

As I sit down now to write my reflections on Benedict/Joseph Ratzinger, it is about twenty four hours since his death was announced, and I have heard and read many people commenting and giving their assessment of this man, and of his contribution to the Catholic Church. I think it is fair to say that I am one of the Irish people whose life has been most significantly effected by his attitudes and his exercise of power. I am now into the eleventh year since, under his papacy, I was forbidden to exercise my ministry as a priest, and I will shortly celebrate my seventy sixth birthday. (Sean Fagan was more severely dealt with, but he has now deceased). I wouldn’t even attempt to measure the negative impact his teaching and action had on LGBTQ people, and on those abused by priests and religious. I am focusing on those of us, theologians, priests, religious and lay, who were punished in one form or another for our writings on matters to do with Church teaching and doctrine, and various aspects of the faith.

Not that I had any direct dealings with Joseph Ratzinger. He had left the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith by the time they came after me. It was 2012, and he had been pope for about five years at that stage. But the CDF that dealt with me was very much of his making, during his long years in charge there. The then head, William Levada, was not a man who was either capable or wished to do things differently than his predecessor in the office; he carried on exactly as he had learned from Ratzinger. And his successor, Gerhard Meuller, was very much in the image and likeness of Ratzinger. 

There are two things that stand out for me from my experience of what I like to call ‘the Ratzinger Vatican’.

The first was a total conviction about the rightness of their beliefs and practices. They believed they had the truth, the whole truth, and that nobody could argue with them on any matter to do with the faith and the Church. There was a type of ‘contagious infallibility’, which meant that they didn’t feel the need to discuss anything with anybody. They had nothing to learn, and certainly not from people who held opinions that differed from their own. Those people, they believed, were in error, and error had no rights.

The second one was their complete lack of respect for the people they considered in error. This expressed itself in my case by not allowing me any opportunity to exercise any of the rights that accused people are accorded by the law systems of all civilised societies. I was not allowed to know who my accusers were. (I heard indirectly that I had been accused by a senior member of the Irish hierarchy, but, though I have my suspicions, I don’t know who that was. I was well aware that there were also certain lay and clerics who regularly reported myself and others to Rome in those years but pondering the identity of “reporters” can have a negative effect on the person “reported”). The Vatican authorities did not consider it necessary to meet with me, and to give me the opportunity to defend myself. At no stage did they ever communicate with me directly; it was all done through my Superior General in Rome. And, maybe worst of all, there was no appeal process of any nature.

This was the system Joseph Ratzinger shaped and honed during his years as head of the CDF. (I know it existed long before him, but he put his particular dogmatic and authoritarian shape to it during a time when the world was changing rapidly, and human rights were being recognised widely around the world.

So, do I regret his death? I can’t really say that I do.  But I do say a prayer for him, and wish him eternal peace. All of us, pope and pauper, face the same end, whatever exactly that will be.

I suppose in his later life I had a certain sympathy for him. Contrary to what many commentators say, I have no doubt that he wanted to be pope. His actions during the death and funeral of his predecessor, and during the days before the conclave seemed to suggest that.   But we should be careful what we wish for. He was not able for the task he had so desired, and he had the good grace to resign, for which of course he will be most publicly remembered.  Some of us will have our personal memories.  


I have no direct contact with Fr Flannery or the Association of Catholic Priests.

But I completely disagree with the Vatican silencing and publishing theologians.

It is the theologians’ job to theologise, explore, question, and propose. It can be a vocation.

The bishops, led by the Bishop of Rome, have traditionally proclaimed the things that Catholics are called upon to believe.

But beliefs and doctrines are developing things, and theologians have their role to play in that development.

The Holy Spirit works through all church members – the People of God and through theologians.

He is also supposed to work through the bishops and clergy, BUT so often, the bishops and clergy are not listening 😞

Tony Flannery is so right about the hierarchy, having closed minds and thinking THEY are always right.

It’s very difficult to have dialogue with people with closed minds, as I discovered in my attempts to dialogue with Cahal Daly.

As it says in Irish:

ag caint leis an gcapall agus an capall ina chodladh

Talking to the horse and the horse asleep.

Above Tons says

The second one was their complete lack of respect for the people they considered in error. This expressed itself in my case by not allowing me any opportunity to exercise any of the rights that accused people are accorded by the law systems of all civilised societies. I was not allowed to know who my accusers were. (I heard indirectly that I had been accused by a senior member of the Irish hierarchy, but, though I have my suspicions, I don’t know who that was. I was well aware that there were also certain lay and clerics who regularly reported myself and others to Rome in those years but pondering the identity of “reporters” can have a negative effect on the person “reported”). The Vatican authorities did not consider it necessary to meet with me, and to give me the opportunity to defend myself. At no stage did they ever communicate with me directly; it was all done through my Superior General in Rome. And, maybe worst of all, there was no appeal process of any nature.

When I publicly pressured Daly into giving me a hearing, I had the same treatment as Tony. This was what I was offered:

1. A panel of 10 priests – 7/9 ? chosen by Daly and one chosen by me but from a list provided by Daly !

2. I could not meet the panel, but Daly could !

3. Everyone else could see the file Daly had on me, but I couldn’t !

4. I could not know the charges against me !

5. I could not know or cross-examine the witnesses against !

6. There would be no right to appeal !

The RCC is always preaching about justice and human rights, and yet its own structures and laws are absolutely unjust, and its human rights record is not unlike that of the Taliban and Iran !

I told Daly to put his panel where the monkey put his nuts 🐒 and that I would prefer a trial by the Provos in West Belfast.

Benedict was born in 1927 ten years after Daly.

They were both philosophical and theological dinosaurs.

They were both bullies.

In my opinion, God will have held them to account for the people they hurt and damaged.

If I had my way, they would both be PLOs in Purgatory

(PLO permanent latrine orderly)


Excellent reflections. And this B16 they want to make a saint already like his predecessors This racket of making ex dead popes saints is an abuse.. like Luther and Tetzel on indulgences.. At least they had the good sense to baulk at Pope St. Pius xii. Hopefully in time the will baulk at pope Saint Benedict the great too! Both partakers in the Third Reich.. Fr. Tony Flannery one of the few in the Irish Church to stand up and name and shame the JPII /BXVI axis.. well done!!

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If you don’t like the rules and want to rewrite them for yourself then do us all a favour and piss off and go elsewhere. If you don’t want to do one then I am sure someone will show you where the exit door is.

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And yet the cathbots are always on about how the pope/bishops/whoever are ‘rewriting’ stuff.
It’s almost like they don’t understand how Catholicism works and make themselves the point of authority for doctrine
(Whisper it)
Just like all the other Protestants.


‘I wouldn’t even attempt to measure the negative impact his teaching and action had on LGBTQ people’
I wouldn’t even attempt to measure the negative impact the RC church has on humanity, because this description above is the reality. The alleged warmth in the parishes is pretend.


Full marks Pat for giving Tony Flannery a hearing. You have said many times you are not a fan of ACP but you are willing to publish views with which you may disagree. The opposite of the process practised by C. Daly and the CDF.


The funeral service for Tommy will take place at Shannon Crematorium at 3pm on Tuesday 10th January. Mourned by his father and his good friend Peter.


9:49 he slept in a doorway on Christmas Eve according to local people who were out and about that evening. Very sad.


9:49 how can anyone be expected to survive sleeping outdoors during an Irish summer let alone an Irish winter, sad that no one cares in what was once known as a very holy country when I grew up there in the 1950s.


9:49 I met Tommy. He CHOSE to be out on the street. The council had given him a flat on Parnell street. He was there earlier this year. Reminder to all: NOTHING is as it appears to be. I’ve learned that the hard way.


He spent his birthday at my invitation a d stayed in my home last May. I fed him and gave him clothing. And was always appreciative when I met him in Ennis. A nice and intelligent Man despite his shortcomings. To think a priest in ennis sent him to prison for offending him sums up all I need to know…


It’s not unusual in the Church for someone to be accused, suspended, investigated without knowing who has accused them or what they have been accused of. I think if you are arrested by the police and questioned, you at least know what you are facing and what you have been accused of, most certainly if you are charged. I think there are many clergy for different reasons who find themselves is this situation with Church investigations. It really does smack of an injustice and unfairness. I think Tony Flannery should just have put two fingers up to Ratzinger and the CDF. It sounds as though he was not well served by the Redemptorists who just caved in to the CDF. You would have expected better of them. So, shame on them.


9.21. You are so right about that. It was a decision that Tommy made and he told me that himself in conversation one day. Very sad really. May he rest in peace. 🙏


RC clergy & their laity aren’t generally trusted as frequently observed to do a hatchet job via any means possible to protect their own interests. Thoroughly scurrilous types without integrity or respect for principles of truth and justice. God left the church buildings a very long time ago. Wolves in sheep’s clothing with zero regard for anyone apart from their benefactors.

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@1.42 am
Haha that did give me a good laugh this morning well done –
The Vatican Bankers Society.
Brilliant! Hats Off!


And look at where these PLOs led the church too. It’s all about attitude. Autocratic attitude, be that the autocratic theologian, PP, teacher, nurse, headmaster, matron, alcoholic, sex pest, bishop’s secretary… the difference being either intelligence or vice. But the church is more than the clergy, so tge PLO’s led the pews to emptiness, weary parents, absent vocations, repurposed seminaries, the objectified and subjectified baptised, abused children… a laity seen as worthless and deacons seen as jokes. These men took the genuine believers of the 1800s devalued them and dispatched them as worthless to the church, worthless to their church.

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“In the Celtic tradition the Holy Spirit is represented not as a peaceful dove but instead as a “wild goose.” The wild goose reveals a spirit which is passionate, noisy, and courageous. This symbol reminds us that God’s spirit cannot be tamed or contained.”
I also completely disagree with the Vatican silencing and punishing theologians. The Church Institution sadly has bishops that are unChristian. They are attempting to tame and contain God’s spirit.
“ag caint leis an gcapall agus an capall ina chodladh”
Agreed. Who’s taking the horse to France? Such a shame that the well respected Abbey of Saint Joseph de Clairval is caught up in scandal.


Sorry Seamus but the idea of the Holy Spirit as a Wild Goose comes from modern 20th century Celtic spirituality and not authentic Early Irish Christian sources. 😉


Flannery is one of those who rubbish papal infallibility while proclaiming his own. Priests are not there to proclaim their own version of the Gospel and problems arise when this happens. You yourself Pat are a classic example of a maverick cleric. Once the bond with the magesterium is broken all kinds of off-the-wall ideas begin to hold sway.
Holy Orders are the call of God to service and teaching through the Church, if the link is broken with the authority of the church it’s akin to a ship at sea without a compass.
Cardinal Ratzinger sought to preserve the integrity of the faith by refusing to allow theological mavericks to represent themselves as authentic interpreters of true doctrine. Such individuals sow confusion and ultimately division. He did the church great service. If individuals suffered pain in the process it was self inflicted.


‘refusing to allow theological mavericks to represent themselves as authentic interpreters of true doctrine.’

Much better to stick to the existing orthodoxy of covering up kiddy fiddling rather than try to innovate.


8:13 Tell us you don’t understand either papal infallibility or what Flannery is saying without telling us you don’t understand them.


The Reds should have dismissed Flannery long ago he’s a disgrace always harping on about womans ordination and other aberrations. His association with the heretical ACP and the loony’s in ‘the we are church’ clowns, who are not in conformity with the Catholic Faith. It means the CDF have no choice but to excommunicate this mad bollox and should have done so the minute he revealed his heretical thoughts.


is there an ignoramus displaying ‘magesterial’ nuttiness here or some clever parodist trying to make the rcc look like a fascist cult?


The ACP covers up abuse amongst the clergy.
Bishop Pat take a close look at these people.those with information about this cover up should contact Pat


Pat, why do you publish Bela’s comments? And literacy skills like his are in such poor taste.


The majority of abusive clerics and their cohorts appear to escape Court justice. Even when they are charged in court, many clerics are simply moved into less visible roles where they and their sponsors continue to vent their poison and to exact revenge on victims of church related injustice on behalf of their Mafia.


The worldwide Vatican Mafia get very irate with anyone exploring or investigating any aspect of their operations. Scratch the surface just a little & it soon emerges that their worldwide wealth is built from crime, corruption, criminality, deceit & sharp practice. So much for them to cover up on a daily basis.

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In what way was he silenced? He’s had books published and is frequently in the Irish media, preaching itchy ears doctrine that they like to hear. His heterodoxy hasn’t produced higher Mass attendance at Redemptorist churches, or more vocations. Indeed his long time religious house (Esker), is closed now.


‘His heterodoxy hasn’t produced higher Mass attendance at Redemptorist churches, or more vocations’
Number of RCs internationally: about 1.3 billion
World population: 7.888 billion.
There’s hope for the world yet.


Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Jan 7, 2023 at 10:12 am
Surely, the most important question is, how many are PRACTICING Roman Catholic? Being Roman Catholic in name only, although it bumps up the figures, at first glance looks an enormous cohort, in reality it is neither relevant to statistics nor, the church. Those not attending church on a regular basis, if at all, are not contributing to the coffers which are so valued by the church, one of the reasons in the USA churches are being closed, and amalgamated. “No money, no honey”
Does anyone know the true global number of practicing Roman Catholics?
Hundreds of Catholic Churches Closed in the US › 2022/08/29 › hundreds-…
churches closed catholic us from
29 Aug 2022 —
List of closed churches in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Has the time come to reduce the number of Catholic dioceses … › opinion › has-the-time-come…
14 Feb 2022 —


Queenievenus, I’m very happy to take your point but just as happy to see the papists fluff up their numbers artificially to the max and still be a minority internationally.
The rest of your comment made me even happier 🥳

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1:27 there are hundreds of thousands of people on Roman Catholic Church databases that never requested this. The Roman Catholic Dictators mirror Hitler.


9.14: Tony Flannery is an interesting man to watch. I’ve enjoyed his writings over the years and have thought highly of him. Though censored by the Vatican apparatchiks, Tony has managed the media very constructively. He’s always there to speak for the “liberals” of Catholicism. He gets huge publicity. Perhaps he can express opinions now in a way he might not be able to do otherwise. However, his treatment by the official church is appalling. It’s interesting to read comments upholding the principle of innocent till proven guilty, yet the same zealots are quick to ensure that priests are named, shamed and ousted at the mention of “stepping aside”. False allegations, gossip and hearsay are lethally dangerous. I wish Tony Flannery some peace of mind. Though not always on his wavelength, he is a much needed voice in the church and society. His is a voice in the wilderness and worth hearing.


@ 11:12am
Get a grip! a voice worth hearing, are you mad? he should be banished to the wilderness. His treatment of his Order and The Church’s teaching is what is appalling, they should have ousted him long ago. He is an attention seeker.


Roman Catholic clergy and their cohorts are zealous cover up merchants more than willing to engage in slandering and discrediting victims and survivors of church related abuse and wrong doing. Toxic and spiteful, vengeful organisation, another example of their hypocrisy same as them verbally condemning homosexuality whilst proactively engaging in a gay underworld of saunas and drug dens not even frequented by the mainstream gay community whilst in Roman Catholic ministry.

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Farewell, then, to the Franciscans of Clonmel, who left the town today after 700 years. Is this the sort of renewal that Tony Flannery talks about?


From a legal and human rights point of view, it’s shocking to see that TF not afforded their rights such as their right to know who is their accuser.
RCC is an anti human rights organisation especially for women, suspended priests , those who have no voice etc. They were never about human rights, it’s more about their wealth and protecting their valuable assets such as properties and investments.
Give you an example, I went to mass as its absolutely freezing cold inside. Church heating was turned off as we had to keep it warm ourselves. Then Priest sent his two lay people to go round and do cash collection despite that they have millions in their bank accounts. That kind of attitude that rcc especially that priest have shown contempt towards his parishioners on that Sunday by turning off heat or warmth that they need and at the same time, collect their voluntary cash collection.
Suspected that Ratzinger longed wanted to become a Pope. He got what he wanted but it doesn’t look good on his legacy.


10.36: You’re not being truthful but rather selective with your information. Thankfully the parish I work in is financially stable but the heating and electricity bills are cripingly high. Our church has a great heating system, thanks to the kindness of parishioners and careful financial management. I’d be interested to know what church you’re talking about. Are you aware of its financial security or not? Are you aware of its income? Perhaps the heating system isn’t functioning properly! To say that they have millions in their accounts seems an exaggeration. TRUTH would be helpful. I know local parishes where they have small congregations, little income and are struggling to pay their bills. Two churches close by have to install new heating systems, costing thousands. I do not know of any priest who would deliberately not turn on the heat. If you are dissatisfied, go to your P. P. and ask what’s happening. And – I don’t want you to say he’s inapproachable!! That’s a lazy excuse.


Anon at 11.46
Its old church dating back to 1800s as its owned by a Bishop, not a parish. Heating was working previously but I was quite surprised to see it absolutely freezing cold inside.
The contempt shown towards the parishioners by dimming the lights, heating turned off, it’s quite a dim place and absolutely freezing cold inside. Still that newly installed priest asked 2 regular lay people to do cash collection instead. He’s doing Bishop’s bidding – beck and call.
They can afford it re heating, period.
Also, They can avail of irish govt energy subsidy scheme as well to cover their heating bills like every other business.
Bishops in every diocese have millions in their bank accounts ranging from current accounts to property and investments asset classes. They have their own financial advisors blah blah etc.
What more do they want? Another cash collection on top of their millions cash rich resting on their accounts?????


10:36 it’s all about money now to fund their duplicitous lifestyles, use your money to heat your own house & pray at home. I wouldn’t like to be a priest constantly being tormented about collecting money for a greedy Bishop with extravagant notions.


We know the Catholic Church is corrupt and dysfunctional. A prime example in Ireland is the Cistercian order. The carry on in their monasteries is beyond comprehension such as power controls, financial irregularities, alcohol abuse, sexual relations and emotional abuse.


12.52: I’m sorry but you’re all confused about finances in parishes and Dioceses. Parishes are responsible for their own finances. Churches/Parishes received a once off payment for lost income for 2020/2022…which simply gave a head start in renewing income. I think you should talk with your P. P…..Think you’re a begrudger…


1:38 is written in church speak.
‘Stop talking about the billions the church has in Swiss (and likely elsewhere) bank accounts because they won’t be used to pay for heating. We’ve made a rule you don’t understand that only parishioners’ immediate donations will be used for that because we treat you like mushrooms.’


Pope Benedict as Prefect of CDF and Pope saw his role v much in terms of correcting error and arbitrating moral norms, right v wrong, good v evil.

And yet his pontificate was replete with gaffes, missteps and mistakes.

He had to apologise to Islam for quoting a 14th Century Byzantine who said Islam was evil and violent. He was so so sorry.

He had to apologise to the Jews for saying on a visit to Aushwitz that the Germans suffered just as much as the Jews. He was so so sorry.

He had to apologise to the Anglicans for saying they were not true churches but ecclesial communities.

For a man charged with refuting error he was in rather error prone.

Then you have the error of:

Bertone – predatory homosexual and given to refurbishing his 4000 sq ft Penthouse. A veritable crook.

Blaming clerical child abuse on the 1960s sexual revolution.

And don’t get started on covering up clerical child abuse – yes we know he met with some victims but he was the King of Cover Up.

Ratsinger embraced Lefebrve – Francis embraced Boff – to each their own agenda.

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2.36: The one who tries to be smart is in fact the dumbest of all dumbos! You repeat the same shit every time you’re unable to accept TRUTH. You are so clueless and a philistine. Try to look a little learned.


You are correct. He was on here yesterday trying to defend his bizarre views on the institution of the priesthood.


Ratzinger loved:
Playing Piano
Fashionable clothes
Latin and Lace
Gorgeous George

What I love most about him was how butch and manly he was.


Wouldn’t get carry on from manly men such as Roaree, Abbot Purcell, Fr McCamley, King Puck, the Trolley Dolly, Gorgeous, the keks-obsessed former Dean of Maynooth, Micheal Ledwith, Kitty Drury, the ex-PP of Pomeroy, the German Department and the other macho stars of the blog.


Funny you left out two major blog stars, Kitty Kirby and Porn Again Elijah Carroll.


There are no homosexuals in the priesthood, 12:48. Ratzinger was very clear about that.


As a PP in W&L diocese, I am acutely aware that today is the one year anniversary of Fr. Richard Geoghegan’s laicisation.

I spoke to Richard recently. The Vatican still hasn’t contacted him and never will.

God only knows what Phonsie said to Rome about Richard.


Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Jan 7, 2023 at 12:24 pm
Wasn’t he the one who dressed up as a woman and appeared on T.V.? I’m not sure that is a valid reason for defrocking, it was maybe a little short sighted of him, considering the exposé of Roman Catholic priest’s crimes of child sex abuse, gay active Roman Catholic priests, and drag queens, I suppose it could be seen him making, a holy show of himself.


1.27: I believe RTE with that Francis Brennan ruined him. There were two gay men and a lesbian, I think, on the same tour but only poor Richard fell for the joke and mockery. While funny, it was his undoing, sadly, as he was such a good guy, well loved and admired by all. His treatment by Bishop Cullinane was and is an utter disgrace..


Richard had been on stage many times during his time in Carrick on Suir. He was much loved and accepted. What you saw is what you got. A great preacher. Not a hypocrite.


I imagine if Richard were a priest in any or most of the other Irish dioceses, he’d still be in ministry.
Would Phonsie prefer the good people of Carrick on Suir or wherever Richard was, to have no priest rather than to have Richard.


12:24 The current instruction is to “spread the word” on anyone perceived as a threat to the Vatican Cartel. In other words, do not in any circumstances respond or talk to them, just spread the word about them & shut down these whistleblowers.


The irony is many clerics during their days in seminary dressed as women in dramatic and musical productions. That didn’t merit blocking them from ordination. Fr Geoghegan’s case ought to be investigated civilly and canonically.


Dear Bishop Pat
The word in the Diocese is that Bishop Paul Mason will shortly be appointed here from the Forces. He was born and raised in our Diocese so seems to be a good appointment if confirmed. God bless.


The Masons live next door to me and are Protestant. How could they be running the Vatican?


Pat, you are to be admired for moving on when you were not given the grace to accept church teaching, Tony however Protestant he is was unable to move on! And as for silenced, we’ve heard more from him since then than before! Nothing like bad publicity!


Flannery is such a narcissist. He wasn’t dealt with by Ratzinger, who probably had never heard of him.

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The Bishops obsession with +Pat Buckleys blog is verging on being deranged at this point, proving this blog & elsewhere have only just begun to scratch the surface on the truth of the crime, corruption & criminality that is filling RC coffers for clerical indulgence on gay cruising expeditions to winter sun hot spots, weekend jaunts to Boiler House & other priest saunas.


2.12: The comments of one who follows the crowd group think of this blog without saying anything meaningful or truthful. Distortion is part of this blog. As evidenced by your – unoriginal – crap. You’ve caught the sound byte virus!!


4:07 Actually it’s one of the trolls and therefore a cathbot and may even have appeared here. It may be the one who flooded the blog with repeat comments copied and pasted from elsewhere over Christmas.
Now since active clergy do allegedly have things to do over Christmas, it’s far more likely to be a MIA and I would suggest academics get time off at Christmas, as do semenarians.


In heaven you become part of a 100 per cent unit of Love for all eternity. If you do not understand the concept of Gods love yhen you will not exist in etrnity.


Yes, it is the theologian’s job to do all those things. But surely not to rebel agsinst magisterial teaching? The teaching of the Magisterium is the voice of God.


If so, the voice of God, who hates gays, Jews, women, and loves slavery, genocide, inquisition tortures, and what not, is beyond human comprehension.


Actually it’s very clear in holy scripture that what God really really hates is FIGS. That’s FIGS.
Westboro Baptist Church and Pope Nazinger have got it wrong. 🍇


Never could understand Flannery . He wants to be a Priest in the Catholic church but dosn believe in the fundamental beliefs of the RCC. Of course he has his fan club in the liberal lefty Irish media that gives him air time as if he’s some sort of victim. It would be like me wanting to be an Iman in the Muslim religion and rejecting key parts of that religion

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Lots of Muslims do not like the fascism of their Imams and are punished for it. You, Seanie, seem to love that sort of totalitarian religion.


What else could he do? He is unemployable except as a priest and the institution he hates has fed, housed and clothed him all his adult life and he gets the attention he craves.


Provide a citation, preferably from Tony Flannery’s speeches of writings which indicates he hates the Church.


Tony Flannery is free to hold any view on any issue he chooses. However, he is not free to use his priesthood as a vehicle for propogating these views if they are in conflict with the teachings of the church, end of.
For someone who has been ‘silenced’, he sure makes a lot of noise, but thanks to the then Cardinal Ratzinger he can no longer do so under the guise of a priest in good standing. He has no one to blame but himself.
No walk of life would tolerate someone within who seeks to undermine its basic principles. His ‘exile’ is self-imposed.

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Tell us you have no understanding of the role of theology or the development of doctrine without telling us you have no understanding of the role of theology or the development of doctrine.


pat at 2:38 Quelle surprise! You disagree, we never would have guessed. You are your own authority, and you know what they say about being a judge in your own case!


Queenievenus at 12:50 practicing as measured by attending mass weekly is tricky. According to the varied sources of this Wikipedia page
It’s hovering around 30% in Europe, 2/3 in Latin America and 90% in Africa except South Africa. It would therefore be very difficult to work out internationally, especially as those sources may use different variables, such as counting monthly attendance as regular.
I’m also wary of the numbers of Catholics given by the Vatican.
What I do notice is that mass attendance remains in freefall in Europe but not in Africa. I think it will start falling in Africa if there is a significant prolonged scandal and it’s interesting it’s lowest in South Africa, which is the most ‘developed’ African country, including things like gay marriage.
Whoever would have thought that living in a civilized, progressive democracy would stop people going to church? 😂


Tony Rice is happily married to a man and has two children, he has more important things to be worrying about than this blog or Tony Flannery


The best thing that has happened to the Redemptorists is Tony has left the fold. His Cahal Daly persona did not work with his confreres. The only role he had within the congregation was vocations director, and look at what he “baked”.


Charges not filed due to statute of limitations, priest deaths
KSHB41 [Kansas City, MO]
January 6, 2023 By David Medina.
“KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A four-year long investigation conducted by the Kansas Bureau of Investigation identified dozens of Kansas Catholic clergy suspected of committing sex crimes against children.The Kansas Attorney General’s Office released a 25 page summary of the KBI’s findings on Friday evening. Investigators conducted their review for the whole Catholic church in Kansas, which is divided across Dodge City, Kansas City, Salina and Wichita. According to the report, the KBI pinned 188 members who may have committed crimes including aggravated criminal sodomy, rape, aggravated indecent liberties with a child and aggravated sexual battery. As a result of its investigation, the KBI presented charging information against 30 clergy.”


Ha ha Tony Rice as VD for the Reds. Interviewing but not recruiting. Tony was the longest leaving ever. Love the comparison to Cahal Daly, spot on.


Pat, the fact you continue to hide the fact that two priests are in a relationship in the Armagh diocese, tells me that one of them is an informant to you


7:11 The clergy show their lack of moral courage at every turn, by expecting Pat Buckley to do their dirty work by revealing things they claim to know. As we know they haven’t been above feeding him disinformation so can only blame their colleagues for his understandable caution.


7:55 Priests and Bishops & their types are schemers and liars with far too much time on their hands many of them retired professional busy bodies or bored and bitter begrudgers.


Detectives from the Police Service of Northern Ireland’s Major Investigation Team have issued a renewed appeal for information on the murder of Natalie McNally who was 15 weeks pregnant. Detectives believe that Natalie’s killer was known to her.


History will show that BXVI had much more substance to his pontificate in 8 years than JPII did in 26. He’ll rightly be remembered as one of the church doctors and, assuming will have been given extreme unction, is the safest saint since Catherine of Siena.
Whilst the papacy was his destiny, the times that met him were cruelest amongst recent memory. Has the church been so Machiavellian since the renaissance itself?
I pray for him. A gentle soul who will rightly be remember fondly.
Internal rest to the one true Holy father.
Sede Vacante.


Where do you even start with Peter’s flaws?
Pepto-bismol would be good for internal rest though. 😂


Who, Tony Rice, or the one who talks selfies of himself in a tuxedo next to a urinal, or the South African who lasted 5 minutes in Clonard?


Why would you put someone from a dead order, where even its vocations director is MIA, in charge of a moribund diocese that had been run into the ground by a desk bishop?


7:49 If you read your comment carefully, you will see that they will fit well together.
You, of course, are full of nothing but hatred for them all, so luckily your ‘opinion’ won’t be considered.


As I read Pat’s defence of his mission (???) I wonder will he claim he was baptised at the Jordan by John the Baptist before JESUS? He has abrogated to himself the role of supreme judge.


Judge and executioner and the jury is made up of the hyena troop of rejected sems, CINOs, athiests and alkies who comprise the blog commentariat.


7:56 Very honest of you to admit you only want a commentariat of unconditional praise and, in fact, are yourself rejecting these people.
This is how your parish priest really sees you, folks.


7.11: Reporting is acceptable but not your bulldozing of people into the ground, not smashing people to bits, not humiliating others, not causing unnecessary grief to families of those you hate. You rarely if ever apologise for the bullying you’ve engaged in, the hurt you’ve caused. You make yourself out to be a victim, yet you have victimised many a cleric and family. You sneer at your perceived enemies, you wish hell on them (Pope Emeritus Benedict being your latest nemisis), you delight in humiliating others, despite being humiliated yourself in the courts.!!!! Those in glass houses….are very blind.


You’re not a surgeon, Pat. You’re more like Sweeney Todd or Edward Scissorhands.


That’s very cruel about Sweeney Todd, ignoring all his good work with cutting hair and beards. Bishop Pat, I bet all your interlocutors have the Hitler Youth hairstyle for obvious reasons.


7.27: The man who is like the Pharisees…they believed they were better than all others. Thankfully, JESUS thought differently! So should you, Pat!!


7:24, thank you for confirming that the apparatchiks of the cult still want clerical duplicity, crime and deviance covered up, supposedly not to cause distress to their families.
To their families: if you’ve got a priest in the family, he ain’t celibate. 😂


7:26 Ger Fitzgerald don’t have a criminal record, unlike Fr Jerry Carey still listed. A few others gone missing too like Fr Des Hillery


Garrett Campbell is close friends with a Red. They holiday together multiple times a year. Pat, did you ever holiday with fellow clergy?


Has a single notewothy peep come out of Niall Coll since he swapped his lecturer’s gown for a bishop’s mitre? Is he also one of the invisible men they make bishops now?


Stop the silly speculation on D&C’s next bishop.
It’s as plain as day. Alan McGuckian SJ of Raphoe.


No wonder there are few young Irish men opting for priesthood, just look at what they did to you Bishop Pat & to Tony Flannery & all the abuse of students. A bad news bunch of thugs and bullies in skirts & collars.


Franciscans are leaving Athlone and Clonmel today. Modernised Catholicism did itself in. Which is why it’s comical to see all the suggestions by the irreligious, such as Flannery, to modernise further.


Pat, I posted some replies to Bela Lugosi’s comments. You didn’t publish them. They were fair comment.


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