! You are a malcontent and you exist to bring division and disharmony.
Thank you Pope Francis for your honesty, people like Buckley will ‘filth’ level all things Catholic, the seriousness of your honesty has once again been twisted in his ‘rag blog’. Buckley has openly admitted to have been formed by the News of the World, Fleet Street filth – Where is Truth in that street?


7.19 zero truth in Roman Catholic agenda to cover up anything that threatens all the cozy financial and sexual arrangements worldwide. Zero integrity from clergy, staff & volunteers when it comes to slandering and libelling reporters and victims, survivors and witnesses to church related wrong doing.


3.06 do remember to be more respectful on this blog created by Bishop Patrick Buckley for victims & survivors & of those bloggers denied truth & justice, therefore, having unfinished business with the RCC. You do not walk in their shoes nor do you have the right to tell them to walk, don’t walk etc., Fr & co.


@ 7:19am

Oh! Patsy I wonder who is trying to blame you for all the filth, instead of where it really belongs, oul Fanny herself, could it be the the twisted you know who? Finely letting you know what she really thinks of you and your blog. I wouldn’t be surprised she is a stranger to the truth and a real malcontent.


It’s Bela – the barely literate Scot sedevacantist who goes to Latin events.


Pornography is corrupting some parts of society. The RCC community unfortunately is not immune from the ills of society.
Christians of good standing will not objectify others. Use things not people. Love people not things.
When a man sees a woman. He can objectify the woman or he can see the person. Pray for respectful eye contact. Pray for respect. 🙏


@ 6:12pm

I wondered when you’d drag yourself away from your cheap net curtains Nettie, the nosey illiterate from Ardeer, Ayrshire spouting your usual gibberish. Giving out to poor Patsy, when you’re usually brown nosing him. I’m not a sedevacantist I just can’t stand the present incumbent, but never mind popes come and go.


Why does God give us sexual urges, and then chide us for indulging them. I mean WTF! Is God a Nutjob? Or is it all a loads crap?


It’s all load of crap. The problem they have with porn is just another example of how they can’t cope with human nature.
For example the phrase in popular culture ‘wank bank’ refers to the collection of images, thoughts and memories in your own head that you’d go through while masturbating. It means that the original porn is inside.
The other thing is that porn is as porn does: humans gonna human and even if you don’t have actual porn the whole world is full of attractive men and women and people will use something.
This one is right up there with ‘dont use contraception ‘ for sheer ridiculous which is why the clergy ignore it.


Clergy with too much time on their hands are completely self indulgent & no wonder Catholic Church spends so much money training laity to do jobs formerly done by priests. Clergy appear to be dealing with the celibacy rules by literally living on Grindr apps, cruising and stalking online and frequenting well known gay saunas for priests such as Dublin Boiler House sauna, using altars for satanic rituals and all at the same time as putting on a two faced front to members of the public that they expect to inwittypay for their biazzare fetishes and life choice.

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When I was a seminarian in Rome I had a relationship (one that crossed the boundaries of simple friendship) with a young English nun who worked in our kitchen. I knew it was wrong, but both then and now I don’t think it did me any harm.
This went on for about a year. I think the sem superior became suspicious he announced to me one evening that he was now her spiritual director or something along those lines, and my reaction (deer in headlights) told him everything. He knew. Without any words, I got a very stern “cop yourself on” and nothing was ever done. Spent another year there and was then sent back to Dublin to finish studies.
I’ve never attempted nor been tempted to do anything of the sort again. But again, I don’t think it did me any harm. A quick google of her name shows she is still a nun in the UK, so I imagine she thinks the same.


And it must have been 50 years ago, as that is the last time that there was a young English nun anywhere, never mind Rome. Thanks to the “renewal” of religious life after Vatican II, the average age of nuns now is 88, apart from the Traddy nuns, whose average age is 27.


@8.16am Well, Len, to whom are you speaking? Why do we need to know about your life as a seminarian? I don’t think we need to know. You must be speaking to yourself.


Frankie can say what he wants to but he wouldn’t talk about his, role in Zachetta story.
Not just priests but I don’t really know about the nuns. There was a deaf priest working in London where I once worked many years ago. He was telling me that nun confessed to him re fingering her private part. I was amazed to hear it cos I didn’t think that any nun would do it. That’s late 1990s. It sort of broke my imagination or image of a perfect nun.
Not only that, girls do it as well which I tell you a story.
Deaf parents texted me re their problematic computer which was giving them teething problems such as kind of slowing it down in terms of speed, getting irrational et al.
So i went to their house in Dublin to sort it out. At first, I couldn’t understand why it wasn’t working properly or acting irrational. It took me two days to find that problem. It dawned on me when I first saw the problem that someone was using pornography. Also it carried a lethal software virus with them as well which could wipe out all of them stored inside permanently.
So i told them that it was pornography that was causing it cos it downloaded lot of various viruses with them as well. It just piggybacked on photos or videos towards inside computer mainframe. They were shocked when I told them. They didn’t believe me at the start. So I had to show them and tell them where located etc, just look inside memory bank. They were stunned to see it. I suspected the husband but he strenuously denied it. Wife believed him as it went back to square one re who did it. Also told him after deleting all sorts of viruses, to take it to a computer repair shop for permanent deletion of photos and videos. Husband did that few days later after I left their house.
Few months later, wife texted me to call up to their house. So I went.
Guess what, it was their 19 years old daughter, who watched the pornography as that was few years ago. I was quite amazed cos it was a lovely girl with little bit of rebellious streak in her. At the end, mother had a good word with her re use of computer pornography. Their daughter didn’t think that I find it eventually. Luckily I did computer science in my first year before I dropped out. That really helped me to know or where to navigate it etc.
Its fast becoming more normalised re teenagers even girls as well, using porn on their mobiles.
Its just NOT priests but people in society as well.

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You’ve reminded me of how a friend, a solicitor, gave me a old computer which had been given to her by a senior partner in the firm when he upgraded.
She was absolutely horrified when the first thing I did was turn it on and find out what porn he’d been surfing. He was one kinky fucker as well, and she left the firm shortly afterwards. 😂


Anon at 9.07am

Now you have reminded me of a solicitor. I met a solicitor few years ago in pub. We were chatting about holidays & then he mentioned mother of all places – Bangkok. Then I chatted with him re drink, women, food etc. I asked how long did he stay there and how many women in bed etc. Surprisingly he stayed much shorter in Thailand for 7 days instead of usual 2 weeks or more. He admitted that he shagged 8 to 9 women in 7 days with no condoms etc.

Now he’s promoted to a partner in a law firm . In legal profession, there was always someone addicted to sex. I remember garda, who caught a barrister but his name was omitted in notorious murder court case few years ago.

Anon at 9.58am

LOLOL, I might change my user name to hearing loss guy instead if you insist 😉🤷‍♀️.

Frankie can talk anything he wants to in public but he WON’T talk about Zachetta. Perhaps you might ask him a pertinent question relating to his role. 🤣😜


Reminds me of the time ,years ago I was due my assignment Monday for college ,finally finished it on the Saturday before decided to watch porn for an auld session and got a virus on the laptop which caused the whole laptop to freeze resulting in not being able to turn it on and off ,stuck on porn . I’m a woman and partner thought it was hilarious.
when I had to hand the laptop in to be fixed to retrieve my assignment , the guy saved my number in he’s phone as ‘dodgey toshiba’ 😂😂😂
(Make of the laptop ) 😁


Deaf Guy
His name is Francis the Supreme Pontiff and just like I hate calling you Deaf Guy when out of respect I would rather call you by your Christian name.
God Bless the Pope as he highlights the wrong and tries to clear up the filth.
I wonder if there is any truth in to much W****** makes you get glasses No wonder you know who has glasses like milk bottle bottoms and Thank God i wear contact lens 🙂 🙂 🙂


@ 9:58am
Oh! please! Supreme Pontiff yar arse, probably more like supreme porn addict, he seems to know too much about it. The fact that you wear contact lens is only to disguise that your prescription would be thicker than beer bottle bottoms!😏😏😏


Lomasney. I think on this blog some time ago you published a death report of Lomasney dying from HIV / Aids. A public document, so fair game publishing it. What makes me wonder is why, in this day and age, did Lomasney die of HIV / Aids, especially in a first world country like Ireland ? I suspect he may not even have known that he had HIV / Aids, until a sudden on set of life threatening illness. Which begs the question not just about his own health, but also about those with whom he was having sex and quite possibly passing it on to them. I think most priests think that the Lord will protect them. As Lomasney found out, not the case ! So, given all the evidence we have with priests having sex with men, some then going on to have sex with women etc. surely there are grounds for appealing to these priests to be responsible both for their own sakes and for the sake of others. Firstly, establish / know your HIV status by testing (via a clinic, via a home test which can be ordered on the internet and very easy to administer). Then if HIV + seek medical help, which is excellent these days, and medication will keep you well and also protect you from giving the virus to others. If you are HIV negative and still intent on having sex with others, practice safer sex, but better still seek PrEP (look it up !) which will prevent you from contracting HIV. Or just give up sex altogether, which is not an unreasonable request since you priests have taken a solemn and public promise of celibacy and are expected to live chastely ! Purcell, Rory, JP Lyttle, and the rest, take note ! Just saying…. !

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10.26 hopefully anyone engaging with priests in the bedroom or elsewhere have attended their local sexual health clinics with their partners or spouses for a full health check up for both parties.

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I would recommend anyone who is having sex with a priest or religious to make absolutely sure that they go for a check up for their sexual health. Priests, especially, always believe that they are exceptional and the regular rules of life do not apply to them. We see it in so many aspects of their lives. What makes us think that in their sex lives they are any different ? They will believe that they will be the exception, they will be protected, they are special. So, they will carry on thinking that they will be okay, only to find that they have contracted something and then pass that on to someone else. Even then they will be in denial and will lie to themselves and others. They lie about all sorts of other things, so what’s to stop them lying about this ? The incidence of HIV in clergy is high. Many unsuspecting people will have contracted HIV and other sexual diseases from a priest. So, be careful. You know it makes sense !

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11.04: Hopefully clerics will go to their health clinics too after sleeping with married men or women. No one is totally honest in casual liaisons.

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Lovely photo of Fr Arnold Rosney in The Clare Champion newspaper this week, p17, Shannon Town. He is very much looking forward to delivering the mission starting tomorrow.


4.30 Is Fr Rosney looking forward to taking a holiday again with one of his mistresses and sitting in separate seats on the plane?


11.52 don’t be silly, Roman Catholic clergy make a vow of celibacy so they don’t need to frequent STD clinics. The Pope kicks them out when he finds out they’ve broken their ordination vows.


10:26 I’m a health professional and would question whether the approach you describe would be down to priestly mindset or human health behaviour.
Unfortunately humans rarely think it will happen to them and so we have the phenomena that people just will not take prescribed medication and perhaps the classic self sabotaging human behaviour is smoking.
This is why effective health promotion strategies take into account people’s actual health behaviours and reduce the risk, for example this is how needle exchanges work for intravenous drug use. We know people will do the behaviour and so the intervention is aimed at reducing the risk.
This is why it makes no sense to be against abortion and also against contraception, which can only increase the incidence of abortion. This is a remarkable lack of understanding of how humans actually behave and how telling them to behave a particular way doesn’t work.

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… to mention nothing about monkeypox, by the way, which is way easier to catch. Purcell et al, be careful when you pop in to the Boiler House next week for your usual visit….


Bishop Pat, the diocese of Middlesbrough have been having what seems to be intensive safeguarding meetings for the past 5 days.
Our priests are being pretty tight lipped about it I have just found this online but it’s dated 28 July of this year.


Priests and nuns don’t need smart phones. I seem to remember the communists dropping porn over Portugal to diminish religious belief. It is the gateway of the devil.


Nuns who watch pornography;
Porn again Christians.
There maybe a rush women to join, the Porn Clares.


Now if ever there were a solid, practical reason for not receiving communion on the tongue it’s knowing that the fingers placing it there may have been placed somewhere much lower while Father was watching porn.


To blazes with the Traddies! It’s communion on the hand for me from now on.


Reply to; Anonymoussays:
Oct 29, 2022 at 1:58 pm
Where were YOUR hands last night, or where were they just before you left for Mass, do you always wash your hands after sex or, using the lavatory?
I hope you ask those in food outlets, whether it is shops or restaurant, where were their hands last night.
What about those in front, behind, and on either side of you, when you offer the sign of peace, at Mass, do you ask them where their hands were last night?
I cannot for the life of me understand why that stupidity was introduced into the Mass, Vat. 2 no doubt, it does more harm than good.


But-but, you fool, those people aren’t placing their fingers directly on my tongue.
Can’t believe I had to spell that out. 🙄


1:58 I’m afraid I have news for you.
Look round you at mass. Most of the hands there will have touched a penis and the vast majority wiped a bottom.
This is obviously a dangerous situation and the priest should wear gauntlets.


The priest should wear gauntlets? Not as urgently as the young males should wear chastity belts.


Don’t know about you, but my entire body once passed through a vagina and surely that would make me filthy for life?

I wonder if Cordileone will see any connection between this attack on the Pelosi family and his demonisation of Nancy Pelosi and his singling her out for denial of communion and his weaponisation of the sacrament ? I think there is a definite connection, at least as far as his demonising of her. Will he take responsibility ? No, of course not. He will shake off all responsibility, as we have seen bishops do over a number of things, most spectacularly over abuse of children. Is there ever vicarious responsibility these days ?!


2.12: What a bizarre conspiracy theory! Nancy Pelosi and family have many political enemies. There are mad political extremists in USA…


Cordileone won’t be in the least bit bothered about the Pelosi’s he only giving lip service to their plight to save his own a–e, he has no conscience, nor desire, to out the Roman Catholic sexual abuser clergy in San Francisco archdioceses.
1)SF Archbishop Cordileone Refusing Major Step Towards … › investigations › sf-archb…
28 Sept 2022 — Northern California’s most powerful bishop steadfastly refuses to release an internal list of priests accused of sexually abusing children, even …
2)Guess Who’s California’s Only Archbishop Who Won’t Name … › 2022/09/29 › guess-whos-californias-…
3)Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse Demand Archbishop … › blog › survivors-…
4 Oct 2022


+Pat breaking the hearts of two poor nuns. Oh my.
If Dom ‘whoopsie’ Kirby thought the temporary abbot, Dom Elijah couldn’t be trusted to use a computer safely, it suggests this brother needs both prayer and treatment. Porn addiction is a real thing, a miserable compulsion and all under the sway of this sin and illness need prayer. Now if only +Deenihan could give Dom Andersen his celebret or letter of good standing. I suppose one can only pray that his heart be no longer hardened against doing justice to a co founder of Silverstream.


The 3 biggest worries of a priest on his death bed.. where did he throw the breviary – ribbon not moved 2 when did i last go to bottle bank . At night of course.. 3 did i clear the search engine on my phone..

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I’ve got a perspective on Elijah, which if true is perfectly simple and should have been made public.
I suspect that when Elijah was made superior he wasn’t canonical superior, who I would guess would be Abbot Coffey or the bishop?
I expect the nature of Silverstream made it difficult to find a priest monk who could deal with their life and also speak English, so it must have taken a time to find and negotiate for Basil.
Which would mean Elijah was just a stand in local superior.
Had Silverstream been a normal monastery if Glenstal had someone to spare he could have been appointed Prior Administrator. Although this doesn’t explain why Hildebrand wasn’t appointed, which would be much more obvious.


It still doesn’t explain why they made a gay porn addict superior in a monastery riddled with gay scandal.


What’s the story on the Rector of Valllodolid?

Why was he moved on? Where is he now?

He clearly likes football and gives the impression of being a man child who appointed him Rector of a seminary FFS!!

Cordelione was arrested for drunk driving so was Levada and Don MacClean they are pissed off their heads most of the time and should get back in their box – Pelosi has got more balls than any of them!!


@5.22pm That, as you know, is a malicious allegation without evidence to substantiate it. Please hold your tongue until you have a viable point to make. Your sort of postuing leads nowhere.


4:39 can’t tell the difference between a statement and a question and I’m howling.
Haven’t you noticed how often Pat phrases things as questions? It’s a very old journalistic technique.


All seminaries are gay knocking shops ! Most seminarians are gay, and they quickly learn that they can have their cake and eat it. Since most of the staff are also gay, and often active, the whole gay culture is encouraged. It’s incestuous. Gaynooth, Gaycott, The Venereal, all of them, exactly the same. And if you really want to see gay in denial, at least on the surface, you want to go to the NAC / North American College in Rome. Hot, hot, hot, but highly repressed, trying ever so hard to be uber orthodox, but steaming with gay undercurrents. What do you think goes on after lights out…. ?!


Fr Andrew Robinson at Oscott is so macho and a real example of manliness to the men. Thank the Lord for formators like him.


And the place is absolutely freezing, the Priest says that it’s not financially worth putting it on, yet the Presbytery house is like a sauna, the heat is never off.


Not surprised about the snug presbytery: the Sheep pay this parasite’s bills, so he can keep it warm 24/7.

Way t’go, priest!


Shame he don’t pull his curtains or put some clothes on, if he turned down the heat, he’d save the sheep a fortune & do his bit for the planet.


Making a donation to the Church is one form of prayer. The more, the more efficacious the prayer.
Every Catholic ought to draw up a will and leave preferably all his money to the Church. There is great reward in Heaven for this.


Nonsense. You know full well the Council of Trent in its fifth session taught that you receive most graces by giving everything (and I do mean everything) to Father before death. Money in cash so it stays off the books.


Priests and nuns watching the porn? As a former housekeeper of a parochial house, I have saw a lot worse from both types.

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Knew some one – pre internet – used to supply porn to several senior daisy chain people 🤷🏾‍♂️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


What I don’t understand Bishop Buckley, is how/why, religious men and women can not have sex within the RCC – the most inhumane natural gift known to mankind.


Why is watching porn sinful?

Isn’t erotica as old as the caveman?

Isn’t there a book in The Bible about sex – Song of Solly?

I like porn to be honest and find it aesthetic – not sure who doesn’t like porn or erotica?

Can’t see the problem?


Well it’s common enough to hear medics relate stories of young men in their mid 20s visiting their surgeries looking for Viagra. Watching porn has meant ordinary sexual activity no longer arouses them enough.

It’s more than just a libertarian issue.

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Pat really can’t see you turning down that offer from St Nun, can’t. You were a hornball when in Belfast Pat and naturally normal for a Priest!


@ 7:18pm
Pio yar arse it’s oul Nettie, Queen of Polydom adding yet another name to her litany. It’s strange that for someone who hates tradition she’s never done quoting from the SSPX newsletter. Glad to see she has recognized that she and the rest of the Novus Ordo Brigade can return at any time to true Catholicism now that the veil has fallen from her eyes and before she reaches the Canonical age and plead dementia for her Appostacy.


I had to move counties because of a stalker , went to the guards ,made statements. He used to snoop around my house at night time and in my garden ringing me telling me what I was cooking for dinner among other things like waking up to 87 missed calls and 20 voicemails . He used to stand all day across the road just waiting and watching . Detective said he would easily get ten years for what he was doing , I have seen rapists get less. Had another couple of milder ones throughout the years outside my home watching and peeping,threatening to come to my work place etc …It is frightening for anyone , I’m a woman , a lay person but for men to ,priests or nuns. It’s completely unnaceptable on any level . I was terrified.


7:27, I thought your stalker might be Dom Mark Kirby O.S.B. until I got to the part you reveal that you are a woman.


It’s nothing new, Bp Pat. Mind Fr McVeigh, for example, had a UBS stick full of ripped or swollen men.


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