


A few people I know and have spoken to have said that Niall Coll is a nice man.

And that’s good – because not every priest and bishop is a nice man.

Take Phonsie, for instance – a horrible man!

But is simply being a nice man enough to make someone a good bishop – especially in 2022?

Will Niall rock any boats?

I don’t think so.

Niall is very RC.

He is very much a safe pair of hands.

And, more than ever before, as a member of the Irish bishops conference, Niall will be under massive pressure to conform – to present a “united front“.

And that’s a united front of complacency, acceptance of the statue quo, bland statements etc.

Irish bishops generally are so narrow minded that they can see through a keyhole with their two eyes at the one time 😀

Whether they admit it or not, Irish bishops are now being appointed to manage decline.

They are branch managers being sent in run down and close those branches.

And to do it with a smile.

Niall will handle his shut down work with a niceness and with a smile.


My sister, Mary (58) was diagnosed with late stage pancreatic cancer in April this year.

Above you can see her with her three children – Ryan, Cian and Chloe.

Her Dublin oncologist has said that her pancreatic tumour is inoperable as it is wrapped around a vital blood vessel, the portal vein.

The only treatment available is chemotherapy.

However, in Germany, the medical profession is pioneering a treatment called IRE:,by%20destroying%20the%20cancer%20cells.

This treatment offers Mary the hope of a prolonged life with quality of life.

But it costs € 45,000.

Hence te GO FUND ME project launched by Mary’s husband, Ray.

Here is the link to the fund raiser:

I’m supporting this fund myself.

I’d be very grateful if others could too



123 replies on “THEY SAY NIALL COLL IS A “NICE MAN”.”

10.23am Sure, he’ll be yet another member of the “it’ll do for my day” brigade. A desk man best equipped to deal with liquidations & property disposals as required to continue to keep clergy in lap of luxury even as mass attendance numbers continue to fall.


Pat, this supporter and friend of yours from Tyrone has pledged financially to your sister’s great cause tonight. I would advise and request everyone else do so too. A worthy cause.


Pat, I regret that you are seeking to undermine any bew Bishop. I think your cheap shots at Bishop Niall are unwarranted and mean spirited. Totally unnecessary before he has even begun his new ministry. Imagine if Jesus showed similar attitude to Zaccheus!! And the many others whim he affirmed, even in their flaws and sinfulness. A little kindness goes a long way. The appeal for your sister would have been a great issue as part of sharing thoughts about suffering and God. I regret you have placed the two issues for the same blogging. Your sister must be going through great anxiety and pain. I hope the treatment in Germany will be helpful. I lost both my parents and two sisters to cancer at young ages with a third battling it at present. It’s heart breaking because of their children. Today I visited two men in their 60’s who are close to death through cancer. Three funerals last week were cancer related deaths. We who look on as priests or family or relatives at loved ones with cancer feel so helpless. I will pray for your dear sister, Mary. I find it difficult at times in ministry to cope with all the grief re: cancer of young mothers and fathers. Apart from reminding me of my own losses and mortality, it seems so unfair to witness so much pain and suffering. Very often I ask, where is God in all of this? God be with your sister and family.


Quite right. We all know that Jesus kept what Zaccheus did quiet and moved him to a new parish so he could do it again.


@ 11:55pm

What an arsehole to say such a thing, totally unnecessary. I have made a donation and hope every one on the blog does so no matter wither we agree or not. Please God Mary gets cured and is spared to her family.

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9.49 Great life some clergy have what with their big interior design budgets, holiday homes in foreign climes & shares in racehorses etc.


6.35 priests would do well to steer clear of race horses. That hasn’t gone well in the past & remains unresolved & family still very upset & seeking justice.


11.55 you might also be getting Bishop Pat mixed up with Fr Jerry Carey in Killaloe, he has a place in Spain.


9.52 Very well said & donation made. Will donate again end of next month when I get paid again. Every little helps.


Bishop Niall deserves our prayers and supportive encouragement. He’ll be well aware of the challenges that he faces. God bless him. I don’t think it’s Christian to seek to undermine him already. Pat, I will pray for Mary, your sister. P. God she will get to Germany for treatment. It’s such an anxious time for all. Will remember her daily in prayer. Cancer is a frightening illness, irrespective of advanced treatments.


Ordained nearly 35 years and he has about 5 years of pastoral experience under his belt, with the rest spent in a lecture hall. Laughable really.


Hugely pastoral in all his years in St. Mary’s in Belfast – trusted and appreciated by hundreds of students, was very supportive of young teachers across NI ( and the staff in the schools they were in for teaching practice), helped out in parishes as well. In contrast to some the clerical staff at St. Mary’s, Fr Coll didn’t live a high life.


Were there no lay staff available, such that you had to bring in a priest from Donegal? It’s hardly a claim to fame that a diocesan priest helped out in parishes. That’s his job. That’s like a desk fireman saying he occasionally helped put out a fire.


He may be nice but he’s also bland and passionless. An “armchair priest”, as Ronan Drury used to call him.
It’s absolutely ludicrous. I thought that the era of desk priests turning into bishops had ended with Benedict. Clearly it hasn’t. It would be like making a Pay Corps soldier into a wartime general. This type of appointment is so what the Church doesn’t need now. He wasted his priestly life in a teacher training college, doing a job a lay person should have been doing, instead of serving in parishes in the diocese for which he was ordained. No sheep smell off him.
At this rate, they’ll make Jap Joe a bishop.


When does the era of military analogies end?
And no-one man is ordained “to serve in the diocese for which he was ordained” At ordination the promise of obedience surely implies obedience to the wishes of the bishop regarding any reasonable appointment which might involve further study, time spent assisting in other dioceses, a sharing of one’s abilities in a place outside the home diocese ?
You’ll have to alter your narrow vision of priestly ministry if you want to stay up to date in this synodal church.


Thanks, desk priest at @11.24.
Has your carer brought you your biscuit? If you talk about a “synodal church” you’re not hip, but are in hip replacement territory.


11.24 Get your facts right, I am a PP & we have a poster in our churches inviting vocations interested in working in our Diocrse.


Yes, let the old PPs struggle on in parishes, into their 70s and 80s, with no curates, while much younger desk priests do further studies or “share their abilities” outside the diocese.


12.08pm Biscuit, my a***!! These desk priests on much more than biscuits 🍪 Why do you think they prefer to be away from beady eyed aul biddies mad for the bit of gossip after the morning mass, they rock up whatever the weather! It’d never do for them to miss anything!!


9.34 you could be describing the background of several Irish bishops, all very similar. Very little parish experience and it shows, the clergy & staff & volunteers in parishes are running rings around their Bishops. Bishops appease clergy engaged in relationships with parishioners etc., and spend enormous amounts of money training laity with business and professional backgrounds to replace retiring clergy. It’s a business now.


Fr. Ronan Drury used to say midnight Mass on Christmas eve every year up untill near the end , in his native Mullagh Co. Cavan.


9.48 it’s no bother to the swingers, they’d fake anything & have been for years now & right under parishioners noses too!


The gays tend not to be interested in sport. In fact, if I meet a man who is uninterested in sport I assume that he is a gay.


6.35 not true old timer. Several gay lads & girls in our local GAA clubs, not an issue, each to their own. Donal Og Cusack & Valerie Mulcahy have paved the way for equality and removal of stigma in the GAA.


I think there are even Protestants playing in GAA clubs now, including in unionist Belfast. Well done.


@ 10:52am
Never was near the place thanks be to God, didn’t need to be to know about the notorious oul Kitty who was almost as big a GOSSIP as you Nettie, but not quite. Kitty knew all the gossip, unlike you who know’s SFA until you google it.😏


4.30: There’s a married couples swingers group in our community. Seedy, dangerous activity…drugs, drink, anything goes…shame on them. Marriage vows mean nothing to them.


6.11 ordination vows mean nothing to the clergy that hang out with the swingers either. Two good sacraments wasted on the clergy & their swinger pals.


Bishop Patrick, our family are extremely sorry to hear of the plight of your dear sister and her family at this time and we will all be making what financial contributions we can in the coming days and praying for your family at this very challenging time for your dear sister and for you all especially her children & husband. Your ongoing kindness and support to our family will always be remembered.

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Exposes the cheating to which some church hierarchy & their members stoop in the countryside socially and economically. Self aggrandizement and truth manipulation are ongoing features in specific Catholic parishes.


Hopefully Bishop Coll won’t be yet another spiteful aul gossip and cover up merchant like some of his Irish colleagues.


Lovely photos, Pat, including your sister and her lovely family. Are you wearing a Pioneer pin in one of them? It used to be all the rage among the clergy at one time.


I broke the pledge at 18. I admire Pioneers in some ways, but they can be a bit self-conscious and earnest about it.


I started drinking as a seminarian in Maynooth, because I could not cope with the continued sexual advances being made towards me by fellow students.


It would be more honest of cardinals, bishops, priests and sems if they wore Pride badges instead of Pioneer pins. At least they’d be true to themselves. It now seems to be more or less compulsory to be gay if you are to be ordained a priest or bishop.

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9.58 that’s just dreadful, Irish seminaries appear to be totally run by the gay clerical Mafia these days. No wonder they are sending new recruits to European seminaries.


They say Niall Coll is a nice man. So what…
I knew ‘nice’ people who kept their mouths shut concerning abusive crime.
Clerical ‘nice’ doesn’t cut the mustard.
Best wishes to your sister and her family, Pat.


For gods sake there’s scandal your jumping on the band wagon ,there is no scandal…your looking for one ….then there’s positive praise and your still looking for something …
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty …


9.56 Cover up merchant church types are extremely careful to be seen as “nice” when dealing with the authorities etc. That’s how abuse and crime go undetected and unresolved for years.


Pat, you have it wrong today in your article WE are the Vine and you and all the others are the branches we pray that they all return to the True Vineyard.
As we do not have branches but have parishes and pastoral centre alongside our many charites we will continue to prune the vineyard to it’s Glory of God.
We have too many buildings not branches buildings that need amalgamated in Europe but we are flourishing world wide.
Bishop elect Coll will not be managing decline he will be forming flourching communities just like Corck and Ross 67 parishes but 16 families of Parishes and that is the way forward.
God Bless your Sister and Family and may the Blessed Mother assist in their need.


11.03 arrogant catlicks would take the eye from your head & come back for the eyebrow.

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That’s right folks, you have it explicitly confirmed by the cathbot at 10:47 that for them their cult takes the place of Jesus.


@ 10:47am

FFS! Patsy there’s you know who, using the ‘Royal We’ again. Boasting about flourishing world wide silly cow, she’s not been on the google for a while. This semi literate needs to use a Thesaurus to learn how to spell charities. As for Coll forming flourishing communities, more likely he’ll be amalgamating them as he has not enough clergy to run them. By the way it’s Cork not Corck ya bollox back to Primary One for you.😏


The church needs to return to what it was before Constantine turned it into a profitable money business and attracted powerful clever people who could not express their sexuality openly and which lead to the cover up of sexual abuse. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely


Pat, you started off with Richard Purcell saying that many people praised his pastoral skills, then it got exciting. Have you something up your sleeve for Nice Niall?


11.16am Well, Well, Well & where exactly is Good ole Abbott Richard Rawhide Purcell these days or is he being wined & dined in a Glenstal beehive.


1.57 Went with a group yesterday to see part of the Glenstal demesne. We were informed prior to the visit that we need to respect the privacy of the community and not post photos from the visit on social media. Brother Keane gave me a long, hard stare. Shur he knows I’m on the blog. You never know who might be hiding out there 😜.


7.29 why exactly should it bother them who’s on the blog. That in itself speaks volumes of what they are like. It’s a free world. Their members are clearly free and facilitated to abuse and, therefore, those abused by them are free to seek help from appropriate channels including this blog where none is forthcoming despite requests from the RCC. Circulating images and information of private citizens perceived by Church to be a threat to their self interests because they rightfully choose to report outside of the RCC is a most serious breach of one’s rights and can potentially result in further endangerment or at the very least antisocial behaviour such as the “hard stare” you have described. Unless you’ve been introduced to this Glenstal Brother, no reason why he should know who you are nor should he be using facial expressions to attempt to intimidate. Is it only his own community that has exclusive rights to privacy then. That’s easily solved, no one needs to go there nor give them any money.


You have just hit the nail on the head. Coll would have visited Mount st Joseph in Roscrea when tricky dicky was abbot, they had a mutual friend who worked in the college who was a former pupil of Coll’s in Belfast.


9.56: I’m sure Bishop elect is worried about your cynicism, you horrible, nasty person. God bless him. Obviously you’re not a “nice” person!!


@ 11:35am
Are you alright…? You miss my point in your ultra-defensiveness.
No doubt numerous priests once considered to be ‘nice’ are in prison
for CSA. So, ‘nice’ doesn’t count for much nowadays especially among survivors of RCC abuse. God bless, and have a nice day!!

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11.38 Calm down Father & to quote one of your own sermons “thou are reaping what you sow”! Please be more respectful of victims, survivors & their supporters on this blog set up by Bishop Pat to help them when the RCC aimed to destroy them in the best interests of the RCC gravy train they ride like Fr Ryan McAleer on his PhD subsidised by sheep & GAA being just one of many examples currently floating about whilst old priests on their last legs aren’t allowed by Bishops to retire in peace.

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Is my memory kaput, or was Niall the MC in Maynooth? Or was he Senior Sacristan? I know that he was editor of 3D. Even then we knew that he didn’t fancy being a curate in the wilds of Donegall. Ending up as PP of Killybegs didn’t appeal to a man of his calibre. Raphoe has few plum parishes to give out, so Niall got out at the earliest opportunity.


If he got a college appointment he was a “yes” man and a favourite of the deans. This is how the clerical magic circle works. They promote men after their own hearts.


@ 12:14pm
If he was MC or Senior Sacristan he’d have very little to do, since there are no ceremonies now. Sure what Sacristy work is there looking after all those cheap nasty polyester poncho’s.


Did I hear a Father Chris Morris speaking on the radio this morning from Scotland about the St Bernadette relics that are being traipsed around the country ? From Carfin ? Is this the Morris that you have mention often on this blog, + Pat ? Sounded very precious and pious. Which probably means that in reality he thinks it’s all a pile of twee nonsense. But for the microphone he was able to put on a show.


Pat, I am very sorry to hear of your sister’s illness, it must be a very trying for Mary, her family, and you. I can’t offer prayers, but, I have made a donation to the fund for her treatment, with all good wishes to Mary.
My donation is the least I might do, because of being able to access your blog daily for free.
“One good turn, deserves another”
My best wishes to you, I know it is a vey anxious and, stressful time for you.


Hi Pat,
I hope your sister gets well soon. The nanoknife and nanotechnology in general are just amazing. The treatment is FDA approved but of course our shower here haven’t got it – too busy spending tons of public money on ‘managers’ instead of technology. Please God it will improve her prognosis.
Fun fact: Pope John Paul II’s knee replacement was made in Stryker, Raheen, Limerick. So there.

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12.45 being “nice” is perceived as weakness and provides catlicks with opportunities to take the p***. Be civil but strange with the catlicks, they don’t know how to keep their noses or other protruding bits to themselves. Overly presumptuous types in RCC.


Reply to Anonymoussays:
Oct 30, 2022 at 11:14 am
Tell me your joking! You do realise,
The Synodal Path’s supreme body is the Synodal Assembly. It consists of 230 members, made up of Roman Catholic archbishops, bishops and auxiliary bishops, as well as an equal number of lay-members from the Central Committee of German Catholics.
This number is further increased by representatives of Roman Catholic religious orders or other ecclesial groups.
It is more likely to cause division than cohesion, in fact it maybe the precursor to a schism in Catholicism, apart from the fact so few Catholic have even bothered to attend at local level. Those Bishop in no way, are going to listen to the faithful, this is a game, to placate those think their input is important, the LGBTQT group wanting to be accepted as practising Catholic , the women wanting to be Catholic priests, remarried divorcees receiving the Eucharist, we shall see.


The cost of living crisis is really hitting our street hard, the ‘poverty noise’ of the electric metres squealing with no credit is terrifying and it’s not even November yet.


Anybody know how many Dermot Farrell ordained, or sent to Seminary while in Ossory? Can Niall do better?


It doesn’t say “none” took part, just that younger people were under-represented as a category, as were many other categories.


6.25 Irish clergy and Bishops are very bold! Don’t think it’s the type of boldness Pope Francis requests though…..


A quick review of that and we can see the people are at odds with the institution in Ossory. Combine that with the absence of vocations for an extended period and it is symbolic of the degree of disregard the Institution there had for those in the pews. St Paul’s writings are clear on the union of the head and the body.


Ossory has been in a very bad way for a long time. Brian Griffin in 2015 was their first new priest in 14 years. And to think that they used to have their own seminary as well as sending candidates to Maynooth and Rome.


Bangor, Larne & Port Muck coastguard teams along with Donaghdee & Larne RNLI lifeboats & Lowland Search and Rescue teams are involved in the search.


7.39 PSNI – Police Service of Northern Ireland have confirmed that they are also assisting.

‘We weren’t taught. We were tortured’: Hopes of justice for alleged victims as, 50 years on, boys’ school monk faces extradition
By Marion Scott. October 30, 2022.
” Scottish prosecutors have begun extradition proceedings against a former monk accused of abusing boys at a residential school over 50 years ago. Alleged victims who accused the De La Salle monk of a catalogue of abuse were told the former teacher had died but new information revealed he had, in fact, spent years teaching in Canada.
Moves are under way to bring the man, now in his 80s, to Scotland to face abuse allegations. A petition warrant has been raised in Scotland and passed to the Crown Office’s international unit which will attempt to begin extradition proceedings in Canada.”


Killaloe diocese had an ex de La Salle brother ordained .. later convicted of paedophile activities. Fr. Con Desmond. A corkman. Not sure how he wound up in killaloe.. fleeing scene of crime maybe.. all on public record..


8.15 So the Church lied & pretended that the monk had died so that he could escape justice leaving yet more victims of church related abuse in limbo??? Zero repentance as per usual.


If you actually read the article, it states the attack happened after a fight between some young men.
Knackers going to knack, a worldwide phenomenon, but it was hardly explicit hate attack or race crime. It’s also some way short of ethnic cleansing, land grabs and forced removals of people by the Israeli government.


Ethnic cleaning? The Palestinian population has been steadily increasing since 1950. Get a grip Todd 🤣


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