


PHONZIE CILLINAN is part of organising a gathering on January 28th for little girls aged 8 to 12 !

Don’t forget that this is the same Phonzie that is opposed to cervical cancer vaccinations for young girls.

This is the same Phonzie that tried to stop yoga.

And this is the same Phonzie who befriended and protected the gay sauna going Abbot Richard Purcell.

And this is the same Phonzie that bullied Fr Richard Geoghegan out of the priesthood.





I don’t like this



After all the sexual allegations in Ireland and globally, I can not understand why any parents would trust their children to bishops, priests, and nuns

Do you really want your little girls and boys CONQUERED by bishops, priests, and nuns?

Do you really want Roman Catholic bishops, priests, and nuns forming or interfering in your children’s sexuality, sexual formation, and being brainwashed into the RC emphasis on VIRGINITY?

If I had a little girl or boy, I would let them go nowhere Phonzie or his weird nuns and brothers and his weird set up in Glencomeragh.

I would not send them to an RC run school.

And I would never let them near a Catholic church on their own.

Any parent handing their children to bishops, priests, or religious should be investigated by Child Services.


In an urgent and emphatic word, NO!
What a superfluous question, Pat!
I wouldn’t entrust any of my children to the care of ANY Catholic priest. Full stop!
Jeez! What a scary thought! The stuff of nightmares. Safe in the arms of a priest? Not even the baby Jesus. Jesus!

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Maynooth, in my time there was a room in Middle Sanctium nicknamed “the Brothel”. It was the room of a Kildare student who left after philosophy and is now in a long term relationship with his friend. What happened inside the door of that room – plush with cushions, velvet headboard etc etc is anybody’s guess. But the known practice was that no shoes were allowed in there on the rugs.. no socks was preferred.
The group were evidently all gay. How active *** was when he arrived is anybody’s guess – but he was clearly interested. He was prob a late ‘explorer’. The group were nasty queens in that they took over junior house that year and set a new level of gay control. They set a clear foundation for what 10 years later had grown into “strange goings on” that were so prevailing that were out of control and over flowed into the media.


What happened about all the missing money from the homeless collections in Ennis or did Ger Fitzgerald ever settle his debts with the women he ha d on the go?


7.10 So many unanswered questions. The truth will be buried away…or will it? Can’t say too much b/c there are Killaloe spies on here, but your comment has just given me the ammunition I need to prove my case. Thank you!


Sadly, there are still Irish Catholic families, with youngish parents, who, in this day and age, still believe in the absurd myth that “father” is a very good man, being so close to Jesus. And that bishops (yes, even arch-bankers like Phonsie) are sensible, responsible, pious, holy men who are oracles of Jesus and who would never, ever corrupt a child, and who would never, ever fail to report to police any of their colleagues who had inappropriately touched a child, even themselves if (saints preserve us!) they had lapsed so uncharacteristically.
Sadly too, Pat, these parents probably don’t read your blog, having been told by said “father” that it is highly unGodly and toxic.


The ones who’ve recognized the scam have gone and the remnant you refer to are the ones too stupid or stubborn to wake up and take reasonable care for their own and their children’s safety. This is the reason the state should step in to control the ‘church’: these people are vulnerable and need protecting.

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Our good Bishop Cullinan is a man of the highest moral repute. I would entrust him with all my children, knowing that they would be completely safe in his hands.
Bishop Cullinan is a good man and a great Bishop. He loves children and cannot do enough for them in our Diocese. He’s a child-centred cleric.


And, @ 10:00, you know this because……………………………?
Yes I, for one, would like to see your evidence, so please help me out here.
[And to every other regular reader, watch the response for the quality of evidence, …..or more likely, zilch!]


Nothing yet Sammy?
Good job you’re a realist, not an optimist.
As usual, the cathbots are stumped.


10am what’s the story with his money fiddling priest & the €70K still missing & unaccounted for?????


10:29 of course they are they are “well trained” & end up as teachers & the like. Pillars of the community!!


And on the other hand; No, Science Does Not Say That Religious Children Are More Likely to be ‘Immoral”
I am an Atheist. I shouldn’t have to note that in order for people to critically reflect on the claims that I am going to make, but it probably bears repeating: I am an Atheist, and science does not indicate that children from religious households are less altruistic (and the recent study that says otherwise is terribly flawed).
Academics from a number of different universities recently came together to study Christian, Muslim and non-religious children in order to try and determine the role that belief systems have on morality—whether or not said beliefs make us good and moral people. Their results, which were published in Current Biology, found that religion makes children immoral. More specifically, they found that, “religion negatively influences children’s altruism.”
In their paper, the team states:
Our findings robustly demonstrate that children from households identifying as either of the two major world religions (Christianity and Islam) were less altruistic than children from non-religious households. Moreover, the negative relation between religiousness and spirituality and altruism changes across age, with those children with longer experience of religion in the household exhibiting the greatest negative relations
For the study, the team looked approximately 1,200 children from 6 different countries. The researchers showed the children 30 stickers and asked them to choose their 10 favorite stickers. Next, in order to see if they would share, the scientists then told the children that there weren’t enough stickers for the other kids. As a further test, the children were also shown a film that showed people pushing and bumping into one another in order to gauge their responses.
Yes, we are determining how altruistic a child is based on whether they share a sticker and how they respond to a video.
11. 10. 15 by JOLENE CREIGHTON
No, Science Does Not Say That Religious Children Are More Likely to be ‘Immoral”
/ FromQuarkstoQuasars


That statement says the sociological study was flawed. How? It’s methodology? It’s statistical analysis of the data? Again, how? The atheist author doesn’t say, which is odd, given that the atheists I know are a little more passionate than that, unwilling to give religionists such an easy ride.
One is left with the possibility that the author of the critique either isn’t an atheist, or, for some reason, feels sufficiently obligated to religionists even to lie for them.


QP. While some may argue about methodology, nevertheless I prefer to make judgements concerning the relevance of religion, or the existence of any supernatural beings on evidence. The “proofs” for religion, God, miraculous happenings, and an ‘afterlife ‘ are just so patently implausible and contradictory as to be ridiculous.
So thank you for a focus on relevant information rather than biblical sky fairy mythologies.


Bishop Buckley your comments are disgraceful. Your attacks on the integrity of Bishop Cullinan are cruel and unchristian.
Mary, our holy mother, was a virgin. Historical fact. Virginity is the highest virtue and is given only to those chose by God, like priests and religious. It is a virtuebfor all little girls to aspire to. Bishop Cullinan is right to promote this estate, since this is were holiness is to be found. Thank God we have good, sensible, young Irish Catholic parents who will entrust their little children to the care of Bishop Cullinan and these good sisters.


Are you referring to the 5% of priests that Sipe estimated actually attain perfect celibacy? Because there’s no guarantee they’re actually virgins when they start.

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Holy Tradition, i. e. the Holy Spirit, has spoken on this: Mary, the Mother of God, was a virgin. Therefore, historical fact.


Because at 11.13 it comes from the Magisterium and Jesus said that the Magisterium would never teach in error.


I wasn’t present during the Second World War either, 1.47, but I still know it happened.


2:37 There is documentary, anecdotal and artifactual proof the Second World War happened. Stop diverting and admit you believe, rather than know, on the basis of no evidence.


I thought holiness is found in rearing a family full of Gods love. Sexualty expressed in a loving sincere way is on par with the sense of virginity in understanding Gods holiness.


Jesus was a man and does that mean men are holier than women. This teaching seems to imply that it is shameful to have a sexual life and that it is shameful to be pregnant.


10:30 Ireland is riddled with unchristian bishops & priests & their cronies involved in scamming the sheep. It’s all one big con job and certainly no place for children.

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Mary was a virgin. Historical fact?
All women were born vurgins.
Have you overlooked this verse from Chapter I of Matthew?
24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. 25 But he did not consummate their marriage until she gave birth to a son. And he gave him the name Jesus. (NIV)


Masterbation breaks the vow of celibacy and any priest saying they are celibate and maserbating on the sly are sinning against the Holy Spirit.says:

The church holds celibacy in the highest place of holiness. Any priest who masterbates which breaks the vow of celibacy should leave the priesthood as they are making a mockery of celibacy and sinning against the Holy Spirit.


This order of nuns is either American or Canadian, judging by the spelling in their self-promoting statements. It is likely to be very right wing, theologically and culturally.
Any parent who sends his child to be brainwashed by these cultic nutjobs should be investigated by the police. These freaks will shame our children for being human. For having sexual urges and sexual preferences.

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You are well aware Pat that yoga has Indian pagan roots. Bishop Cullinan is right to point out this spiritual danger. It can lead souls from Christ. So can the practice of cervical smears. The two are linked.


Sexual abuse and abuse of vulnerable adults can lead souls from Christ.
How has this bishop responded to survivors of church related abuse in his diocese, I wonder.

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Remembering the late Laura Brennan & The Irish Cervical Screening Scandal Whistleblower, the late Vicky Phelan & all affected.says:

How dare you.
Lives have been lost courtesy of the ignorance advocated by looney Irish Bishops such as Bishop Phonsie Cullinan.
Get lost.


Irish Bishops and their followers have zero respect for women’s health and welfare issues.


Give me the child and I will give you the man. So said the Jesuites, and so says Bishop Cullinan.
The Bishop is getting them while they are young, so that he can mould them to his liking. Jesus did the same.

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Mad. Pure triumphalism with a good streak of pretending to be persecuted.
This attitude always begins and ends with the church thinking it knows best. And we’ve seen the results of that.

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They’ve walked straight into the virgin/young girl bible problem.
The Catholic edition of the RSV even changes various passages to conform to the Vulgate and thus reads doctrine into the text.
They would be on slightly safer ground with tradition: but the use of the word ‘guarantee’ gives a bizarrely fundamentalist and cult feel to this.
If your church says its unprovable doctrines are guaranteed, run away quickly.

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Mary’s “virginal integrity”? This statement by that order of nuns implies that human sex, a gift from God, lacks integrity.
These nuns have a very high opinion of themselves, and a much lower one of us normal humans who do what God commanded in Genesis (and which they flagrantly ignore) : “Go forth and multiply.”
Any child who attends these atrocious “get-togethers” will have the sexual neurosis and spiritual high pretension of those warped nuns transferred to them. It’s a form of child abuse. The Garda should investigate these people.

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11.10, the Garda (Republic of Ireland police service) investigate Irish clergy and religious? Don’t make me laugh. The Garda, a Catholic police service, defers to the RCC in the ROI.
The ROI remains a confessional state: at the service of the RCC.


@ 11:03am
Don’t make me laugh, legal abortion, same sex marriage, and every other aberration. The ROI is anything but a confessional state, it’s one of the most liberal States in Europe.


Where is the final report of the Commission of Inquiry into Bill Kenneally case. The Commission was to inquire into what, if any, level of knowledge of the offences committed by Bill Kenneally was held by a number of organisations including An Garda Síochána, the Waterford and Lismore Diocese, the South-Eastern Health Board, Basketball Ireland and certain political figures in the relevant time-frame.


OMG, this is yet another type of Roman Catholic Cult movement to hit Ireland, are these strange sounding sisters even Garda vetted?? Plus all this “defense”, lingo and it spelt in American English –
This is a very serious matter of public interest.

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Too odd for words. Bishop Fonzie is bad tempered and mad as a bag of cats at the best of times. No surprise to hear he has now hooked up with a bunch of crazy nuns that he has imported into Ireland to mingle with local kids. Not right

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What’s Bishop Phonsies beef with yoga?
Are there bingo halls in his Diocese or has he shut them down like the priest has in County Clare.


I wonder if she still hobnobs with the disgraced former abbot and… well, let’s just say, bath-house patron Richard Purcell.


Why did Phonsie befriend and protect Richard Purcell’s gay sauna antics? What does Purcell have on Phonsie? Has Phonsie been up to similar activities ? When Phonsie was in Rathkeale as PP he did have a ‘friend’ who was a regular caller. The biggest issue with Phonsie is what a hypocrite he is….preaching to people about the evils of Yoga etc. The man is a troglodyte and is the worst of the RCC.


They certainly seemed palsy-walsy but whether they still are since Purcell’s spectacular fall from grace is unknown.


Few Irish clerics practice what they preach and surround themselves with intimidating thugs. Remember the Ennis Lynchmob antics when Fr Fitzgerald stuck his heels 👠 in at Cloughleigh Church.


I don’t think any parent of young girls will let their children spend a day with these nun nutjobs. Except perhaps the few swivel eyed traditionalist orthodox loons whose kids lives will already be a misery with all that saying the rosary, seeing the devil all over the place, spending hours before the blessed sacrament, traipsing around Catholic shrines on their holidays, and generally being brought up in a culture that separates them from the rest of the the world in some misdirected intention of retaining ‘purity’. Phonsie is just an intellectually limited nitwit bullyboy.

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@ 8:40am

If only there were more of those parents who enrich their children’s lives by the saying of The Most Holy Rosary and encouraging them to spend time adoring The Real Presence in The Most Blessed Sacrament. The world would be a better place. Instead of the mad lefty loony liberal life you propose where anything goes.


The world would be a better place if people prayed the ‘Most Holy Rosary’ and spent time in Eucharistic adoration? And, I suppose, your behaviour on this blog attests the fact? Priceless! Utterly freakin’ priceless!! 🤣
You are arguably the most unchristian commenter here, ever; and everyone knows it.
You are proof that prayer changes no one. Is totally pointless.
You have made a mockery of your own advice, and, if you weren’t such an idiot, you’d know it. 🤣


Doubtful in this day and age that any parents will be blind enough to expose their children to this new and experimental angle of paedophilia by an Irish Bishop.


@ 1:38pm
There is more human dignity in the life I described, than anything in the liberal life you’d want. I understand liberalism only too well, its the road to perdition.🙄


@ 2:47pm
The world would certainly be a better place without you,😏 you nasty piece of work. It might be better if you spent some time in adoration before The Sacred Host. Instead of coming on here and attacking me everyone can see what a vitriolic unchristian lowlife you are. So before you start insulting others you absolute cretin look to yourself and what’s coming to you. May you die roarin’ it’ll be the price of you.😏


@2:47. “May you die roaring….”
Yes @ 2.47, thank you for showing us the best of Christian charity. Respect, love, patience, … probably possess lots of these virtues too. Show us more


Pat a really strong piece. I am part of a RCC break away group who are baptising our children in the Lagan Tow Path. We had another 2 families on Sunday past. It’s safer as you say.


Repy to;Tomsays:
Jan 20, 2023 at 9:00 am
Tom, I find baptising your children in the river Lagan rather odd!
Are you Christopaganism? It seems a bit exhibitionist to carry out such a procedure under those conditions. Tell me do you do it near The Angel of Thanksgiving, overlooking the River Lagan? (LOLS Wouldn’t it be kinder to baptise the child while its having a bath instead of showing off, I’m surprised Social Services are not on your back for exposing small children to such a cranky ridiculous unneccesary form of Baptism.


Some people are easily led. They submit to passive aggressive intimidation by the wolves in sheep’s clothing. The cover up merchants bank on it.

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A weird order if Nuns! Really Pat? Tell us what your experience with this Order is. When I saw the headline, I closed my eyes to think what the comments might be. I could read in my mind exactly your sentiments. Just poisonous, odious , unkind and distasteful. LIES of course. They drip easily now….don’t they?


I’m more interested in why you have to keep coming here to see Pat saying these things.
Wouldn’t be in case you appear here yourself would it, ‘father’?


Hey. over here in England we used to send out 8 year old kids to boarding school. And looked what happened there to so many of them. Catholic schools included. So, why would we trust the RCC, its bishops and its priests with out young children again ? Even if it is just for a day ?


Virgin most powerful? Only God himself is most powerful. You deify Mary. Heretic!

There is no biblical evidence that Mary was a virgin. If there is, show me it. Otherwise, sit down and shut up.


Thank God, someone who’s actually read, and more importantly understood, the bible at 10:50.
The source, of course, for her virginity is all the other virgin births in various religions. Christianity is not special in this respect: there are prominent examples of gods born from virgins in Greek and particularly Egyptian religion.
Some other religions’ gods even die and rise again.

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You said, 11.52, that Mary is “most powerful”. This is your own homespun balderdash, because even the corrupt institution you worship says absolutely nothing of the kind. By its standard, you are indeed a heretic, an ignorant fool teaching his own doctrine. You’d have been burned alive years ago, a sight I would have given my left testicle to see.

As for the Bible, it clearly teaches that Jesus had siblings, but your corrupt and godless Church has twisted the meanings of the Greek here to say simply ‘relatives’.

You belong to a lying, cowardly and evil cult. Your posts here prove it.


At 12.28, you are quite wrong. The Catholic Church does teach that Mary, the Mother of God, is ‘most powerful’. In the Litany of Loreto, Mary is extolled as ‘virgin most powerful’.
The Litany was approved in 1587 by Pope Sixtus V.


No, 1.04; it is you who are wrong. The Litany of Loreto is a devotional prayer, not a compendium of Catholic mariology.

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Mary is in the “order of grace”, but is not its summit: “But the Blessed Virgin’s salutory influence on men (sic)… flows from the superabundance… of Christ, rests on his mediation, depends ENTIRELY on it and draws ALL its power from it.”

Has the penny dropped? Mary is not most powerful. Like all followers of Christ, she is power-less without him. She has no power of her own. It is lay Roman Catholics who deify Mary. Like the ignoramus and heretic at 9.49.


@11:10: You make a good point: namely that the ‘virgin birth ‘ myth replicates mythologies similarly found in many previous devotional belief systems worldwide.
Christianity seems to be a right rag bag of beliefs foisted by oppressed Jews onto the JC character, and subsequently formalised into the Christian belief system.


OMG! Patsy I was only asking the Virgo Potens to intercede for you and out came all the heretics in their odious hordes attacking me, but who cares about that lot. They can babble on all they like, I still ask The Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, to me and many the Virgin Most Powerful to pray for you. as you know how fond of you I am, even although we rarely agree.


You mate Fr Magill is in the Andytown news today thanking the community for retrieving stolen equipment. That man would do anything for publicity!


@ 1:04pm

Thank you for pointing that out to that heretic. She is indeed Most Powerful as that ejit will find out. When She crushes him under her heel, as She did to the serpent.


I am Catholic and proud of it. Buckley the Catholic hater should mind his own business. You must really hate us, you talk about us everyday! Why? Why not discuss the Reformation or the reforms you promote.


Phonsie’s support for the wayward abbot was embarrassing. His reputation is in tatters.
Fr. Tom Deenihan then is an Episcopal charlatan, masquerading as a bishop.
Any update from Ray Browne? Has he offered blessings of love for the LGBT community?


Which means that you’re a clerical lackey, God help you. Worshipping a vile and evil institution rather than Jesus Christ.
Roman Catholics are not Christians.


10:52 the clerical lackeys enjoy very good and profitable terms and conditions, don’t underestimate them, none of them doing it for free.


‘Buckley the Catholic hater should mind his own business.’
When you stop trying to enjoin forced birth on the rest of the world we might leave you alone.
Not if it involves abuse of children or vulnerable adults obviously.


10:32 you Roman Catholics demonstrate very effectively & publicly your intense hatred of women and children & disabled people – you are as bad as the Nazis.


Claire Byrne reporting on RTE this morning that dating app grindr is celebrating its 15th Anniversary. A revolutionary development for the clergy!


Social media and mobile phones have a lot to answer for. Priests should only have basic phones (not smartphones) and the only computer should be the parish office one, used only be the secretary and locked up at night. That way there is no temptation. This applies to many laymen too. Similarly, there should be no alcohol in seminaries and presbyteries.
The Murphy Report concluded that a lot of problems arose from the collapse of discipline and the refusal by Dublin diocese to apply canon law sanctions, on ideological grounds and out of a misplaced sense of being merciful and pastoral with offenders, an approach Francis also takes.


Smartphones have played a big part in the exposure of these 2 faced undisciplined and self entitled clergy and their nasty agenda ridden scurrilous buddies.

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Great day for irish clergy when Grindr launched. Simpler than heading off on a monday to boiler house. Risk of being spotted..monkeypox etc.. all you need is a good dick pic, lube and a few condoms.. happy days.. leave app turned on b4 mass to see who might be around..


Us Australians are not happy with the handling of the Synod. Basically they will ask us our opinion to keep us in side when they have already made the decisions for going forward anyway. Fuck the RCC


The city state enclave’s “continental” document claims there is something wrong with common christian baptism, individual conscience and God given conversion. I don’t think even the most mediocre of bishops wished to request that on our behalf.
I look up to Pope St Leo XIII (as far as he went) as charism for our times:
– the pope of Subsidiarity
– the Holy Spirit pope (a believer in the meanings of Scripture – by contrast with the flighty fly by nights who start “works”)
– the St Michael pope
– the workers’ pope
The triumphal “aggiornamento” with its manufactured liturgy wars and studiedly ambiguous bumph, didn’t correct abuses in Ireland or Australia, and only entrenched prayerlessness in England. Those “new movements” that have thought of “introducing” prayer by belated manoeuvring must have known that they were too far behind the curve.
Whilst Jesus’ siblings were not Mary’s, the compulsory attributing of sex obsession (or not) to all and sundry is the result of the city state enclave’s quashing of prayers since 1946 (our actual sex lives were, and are, our own affair).
The sisters concerned will have to prove that they don’t believe in the city state enclave’s ersatz “communion” any more than ersatz “traditionalism”, and that they aren’t just pretending to hear the cry of children. This is why prayer is something we now have to snatch out of thin air: strings of Glory Be’s (uncounted) are surely the way to go. That is our mission no matter how the diplomats find fault with it.
This is why Maximin Giraud and Francisco Marto (both under 12 at the time) and their family / friends were tasked with genuine prayer and hence genuine forewarning: no fusspots put that idea in their minds.
“Aggiornamento”, “new movements” and synodal garden path (identical copies of each other), are dead in the water because of no sincere prayer or reform, neither of which are Roman values.


This order of nuns sounds barking mad. Does + Phonsie keep the key to their chastity belts so that they preserve their faithfulness?


So, Bishop Opus is offering a daycare facility to add to his credit union service, which, apparently, offers favourable terms and conditions
to selective customers. Who is funding Glencomeragh Holy Family mission?


Is this for real? What parent in their right mind would send their child to this? Madness doesn’t even begin to explain it. Question- would any parent send their child to any other organisation which is guilty of some of the worst atrocities against mankind including children? A leopard doesn’t change its spots . And for all you deluded cathbots on here this morning would you ever give your heads a shake and wise up. Children should never ever be put in danger and this venture could damage them psychologically if not physically. Phonsie is out of control


Our parish priest is always out ‘walking’ in forest parks and well known cruising areas. It may only be a coincidence but maybe he should choose his locations better. Worried belfast parishioner


I remember trying it on with my local priest when I was 19, and he respectively turned me down. Same priest was caught in toilets in city centre with a young man and it explains it all.


Ex-Fr Paul King of Clogher was another “one of the lads” who was universally judged by his Maynooth peers to be unsuitable. His behaviour was overlooked by the deans, even when he broke his ankle after falling when climbing over the wall after a night on the lash. The deans knew but didn’t care. Paul did a few years as a priest and then, inevitably, left.


Anyone know the name of the priest who fell in the Sauna in belfast and broke his leg? And then had a cheek to claim against them?


I remember the days when Father Trainor, god rest his soul, made house calls every Christmas, and he gave all his parishioners a teddy bear that he had knitted himself over the course of the year. You don’t get them like that now. Our local priest walks with such a wiggle in his bum and a handbag like Roy Cropper


Veronica Guerin fell foul of the criminal fraternity- they were determined to shut her up permanently.


Pat have you heard the rumours of the cover up in The north. Apparently the local community are trying to keep a lid on it but a priest (was mentioned last week on your blog) was found drunk in the forest and had completely soiled himself both ways. He was found by a local woman who had to call a few local guys to come and take him back home. He’s heading for rehab at some as he’s regularly seen doing mass drunk and it lasts around 15 minutes his sermons are like a race horsing commentary. Yeah we can all have issues but would the local RCC not step in and help the man.


If His eminence Bishop Cean of Cloyne accepts these religious brothers and sisters into his diocese I am happy with that, I understand that the brothers have set up a monastery in Mallow. If I had children I would certainly send send my kids to Catholic school. The alternative is he’ll and domination and possibly exclusion!


Between Gaynooth, pin ups, poppers, cock ups, cover ups, sauna sessions, no confessions,
frills, thrills, Mother Berks, clerical perks…..
The priesthood is rapidly becoming the creepshood!

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11:52 That’s all these priests & bishops appear to be obsessed with, one wonders if they ever say their office any more.


It’s not Irish adults that are surrounding Phonsie. The children that turn up in Cahir will be those of the ‘new Irish’. That Bishop has Karma coming for him.


Eamon Martin and Eugene Sweeney are weighing up the possibility of disclosure their evidence of the current and former seminarians to the PSNI. Armagh has entered its darkest chapter.


The Sisters of Mercy Enniskillen only have a handful left, all old, but they have about 10 separate, expensive bungalows and private houses scattered around Fermanagh, often with just one nun in each dwelling, because they cannot live together in community without blazing rows and factions forming.


The majority of priests are homosexual and I’m sure some are caving in to lust, it’s only human nature.
But this is why it is important that the church moves on with the times.
If the only tribe you can attract to fill priest posts are predominantly gay and the church has vilified these homo’s in past and present, it’s a shocking state of affairs.


When one considers the widespread heartache, abuse, coverup, cruelty meted out by these evil Roman Catholic priests and the types that profit by their association with this toxic Mafia, why would anyone in their right mind let them near their children.


1.16: Mr. Obsessed is back whinging about the Bishop whom hecdesouses. Shamy boy, grow up. Say your prayers. Go to the Bishop. Show us you have moral fibre. You are a grown up man, aren’t you?? Otherwise, find a new cause.


4:26, Fr. Tom Deenihan’s mistreatment of Dom Benedict Andersen, the true Prior of Silverstream, is morally reprehensible and absolutely scandalous. The diocese of Meath is mired in scandal. Fr. Tom Deenihan is fanning the flames of the scandal. Compounding mistake after mistake, and scandalous decision after scandalous decision. Fr. Tom Deenihan’s wrongful episcopal appointment must be annulled?


Why the girls especially at their age of 8-12? Also an important phase of their childhood development as well.
It doesn’t make any sense as they are vulnerable without any adult supervision.
DG doesn’t trust the nuns given his experience with 1st school (look up at Ryan report 1st school) .
Majority of the nuns are decent but it takes one nasty or bitter nun to take over as an Abbess as she roughshod over everything even Mc quaid.
To be honest with you, it’s weird to see a gathering solely on girls?
What’s up?
DG didn’t want to post it cos he doesn’t want to break his sabbatical. So he asked me to post it for him. Also thanks to some posters wishing me new year as well👍.


Why 8-to-12-year-olds? Have an educated guess.
Children of these ages are more trusting, more compliant, less inclined to question, to critique, to complain. They are more vulnerable, more easily exploited.
Never EVER entrust your child to the ‘care’ of a Catholic priest or religious, especially a bishop. If you are obtuse enough to doubt my word here, take even a peek at the global history of these child-molesting, parasitical vermin.


Be careful when calling someone a fool – I see your thirst for orthodoxy doesn’t impact the looseness of your own thinking.
Error can be gently reproached no need for invective and bile.

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When will this altar finally be thrown out or urgently reconsecrated.


“I hear the place is over rated”
Rest easy David and “thank you for the music”.


“All that glitters is not gold”
I’m always wary of statements involving the Holy Spirit, similar to the following as presumably it’s all based on the faith of the person concerned, leaving the rest of us relying on what that person states, with no way for the rest of us to confirm, I am not sure that would be acceptable in any other walk of life.
The Home of the Mother s an International Public Association of Faithful of the Catholic Church began by inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
How do we verify the Holy Spirit INSPIRED the founder who incidentally is a Spanish man, Roman Catholic priest Father Rafael Alonso Reymundo.

A group dedicated to calling women to religious service has been ordered off the Ave Maria University campus after one nun in the group was accused of ‘immoral conduct.’

The superior sister in the Spanish religious group Home of the Mother was recalled to Spain in March, according to the university, after she was accused of having an inappropriate relationship with a female student. According to an initial story on community news website, Sister Maria Elena was accused of having a sexual relationship with the student.

University President Nicholas Healy would not confirm that detail, but said the university is simply referring to it as ‘immoral conduct between the religious sister and a female student.’

The unidentified student was not a minor at that time, Healy said, and she is still enrolled at the university.

Sister Maria Elena was, prior to her removal, a teacher at Roman Catholic Donahue Academy, the primary school in the town of Ave Maria.

1)Religious group kicked off Ave Maria campus for ‘immoral conduct’
By Leslie Williams Hale
Published on: 9/8/2010

2)Ave Maria University Ends Relationship with Order after Conduct Reports
Catholic Online News U.S. News

The School was informed of immoral conduct that occurred between a Roman Catholic nun and a female adult student


It’s intended to stop questioning and give them the high moral ground. It’s a technique used by the whole church guided by god and the immaculate bride of Christ.
You wouldn’t buy a used car from someone who told you it had a full service history but couldn’t produce it, which just shows how people are more inclined to believe nonsense in the religious sphere.

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1:35 don’t be fooled, they trade in nonsense and deflection to distract the authorities away from their “real” business. Jesus is used as a front by the wolves in sheep’s clothing.


and her very special “friends” in the Presbytery have more “issues” than one could shake a stick at.


Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Jan 20, 2023 at 12:10 pm
Read through the article link, your questions will be answered, maybe not to your satisfaction, but the reasons are stated quite clearly, by listening or/and reading.


Reply to ;Anonymoussays:
Jan 20, 2023 at 12:16 pm
Neither is the River Lagan, the river Jordan.
It seems to be a place for criminals to loiter, with attempted robberies, the rape of a 12 year old girl, other sexual offences, hate crimes two Polish men beaten up, suicides.
PSNI advising people to stay away from it.
I’m not sure the River Lagan being mention as the site of Baptist, will be very thrilling for the young person, who may eventually discover where their parent chose for this event.


The Archbishop of Canterbury will not use proposed new prayers to bless same-sex couples.
The Church of England this week said it would offer blessings to gay couples but would not allow priests to marry them.
Justin Welby said he celebrates the change, but has a “responsibility for the whole communion”.
The Church also issued a formal apology for the “shameful” times it had “rejected or excluded” LGBTQI+ people.


8-12 year olds. Sure the priest in our parish will dander in on break time or lunch time and talk to the children in the playground. There needs to be more interaction between priests and children not less.


Why is this priest allowed to ‘dander in on break time or lunch time’ and ‘talk’ to 8-to-12-year-olds? This should raise an almighty red flag! Would an ordinary Jane or Joe be allowed to do this? No, they would not!
This man is being given a pass by the school authorities for one reason: he’s a priest.
Will people ever learn? Roman Catholic priests should be allowed nowhere near such young children.


The Irish women’s football manager is very brave to speak out about the abuse she has suffered. The perpetrators of such heinous crimes must be brought to justice.


Since the eruption instigated by Eamon Casey and all that has publicly emerged in the interim, the latest revelations on Dublin Boiler Room gay sauna for priests & their friends & internet romance fraud & tinder blackmail etc., it’s the tip of the iceberg, keep scratching and digging Bishop Pat, much more to be revealed.


Pat you make it sound like the clergy are organising a mad orgy involving young girl. Give your head a wobble and catch yourself on. You’re imagination is out of control. You need to have a talk with somebody if that’s what you take from this initiative by the clergy.


There must have been something in the waters at De La Salle. Those still in clerical circles and those who were pushed. Watch and wait……..


Good afternoon Bishop.
As an Australian drag queen that once outed and shamed a Priest for his role in breaking my heart and gaslighting me, I would like to thank you for the wonderful work you do in exposing the RCC for what it is.
The institution protects all of them despite their indiscretions and immoral behaviour.

Liked by 1 person

And did Pell defend Det. Ryan (persecuted by Victoria) once he came into the facts in 1996? Which of those two is “cogent”? Which of those two is in better “communion”?


Pat: because our bishops are in sexual arrangements with our MIAs. I have been told this by an infamous cleric. This is why they always have them bu the balls – literally


Money scheming parish priests can leave troublesome legacies in parishes for their successors to deal with.


Bishop Phonsie is a big bully with secrets, the support that Phonsie, Bishop Luggs Monahan and Abbot Coffey in Glenstal showered on Rawhide Purcell speaks volumes. Who exactly are the young men and women living in Phonsies house? Indeed, what’s that all about?


Ex Fr Richard Geoghegan is a fine looking man, God Bless Him. Phonsie is jealous of his good looks and personality and of his popularity & is trying to crush his spirit, that’s what bullies do. Phonsie is a miserable and cruel control freak, he thinks he knows it all and it’s his way or the highway.


Pat, did you hear about Phonsie singling out a teenage boy during confirmations Iin Ballybricken just after he arrived in Waterford. The silly kid was looking at his phone and Phonsie stopped the Mass and said “hey, you down there with the phone! Put it away or get out of here”. You can imagine the shame of the boy. He stayed but I’d say it was the last time he darkened the door of a church. That’s our glorious bishop, Alphonsus, for you.


Amy got rid of a Sr Mary from Armagh who posted a few times on this blog in the past. She would reveal things about the clergy there and she was a mouthy so and so. Amy got shut of her when her identity was exposed by another fellow nun.


Francis has visited more than 50 countries but shuns Argentina. In a long essay in the London Review of Books, Colm Toibin gives some of the reasons, and they are not good for Francis.


Dear Bishop Cullinan,
I know you are a paid up member of Hopeless Days like the Incumbent in Armagh.
Was it Donal O’ Cuilleanan who recruited you ?
I resisted his overtures for assimilation myself.


A Glasgow priest has been convicted of sexually abusing four girls.
Father Neil McGarrity, who has been added to the sex offenders register, targeted his victims at two churches as well as his parish home.
The 68-year-old was found guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court of four sexual assaults and one charge of engaging in sexual activity.
The charges span from December 2017 to February 2020, with the girls aged between 10 and 16.-


Purcell did his ordination retreat in Knock. On that retreat he was accompanied by Neil Dargan. They for the duration of that retreat were shagging the brains out of one another. Purcell never ever intended to be celibate. He was well taught and he taught well in anal sports. They changed Roman Church regulations to make him an abbot. That tells you everything.


Neil will tell you in more graphic details of his sordid sex life as a cleric which include three somes and more somes


5:57 I didn’t need to know that, our children were in St Flannans College in his time.


It would seem that +Phonsie’s response to alleged financial or sexual misconduct contrasts sharply with his treatment of Fr Shirley’s minor waywardness.


Ask Bishop Bling about the cover up from Lisbreen Palace about the shady finances of a church in County Down, that allows a priest to holiday at least 4 times a year


Lisbreen is a luxurious palace where Bishop Balls Can stroll around his 4 acres listening to recordings of the MBE warbler whilst admiring his manicured lawns behind his barricade gates before retiring to his sumptuous drawing room to quaff some wines of finesse


When are you going to send your investigation team to Derty Derry? The shenanigans of Priests up here would make your eyes water Bishop Buckley.


Phonsie cracks down hard on the silliest crap and yet this sets a precedent. Bareback in the scullery’s of wherever you want Fathers but you even think of putting on a pair of knickers and you will get sacked.


Bad things can happen when you cover up fraud. A bank in Enniskillen covered up fraud by an employee, who was sacked but the theft wasn’t reported to the police. The fraudster therefore had a clean record and then went on to get a new job and defrauded another company.
Must be something in the water down there. Fr Jack McCabe was a teacher in St Michael’s College, Enniskillen. When Bishop Joe Duffy learned of Fr McCabe’s CSA he didn’t report him to the police and in fact gave him a reference which helped him secure another teaching job in Hazelwood Integrated College near Belfast.


Maynooth hasn’t had a functioning can law department for many years. The so-called faculty of canon law has only one member of staff – Mullaney – who is also the President. Is it any wonder that the canonical process has broken down, with bishops either refusing to take action or being excessive when they do.


Pat a priest in Tyrone said that when getting his new house built, he was told to “plan out whatever he wanted” and it would be approved. Does this sound accurate? It’s a one priest parish.


Ordinary parishioners are not aware of the level of corruption. They think Eamon Casey and Michael Cleary were the exception. Pat Buckley stories need to be circulated to a wider practicing audience.


Why don’t bishops live more frugally, simply, and humbly? Because Jesus’ example isn’t worldly enough for them. And the Sheep facilitate this with continued donations. The Sheep need to take care: they, too, are not following Jesus, but are trailing after these men, blind guides who will lead them nowhere except to Perdition.


Bishop Casey died not knowing his own name in Nursing Home in Co Clare with nothing. But I certainly know all the carers and patients knew him well down there for years. He got a girl pregers and took care of the lad.


Bishop Eamon Casey removed from Arundel & Brighton Diocese after his niece Patricia Donovan confirmed he raped her for years when she was a childsays:

4:59 Bishop Casey’s niece, Patricia O Donovan, reported him for repeatedly raping her when she was a child. Bishop Casey also was reported for offences against other children. He was removed from the Diocese of Brighton & Arundel on the instructions of their safeguarding officer, Kieran O’Brien to the Irish dumping ground for paedophile priests a nursing home in County Clare Ireland. Annie Murphy confirmed that Bishop Casey put pressure on her to have an abortion, he stole church money to keep her quiet and he never made any effort & had no relationship with his son.


The day that Phonsie refused +Pat communion at Mgr Shines funeral I remarked to my housekeeper that Cullinan will pay for that. I told her that Karma would bite his arse and that Buckley would get his revenge. Looks like its payback time


The present Pomeroy PP and the interior of his house, well he was already accustomed to those stylish tastes in his former parish and his home parish also. David Moore was CC in Magherafelt, a native of Holywood parish, Co. Down. I knew him from Wexford days where his nickname was mammy moore because he mothered the younger sems.


A priest in W&L often referred to the Sinking Ship (Titanic).
He’s now a youngish RETIRED priest.
He referred to his bed as his w*nking chariot 🍆
(Not from the pulpit obviously 🙄)


Fr John McKeever is a decent gentle and compassionate priest with religion and God being his life. A great man of God.


A Derry woman joined this Order of Nuns. Sr. Clare Crocketts journey is profiled in ALL OR NOTHING, a film about her teenage years, her faith, doubts, struggles, her early adult years and her encounter with Jesus Christ, eventually leading her to this Order. I advise all on here should have a look at this video on You Tube. It’s an amazing spiritual journey about her life and that of other sisters. She died tragically but heroically in attempting to save children in her school which was flattened by an earthquake. Hers is an inspiring story. Sr. Clare is buried in Derry and her grave is a place of prayer for many peoole, including young people. Her life story told in print and film has influenced many young people in their lives. Sadly, when Pat tags negative labels to people as he has done with this Order of Nuns, he unleashes a poisonous narrative of ridicule, disapproval and mockery. These young committed sisters are a powerful witness to the TRUTH of Jesus and his gospel. I’ve met them in Ireland. I am touched by their prayer, commitment to Christ and their desire to lead youth to Jesus. They deserve our support not our mockery. Considering the awful things youth are exposed to in society, they need spiritual and moral guidance. Look at the website of these Sisters and you’ll find lots of information about Sr. Clare and other wonderful sisters..God bless them.


“Considering the awful things youth are exposed to in society…”? What? Like the malevolent influence of Roman Catholic priests and religious?
And, Jeez! You actually suggest exposing them to that self-same malevolent influence as a remedy? The irony here went right over your head, didn’t it?


6.14: No sir. No irony went beyond me. The dangers facing children and young people obviously do not cross your raydar. You’re not a parent, I suspect, so you’d be clueless. Do you read the papers? Do you listen to young people about their worries, concerns and future? Do you ever listen to parents worries about their children? Do you work in any capacity with young peoole? I could go on and I suspect the answer to these questions would be a definite NO. Sir, I work in a school and community setting along with six other adults with young vulnerable children and teenagers. Perhaps doing something similar in the REAL WORLD might quickly remove your ignorance and cynicism. And, let me assure you, the parents for whose children we provide assistance and support are so appreciative of this CATHOLIC initiative…professionally run and organised. To annoy you even more: we spend time once a week praying gospel stories where the attendees act out the gospel scenes. What a wonderful outreach. God is good indeed.



Seriously, you are the clueless one if you truly believe that exposing children to the tender malevolence of Romanist priests and religious is a moral and spiritual counterweight to the perceived dangers of the modern world, then have a ‘dekko’ at those papers you mentioned. Because you are worryingly, seriously, out of touch about the reality of the people you see, collectively, as an ‘efficacious guide to youth’.

Funnily enough, those words remind me of a certain dead Pope and a former, dead leader of the Legion of Christ. You’re in great, papal company for spouting absolute bullshit.


8.55: Your response to my comment at 7.59 is total bullshit cluelessness and a deliberate misinterpretation of my comment. It’s typical of Catholic haters. I make no apology for my work with the children, teenagers and parents with whim I work. We are trained professionals. Sir, you’re the one that needs to loik beyond your narrow life’s experiences. After years we have never ever been found to be irresponsible or careless in our outreach programmes. Of course you misread: while it’s a Catholic initiative, there are no priests or religious involved except myself. We act caringly, wisely, responsibly and can always for the benefit if all. What a pathetic ignoramus you are to want to be so malicious in intent. You have difficulty with TRUTH…Don’t you? Come and See if you wish..


Pat there are several priests in Belfast that use Grindr, I chatted to one for a long time.
He sent me an expiring face picture and I recognised him but don’t know his name, someone is bound to know it.


EVERY Diocese & EVERY Religious Order on the island of Ireland needs
to be investigated.
Safeguarding MUST be completely independent of the RCC.


Imagine specifically asking for young girls – is this because they are safer than boys
Is Da Phonz a gay?


40 odd years ago I remember a De la Salle brother absolutely beating the crap out of another brother he had found interfering with a student. In front of a class of 30+. Will never forget it


And I remember a de la Salle brother, head at my old school, Red High Downpatrick. Albert was a sadistic bastard who “slapped” with various items, hammer shaft, rulers and cane, for fairly minor misdemeanours. That was in 1950’s. He’s long dead and I’d piss on his grave if I knew where.


Fr Neil McGarrity who has been found guilty in Glasgow today of sexual offences against four young girls is part of the Mother Burke fan club.
He is also a well known right winger whose sermons often were anti sex before marriage and warning of the dangers of wanking.
Now he has been unmasked.
I now look at every priest and think…….I wonder……


Homosexual grooming and predatory behaviour went on in seminary back in the day. I know for a fact. The clerical student who made advances towards me was known by faculty to have acted out before I entered seminary. He was subsequently ordained. The faculty knew of his predatory behaviour. The Church now has a pandemic of parasitic predatory gay men.


Pat, it is clear that you are scratching uncomfortably close to the bone of many clerics In Ireland and elsewhere from reading the reactions their members post on your blog, there’s an awful more to be revealed. Keep up the good work.


We don’t know the half of it, but they end up attracting interest because they are so inquisitive themselves and take it too far.


It is a paradox that two institutions that are fundamentally anti gay – the RCC and the Conservative Party – both seem to attract young gay may as their most active adherants. Look at Maynooth and look at Tory supporter Twitter accounts if you are in any doubt. All the gay Tory boys were out in force in support of Penny Mordaunt and all their young researchers and special advisers seem to be gay. Likewise every sem and new priest since about 2000. It’s very strange.


Would any priest on this blog have a heated church for the poor people on RTE News bulletin that are freezing in a disused cold church since last night? They’d been living in Red Cow for the past year but were moved yesterday.


6.31:::::Meanwhile our government is beginning to realise the enormous challenge we have…and it’s not living up to its responsibilities. Parents recently had protests outside schools which housed refugees during Christmas holidays…They weren’t informed by the school boards that this was happening. A complete – probably deliberate – breakdown in communication by all relevant agencies which led to the almost lynch mob style protest…I know of priests who visited refugees with christmas gifts and food and wete mocked and ridiculed…all from parents whose children are in a Catholic School…Their Christianity doesn’t exist. I believe with the recent announcement that we have no further space for incoming refugees is very alarming. It feeds into a “them” and “us” conflict and as we have seen recently some protesters are supported by far right extremists who have no time for the marginalised outsider.


Detroit Catholic [Archdiocese of Detroit MI]
Damien Fisher
Jan 19, 2023.
“As Theodore McCarrick faces criminal charges for allegedly sexually abusing a 16-year-old boy, the disgraced former cardinal’s legal defense team is now claiming he is in steep mental and physical decline and therefore not able to stand trial. ” Although the alleged abuse took place more than 50 years ago, McCarrick halted the expiration of the statute of limitations by leaving the state after the abuse took place, allowing for the criminal charges to finally be brought years later, according to attorney Mitchell Garabedian. Garabedian is representing the alleged victim in the case, who is pursuing civil trials against McCarrick in New York and New Jersey courts. If McCarrick is ultimately found incompetent to stand trial, that will not stop the civil cases, Garabedian said. “For decades, I’ve seen priests as criminal defendants claim to have all of a sudden become infirm, mentally incompetent, or otherwise not able to testify,” Garabedian said. “It does not come as a surprise to me that Cardinal McCarrick would be trying to avoid a criminal trial taking place for reasons related to his mental or physical health.”


I was sexually active, but not on a huge scale as a clergy man and never felt remorse or guilt about it. I felt more pity for the vow of chastity that has to take place.


I love priests, they are so caring and sharing. They’d never let you sleep on the floor or in a tent! Bunch up guys & gals!


My first few days back at work have been atrocious. I have been verbally and mentally abused but I am taking each day as it comes, thank the lord it’s Saturday, out to the Glenowen for lunch and plenty of wine after; have a lovely day our Pat and all readers.


They should just start ordaining robots with artificial intelligence. Sure they have feelings just like us. Our lives are already controlled by robots, traffic lights etc. The other day a bloody robot asked me to prove I was not a robot online by picking out images of buses! The world has gone mad!


Bishop Pat I love days like this when you allow loads of hate filled troll comments from the ‘faithful’, which are clearly intended to turn your blog into a hellsite but just show their ‘church’ is a hellsite.


7.24: I disagree with your blame game re: this blog being overrun by cathbot trolls. I guarantee you, if you read carefully many repeat commenters, you can only conclude that the contributors are mostly disgruntled ex Catholics, seminarians and modern day haters of the Church. I can safely say I’m correct in this observation. These layabout trolls use this blog to proclaim their hatred, disdain and contempt for all things Catholic. Apart from a few intelligent commenters of religious faith and none, the majority of commenters repeat their hate and bigotry in sound bytes over and over again. Often when challenged these uneducated cowards go into hiding. Put a rational, cogent argument and comment to them and they can hardly spell, let alone express themselves beyond one sentence!!!


7:45 conveniently ignores the fact that this blog supports victims and survivors of Roman Catholic Church related abuse and wrong doing. 😒
Remind us again what it is you do for them. Oh yes, breach their rights in any way you can in retaliation for them reporting your evil colleagues.


Have you read the latest NCR bulletin? Says that Cardinal Pell’s anonymous ‘catastrophe’ memorandum has ‘stained’ his legacy. (Truth be told, it isn’t Pell’s only such stain.🤣)
Jesuit Thomas Reece described Pell as ‘cowardly’ and ‘disloyal’.
I wonder how the lardy Latino, Papa Francesco (who backed Pell after his conviction for child rape was overturned on a technicality) feels about the ‘cowardly’ and ‘disloyal’ ‘Prince of the Church’ who stabbed him in the back. Hopefully, Francis feels a total arsehole, because this is what he is.


Pat I am taking it that you have little or no time for Religious Communities like the Sisters or Servants of the Home of the Mother who have communities in Waterford/Tipperary/Cork as well as in the North West of the Country. I take it that you think that the Priests, Brothers and Sisters who are part of the Community are somewhat mad. Are you aware that Part of the community for a number of years up to the time of her death was Sr. Claire Crockett from Derry, who I understand was much loved by those that knew her. Sr. Ruth O’Callaghan is another Irish Sister who was part of the community, who died of Cancer at a young age. There is also Irish Priests in the Community living in Ireland and other parts of the world. I take it you think they are mad. Do you believe that the likes of Sr. Claire and Sr. Ruth are in Heaven or are they somewhere else for joining what is a Spanish Community and not an American or Canadian community as suggested by some on here. I have met some working in the Community who live here in Ireland and found them to be very genuine people.


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