



Dear Bishop Pat, I thought you might be interested in keeping an eye on ongoing events in the Diocese of Salford.

It has been eight years since John Kenneth Stanley Arnold left the Archdiocese of Westminster and headed north to take up charge of the Diocese of Salford, replacing Bishop Terence ‘Bungalow’ Brain, during those eight years the Diocese has sunk, vocations have all but disappeared, we have had no ordinations now since 2019, and the two in that year were late vocations, good men, but of advanced years.​ ​


Other younger priests are leaving the diocese, in the last few months Fr Gambella, ordained 2014 has transferred to Aberdeen, and Fr Horne, ordained 2013 has joined the staff of the Nuncio in London, many more at the opposite end of the age range are opting for early retirement, while others are on long term sick leave (usually following mental breakdowns), the common cause of all this is Arnold – a nasty little bully with a vindictive streak as long as the M6, the Westminster clergy nicknamed him ‘Ming the Merciless’ when he was their VG and Auxiliary, he was also accused of being involved in the Ealing Abbey coverup.

He demands utter unquestioning obedience and reacts badly if challenged, he’s been known to scream in the face of Priests who disagree with him and if you cross him, he will go out of his way to break and destroy you.

These days he remains holed up at Wardley Hall, his moated Tudor mansion, he never goes on visitation and communicates with his clergy only through weekly Friday emails, the clergy en-masse are more demotivated and fed-up than ever before in diocesan history, they all live in fear of questioning Arnold, having seen their colleagues forced out of ministry, while he jets around the world on CAFOD business.

Nero allegedly fiddled while Rome burned, Arnold however has another solution to occupy himself while Salford crumbles, he is spending tens of millions of pounds of diocesan funds refurbishing his Wardley Hall estate converting it into a Laudato Si research and education centre, this project and expenditure is his vanity project, there was no consultation of clergy or laity about whether they wanted their money spent in this way, it just happened  and the diocesan finance gurus are getting increasingly worried about the solvency of the diocese.


The death this last week of Sister Rita Lee, star of the BBC television series about her work amongst the poorest members of society in Manchester, reminded us why she disappeared so suddenly in 2017 and moved to Derby after a lifetime in the Diocese, she publicly confronted Arnold about his spending on Wardley Hall while she was struggling for funds to help the poor and homeless, and then suddenly was recalled by her superior and sent to Derby. A similar situation occurred at the Cornerstone RC Homeless centre in Moss Side, when the entire volunteer staff were sacked without warning and replaced. Last year, the entire Safeguarding team walked out and had to be replaced en-masse.​

Arnold’s treatment of lay staff and volunteers is notoriously bad, when he arrived in the diocese, one of his first acts was to forcibly shut the Diocesan Archives, which at the time was one of the most open and accessible Catholic archives in the country, Fr Xxxxxx and Mr Xxxxxxx who ran it had an open door policy – Fr Xxxxxx was forced into retirement and Mr Xxxxxxx turned up one day to find the doors chained shut and was told to hand in his keys and leave – after 15 years of voluntary service, the other volunteers received not even that. Paul Carr, a school friend of the then VG Mgr Kay, (Carr a former priest, originally with the Church of St Pius X, who then did a couple of years with the Diocese) was appointed as archivist and since then the archives have remained sealed and inaccessible, Arnold was later removed as episcopal patron of the Catholic Archives Society.

Then we have the case of Fr Tony Duffy, a diocesan priest of more than thirty years who had been on leave with mental health issues, Arnold forced laicisation on him cutting him off with no means of support, and a few weeks later he was found death in a homeless hostel in Manchester, Arnold’s response was to ban the clergy from concelebrating his funeral, to ban any mention of his priesthood from his eulogy and to refuse to pay for the burial.​

The man is without empathy, conscience or compassion, his reckless spending habits are bankrupting the diocese, he’s killed off vocations, the clergy have given-up, the numbers of lay staff bullied out of their roles is extraordinary.​

As a footnote, another interesting character in the Diocese is the aforementioned former Vicar General, Mgr Anthony Kay, who also served as Vocations Director for many years, (he had a reputation of selecting for formation candidates who were ‘pretty gay boys’ and rejecting from formation those who repelled his advances). He went on to become VG under ‘Bungalow’ Brain and took advantage of Brain’s dodderiness to build an unprecedented power base, removing all clergy and lay staff who weren’t subservient to him and replacing them with his friends. With the arrival of Arnold things became difficult (you can’t have two dictators in one kingdom) He was allegedly due to become the 7th​ Bishop of Lancaster in 2017/18 but the offer was withdrawn at the 11th​ hour (for an unknown reason) and within twelve hours of the announcement of the appointment of Paul Swarbrick, Arnold sacked him as Vicar General and Kay then disappeared, leaving the country for the next eighteen months, then suddenly reappeared, reassumed his former post as PP at St Mary’s, Mulberry Street, Manchester, a tiny city-centre parish with no resident congregation, school or chaplaincy work, where he has been left – nobody knows why, when a man of his age should be running some of the huge busy parishes elsewhere.

There is much more going on in the diocese, this is just the tip of the iceburg and sooner or later the proverbial is going to hit the fan.


Salford is a shabby Diocese, and, amazingly, this has not come out before. Was Mons Anthony Kay sent for rehabilitation in Washington? He was a sly fox, but Arnold seems to have outwitted him. One of Arnold’s newly appointed canons was actively gay in the early years of his priesthood. As for the safeguarding team they are allegedly still following Government guidance and working from home. Exactly what guidance?


I complained to safeguarding after being publicly berated off the altar by one new Canon .In the February of 2019 I was informed by Dawn Lundegren it was too serious for them to deal with & would be passed to the Vicar Generals have heard nothing since .Whilst the perpetrator devoid of any pastoral care is working with training new clergy its farcical.


@3.00 pm, surely you mean it was not severe enough for them to deal with? They seem lazy and refuse to go back to the office to work. Whenever you go on the diocesan website, an annoying and false message about government guidance requiring them to work from home pops up.


I wish you all readers of this blog a very happy merry Xmas and Happy New year 🎉🎊.
I know I’m just back from sabbatical for few mins here then log off. So I won’t bother you all except for anon poster at 10.43am two days ago(18th).
I’m out of Ireland for a change during Xmas holidays with a friend whose brother who was taken out of school in Renmore and abused. I now know the name of that diocesean priest of Galway diocese.
Today blog was bloody unreal re Bishop authoriatian behaviour. He’s gone too too far this time.
He should be reported or taken down. Publicity might be the only way to take him down with full glare of spotlights on him.
This is a classic example of ’empire building’ by that Bishop as its very common in wall street financial world.


Piss off yourself you arrogant nincompoop!

Happy Christmas to you Deaf Guy. Enjoy your break and look forward to hearing from you when you get back.


Anon posters at 3.32pm, 5.37pm and 6.23pm,

Many thanks for your kind words as its much appreciated especially in this time of the year christmas.

Landed this morning in the land of the vikings at dawn, it was our first ever trip there with few slight hiccups but it went well pretty much to my travel experience. I had to cover for any eventuality as well just in case.

Interesting tidbit came up today when I was discussing it with tourism guide at airport. She said that there was a deaf priest back in 1905 in Jutland area. It was a Catholic priest she said but I thought she might have made a mistake there. It could be Anglicans or Lutherans etc. So I will visit their church later this week.

Its very expensive country as I realised it very quickly today, let me give you an example of their extravagant prices, price for for herbal tea and English breakfast tea set me back €13 equivalent to their currency.

Anyway that Bishop Arnold should be stripped of his bishopric status, NO BUTS OR IF’S. It was totally uncalled for and also at the same time, that Bishop Arnold, who threatened priests who dared to disagree with him. From his photo, I detect certain snobbiness and smugness coming from him. A photos tell a thousand words re him.

For me, I would take him down ruthlessly to a peg or two. No mercy is given to that Bishop if I were frankie 🇦🇷.


We made many attempts to challenge him & have him taken down but his Superior Cardinal Nicholls doesn’t respond neither does the Papal Nuncio to Britain .Complaints made direct to Rome were ignored.


They continue to support them because birds of a feather flock together. Their supporters are therefore also nasty pieces of work or possibly just stupid.


Arnold even looks like a sociopath. His mistreatment of Fr Duffy was inexcusable but sent a clear message to his priests. Defy me and the cult and die in disgrace. What a horrid man he is.


Bishop Brain was called “bungalow” because there was nothing upstairs. His secretary, Anthony Kay, was a natural manipulator, and I am glad he was passed over and not made a bishop. There is a tradition of disposing of former bishop’s secretaries who gain too much power, as seen with Mons. Allen, whom Bishop Patrick Kelly got rid of. The old school would continue to have weekly government-in exile dinner hosted by him, To which he would bring along Bishop Holland. Salford diocese is supposedly the wealthiest in the country and owns the Bishops’ Conference building in London. The diocese produced Dark Mavis of Shrewsbury and Drainey of Middlesborough.


In Brum Brain was known as Brainless Brain, for the same reasons. He had a foul temper on him too. I hear he used to throw things at priests when he was angry ? When he came to me years ago in a parish to do confirmations or something, I refused to give him the statutory usual envelope of money for his services because he was so angry and off hand with the altar servers. So, I just stood there as he was getting in his car, and let him wait expectantly until such time as the penny dropped and he realised there was no envelope. And it wasn’t put in to the mail thereafter, either ! Revenge is a dish best served cold !

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Fr Horney started life as a Norbertine at the once glorious basilica in Miles Platting, now an Indian curry house.


One of the formation staff at the seminary told me luke had a breakdown because his bishop bullied him?


Pat please stay safe today, if any of us need an ambulance – we are screwed. Unions should be banned and our NHS staff should be ashamed of themselves for striking. They all have blood on their hands.


They are animals, the lot of them and i have no sympathy for them. We all deserve better pay but we don’t all go on strike and bring the country to its knees!


If you’d read the news you’d find that has been the case for months.
Thank you for the demonstration that RCs don’t like fair employment or anyone except themselves being treated well.


Rply to;Anonymoussays:
Dec 21, 2022 at 9:16 am
Shame on you you selfish bloody amadán, for not supporting them. I hope you never have to wait, stuck, in an ambulance, for hours on end with a life threatening ailment. Blood on their hand indeed! What a bloody rabble rouser you are, keep praying, and, rely on that! If your in need of medical care, put your prayers to the test, monitor it, await improvement in your condition, or not.
Goodwill by medical staff is over!
For the first time in history of nurses they have decided to strike, they have been push to their limit of charity, lust a reminder of the nurses who lost their lives during the initial Covid outbreak, and, wearing plastic bags to try and protect themselves prior to PPP, My God! You people have very short memories memories. it’s not as if the hospitals, or the ambulance service have not provided enough staff for emergencies. In fact ambulances workers broke their picket line to attend to emergencies in Wales
Quote; “Unfortunately, all the members have had to go (from picket line) because, as you can see behind me, there’s only one vehicle left, they’ve all jumped on a vehicle and responded to emergency calls”
Keep safe and pray for the medical staff instead of criticising them, more is the pity they didn’t strike 50 years ago, the mantra was then, nurses NEVER strike, of course the government knew this and, played on their compassion.
1)Striking ambulance drivers leave picket line to attend 999 calls
21 Dec 2022


No surprises here. Just look at the Goebbels / Himmler S&M rimless spectacles look. All he’s missing are the leather halter and chaps and SS hat. I’m sure there’s a dressing up drawer at Wardley Hall. If the report is correct, and if Arnold is a bully and intimidates people and acts vengefully, then in any other organisation there would be channels for addressing these matters. Why is it that in a RC diocese, it all depends on the bishop, and if he is the problem it is very difficult to get the issues addressed ? Perhaps the exiting nuncio should have cast his gaze on Salford and Arnold as well as Byrne and Hexham and Newcastle. Arnold is only one of a clutch of bishops and archbishops that are in E&W who are questionable and useless. Nasty Nichols in Westminster; Big Boy McMahon in Liverpool; Nursie Nursie in Birmingham (sweet but useless); Fireside Chat Collins in East Anglia; Magic Circle Boy O’Toole in Cardiff; and endless useless others. There really is nobody that you could look at and believe that they could lead the Church and look at addressing pressing problems. The papal nuncio and the Vatican have a tough job, and the usual pattern these days is that their short list results in refusals and they have to go and scrap the bottom of the barrel to find someone to accept the role. No surprise there. Who would want to be a bishop ?


Fr Tony Duffy was not the innocent man as claimed by your author. The man committed suicide in the hostel. Towards the end of his reign as a Priest, his mass was like a circus. He had serious mental health problems, memory problems.


The mass was chaotic but it’s the best mass I’ve ever been to. One time, 5 minutes in, he told us to go in peace and walked out – he attracted quite a crowd though.


Regardless of his innocence, was it right to cast a priest out onto the streets with serious mental health issues? So much for the presbyterium!

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It appears Father Duffy was very much liked, despite all the the foibles and illness you claim he had, he had been in the same parish apparently for 23 years and was then thrown to the dogs.
Why did he end up in a hostel?
If he was as ill as you claim why didn’t the Roman Catholic hierarchy look after him,?
It appears you are only as good as the time you can be of use to the Roman Catholic church, if not to its benefit, if of no further use, you are out on your a–e, what a horrific organisation it is, led by psychopaths.
Of course Francis looks out for and looks after his own “pets” and has displayed by his action he will bend over backwards to accommodate them, Zancheeta, Law, Wesolowski, on and, on and on, and now Rupnik.
What a cruel and disgusting hierarchy abounds in it!
1)Unholy row over priest’s departure
A CONGREGATION in Withington is demanding answers from the Catholic diocese after the departure of a popular priest.
ByManchester Evening News
18:48, 30 APR 2005UPDATED23:22, 12 JAN 2013

2)Drug addict’s terror raid on home of Catholic priest
A DRUG addict who was desperate for cash to buy crack-cocaine attacked four people ‘house-sitting’ the home of a Catholic priest in Withington.
ByManchester Evening News
17:40, 30 APR 2005UPDATED22:44, 12 JAN 2013


Why do you not focus on your own diocese which is in utter crisis. D&C is like a gay knocking shop. We have Daisy Chain NI, meeting regularly – the non penetrative group. Priests running around with their boyfriends. One going about with his female partner. Absent priests from the parochial house. Priests cruising public toilets.

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The Charity Commission for NI reveals that the diocese of Down & Connor has reserves of £147m. Charities are required to keep prudential reserves for a rainy day. Well this is a rainy day and they have no need to be crying the poor mouth.

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As a priest in Donegal I was quite surprised to hear that the good priests of Down and Connor recently awarded each and every one of themselves a €1,000 annual bonus in addition to their usual stipend. Maybe these clergy should do the right thing and put this back into their parishes or towards some worthy cause during a cost of living crisis

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Don’t tell Cruella Braverman your idea, she will lose the plot, from a family of immigrants she’s one nasty bitch to people in need


“Black’s and Asians”… next thing you will be referring to Jesus as the Sallow Man


When Deenihan was named to Meath, a senior priest of Cloyne told me he was corrupt, extremely dangerous, and *never* to be trusted. Almost everything we have seen from him since then has proven to be correct. Deenihan, equal parts depraved and stupid, is running a once thriving diocese into the ground. It will only get worse.


Pat Buckley you have taken the whole joy out of Maynooth. It was great before you stuck your nose in. Stick to your own side of the street.


Arnold would fit in like a glove in the Republic of Ireland greed machine – Bishop Tom Deenihan and himself could compare notes on interior designers and upmarket kitchen appliances. No surprise that the nun helping the poor and who dared question his extravagant and self indulgent vanity project was moved on. That’s the RCC for you, if there’s a problem, move it on, bury it, defame it, whatever it takes takes, Fr must get his own way at any cost, financially or morally. The **** show goes on and on and on.

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Bishop Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst spent lavishly. €15,000 spent on a bath! The German ‘bishop of bling’ resigned over spending scandal.
Tom Deenihan must also resign. His facilitation of the ongoing Silverstream charade is absolutely scandalous.
The Newgrange passage tomb was only partially lit at the winter solstice sunrise this morning. Tom Deenihan is to blame. He has cast a dark cloud over the Diocese of Meath, as he continues his most unChristian persecution of Dom Benedict Andersen.
Tom must do the honourable thing and resign. Even after the darkest night, the sun will rise again.


My wife and I were enjoying lunch yesterdsy in Newry, a carvery and very delicious it was too. In walked two priests as bold as brass to dine and the waitress was falling over them like they were God. We got ignored as all their needs got catered for, red wine if you please for both and the best of everything for them. My wife said they were probably dining out on the Trocaire box money. I could just about hear them muttering about church gossip no doubt and probably ridiculing their parishioners. Some foolish people stopped to chat with them and offer to buy them drinks, I said to my wife how gullible these people are. We couldnt believe how they could walk casually into a packed hotel wearing their collars in this climate. They both had two glasses of wine so why would you drive after that? We waited deliberately and my wife observed them getting into their car as bold as brass. We took their registration. My wife also wanted to see what type of car it was. Predictably it was the latest flash Audi. What a disgrace.

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Should have reported them to the PSNI. After two big glasses of red and whatever they had before they arrived, they would not have been legally fit to drive. Anyhow, lesson to be learned, dear Fathers. When you go out, you will be recognised, and even if you are not cruising in the woods or the lay-bys or the public toilets, even if you are simply having a meal and a drink, people will see how much you are drinking and how much you are eating. If I thought someone was over the limit and went out to drive I would make sure to report them. They are a danger to others. I don’t clerical exceptionalism and unaccountability extend to drink driving !

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@10.06am You are a very poor imitation of the dining out couple who have both recently died. Passing yourself off as them is in poor taste and unfunny.


Surprise Surprise, key hole Kate has risen from the dead!!! Just like MMM.
How very nosey. Eat and let eat.


Two similar fat and well fed looking priests stopped their Audi in Newcastle some years to ask my sister and I directions to the Slieve Donard hotel. We sent them off on a dead end route up into the forest.
Nearly all my family now have similar contempt for RC clergy.


Pat is that bastard Vincent McKinley still alive? I want he the one that was banned from going near an all girls school and had a mistress for over a decade?


Here Arnold looks like he has just slammed the last door in Auschwitz….such a severe, rigid, unpleasant, unfriendly, untrustworthy and sinister demeanour… I cannot fathom the Machiavellian manoeuvring and politicking of our religious leaders – or of our civil politicos either. .


Francis Campbell is returning to Belfast, some clergy will be very happy about this. I am sure the shinners will not be!


Francis Campbell the former UK Ambassador to the Holy See, or is this about someone else called Francis Campbell?


Well, of course he’s not / she’s not /it’s not. At least literally. The whole history and theology of salvation, the scriptures OT and NT are constructed and contrived myths and stories necessitated by a desire to make sense of ourselves and the world. Which is a good thing, I suppose, because it gives a framework within which to live one’s life, but not be take too seriously or literally. Actually, we probably don’t know, and whatever we imagine is probably far from the reality, whatever that reality is. So, I think it’s best and more integral to live in a “cloud of unknowing” and let which will be. If there is a God / creator / whatever, then I guess there is a plan, which we can’t hope to know, and we just have to sit back and trust. Mind you, I do still like a Christmas / Advent Carol Service !


A@11:32: that’s a reasonable perspective.
It’s an interesting thought that most people thought of as atheists acknowledge the impossibility of proving that there is no God. Neither can the absence of pink teapots floating in the outer reaches of the universe be proven!
All alleged evidence for God’s existence proves, on rigorous objective scrutiny, to be a huge load of codswallop: myths, supposition, and wishful faith thinking AKA faith.
Mind you, and as you acknowledge, some of the trappings of religion are pleasant, just a few. But they add no credibility to the central question of the alleged god’s existence.


MMM, lack of conclusive evidence does not necessarily mean no evidence at all.

As for that silly, pink teapots comparison… Seriously? 🤔

You’ll get all the evidence you seek, soon enough; and then you’ll know why faith was essential, and not for the fainthearted.

By the way, I think that ‘golden rule’ you mention from time to time is, subconsciously, a form of Pascal’s Wager, or, to put it another way, a hedging of bets. You know, just in case God does exist after all.

Wouldn’t want to annoy the fellow, would you? 🤣


Anon@7:45. You probably can’t even see the contradictions in your comment. I can’t see any point in trying to point them out, for you’ll neither understand nor accept them.


If he was you wouldn’t be able to trust him, he’s told three different people they’re the only one for him.
Imagine going through life thinking that and all along you’re just his side hustle!


@ 7.45. Maybe you just don’t understand sarcasm?
Or want to acknowledge it?
Could that explain your retreat to that old cathbot threat: “you’ll be sorry.”
Just doesn’t work.


7:45: Perhaps rather than the fallback “you’ll be sorry” mantra you might offer some evidence in the here and now real 🌎 world to counter what many have said: “evidence for God’s existence proves to be a huge load of codswallop.”
I look forward to your erudite response.


When he was in Westminster, John Arnold said that he kept a copy of the Code of Canon Law on his bedside table. I’m not sure whether or not it was a joke.


John Arnold suffers from barista syndrome- Stephen Wright has the same condition as does Paul Tighe – they are former baristas and think of themselves as so so so so clever and so much better than everyone else – I’d say they think the priesthood and episcopacy is jolly lucky to have them.
Wonder how close Arnold is to Elsie? Are they thick as thieves or at each others throat?
Something has got to give – Elsie will go one day – Stock and Arnold both naturally gifted, personable and kind men – not – they must be jostling.
Salford is a disgrace- shame on Arnold and Kay well that’s an interesting story.
Arnold will be on the prowl wanting to know who sent that missive to bishop Pat.


Both Arnold and Wright were called to the bar but never admitted to the practice of law as they failed to secure pupillage. They are failed lawyers.


I remember Wright as a seminarian at Oscott, with no chin, no arse, tight jeans, and a prominent bulge but terrible acne. He’s bloated now.


Once again one is struck by how obsessed with failure the clergy are: the bishops are supposedly failed lawyers and anyone who criticises the clergy is made out to be a failed seminarian.
Small man syndrome, anyone?


Competition for pupillages is fierce. According to the Bar Council, in 2021, 3,301 of those called to the bar applied for just 246 pupillage positions. Arnold and Wright failed.


So very true despising anyone as clever as them “Ming ” got rid of one degree holding priest an expert in Canon law who took ill by forcing him from his parish .He told him his medical specialist deemed him incapable of running a parish& he had to take early retirement fast forward three years & Fr. met the specialist by chance asked him how work was going? But you said I was unfit to work? DR completely denied it & Forwarded his previous letter to bishop -Not one single mention of being unfit exact opposite.Arnold LIED to getrid of his percieved rival.


@12.25. Yes, it is contagious. It is in the same category as Wankitis and Twatitis which affects the other bishops.


Does anyone know anything about Father Stephen Tierney of Salford diocese, who seems to be a close ally of the bishop?


Ha ha ha I enjoyed that – this blog is great – Wright and Arnold both make out they are barristers whereas the truth is more complex (isn’t it ever so) and they may have the academic qualifications or some of them but not the vocational element ie. 1 year pupillage followed by real time experience.
Therefore they are as much barristers as I’m a barista.


If someone is a barrister, but they do not have a valid practising certificate, they are known as an unregistered barrister. Unregistered barristers are allowed to refer to themselves as “barristers”, providing only it is not in connection with offering or providing legal services. People who are not barristers may commit a criminal offence if they describe themselves as a barrister. We may notify the police if we hear someone has been wilfully pretending to be a barrister. In all honesty, those who failed to secure pupilage, and there are thousands, are pretty sad if they style themselves as barristers.


A non practising barrister isn’t a barrister just as an unregistered barrister isn’t a barrister – it’s v simple really.
Look at it like this – if you’ve taken loads of flying lessons but your don’t hold a PPL then guess what? Your not a pilot – same with barristers – pretty insulting to qualified barristers that non practising barristers can call themselves a barrister after all their hard work and ability –


A lot of guff being said barristers. Fact, Bishop John Arnold was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in London in 1976.


Brum priests will tell you that Stephen Wright is a barrister – and v proud of so they are as he is of himself.
That Arnold is or was a barrister comes up all the time – clearly bullshit – Elsie is impressed by all that shite – Elsie likes his priests and bishops to be Oxbridge, Doctor, Lawyer, Property, Wealthy and Connected. – humble, simple, even holy, feck off he says in his posh Liverpool tone.


A gossip of the first order and a confirmed friend of Dorothy, but I’m not sure that he does anything about it. What the hell is he going to do in NI ? He’s used to playing on a broader canvas than a provincial place like NI. I’m presuming he’s finished his term in university education in Australia, after his stint in Roehampton ? Why ? Why come back to the UK from Australia ? There has to be a story and interest behind this. I don’t get it.


Daniel Philpott
December 20, 2022.
“Wounds remain. This was a chief conclusion of an independent working group on the clerical sex abuse crisis in the U.S. Catholic Church that proposed the following measures last month:
-Develop a national center with experts and practitioners to equip the broader church with practices of restorative justice that would accompany those who have been directly and peripherally harmed by abuse, particularly forums in which victim-survivors tell their stories and receive love, recognition and empathy.
-Establish a national healing…”
“Many survivors remain unhealed, much truth languishes hidden, and accountability has fallen short.” ” Not a few shared that being treated with neglect, indifference, silence, suspicion or even hostility was more traumatizing than the abuse itself.”


Thank you for providing the clergy with an opportunity for an all-day bitch fest, bishop Pat.
Anyone considering a priestly vocation, just remember that this is how your fellow clergy will bitch about you, unless you’re fit, in which case they’ll be all about your body.
And also bitching about you if you’ve turned them down.


It is unprofessional, unethical and sociopathic for a psychologist under the guise of a pseudonym to use his professional ‘skills’ to provoke vulnerable individuals on any blog.


@Anonymous 2.58pm. Re Mgr Kay. Boys, booze and bingo. Doesn’t surprise me too much. Although I will say that his current parish may be tiny and mostly non-residential it does seem to be very vibrant. I don’t live in Salford diocese but as a visitor I have attended many Masses there both mid week and Sundays and he pulls a decent crowd. The Sunday solemn Mass is very busy and rather beautiful. Although there is a distinct whiff of lavender about him. I would love to know more about him if anyone is prepared to share….


Kay was at St Bede’s College, Manchester, with James Mannock, Paul Daly and Tim Hopkins when the place functioned as a sort of junior seminary. However, he wasn’t good enough for the VEC and was sent to All Hallows. Upon ordination, he became profoundly ambitious and before long was assistant vocations director under Kelly and then replaced Dark Mavis as Bishop’s secretary, where he controlled Bungalow Brain and ran the diocese. He was good at smearing priests and getting rid of those on the ascendancy whom he considered a potential challenge. One wonders if he had a hand in Hopkins’s downfall, who was the blue-eyed boy of Bishop Patrick Kelly and was destined for more extraordinary things. Bishop Brain had a phobia of the telephone and would break out into a sweat when it rang. Of course, that played well for Kay, allowing him complete control. Even if you saw Brain at Wardley, Kay would be lurking, and you gained the impression he was listening at the door. Any letter Brain sent was drafted by Kay. Brain became dependent upon him, heaping ecclesiastical honours and setting him up for the episcopal. Underneath the veneer, something about him is unnerving—a man with secrets who knows many secrets. Not to be trusted.


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