

Contributed to the blog by parents and teachers

“A recent conversation with two very disenfranchised teachers in Post Primary schools in the Mid Ulster Area again highlight the corruption that continues in CCMS schools in the North of Ireland.  

What started out as a discussion on recruitment of staff – anyone connected in any way with education in this region knows extremely well that nepotism and favouritism still exist. Indeed, in one of these schools, blatant disregard for employment law continues as a substitute teacher is covering for a teacher out on secondment, without the post being advertised. Is this not illegal?

However, talk soon turned to a newly established facility in one of these schools. A teacher was employed with no additional qualifications and experience in this specialist field.  

It is no coincidence that when the job was advertised, teachers with 12-15 years’ experience applied and were subsequently turned down for this specialised post, only for this inexperienced 20 + -year-old to get the job. Alarm bells rang throughout the school and local community, leaving everyone involved shocked and in dismay that such a newly established facility had been jeopardised by providing a job ’for the boys’.  

Decisions pertaining to the future education of the children of this area are in the hands of an ageing, narrow-minded, and biased Board of Governors whose only concern is the advancement of the GAA within the school. It is worth noting that in one school of approximately 1100 pupils, approximately 75% of the pupils are in no way involved in GAA sports, yet the school was able to pay a £9000 fee to a high-profile trainer to work with the current losing MacRory Cup team. Where did this money come from? Given that at least one current Tyrone senior player teaches in the school and several of the management are ex-players, they would have enough knowledge, collectively, to train a team to play school football.  

Bizarrely, the Chair of this Board is also a member of another Board for a school in a rural area and is also a highly paid education official. He and another BOG member attend all sorts of meetings to do with Board of Governor business, during school hours including, but not limited to, fundraising initiatives where local companies are being bullied into donating up to £50k, mostly to set up a state-of-the-art GAA facility on site. The breakdown of donations is readily available to be perused on the college website. An audit is required immediately.  

In this same school, bullying is rife among the principal and staff. This Principal has waged a lengthy campaign of bullying with many teachers with years of expertise in their field, leaving them with no option but to take time off with WRS. The moral is extremely low in this school. The staff and pupils have lost all confidence and respect for this principal. The Catholic ethos projected by the CCMS is certainly in evidence in this school. Instead, discipline problems continue to spill over, day in day out, with the local PSNI repeatedly calling at this so-called school of excellence.  

This Principal has been told on more than one occasion that she will be sued for staff victimisation, but she continues regardless.  

Meanwhile in another CCMS school in the area, some very strange goings-on are plain to all staff and the disquiet among them regarding these shady practises is growing daily. Image temporary staff being paid cash from school fund (we hope).

He also has a penchant to bully staff when it suits him, but any new appointees have all been from his native locality.

Another scandalous affair from the same school has been brushed under the carpet, but such is the gravity of the Child Protection issue is that it should be highlighted. At a recent school formal, which was supervised by teachers, the pupils were allowed to disembark the buses – in which they had been freely drinking copious amounts of alcohol en route to the venue in-front of the staff- once they reached their destination normally disembarking takes place at the school gates, but no, not this time. Leaving kids off in the centre of the town meant they did not have far to walk to their after-party venue.

I have photographic evidence that at 12.55am 4 female teachers entered this bar to the shouts and roars of the students, whilst there these “teachers” themselves behaved as though they were “celebrities” drinking and having their pictures taken with already very drunk students. Surely this is a breach of child protection laws and should be investigated as such. To be clear, all four are still teaching in the school. I wonder what would have happened if four young male teachers did the same thing.? That is a disciplinary matter, and I will watch closely to see what happens next, I may have to inform Bishop Mc Keown, top man in CCMS to gauge his opinion on these shucking developments.


I would value members of this profession to comment below on the current state of play in their school. So that we can try to collate all the issues out there to strengthen our case that CCMS is not working for the teaching staff of any school, and they could not care less about the education of the children we are entrusting to care for and educate. The time has come to blow this red herring of an organisation out of the water, finally. “


I have had personal experience of the CCMS and Chairman McKeown.

In the early 80s, I was also secretary of the board of governors of 5 primary schools.

I certainly saw nepotism and favouritism running rampant.

In my opinion, the CCMS should be immediately disbanded and sectarian education brought to an end in Northern Ireland.

We need to keep RC bishops and priests and their lay hench men and women totally away from all children – and indeed teachers.


The RCC should be confined to its own business – religion- and not allowed near state institutions – except as private citizens.


The state education sector in Northern Ireland is corrupt too.

We need a whole raft of new education legislation and a very strict overseeing government body.

I’d be interested in the views of teachers…..


Why would you expect schools run by a church notorious for child abuse to be anything other than train wrecks?
What is wrong with people?
And if your correspondent thinks there’s a safeguarding they need to report it at once and/or blow the whistle about the teachers. There is no ‘I may have to’ about this. Your correspondent is also failing in their duty.
Listen to Pat Buckley, people, and send your kids to a sensible school.


11.51: You obviously are easily led. You know nothing about schools, Catholic or otherwise. Schools can be very difficult to manage at times. it’s been my experience over 40 years that the vast, vast majority of schools – teachers, principals and school boards are very professional in their work. I’ve encountered some awful teachers and some uncaring principals but my experiences of school communities are very positive, with a couple of “bad” experiences which were resolved through the proper channels. Your OTT comment is absurdly stupid.


That you are so dismissive in relation to 11:51 and reliant on YOUR experience indicates a blinkered perspective. You probably insist that YOUR opinion is the only correct one.


9:31 I see you just copied and pasted your normal comment about priests changing a few details. 🤣


11:26 there are so many true stories of ongoing investigations into priests and their colleagues to choose from in the international media. The ongoing cruelty to their victims must be challenged. No surrender.


Yes, they must report it immediately to the local Police Vulnerable Persons Protection Unit / Referrals, or collect any evidence and go to the Civil Court / local Social services (Civil Courts are social services own back yard).
Unless you’re in Liverpool, then be very careful. They will come after you!


10.08 and 11.26: you’ve both proved how out of your depth you are re: Schools and Education both North and south. Nothing in my earlier comnent is “blinkered”. It’s the fact that I’m a Catholic priest with huge school management experience that bothers you, sirs! Come into real “reality”, boys!!


11:46 Why would we take advice about running anything from you? 😳 Funny how you think your advice is right, welcome and in any way appropriate.
Hadn’t you noticed the blog post is about how your cult should not be interfering in schools because you can’t be trusted?
Can you read?
Or are you just arrogant? Or stupid?


A God that has to threaten you with hell, disease and suffering for you to recognise him as a God is nothing but a man made scare crow.

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A scientist will read dozens of books written by some of the most intelligent people to ever walk the planet and still believe they have more to learn.
Some religious won’t fully read one book written by semi-illiterate goat herders who didn’t know where the sun went at night and believe they know it all……


A bit like Bishop Phonsie removing Fr Richard Geoghegan’s trousers from the hospital. Perhaps he was searching for the suicide note and worried that Fr Geoghegan had listed all the terrible things the Bishop had subjected him to. Bullies will do anything to avoid detection.

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We’ve all known or lived near people like that. Brainwashed or something wrong with them but they always insist it’s everyone else outside of their cult that’s the problem. Zero self responsibility and zero self awareness types hiding in plain sight within a self serving wealthy and institutionally corrupt infrastructure that feeds ongoing sexual, financial, spiritual and any other abuse they can whenever any slight opportunity arises.


@2:15: Love your comment ❤️
It sums up the whole religious farrago.
Control of education is a major cause of continuing discord in N. Ireland.


What a coincidence. Today I picked up a copy of Mournful Mick’s favourite book – ‘The God Delusion’ – in the British Heart Foundation shop in Bangor for 25p. I don’t know why he raves about it. It’s all strawmen and poorly written (a bit like Mick’s own comments, to be honest).


By heavens you’re quick! Picked it up TODAY, read, digested, and understood enough by 2:21 to critically dismiss it all! Impressive! But then, Bangor folk are……….? Will you be returning it to get your money back 😏


No, and I won’t say what Bangor folk are…not on this blog!
No blowing trumpets, don’t you know. Modesty forbids me.
I’ll hold on to it. You might need to peruse it’s contents
to argue against ‘The God Delusion’.


@2.21 The God Delusion is the same idea written over and over. Very boring


It’s antiquated 19th century arguments for non existence of God
repackaged to bamboozle the 21st century market for coinage.


My memory of reading of Mr Dawkins “God Delusion ” ( a long time ago), is not of it “arguing for the non existence of God” but more of showing the fragility and lack of substance of any credibility in arguments FOR a divinity. Furthermore, drawing on well supported research, Dawkins indicates the emotional and psychological perspectives which underpin religious beliefs mythologies.
As often remarked, it is the responsibility of “God believers” to validate such arcane beliefs, not for sceptics to disprove them.


Canute, you sound just like Canny C and Mournful Mick ! I don’t wish to be disrespectful but you need to broaden your purview in relation to the topic of the God question. It is equally your responsibility as ” God unbelievers” to validate non-existence of God. Might I suggest reading Andre Frossard book ‘ God Exists I Have Met Him’. Frossard was a marxist socialist prior to his conversion. You’ll find a review online. It is worth reading.


Bishop Pat, Rev./Dr. is attempting to create a blow up blow out or blow off on today’s blog. He knows the context of the comment re scientist was with reference to a medical qualification from a medical faculty not social science faculty! Rev/Dr Smart Arse/JackAss needs to wind his tail up.


Can someone enlighten me as to how Courtney O Neal claims to know me? Is Ms. O Neal confusing me with Rev./Dr. SmartAss/JacKAss considering Ms. O Neal called me an ‘aul JackAss’…?


5:18 Which one? All these religious are so knowledgeable it’s overwhelming! Pass the smelling salts Quick!


5:18 & 8:36 & 9:34
Or Francis of Assisi or Francis Xavier or Francis of nom-de-plume ?
I suspect the latter, Francis! Am I right or am I right?


Excellent comment @ 2.15.
One which I’ve memorised to quote to the bible bashers who regularly accost me in Norn Iron.


Pope Francis Accepts Resignation of Bishop Ronald Gainer of Diocese of Harrisburg and Appoints Bishop Timothy Senior as Successor
April 25, 2023
WASHINGTON – Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Ronald W. Gainer, 75, from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Harrisburg, and has appointed Bishop Timothy C. Senior, auxiliary bishop of Philadelphia, as his successor.
The resignation and appointment were publicized in Washington, D.C. on April 25, 2023, by Archbishop Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.
The Diocese of Harrisburg is comprised of 7,660 square miles in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and has a total population of 2,334,337, of which 206,072 are Catholic.


and the new Bishop has a questionable past regarding safeguarding! Look at the report on the Bishop Accountability website…..


Reply to;Diocese of Harrisburg, Pennsylvaniasays:
Apr 26, 2023 at 2:19 am
I wonder how many of those registered as baptised Roman Catholic in Pennsylvania are actually practicing?
I say, shame on those who continue to attend and support the Roman Catholic church in Pennsylvania, following the exposé of a two-year grand jury investigation into widespread sexual abuse in 2018 of at least 0NE THOUSAND ROMAN CATHOLIC CHILDREN (1,000) within six dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania, by at lease 301 Roman Catholic priests, AND the systemic cover up of that inflicted sexual abuse, covered up by senior Roman Catholic church Bishop officials in Pennsylvania AND at The Vatican.
Sexual abuse by Roman Catholic clergy in the other two Roman Catholic dioceses Philadelphia and Altoona-Johnstown had been covered in previous reports.
It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would not run a mile from such a corrupt business organisation.
Roman Catholic’ are keenly adept at practising the Ostrich Effect, if it’s not happened to me, or, mine, it’s not happening, in the heartless dismissive words of Cardinal George Pell, on being told of the sexual abuse of Roman Catholic children, by Roman Catholic priest’s in Ballarat, “It was of little interest to me” George Pell is not alone, it seems to be the way of Millions of Roman Catholic worldwide.


Sandwich-boy Program was Jesuit run – its an MK-Ultra Program. It allowed them to control more than just vice rackets, but you will find their hand in organ trafficking and radioactive black market weapons. “Good Catholic” CIA agents go to Church and confession.


You can apparently get anything for money in some countries like Turkey, teeth, kidneys, literally anything. All you need is loads of money.


Gross. Imagine walking about with some poor dead persons teeth or organs in your body and knowing they more than likely killed or deliberately maimed by gangsters for profit.


To the priest who’s always making out that Pat Buckley demolishes priests by revealing what they’re up to: see they have a value, they can sell their organs.
Oh, they already have. And their soul.

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Jesuits helped arrange for Hoover to control protestant publishers and evangelists from the 1930s to the 1970s.
See: › feature › gospel-j-edgar-hoover-how-fbi-aided-and-abetted-rise-white-christian-nationalism-lerone
The Gospel of J. Edgar Hoover: How the FBI Aided and Abetted the Rise …
28 Mar 2023″Lerone Martin draws on thousands of newly declassified FBI documents and memos to describe how, under Hoover’s leadership, FBI agents attended spiritual retreats and worship services, creating an FBI religious culture that fashioned G-men into soldiers and ministers of Christian America.


Adults remain vulnerable to clergy abuse, experts say
Catholic Church in the US has made progress in protecting minors but a lot more work needs to be done to safeguard adults
Catholic Church in the US has made progress in protecting minors from clergy abuse but adults remain vulnerable, say experts in a lay-led group that advises bishops on preventing sexual abuse of minors
Catholic Church in the US has made progress in protecting minors from clergy abuse but adults remain vulnerable, say experts in a lay-led group that advises bishops on preventing sexual abuse of minors.
The Catholic Church in the U.S. has made progress over the past two decades in confronting sexual abuse against minors within the church, but has only begun to address the vulnerability of adults to sexual abuse by clergy, religious and lay leaders, experts told OSV News.
“We’ve accomplished a tremendous amount in the area of (creating) safe environments,” said Suzanne Healy, chairwoman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ National Review Board, a lay-led group that advises the bishops on preventing sexual abuse of minors.
At the same time, “there’s still a lot more work to be done” in extending safeguards to adults, said Healy, a licensed marriage and family therapist who served as the victim assistance coordinator for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles from 2007 to 2016.
At present, two key documents lay out broad protocols for the response of the Catholic Church in the U.S. to sexual abuse by its clergy, religious and other pastoral leaders.
In 2002, as a number of clerical abuse scandals emerged, the U.S. Catholic bishops implemented the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The document — commonly called the Dallas Charter — lays out a comprehensive set of procedures for addressing allegations of sexual abuse of minors by Catholic clergy. The charter also includes guidelines for reconciliation, healing, accountability and prevention of abuse.
A year after the charter’s most recent revision in 2018, Pope Francis issued the motu proprio “Vox Estis Lux Mundi” (“You are the light of the world”), outlining global legal procedures for how the church should deal with clergy sexual abuse, including procedures for investigating bishops.
The document, implemented for a three-year experimental period beginning June 1, 2019, included the term “vulnerable person,” defined as “any person in a state of infirmity, physical or mental deficiency, or deprivation of personal liberty which, in fact, even occasionally, limits their ability to understand or to want or otherwise resist the offense.”
On March 25, Pope Francis published an updated version with the specific term “vulnerable adults,” without altering the previous definition. The revised text also was broadened to include investigations of leaders of Vatican-recognized international Catholic lay associations and movements.
Protecting vulnerable adults represents “a new frontier” for the Catholic Church, said Deacon Bernard Nojadera, executive director of the USCCB’s Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection.
“The landscape is continually changing,” he told OSV News. “You’re looking at issues such as power differentials among adults, the relationships of those who are in positions of authority, the responsibilities for creating boundaries so that relationships that develop are healthy and holy.”
Pastoral counseling and spiritual direction are particular areas of concern where adults are vulnerable, explained Deacon Nojadera.
Counseling professionals are aware of the potential for human weaknesses on both sides to derail appropriate interactions — a dynamic known as “transference and countertransference,” Deacon Nojadera explained — with client and counselor at risk of projecting unmet needs upon each other. However, Deacon Nojadera stressed, “The counselor or director needs to set that boundary, regardless of the vulnerable adult.”
In the U.S., professional counselors and therapists face criminal and civil penalties for sexualizing a relationship with a patient; increasingly state jurisdictions are updating laws to explicitly include clergy as well.
In January 2018, then-Father Jacob Bertrand of the Diocese of San Diego was convicted under a Minnesota state law of sexually abusing a woman who placed herself in his spiritual care.
According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, Bertrand’s “holy conversations” led to a sexual relationship he told his victim was “the second holiest sacrifice next to Jesus and Mary on Calvary.”
Many church jurisdictions have yet to adopt the standard set by Archbishop Charles Scicluna, a key figure in the church’s fight against clergy sexual abuse, for the Maltese Ecclesiastical Province. The archbishop of Malta also is adjunct secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith.
Those 2014 directives make clear that sexual contact or sexualized behavior between a “pastoral functionary” (including any bishop, cleric, religious, or lay person) and adults in a pastoral relationship “is considered to be always abusive, whether with or without consent.”
Similar to the Minnesota law, the 2014 Maltese directives recognize the clergy are responsible for maintaining boundaries in their pastoral relationships, and prohibit a defense alleging the sexual relationship was consensual.
Reporting and information sharing regarding allegations of the sexual abuse of adults within the church remains inconsistent and often murky, said Kathy Kane, editor of Catholics4Change, which describes itself as an “accountability blog” focusing on child protection issues in the Catholic Church.
“We know there have been a number of investigations under the ‘Vos Estis’ norms, but there is still very little transparency about even which investigations are ongoing, and what the results of the completed ones are,” she told OSV News. “The reality is that there’s been some positive progress in terms of accountability for bishops, but we still have a system where we’re asking bishops to police other bishops, specifically those who are located close to them and often have personal relationships with them. That’s a system that in itself lacks the kind of transparency and accountability we need.”
“I have heard anecdotally of cases where priests … who are facing allegations of abuse of adults are removed with a false explanation given to their parishes for their absence,” said Sara Larson, executive director of AWAKE Milwaukee, an independent nonprofit that supports those who have experienced sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. “They’re simply put on ‘medical leave’ or moved to another parish with no explanation.”
Both Larson and Kane cited instances where priests under investigation for alleged sexual abuse of adults have continued in ministry with a public character. Larson pointed to concerns over Jesuit Father Marko Rupnik, accused of abusing women religious but reported by Italian media in March to have concelebrated a Mass in Rome that, though ostensibly private, was nonetheless open to the public.
Kane noted the case of former Philadelphia priest Kevin McGoldrick, now a defendant, along with the Archdiocese of Philadlephia, in an April 18 civil lawsuit filed by “Jane Doe,” who claims McGoldrick abused and raped her during his tenure as a chaplain at Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee.
Even after Doe advised the Archdiocese of Philadelphia of the alleged abuse, McGoldrick — a singer-songwriter — appeared at a family music festival in the Diocese of Duluth, Minnesota.
“When you have a man onstage headlining a music festival, singing the ‘Sesame Street’ theme song while he’s under investigation for the alleged assault of a college student, how is this progress?” asked Kane.
A national database tracking reports of abuse investigations and their outcomes in the Catholic Church throughout the U.S. could help dioceses and other Catholic entities be aware of red flags about clergy, religious, or lay leaders from outside their jurisdiction, particularly those that may have responsibilities or roles in multiple organizations.
Mike McDonnell, communications manager for SNAP (Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests), told OSV News that a national database would greatly enhance transparency, while improving protections for both minors and adults.
“A national database hosted by the USCCB, with oversight by a third party, would absolutely be a great tool,” he said.
“Each diocese would then have the opportunity to say, ‘We cannot take this cleric or professional, because we see there were reports of concerns in the home diocese.’”
Preventing and addressing abuse, while ensuring the healing and affirmation of survivors, is a task for all Catholics, said the National Review Board’s Healy.
“This is not just for the bishops or the people working in the diocese,” she said. “The whole church needs to be open to this work, helping to create and adhere to policies, saying something when you see something amiss, and helping survivors to heal by believing, affirming and accompanying them.”
This does not happen and survivors are sometimes proactively prevented from pursuing justice via multiple church mechanisms.


7:57am Silverstream Priory in Ireland is just ONE example, there are multiple similar scenarios worldwide. It’s almost unbelievable that the justice systems in the various countries clearly cast a blind eye to the multiple felonies being committed on a daily basis for decades by the international Roman Catholic Church.

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8:07 appears to be an urbanite! Welcome to the blog. Feel free to share new terminology.


If you read this carefully the ‘expert’ it quotes is employed by the cult so her opinion should be considered biased.
Her phrase about progress on child protection could be misconstrued to mean no further progress can be made.
Hollow laugh.

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Patsy McGarry at The Irish Times writes
Vatican commission for the protection of minors is all about spin
‘Rome’s serial “mishaps” in this area are neither stupid nor insane. They are about protecting itself’
At times it is difficult to believe anything other than that Rome is being willfully stupid when it comes to its dealings with clerical child-sex abuse. This repeated failure, inevitably, prompts recall of Einstein’s much-quoted definition of stupidity, even insanity — doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.
That’s how it may look, but Rome’s serial “mishaps” in this area are neither stupid nor insane. They are about protecting itself above all while obscuring that reality through spin.
That said, it is only fair to record that the Irish Catholic Church now has some of the most stringent child-protection measures in place, and enforced, anywhere in the Catholic world.
Fr Hans Zollner is a German Jesuit and one of the few figures at the Vatican with credibility where the abuse issue is concerned. A member of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors since it was set up in 2014, few doubt his commitment to protecting children and supporting the abused.
He resigned from the commission last month and gave his reasons last week at a press conference in Rome. The commission, he said, had yet to take seriously the principles of “transparency, compliance and responsibility” and that there were people in the church, who “for personal or emotional reasons, create obstacles” in the fight against abuse.
The commission must not be merely engaged in “PR” but become a refuge for those abused by clergy and silenced by the church. It was “a continuous impression on the part of victims that they are not listened to”, he said, and that “many victims no longer expect anything” from the church.
He claimed commission president Cardinal Seán O’Malley had “put roses and flowers” (spin) on his (Fr Zollner’s) resignation statement last month, yet did not address problems repeatedly raised with him.
In 2017, two abuse survivors resigned from the commission for similar reasons. They included Dubliner Marie Collins, who felt “the attitude of a small number in the Vatican’s Curia is resistant to the work of the commission and has not been co-operative”. She too had to deal with a “roses and flowers” spin on her reasons, provided by senior Vatican figures. UK survivor Peter Saunders resigned because the commission was failing to do what he said it was supposed to do.
A founding member of the commission in 2014 was former president of the UK’s Royal College of Psychiatrists Sheila Hollins. During her time, its work “seemed to be blocked at every turn” she said. A Vatican decision to place the commission under the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, which has responsibility for dealing with priests accused of sexual abuse, was “anomalous”, she said, as “its [commission’s] brief is to prevent abuse and to address the care and healing of victims/survivors”.
In short, the commission has become a joke, presided over by an ineffectual Cardinal O’Malley, its president since 2014.
It was said about the Bourbon rulers of France after the French Revolution, that they had learned nothing and forgotten nothing. The same could be said about Rome and the abuse scandals.
The 2009 Murphy report, which dealt with the handling of clerical child sex abuse allegations in Dublin’s Catholic archdiocese, was in “no doubt”. It said “clerical child sexual abuse was covered up by the Archdiocese of Dublin and other Church authorities over much of the period covered by the commission’s remit (1975 -2004). The structures and rules of the Catholic Church facilitated that cover-up … The welfare of children, which should have been the first priority, was not even a factor to be considered in the early stages. Instead, the focus was on the avoidance of scandal and the preservation of the good name, status and assets of the institution and of what the institution regarded as its most important members — the priests.”
In Germany last week a report accused Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, former head of the German bishops’ conference, of shielding abuser priests. In January 2010, confronted with the first evidence of systemic abuse in the German Catholic Church, the archbishop promised a “complete investigation … and no cover-up”. The report said the archbishop’s 11-year episcopate — until 2013 — in the archdiocese of Freiberg “distinguished itself with concrete cover-up behaviour”.
The report, which uncovered 540 victims of clerical-sexual abuse and 250 documented abuser priests in the period 1945-2020, noted how the archbishop, as head of the German bishops’ conference, “repeatedly expressed his sympathy for those affected and their terrible experiences, [but] this made no difference to his decisions or non-decisions, and no change in his approach to accused priests”.
It continued: “The children, youths and parents affected appear not to have existed for him. He appeared to think his behaviour was the only correct approach, to protect the church.”
They learn nothing.
Mon Apr 24 2023 – 00:30
Patsy McGarry is Religious Affairs Correspondent @ The Irish Times Newspaper.


Re : Hans Zollner credibility. I disagree. Hans Zollner works closely with Tina Campbell, former National safeguarding co-ordinator to the bishops conference of Scotland. Tina Campbell has a longstanding history of abusive behaviour towards victims and survivors and was removed from working with them following The McLellan report. Catherine Deveney, the journalist who broke the Cardinal O’Brien story has given distressing examples of Tina’s “hostile” treatment of vulnerable adults who experienced childhood sexual abuse catholic church settings in her article “Catholic priests unmasked : God doesn’t like boys who cry” Guardian / Observer 2013 reproduced in the Japan Times and Indian press)

The incidents described in the article took place whilst Tina headed up safeguarding in Motherwell diocese, a post she held for 13 years. 5 months after the article was published, she was appointed by the Scottish bishops to the national role which she then held for 7 years..

I don’t know the individuals mentioned in the Guardian article, but when I commented about Tina’s behaviour on Twitter, 4 people contacted me. The following words came up repeatedly : hostile, aggressive, abusive, re-abused, re-traumatised. Those who reached out were also aware of or in contact other people who described being bullied by her.

I’ve been collating people’s experiences of Tina Campbell for a number of years now and if you’re reading this have anything to share, you’re very welcome to email me in strictest confidence at
Please be assured that you will receive a compassionate and respectful response.

Perhaps Hans Zollner doesn’t know about Tina’s behaviour, I doubt she’s told him or that she’s hostile with him. However, Tina knows and her victims know. Additionally, her former line manager Monsignor Hugh Bradley knows as does every Scottish Bishop.

Despite all this she’s helping Hans Zollner organise an international safeguarding conference due to take place in July.

At a recent conference with Vatican journalists, Tina Campbell was prominently seated with two priests at the front of the room whilst Hans Zollner spoke. A perpetrator who’s been reported in the national press masquerading as a safeguarder. Abuser audacity in plain sight.

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Last year Irish Safeguarding conference highlighted a theology of safeguarding, no less. Any insights from Safeguarding Ireland on a pastoral response to survivors-victims of clerical abuse?


You are well out of date Tina Campbell has long gone and safeguarding is a top priority for the Bishop’s of Scotland.
Safeguarding in Scotland is totally independent and is led by one of Scotland’s Top Judges lady Rita Rae and her excellent Professional team.
Paul Donaldson is the director of safeguarding however be assured Lady Rae is very hands on however if it involves clergy or religious it is straight to Police Scotland.
Like Social Services and Life nothing stands still.
Give us a break.


@ 1:05pm

Nah! you give us a break, how do you know that safeguarding is top priority for that shower of numpty’s. Unless your good friends “Police Scotland” are keeping you informed, which I doubt very much.


Carmel, please go away and give us all a break. Is it not the case that you are fixated with Tina and have developed a stalking problem in recent years? You are clearly mentally unwell and should seek help immediately.


I am the vine, you are the branches; the one who remains in Me, and I in him bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (John 15:5).says:

51I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.”
52The Jews therefore quarreled among themselves, saying, “How can this Man give us His flesh to eat?”
53Then Jesus said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. 54Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:51-54).


This quote doesn’t sit well with the comment about selling organs above. Very strange impression.
Not that Eat Me isn’t strange obvs.


In response to a query from the Westmeath Independent this week, a spokesperson for the Catholic Communications Office said the episcopal ordination of Fr Connell would happen “within three months”.
The Westmeath Independent are very good so they are for making a little inquiry into the Erroneous Episcopal Ordination of Fr Paul Connell. Will the Westmeath Independent submit queries into the Silverstream scandal and Fr Paul’s complicit role in the scandal? If not, why not? If yes, will the communications office respond? If not, why not?


Surely + Toms communications office and/or Westmeath communications office must issue statements on this controversial appointment and other outstanding matters of concern connected to Meath Diocese.


7:30 you’ve set the cat amongst the pigeons now Seamus, the movers and shakers in Westmeath will be busily putting the wheels in motion to remind the Westmeath ahem “Independent” where it’s bread is buttered and low and behold big advertising spreads will appear on its pages in the coming months courtesy of “specific” local businesses, Bishop Tom or one of his yes father, no father, 3 bags full father possey may even pen a ditty or two in the Westmeath Independent about the importance of kindness, Charity and forgiveness to ones fellow neighbour.
On the other hand the Westmeath Independent may surprise us all and grow a pair courtesy of a motivated investigative journalist supported by newspaper owner and editor & do a “proper job” on all the coercive control and trickery that’s going on on their patch. We will watch carefully with intense interest…….


8:48 the six million dollar question is whether the Westmeath Independent will prove to be as useful as tits on a bull!


Expecting the Westmeath Independent or Agencies in Meath or Westhmeath with strings to the ‘Brat Pack’ to grow a pair, is venturing
into third or fourth secret of fatima territory….


The Protestants have their Orange Order and Catholics have the GAA, both operating as cults and run by fanatics.
On the ongoing issues with the CCMS, this organisation has stuck its’ nose into the affairs of “Catholic” schools for too long. It has a long intertwined relationship with the other cult, the RCC.
Mid Ulster has a particular problem with both the CCMS and GAA and nepotism is rife particularly at the so called elite schools. The boards of governors and many principals and senior teachers are usually weak and and pay lip service to proper governance in deference to these organisations. Too often, deals are done and appointments made that fall well short of acceptable practices. You can see why many staff feel powerless to speak up but collectively they should.
A concerted effort should be made to allow our schools to run independently from these pernicious organisations. Bullies flourish in these schools and organisations and they are rarely brought to book.
When the heat rises and bullying principals get exposed, they normally get a free transfer to the CCMS or get transferred to another school to continue bullying-does that sound familiar? Another RCC tactic of mushroom management, hiding and transferring the problem.


The GAA don’t march on the streets most of the year and they do allow their members to attend Protestant funerals. Silly comparison. The Orange Order is deeply bigoted and the foolish hypocrisy of them worshipping an old Dutch queen on a horse.


@9.25 You’re making a comment based on whataboutery. Both organisations operate like cults within their respective communities. Your argument conflating that the GAA doesn’t March on the streets while the Orange Order does is just daft to be frank.


Whataboutery is a major problem. We’re back to Einstein’s much-quoted definition of stupidity, even insanity — doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results; Whataboutery.


12:40 I would like to agree with you about 9:25’s comment but RC whataboutery comes from a different place, namely that whenever anyone brings up their horrendous history of rape and other crimes they always go, ‘But whatabout… [Insert whatever name you like here].
They’re actually showing us that they can’t see anybody would worship anything sensible, think child rape is a problem, etc, and because they think everyone else is like them they’re not happy unless everyone else gets blamed.
Just like any other criminals.
Alternatively 9:25 is just trolling but it’s backfired and shows a complete absence of respect for anyone.


Ireland - Why do TUSLA say they don’t have any records of past residents at St Joseph’s Industrial School, Co Cavan?????says:

There are a number of inquiries seeking information on record’s of past residents of St. Joseph’s Industrial School, Cavan. Inquiries have been made with Tusla (the Irish State child protection and adoption and fostering service) however they claim they don’t hold any record’s relating to St Joseph’s Cavan. It is now intended to seek information from the Poor Clares in Newry. Will keep the blog informed on this and other cases.

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8:05 TUSLA won’t do anything that may potentially expose any religious run entity to any more compensation claims. Birds of a feather flock together. TUSLA have a charge sheet nearly as long as the Irish Church for neglect, unexplained oversights and hundreds of children go missing from foster care in Ireland every year and these figures are rising year on year. Human error or deliberate oversight and coverup in some cases??


8:05 Why would they have these records? Seriously?
Are you the same person who keeps moaning on here about dioceses’ websites collecting your data?
Don’t tell me… you went to a cathbot school didn’t you?


9:46 am
Why would they not have these records? Seriously?
Have these records conveniently disappeared, I wonder.
Any answers to offer us other than cathbotology.


2:01 Right little Sherlock Holmes aren’t ya! What’s your angle?


Anonymous@ 3.26 If the bishops had been transparent about the repeated reports of Tina Campbell’s behaviour to the McLellan commission, Helen Liddell and the SCIE there would be nothing to say. Victims and survivors will give you all a break when they personally experience the safeguarding response from the catholic church as compassionate, credible and professional. You seem to be more interested in running a Tina Campbell fanclub than in keeping people safe.


A certain school in belfast was glad when it’s local parish priest was moved because of his never ending interference in the running of its local school . Now he’s up to his same old tricks in his new parish


Catholic education is run like an elite mafia – sure they love their values which they virtue signal all day long but Partnerships, Academies. School Commissioners and Director Education don’t believe a word of Catholic faith and boast privately that they don’t do religion because they’re too busy dealing with the Big Girl stuff (buildings, gov legislation, etc.
There is always nepotism and corruption and the Catholic education system is a farce which is dying on its arse.
Hardly any secondary school kids practice their faith either at school or when they leave.
Safeguarding is major issue and having a priest on board of governors hugely problematic and sinister.
A presbytery next to a school is highly suspect today – is Father grooming the children.
Confirmation is the sacrament of exit and the notion of a child kneeeling in front of a bishop with his hands laid on his head simulates fellatio and is an erotically charged rubric from which the giver derives either sexual pleasure or the frisson of power.
Consider this in the UK:
Joe Quigley
Tim Gardiner
Both convicted child abusers and on the sex register (probably for life) were high ups in the Catholic Educaton Service in Eccleston Square London.
Catholic education at secondary level is dying on its feet and I’d give it less than a decade as bishops will secularise their schools and cash in on sale of land.
Do the maths: UK alone;
800 secondary schools land wort 1 million per school.


At my N. Ireland Christian brothers run grammar school in the 1960’s I used to be about the tail end of the top third in class exam ratings. I was very non academic, and only interested in sport.
On retiring home after working life abroad I was “gobsmacked ” to find out how many of my former classmates from the bottom third had ended up as head teachers of rural Catholic schools.
Now I understand why.


At the start of your comment I was thinking that if you consider yourself unacademic and were still in the top third I’d hate to think what the bottom third was like.

Liked by 1 person

Off topic but I read that Ireland has only 20 seminarians in training at St Patrick’s. How many more are there elsewhere? Is the Irish College still mothballed for pre-ordination training?


Things in the Mid-Ulster area regarding schools is bad indeed. Pat, the last time you highlighted the issue here, two principals left! Any chance of the same this time?


@12.13 Yeah, both with egos as large as their rear ends who totally encapsulated the descriptions behind the Peter Principle and the Dunning-Kruger effect.


@12.13pm We had our weekly coffee morning discussion today all about this very subject and the school I think you refer to. It’s not so much the school but the dominant priest ogre that has been allowed to trample on everyone. At every funeral he repeats the same old tired inane mantra about “Let me go”. Even the old retired butcher says it word for word now. I ask you.


Sounds like the wee dick in my Maynooth years trying to dominate the Sister in the Sacristy. Apologies if I am wrong. If it is the case then nothing has changed. Whoever is in charge of him (if correct) hasn’t the balls to deal with it. That pretty sums up the current state of affairs in the RC Church in Ireland I guess.


Always good to log into the blog to see the latest installment of Catholic church bashing. Saves me buying the Irish times or watching the fake news scoundrels on RTE . Keep up the good work Bishop Pat


@2.25pm It’s not so much go and get him but more sadly that nothing has changed since our Maynooth days. Perhaps that’s a sad reflection on those presently in charge. I won’t name him out of charity but he was always a loose cannon adopted by a control little freak of a Cardinal.


As a parent of children in school’s in Mid Ulster can I ask, what Schools are we talking about here?


Pat did the BBC contact you about a forthcoming programme about Divis? You are mentioned in it according to a friend who has partly worked on the package. Just wondering? I think a Fr Wilson got a mention too.


I think you and Fr Wilson were portrayed Pat in a good light practical and pastoral but with the people. Sadly that has all gone wrong North and South. Sit behind a desk and screen nowadays. I haven’t been told the screening date yet.


You are not a concerned parent nor you will ever be John. Keep in control even down to calling the bingo numbers control. What PP does that now with a small group of fag hags surrounding you.


Conry is long gone ffs because he wanted to flee and get rid of
Mauritius Maurice as did Hollis and McCartie. Pargeter as auxiliary and ex Cotton was an ass lick and company man. He didn’t flee, lazy buffoon and a Confirmation machine. They delegate that now to PP’s so what’s the point of an auxiliary.


The Bishops of England & Wales are meeting this week. I wonder if certain reports covered on this blog will be on the agenda? How embarrassing for EGAN. I wouldn’t show my face if I were him.


They couldn’t give a shite @2.03pm ay their meeting and this blog included. Therein lies the whole problem. Devoid of reality because like yer man over there in Armagh – zero to little pastoral experience .


Yes the bishops low week and Nov meeting always had Conry holding hands with one of his ladies in tow.
No doubt Nursie and his Dominic will be there
Don’t think Elsie takes his Carmel she’d cause too much trouble and he likes her to have a meal cooked in his return – she’s getting on though – is she still his skivvy?
Can’t imagine Booby Byrne shows his face but I’m sure he’s got his spies there feeding back the gossip about him.
He’s definitely on the agenda and up for discussion.


Where are they meeting this year ? Are secretaries / bfs /gfs/ significant others allowed to attend ? Canon Chris Thomas will surely be blabbing about the whole thing, so + Bobby will no doubt find out what is being said and what is happening. Thomas is an inveterate gossip. I’m sure + Bobby and the H&N imbroglio will be on the agenda, formally or informally. They know that there are going to be troubles ahead on that front when the truth fully outs. At the moment +McMahon etc are trying to delay things with their endless reports. But, soon enough the newspapers will sniff out what has really been going on and it will hit the headlines – safeguarding stuff, internet child porn, suicide, lockdown parties, Bobby’s own behaviour, financial stuff. Oh, it has meat and potatoes ! So, I’m sure that will be a big issue in the discussions. Also, no doubt a bit of manoeuvring about who is going to take over from whom, and when + Elsie will move on and who will take over in Westminster. I wonder will CockRoche be present ? Would he like the job ? Moving from Rome to Westminster ? I suspect life is very nice in Rome, so why would he want to take on a shit job like Westminster ? Mind you, there is no accounting for ambition and the need for authority and power.


Fr Derek Ryan has a good reason to be in regular contact with Mozambique. His mission was a complete success.


When Conry used to hold hands and go walkies with his bint – honestly it was laughable like something from Lower Sixth – very childish and immature but made you think he was shagging her at the conference and if she stayed overnight.
Money says she did and they knew all about naughty Kieran.
Yes Byrne No 1 in the agenda under Shit has Hit the Fan.
Tubby Thomas an inveterate gossip eh – sole of discretion I’m sure (not). He and Byrne bezzies then as Byrne the worst.
Second on the agenda: Damage Limitation.
A healthy bishops conference needs a mole to feedback juicy and embargoed information.
Love to see the look on Stocks and Alexa de Forges faces!! They get so angry and indignant they are like a poor man’s In the Thick of It – you know all the incompetence none of the humour.
They take themselves so seriously as if they are running the country – total bollox but great seeing


Elsie is 78 in November.
79 in 2024
And 80 2025 and can no longer vote in Conclave and then won’t be arsed and will want out.
Money on him not going until late 2025 if not 2026.
La Roche – no chance him or Gallagher – too old and too pampered princes if not princesses if you know what o mean.
God forbid Wilson or Stock who must be in the running but hardly charismatic leaders either of them – hopefully a dark horse but God know who?!!
Nursie – no chance and got his own little domestic thing going on and though Birmingham is a shit show before too long he’ll be there 15 to 20 years and he’s toast.


@3.50pm Your diatribe against Conry is quite tiring now. He has left the scene ages ago and maybe you should do the same. He obviously slighted you. Have a wee dram and move on.


If it’s the school I’m thinking off, it’s the talk of the Country. From reading this article it’s clear to see the Principal is more concerned with impressing the GAA & accepting hand outs from businesses, she’s spent fortunes on outside training when she already had the skilled teachers in the school, speaks volumes!


Bang on about Pargeter – lazy lugubrious sod, needed a rocket up his arse – where is he now? Wherever he is it’s a cushy life – nuns to cook (big black mamas) and obsequious Monsignor’s and Oleaginous Canons to chauffeur him like he’s the Mayor of Sutton Coldfield.
He’s a Cotton man turned to Starch with plenty of dark secrets to take to his grave.
Pargeter loathed Elsie and Longley afraid of upsetting the old lush – he knows too much see.


They’re meeting at Hinsley Hall, Leeds. I know one or two are hoping not to feature on this blog whilst in the presence of their ‘brothers’ who all keep a watchful eye on what +Pat is revealing.


Northampton diocese are on the lookout for a chief operating officer. They are only offering 80k though, not the 100k++++++ Portsmouth pays HAUSCHILD.


Ok – here goes – one school is Holy Trinity College; the only CCMS school in Mid-Ulster who was in MacRory Cup this year and the other one is St Pius X College, Magherafelt. The things that go on in that place – financial cover-ups (Principal’s wife is some sort of ‘Bursar’ – same as when he was Principal of Edmund Rice In Glengormley), attempts to climb up that greasy GAA pole, favouritism and mistreatment of staff are unbelievable. Behaviour of pupils and general standard of uniform have gone down the tubes – I should know, I work there!


This is a terrifuc blog entry and sadly not in the least surprising.

Lest anyone be in any doubt nepotism is utterly rife south of the border too. My wife – along with around 10 others – went for an assistant principle job in a school in Munster. Between them they had more than 150 years experience and were all well qualified. The job went to the youngest teacher with the least qualifications. No coincidence at all that her father was a principle in a school down the road, often in the papers greasing important mickeys and an all round attention whore. Years of experience count in these interviews; the only way she could have gotten the job is that every other candidate basically got zero marks from the interviewers and she got full marks.

Experienced teachers cant get a permanent post because of this nonsense. So they are welcomed with open arms in Dubai, Doha and Abu Dhabi. Ireland is rotten to the core.


It is rotten, indeed. In the case of the Cookstown school, the majority of extra resources go to the smallest group of pupils – those that play GAA. The average pupil remains unnoticed while those who play football are treated as the stars of the show, regardless of behaviour or academic progress. Paying an outsider to train a losing team is shameful, especially when the staff could do that themselves. If it wasn’t so serious it would be laughable. Like the staff member from St Pius x College, i too know the truth because i work in Holy Trinity College.


A colleague accused me of being on this blog, ranted and vented at me. In fact I had never heard of it until then. Although it wasn’t their intention they have now provided me and others with a very helpful contact in Bishop Pat.


Questionable decisions being made by unaccountable structures within these schools and outside bodies. Staff need to wise up and rise up as a collective and challenge the cronies “managing” these organisations. These questionable practices are affecting staff lives, welfare and career opportunities. Stop taking it! Speak to your unions. You pay them enough, so get a return on your investment.


8.23: Wait until all schools are state run, then teachers will have to work harder than they presently are doing. They won’t sadly be happier or fulfilled..


So you know it’s rotten to the core but yet you remain silent until it affects you?
Isn’t this typical of me fein Paddy?
Can’t you see you’re exposing your own selfishness? Unlike Pat who has been trying for years to highlight the truth.
What have you ever done apart from coming on here moaning about me me me?


Thanks +Pat,

The Bobby Byrne story involves so many dioceses in England.

H & N – and all the mess that needs sorting out. Appointments that need urgently made. New trustees appointed.
Safeguarding concerns.
Sexual abuse victims speaking out.
Money spent.

A & B – Priest claiming to be abused by Bobby in this diocese. Who is supporting him? How is he being treated? How much are the police involved?

Liverpool – sharing a bishop with H & N. +Malcolm expected to run two diocese but has very few links with anyone in Newcastle so is wholly reliant on Bobbys collaborators who should have resigned from senior positions.

Birmingham- Bobby was there before H & N. What did Bernard know? What did others see? Did they want rid of Bobby, so pushed for him to go?

Leeds – Marcus is Bobby’s closest friend. He stays with him a lot. What did the bishop of Leeds know? What did he advise his closest friend on the conference?

Westminster – Vincent was on the committee for Bishops in Rome. Why did he push for Bobby to have his own diocese?

Salford – Bobby is staying in Manchester ant the minute, often seen in the Little Sisters and out and about in the Salford area. Have the Salford safeguarding department been informed? Does he report to them?

Middlesbrough – Bobby had been staying in York immediately after his “retirement” and hopes to live at the York House. Does Bishop Drainey know when he was staying in his diocese?

When will the investigations be completed?
Will priests and lay people in H and N be informed?
Who will be responsible for any actions that need to be taken?


The nepotism and favouritism towards GAA players in nothing new – sure St Mary’s Training College is full of nothing but GAA players who get in usually with basic enough A-Levels but because they kick a ball they get a free pass by doing that pathetic BA degree in Liberal Arts because they are not bright enough for the BEd and yet someone thinks they should be in front of a classroom teaching children – the mind boggles. And I can also tell you Pat that the CCMS carry-on and bullying principals is not confined to Mid-Ulster – one CCMS school in Fermanagh needs a light shone on it – would probably leave the Mid Ulster ones in the shade for the carry-ons that go on there


Thought Northampton was stone broke – seemingly not – £80,000 is what it takes to have a fall guy in place – he hasn’t got Oakley’s back he IS Oakleys back.


Regarding the magherafelt school, I believe the Principal went for a job in Maghera and got knocked back- again. I wonder would there be a Bursars job there for his wife too? Anyways, looks like he’s stuck in MAgherafelt for the time being?


Pat you must dig deeper into this blog story. There is a lot of material in some grammar schools which will certain call into question their leadership. Keep the thumb on them Pat.


I too work in Holy Trinity College and I am also afraid to speak out. I’ve dedicated my life to this job only to feel let down by CCMS. The actions of the Principal and the Chair don’t go unnoticed among the staff. Recruitment is a major issue. The morale is extremely low in this school.


I too track here. It’s a wonderful educational establishment apart from two woke snowflakes who can’t teach.


Pat I worked at a school in Lisnakea which belonged to CCMS. As a temporry teacher I was disgusted. The leadership was horrendous and there was a lack of initiative at the very top. I think they made up the self-proclaimed ‘Best School’ title for themselves.
I can also enlighten you further; Holy Trinity Cookstown is a disgrace but sure all you have to do is look in the Principal’s office.
Let me tell you further, CCMS is bad, but every bit as bad is the beloved Catholic grammars in Derry and Tyrone. St. Mary’s Magherafelt, St Pat’s Academy Dungannon, St Joseph’s Donaghmore. Links exist in these schools Pat with not just the GAA, but some very unsavoury individuals. Much, much more to follow. I would join calls for teachers rights across these schools and others to mention their concerns. In one grammar school above, the Principal employs at least two members of their family in the teaching staff. In another we have swingers, and of course a lot of ‘lovin’ going on within the staff room.


One priest in Tyrone gossiped and interfered in one of these grammar schools that much he was ordering disciplinaries of teachers he himself wasn’t even on the BoG. He should go and buy himself another pair of shoes and a sequence shirt to go with it 😂😂


Haha this is the best name ever – Dalai Drama!! Class! PS My friend works in the school you are alluding to (I think) and this priest is FAB-U-LOUS, along with one or two of the teachers there as well 💅💅💅💅


9 36: Ever since the nuns departed St. Joseph’s in 2007, the school seems to gave gone in the opposite direction…like many former schools run by religious. Once the religious left, the Catholic Ethos was on paper only!!: The Sisters were wonderful at managing schools in every way.


This is a joke Pat. Just look at the GAA behaviour of late.
Look at CCMS and CSTS and people who sit on their panels – the now MIA Education Advisor for Armagh Primary schools. He was on a sexuality and relationship sterring committee whilst under canonical investigation!!!


Yes the priest that enjoyed sex with every man in the country, married or otherwise, in fields and ditches. Now he has moved on to the European stock in Belgium.


My son is in the current Sixth Form cohort in Donaghmore Convent and he is absolutely sidelined, and I know other parents feel the same, because the school is absolutely obssessed with GAA football success and my son is not interested in football.
I would also raise concerns over the integrity links the school has developed with seminaries. You Pat have mentioned the need for dissociation from the Roman Catholic Church. Why is our school forming bonds with priest’s colleges, namely Maynooth and Leuven? What is the deal here? I have seen a lot about a Tyrone cleric in Leuven.
Can the Senior Leadership of St Joseph’s Donaghmore assure parents that our children will not come into contact in any capacity with the priest in question?


Dangerous business assuming anything about anyone on an anonymous blog – not remotely slighted by Kieran – just know it was common knowledge that he was a busy chap and holding hands with his lady friends at bishops conference didn’t quite fit – thing is clerical scandals exist to be referred to so we can learn from them.
But hey by all means run whatever narrative you want – you couldn’t possibly know anything about me.


Oh that’s interesting isn’t it -do tell more!!
Stock and Byrne are bezzies – – and we know Booby likes a drag Queen at his parties.
Wonder if Stock will drop Byrne now that he’s a hot potato.


I’m in a tricky situation in so far as my WiFi was hacked in late 2020.
I KNOW the source! Cleric! Enough said. Got phone call from eastern European number after complaining to service provider. The cleric is connected to HQ Ordinary. The clerical clowns in the Diocese at this
stage make me SICK! The community of love standing shoulder to shoulder are f++++++ mute. I’m sick of it, Pat. I need to talk to a
human being! Is that too much to ask of clown world clericalism?? Pat, believe it or not, I’m dealing with this CaCa since early 1981. And, guess what? I have the evidence!!!


7:23 am

So What! So What! Is that some form of threat? Is Alphonsus the Pope? Excommunicate me! Off you go ! I couldn’t careless.


And then there’s a certain school in Mid Ulster that allowed their principal to ride off into the sunset for reasons best known to only the BoG and CCMS. The brush and rug just gets bigger, all to protect reputations and of course, the cult.


Which school is this? Also, can the auditors within CCMS/DENI- if they actually have any-not request to examine the financial goings- on in these places? After all ,this is public money they are handling.


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