


I hardly ever put a long video as my Blog.

But this one is very different.

It is a massive insight into the financial corruption of the current Vatican.

It also connects FRANCIS and PETER’S PENCE to that corruption.

Watch it.

Let us know what you think


What a high and absolute farce! Mr Bean dabbles in the London property market, and, oddly enough, all went according to the worst-possible scenario.🤣
From questionable sourcing of funds through ill-considered real-estate investment to gross contractual oversight by the Vatican. The mind would boggle if it weren’t already roaring with laughter at the slapstick behaviour of these commercial dilettantes.
Still, I don’t believe that there was any ill-intent by Becciu. Did he plot to siphon off Vatican funds from Peter’s Pence for his personal gain in the London property market? This won’t be a popular view, but I suspect that he simply hoped to increase those funds through judicial investment in real estate. Innocent enough, I suppose, and an act of apparent good, if bungling faith; but poor Becciu was clearly out of his depth, like other Vatican figures, in the world of investment mammon.
It wasn’t an easy documentary to follow. The English translation appears auto-generated, like the kind found on YouTube videos. At times, the irritating narration sounded nonsensical. Still, there was enough clarity for me to judge that the Vatican here seems to have been more sinned against than sinning.
Pro-tip: If there’s a next time guys, leave investments to the REAL money experts. Stick to piety and prayers. (You do remember what these are, don’t you? 🤔) The Lord will surely provide… if you allow him to.🤣


I agree with you about Becciu’s competence. Ironic that the experts in humanity mess up investment as well as being unable to predict the effect of trying to keep clerical crime quiet.
I wonder what else they’ve got wrong?
(Hint: everything)

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Thank you for sharing this video +Pat. It consolidates what is known. The reactions of clergy & their cohorts on this blog and elsewhere also speak volumes. The RCC is a business exploiting Jesus himself by using his suffering as a front shop window. They are the modern day Judas.

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7.59: Not you, dumbo again! Tell us if you’ve done anything constructive or fruitful re: your soul mate, Dom Benedict. Have you written to the Bishop, have you asked to see him, have you invited Dom Benedict to stay awhile with you, have you written to any Dicastery at the Vatican? If you can answer YES to these questions, then we’ll believe you are truly concerned. Otherwise, shut up. Your lacking of moral courage is explained by you being a Catholic cleric! Simple as.


11:23, has it ever occurred to you that this blog is a far more powerful medium for holding bishops accountable than writing private letters to bishops and the Holy See?


But your argumenta ad hominem show up your shortcomings. Easily ruffled. I wonder why?


11:23, is it better to be excommunicated for what is right rather than remain for what is wrong?
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.


Good afternoon Seamusviii

Cackle Daly unintentionally handed Bishop Pat Buckley that most valuable of gifts:


It makes me chuckle to imagine the old witch turning in his grave in rage! 😇

Those who are “compromised” fear the spotlight of Buckley’s Blog and all of the other groups and organisations that now work internationally with victims, survivors, family and friends of those abused.

And don’t forget the densely populated continents of Africa and Asia haven’t even started yet.


Nothing would surprise at this stage, the Roman Catholic Church has been proven time and time again to be an incredibly evil and corrupt international institution from the bottom to the top. It’s assets should be seized and it’s victims recompensed. It’s the only fair solution after the sufferings these evil bastardos & their networks inflict.

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No shit, Jose ? Corruption in the Vatican ? Always has been. Some of those cardinals and Vatican top bosses live very nice lives, all paid for by some grey economy of the Vatican. I think there is very little accountability or transparency, and what little is presented is just a fig leave to cover up what is really happening. I’m afraid that, as with all things with the Church, I find myself unable to believe what I am told, because I no longer have trust or faith in the Church and its apparatchiks. I mean, the lied to us on an industrial scale about sexual abuse of children and the vulnerable. How can we believe them about anything else ?

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8:32 don’t kid yourself they “all” live very privileged lives as long as they do whatever is necessary to protect church income streams.


How we were fooled over the decades. How I remember growing up and giving my pocket money for Peter’s Pence thinking that it was going to go in to the Pope’s hands and he was going to use it for good purposes and especially for those who were the least fortunate. And how wrong I was. How I was fooled. Well, you fooled the child, but the man is no longer fooled. You’ve burned your boats with me.

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You would have to be really really stupid to contribute anything to the church of Rome at this point.
And if anyone pops up to say that I don’t give, of course I don’t. If you want an explanation I refer you back to my first sentence above.

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Some givers donate generously from ill gotten sources but that wouldn’t bother the RC by now internationally synonymous with child trafficking, enforced slavery, document forgery, paedophile rings and complicit cover up mechanisms and networks in various methods of exploiting the vulnerable in numerous jurisdictions.

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Hugo at 11:59, you never hear any moaning from the givers because they’re too busy going baaaaaa. 🐑


Reply to; Anonymoussays:
Feb 18, 2023 at 9:07 am
Me too, and at least 359,000 German ROMAN CATHOLICS.
According to data from the German Roman Catholic bishops’ conference, at least 359,000 Roman Catholics left the Roman Catholic German Church in 2021, a jump from 221,390 in 2020.
But in 2021, 228,000 PROTESTANTS also quit their faith in Germany, up from 60,000 in 2020.12.
Aug 2022
Do you have to pay a tithe in Germany?
Taxpayers, whether Roman Catholic, Protestant or members of other tax-collecting communities, pay an amount equal to between 8% (in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg) and 9% (in the rest of the country) of their income tax to the church or other community to which they belong.

So presumably the 2021 Roman Catholics in Germany who have left the church did so formally, thereby discontinuing their tithe to the business.


Interesting to see all those Protestants leaving their churches too.
Perhaps someone would like to explain how Vatican 2 is behind that as well, as they always pretend it is for the Catholics™️.
Hint: it isn’t and those who claim it is are clerical drag queens.


The spirit of Vatican II runs through German Protestantism, hence its massive decline.


Vatican financial corruption have been going on since 1980s from David Yallop book.
Rem Calvi, freemasonry and mafia. I was watching movie- godfather part 3 as it reminded me of this.
What was interesting in the video was that beechi or Vatican prelate moved finance out of reach as regards to charity regulator and the IOR.
Therefore no accountability.
Shady deals re percentage of shares and Vatican made a colossal mistake providing a guy worth 200 M into his bank account without concluding a deal. Thus He was only using the Vatican for his own ends.
No due diligence from the vatican as I could gather from the video. I remember my ex lecturer saying he doesn’t trust the Italians.


To stop corruption stop giving money to the organisation. Fr. Brendan Hoban ACP, was on Midwest radio last weekend talking about money and church. He said is not wealthy but poor. He said his diocese publishes accounts that are displayed on church entrance and on newsletter. Monica was asking about how much priests were receiving in salaries. Some figures were mentioned but I suspect they are getting alot of brown envelopes..

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Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Feb 18, 2023 at 1:40 pm
More like brown noses…….


Bit of a slow day today, + Pat ? Not much interest in Vatican corruption and financial misdoings. However, it is important. It’s another example of the Church and the clerical culture thinking they are above accountability and transparency. That leads to all sorts of other sins, as we have seen. Wow, when you think back and remember how naive we were in just taking clergy at their word. Now we believe nothing they say. Not even when they say they are sorry when they get caught out.

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I wonder has that barely wet behind the ears priest in Brum, Sean Gough, been called in for a little talking to by the VG yet ? He needs to be told to keep his head low and just get on with his work rather than grandstanding. It doesn’t help the message or him. One lesson he probably hasn’t learned yet is that the more you put yourself out there the more you become an interest for others who will find out everything about you. And none of us, including Fr Gough, will want it all put out there, now, would we ? I suspect the VG will be saying as much to him ! Just sharing a bit of wise reality with the young man.


This blog is great. I really enjoy it. I just wish Bishop Pat would publish more negative stories about the church , the way main stream media do , like Irish times. The paper of record I believe 😂.


How can seminarians take themselves seriously, knowing what we know about them and how they behave ? How can they look forward to a life of duplicity and lies, a parallel existence to what they will promise and profess ? It stinks right from day one. And, I reckon most of them know it, and are persuaded to buy in to it. They know instinctively that this will be a privileged, cosseted existence for life, with not much asked of them, and always the ability to use the clerical exceptionalism excuse. We let them get away with it…..


1.46: Were you rejected as a prospective candidate for a seminary somewhere? You are making very unfair assumptions. As per usual…God help you in your disappointments and failures.


Thank you for your reply and yes I will be honest. I was indeed rejected from seminary. I applied and was interviewed but told that God was calling me elsewhere. I have been praying and discerning and hope to make contact with Bishop Pat to begin discussions on possibly being ordained into the Oratory society.


1:46 That’s the wrong question.
The right question is what sort of person would apply for ministry in a church where the clergy are commonly assumed to be paedophiles (regardless of whether this is true) and pretend to be celibate.
The correct answer to this question will explain everything.

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There is no such presumption. What about your own parting of the ways with the seminary? Some very wise seminary council!!


When Dom Richard and Fr John Walsh OP, prior of the Dominican seminary in Dublin were dining recently, were they talking of introducing age limits for new members?


1:48 they’d take anyone at this rate, doubt they bother checking their teeth.
As long as a new one could be relied on to keep his mouth shut, he’d be grand in more ways than one.


The monks of Norcia have an upper age limit of 30.
But tell me again how the trad movement isn’t as gay as tits and looking for young men.


Fr John Hyacinth Walsh op is no longer the prior of St Saviours Dominick Street; shes now in charge of the St Martin Apostolate, selling religious tat to granny’s. Lives in a fantasy land of her own creation. Shes a gossipy aul cow, jealous and vindictive of people who are intelligent and successful than her. Was a great friend of the peadaphile priest Vincent Mercer and Leo McCormack, who ran the orphanage on Dominick street. A maynooth reject of course. I suspect shes using st Martin funds to support his peadaphile friend Vincent Mercer


The period before 1978 normalised sexual crimes and sexually-tinted moral and emotional objectively real offences against subordinates and minors. The triple “remedy” was to move in funny money (in a bigger way), make intense sacrament worship compulsory, and deploy back channels widely, thereby quadrupling the ills.
On a completely separate note what do readers think about “reverse money laundering” – ought the police to be interested (it is intended to make rather a lot of work for them)?
The better sort of priests and bishops know what is alluded to by “widely deployed back channels” and they know that we know there is nothing they can do about it. We laity can vote by simply planting our bottoms on the pew during all ceremonies for more than the canonical 1 year and 1 day (unlike in Islam, our mere attending, should we want to, is non-binding). But anyone that “desired” to turn clergy, however decent they were at the time, has got themselves in a pickle.


It is if you or your monogamous partner have been unfortunate enough to contract it in one of the other ways it’s transmitted.
Come back when you understand how this works.


What’s the formation in the Dublin Redemptorist house of studies like? How well qualified in the area of formation is the head of formation? Maybe a current receiver or recent product can provide an accurate account of their experience.


3:28 You’re obviously undatable in some way, because I haven’t yet seen a monk I would even think of shagging. Like the priesthood the only ones who remain are those who can’t make any other sort of life for themselves, can’t tell mummy why they’ve never found the right girl to marry, or are otherwise inadequate in some way.


The wily old Jesuit was in on the deal and, agreed with it.
If I was practising, I would not even give the one penny I use to give, to the annual collection, Peter’ Pence, I always felt uneasy about it.
Becciu took the rap for Francis, no wonder Francis overtly has taken Bacciu back into the inner sanctum just recently.
Francis knew where the money was borrowed from, to enable the purchase of the property, shame on him.
One more example of the duplicitous Vatican’s trustworthiness
EXPLAINER: Behind the Vatican’s London real estate …
AP News › article › london-europe-voting-ri…
3 Jul 2021 — Prosecutors have acknowledged that Pope Francis was aware of the deal, and even attended a December 2018 meeting with Torzi.


2:59 My poor mother christened me Carmel, that was back when everyone believed nuns and priests were Saints. I’m 62 now and I wish to God she hadn’t named me after anyone connected to this false religion.


You think that’s bad, Carmel? My second name is Attracta and my sisters were called Felicity, Perpetua and Immaculata. Thankfully my first name is Mary so I can disguise it. My mum was called Agatha so I guess we all have very Catholic names.


Pope Francis has a loose relationship with money and fiscal controls whilst masquerading as the avenging angel fighting Vatican Corruption.
He once demanded 25 million from a Trust Fund in the US no questions asked – questions were asked and they released 12.5 million pissing Francis odd no end.


Pope JPII siphoned off cash from Vatican coffers to fund Solidarity the Polish Trade Union and the Banco Ambrosia Scandal was on his watch with the murder of Calvi and disappearance of 1.3 billion.


I know somthing terrible that John H Walsh op did, to cover up for his peado mentor Mercer. It also involves the former provincial Gregory Carroll op, now superior of Holy cross Tralee


5.16: The monk is sorry he ever met you as he claims you gave it to him by having unprotected sex which you insisted on. You were reckless. Utterly so.

Fr Sean Gough is being used by this organisation. Slickly produced video, legal fees paid etc. I don’t think me knows what he’s getting in to. Nursie needs to have a talk with him. This could end up very serious stuff for Gough. Criminal record etc. He doesn’t understand the consequences. Lamb unto the slaughter. I hope he listens to wiser voices.


A very good and sincere video. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. It is a very sad day in our country when you cannot pray in silence.
It would fit the police better to go after the rapists, paedos and murderers. Free speech is now a crime. We are heading the north Korea way by the wpkers.


Despite everything, Pat and other libs who admire Bergoglio, say that to be a proper RC you have to believe, trust and accept meekly and without criticism, every word that comes out of the papal mouth and do everything that his Vatican henchmen tell you to do.


Brum has a couple of young clergy – Gough and I think his name is Newell he may be a Passionist who are social activists and get arrested etc – pisses off the boring, stay at home, can’t be arsed brigade who populate Brum – Nursie is such a pussy he ain’t gonna say boo to a goose and his VGs both current and past are scared shitless of standing up for anything.


I don’t think Newell is young anymore, and is another of those ones who thinks that he’s right about everything and goes on and gets himself in to trouble. The Passionists would gladly be rid of him if they could. A lot of what the Gough and Newells of this world are about is themselves. They love the limelight. They just don’t realise how dangerous the limelight can be. Gough will back off pretty soon. There is too much there that is awkward for him which he will not want to be out there. But, sadly at his expense, it will be out there one day if he doesn’t dial it back quite a bit. He’s playing in a fire pit that he doesn’t understand is going to burn him. Ah, the innocence of youth !


I can’t see he could have survived Oscott without a bit of cassock lifting. Its institutionaly gay


It was a lovely idea to give your readers a ‘bit of homework’ to watch the video. But the general attention span just didn’t work. Maybe in future short paragraphs with few words and even some photos. The general clergy, educated in country seminaries, or who completed the basic in Maynooth, will be able to cope. Good luck with any other ‘long’ items.


Anodyne report about WWF-style show scrap. A clergyman I read about claimed to be on a par with Hitler (implying parishioners were too).


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