



Bishop Pat,

Did you know that in his new move and appointments Christopher Morris has been appointed Chaplain to St Philips List D School in Airdrie?

He is a serious threat to these vulnerable teen boys. It wasn’t included in official notice for obvious reasons. He’s boasting about it! Safeguarding! Motherwell! Holy Toaly is one crazy!

Also Deacon Colum Martin is a close friend and serious drinking partner of Anne Marie Clements aka the ‘Provo Princess’ a primary school teacher who was banned from the classroom for glorifying the IRA in her tweets for which she was convicted at Paisley Sheriff Court.


Anne-Marie Clements was convicted at Paisley Sheriff Court last year of posting “grossly offensive” messages and she has now agreed to be struck off teaching register.

A primary teacher who glorified the IRA in a series of Tweets has agreed to be banned from the classroom.

Anne-Marie Clements, who called herself the “Provo Princess”, was convicted at Paisley Sheriff Court last year of posting the “grossly offensive” messages and fined £600.

Clements, who also lost her job at St Mark’s Primary in Barrhead, East Renfrewshire, has now consented to be struck off the teaching register.


Like with Morris, Holy Toaly was warned not to accept Colum Martin back to seminary after being thrown out for thuggish and loutish behaviour but once again Holy Toaly’s penchant for young men was out of control.

Both thrown out of Rome, both accepted back in the face of opposition and both sent to Oscott which is now the Scottish National Seminary of Rejects like Wonersh once was.​

We all know what Morris and Martin have over Holy Toaly and Steve Robson of Dunkeld.


Crooks and criminals and their cohorts are a tight knit group and they ordain those twinks from within their inner circles.

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Once again we are reminded that cathbots have literally no understanding of safeguarding at all.
As far as I know the concerns raised about Morris were that he was said to be gay.
That doesn’t make him a safeguarding risk any more than appointing a gay teacher to an approved school is.
Unless you are, in fact, a bigot yourself.
The posts of the past couple of days have illustrated perfectly the bigotry and complete ignorance of the nature of abuse and safeguarding among Roman Catholics.
Once again, Bishop Pat, thank you for allowing them to display what they’re about.


My understanding is that there were allegations of bullying and allegations of a sexual nature. The concerns are more than his sexuality


Interesting that both these characters, Martin and Morris, after having been thrown out of previous seminaries (Scots College, Rome ?) end up at Oscott. You would have thought that Oscott would be a bit more cautious and prudent in the rejects it accepts, and then super vigilant about people it accepts and approves for ordination. Oscott does not have a good record. Besides these two, we can add to the list Jolly, and I think that PB JPL was there too ?! And, no doubt, many others that have kept out of the headlines but have gone on to do interesting activities after graduation from Oscott. What is happening at Oscott ? Who runs the place ? Do they know what they are doing ? Oscott, or Gaycott, is notorious. The recently publicised Fr Gough, of Pro-Life and Pro-Free Speech fame, had an interesting time at Oscott, I believe ! And now butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth. Well…. !!!


You are right, there is a very homoerotic and secret underbelly to Oscott, both in the staff and the seminarians. I guess it just passes over the head of + Longley who himself is a camp, gentle old Queen living in domestic harmony with His Dominic, and he probably doesn’t even sense that there is such a whiff about the place, so used is he to it. But, really, somebody does need to take a good look at the place. Not just a cursory look, but an in-depth look at the culture, what they are teaching, how they are teaching it, the quality of teaching, whether what they are doing is appropriate to a Church in 2023 or still hankering after the Church of 1950. There are some very serious questions to be asked. Except on blogs like this, I don’t sense that anybody has the guts to ask those questions. It’s in the ‘too difficult’ pending tray.


One of the staff members has a colourful gay past and was best friends with a convicted nonce. Nursie does not care about the quality of his formation staff.


Big Brother at 10.42 seems very well informed. Do tell us what seminary teaching upsets you?


Brendan Marshall on BBC Nolan Live tonight. He has come a long way. Fair play to him. Wonder does he keep in touch with his old Maynooth classmates Fr Wilson and Fr McAleer?


Government Education Ministers and Ministers for Health in every country must be held accountable for allowing their cronies in The Roman Catholic Church to place deviant clerics in schools and hospitals. This amounts to reckless endangerment and it is clear that the Roman Catholic Church is completely and blatantly unwilling to self-govern in a safe or competent manner that eliminates ongoing risks to vulnerable groups in this case schoolchildren, vulnerable teenagers and hospital patients of all ages. School and hospital management also have a track record in colluding against school children & hospital patients & their families if they fear risk of legal action and it’s entirely unacceptable for these cover up merchants to allow deviant clerics into schools and hospital settings.


Fr Christopher Morris, School Chaplain, St Philips List D School, Airdrie, Scotland.says:

So, the appointment of Fr Christopher Morris as School Chaplain has been deliberately excluded in the official notices…….. Same modus operandi in every Roman Catholic country. Same old…same old….. However, the clerics and their catlick cover up merchants can be very informative when it suits their own self interested agendas.


My Mom once told me that she walked into a room where a couple of friends were discussing her, they didn’t know she was there. She shook her head, smiled and walked away. 🕊
My Mom also told me that she had a friend who talked bad about her, she never knew that Mom found out, Mom never mentioned it. She smiled and walked away from this friendship. 🕊
She told me she had family who chose to shift her out of their life because she stood up for herself for a change. And because she stopped crossing oceans for them when they would not even help her cross a bridge. She smiled, shook her head and walked away. 🕊
So I asked her how she could just walk away from people that betrayed her while pretending to be her friends or family? 🕊
She answered that every time she came to a crossroad like that, she had to decide who will be going forward on her journey with her. This showed her who she cannot take along with her. 🕊
So she explained to me that you should never get mad at a person who betrays you, even in the name of friendship or family. Just gracefully bow out and enjoy your journey with all the new people God puts in their place. 🕊
– Credits goes to the unknown Author


No surprise that some Scottish priests glorify the PIRA: Didn’t at least 60 priests in Northern Ireland, including the odious Fr James Chesney, pro-actively assist PIRA terrorism? Scotland is, arguably, just as sectarianly divided as Northern Ireland.
These ‘Christmen’ were murderers, either in the legal or moral sense, or in both. This is what can happen when people (ordinands for the priesthood) pledge obedience to men (bishops) rather than to God.
If these ordinands are so far removed from Christ (all of them are) that they’ll willingly, ritually, pledge obedience to bishops over the God they would claim to serve, then serially raping children, and having it covered up by other priests, is but a prelude to cheerleading for such evil and criminal organisations as the PIRA, and its acts of political mass murder.
Anyone who contributes even moral support for the Roman Catholic institutional church is guilty of the most egregious error. He should be utterly and profoundly ashamed of himself.


And you would have had to make a promise of obedience if your seminary council of formation hadn’t stepped in. We can be grateful they did that.


Rather hysterical , don’t you think ? Ireland has been terrororised and brutalised by generations of English occupiers , even Presbyterian settlers fought back . When the Nazis occupied and terrorised millions in Europe, the Resistance were known as Partisans . We see Ukrainian Resistance to Putin now referred to as partisans in serious media, never terrorists


Fr Christopher Morris, Deacon Colum Martin, Bishop Joseph Toal & Bishop Stephen Robson of Dunkeldsays:

Bishops & their Twinks and the anti social thug teacher brigade, same story in many Roman Catholic Church and school communities. Birds of a feather flock together.


The clergy and their types are modern day terrorists, so no surprise that Deacon Colum Martin is regularly out on the lash with the Provo Princess teacher. Abusive priests are rarely held properly to account for terrorising little boys before they raped them in Roman Catholic schools.


Father Ger Fitzgerald and his Fan club kept placing scripture cards and sayings on the Cloughleigh Facebook which were directed at the victim somehow they have all disappeared off the Facebook page and even the recorded Masses from 10 weeks previous have all disappeared from the facebook.
Ger even used his Homilies to drive hatred towards the victim and is still not telling his fan club the truth and went further sent a lying email to be read out on Sunday.
It is a shocking that a Priest can act in such a callous way towards anyone however what it tells me and surely must strike home to his Bishop and fellow Clergy that there is no Vocation there it is just a job to Ger Fitzgerald.


Why does it shock you that a priest can act in such a callous way? You’ll be telling us next that you actually have moral expectations of these men.
When you’re wallowing in the mud, people expect you to come up dirty. Priests love to wallow in the mud.

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Priests ultimately only do what their church condones and the Irish church has a long and shameful history of abusing vulnerable and disabled children and women, this hasn’t changed and never will because they get off on inciting hatred on anyone that seeks justice due to them from RCC interests.


4:44 inciting hatred toward victims & survivors is commonplace in the daily modus operandi of clerics and their members in the Roman Catholic Church.


Bishop Pat/Carole,
can any of you give us an update on Ger Fitzgerald? Is he still a priest? Pat you blogged about this plenty of times, have you no news at all? He’s off the website as c/o.
@4.44 when did he send that email?


While I have the height of respect for the IRA’s end-game achievements – forcing the Unionists to the table and eventually a representative assembly – the means used were highly questionable in many cases especially the bombing of pubs, restaurants and shopping centers etc. This simply cannot be glorified in any way at all and the fact that this teacher choses to tweet this stuff is ridiculous. You would have to also question her mental health. Career up in smoke after 4 years of training, not to mention heinous waste of taxpayers money. Bonkers.


How did the PIRA force unionists to ‘the table’?

Your head is not on your shoulders, but in the clouds of silly imagining.


The threat of a return to the violence of 1969-1996 forced both the British government and the Unionists into compromise and eventually power. Bill Clinton helped too
John Major lifted his arse fairly lively after Canary Wharf.


What proof have you of any of this?

You are talking through your proverbial. It was the PIRA who made secret contact with the UK Government on how to bring to an end the so-called ‘war’ in the era immediately preceeding the Hume-Adams talks. The PIRA were beaten, and they knew it: riddled with informers and heavily compromised by British intelligence, they were broken.

For 25 years, they had thrown everything in their arsenal at the UK and were no further forward in achieving their objective, a so-called ‘united Ireland’, than they were in 1969.

The contact with the UK Government eventually led to the Downing Street Declaration, by both UK and ROI prime ministers, in 1993, and thence to the Belfast Agreement of 1998.

The only sensible achievement by PIRA was realising what even the dogs in the street (and anyone else with any sense) had already and long known: that they were never going to terrorise the British out of Northern Ireland, both its population who identified as British, and their security forces.

I cannot believe your level of historical ignorance here.


No one is called to priesrhood: that is a convenient, corporate delusion and myth.
Priesthood was obviated by Jesus’ death and resurrection; it’s continuance is a denial of those very things. A denial of our redemption. In fact, it effectively places Christians in the same mode as the Jews: still awaiting the Messiah.


I have lived 47 years of priesthood.

In spite of many challenges it has been a very meaningful journey for me.

And, I have been of assistance to a great many people.

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Yes, you are a good man, but you would still have been a good man without priesthood.


Thank you.

Priesthood gave me entrance into so many peoples lives ‘ especially suffering and troubled people



Many people are very grateful for all of the support that you have given to them in 47 years. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for our family and friends.


I have received as much, if not more, than I’ve given.

The people I ministered to very often ministered to me 😀


Regardless of whether priesthood is a calling, corporate delusion or myth, it’s not going to disappear in the near future. Meanwhile, totally unsuitable characters are ordained for ministry, let loose on unsuspecting people in parishes, schools, and other settings, Jolly being an example. How do such characters manage to reach ordination?


@11 3:4: You are right; priesthood is not going to disappear.
Throughout history, hominoids, frustrated by our intellectual capacity to forsee a relatively short lifespan and inevitable death, have ascribed superhuman powers to imaginary gods both to “explain” powerful forces affecting mankind in the present, and a hopefully better hereafter. Additionally they relied on intermediaries to intercede with these gods, thus creating the priestly caste.
Worldwide history is littered with these gods. In Western history, more familiar Roman/Greek names are Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Zeus, Dionysius, Poseidon, Pan. There’s many more. The Norse had, eg, Odin,Hod etc. And that’s just some familiar ‘western’ ones. The East has Kali, Ganesh, Shiva etc etc. Dozens more are in every civilisation throughout history.
The priestly caste too have, and had, many names, with varying ascribed “powers”. Think of druids, gurus etc, and actions such as droughts where witchdoctors mutter incantations over juju sticks pleading with the rain gods. Silly, you may say. But are RCC practices just as ill founded and ineffective?
And some might claim that the RCC priests are the craziest of all in claiming to have a power to summon an almighty God by transubstantiation into bread & wine?
Now there’s ‘food for thought.’ And maybe it’s a good business model.


Correct: priesthood ISN’T going to go away, at least, not in the literal sense of the phrase; it won’t ever cease to be. But it is ceasing in another, more significant sense: it was slipping, now rushing, into increasing irrelevance.
So many Catholics worldwide have left the Church, and are continuing to leave it.
Yes, priesthood and priests will remain, but with greatly diminished purpose and scope, meaningful to themselves more than others.


Barely theologically-literate outpouring and broken-record. If you keep repeating this line you may eventually believe it.


I’m a product of Oscott, and there’s nothing wrong with me ! Great place, great time, great friends. Don’t knock it !


Gary’s not an IRA sympathiser…….he’s a Gary sympatheriser, in other words, Gary loves Gary and no one else. It’s all about him.


Archbishop Eamon Martin has taken great care of Fr Rory Coyle and Fr Eamon McCamley since their sexual misadventures.
Fr Eamon McCamley is back in Dungannon Parish.
Fr Rory Coyle has not returned to Armagh yet but is being fully supported by Archbishop Eamon Martin.
Bishop Joseph Toal, who was ruthless in his handling of Father Matthew Despard, who exposed homosexuality among Scottish priests chooses to turn a blind eye to Fr Christopher Morris.
Why ???


Pat, this stuff about Morris being appointed as captain to St Philip’s is categorically untrue. That’s why it’s not been announced! Why are you peddling falsehoods? Once again, you allow these wasters to make a mug out of you.


Without the IRA and their violence, people who identify themselves as ‘catholic’ in NI would not have equal rights.


An Alice in Wonderland view of the PIRA. And a total lie.
The PIRA killed more Catholics than the loyalist terror organisations and security forces put together. And you know it.
The PIRA took away from even those they called their own people, Catholics, the most fundamental right of all: the right to life. AND they took away from many on both sides of the Northern Ireland border another important right: the right to work and prosper. At one time in the Republic of Ireland, the PIRA were robbing, at gunpoint, two banks a week to finance their death squads : they were robbing the very people they called their fellow Irish men and women.
John Hume was right: the greatest infringer of human rights in Northern Ireland, and, indeed, in the Republic of Ireland and throughout the British and Irish Isles was not our security forces, nor even the loyalist assassination squads, but the death squads of the Provisional IRA.


11.22: Pat, despite the fact that some commenters do not believe in “priesthood” and are crassly cynical of it for you and me, I am grateful every moment for the opportunities given to me to be of assistance, support and comfort at some very bleak and fragile moments in the lives of parishioners. As you say, very often we are the ones who receive much grace and are “ministered” to by others. The broken, suffering and wounded have blessed my life more than I can describe. So, though priesthood needs great rethinking and reform, so far, I am grateful to be a priest. We who believe in it as a way of service must ensure we do it as faithfully to Christ as is possible.

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I don’t think there’s any doubt that seminarians are having a great time at Oscott – but that depends on whether the great time was facilitated by the gay homoerotic culture.
I suspect like many you either indulged or turned a blind eye to the gay carnival which is Oscott.

As for knocking Oscott – I think you’ll find that it is ripe for knocking and long overdue but know it digs it’s own grave with relentless efficiency.


We heard on this blog that a former Rector of Oscott slept with a seminarian. How can that be healthy?


Nothing surprises me about Oscott / Gaycott. Not in the past, and not in the present. There is stuff going on there now, mark my words. People know, staff and seminarians. But nobody will do anything about it. It’s just too comfortable an existence. Be all holy, and then be all horny, when you want. Take your pick depending on the time of day.


The two Pp in Armagh diocese who are in a relationship will be devastated that one will be moving on to pastures new soon.


Fr Patrick Fell was a curate in Coventry – priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham and an IRA quartermaster- he was jailed for planning a bombing campaign in the West Midlands – he said Mass on a Sunday and planned to bomb his own people on a Monday – he was an active homosexual and was severely beaten in Parkhurst (the Provos don’t mind killing people but take a dim view of buggery). On release he moved to Donegal where he lived out his days as a. country parish priest.
It is highly implausible that some of his fellow clergy and even his Archbishop didn’t have an inkling of his terrorist proclivities.


The Provos (the Provisional IRA) took a dim view of buggery? They took such a dim view that they shielded their own members who buggered little boys.


Anne-Marie Clements and Colum Martin are from that younger generation who never grew up with exposure to the most horrific violence and consequences in all parts of Ireland and elsewhere. Their ignorance of reality is a contributory part of the reason for their misplaced ‘support’ of violence.

The Scottish education system needs a bit of self-examination too. Addressing the worst of bigotry in schools and more effective screening of teacher applicants would be a good start.

In respect of Mr Martin’s expressed support for violent organisations, amongst other things, it suggests that an altar and pulpit are not the places to spend the rest of his life. There seems to be no self-awareness.

Bishop Toal – where are you?
Scottish bishops – where are you?
Papal Nuncio – what about you?


I see + Lugs Monohan is up to his old tricks again- trying to bully his St. Flannan’s (Killaloe Diocese’s own diocesan school!) He wants to railroad the rezoning of land for a new hospital in proximity to the school. The staff have been very forceful in their objections to this and have gone public on it.. He doesn’t give a damn and will plow on regardless.. Of course the real reason for all this is far simpler to understand -€€€s.He has to find money to pay for all those mias and keep them in the style they are accustomed to.. Killaloe Diocese should de-list as a charity and drop all the pretense for what it really is- a property owning corporation- Killaloe INC and Fintan is a CEO not a bishop!!


Bishop Fintan Monahan is very open about the reality that he has some very difficult decisions to make for the Diocese of Killaloe going forward. He is holding meetings in different pastoral areas at the moment.


RN has lost the plot our Pat? He is now claiming that his maternal grandmother has been sending him messages from beyond her grave about the sorry state of affairs that the Priesthood is in, and, praising him for his awareness in trying to make it better.


Buffalo News [Buffalo NY]
February 27, 2023
By Charlie Specht
“Blowing the whistle on a cover-up of sexual abuse in the Diocese of Buffalo cost them not only their jobs, but their careers working for the church they loved.But five years later, Siobhan M. O’Connor and the Rev. Ryszard S. Biernat have no regrets about providing a television reporter documents and audio recordings implicating then-Bishop Richard J. Malone in the mishandling of clergy sexual abuse allegations.”


Timothy Bartlett wants to be a young bishop and if he doesn’t get it before his parents pass away he will be furious.


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