


In the 21 st century what has all that palaver got to do with Jesus of Nazareth and the spreading of the gospel?

Two horse-drawn carriages, women dressed like Napoleon, all kinds of red and purple textiles etc, etc.

It’s a bit like the recent coronation. A lot of the layers need to be removed.

I have no problem with a nice cassock and even the odd splash of cerise or purple.

Black and purple are my two favourite colours.

And I love a nicely done post Vat II liturgy.

But this was way OTT.

This was 19th-century stuff.

I get embarrassed and self-conscious wearing a mitre.

But this nuncio guy was going around dressed like Dame Edna Everage.



You do realise that is how all ambassadors to the Court of St James present their credentials to the monarch? It’s the palace that organise it that way not the church!


Nice try. They don’t all drag up like Danny LaRue to do it. 😂
Did you deliberately miss the point or are you just a cathbot?


I do hope that Nuncio presented his credentials to aul Nettie she’ll be devastated if he didn’t. He’ll have tsunami of her unwanted epistles God help him.


Nettie and Bela are two sides of the one coin. Neither can use a full stop or a capital letter.


It’s still ridiculous, put of date and absolutely unnecessary – especially for a priest.

I’m sure the Palace could be asked for a change.


10.28: Pat, you are simply looking for trouble. REALLY. And, if you are embarrassed by wearing your mitre, then DON’T WEAR IT. To be honest, Pat, the practice of clerics dressing up in cerise, purple, black, gold and blue is far removed from the simplicity of Jesus the Nazarene. The traditions of Britain are unique. Doesn’t bother me. But, all clerics need to dress much more simply.

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Rubbish. The palace had nothing to do with the choice of dress of Buendía. Obviously his own preference to wear the cloak which is abrogated since 1970’s.


Exactly, 10:59 Most heads of state go to the palace dressed like Elsie is there. Incidentally nice to see her not the centre of attention for a change.



Mother Frances portrait was taken from a picture and her mind.

I have no problem with the mitre, crosier, pectoral cross, ring being the episcopal symbols and I use some of them regularly.

And. I always use an alb and chasuble celebrating Mass.

But I wouldn’t walk around the streets of Belfast, Dublin or London dressed like that.


Ah, the person whose favourite word is “abrogated”, and the things allegedly abrogated haven’t been abrogated.


Belated congratulations on your Silver Jubilee Bishop Pat. We all hope that you enjoyed your day.


I love that some traditions have been retained. Since I think Pat is Irish, he really doesn’t get an opinion.


Very happy to see that the church doesn’t discriminate in appointing drag queens to jobs. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


Why didn’t the nuncio go on the bus, Bhoy. He couldn’t started a new tradition instead of going along withall the pomp. I thought the Pope
was cutting down on pomp?


So that makes it ok then? What about setting an example? Or does the Church lack the necessities? Or is it just that the Church is tooworldly to refuse such pomp and circumstance?


The archbishops (the “more” real ones) are already the representatives of the City State on earth: so why a supernumerary? Does this frippery come out of whip-rounds on behalf of DOW? Disestablish the RCC, now!

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You don’t see Archbishops of London, or indeed the Pope, travelling around by horse-drawn carriage.
THE GUARDIAN Tue 22 Sep 2015 22.49 BST
”A Fiat is worth a thousand words as Pope Francis opts for humble ride.”

The pontiff made his first journey on US soil in a modest family car sending out a message of humility and possibly a foretaste of his environmental message.


I just know this post will give the Papists such trouble. They’ll be torn between saying everyone dresses up like them (like they say with kiddy fiddling priests) and the clerics will wonder if the gullible will cough up for that get up for them.

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You have shown many times you care nothing for victims of CSA and are content to weaponise it for your own needs. Readers know you are scrsping ghe bottom of the barrel then. It’s a further abuse of the innocent.


Well, 12:09, I’m sorry. Sorry that your failure to live in reality means you see every time you are confronted by it as being attacked.

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Our daily reminder that the RC Rape Cult don’t want to hear about their terrible history and will happily pretend this is to benefit their victims.


It’s exactly the opposite. Your comments are a further abuse of the victims of the crime of CSA. One way of obviating the need to address the current problem – It’s not just a historical issue but very much a current one in families – is to say everything is CSA. If that is so, then nothing is. You seem to have a vested interest in obfuscation.


12.09 thinks 10.27 is you-know-who. He’s got a real fixation with that guy. Maybe it’s a crush.😍


12:09 Scraping the bottom of the barrel is simply projection. Following CSA the innocent are no longer innocent. Duh!


Today’s episode of Catholic Street has been brought to you by the words projection, blame shifting and denial.


@10.20am The carriage is supplied by the King not the Church. Whether it’s wrong or right is a matter for the Royal family who provide it. When did the last Nuncio NOT do it?


‘ Charlie boy, if you want the problem of Andrew sorted permanently we’d be happy to ordain him for a consideration.’


10:33 No doubt you would Frankie Bhoy!
The Grand Old Duke of York
He paid £10 Million Quid to a
Woman he never met
For something he never did………

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I actually don’t think the cape is the most ridiculous part of the outfit: it’s the fact of wearing the zucchetto and the biretta on top. I just don’t think you should trust a man who unselfconsciously can wear two hats and not throw one of them off.
Similarly with the vessels for mass. I’ve done some stupid shit when drunk but I’ve never yet felt the need to put a dinner plate on top of a wine glass.
Does nobody ever stop to think these things are ridiculous? Presumably they’re part of getting you used to doing silly things and working up to bigger ones. Grooming, basically.


It’s to keep mosquitos and other Mediterranean insects from falling in. Hardly a problem in Ireland or UK or Alaska.


Here’s the thing: whilst King Charles, the Establishment, Elsie and every clerical Queen in the country might congratulate themselves on this parade of pomp, circumstance and pageantry- an elderly rotund prelate driven by a horse and coach through central London trust me orisinary people of good will and those aged between 18 and 25 think it’s a pretentious joke and turns many off not on to religion.


I agree +Pat, whilst all the pomp on display at the Coronation of King Charles III can be justified when one looks at the tourist & other income the Royal family brings into the UK, the RC owes millions worldwide to victims and survivors of church related abuse and they not only spend huge sums of parishioner money on fancy lawyers, they then swan around in expensive finery as if they hadn’t a responsibility to those they and their members knowingly abuse and victimise for personal gratification and financial gain. Shameful. But what’s new. They do it practice what they preach & use God as a gimmick to prop up their disingenuous roadshow.


Oh, come on guys ! Stop being such miseries. This sort of thing is the tradition when ambassadors present credentials to the King and Court of St James. Goes back centuries. It’s part of a rich and varied tapestry of history. Let it be. To be honest, it probably engendered more £s from tourists spending money than it cost. I have no problem with it. You could. be in Russia or Syria or Sudan and you would be a lot worse off. At least Britain is pretty peaceful, the rule of law applies, we don’t get imprisoned without cause, the government does’t divest us of everything, we can say pretty much what we please….. etc. etc. So, let it pass and rejoice in the history, tradition and colour this kind of thing brings. Frigging miseries, you are !


Here, here! What’s wrong with a bit of traditional ceremonial? I’m sure the nuncio wasn’t too comfortable with it, he almost stumbled when lighting that carriage. Poor man.
Pat’s very harsh and judgemental. May God bless him. His Eminence too.


It’s puritan, evangelical and bible thumping protestants on here who take offence over the least wee thing regarding Catholics anywhere. The type who swear allegiance to said King when it suits them. They are in the minority now in the North given the election results. Deal with it. Keep honouring that old Dutch Queen (Sorry King) on her/his white horse.


The age-old excuse trotted out by you that the prelates deserve a medal for enduring the ignomy of having to dress up like a brothel’s madame. When in fact, the corpulent elderly gentlemen chose to wear gear which has been absent from the caeremoniale for decades. Not in my name.


@ 12:15pm

You’re right what a shower of miserable gits the poly’s are, they want everything to be as common as they are. If they want that simplicity let them go to the dippers in their ghastly halls or even worse to a Novus Ordo wigwam with their hideous post vat2 liturgy. Give me Pontifical High Mass at The Throne celebrated at a glorious Altar with sumptuous vestments and the Palestrina choir anytime. They’ll all be on attacking me but who cares, a pox on the lot of the miserable sods,😏

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Does Almighty God condone CSA or rape committed by seminarians or religious superiors or all the abuse corruption and crime of your church?


It’s not a harmless gesture. It’s not tradition. It’s traditionalism. In the name of the one who had nowhere to lay his head. It’s disgusting. No wonder the Quakers were founded to offset such attention-seeking actions in the name of God.

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@ 2:33pm

No at all Patsy. that’s just your opinion, I prefer Almighty God to be worshiped as is His due with the best of everything. You’re just being a nasty bold boy.😀


All Bela’s taste is in his mouth. A cloak that’s been ditched by the Vatican and resurrected for a guy like this is a travesty of the worship of God. As scripture and a good Protestant hymn declares ‘Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness’
Your predicating of Pat in the terms you use here is a further indication of childishness and intellectual incapacity.


You are on a sticky wicket with this one, Pat. You obviously didn’t do your homework before rushing headlong into uninformed and premature judgement.
Even the mighty “Bishop of Larne” has feet of clay.


How is it premature judgement to express the perfectly sensible opinion that the nuncio is dressed like a drag queen.
I swear you people give away the church’s target demographic every time you miss the point completely. 😂


Must have generated massive amounts of horse manure plus a storm load hot air.


12.49, Par, skip your modesty. You do not velueve you have feet of clay because if you did truly believe that you’d correct your hirribly nastyusm towards your chosen targets. You have indeed “feet of clay”, perhaps worse than you imagine, as some know!


How is exposing hyprocisy, corruption, and sexual deviance by bishops and priests being nasty.

The Truth is often very unpleasant but not nasty.

“The truth is still the truth, even if it is revolting.”


@ 2:57pm
The mutual admiration society on licking one an other as usual. I see by your use of the word predicate you’ve been back on google. A good “protestant” hymn is something I wouldn’t know and say’s a lot more about you. You show your lack of intellect by not using spellcheck your spelling is atrocious.🙄


Don’t bother reacting. Just think it’s a further abuse of genuine victims by a callous obsessive.
It wouldn’t be surprising if the commenter you are responding to had something to hide.


168 MILLION to bury Queen Elizabeth.
56 MILLION so far for Charles who said he will up hold the Proddy Faith.
At least we are letting London know we are still here and will be for a long time.
The Papal Nuncio is a very humble man and a Priests first and foremost and would have to go along with Elsie’s carry on why was it not done for the past two Papal Nuncio’s well maybe Elsie is trying to hang on for a few years more.


You’re not Jim S. by any chance? The nuncio a humble man? Electing to wear a cloak that’s been made obsolete indicates otherwise.


It’s not obsolete, any ecclesiastical tailor in Rome worth his salt would make you one no problem. The current oaf in Liverpool has worn one.


Elsie is clinging on by his finger tips and knows he is finished but doesn’t want to face it. That’s a horrible thing they often call arrogance.


Bishop Pat, don’t stoop to the “feet of clay” trolls. They react because you mentioned Elsie. They are nasty vindictive queens not even locally based. They have launched a prolongedattack on you and those closest to you. I think you are aware of who they are. They feel threatened by you and lash out like cornered rats..


It’s much more environmentally friendly to get the royal horses out for a trot and a bit of exercise, than using a fumes-belching black cab or a “look at how humble I am” Fiat 500. These carriages and horses are being put to use.
Do your triggered readers realise that internal mail between the royal palaces in London is likewise conveyed daily by horse and carriage? It gets the horses out and about and used to traffic and crowds.
Let’s not be all dour Puritans and misers, please.


The biggest offence is that it’ s in bad taste for a Nuncio to be wearing an abrogated garment that was abrogated for a reason. It’s an example of gender fluidity.


The Spaniard looks like a big Auld Queen. Ironic that in his native Spain, the Catholic King did away with anointing, coronations and prayers over him when he ascended to the throne. Only in secular England, where no one believes anything do we have all this meaningless dressing up and religious ritual.


It is no longer part of the Caeremoniale episcoporum. It’s obsolete. It has nothing to do with dourness. It’s bad taste. On a few levels. Not least that of a vision of ecclesiology that is redolent of the Medici papacies rather than that of the current bishop of the diocese of Rome. Noble evangelical simplicity is one of the current signs of the times.


It was never part of the Ceremoniale. It’s not liturgical attire. You’ve never read and won’t be able to cite it.


Royalty is medieval, most of our tradiotions stem from being medieval. Some people are so ignorant of history. The biggest laugh is that they thought the carriage was provided by Elsie. Stupidity!!


@ 3:35pm
No, you have no taste, you are obsolete. All present Nuncios wear them, they are still part of the diplomatic dress of The Holy see. Noble evangelical simplicity yar arse


What an arrogant little git you are. For your information, the Caeremoniale deals with more than liturgical attire. Do you think other people are incapable of dealing with primary sources? Your comment makes clear you have never looked at it.


No, my friend. No.
British royalty, no branch of it, pre-dates the medieval period, let alone by millennia.
This lesson is pro bono.😊


I can’t find it in the Annuario Pontifico. Remind me what country Archbishop Danny LaRue is nuncio to.


@ 4:40
He looks like a right berk just beamed in by Scotty from the planet Romulans stardate captains log 12bucklemyshoe where no man has
gone before.


You would have rejected Jesus for not dressing according to your taste. And he certainly didn’t. Come to think of it, the vile, ugly, nasty nature of your posts here prove that you have rejected him anyway.
It’s amazing that Pat continues to publish the uneducated, poorly punctuated bile you post.


More nonsense. It had nothing to do with respect for the king. It’s disrespectful towards Pope Francis for his representative to wear such shockingly ugly and repealed robes.
Crotty should be ashamed of himself. A far cry from his Cork farmyard origins.


5 U.S.C. 2302(b)(8) - quote if you have been retaliated against for making a protected disclosuresays:

3:23 Absolutely, keep well in with the Roman Catholic Church, share ill gotten gains with this dodgy cult & they ensure their “generous” cohorts keep a couple of steps ahead of the FBI at all times.


Of course not, why would we? It’s called integrity. No member of my family has been to mass since three of my great uncles were all abused by priests.


Sorry to ask what may be an obvious question to the Catholics here but I understood that your denomination doesn’t ordain women. Why has a very elderly lady been made a bishop?


I love days like this when the cathbot trolls post such stupid shit they make their ‘religion’ look even worse than it already does. I wouldn’t have thought that was possible, but they somehow manage it.


Diana’s prediction
In 1993, Diana set a handwritten note to her butler Paul Burrell which read — “This particular phase in my life is the most dangerous — my husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury…”.
…my husband is planning ‘an accident’ in my car, brake failure and serious head injury…
Later, in 1995, Diana’s lawyer Lord Mishcon made a note of a conversation with her in which she predicted she would be got rid of in “an accident in her car such as a pre-prepared brake failure or by other means”.
Miscon was so concerned by this note that after her death he forwarded it to the Metropolitan Police. The police did nothing with the note and kept its existence secret until it was revealed in 2003.


The religion is rapidly disappearing. For all intents and purposes it will be gone within the lifetime of most readers of this blog. Why not have a bit of fun in the dying days? The real fools are the ones who take it seriously. In a perverse way I rather admire the church for depriving the pious of their money.


God spoke before you.
You forget the Lord’s promise “And know I am with you even to the end of the age.” Just because you have abandoned the faith doesn’t mean God has.
Napoleon in his hubris, called Pius VII (1800-1823) Pius the last.” As every historian knows, it took only until 1829 for Pius VIII to appear.


Nichols is now so paranoid and looking over his shoulder at +Arthur in Roma. Francis likes Roche’s direct Yorkshire blunt talking and wants him to remain in Rome. Vincent doesn’t like this set up and keeps trying to be relevant with pics of the new Nuncio. It’s all politics.


Hi Pat – I suspect this was done to show the protestants that the Roman Catholic church is still there in England – even now in 2023, there are many butt hurt Roman Catholics who can not forget about the reformation – now, I myself I am not very religious anymore, if an alleged celibate cleric from the Roman church wants to dress up in frocks and hats, then fine by me, but we need to forget about the dressing up, and always remind EVERYONE of the crimes against children committed by that church, and the widespread cover up by popes, cardinals, archbishops, bishops and priests for not just decades, but centuries.


The commenters on this do not understand that this is the correct protocol for an ambassador to present their credentials to the Court of St. James. It is mandated that ambassadors wear morning dress suits, which are indeed old school but in line with custom. The Nuncio dressed appropriate to his role in his academic dress as choir dress would be a step too far. The king sends the carriage and his advisors decide protocol.


You don’t know what you are talking about, with your distinction between academic and choir dress. He should have jetissoned that biretta as someone remarked here already. And that cloak. Thankfully Irish bishops don’t even possess those outmoded items which do nothing more than call attention to the wearer. His Master rode into the Holy City on a donkey.


If I don’t know what I’m about at least I know it’s called a Ferraiolo and not a “cloak” as an educated man like you puts it. Secondly the Ceremonial of Bishops permits the wearing of the biretta and the ferriaolo with both academic and choir dresses respectively. Read and learn….


My goodness. Is anyone listening to Pope Francis calling for a more humbler Church. He said that one was to have the smell of the sheep not the horses!


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