


I want to make it clear that I regard Robert Nugent as sincere and genuine.

I do not necessarily agree with all his views or approaches.

But people can be different and agree to differ.


I find this interview interesting and worth discussing.

I agree with the interviewee that the LGBT+ idealogs are over the top and are trying to restrict free speech and different views.

This is ideology terrorism.

The whole Trans pronoun debate is a perfect example.


The interviewer’s emphasis on gay people being damaged and in pain is mote than controversial.

Some gay people have been damaged.

But other gay people have not been.

I worry about the interviewee’s support of Conversion Therapy which has been discredited and in some places is illegal.

It seems to me that its a clash between traditional Catholic teaching about homosexuality and the scientific and psychological modern enlightenment.

What do readers think of this interview?


Might I propose that all people are damaged. How we interprete the world (in all aspects, not just sexuality) is determined by that damage.

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10.39: Mary, whoever you are, you obviously haven’t studied ostchiligy or psychiatry. An idiotic, ignorant comment. Are you so perfect and “whole” that you have no faults, vulnerabilities or imperfections? I trust you’re not a counsellor!!


Mary, ‘we see the world not as it is but as we are’ is a famous quote from the Talmud. All people are damaged to a greater or lesser extent. Such is life.

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10:54 You can not be serious! Shame all your fancy education didn’t teach you to be less abusive to victims like Mary, Father. She clearly hit a nerve with you though. Game, set and match to Mary.


11:10 Or as the RC version of the saying goes, ‘People see us as we are and not as we want them to ‘.


The term is traumatised, not damaged. People are never damaged. Every human being has emotional trauma. If you want to speak from a psychological or psychiatric perspective, people are definitely never damaged, when faced with trauma, they repress and form defence mechanisms to protect that vulnerability. Unconsciously, everything they do has a wisdom in that they are protecting themselves. Addictions are both a protection and a support to help carry the impossible weight of the burden. Something damaged couldn’t do that. So yes, all humans do have trauma but, not all humans are gay or lesbian, which is precisely why the mental health profession in all it’s legitimate forms and their regulating bodies, stopped classing non-hetetosexuality as a mental health condition, it isn’t a problem in living, which is what professionals prefer to the term mental illness. We’ll take your comment as a simple lack of understanding with the best of intentions.


People can be damaged, wounded or broken as a result of trauma or severe trauma, such as PTSD. Descriptively, we are all damaged, wounded or broken. Theologically, we exist in a fallen world. While people do repress their hurt and form defence mechanisms to protect that vulnerability, many people continue through life to use these immature psychological defence mechanisms. These psychological processes play an important role in suppressing emotional awareness and contribute to their inability to fully function as a person or in humanistic psychological terms, self-actualize as a human being. Many people are unable to afford psychotherapy; just as many people are unable to afford legal recourse following abuse by employees of Church or State agencies.


Mental Health Pro. Thanks for your comment. The distinctions in your comment are enlightening, and food for thought.


@mental health professional
I read your comment, I learn and I grow. Thank you.
I realise there is a risk of the accusation ‘victim blaming’, but what I am saying is that we are all victims and see the world from that subjective angle. We need to be big enough to admit that truism and be gentle on ourselves, but we also owe ourselves the opportunity to try to see from other angles so that we grow. The alternative is a static life without development


Pat, I viewed the interview earlier today. While I agree that Robert is genuine in his beliefs and convictions, I do not share his style of presentation. He’s too zealous in a preachy way. His “preaching” is too black and white. This interview is an example of his narrow views. It seems to me that Robert wants a world which only accepts “perfectionism”, as prescribed by the Catholic Church. While I respect and understand the moral teachings of the Church, we have to be very careful about the implicit moral condemnations we make about those who see life through different lens. I agree with Robert and his James that the extreme voices from the LGBTQI and followers are militantly against any voice but theirs re: sexuality and gender identity. They frighten many within their own community and damage peoole by their zealotry and intolerance. That said, Robert is too definitive and certain in his pronouncements. I still cannot understand how he spends so much time travelling away and so much time making videos. Amazing…


God has called him to be a family man.when does he spend time in raising his family with his wife and carrying out Gods will as a family man. It would be a great help if he did a blog on family life and the interaction of Gods love in family life.


Robert Nugent is not the problem.
The problem is the cabal.
How does Willy feel about a RC priest meeting up with his wife?
“I am aware of the fact that a lot of people have fallen away of their own choice but as well as that I think that we also need to be aware that the church herself has hurt an awful lot of people and, in many cases, the church’s response to that hurt hasn’t been enough either. While I would encourage those who can have an open mind to have an open mind, I think that the church also needs to listen to these people and to be more open to our own processes of healing and we need to do a lot more for those people who have fallen away.”


2:03 the primary response of the church has been to harass, intimidate, slander and vilify complainants. Their ongoing treatment of same clearly demonstrates more of the same fake public lip service of the Roman Catholic Church in these tragic matters inflicted by their members many resulting in loss of life and decades of trauma of victims & families.


The RRC should take responsibility for its actions.
Yes, there are children born gay based on the genetic code, but there is a little percentage compared to those who have been raped, sexually abused, and molested at an early age, most of the cases by Roman Catholic Priests.
And there is a little percentage who choose to be gay out of fashion or to be trendy.
If we mention that gay men are damaged, it is because of the family mentality, and the homophobic society.
Society and family behavior by rules!
There are many families and many societies that are racist… But that doesn’t stop the free movement of people.
There are families and societies ruled by one faith, but still, find room to embrace in their own way the other faiths.
There are families and societies, that are extremely nationalist, but still, learn how to accept others.
To be gay is not a disability or kind of schizophrenia as Freud tried to treat in his times. Gay men are not the weakest sex and should be treated with delicates, because women felt in this category, and still fighting for equality.
Gay men have been judged by their fathers and brothers, and any other masculinity in the extended family. Most of those men in catholic families, who have the right connection with the Catholic Dynasty, and some of those who faced Roman Catholic Priests’ abuses have the green card to join the Seminaries. The way to live with honor, and in the company of endless other gay men.
So many of those end up as pedophiles Roman Catholic priests, others as gay, and a minority without identity!!!
Such a shame!!!


Is paedophilia a type of sexuality that people are born with and is it genetic?


“In most of the cases by RC priests.” is false, and a lie. A serious sin against the Seventh Commandment. Over 95% of sexual abuse of children falls outside this category.


Why would any normal, sane, ‘straight’ man, be so bothered by homosexuality? Jesus Christ man, wise up and lead you own life.

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Afraid of the one below who loves men’s torso, hair, arms, muscles, face… and so on. I do believe it is on your brain. Try to bang your head a few times… or by losing memory…
Check the dating line for tops… girly!


In my chats with Robert, he like many others knows of many who are openly gay but who admit to having greater struggles in life than the average so-called heterosexual. He has a genuine concern for these individuals, and it is healthy to do so.
Robert is aware that sexuality, gender and identity are key issues today, especially for young people. He genuinely cares about these individuals and seeks to ensure fuller discussions can happen around these topics. That’s healthy too.
Robert sees those who profess to know and love Christ going in many different directions, and often directly opposed to others – e.g. the “accept, embrace and now celebrate LGBTQ pride” message versus the Psalmist writing “humble me, Lord, break the yoke of pride within me”. Robert genuinely cares about people AND the direction in which the Church is going. This too is healthy.
My days are filled with engaging with people who experience same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria, and having other genuine and caring people engage too, even though they’ve never experienced same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria. This doesn’t make these caring people internalised homophones or transphobes, or even having some covert agenda. It merely makes them genuine and caring people!
What can be UNhealthy is when we get caught up in analysing and judging others in public forums when we have no idea of where they are coming from.
Might I suggest that if we have a question about an individual’s intentions that we direct the question at her/him directly and in private rather than using social media as a first port of call? Thanks…


8:48 Tusla and the Roman Catholic clergy sleep in the same bed. Data violations abound. Plenty money to be made from vulnerable families, the modern day version of the Irish Mother & Baby Homes.


10:49 Definitely. There are collusive coverups involving both Roman Catholic Church and Tusla/Hse. Safeguarding is a buffer for bishops.


In today’s world, where the framework for public discourse is too often focused on the rights and freedom of the individual, the Catechism looks at the individual as a member of a family, and at the family in relation to society; it speaks about the duties of children and of parents, of citizens and of civil authorities. It emphasizes the social dimension of human existence, and thus provides an important antidote to an increasingly fragmented (and fundamentally anti-social) view of humanity.


Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Dec 8, 2022 at 11:33 am
All well and, good, if it’s hierarchy followed, what it says on the tin, but they don’t! The Catechism, bible, or any other guidance manual, is not worth the paper its, written either to the the family or humanity if its not adhered to, instead of each family member cherry picking what they want to fit in with their lives, and lifetyles.
When the Father (Pope)the Grandfather, and Great grandfather are all corrupt, protecting criminals (Roman Catholic sex abuser priests) of that particular family, to the detriment of other weak members of that same family (sexually abused Roman Catholic children) it would appear to any person observing this family/unit from the outside, to say the least, would view it as very dysfunctional, with criminal elements, governed and, lorded over by an extremely unsuitable, neglectful, parent, who himself has a less than admirable background, many find him completely lacking in having any control over his delinquent children.


I think the question 🤔 “words this to do with the blog subject ” refers to the anon comment & link @ 8.48. That poster seems obsessed with finding criticism of SWs. I wonder why 🥱 I suspect it’s some personal grievance rather than any objective survey of the evidence which drives his selective preoccupation.
This latter appears to blind him/her to the fact that the link referred to appears to also criticise other professions, hospital and GP medics, nurses, mental health professionals and the courts before social services.
Perhaps if the grievance is shared here some might comment helpfully?


4:49 It’s a priest troll bullying a retired social worker and former seminarian who comments here. If he had a grievance he could start a complaint or court case, but his agenda is quite different.


@5:08. Thanks for that observation. I think you’re correct, other than that I refuse to be bullied, and simply note and ignore. I recognised this guy’s obsession some time ago and see no point in “rising to his bait.”
I’m normally willing to debate issues with reasonable people who are open to discussions taking into account both objective info and a broad range of relevant experience. But this blogsite doesn’t seem best place to humour obsessions irrelevant to religion and spirituality.


@ 12:04 am
This blog exposes abuse, corruption, and crime in the RCC. I find it interesting for a former Maynooth seminarian of 5 years, who left Maynooth to become a social work team leader, has little or nothing to say on matters related to child sexual abuse. Have you no practice knowledge, wisdom, insights, or experience to share? Maybe social work practitioners take a vow of silence. Why use spell words such ‘bullied’, or gaslighting terms such as ‘obsession’, or manipulatively triangulate others for support? When reasonably challenged you avoid debate other than to blame; ‘the red tops’, resource allocation and caseloads. Any social work practitioners sexual abusers? Any negligent or unethical social work practitioners? Any wilful cover ups in social work? Did you ever hear of Peter Righton, a former child protection expert and social worker, and a convicted child abuser involved in a paedophile ring with connections to the British Government? Maybe your preference is to deflect from matters concerning abuse corruption and crime through your preoccupation with seeking proofs for the existence of God!


There are professionally qualified social workers in the RCC, particularly in religious orders. There are also professionally qualified Social Workers employed by the RCC. Read The Ryan Report, which detailed in shocking terms, the scale of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse suffered by children in institutions run by a range of Catholic Orders, but which were funded and inspected by the Department of Education. The settings included industrial and reformatory schools, children’s homes, hospitals, national and secondary schools, day, and residential special needs schools, foster care and a small number of other residential institutions, including Magdalene laundries. There are overlaps between the Church, the State and various professions including Social Work. The Ryan report made some 20 recommendations all of which were accepted by the then Government. They include; improving the organisation and delivery of children’s services; giving greater effect to the voice of the child; revising Children First, the national guidelines for the protection and welfare of children and underpinning the guidance by way of legislation. These are primarily Social work functions. There are more recommendations pertinent to Social Work. The Social Work profession is not exempt from abuse, corruption, negligence, or unethical practice.


I actually think it’s heterosexuals who are damaged and hurt and that’s not by they are heterosexual awwwww poor rabbit Nugent


As a gay man I agree with Roberts analysis. I think I am attracted to men because I am damaged. I can not help myself love man arms, man legs, torso, their masculine faces, their hairy bodies and ultimately their penis and bum. There is obviously something wrong with me that the idea of making love, or sex, with a woman and a vagina – makes me physically sick – can Robert cure me from my natural instincts and likes?


10.41: What about the hurt and damage you’ve inflicted on so many in your assertions of seeking TRUTH??? Honest answer please.


I don’t believe I am inflicting damage. Some I have written about have thanked me for challenging them so that they sorted themselves out.


What about the hurt, damage and destruction, of so many lives through RCC abuse, corruption and criminality, including bishops who cover it up. The hierarchy clergy and professional religious have a credibility problem.

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My dad is gay and he told us it was because after my mum died he did not want to dishonour my mum or cheat on her by going with another woman.


Reply to;Hypocritesays:
Dec 8, 2022 at 9:04 am
Exactly my thoughts, maybe his wife has more sense than to burden herself with more children than she wants.
He is probably masturbating for light relief ad infinitum, and because of his obsessive religious problem, (that’s my opinion) he is probably suffering in his own way, not being able to come to terms with it.
He is treading on very dangerous ground trying to convert one type of sexuality/orientation to another.
I haven’t time to look at the James Parker video, he is most likely to be bisexual.
The massive 2013 Pew Research LGBT Survey found 84 percent of self-identified bisexuals in committed relationships have a partner of the opposite sex, while only 9 percent are in same-sex relationships. So no surprises there.
Michael Vorex states he has had the “cure” as well.
Why Do So Many Bisexuals End Up In “Straight” Relationships?
Archives of Sexual Behavior, Online First 6 September 2022,


If my husband refused to use contraception he would not get his oats at all. I’m not spending my life pregnant, incontinent and surrounded by nappies for the sake of some barmy religion.

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Anon 5:19: Indeed, by any analysis it is a barmy religion. Gene like, it perpetuates itself initially by infection AKA indoctrination. It then maintains itself by manipulation and intimation.

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Men Against Masturbation, the successful and non religious group set up by RN also said that HIV was a direct punishment from God. Is that so MAM? How come sore straight people are acquiring the illness in the western world now then?


This is a disgusting thing to say, hiv can be a very serious disease and I hope Robert gets all that makes him happy in life


I am horrified at this video, as a mother of 4 queer kids will believe conversion therapy is sheer terrorism. Why do straight white men want to change or control everybody else?

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9:13 Don’t blame everything on straight white men, put a gay parish priest in the same room with an unfulfilled bitchy housewife and watch the poison pour out unabated.


Are you talking from your own experience or the experience of the top part of yours… lost over some bitchy unfulfilled housewife???
Still, crying??? Among all those gay roman catholic priests you still can’t find the right size to warm your bottoms?


Yes, we need tolerance but that does not mean we have to listen and progote Robert Nugent’s ideas. It is very safe to say that the vast number of gay people would be deeply hurt by his approach. If asked why they are gay they woud say that is their true self from birth. If the are Christian they would say that God made them this way. For Nugent they are lying, misled, confused , anythng but truthful. Please find some videos from this perspective that are never placed on your blog. Please stop promoting Nugent as if he has some significance in Ireland, the Church or anywhere else.

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For God’s sake, you do wish people would get over it, for their own sake and for the sake of others. Have these people not got more important things to concern themselves with other than where a man or a woman put their bits when they meet up ?! I only want to discuss sexuality in any form when it is abusive or coercive or against the law or harms other people. Other than that I’m content to let be people and not to obsess about this stuff. There’s something self-indulgent about Nugent and this guy and others giving so much of their attention to sexuality, masturbation, sexual expression, genderism, etc. Get a life, please !

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Pat as someone who has met Robert, you will very well know how charming this man can be, and manipulating


Some abused by clergy join the church & become abusers themselves & then use that as an excuse when victims report. Strange syndrome – a vicious circle.


Nugent’s inordinate interest in masturbation and homosexuality is very strange. Why doesn’t he direct his energies in to poverty, injustice etc. I guess masturbation and homosexuality is cheaper and requires less effort. Strange, strange man…..

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Was Robert Nugent sexually abused by a man and that’s why he holds these views? The man is obsessed with gay sex.


Anon at 10.49am
Dont want to speak ill of RN. That was telling re abuse by another man. That’s another possibility I have considered it although no proof. But its kind of disturbing all right in my view.
Problem is the mind who pushes it very deep back in the brain. It takes an event or incident to undo all that. It happened to me without me realising it. They called it as full blown ptsd. But I’m grateful for that cos I know where it was coming from.
There was a guy who was abused by Fr Shankley( Boston) He said it took a TV of that priest to trigger him upside down as his GF who caught him acting strange.
All it takes is some incident or event to trigger the whole thing. It can be said for any abused victim in question.


I really hope Roberts children all grow up and can feel free to express their sexuality with their parents, it would be soul destroying if Roberts children were to be gay.


10:51 you are a typical catlick weaponising Robert’s children against him. We pray for all the souls who were and continue to be deliberately and knowingly abused and traumatised by Roman Catholic Church members including clergy.


10:51 there you go again catlick, weaponising children. We all know how Robert Nugents family were used against him earlier this year. Despicable RCC Mafia.


So he causes homosexuals more damage and pain? Does he actually want to turn the world gay? 😂
I lost any respect for Nugent when he was all over the Thurles seminary suicide but just dropped it as soon as his family started getting phantom phone calls. He then went back to pious twaddle that nobody cares about.
Heroic virtue my arse.
Incidentally I was the person who warned him on here that the cult would have a go at losing him his job.


Yeah. Robert was gun-ho to sort out corruption in the institutional church until he got a taste of the reality of abusive priests from this blog. The Thurles scandal is outrageous but coverup continues. Rcc sheeple have
been fed on religious twaddle for generations. Now the Rcc is imploding.
There are more sins in the book than sexual sin. If Robert intends to continue making Rcc videos he needs to get real. Otherwise he needs
to find a healthy hobby.


I can see where Robert is coming from it’s like when you read the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and the story of the woman caught in the act of adultery and the way Jesus just goes on and on about masturbation and homosexuality because that’s clearly the most important life affirming message of the gospel


11:16 Don’t forget where he tells the disciples to GiftAid it and especially not to go to the police about father’s little problem. 😂


My house is freezing so I went to mass this morning. Not much better inside there. Mass was very short and they locked up afterwards.


Churches should be putting the heating on for the day and inviting the elderly, etc in so that they might save on fuel prices. They could also afford to be giving out a hot meal or two but they can’t do that because people might mistake them for Christians.

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1.07: How stupid a comment. Utterly ridiculous. The brain that thinks like this is out of touch. Totally. Tomorrow in our parish centre we are hosting a Christmas dinner and entertainment for 125 elderly parishioners. The elderly are invited to our warm, welcoming parish centre between 9.30am and 12.30pm every day eccept Saturday and Sunday. Care to come and volunteer? Oh, you’re probably busy opening your warm home for your elderly neighbours!! Get real Mr. Punk..


I try to do my bit but, you are correct in your sarcastic comment, I’m not busy opening my home to elderly neighbours but that would be because I am working part-time in a care capacity and do volunteer work with the homeless on the days I’m off. This also means I’ll have to decline your invitation to volunteer. Since you didn’t indicate which parish centre you worked for, I’ll assume your invitation to volunteer was not genuine.
So what Parish Centre do you work for – is it only open to the elderly? I ask because we are often looking for places we can send a homeless person or two for a bit of heat and a nourishing meal.
Incidentally, I’m also currently in contact with and being assessed by Home for Ukraine with a view to helping a young Ukrainian family. Being honest, I’m not sure I want to do this but at least I’m open to the possibility – SO the next time you feel like sending a snotty sarcastic message give some thought to the fact that you might actually be having a go at someone who is not a saint but who does try very hard to do the Christian thing.
And if you are telling the truth about the efforts of your parish I’ll say well done but I will stand by my original comment – your parish would be very much in the minority.
Whenever you get a minute drop the blog a line with the contact details for the parish centre.


1:07 don’t mind them, they all a shower of 2 faced pick pockets.


2:35 I would be more convinced about the reality of your warmth and welcome if you’d extend it to commenters here.


The institutional church i.e. clerics, are the last people to lead a conversation on sexuality, masculine formation, male problems in living, etc.


Robert protests too much – that’s easy and clear to see – his own proclivity or struggle is masked by moral indignation – eventually he will come out as a gay man – as sure as eggs are eggs!!

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I don’t care what views he holds he is a whack job and he has found the perfect home on social media. Blogs or YouTube preachers, the result of a narrow interest in life. Whack jobs the lot of ya


Leave the Robert Nugent alone! He is a good man and the rally he set up was fantastic for men who have already converted to heterosexual.


‘The Robert Nugent’ can’t convert any gay to heterosexuality; not even God can do this. Nor would he want to, since he had them 🎵born this way🎵. 😄


Surprised you found that video interesting, Pat; I found it concerning, as I would any work by zealots and dogmatists.
What is amusing rather than interesting about the video is that both men repeatedly complain of insufficient talk on certain issues, like unwanted same-sex attraction, and of hyper-criticism, even censorship, by LGBT ‘idelogues’ of what little talk on these subjects does take place. The pair missed the double irony here: each himself is nothing if not an idelogue, and both, I can almost guarantee, would pull the plug on any conversation that dared show up THEIR ideas.
Nugent did this to me on your blog last year. I’m Protestant, and I found one or more of his videos that featured here deeply sectarian and bigoted. I called him out on this, but he refused to engage with me, except off blog. Uh-uh! Wasn’t going to happen. And I knew why: Nugent was afraid of being shown up publicly as I had described him.
These men aren’t interested in talk, but in preaching at others; this is what dogmatists do. They are right, and everyone else is either ignorant or wrong.
By the way boys, you ARE right about one thing: there is, indeed, no gay gene. But there is no straight gene either; there are just sexual genes.
Bet you both wouldn’t want to talk about this. 😁


Anon @1:22. You make some insightful points: thanks.
Good to see your comment from the Protestant perspective. We need more sharing of all viewpoints, and ideally, the openness to acknowledge and learn from them.


James Parker mentions @ 21 mins having given talks in Ireland mentioning Waterford diocese of Das Fonz. I wonder was James visit pre DD or post DD escapades to the boiler house? Funnily enough Dawn Eden Goldstein gave a talk in Waterford a number of years ago- she’s written up a critical analysis of Dom Kirby’s In Sinu Jesu. It’s a very small world. Who funds these talk shops from overseas speakers? Don’t tell me- the sheeple !!


I used my own funds to travel to Ireland and to travel around Ireland.
I visited at the invitation of several wonderful Irish men who all experience same-sex attraction (SSA) and who wanted support overcoming past trauma such as:
• sexual, physical, emotional, spiritual abuse and/or assault,
• not being accepted by their families when admitting their SSA,
• being rejected and vilified for choosing to leave the LGBTQQIAAP+2S community,
• merely wanting support and encouragement to continue loving their wives and kids in the midst of their trials.
Your public assumption that “sheeple” paid for me to visit your fellow citizens who are in pain couldn’t be further from the truth. The visit cost me my own money from my own pocket. I charged nothing and made nothing out of it except for gaining a whole new group of brothers and sisters who are learning to fine tune what it means to love and be loved.
I have no idea what pre DD or post DD escapades refers to.


3:33 Thanks for clarifying funding and travel expenses. I was under the impression your visit was connected to the Church as you mentioned
you gave talks in Waterford, Knock and a couple of other places. The
link below explains pre DD post DD escapades. I wish you well, James.



The Bishop of Killaloe spotted in Shannon Town Centre today. The Bishop spotted the whistleblower and walked away quickly whilst texting. The expression on his face said it all. Shortly thereafter he reappeared with a young lad who didn’t leave his side for quite some time. Randy Rosney made an appearance in trainers and jeans and was engrossed in conversation with Bishop until the whistleblower popped out of a shop. Rosney stared at the whistleblower intently so the whistleblower waved at him in greeting. Whistleblower went to get coffee and upon return no sign of Bishop or Rosney. Poor Fintan…only a few elderly people came to speak to him. I guess the people in Shannon realise that the ones who need Confession are the priests themselves.


2:40 Bishop Fintan Monahan is clearly a very clever man, he texted for his witness when he spotted you. A very clever man indeed. He might be no Christian but he appears to be a very clever and well connected man.


3.36 The whistleblower came back to Shannon Town Centre later on to pick up some extra Christmas bits and lo and behold no Bishop and no Rosney…just a lonely fella with an unusual cloak on who sat there with nothing to do. Mercy on the Mall appears to have been a dismal failure. The sheep aren’t fooled anymore.


I hope these sightings didn’t spoil the whistleblower enjoying coffee.
Did the whistleblower have a muffin with coffee? I’m partial to lemon or blueberry muffin with coffee.


3.50 No muffin although the whistleblower does fancy both lemon & blueberry muffins. The coffee was a Carmel macchiato. It took the chill out of the frosty looks from Bishop. Do all take a break this evening and see the super moon. It is breathtaking.


8.35 Harassing victims/survivors/whistleblowers anonymously on this blog is pathetic and futile. You are such cowards.


I feel so sorry for Archie and Lillibet, being brought up by those LA-LA Land nut jobs Harry and Megan. Just two minutes of the Netflix thing was enough. Easier to watch masturbation obsessed Nugent anyday. Another nut job.


3:08 Have you nothing better to do than satisfy your obsession with nuts all day.


Actually, this counter-article itself lends weight to the claim by the Dutch journalist that JP II protected priests who had sexually abused children.
According to the article, JP II knew the abuse was happening, and knew it was criminal behaviour; but he did NOT report it to the POLICE. Instead, he followed canonical protocols, including one that prohibited him from acting if an offending priest was from another diocese.
JP II, probably like every other archbishop /bishop of the time, toed the Vatican line on dealing with abusive priests.
Stopping these men was not their priority; protecting the reputation of the institutional church most certainly was.

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Anon at 3.57pm

Not only that, it was convenient to destroy all records see paper quote of this👉 ‘Almost all documents collected directly about Wojtyla have been destroyed.’ Thus evidence (if any) was gone plus he was allowed freely to travel in comparison to another Archbishop Stepinac who was confined to his home town.



Like all criminal organizations and dodgy businesses, destroying the records indicates guilt or illegality.
Especially in the case of a so-called saint, where a cult would obviously want to keep ‘evidence’ of their ‘sanctity’.


Anon at 5.15pm
Rcc are experts in destroying or destruction of their files.
In my case in 1st school ran by the nuns, they shredded or burned all my files including medical. They only had to confirm that I was a resident or a boarder there. But there were files on me from Cabra that wasn’t shredded at all whatsoever.
I recalled solicitor telling me it’s the norm that Rcc or their religious orders burned their files that incriminates them one way or another. To their eyes, nothing new to solictor in my case.

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Western Europe
Thirteen people form a new tribunal that will deal with misconduct in the Roman Catholic Church of France. The National Canon Criminal Court (TPCN) was sworn in on Monday.
“The new tribunal will deal with cases in the Church connected to sexual abuse of adults, power abuse, breach of trust and issues of spiritual influence. The Dicastery of the Doctrine of Faith will remain responsible for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of children. That is reported by RCF. Excommunication
“Any Catholic who feels he has suffered wrongdoings in the Church may go to the tribunal. After investigations, the TCPN may decide to sentence the perpetrator to penalties, such as a fine, prohibition of ministry, dismissal from the clerical state or excommunication. The tribunal can also determine that the perpetrator has to pay his or the victim damages, Famille Chretienne writes.”


France is both the eldest daughter of holy mother church and also the one country which has historically dealt best with the cult and taken none of its shit. 👍


EVERY DIOCESE & RELIGIOUS ORDER on the island of Ireland needs to be investigated.
Safeguarding MUST be completely independent of the RCC.


To the homophobes who smugly plump for the cliché that ‘there is no gay gene’, get this: THERE IS NO STRAIGHT GENE EITHER’. 😀

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There’s also the mammoth body of evidence that otherwise straight men have a propensity to sex with men in all-male environments which they don’t otherwise do. In strictly Kinsey terms this would make them a 1 or 2 rather than a 0 which is exclusive heterosexuality.


Fair enough.
I don’t believe ANY one is exclusively hetero. In the right circumstances, they would get turned on by a same-sex someone. They might resist on moral grounds, but the attraction is there, all the same.


The Roman Catholic Church in Ireland needs a National Tribunal similar
to or modeled on The National Canon Criminal Court (TPCN) in France.


Robert Nugent ruined my life by all the videos he has made about homosexuality and masturbating. I believed him and tried to commit suicide 4 times.


5.53: This is a most serious judgment to make – not about RN but about yourself. I cannot believe a word of what you are saying. You and others are attributing so many lying narratives to RN which he has never written or spoken. He’s entitled to his views – I don’t agree with him in mist topics – but your assertion is, to me, utterly ludicrous. RN could not have this effect on any person. If you found his videos upsetting you should have stopped watching them! Simple as. What age are you? There are thousands who enjoy his videos.


Feb. 12, 2012 Clare Champion, Fr Ger Fitzgerald responds to a Prime Time RTE television special in relation to prostitution in Ireland. The article is titled “In Defence of the Dignity of Women”. Fitzgerald writes about the exploitation of young women by pimps. He quotes “Every threat to human dignity and life must necessarily be felt in the Church’s very heart.” I have news for you Father. You don’t need to go to a brothel to find a pimp—plenty of them in the RCC.


6:53 Had Fr Fitzgerald started his crack by 2012, would he not have been a bit wet behind the ears back then.


Pat, do you think this suppressed homosexuality and negative experiences have impacted Fr Ryan McAleer’s lifestyle? And may this be an outright explanation for his mistreatment of others?


The topic of the day is a sensitive topic. People need to be careful with language. The LGBTQ community trying to silence those who have a different opinion is concerning. What have they become?


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