

(Ouest-France) – Father Pierre de Maillard, from the traditionalist Christian community Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), is appearing before the Court of Assizes in the Vendée, at La Roche-sur-Yon. There are 27 victims, some of them still minors, who accuse him of rape and sexual assault between 1995 and 2020.

In order to accommodate more than 50 plaintiffs, they once considered relocating the trial to a hotel for more space. It is finally taking place in court at La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée), in the Court of Assizes, where Fr. Pierre de Maillard, 57 years old, will appear from Monday, May 22, to Thursday, June 2, 2023.

In nine days of hearings, the court will have to determine whether or not he is guilty of the charges against him: rapes and sexual assaults, especially on minors, aggravated by abuse of the authority conferred by his role as a cleric, as well as corruption of minors.

Twenty-seven plaintiffs, currently 14–40 years of age, claim that these events took place between 1995 and 2020, “mostly in the Vendée,” according to public prosecutor Emmanuelle Lepissier.

An Investigation Conducted From the Vendée

It is in an SSPX priory in Bocage in the Vendée, at Saint-Germain-de-Prinçay, that Pierre de Maillard was assigned since 2010, when the first complaint was lodged with law enforcement in Herbiers, on July 9, 2020.

A second complaint followed on July 11. The investigation was then entrusted to the research brigade in La Roche-sur-Yon, which identified 19 victims at first.

The accused was even confronted, but no one went to see the authorities.

Meanwhile, “isolated” by the Society in a priory in the south of France, at Montgardin (Haute-Alpes), Pierre de Maillard was placed under arrest on Oct. 12, 2020, then indicted and imprisoned.

During the course of the investigation, a total of 27 victims reported the events in the Vendée — in the priory of Saint-Germain-de-Prinçay and in children’s homes — but also in Ain, Gironde, Charente-Maritime and Yvelines, according to the assignments and relocations of the priest.

In Belgium and in the east of France, where Pierre de Maillard also worked, the investigations did not reveal anything. The priest faces up to 20 years in prison. Contacted by Ouest-France, Bernard Maillard, attorney for the accused, did not wish to comment.

Some Victims Question the Responsibility of Other Actors

The oldest claims date back to 1995, two years after the ordination of Pierre de Maillard, in 1993. 

“Throughout this trial, what will interest the court, the victims and their relatives, is how this could have gone on for 25 years, without anyone putting a stop to it,” said Lionel Béthune de Moro, attorney for 24 victims, along with his colleague, Hugues de Lacost Lareymondie. 

“Some victims are critical of what they have suffered, and question the responsibility of other individuals, private or public,” Bethune de Moro explained. 

He represents three victims, “who were concerned not to be represented by attorneys for the Society,” de Lacost Lareymondie having represented the SSPX in previous trials.

“The victims were silent, as they often are in this type of case. Suddenly, someone decided to speak,” relates de Lacoste Lareymondie. According to our information, it was within a brotherhood of victims that the silence was broken.

“But almost from the beginning, there have been people, private and public, who knew the facts. The accused was even confronted, but no one went to see the authorities,” clarifies Béthune de Moro


The breakaway Latin Mass group founded by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre has been involved in a child sexual abuse scandal for decades.

And they have mishandled the abuse in exactly the same way as the RCC – covering up and moving paedo priests from one place to another.

This challenges the LIE spread by the Latin Mass BRIGADE that sexual abuse is the result of Vatican II.

Paedophilia has been a problem in the RCC since at least the 11 th century

Paedophilia will always exist.

Its how we handle it and what we do about it that matters.

The SSPX are dealing with it very badly.9


And then they go on to say how abuse happens in families.
That’s right, those things that only started after Vatican 2. 🙄


11:39 Agreed, Roman Catholic “faithful” – that’s why they recognised as such competent cover up merchants and paedophile protectors.

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Pat will decide the focus of his blog and not you.
Read Pat’s own words no later and less than 24 hours ago on today’s post:
“Pedophilia will always exist.”
It doesn’t suit your narrative.

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But you knew what you wanted before entering seminary. I wonder what your real motivation was.


Wrong. It does not suit your narrative. Yes, “Pedophilia will always exist.”
So set up a blog on familial abuse if you are so concerned about wider society. From Bishop Pat’s Welcome Page:
‘My blog, as you already know, or will find is about exposing the corruption, abuse and criminality in the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and internationally.’

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Pat published the comment on pedophilia in families. He decided it accorded with the aims of his blog. I rest my case.


Are you a troll or a totally completely and utterly hopeless case?
Bishop Pat’s comment “Pedophilia will always exist.” was made in the context of clerical abuse in the SSPX.


You’ve lost the ability to be logical or rational, or to read a text closely, if you ever possessed it.
You’re confusing the connected but distinct concepts of the occasion on which a comment is made and the range of its applicability.
If you read Pat’s carefully-worded post today you would have averted to his acknowledgement that pedophilia has been a problem in the church since at least the eleventh century, that is a lthousand years before SSPX existed and, in the next sentence, that it will still be a problem a thousand years after SSPX has ceased to exist.


As I feared, a completely and utterly hopeless case. And you like so many of your colleagues are disconnected from the suffering inflicted on children and vulnerable adults through abuse of clerical power. Historically paedophilia has been a problem in the church since the first century. Having to resort to obfuscation ad hominem attacks and gaslighting is typical of hopeless cases.


I’m ever so glad you found my post at 9:19 elucidating.
Ask St. Rita of Cascia or St Jude to intercede for you.


Hyenas betraying trust
Merciless church abused and denied
The blameless that they crucified
Buried them namelessly under the sod
And offered novenas in praise of THEIR God


No advancements, no promotions without a blood oath of protection. One example of the systemic nature of the corruption. NOTHING will improve, no “nice guy” clerics, “open minded” bishops, or duplicitous ” progressive” Popes will solve anything because the SYSTEM is rotten to its core.


Pat there’s a Priest in Armagh parish from Africa or beyond, the man needs posted back on the next plane ASAP.
He’s a trier but imposing his culture on us with his hell bent 15-20 minutes of nonsense preaching is simply just not on!
It’s the conversation in the local school that I teach in everyday.
How in this day and age is our youth supposed to sign up to this type of church or our frail elderly expected to sit through his homilies that none understands.
My Mum and Dad now go to a neighbouring parish for weekly Mass, really is a sad state of affairs!


11:05 Because that’s how cults function – the cult is the whole point of everything they do and things like education are secondary.


It’s not only priests from Africa and beyond who are able to empty churches / parishes ! Monty of Westminster is doing a great job of emptying the place in his parish. To be expected, I suspect. I think the rope that + Vinnie gave him is running short, and he will soon have + Vin breathing down his neck. Yuk ! What a thought !


Baloney. Fr. Tom is a much respected and loved priest. Just look at the live streams and see how wrong you are about empty churches.
Fr. Tom is a likeable friar tuck.
I suspect Mr stalker that you have your Orange tinted glasses on. Fr. Tom is a convert from protestant springburn in Glasgow.
Leave him alone and watch the live streams.


Is every criticism you dislike down to Orangeism?
Get a grip. Come out of your green sectarian shell.


Well speaking as a former unionist who is now a seminarian (thanks to God’s immaculate mother) I think you should both stop.


Anonymous @ 11.43am
I intend to keep it up. 9.39am needs to get the Orange tinted glasses off and watch the live streams and see how wrong s/he is. The former unionist now seminarians needs to support the has rather than try to hush things up.
God bless Fr. Tom.
No surrender and viva is papa.


5:26 You’ve given away that you don’t think your interlocutor is a former seminarian. ‘S/he’ could only be a he. You are just trolling the blog and the former seminarian you’re all so mad you’ve never been able to identify for targeted retribution..


Anonymous @ 6.50pm
S/he refers to orange tinted glasses. @ 9.39am.
former unionist now seminarian is @ 10.20am.
Get new glasses from the optician and watch the live streams. Now then Billy let us know what you think of the live streams.


12:03 that right your parents are voting with their feet but they should be earned, their details will have been “circulated” once their destination was discovered. Same thing happened to others before they realised the cult is the same cult regardless of location.


Masses being too long, masses being too short, would you blog readers make your fu….. minds up. Hopefully you dear contributor teach bricklaying or joinery and not English.


When are the Latin Mass Brigade along with the ‘holier than thou’ brigades going to wise up and realise, they, with their clerics, are part of the human race. They are not exempt from abuse corruption or crime by virtue of wearing lace with frills or having a smattering of Latin, which most of them don’t understand. They need to cop on to what’s expected of them as Christians.


They don’t give a monkeys, they all best mates in the saunas and woods, altar tops, refractory tables. And don’t forget it’s all Bishop Pat Buckley’s fault for daring to call out these crooks and criminals. They are so special in their own minds and in the minds of their own bishops, they are facilitated do exactly as they please for decades before they eventually seriously hurt someone. The RC has so much Blood on their hands yet this is ignored by authorities- inducing suicide appears to be a RC speciality.

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Parents will have safeguarding anxiety in Ardagh & Clonmacnois. How can Connell be trusted if an unexpected safeguarding situation occurs? Abuse is not the result of Vatican II. Bishops must lead with integrity. Connell is being rewarded for corruption. It is impossible to have any expectation of Connell leading with integrity.


Everyone including parents should have serious safeguarding concerns about any organisation that is proven time and time again to engage in coverup and ongoing facilitation of kiddy and money fiddlers. Unbelievable ignorance and denial despite all the information publicly available. No excuse not to know any more.

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You reveal a lot about your inability to see the fuller picture. Ponder on Pat’s comment. Pedophilia has been with us from the beginning and is showing no signs of abating. It’s about how society manages it. Your approach is myopic.


11:47, bishops moved abusive priests from one parish to another. There can be no hiding from an absolute failure to protect vulnerable people. Deenihan should resign. Connell’s erroneous episcopal appointment should be stopped. Bishops must lead with integrity.

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11:02 volunteers in Roman Catholic Church couldn’t care less about other people’s children, many of them are childless themselves.


You reveal a lot about your avoidance of the track record of the RCC.
You cannot be all things to all women or men. Lets focus on how the RCC manages CSA. The State is supposed to focus on the wider picture.


If you use the wrong methodology your findings will be flawed. To be scientific, a methodology must look at context. Examining a phenomenon outside of its context is doomed to fail. Pedophilia within an institution can be understood only within its cultural context.


What kind of scientific research are you referring to? Empirical research in sociological methodology seeks qualitative and quantitative contributions that address the full range of methodological problems confronted by empirical research in the social sciences, including conceptualization, data analysis, data collection, measurement, modeling, and research design. Wider contextual issues are not essential otherwise the research project is too unwieldy.


The key context for abuse in RCC or SSPX or any other maverick catholic group is ministry on behalf of institutional catholicism or studying for role in ministry or working on behalf of institutional catholicism.


Abuse is not the result of Vatican II. Seamus, if you want to know what happened prior to Vatican II, during the Council and post Vatican II from
a psychological, doctrinal warfare, and geo-political perspective, read David Wemhoff 2 volume book, “John Courtney Murray, Time/Life, and the American Proposition.” It is fascinating captivating read. Available on


12.58: Seamus, can you answer this legitimate question: in the height of the awful revelations of sexual abuse, almost 35 years now, did you open your mouth in protest at the heinous, egregious crimes of sexual abuse of children and young vulnerable people? DID YOU? You’re certainly jumping on a bandwagon now but still anonymously…Having read your tiresome tirades against Bishop Elect, Fr. Connell and Bishop Deenihan, have you ever spoken your concrrns publicly at any gathering, in a homily (if a priest): have you written to any significant Bishop, Vatican personnel, newspaper or to the Bishop you so despise? You should answer these honestly or desist from your faux utterances. Have moral courage.


The exposure of these awful revelations of sexual abuse is going on 35 years. We are not necessarily at the height of these exposures in Ireland. In fairness did any Bishops priests or religious open their mouths in protest at the heinous, egregious crimes of sexual abuse of children, young people, and vulnerable adults? Did Fr. Tom Deenihan or Fr. Paul Connell or any other current members of the Irish Episcopate open their mouths in protest? I doubt it for the simple reason none of them would be in their current positions. They would have suffered in the way personnel suffer in the Irish Catholic Church, just as Dom Benedict Andersen continues to suffer. Bishops, including Papal Nuncio Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor, need to fully review Fr. Paul Connells appointment to Irish Episcopate and deal with Dom Benedict Andersen’s plight with integrity, justly and with moral courage.


Has anyone informed Archbishop Luis Mariano Montemayor of concerns surrounding Paul Connells Episcopal appointment and other related matters of concern. If not, why not?


Abuse as usual rife in the RCC. No end in sight and what is more disturbing about this case is that it is recent – this subhuman has been abusing up until 2020. It is simply unthinkable that at this stage abuse is still occurring in spite of the whole world knowing the implicit and explicit dangers of the RCC.

At this point there is a great need to significant government intervention. The state literally needs to be informing the population, officially, of the risk of any personal involvement with the RCC and frankly priests should never be let near children unattended. It is that bad. Massive financially penalties against the RCC need to be introduced if priests are found guilty in court. Not only are these beasts abusing children they are costing taxpayers a fortune in court cases. Lastly severe minimum sentencing needs to be introduced -10 years minimum. That’ll soften their cough. At the moment the consequences for the organizational failure of the RCC to prevent child abuse are simply not severe enough to dissuade them.

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You are not helping the debate or yourself by using the word subhuman. The point is, pedophilia is a human phenomenon. A deadly serious phenomenon that needs to be managed and overcome.

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MTU @ 9:22
I agree with most of your post. You are right, abuse as usual is rife in the RCC with no end in sight. I think subhuman is a dangerous inappropriate word in this context. Safeguarding unquestionably needs to be independent of the institutional church. Bishops in Ireland acknowledged a reckoning on all church related abuse has not yet happened. Why not? The State needs to intervene at this stage. I think massive financial penalties against the RCC dioceses are needed as a deterrent if a priest/s of a particular diocese/s are found guilty in court or if a bishop of a particular diocese protected him or continues to cover up abuse, including cases of historical abuse. This issue is not about protecting the church, it is not Christian and not even catholic. The issue is protecting financial assets and protecting retired bishops, religious superiors, and priests still living, who participated in covering up abuses before their retirements. Pressure from the public for State intervention plus serious financial penalties will soften their cough. Safety, especially child safety is paramount.

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Spot on. MASSIVE financial penalties will sort it out. Money is all they understand


Where I live is sunny but a LONG way from Castleconnell😀. No news from my sources there. GF keeping a low profile


5:34 MONEY is all the Holy Ones want to understand, they remain determined to obstruct via any means possible justice and compensation for victims and survivors of church related abuse and criminality.


9.12: Seamus, answer truthfully questions posed by 8.57. Why fo you avoid legitimate questions? Show us your moral fibre, if any!


It has only been a matter of time for the rock to be lifted on these so called pious, traditionalist, orthodox groups in the Church. And now we see the underbelly and the life that exists in the dark and damp. From a psychological perspective, it makes absolute sense that people who have a penchant for hiving themselves off from the regular, normal, mainstream, will have aspects about them and their psycho-sexuality that has sinister aspects to it. So, I am not at all surprised that this kind of abusive and dysfunctional behaviour is being found. It is a fair question to ask why it has taken so long for it to be named and shamed ? Closer to home, we have already seen strange goings on in one of the traditionalist groups such as the Oratorians – various strange dynamics and goings on, disappearances, going MIA, and now the behaviour of + Bobby of N&H, of which there will surely be a whole lot more that will come tumbling out. This from a group of men who ape a practiced genteel, Victorian gentleman, aloof lifestyle, relishing in their oddness and strangeness. The question is what do men like that get up to in the quiet and the dark when they think nobody else is watching ? I think we will be hearing a lot more about these traditionalist groups.

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Exactly. However the SSPX’s record on abuse has been well known for years. You don’t see it in the mainstream Catholic media because they’re not interested in the SSPX but if you delve into the sedevacantist internet, boy, are they all ready to hang out each others dirty washing.
Traditio is a good place to start. But be warned they’re coming from the other side of right wing so describe the SSPX as modernist and liberal!


Patsy, I thought you were going to moderate and not print abusive nasty comments about anyone. I have just come on the blog and there are four nasty comments about my person from the most nasty aul queens that haunt your blog. I’m sure most, if not all emanate from you know who. The proof that you dislike me proves that what they say, you protect me is not true or you would never have printed their vile insults. I condemn abuse no matter where it comes from trad.or poly it will of course take some time before anyone catches up with poly’s which they don’t like to admit.


Bella won’t be around much today, given that the myth of pious chastity she associates only with the tlm brigade has now been shattered. But Pat protects her for some reason, so this comment may not reach your screens.


Bella, as in Eviva Maria? Bella has not had an unchaste thought since 1967 when Bella was sweet sixteen and had never been kissed. Does Pat protect Bella? If so, does Bella needs minding?


@ 9.56
Pat and Bella are two pea’s in the pod their views are so alike and you can see the theme.
You say pat protects Bella of course he does as they play Good Cop / Bad Cop but are united in hatred against EVERYTHING the Roman Catholic Church stands for and more so the Holy Father.

As a A sexual person their is also Pat and Bella’s thoughts about LGBT people at least Pat is open about it while Bella hides in the Closet and pretends to be the Batchelor gentlemen at least his ex Big J is out and proud and respected for it.


@ 1:51
Bella, the belle of the blog- the lone sedevacantist is now a pea in a pod with Pat?! Will you cop on. Bella is not a bachelor gentleman but a refined lady. I suspect Bella was spurned by Big J. Love does hurt, it wounds and maybe it marked Bella’s heart.


What is the title of that video? I can’t watch it on my device, since it keeps stopping and then, when restarted, goes right back to the beginning.

If someone can give me the title, I perhaps could watch it on YouTube.


High time they settled their outstanding bills, commenced their prison sentences where relevant and allowed victims and survivors and their families long awaited closure.


@ 10:45

Go to YouTube – type in sppx Michael Gonzales – the first video in search results should be this video


It is a truth universally acknowledged that the Roman Catholic priesthood is a profession identified with the sexual abuse of children and its subsequent cover up.
Whether hue that priest may be: secular, religious, monastic or the LMB, it can therefore be of no surprise that this crime rears its ugly head wherever and whatever form the clergy gather.
The stigma of child abuse associated with this profession is impossible to erase.

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I’m sorry, but priesthood itself is the principal problem, not paedophilia/ephebophilia. This is the ‘revolting’ truth that some, especially priests, do not want to hear, and for which they attack the messenger, but none of us will ever be free from the fall-out of such egregious sins until they do.

Jesus’ death and resurrection did away with any perceived need for intermediary agency, including priesthood.

The revival of priesthood in the early church was a direct denial of Jesus’ achievements, a sacrilege, and left wide open in the church a door for the entry of evil.

Talk of reform of priesthood is missing the point, since priesthood cannot ever be rendered morally legitimate in the Church.

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Everybody should have severe concerns about an organisation riddled with abuse which tries to set the problem and its solution in ‘society’.
Where the **** do they think they are.

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They don’t think they’re in society, that’s exactly the problem. If you make out that your group is holy and separate you immediately have a difficulty when this sort of thing happens.
You either have to go for the no true Scotsman explanation or assert the ubiquity of abuse. The latter approach is prominent in the comments today and I wonder if the commenter realises how much it sounds like any other paedophile talking.
You then have the problem that the specialness of your little group is at least eroded, which brings the spotlight even more on it. This causes the leadership to double down and either blame individuals (eg this can’t possibly happen among trads who are the only real Catholics) or even more blame the incursion of the outside world. This might be framed as a deliberate persecution.
Because you have to be really nasty to make out that highlighting your group’s abuse is in some way persecuting you or retraumatising victims.
Of course I could say the name of the sort of group which insists on suspicion of the outside world and on obedience to its leaders even when they’re talking drivel, but they’d all start ranting that there’s no way they’re a cult.
Oh no, there I go.

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@ 1:10pm

It could be worse they at least are not connected to the bigger organisation which has been even more riddled with abuse for years. The Conciliar church enjoying it’s new ‘Springtime’🤣


Irish Government Minister announces Daniel McSweeney as Head of Independent office established under the International Byrials Act to oversee respectful recovery of children’s bodies at Tuam Mother & Babies Home.says:

Minister O’Gorman has also secured approval to engage former teacher and school Principal, Sheila Nunan, to liaise with all religious bodies who had a historical involvement in mother and baby homes.
The Irish Government has confirmed that it will require a “meaningful financial contribution” from the relevant religious institutions toward the redress scheme.

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1:17 Excellent news and this will set a precedent for redress outstanding elsewhere. No wonder the blog is quiet today. The Holy Ones scatter like rats when it’s THEIR turn to pay up for their sins. Probably in meetings with their lawyers and accountants searching for yet another “get out clause”.

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Thanks for posting. I noted the credentials. Here’s hoping this expert background will result in a competent investigation☘️


1:17 I don’t understand why the religious institutions don’t pay 100 percent of the outstanding redress owing, they took money from everyone in their slavery swindle – government, from the unmarried mothers & their families, sold their babies using falsified documents. No wonder today’s cohort of clergy and volunteers are so adept at all manner of intimidation, fraud and collusion to conceal criminality.


Minister O’Gorman said that Mr Mac Sweeney’s office had been given significant resources and powers.

“We’ve given this agency very significant powers in terms of the ability to excavate, to exhume remains, and to analyse remains, and indeed give individualised reports on each set of remains where possible in terms of potential cause of death and the like.

“We also removed a prohibition that had existed in the earlier legislation in terms of any engagement from the coroner.” It is hoped that exhumations will begin later this year.


9:24 “cause of death” could create a whole new can of worms. Were these babies assaulted, denied medical treatment, malnourished?


10.21: What if the bodies of children predate the 1940’s? Was the Mother and Baby Home in Tuam an orphanage before the nuns arrived? I pray all truth will be uncovered.


Wouldn’t it be good to hear one Roman Catholic say ‘We have a problem with abuse and we’re going to set our own house in order instead of telling everyone else what to do’?

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Using ones position in employment, ministry or any voluntary role etc. to influence outcomes in any civil or criminal proceedings is a very serious matter.


Only 45 comments published so far. The priests must be too embarrassed to raise their heads today. And who can blame them?

Child sexual abuse practically defines these men nowadays.

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As long as the blog isn’t about them personally they don’t care. Many a sigh of relief will have been sighed when they saw it was about the SSPX.

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1:43 Weather in Ireland is unusually good. They will not have missed the opportunity to head to the beach or wherever their types hang out.


1:43 Blog is always quiet on the days that the more corrupt Dioceses have other commitments and meetings. It’s a useful barometer.


Hi our Pat, long weekend coming up and I can’t wait, hope you all have nice plans. I am off so it will be a bender for me. What I think you, me and all the readers should reflect and ask themselves at some stage is – What behaviour is not supporting your life? Have a nice evening.


Well it’s been said to me, that newcomers or late entrants to seminary are in for a bit of a wholloping, because lateness they don’t like that. And when I went in late they ganged up on me, confront one and whoof you confront the lot. But gang handed seminarians are rats, the same people would pass you in the street and not say a darn thing. They are cowardly and disgusting, and they were a horrible bunch when I was in there.


They and their volunteers in parishes are the same. Disgusting, self serving types protected by the Holy Gang.


For today’s lesson in church speak we have the very specific way in which they use the word ‘context’. Quite differently from English it solely means ‘any location other than the RC church’, or to employ a more idiomatic translation, ‘Nothing to do with us, guv’.


No surprises here- The SSPX and its many refractions- the SSPV and the Society of St John- not forgetting the Sede Vacantist outfits such as the CMRI in Spokane Washington State could probably answer many police inquiries concerning the activities of its members and former members- not least of which is its association with far right politics-one former SSPX member and Society of St John member is now a Novus Ordo Priest in the Nottingham Diocese in England.

Of course we know all about Dominic Carey and Carlos Urutigoity but I think the the real man to ask is the former SSPX Bishop Richard Williamson and his St Marcel Initiative based out of a north Kent England coastal resort.

See this news article from the UK media paper The Independent

Williamson’s episcopal motto is taken from 1 COR 4:2

“UT FIDELIS QUIS INVENIATUR”- That a man be found faithful



Surely the Novus Ordo establishment is not accusing another group of sexual abuse as if they are some kind of example of saintly behavior! What SSPX priests have been alleged to have done is far, far below the level of what Novus Ordo priests have actually done. Entire Diceses have gone bankrupt already because of so many settlements. If we use the logic being used here that SSPX must be defective because some priests have been accused of or even found guilty of sexual abuse then by the same logic we should literally run away from the Diocese churches and never look back!
There have always been cases of sexual abuse in the Church. Let us act reasonably and sensibly here and not smear a group solely because of some cases. I do not smear the Novus Ordo establishment because of the flood of sexual abuse cases it has been wracked with. It is a sign of our times. We should be concentrating on where we can find the elements of our Faith that resemble what the Apostles left us with. We are still sinful people and so are the priests and that will never change.


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