


A Waterford priest has let us know that Richard Dargan – Purcell is back in Mount Melleray.

He could not tell us whether or not he is permanently resident there – but he is certainly walking around the place in hus Cistercian habit and greet people with great gusto.

In any event, it seems that Richard and those like him have no shame.

We are all sinners. When we fail, if we have any moral compass, we have a sense of shame.

How shocking it is to find people, especially for me, a priest, with no sense of shame or remorse.



A blog reader sent us the following

If this is true, it’s good for the Portsmouth Priests’ Retirement Fund.

Many of the English bishops seem to dislike and resent Arthur Roche the new cardinal.

Roche certainly has Francis’ ear.


At least doing it bareback means he’s following the teachings of the Church on the use of contraceptives.


I don’t see what the problem is with Purcell, all he’s alleged to have done is have gay sex and it’s not like that’s anything that gets you fired in the cult. Now if he’d blown the whistle on someone else that would be different.


When the clergy make a vow of celibacy and then they break the vow and continue on breaking it are they not sinning against the Holy Spirit as they are making a mockery of Jesus teachings. Jesus did say that to follow him you are to leave your family and he sent his apostles out in pairs. Did he call his disciples to have platonic relationshops.


Most platonic relationships don’t take place atop a monastery kitchen table.


Blackrock College, Roscrea Cistercians School & Glenstal Abbey School - links to Abbot Richard Purcellsays:

It appears reckless in the extreme on the part of the Irish clerical hierarchy and on foot of recent intense media coverage of credible and witnessed abuse allegations at Blackrock College to blatantly reintroduce Abbot Richard Purcell with his known links to Cistercians and Glenstal back into the “fold”.
The Irish Roman Catholic Militant Clerical Gay Mafia are sending a very clear message that those who pray together also “prey” together.
They are indeed taking the Michael courtesy of the sheep that finance their flamboyant gay lifestyles as in the case of Fr/Dr Rory Coyle featured last week on this blog.


I wonder what the Government inquiry into abuse in religious run schools and colleges will throw up… A scoping inquiry into allegations of historical sexual abuse in schools run by religious orders was announced last week.
It’s likely to take eight months. Seminaries ought to be included.


Purcell back in Melleray is like Rory back in Armagh. They are testing the waters to see how people react. So, I think people should make what they think known. Then they will think again. Just to make things crystal clear, my view is that Purcell, Rory, JPL, et al should all move on and out. They do not have a credible future in ministry.

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I really fail to see why their superiors, and they themselves, just do not understand this. In any other walk of life those conversations would have taken place and decisions made. The sense of clergy, for some reason, believing themselves to be exceptional to the norm, I guess comes from that stupid malarky of being chosen, special, having something that makes them ontologically superior and different. All that thinking does is give clergy an excuse to do what they want and to get away with things. Which is what is happening here. Purcell, Rory, JPL and many others should be made to make a life for themselves, having shown that they are incapable of fulfilling the basic requirements of priesthood – especially honesty and integrity, Why should they have a meal ticket for life ? It’s crazy. If they want to shag around let them do it on their own bank account.

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Anon at 11.29am
Indeed re testing the waters. However I have no problem with Purcell as long as he stays out of towards healing.
Also, It sort of implies that Purcell has bishop’s approval or head Abbott’s permission on his return.

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It’s not a credible organisation so it doesn’t really matter anymore only to those on the payroll and those awaiting redress and possibly the rentboy twinks on the handy number.
Never forget, contrary to what these white collar criminals would like the public to believe, they do not own God.
God is everywhere and the white collared Mafia & their networks have made themselves surplus to requirement all courtesy of their own self undoing.
A few deviant crooks will keep it going whilst they liquidate their assets and make off with the takings leaving the victims and survivors high and dry.
Not exactly rocket science now is it.
The feast day of St Sheila is on Saturday 18th March, she was the wife of St Patrick 😉🎀😉


Reply to;Anonymoussays:
Mar 15, 2023 at 11:36 am
Ask a silly question, he’ll have to what the others do, he’ll have to help himself.
“There are a myriad of both physical and mental health benefits that come from masturbating,” says One Medical provider Christine Boyer, PA-C, AAHIVS. “Research has shown that masturbation can reduce stress, help with sleep, improve self-esteem and body image, (relieve menstrual cramps) and muscle tension, and promote prostate health.”
Boyer also adds that masturbation has been shown to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic and anal areas, which can prevent or improve sexual dysfunction.


LOL I was a Benedictine novice years ago and left before profession. I’ve always liked a good wank but have never masturbated as much as I did as a novice. I usually tell people that monasteries are like that film The Lighthouse with Robert Pattinson.


Perhaps the good Abbot Purcell is whiling away his time crafting a replacement refectory table.
Let’s face it, he must be very good with his hands to be allowed back in public sight so quickly.


It would be more impressive to do a Savanarola on sexually active gay clerics if one was a continent celibate oneself and this does not seem to be the case for anyone here.


The wayward abbot made a PREMEDITATED decision to go a boiler house. PREMEDITATED.
Does +Phonsie’s support for the wayward abbot mean that +Phonsie will be offering blessings of love for the LGBT+ community? If not, why not?


Of course Abbot Rawhide is back, he was always there in the background just as all the others are!!

Just be wise and don’t engage with criminals or their teams of incentivised protectors.


Some monks are ordained priest to provide the sacraments to the monastery or to any external apostolate if the monastery has them.


Pat, how spiritually arrogant of you? How do you know that Richard Purcell has no remorse or guilt or shame? By your self righteous standards, nine of us has any miral compass. You continue to want Fr. Purcell to be harassed, humiliated and lambasted. How do you know if he’s not on a personal metanoia? Do you want him chained up in a dark cell? I have no doubt about Fr. Richard’s moral and spiritual malaise in his behaviour but I have no moral authority to humiliate him daily. No authority and neither have you. I’m certain that this cleric, whom you viciously targeted, has learned lessons. I dint thunk you have. Jesus didn’t harass, chase after or debilitated peoole through daily humiliations. He challenged people with TRYTH but with charity and mercy, attributes absent in your heart. How long will you chase people down to nothingness and irrelevance and relish the ignominy of their sinfulness?


It’s my blog. I am entitled to express my views. I am e titled to doubt Purcells authenticity.

And I give you the opportunity to challenge me.

I didn’t have to!



There is also credible evidence to doubt the credibility of Abbot Richard Purcell.


How’s the international compensation scheme for victims and survivors of Roman Catholic Church related abuse, corruption and criminality going?


Well, now Piers, here on the Emerald Isle the fund is being comprehensively raided to keep the Bishops twinks nice and sweet.


1:19, How about the utter dishonesty with which Richard was allowed to resign “for personal reasons”? That doesn’t bespeak “metanoia”. Same with appearing all smiley-faced in public photos.


Your comment is built on the very valid point that we don’t know what’s going on in Abbot Richard’s head and heart.
But the fact we don’t know is exactly the reason a cleric, who has a public role, shouldn’t just appear back in their community after causing scandal.
How can we be given reassurance that the former abbot actually has repented and hasn’t just waltzed back in to continue?
It is also important to remember that Abbot Richard’s reappearance (whose stated sexual sins were legal and consensual) takes place against a history of clergy who were moved about and assigned to parishes after committing crimes and with no assurance they wouldn’t do it again. As indeed they frequently did.
Whether you like it or not, the former abbot’s reappearance *looks* exactly like the cases of abusive priests going away for a bit and reappearing, looked. It doesn’t inspire confidence.


Scandal? The Faithful (what’s left of them) don’t give a damn anymore: they are beyond being scandalised.
Few people expect even notional moral decency from clergy now.


Personal metanoia can prove very costly in more ways than one funded
by the sheeple. It’s a pity victims-survivors of RC abuse are not afforded charity justice or compassion. Jesus didn’t condone criminal cover ups.


To whoever in the abbey or order made the decision to have Dom Richard back in the abbey:
At the very least you could have made an acknowledgement on the abbey website or Facebook that there had been a scandal and an acknowledgement that things have changed somehow. You wouldn’t even need to give any details but it would be important to say that the faithful had been scandalized and not use euphemisms such as illness.
This would show a modicum of respect for the faithful.
Can’t you give an assurance that anything is going to be any different?


In monastic terms the preference would be for him resigning the abbacy and staying in the abbey living the regular life and not leaving it.


And still be on the night shift in the kitchen and chaplain to the Boilerhouse?


8:32 I have no desire to own a priest. I’d far rather have a goat which at least is more use in the garden and think of the curry. 🍛


Thank you for this promising update! Sounds as if a lesson has been learnt – hopefully! Congratulations to the clergy in Portsmouth.


The son of HEATHER HAUSCHILD will be ordained a priest on March 25th. This will end in disaster (given the fact that his mother is the high and mighty COO). This will be EGANS next whopper! Watch this space!


It appears as though the Priest’s Retirement Fund has been given a new name: the clergy assistance fund, for which a second collection is to be taken this weekend.


What will HAUSCHILD do now? Who will pay for the outsourced therapy for the clergy to help them to cope with and accept Egan’s ‘vission’? It won’t come cheap! (More to the point, who will pay her wages!) They’ll have to accelerate the selling-off of churches!


Why would Roche even want to come back to Westminster ? Here he would only be in charge of a declining and moribund church, with multiple endemic problems, not least amongst the clergy. In Rome he has real influence and authority, and Frankie evidently thinks he’s a man who can get things done. No, leave Westminster to Insomniac Stock, or Bully Boy Wilson or someone else from a gene pool of the episcopabile that is very shallow and lacking. It’s going to be lean pickings for the Nuncio / Frankie


Repl to Anonymoussays:
Mar 15, 2023 at 12:32 pm
It’s known as clericalism, they think they can do what they like with impunity and some actually get away with it. if he is fond of the boys as he seems to be he will have to be very very discreet, he is not going to stop.


+Pat, if it is true that Richard Purcell is back at Mount Melleray that is quite the development. He does have the right to return to the monastery by virtue of his election as abbot his monastic stability transferred to the abbey from Mount St Joseph in Roscrea. That aside, it seems extraordinary that the community would consent to his presence among them given that the allegations that were made against him was never formally denied. And I imagine that his return would have to be approved/sanctioned by the abbot general but that also seems unlikely.
Part of me sceptical that Purcell is back in Melleray, however, as your informant is a priest of the diocese of Waterford, and in light of the controversy that surrounded Purcell that unfolded on your blog Purcell is one of the most recognised priests in Waterford, so I think your informant does not need to visit Specsavers.


‘it seems extraordinary that the community would consent to his presence among them given that the allegations that were made against him was never formally denied.’
Don’t forget that many religious orders have lost their sense of proportion and are accustomed to having much worse than a mere practicing homosexual amongst them.
Also don’t forget that they elected him abbot. If they knew what he was up to it obviously isn’t a problem and if they elected him without probing enough to find out what he was up to, it tells you all you need to know.
I have said several times here that Abbot Purcell can only be the symptom of a wider malaise in the Cistercian communities because they facilitated him getting where he was.


In what way is the timing out for Roche?
If for Roche then what about the following:
Stock? (God forbid)


He has been in Rome for a good few years. and way before his new translation of the Missal. His former Vatican tennis partner will enlighten you more. Yo make the right contacts you see and you get places – it’s paid off for our Arfur hasn’t it? Elsie is in Rome this weekend until the 23rd and hates how Roche is more regarded than him. He is so insecure.


Gallagher ? Too Roman now, and no pastoral experience except soft taking the Chinese and being blindsided every time. Longley ? Busted flush, ineffectual, nice, happily settled with His Dominic, but useless. Wilson ? A frigging fascist and bully boy and the clergy will not like being dictated to by a fatty. Moth ? Ambitious, smarmy, thinks he’s so very clever, but much too pleased with himself that it drives everybody who meets him mad. Stock ? Bloody nutter and depressive, shouts at people, throws things at people and liable to go on a mad murder rampage one day when off his psychotic medications. Others ? Not many about. The pool of talent is severely limited. No surprises there. Who for the last 20 years or so of any talent or ability has wanted to become a priest, such a dysfunctional and toxic lifestyle and culture it has become ? It will be the choice of the limited and useless, I’m afraid. I mean they even made + Bobby a bishop. That tells you something…..


What about Drainey? Nobody ever talks about him which probably speaks volumes. And talking of Bobby…. What’s the buzz in H&N?


Fair play to Richard Purcell for having sex as and when he can, despite the ludicrous vow of celibacy. I hope he continues to be lucky enough to have any sexual contact as with all human beings.


If Rawhide has indeed put on the habit (no not that one!) His gallavanting days are over. It is OSCO strict observance after all.. 3.30am starts are in the chapel not the Boilerhouse. No outings with choirs and fun in the monastery guesthouse/refectory.. Richard is a playboy, he likes the good life. I’m sure he will find it hard..


Abbot Richard is well able for it.
That’s why he’s back now more openly but do remember he never was that far away.


This is indeed GOOD NEWS for Portsmouth. Good on ya lads! Well played to the lot of ye! Smashing. EGAN needs telling. He’s shocking and seems to be reckless. The damage he’s causing is incalculable.


Egan did not like your blog portraying him as a Fagan-like character in relation to the sick and retired old boys. He chiefly blames Roche for meddling in his affairs after complaints to Rome.


It strikes me as strange when someone refers to Fr/Dr. I believe it ought to be Reverend Doctor when a cleric aquires a doctorate.
Having said that in some parts of Europe they do or at least used to multiply titles even using Dr. Dr. for a person who had two. A question of usage I suppose. Not being fussy, just think the etiquette of these things are interesting and have they’re own importance. Standards, dear boy, standards. 😋


Pat, not everything is about sex. Sometimes the best type of intimacy is when you just lay back, laugh together at the stupidest things, hold each other and enjoy each others company.


The one relationship you will have til you die is with yourself. Learn to love yourself and you everything else will be a bonus.


The guy in the middle front of the picture looks very happy to have Richard firmly behind him, I wonder why?


Pleased to see the bishop of Portsmouth back on the blog. What a mess!!!! And hiding behind a woman too! He should have more self respect. Maybe the therapists they’ve lined up will help?


@8.05pm Yes, Elsie is in Rome until the 23rd and don’t we know it. When he is just off the plane he has his council meeting the very next morning, control freak or what?. When he has cast his eye on what Roche is getting up to in Rome he is quickly back here in either a good/bad moid. We can usually tell how the trip to Rome has gone by the mood and previously that did’ t go well. The previous VG O’Boyle said after Elsie’s hip operation that as soon as he was off the operating table he wanted back into the office and in control. Sad really.


I bet you are one of them Ex Anglican bitches that crossed Vincent recently. So obvious. Nobody wanted you, even Canterbury.


Elsie needs to head off to genteel retirement. Or his caravan with the nun. Anywhere, where he can be happy, and just disappear. I doubt if it will be classy retirement. Remember, you can take the man out of Scouseland, but you can’t take the Scouser out of the man. Elsie is essentially a Scouser, with a few brains. He doesn’t know about style and class really. What Scousers do ? So, my money is on the caravan rather than the Chiswick pad. Oh, how I loathe those moderated Scouser tones that Elsie has adopted. He be more honest just speaking straight Scouse. Wolsey was a butcher’s boy. Elsie is the modern day equivalent.


Pat I appreciate you have to follow up on issues from a journalistic perspective. However, I feel it is only fair to comment on a recent interaction I had with Richard Purcell. I’m a straight catholic man in a happy heterosexual relationship. I have a number of priest friends. I suffered a stroke last year and not one of these priests got in touch or offered prayers for me. Only Richard Purcell did. He has made some extremely regrettable mistakes but at least he reached out to me in my hour of need. Where were the priests in so called “good standing” as I sat close to death’s door? Richard has made mistakes and we all know that. But Pat there are priest hypocrites out there that forget you the day you get sick and aren’t available to pay the parish envelope. Sad reality….


Richard should move to America and become a liberal Episcopal priest. Then he can do excellent pastoral ministry and not be a complete hypocrite.


He should just live life as a lay man. Authentic and a gay slut. Nothing wrong with that


9.19: I’m sorry you had this experience. I’m glad you got caring kindness from Fr. Purcell. I hope you’re feeling better. You make a good observation re: our attitude to “sinful” priests and those who make serious errors of judgment but Pat never allows for human frailty in priests and I disagree with you that Pat has “journalistic” responsibilities. Sadly, his on-going obsession with Richard is a witch hunt and deeply ungodly. I will keep you in prayer and Richard too.


One of the Portsmouth Canons who has fallen out of favour with Egan is dishing the dirt on her to all and sundry and has a treacherous tongue. Crossed Madams and all that.


The bishop of portsmouth is building on SAND. Its all going to come crumbling down. A short-lived Protestant take-over promoting MAN over GOD. What will Egan and Co’s legacy be? They will certainly go down in local history – never to be forgotten for all the wrong reasons!


Maybe Bareback Richard has learned that you can catch a whole lot of stuff up your dick is you put it where the sun don’t shine ? I bet he’s had to pay a few visits to the clap clinic over the years. Anyhow, maybe he has learned from his experiences and will now settle down.


Would that be Canon PJ Smith who is out of Ministry? Or Canon Cooke with his girlfriend? Or Canon Gerard Flynn with his significant other (who happens to be HAUSCHILD’S PA?????)


Phonsie and Richard Purcell were constantly photographed together at diocesan events. I bet Phonsie now won’t be as quick to be seen in his company.


There’s a leak alright, and many more revelations! This is going to get juicy! I can’t believe what I’ve heard today.


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