


“Always try and say “yes, ” and when you have to say “no, ” make it sound as much like “yes” as possible.”

HELDER CAMARA was a Brazilian archbishop and author.

His message about saying YES is very powerful and would make a good motto for any Christian or good person.

We could all do with making it our NEW YEAR resolution for 2023.

Here, where I live in Northern Ireland, certain people have loved saying NO for over 100 years.


That prompted some graffiti in a toilet in Queen’s University in Belfast:

“Ulster says NO

But the Man from Del Monte says YES.

And he should know as he is the best orange man in the world.


Jesus was a YES MAN. He said yes to God his Father.

Mary was a YES WOMAN. She said yes to Gabriel.

Maybe we should all try and be YES men and women?

Saying YES to God if we believe in Him.

Saying YES to others if we care about them.

174 replies on “THE IMPORTANCE OF SAYING “YES”.”

Mary’s YES to God’s invitation of her to be the mother of Jesus, his Son, is a powerful parable about What s possible when we give our complete fidelity to God. Mary allowed God do great things through her saying YES to him. She brought forth God-with-Us in Jesus. How more beautiful, noble and divine grace given to her! The heart of our Christian lives is to allow God do great things through our assent to him in all things. Not an easy way of life. Christian pastors, leaders and carers ought to look Mary for inspiration. Ad Jesum per Maria…she will, as Mother, inky want us to reveal and imutate Jesus, her Son. Its so easy to take our humanity and dignity from us through the many “no’s” spiken to us. The oft used NO is a selfish, humiliating put down of others. The frequency of NO is bullying and the arts the divine grace given to us by God…Thank you Pat for initiating what hopefully will be fruitful reflections.


12:53 Reports confirm that victims of clerical abuse said “No” but weren’t listened to & when they did go on to make reports they were defamed, vilified and censored.

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Answer to questionnaires too high for us to understand: no.
Answer to may we point out what’s wrong with your baptism, your conversion and your conscience: no.
Answer to is the Glory Be a good prayer to keep saying (too many times to be counted): yes.


Do any of the sentences above make rational sense? How could Mary be Jesus’ mother – or what sense would she be a ‘mother’ when Jesus existed before she was born, and if he didn’t, how would ‘God the Father’. be a ‘Father’?
The sentence that follows that is equally genomic: ‘Mary allows God to do great things through her. . .’ So God needs Mary to be God. This is nonsense on stilts and yet this is written into Dev’s 1937 Constitution and huge numbers of phoney ‘orphanages’ were set up round ireland to service this kind of nonsense and the country is now spending billions of Euros to recompense people who suffered loss and abuse from this kind of nonsense.


“The past two years’ celebrations left us looking forward to future Christmases when traditions and customs would be restored and we could celebrate worthily the birth of our Saviour with family and friends once again.” – A Christmas message from the Bishop of Meath, Tom Deenihan.
How is Tom’s persecution of Dom Benedict worthily celebrating the birth of our Saviour? What custom and tradition is this?
Tom said “yes” to being appointed the Bishop of Meath. Episcopal leadership must bring episcopal responsibilities. Tom must lead with integrity. His Christmas message is hypocritical in light of his mistreatment of Dom Benedict.


Why is Mark Kirby’s book ‘In Sinu Jesu’ still on sale considering the scandal surrounding Silverstream Priory?


1:40, Bishop Pat might consider sending a letter to Mr John Reiss, publisher, Angelico Press, to ask this very question. The answer, however, is already clear: it sells very well. 💵💶💷🤑🤑🤑


Tom’s lack of integrity was obvious even before he was a bishop. His capacity to side with people who point out wrongs is sadly lacking. And he displayed it well by his response to the seminarian whose report exposed the Strange Goings On. When bishops wanted a lid kept on that Deenihan was highlighted as their guaranteed yes man and he was rewarded as such


You know nothing Dom benedict has not asked for a reference or anything so you do not know the facts and to be honest NO one does except Bishop Tom and Dom Benedict.
From a RCC factual point and that is Dom Benedict has a right even as a lay person to contact people and more so as a Religious.
So if there are any wrong doing on Bishop Tom Deenihan part then Dom Benedict or anyone can raise the issue with Cardinal Marc Ouellet at the Dicastery for Bishops also as Dom Anderson is Religious so he can contact Cardinal João Braz de Aviz at the Dicastery for Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.
You seem to be Dom Benedict’s cheerleader however he is intelligent and knows what to do as your hatred against Bishop Tom shows the person you are.


5:44, Clearly you’ve never read Dom Benedict’s story as reported in The Pillar. He’s been blackballed by Tom Deenihan for reporting Mark Kirby’s abuse against him, and was falsely accused of indirect violation of the seal of confession.


5:44 You sound like the RCC cheerleader from Scotland recommending contacting cardinals, archbishops and bishops, as if they will do anything. Deenihan is not a credible episcopal leader.


6.11 and 8.23
Do you not recognise 5.44? It’s Jim S. the gay Irish man living in Scotland who is on record here as saying he is getting quite enough sex thank you.
Another attribute of Jim S’s is he behaves as if he has first-hand info on ever prelate in these islands up to and including what each had for breakfast this morning.
A third penchant of his is his fervent exhortations to readers to write to bishops, archbishops, nuncios and cardinals enough to keep Royal Mail snd An Post in a healthy economic state for years.
Fourthly, he irritates the hell out of Bela Lugosi. He is marginally more bearable than she as she claims to be a Catholic while villifying the Pope and using gutter expletives. It’s a wonder Bela hasn’t called out Jim S. for this post. Both struggle with literacy issues.


My parish priest could do with reading the blog today – he says No all the time;
No to a Folk Mass
No to a Charismatic prayer group
No to a Bible study group
No to every new intiative
It’s like he was born to say No.


@ 6.18
Report him to His Bishop as he is holding the Church back and the Bishop will act and many changes coming in the New Year.
It is NOT the priests parish it is the People’s parish and the Parish Pastoral Committee should be telling him this is the way OUR parish is going and he will get called in by his Bishop.
Some clergy are saying they will go on the sick and the bishops are saying that is good they will be transferred in two weeks on their return.


What a load of duplicitous, pious-sounding twee! Typical Camara.
How often does ‘God’ say ‘yes’ to prayer petitions? Be honest! Virtually never! So why in hell should the devotees of this miserly sky fairy say ‘yes’ to anything even once, let alone always?
It’s a hilarious joke! The very idea of a magnanimous god.🤣
Catholics especially will address the obvious anomaly between the claims for a benevolent deity and the jarring (and all-too-obvious) absence of such benevolence by saying something like: ‘Ah, well! You see, sometimes God says no.’ I have actually heard these self-same words and sounds being used, more than once.
Sometimes? Are they taking the proverbial? God NEVER says ‘yes’. His favourite word is ‘no’. Usually, this predictable turn of events is explained away with the platitudinous shite that ‘God has answered your petition by giving you the grace to bear your cross’. What a f**k**g cop-out! And, usually, the exponents of this transparent nonsense express it with a straight, portentous face.
All the crap about ‘ask and you shall receive’ has been shown up for the nonsense it really is, literally thousands of times down the years; but still these Christian fools keep putting their faith in words they know, (actually KNOW from personal experience), virtually always turn out to be a crock of unfettered lies. Isn’t this the definition of insanity? Doing something pointless, over and over, yet expecting a different result each repeated time?
The Nazis were right: the Bible IS the book of lies. Not because the Nazis said so, but because personal experience keeps telling us so.
If Jesus of Nazareth really existed, and if he was really God, then his devotees have, for generations, been putting their faith in a less – than-consummate liar. Is it any wonder his priests are such corrupt and chronic fibbers? These rotten apples have fallen very close indeed to the morally gnarled tree that grew them.

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10.33, you would, because you’re STUPID, and a liar.
Not because you’re a Christian, though: the nature of your posts indicate that you say ‘no’ to good morality, in particular, the fundamental injunction to love one’s neighbour, such is the crude and disrespectful language you typically use.
You’ll find that Jesus (assuming he exists) will one day tell you much the same thing. On that day (assuming it will happen), you’ll most definitely exclaim: ‘No, Jesus! NO!!!!’ Just before he utters those terrifying words: ‘Not all those who say “Lord. Lord” will enter the kingdom of heaven.’
And then you’ll be cast off to that place you assume, like heaven, exists.


Of course there’s also the problem that God doesn’t say yes but also allows evil.
In the bible it is made plain that he both creates evil and allows it to happen. Meanwhile his followers are imploring him to stop this and he just keeps saying no.
If this was a human relationship it would be psychologically abusive, but since God doesn’t exist it’s merely delusional.


@9:05. There’s much reality in what you say. I fully agree with the main thrust of your comments, ie, the fatuous belief in a benevolent God who “sometimes” responds to prayers. All the evidence suggests it’s a silly empty belief.
Christians will use the customary faith based explanations for their belief. Objective assessment would point to the effects of indoctrination, family and cultural inducements and psycho/social pressures.
The question of Jesus’s existence is an interesting one. Apparently there is a complete lack of any reliable contemporaneous historical evidence concerning him, yet other writings of the times relate other significant events. Writings by devotees/adherents of his alleged doings were written well after his alleged death, and are customarily taken by believers as the “gospel truth.” Yet other writings of the time fail to record such a supposedly significant figure.
I think a significantly impressive person at the time possibly did exist, and pointed out a kinder more humane path. The Jewish yearnings for freedom and fulfillment of ancient beliefs appear to have been focused on this Jesus character and, snowball-effect like, the legend grew.
But with so little reliable evidence, to regard him as the supreme Creator deity? Well to me that’s just unbelievably silly: even if I did believe in any creator God in the first place.


11:06 Did you obtain a philosophy and/or theology degree during your five years in Maynooth seminary? What evidence are you referring to re existence of God, Jesus, etc. For a man claiming not to believe in the existence of God you seem obsessed with the God question.


I love the way MMM’s very existence has the cathbots foaming at the mouth and shouting ‘ No, no, no, NO!’


11.06, I am the poster at 9.05.

I find your comment very interesting.

There really is no need to find historical evidence for the supposed god-man, Jesus the Christ, because the complete insufficiency and inefficacy of his words encouraging reliance and trust in him are, in my opinion, adequate reason to doubt not only his historical existence, but the power attributed to him.

The fact is that claims allegedly from Jesus (e. g. ‘ask, and you shall receive) just don’t pass mustard, do they? They don’t have Jesus even inclined, never mind capable, of doing’ exactly what is said on the tin’. So to speak, like.

Christians never have, or could, address this discrepancy with anything approaching even mild satisfaction. Instead, like the commenter at 10.33, they, almost invariably, just lash out. A knee-jerk reaction. One supposes through deep personal embarrassment that such discrepancies exist at all, and that they aren’t ever going away.

‘Have faith, my son’ in these circumstances is a wild cop-out. A self-defeat, in other words.

Nietzche was wrong: God didn’t die; he just never existed.


3:11. I think they’re flummoxed when the fatuous nature of their beliefs are questioned.
Time and time again, when they, ie the cathbots, faithful, believers, and especially the RC clergy, are asked to provide ANY proof or verification for their beliefs, they sing dumb and the less able resort to ad hominem attacks. Is this a demonstration of just one of the damaging effects of religion?
Equally some might argue that such demonstrations of hostility may arise from clerics and others who have vested interests in perpetuating the whole religious farrago and resent their cover being blown: writing on the wall scenario. The game is up. Or as some of them proclaim, “The end is nigh!”
Anyway I’m happy continuing to ask awkward questions. It’s interesting watching the reactions.


You’re right about God. Most of the Ten Commandments are a ‘thou shalt not…’ A ‘no’, in another word.


@11:44. And if this God exists as alleged, a very big “IF” indeed, he’s a very selfish self obsessed jealous god. Just take his alleged commandments. The first four, of the supposed 10, are all to do with kowtowing to him. It’s all Me, Me, Me, Me!
‘I am the Lord thy God, ……
“Thou shall not have other gods before Me……….
“Thou shall not take My name in vain….


You’re flummoxed when social workers incompetence is highlighted on this blog including social work professions cover up of scandals.
Time and time again you refuse to explain why you never discuss or
share practice wisdom related to child sexual abuse. You prefer to rabbit incessantly on whether or not God exists rather than discussing clerical abuse corruption and criminality. Rather odd…


8.33: not you again! Playing your one string banjo?
Hasn’t it been made clear to you that this blog is NOT about social work and attempts by you to deflect and side track are rightly ignored. Or maybe you’re just too thick to understand that?


9:13 Are you flummoxed, Barney. Unable to read between the lines, Barney. The deflector from clerical sexual abuse, corruption and criminality is the social worker, Barney. By the way, Barney, social work is another of these do-gooder pseudo cinderalla professions with endless cover ups. Are you a social worker, using an alias, pompous Belfast Barney. Probably.


Thank you @ 10:08. You’ve just confirmed the supposition.
It’s hard for thick people to appreciate their limitations, and adjust accordingly. Just keeping the mouth shut: not putting your foot in it, is usually best. But then if you’re vvvvery thick????


So you’re flummoxed, Barney. You have to resort to ad hominen condescending, pompous, pseudo intellectual sounding attacks.
There are criminals in all professions, Barney; even
those claiming to be do-gooders in cinderella professions.


Have a look at the modalities of the plantations of Ulster in the early seventeenth century. For example, notice the way the deadlines were given to the settled inhabitants of Co. Antrim to vacate their premises and holdings to make way for the planters. There is a plethora of sources available.


You miss the point, 12.20.
Pat was alluding to the Ulster unionists in his blog piece when he mentioned ‘certain people who have loved saying no for over 100 years’.
It was remiss of Pat not to mention the corresponding people, Irish republicans and nationalists’, who, equally, have loved saying ‘no’ to the existence of Northern Ireland for the same period. That remiss is known as ‘sectarian bigotry’.


As noted. It’s a minor inconvenience to you to have the foundation of your rhetorical question taken from under you by an attack on first principles.
Suggest you familiarise yourself with an introduction to early seventeenth century history of Co. Antrim.


You think you’re clever, 9.05.
Jesus does not say “ask for whatever you want and I’ll give it to you”, but “ask for help, and I will always come to your aid”. And he does. But the Gospel is adamant that this help must be asked for, WITH Faith. However, you, like so many, don’t ask with such faith, and, yet, have the audacity to be shocked when you receive nothing.


You can’t really be serious @ 6.37?
So this benevolent God of yours only responds to those with faith?
Nice work godfellow


Yes, SS.
God does not just respond only to those with faith (or to those with faith and who intercede for those with none); he CANNOT respond unless there is faith, somewhere.
Faith, practically speaking, is reliant trust in God: it is a voluntary turning to God.
God cannot respond where there is no such turning, because this would mean violating a person’s freedom to choose him, or to reject him. He will not obviate this freedom, because it would render us less than rational beings.


Anon @ 9,:10: your comment really had me “in stitches!”
And the bit about ‘rational beings!’ Priceless!
And so your God “cannot respond unless there is faith” Really?
Do you even realise just how illogical that is even within your own framework of a supposedly supremely all powerful God?
How you believers twist, turn and contort logic, reason, common sense, and even your own weird religious mumbo jumbo beliefs, well frankly it’s highly amusing.


Is someone coerced into ‘loving’ another really in a loving relationship with him or her?
Are you following me, SS?


Helder Camara started out as fascist (Brazilian Integralism) and ended up as a Communist in all but name. Brazilians rejected this, perhaps if they are poor taking the soup and aid, but increasingly whether rich or poor opted for Evangelical Protestantism, which at least spoke to personal moral situations (not generalised social justice blather which was more for certain grievance mongering bourgeoisie). Some mix the two traditions, as does outgoing Pres Bolsonaro.


Maybe the Church / Vatican / clerics could learn from this, and say ‘yes’. So often the answer is no. You can’t get married because you are divorced. You can’t be a priest because you are a woman. You can’t (officially !) be ordained because you are gay. The list goes on and on. Saying no, by and large, is an exercise in power. You stop people doing or saying things. For a while. Then, like so many dictators discover, the people find the courage to stand up to you. That will happen in the RC Church, already is happening if the recent synodal way contributions of the laity are to be believed. So, dear Fathers and Bishops, you better start to get used to saying ‘Yes’!

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God is GOOD. Say yes to him and we say yes to all that is noble, worthwhile, affirmative of our human dignity, all that is virtuous and considered worthy of praise as St. Paul tells us. Thanks Pat for a positive blog today.


God is good huh?
‘You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters.’
Lev 26:29


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Being gay but consenting to being in the closet and discrete is the first rule of the closet, of course the Catholic Church says Yes to gay clergy – it’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Then once the Church knows you’re gay it has you and will keep you and protect you for the rest of your sorry life.
If your straight God help you.

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I read those comments and I asked myself… if you are born with the lack of intelligence, or you have been cultivated thick and naive over the years of qualification and brain washed human beings to roman catholic priests!!! I could say for sure that there is not even a tiny bit of intelligence… Crystal Sparks!!!


Far from it, and despite the nominally northern European pagan inspiration of Nazism, id say the Nazis, the Catholics and the Christians were largely all over each other, unsurprisingly.


Are you serious? The Nazis didn’t believe in the Jesus god: they used Christians in Germany and elsewhere for political and ideological advantage, not for joint evangelisation.
For Christ’s sake, look at what the Nazis went on to do. The Holocaust, for one. They didn’t believe in ‘God’, ffs!
Pius XII, Hitler’s pope, even he, collabarative as he was with Nazism in Germany, called that evil ideology ‘the satanic spectre of National Socialism’.


People who say yes instinctively should say no occasionally.
People whose initial response is no, ought to practise saying yes.
In that way, people would make more deliberate choices and fewer autopatic reactions.


Should Pat run for being President of Ireland? Pat does not need to become President of Ireland. But, will running to become President of Ireland give Pat a platform to air many concerns he happens to have that might resonate with many people?


Idiot, and ignoramus.
Pacelli ordered that German Catholics mark Hitler’s birthday.


One thing I can never claim to be is a yes, person. Not to say yes, is set in stone either, being unable to change, can be self-defeating.
Why would anyone say yes if they don’t agreed with a point. It would make life easier at times to agreed, however, if the item under discussion is important, saying yes when your whole being is shouting no! no! causes an honest person to feel cheated, dissatisfied, with much self loathing.
Now, at times compromise would seem a far better option, to go forward, I think that’s what Archbishop H.Camara is saying, even though it’s use too, can be a difficult and torturous way to reach a consensus, not all concerned will necessarily satisfied.
Think of all those who stood by their principles and faced death because of saying no, whereas if the had said yes, they might have been able to change the opinion of others eventually.
Think of all those Roman Catholic children sexually abused by Roman Catholic priest, while their fellow priests stood by, and did not say no.
To have the strength of character, to say no in the face of all the yes men, is a very admirable trait, immensely difficult, if alienating. It can be a very lonely place, (Whistleblowers find this to their cost.)
Pat you gave a very good example of this very characteristic on the the 18th of December with the cartoon, which stated;
“When the heard are all running towards the cliff, the one person running in the other direction seems crazy” oddly enough, my Mother use to say something similar, “If everyone jumps into the river, would you do the same?”
I would be suspicious of anyone who always says yes, because, the yes answer is far too simplistic at time, and it is not always the right answer it may help having a counter argument to substantiated the reason for a no, instead of yes.
Pope Francis is an example of someone who says yes but, means no. His Motu Proprio Vos Estis lux Mundi is a contradiction in terms, it should say yes, to the exposing of ALL sex abuser Roman Catholic Bishops and clergy, however he will hypocritically say no, to punishment for as long as possible of those he cares for, or, are close to him, the most recent example of this, is his protection of the sexual and spiritual abuser Roman Catholic Slovene priest/artist Rupnik.


12.56: PlutoQueenie: Not only are you not a yes man but I think you’re confused about everything. At the deep spiritual level the word “yes” is meaningless to you. The spiritual context is the one which Pat intends our “yes”…I’m not a yes man either, except to God….with great difficulty I must admit..



Well, ‘God’ has absolutely no difficulty in knocking back (saying ‘no’ to) every request you, and anyone else, has ever made of him.

So, have no difficulty at all in not saying ‘yes’ to him at any time. In fact, tell him that you’re giving him a taste of his own, rotten medicine, and, then, ask him how HE likes it. (He’ll sulk for a bit; hypocrites do when they’re caught out and called out.)


‘…except to God’…and the bishop!!
The spiritual is not lived out in a vacuum.


Nor can it be lived in obedience to the bishop of an institution ‘corrupt, and riddled with corruption’.
No, the spiritual is not lived out in a vacuum, but in loving one’s neighbour IN OBEDIENCE TO CHRIST.
A bishop is not Christ.


The Ukrainian President has thanked Rishi Sunak for the support provided by the British people to Ukrainians fleeing the war.


Saying ‘yes’ is a company man.

Loads of bishops are ‘YES’ men and lot of groupthink. Lack of critical thinking such as church speak.

You would need to be flexible re saying yes or no rather than saying ‘Yes’ all the time.

Experience in Cabra helped me to say ‘no’ to their odius questions and traps. Sometimes I could be contarion when rcc goes into the opposite direction.

By the way, it’s very cold here with chill factor of – 6..

My main question, will Ireland reach 1% of the total population?

50 years time or 100 years time 🤷‍♀️


All priests are yes-men and company men, DG. They make this crystal when they each say ‘yes’ to a corrupt institution at ordination through promising or vowing to obey a senior figure in that institution, who wore a silly hat, and was at least twice the clinically recommended weight for his height.

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3:24 Roman Catholic Church does not use its personal billions to support victims and survivors of its church related abuse & wrong doing. Zero accountability so far.


He also declared Christmas on 25 December, ending the tradition since 988AD of 7th January. He perescutes Christians and his support of Azoz alarming.


Haven’t visited Pat’s blog for a while, nice to see that Billeen and the Kraken appear to have disappeared. Happy Christmas to all.


Bill is loving life in Gran Canaria and thankfully seems to have sorted himself out. He’s now in a fairly senior management position in a good hotel and everything is working itself out well for him.


Bill always lands on his feet, he is like a leech; only they don’t have feet. He latches on to people and sucks them dry of what he needs, whether that’s emotional help or money.


Who the hell is writing this nonsense? Why do you allow this deliberate disinformation Bishop Pat?


6:58 A narcissist personality = the fast track route to ordination.


2.47 Happy Christmas to you too Anonymous. I’m here every day just to spite you. You must have missed the blog where I exposed a certain antagonistic shrink. Did you miss the part where I said that Killaloe & Glenstal are going to get their comeuppance courtesy of the DPC? Mind yourself before you get your own comeuppance 😊.


You don’t have to tell our Pp to say yes. He will eat anything, has got awful fat recently and I’m worried about him.


RN is just unbelievable. If any other husband was obsessed with hot young men masturbating they would have them locked up.


I haven’t paid much attention Robert Nugent. Listening to a man erring and mmmming for 20 minutes and more with his flow of ramblings badly put together is less interesting than reading you blog. So, I will stick to you, + Pat.


His video posts are very amateur, if he was a footballer he wouldn’t even make Sunday league


You sound obsessed with this individual. The blog is better when he’s not mentioned. A moratorium for 10 years required.


Correct re abuse victim not ready for many years. I remembered I had a full blown ptsd for 6 months as I was quite struggling to make sense of the whole thing. I didn’t understand what’s happening to me that time. It took some 15 years to get it over and ready and strong to give my testimony. Many victims not ready due to the nature of psychological trauma etc. Ptsd probably in my view most dangerous and unpredictable.
Cases will continue to come out in Ireland for next 20 years even too for Portugal cos victims not ready.
What helped me was seeing a psych and telling my story trying to make sense of what’s happening at trauma level. Once I got that, I worked on myself. The best book on trauma was ‘the body knows the score’ by a Dutch sounding name I forgot. His book was brilliant and seminal at the same time. Some of it that I can relate to was in that book.
Reading a book by Frédéric Martel ‘in the closet of the vatican’. Very interesting re Mexico re 3/4of bishops there are ‘spectacularly gay’. Rural priests in Mexico are heterosexual in comparison to city priests who are gay.


You have been reading that book for years, honestly you are like a washing machine regurgitating the same rhetoric


Anon at 6.55pm

LOLOL 🤣🤣🤣, look at my most recent post at 6.56pm and thank you.


To my post at 6pm

I didn’t post that one today cos it was posted many weeks ago. I was very surprised to see my post being reposted again which I don’t recall posting it today.

Impersonator alert 😉😘


Anon at 7.45pm
I had to intervene when someone else was impersonating me. Hence my posts.
Otherwise I would have kept mute. 😉
Stopped talking about ptsd as I’m in a recovery mode.
Mate of mine who travelled with me to 🇩🇰, he has a lot of trauma, drinking erratically, no responsibility for his actions which he denies it and blamed me or someone else for something that he did. He’s getting on his age and getting worse over time re his behaviour. There is nothing that I can do about it. Its quite common now to see some deaf people recreating their trauma cos of age factor, unresolved issues, anger issues et al.
Thats why i have started dumping toxic people very recently including deaf. Less toxic the better.


Whilst priests in Down and Connor get a relatively small income, they get extra “gifts” for performing funerals, christenings and weddings. Most of this is unreported to hmrc. So much for giving onto caesar what is caesars. On top of this they get free lodgings . No need to worry about paying a mortgage or rent. Then there are the “gifts” from parishioners, bottles of expensive drink etc. All in all a charmed lifestyle. No need to worry where the next penny is coming from like the rest of us. A man or woman should be paid their dues so why does the Catholic Church not pay their priests adequately instead of relying on parishioners. They say they are self employed which is nothing more than a tax dodge. Another sign of a financially corrupt organisation. They have charity status and bishop Noel certainly seems to believe that charity starts with himself

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7:28 ‘are now paid by cheque’
I haven’t had a cheque book for nearly a decade so wonder what time frame ‘now’ means in your fantasy.
When I buried a family member during the pandemic the priest’s fee was included in the undertaker’s fee.
I smell bullshit.
No, wait…
You’re a priest, aren’t you? 🐂 💩

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6.22: As a priest I pay my just taxes to revenue every year. I have to provide all bank statements, receipts and expenditure to my accountant. Each Diocese is different. All funeral and wedding stipends are now paid by cheque, acknowledgments given and income is divided at end of month threeways: celebrant(s): sacristan and parish. The only “free” money as such are mass offerings but we are obliged to acknowledge this income as part of Revenue Questionnaire. Generally at Christmas parishioners express their gratitude and generosity through various gifts, some with wine, others with book vouchers, others again with a hamper. God bless our kind parishioners. I end up giving my gifts to needy families…I have sufficient. Your comment is full of misinformation – lies – for negative effect, of course! Feck all begrudgers.


I love the way priests suddenly leap to attention when cash gifts come up.
Do you not get gifts like you don’t have sex, ‘father’?


8.51: Your correction is right. Payments for weddings are mostly paid by credit cards or electronic transaction and stipends for funerals are paid by undertakers, also electronically at end of each month. Minor corrections but they don’t change the truth I’ve written. Strangely, lots of cheques are still written by paroshioners.


Anon at 8.51: a very trite, silly response to 7.28. Too many of you begrudgers are simply unable to resist “lies” and ridicule. Get a grip. I suppose you objected to the priest’s stipend!!


I knew a priest in a religious order who felt trapped. He was difficult to live with and drank too often.
At 65, due to a small legacy, he was able to leave the order. He became a completely different man. The transformation was remarkable. I hate to think of anyone trapped in the priesthood.

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6:51 Nearly right. Going by their comments on this blog they live for the whine. 😂


You would drink if you had to listen to these parishioners every day, demanding things when they don’t even go to mass or contribute towards my salary.


7.28: Talk about what exactly? You are not his superior! After the horribly mean assassination you’ve done on Noel, why would he honour your company, except for you to say SORRY!


Pat called Noel Treanor out for hiding all them gay priests who are out cruising in public toilets and highways. You apologise now!


Sometimes I feel like throwing my hands in the air, the despair I feel with the RCC, but I know I can rely on Pat.
Sometimes I feel like saying “lord I just don’t care”, but God has got the love to see me through.


I’m near sure I saw Bill in Armagh a week before Xmas, how could he get a high management position at a luxury hotel?


Nah mate, it definitely wasn’t him you saw. He is loving life in Gran Canaria and hitting the ground running in the Yumbo. he even has a goatee beard and a piercing now. I am really happy that things have worked out for him after the terrible time he has been through. the man is a survivor.


7.33: Not possible for Bill M to attain such a position so quickly unless it’s an “z” star rating prossie hotel!!


RN ranting and raving about masturbation should be investigated by a mental health team. Now he is hearing voices and that the voice is our lady? Does anyone else out there not think this needs investigating?


Bishop bling is a coward for never meeting you Bishop Buckley. He was too busy surrounding himself in Luxury Lisbreen and having wee cute Gerard Fox on his wing.


Israel is performing apartheid while the cowardly world watches on! Power to the Palestine


World Crunch [Paris, France]
December 27, 2022
By Francesco Peloso
“Two decades after the U.S. Catholic Church finally began to confront priest abuse of minors, and many other countries followed suit, Italian bishops who live with the Vatican in their midst are reluctant to break the church’s vow of silence and answer to victims. It was in 2002 that the scandal of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic priests erupted in the United States, prompting the country’s conference of bishops to draft the first Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People in the Church.The charter allowed guilty clergy members to be removed, and dioceses — the group of churches that a bishop supervises — were asked to cooperate with civil authorities in cases of violence against minors in the name of transparency. But 20 years later, the scandal, which has since spread to many other countries, is far from over.”
“The problem of abuse in the church cannot be traced back simply to the presence of a few ‘bad apples.”


They tried to make me go to rehab but I said no, no, no
Yes I’m MIA, gotta go away, wow, wow, wow
But I’ll be back one day, but the bishups has the final say,
so he said I gotta to rehab but I won’t go, go, go…


I wish I had a relationship instead of a situationship
It’s really starting to have an impact on my mental health
It’s Christmas though, and I have got through it so far, without dealing with it
Pat mate, you are so very lucky you have Ed, and he is lucky to have you.


Did they try to make you go to rehab, just say no, no, no
Another MIA, gotta go away, wow, wow, wow
You’ll be back one day, but the bishup has the final say,
If you gotta go rehab, just don’t go, go, go…


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