







Gugerotti is leaving the UK in ten days.

The first person to investigate a bishop is the archbishop (metropolitan) of the area.

MALCOM MC MAHON is the archbishop of Liverpool and thetefore the metropolitan for Hexham and Newcastle.

So, now McMahon will conduct the first investigation into the Byrne complaint.

As a church investigation, it will be conducted IN SECRET.

It is vital that the priest victim involve the police.

I will convey that to the victim.


Pat, are you confirming that the alleged victim of the abuse is a priest? If the sexual abuse occured by Bishop Byrne on any person, it must be reported. No equivocation. Can you confirm too if the victim has made himself known to you? What’s going on?


+Pat, I am assuming that you know some of the detail of the alleged assault / behaviour ? Given that it has risen to this level, and seems connected to Byrne’s resignation, I am assuming that this behaviour is not just some minor indiscretion ? Of course, the alleged victim could just be some wuss that invites / creates trouble around him ? There are people and clergy like that. A bit like the Sistha Space one at Buck Palace a few weeks ago. She was looking for trouble whether it was there or not. Got her name in the newspapers. No publicity is bad publicity, they say. Anyhow, lots of detail to be forthcoming before we can know the full story.


Ah the good auld mushroom school of church leadership. Cover them with plenty of shit and keep them in the dark. MO of the church ab initio.. secrecy secrecy secrecy

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11:57 Ah, Yes, Mushroom Management- cover them all in sanctimonious platitudes to cover up the truth of the crime, corruption and criminality they engage in or proactively support on a daily basis.

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Well done Pat. Your work has been impressive this year. Armagh’s Ryan McAleer and England’s thugs well caught. You are hot on their trail.


Decades of ongoing church related crime and criminality concealed by circulating false narratives,
engagement in slander, libel and data manipulation, travel document forgery, kiddy fiddling, money fiddling, people trafficking and so on and so on.


The church investigation is conducted in secret!! Of course it is, ongoing zero transparency across the board in the Roman Catholic Church also confirms zero commitment on truth and reconciliation. Most parishes fail to publish names of their various committees yet continue to appeal for donations & government grants to fund their ahem! β€œactivities”…….

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I’m referring to the investigation by the Archbishop of Liverpool. Even if it becomes a police matter they conduct their inquiries out of the public gaze and evidence is only aired in public when and if it goes to court.


11am Outside the church, company personnel enquiries aren’t swamped with allegations of kiddy fiddling in the workplace, Father.


5.59: This is a grand nonsense and total lies. It’s a corruption of the truth. Parishes are only allowed to claim for financial loss if their parish centres are used by commercial groups. ONLY IF COMMERCIAL. The procedures for application are very stringent and all documentation about the non parish groups has to be supplied, validating insurance policies, fees paid and personnel in charge. You, sir, might probably pull a fast one with your propensity for LIES….you’re the cheat. I’m definitely not.


Your shrill protests of financial probity have been even further blown out of the water by blog posts this week, babe.
No point telling us about rigorous procedures, that’s right up there with claiming the clergy are celibate.


12.01 what are you talking about – the commenter at 5:59am never mentioned anything about parishes making claims for commercial financial losses but now that you mention it……. Don’t one just luv a paranoid parish accountant!


Endless scandals usually involving money and/or sexual misconduct of its cover up merchants whilst holding office in an allegedly celibate Roman Catholic Church are now daily occurrences on this blog & elsewhere.

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The weight of covering up for all manner of crime, corruption, fraud and all manner of criminality on a daily basis in the Roman Catholic Church worldwide.


The involvement of the police in this investigation should assist the victim in achieving a successful outcome than may otherwise be the case were they relying only on the traditionally less than transparent Roman Catholic investigation system.


Which doesn’t say much about the RCs when you know currently only about 6% of crimes are actually solved by the police in the UK!


Elon Musk restores suspended Twitter accounts of journalists including Kerryman, Donie O’Sullivan. When will we see a closer examination of finances in the Diocese of Kerry?


11:01 His shining light was making you uncomfortable πŸ₯΄πŸ€£


This investigation will certainly be one to watch and hopefully, Bishop Pat, the victim will have the good sense to fully inform the police in this matter.

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8:47 Clergy and their members work very hard on keeping close to the police, sometimes it works in their favour but hopefully times are changing.


Well done + Pat. And well done + Gugerotti on responding so quickly and clearly. I don’t have much confidence in + McMahon of Liverpool who always seems like an overconfident big bumbling idiot, with a penchant for dipping his toe and other bits in to lace and satin as often as he can. Note the picture. And it takes a lot of purple to cover him up, big man as he is ! Moving away from the ad hominem, and on to the substantive matter at hand, namely a complaint of alleged sexual misbehaviour, I glean that this was allegedly towards another priest ? Are there shades of + O’Brien here who was brought down by his own priests and their allegations, many years after the fact ? Anyhow, the plot deepens, and I suspect + Bryne is going to have to withdraw from public life completely if there is even a glimmer of truth in these allegations. It might not even be appropriate for him to return to his beloved Oratory, which reeks of that Oxford / Oratorian homoerotic atmosphere, albeit amongst rather odd looking young men with round spectacles and bad haircuts, all trying to be camp posh ! Not my type at all, but each to their own, I suppose ?!




Heck! Whatever his name.

That nuncio’s reply to Pat was curt and disrespectful. Hadn’t the manners to accord Pat his title. I’d bet he’d take umbrage if he were referred to as β€˜sir’.

These fellows stand on their titles, don’t you know?


You mean Linguine.
I thought that, too. All RC clergy should be addressed as Mr until they learn some common courtesy.


Many years ago when I lived in Oxford I took a friend to see the Oratory. As we stood there, some clerics passed, and one said to another ” he’s gorgeous “. Sadly, this was aimed at my friend, not me.


We need some information / insight from Brum priests. They know what is going on and what Byrne has been up to. Come on, boys, spill the beans to your confreres ! You know you want to tell us !


Yes, + Pat, the priest victim really does need to go to the police. A police investigation will take precedence over the church investigation. The church investigation then becomes redundant, really, until such time as the police / legal process is over. Then the church can do what it needs to do, although if there is a finding of guilt by the police / legal process, then they will not be able to deny, coverup, and do what they generally do. If it is just left to the church, with no police involvement from the start, then + McMahon will do the usual denial stuff and will coverup – for the good of the church, of course !

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I think if the priest alleged target does not report this to the police we can assume he is another priest reluctant to risk his own ‘vocation’ and suffering from cult brainwashing and Stockholm syndrome.

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Off topic message to Fr Arnie’s Ex:
I know you know that I know who you are.
You know where to find me if you feel like a chat.


10:39 Arnie Schwarzenegger is no longer married into the Roman Catholic Kennedy clan. He’s getting his oats elsewhere these days = less hassles = simples.


9:19 unlikely any of the priests lovers or ex lovers will make contact. Sensible people just cut off any contact to avoid providing any more opportunities for harassment where possible although of course they continue to be slandered just like the parent in Ennis that they are now hounding for calling out the plush lifestyle of Ennis priests that she observed when she called to their house with a form she was requested to return confirming that her child was not allergic to gluten. Another good reason to remove them from schools because they & their self interested laity clearly access what should be confidential school records to target families via student file information.


1.45 Thank you Ann for being brave enough to share that information. I am sorry for the single parent who was harassed because she spoke out about the priests. Data Protection Commission in Dublin is currently investigating several complaints involving Killaloe Diocese.


Oh, now it’s all coming out. Imagine tubby Billy Bunter making advances. I taste a little bit of sick in the back of my throat.


See, I said ‘nervous collapse’wasn’t a thing.
Of course we all know the outcome of the investigation. Unless he’s really wound up the powers that be we’ll never know it and he’ll spend the rest of his life happily pontificating in Oxford.


I think it’s increasingly unlikely that Byrne will spend the rest of his days in 19th century gentrification in Oxford. If there is even the slightest hint of sexual misdoing, he will just have to disappear, like Conry has done. They won’t take away his episcopal status, unless he is convicted of a crime. At the very least, Byrne is toast and just has to accept that his credibility is shot and that he should just do the dignified thing and retire in to prayer and penance and silence. Best thing for everybody, I think. One observation – I don’t sense much sympathy for Byrne in the comments. He doesn’t appear to endear any affection. Perhaps this has to do with his pompous, self-satisfied demeanour, and being ineffective and promoted beyond his capabilities. I’m thinking that they won’t miss him in H&N and will be wanting to move on as quickly as possible.


Pat I am so fed up with all these perverts taking over your blog. I hope one day we can have a positive title and blog piece.


To everyone gagging for Byrne to have his collar felt by Lily Law: don’t let your eagerness to have the bishop humiliated blind you to the fact that a criminal investigation is LESS likely to come out with him guilty of any crime than the church’s investigation is to have him reduced to convent chaplain for life.
This is because of the high level of proof needed for a criminal conviction, the difficulty prosecuting sexual offences and the lack of police to do the work.
A criminal investigation will also allow the church to wash their hands of the whole thing.


This must now be reported to the Police + Pat – It will be a total cover up aimed at protecting the Church .If there is a criminal allegation should not the church report this to the Police as a matter of procedure ? Why is the Church with holding information from the Police ?It is in the Priest best interest to go to the Police whatever the Church says to him.


A complaint investigated in secret .Where is honesty , transparency , putting the victim first ?No one can have confidence In the church investigating itself .There should be an independent body set up by the with professional people from outside Church membership to deal with all such complaints , and support victims .The Priest should protect himself by going to the Police .

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10:39 it’s like Tusla being recommended by the RCC!! Now that’s one bad joke, not. Keep Safe Folks.


+Pat, well done on taking it that far. I do hope the police get involved as a Church investigation is a 50:50 thing depending on what the investigators are told to find.

Also, I giggled a bit reading about the swiftness of the response. I genuinely wonder if the outgoing Nuncio may have believed you to be an official member of The Irish bishops conference when he replied so fast.


I think him calling me “sir” means he knows who I am.

Also, I think he did not want to leave himself open to the charge of doing nothing about a serious complaint, especially with the alleged victim being a priest.

And, he was involved in Byrne’s resignation.


1:38 You would expect as a diplomat the nuncio would speak English and have a thorough knowledge of ecclesiastical titles in English. Well, *you* wouldn’t, but anyone sensible would.


Pat, I hope you have made contact with Archbishop Malcolm direct.
Archbishop Malcolm has a duty to go to the Police however the Priest needs to go as well.

In the KOB saga there were NO Police involvement as it was consenting Adults and when they did not get what they wanted up to the level of a mitre then they brought KOB down.

Byrne will likely say that is was with consent however this usually opens a can of worms and more may come forward and rightly so.

Archbishop malcolm is as cold as fish and sly as a fox but will act to protect Malcolm.

Hopefully Pope Francis sacks Byrne like he did to KOB.

+ Keenan is in a panic as he does not want +Nolan investigating his Diocese of Paisley as + Keenan has said Bill will do all the dirty work and he will arrive in 2030 somehow I think not.


Here’s the bit nobody is saying: the RC church is a byword for sexual offences and their cover up so if you belong to it you can only expect to experience sexual offences and then for the perps to get away with it or be promoted.
Haven’t any of you read the news lately?
Or did you think you would somehow be treated differently?


Here’s the bit nobody is saying: the “Church of England” is a byword for sexual offences and their cover up so if you belong to it you can only expect to experience sexual offences and then for the perps to get away with it or be promoted.
Haven’t any of you read the news lately?
Or did you think you would somehow be treated differently?

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Your daily reminder that the church of Rome keeps saying how special it is, until you point out that its speciality is rape, when suddenly it starts pointing to everyone else and telling you to look to yourself.

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My favorite thing about the Church of England is the way its mere existence makes the Catholicsℒ️ spit feathers. You don’t see the Orthodox behaving like that over the Romans, even though they split from them and took their churches, nor the C of E over the methodists.
Its almost like the RC church isn’t Christian….


Criminals always try to drop everyone else in it when their criminal organization is rumbled.


12:53 Nothing like the mere hint of Bishop Buckley’s blog to set the Irish clergy & their cohorts hissing & spitting like scalded tomcats at Halloween.


Thank God Bishop Byrne who is a good man has faithful parishioners who will continue to stand by him, we trust him implicitly and he knows that he can trust us implicitly.


11:37 is in church speak. I’m not completely sure of the English translation because it would be a phrase from a gangster movie and include the words famiglia and omerta, and end capice?



I agree tge Brum clergy will have the lowdown on Byrne.

A clerical view of Byrne is that he’s a gossip and indiscreet- he’d finish every conversation with, β€˜β€¦ but don’t say I told you!’ – I guess what goes around comes around – payback is a karma bitch. He will be the butt of gossip for a long time to come.


12:22 Mark the priest is done with you, get over it luv & stop trying to make trouble for him. He sleeps in the parochial house when it matters.


@ 12:34pm
Only if it starts with Adeste Fidelis, Adoration of The Holy Crib, followed by Pontifical High Mass at the Throne. Absolutely NO polyester, I might consider it. Your very good health Patsy, Cheers!!!πŸ˜‰


12:51 Tell us you don’t know what imposter syndrome is without telling us you don’t know what imposter syndrome is. πŸ˜‚


1:05pm Oh! that’s just terrible altogether, Ireland should promptly send a delegation of Irish clergy & their lay hierarchy to reconvert them as a matter of urgency. We just cannot have lapsed Catholics in North Korea of all places. The world could come to an end or anything if that’s allowed.


Bergoglio has banned it from St Peter’s and replaced it with Pachamama. Pat, any chance you might report on Paglia, one of Bergoglio’s cronies, who diverted €500k from charitable funds to do up his Vatican apartment? Or Wilton Gregory in DC and his €12m penthouse?


His Lordship *would have to add another wing to his chapel to provide proper accommodation for the ministers at a pontifical high mass at the throne. Refer to Fortescue & Ritual Notes.

* I call Bishop Patrick such in partial reparation for that papal prelate’s arrogance in addressing him as sir as an obvious put down.


I don’t have much confidence in the archdiocesan Tribunal to investigate Byrne. A former judicial vicar, Father Anthony McCaffrey, who had a penchant for Versace and Gucci and sexually assaulting young men, was imprisoned. Fr. Tom Woods, also a canon lawyer and judge, was downloading kiddy porn, and Fr. Matthew Jolley of the same diocese tried to meet to have sex with a toddler. They will undoubtedly cover it up.


1:51 Fraudulent Frankie & the Nazi & the Pole lost all hope of reining in their worldwide network of kiddy & money fiddlers once the World Wide Web took a real foothold. A losing battle.


And lost major recruitment to their army of β€˜celibate’ agents once we all knew they weren’t.
Natural law my arse.


Why did Robert Nugent not address concerns we have about his obsession with young hot men masturbating? He also never went near the accusation by some that he is a closeted homosexual.


Pat, you suggested in a blog headline that RN may be closeted, yet now you say he doesn’t need to talk about personal issues on here.


4:22 Thank you Bishop Pat for reminding them of this fact.


4.06: Pat, while off the topic about whuch I’ve commented, but Robert Nugent is dangerously way OTT. I don’t doubt his sincerity of faith and prayer. I cannot fathom how a married man with children and with a demanding job can spend so much time creating videos. There’s nothing he won’t write about once it doesn’t fit into his very rigid, black and white frame. The backdrop to his videos is like a spiritual Aladdin’s cave. His shouting style of emphasis is awful. Now he tells us in every video that Our Lady is communing with him on all kinds of things. He’s portraying himself as a saviour for the Church but wint go near his local church because everything is amiss liturgically and spiritually. If Robert references “personal issues I pray that he will be wise, careful and responsible if he chooses to share them with us. I am, like many others, wary of visionaries and locutionists……


So, the situation in H&N appears to be this. The ex-Bishop is a nice man – prayerful and clever. As an Auxiliary he was outstanding. When he moved it was clear that he was out of his depth and he did not handle the situation of the much loved Canon from the cathedral well at all, he of course sadly went on to commit suicide. Many of the clergy blame the Bishop for his poor handling, both prior to and after the untimely death. The Canon was one of the nicest guys you could meet and was well
loved and respected by laity and clergy. The Bishop lost the shop floor and many clergy told him so. He therefore could not continue. There is also an allegation by a serving Priest (from the same Diocese?) to be investigated. The Bishop did the right thing in stepping aside. This sums it up?


The complaining priest is NOT a priest of H& N. The Bishop did not “step aside.” He was given an ultimatum and was refused other episcopal appointments by his superiors.


Thanks for confirming Bishop Pat. I wonder if he will keep his title within his own order? Bit of a dog’s breakfast. Anyway, let’s pray for everyone involved, including you for the good work you continue to do.


Fr Jurgen Klinnsman is very good friends with Byrne; but this will surely be tested to the extreme now.


Sadly, ‘the much loved Canon’ was a ‘sexual abuser of minors’ and that has been brushed under the carpet. I don’t which laity and clergy you have ‘observed’ but Byrne was neither liked, trusted or respected.


Just wondering if Henry (Ciaran) O’ Connell has any connection with Byrne. Henry was an Oratory priest and cc Westport…he left the priesthood for gay lifestyle..


It’s in the family because his uncle had a mistress for over 3 decades. I don’t know how the woman put up with him because he was not a very pleasant man. Lothario Ciaran can fairly pull them.


Leopards and Anon 6.20: good to see that others, like myself, are keeping a critical eye on Mr Dildo Dallat through my contacts in Loughinisland, so we regularly share info, usually in O’Tooles. We note his car’s movements, locally, and further afield from friends in Annacloy, Crossgar, Drumaness, Newcastle : yes we keep a close eye on him, …..just waiting. And when the time is right…..!


Good evening from Cape Verde. I hope all is well in Larne and with Bishop Buckley. Happy Christmas to you and Ed and all the viewers.


Mostly members of Catholic Church have lost faith in clergy, church after scandals, according to new survey
Anadolu Agency [Ankara, Turkey]
December 15, 2022
By Ayhan Simsek
β€œAbout one in four Christians in Germany are considering leaving church due to the sex abuse scandals, a survey revealed on Thursday.
Mostly the members of the Catholic Church have lost faith in the clergy and church after the scandals in recent years, according to the Religion Monitor study of the Bertelsmann Foundation. Among the Germans who said that they were considering leaving the church, 66% of them were members of the Catholic Church, and 33% were the members of the Protestant Church. Some 81% of them said they are thinking of leaving
the church mainly because they lost trust in these religious institutions.”


Your reminder that Catholics (not in name only) are expected to put up with and cover up all sorts of crime because that’s what Catholicismℒ️ is about.


It used to be simple in England pre 1980. We just turned up because we wanted, sat out from smarties to afford politicians tactful cover, threw in how much we wanted to the collection, the clergy loved it, they had lots of takers, we ended up believing in God. Much of newfangled theology is “CINO” itself.


We will not be having midnight mass back this year after a two year break because of Covid. The selfish Priest has offered us a 7pm slot, we parishioners are not a bit happy about this. He told us it was for health & safety reasons but yet other parishes are still offering this time. Will you be providing a midnight service?


With that attitude you might be better staying at home and watching Christmas Songs of Praise with Aled Jones and Brian D’Aarcy.


I would rather listen to the 3 singing plonkers, I mean priests – than Aled Jones


7:25 How very dare you. Our Aled Jones is a clean living Welsh icon & a national treasure to boot unlike the coke snorting party animal, camera wielding clerics that clearly need plenty of the white stuff to get them walking in the air and we ain’t talking snow, so take that limey.


Yes Midnight Mass maybe a thing from the past and everyone has a duty to the Clergy.
The Police and the guards have made it very clear they have limited numbers as well and it would be better if it was earlier.
The only good thing about Midnight Mass is the collections as it brings in drunks and unfair on the welcomers.
Holy Mass should be a joyful celebration and we do not want Clergy frightened whats next so it is far too risky and for the Parishes offering it they must have a few Priests as most parishes in a Priest ALONE.
It is shocking that Presbyteries, Churches and other buildings need to have CCTV but it is the sign of the times as insurrance companies say it is a must.


@ 8:30pm
Patsy do I detect a lot of gibberish here, who the hell are ‘welcomers’ is this some new poly thing? Oh! for the day’s when you just went to Midnight Mass and that was it.


6.48: Maria, Maria, how do we solve a problem FOR Maria??? Maria, get a grip on reality. Next you’ll want your P.P. to cook you breakfast on Christmas. People like you are utterly selfish and unreasonable. You people..


6:48 Maria – since read this blogg and talk to neighbours I find Irish priests here seem to be bold lazey boys. Our Polish priest give us Midnight mass here in Ireland every year. It very nice. You come if you near Ennis. You be made very welcome. Thank you


Just a thought. + Byrne will be under extreme pressure at the moment. I am not suggesting that we should not be commenting on stuff, on him, etc. However, when I was working and if I had some oversight of somebody who was in such a position, I would make it my business that his pastoral care was taken care of. Somebody who would keep in regular contact, who would listen, who could talk things through. It’s not saying that everything is going to be okay, or you can ignore what is happening. It is more making sure that the person under pressure knows that there is somebody whose role it is to make sure they are okay. Remember, it is not so long ago that + Byrne’s cathedral dean took his own life when under extreme pressure, which is sad, though does not minimise the allegations that he was facing. Similarly with + Bryne, let us hope that there are good people looking out for him, as well as good people looking out for others in this saga. But for the grace of God…. Just saying….


You make a very valid point. I hope he is being supported. If he reached out to me, I would help. But I would also advise him to be honest.
He is in a much stronger position than the priest.


Obviously you are not going to approve this, but anyone that would reach out to you needs a serious sit down on the chair of a professional..


His Brother Bishops and the Oratory Society will be looking after Byrne big time.
It is the Priest who needs support as much as possible.
In KOB times he was looked after a home bought for him but the Priests were left high and dry and mostly forced into early retirement as some backed KOB and others the Priest and the Diocese is still split under Leo.
I just hope Archbishop Malcolm Knows he goes to the victim (the Priest) and not summons the Priest to him.
To be honest here even although it is totally wrong the Bishop and the Priest they are both Adults although that is not an excuse however the Dean was under age boys and he did not defend himself over the alligations.
Byrne and Big Hughie was it seems only Clergy and people allowed at the Dean’s private Funeral.


Big hughie right in there πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ


Such tender concern for prelates. I wonder if, say, Benedict Andersen received the same pastoral concern when he was cast out into the wilderness by his abuser and those who protect him.


How could you support both the victim and the Bishop at the same time ?Would that not be a conflict of interest ?


What attracts sexual monsters and homosexuals to the priesthood? I would be mortified if any of my sons came to me and told me they were going off to seminary


What on Earth would a multi millionaire still be doing gods good work for? Retire and enjoy it. How can he even relate to poor parishioners?


9:54 So what, Leo is transparent about being light on his feet but he is not like the Bishops shuffling dodgy clerics from one unsuspecting outpost to the next. 😏


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