

I have had a lot of abuse from clerics overnight about my blog piece. Its water off a duck’s back.

But this morning I had a very heart rendering telephone call from a very nice lady asking me to remove my piece.

I am aquising to her request.

I wish Father McGlynn well and will pray that he will, in time, recover from his very deep and painful bereavement.


The universally disliked Bishop Paddy Walsh (89) is reported to have been admitted to the Nazareth Retirement Village in Belfast.

His health has been in decline in recent years.

Before becoming bishop of Down and Connor he was president of St Malachys College Belfast where he had a reputation for sarcasm and corporal punishment.

As bishop, 1991 – 2008 he further consolidated his reputation for unkindness.

One of his favourites among the clergy was James Donaghy who went to prison for the sexual abuse and assault of young men.

The current parish priest of Ballymurphy, Belfast, Father Paddy was one of Donaghy’s victims and blamed Walsh for a lot.

Let’s hope Paddy Walsh has made a good General Confession.

164 replies on “FATHER THOMAS MC GLYNN”

Buckley you’re nothing only a liar. The parishioners of St Agnes love Fr Thomas and they would never contact you with any “concerns” about him. His brother was only buried last week. Fr McGlynn is not “missing”. And Bishop Paddy Walsh has been in Nazareth for months now. No news there either. Fuck away off with yourself.


You should feel shame, Pat, for uttering those words. I have long supported you, even though others told me that you had a darker side.
Don’t prove them right.


A@10:05. Your last sentence is a good example of the charity, patience, tolerance and kindness shown by many who cannot articulate a different perspective without descending into obscenity. Are you a Roman Catholic cleric?


I experienced nothing but kindness, consideration, and allowance from Paddy Walsh.
I take as I find. And I do not find Buckley’s representations of this man in even there remotest way reliable


Pat, what are you at? Fr McGlynn is not missing. He is grieving for his brother and he is getting some space. He was very close to his brother and it’s barely a week since Fr Thomas did the funeral. This is low even by your standards. Take this blog down and cop yourself on. No one will believe you that anyone from St Agnes’ contacted you. Likewise, with Bishop Walsh and Fr McCafferty. Fr has every reason to feel deeply aggrieved towards Walsh – but he doesn’t. And I have heard him speak kindly and compassionately of Bp Walsh in recent years. Donaghy was dealt with and found guilty. Maybe Fr McCafferty is letting bygones be bygones with Bp PW? Perhaps you might try that yourself? Maybe you too, as much as Bp Walsh, should consider making a good general confession, Pat?


Would you trust that man ? All that excessive forced sincerity, delivered in a moderated Scouse accent. Nope ! Certainly his clergy will be gagging if they have to watch that, knowing what he does to them and their retired colleagues. + Elsie would sell his own mother down the river if he needed to in order to advance his own interests. And, what are those interests at the moment ? Well, to hang on a bit longer in Westminster past 75, and probably then to go and live out his final active years in some sort of Cardinal’s sinecure in Rome. Whatever + Elsie is planning, believe me it will have to do with his interests first.


Oh, I bet that will Vinnie’s lunch and siesta today ! To think that someone could possibly say that about him.


Actually, I’m a parishioner of St Agnes and I find Fr T cold and unapproachable. Not loved by everyone.


Since lockdown started and there’s very limited social interactions, I’ve begun to enjoy my own company and not having to go outside the house, except once a week. I have anxiety and I hate going anywhere but now I have developed a love of staying indoors and avoiding people. this is probably not very healthy. has anyone similar experiences?


I’m a mental health professional and have had several people say either lock down has improved or worsened.
Of course it must depend on what you want – you may fear losing the ability to go out for example so would be unhappy with staying in.


I think the whole Covid experience has increased the anxiety of many. Something to watch out for, get help with.


Pat, your heading is utterly mischievous and ignorant. Fr. McGlynn has just buried his brother. He is grieving. What business is it of yours to but in to his life at this time? Get lost, you interfering little nuisance. Go and do the real work of God. Mind your own business.


5:14 pm

A word of caution; be very careful regarding the help you get for anxiety regardless of its underlying cause.

See links below re. Dr. Jordan Peterson’s experience of dealing with anxiety following help.


There is a vicar over the water who had his licence revoked around 18 months ago, apparently he is an expert in diagnosing mental health issues!
Diagnose a victim bonkers and completely discredit them behind their backs, all this while smiling and lying that he’s done ought wrong.


I see the Chancellor in the UK is going to be making big economic / fiscal announcements today. I wonder will + Elsie try to sneak his new pension arrangements for his retired clergy in today under the camouflage of Little Rishi’s announcement ? It’s the sort of thing he would do. Very politically savvy that + Elsie.


I remember meeting + Walsh when he was in power. It had nothing to do with clergy or parishes, but with some secular funding. It was very strange. He was creepy. I had a feeling that he was playing a game and trying to catch me and my colleagues out, and trying to be very clever. Strange experience. I have to say that I know he didn’t get the funding he was looking for.


Yes “creepy” is one word that well describes Walsh in her prime – there are many others of course – vicious, cruel, sadistic, conceited, arrogant, conniving. Oh a very nasty piece of work indeed. A sad and pathetic figure now as death draws near and the accounting to the Creator; but in his heyday…… ???


It’s not the first time that I’ve read about priests disappearing, it seems to feature quite regularly on the blog.
Of course, his bishop will have the means to put readers’ minds at rest (but not the inclination.


09.47am Are you as thick as you sound? He has not disappeared, please read carefully and slowly. People like you only look for the negatives – fool


Oh, but the more emphatically you insist he has not disappeared, the more I am inclined to think that he has disappeared. Methinks the Lady doth protest too much !


PB JPL’s special assignment… that anal douching / cleansing ? Very important skill for any modern day PB hungry cleric


Rory, ex + Amy’s priest secretary, ginger, put photos of his bits on Grindr and now in London doing something or other and no doubt supported financially by the diocese. PB refers to Power Bottom John Paul Little. Now on sabbatical doing a special project for the Diocese of Portsmouth. Alles klar ?


9:47 am
Gone “missing in action” is a well known category among clerics.
These include; c/o Bishops house, on sabbatical, on further studies, on loan and gone fishing,… etc.


+Pat, the reason they are having a go at you is because you are valiantly making people aware of the possible issues and dangers which lurk in Babylon: people have a right to know.
Jesus spoke truth, and stood, for others, and look how they reacted to Him.
You are doing exceptional work, and my mother has you to thank for my still being here today.
+Pat, last year things really where that bad.
God bless you and don’t ever be put off from doing the Lord’s work.
Your faithful servant in Christ Jesus


The first post is so typical of people who call themselves Catholic. Catholic maybe but certainly not Christian. No doubt a disgruntled cleric.


@ 10:28 am

To quote, Jesuit theologian, Fr. Karl Rahner;

” The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim Him with their mouths
and deny Him with their actions is what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable. “


No. The blog readers need to know that there was a piece, that it was taken down and why it was taken down.

In fact the piece I wrote said nothing bad about Thomas.

I was just expressing the fact that the people of St Agnes did not know what happening.


I am a parishioner of St. Agnes. I have not found Father McGlynn approachable. I and others are entitled to the services of the parish we pay for and I do contribute weekly etc. We have all lost dearly loved members of our family and had to return to work the day after the funeral. Our parish cannot close because one person has had a bereavement.


Ciaran O’Carroll invited paddy walsh to the Irish college on numerous occasions and treated him like a king. What was in it for Ciaran?


The Lord looks kindly on the weak and powerless. So Paddy has gone to Nazareth. Weakness comes to us all. However hi the phfustration count seems high today Intriguing or what


The Nazareth sisters have also had a reputation for cruelty and neglect, so perhaps he is in the right place.


Good Afternoon Hi Fly,

Begorra Fly weakness is par for the course.
Whats with all the frustration at all at all.
Intrigue is the modus operandi of the many. Nathin knew.
The Houdini school of escapism would learn a lot from the lads.
May the Force be with you.+

Bye bye fly hi.



I will offer Mass for your intentions today at 5.30 pm

And at 12 noon on July 26th


What, almost 1 o’clock and no mention of LITTLELACE ? What colour mismatched maniple was he wearing today for Mass ? What sanctimonious drivel did he deliver as the homily ? Details, details, please….!



Bin, bin, bin…………😁

Clerics gathering for lunch around now. Lots of putrid talk. Lots of booze and later lots of you know what 😁


The foul language and abuse from clerics is because you have hit them where it hurts and they do not like you telling the uncomfortable truth about them. So keep doing it. Nothing so good as seeing a cleric squirm and squeal when the truth is revealed about him and his antics. And there is lots to tell …,


Whatever Fr T McGlynn’s issues over grieving for his brother – and he genuinely has my prayers on that issue – he still needs to appoint someone in the parish to explain what is currently going on in the parish.
As a parishioner, above states , it’s her parish and church – she is ‘the people of god ‘- she has a right to know when her priest and services may return.


1.44: The selfishness of some parishioners at times is mind boggling. A priest is entitled to grieve and take time out to do so, particularly if he was very close to his sibling. Really, the disregard and selfishness of some auld ones is despicable. I wonder on his return will these moaners approach Fr. McGlynn and tell him of their grievance about not having mass?? Selfish people. I’m sure there’s another church close by…These kind of people would make you want to leave the priesthood …..


3:39 pm

Clerical abusers along with covering up Bishops make me and many others want to leave the Church.


What are you talking about? I buried my mother and had a big wedding two days later. Didnt “feel” like going to a wedding. It had to be done. It was my duty.

Lots of people have to go back to work very soon after a bereavement.


He’s a priest and a parish priest to boot. As others have pointed out he needs time out but he needs to step up to his responsibilities to his parish.
In any other walk of life the need to mourn is acknowledged – but it is expected that you make provision for your responsibilities- it’s just the same old same old. These men feel they are above being accountable to anyone.


Dear Pat, you’ve got all my colleagues in
D&C all worked up as only you can. Do you not know that these are very special men. If it takes an ordinary human being three months to get over surgery it takes them a year poor souls. Having worked among them for many years with a few exceptions, they are some shower!


2.20: You’re the last person or priest I’d want by my hospital bedside if I was sick…you are a joke.


Excuse me. I had a very hard day. My housekeeper is off sick and I had to make my own breakfast and lunch. This afternoon I will have to wash and iron my smalls. And then an evening Mass. I will fall into bed tonight completely exhausted, after my wine and whiskey of course.


Are you washing your smalls preparatory to airing them on grindr or selling them on eBay?


Shining a bright light into their darkness Pat and they don’t like it! Keep up the good work. 🍻🥃👯🕺


2:59 pm

Are you another ignorant priest? Nowadays, they seem to be legion.

No, junior. I’m not a hypocrite. My Bishop was a hypocrite. Him, along with spineless cowardly minnows in the priesthood. My Bishop tried to have me destroyed.I knew too
much when most people had no idea of what was going on in “Holy Mother Church.”
Now, the burning concern of the hierarchy is mammon, as in,…money.
Educate yourself. Your display of ignorance of staggering.


2:59pm yeah yeah yeah 🥱😴 Take your sob stories somewhere else bud. And while you are there build a bridge and get over yourself.


3.19: Repeating your ad nauseam hatred is unhealthy for you. As for educating myself….you’d have a long way to go to surpass my education. You are the one who require a re-educating….just look again at your hate filled comment.


3.19: I , at 2.59, am not a priest. So, go smell your jocks….the cry babies and snowflakes on here are crazy…grow up and be a real man.


Did you not make it – You sound like so many on here. Disgruntled. To be expected.


3.48: Fr. – you definitely are the sick one…mentally and spiritually wuth that comnent. Another holy priest, no doubt!


3:55 pm

There’s no shortage of sickos in the priesthood. Fact.
There’s no shortage of bishops who protected them. Fact.


3:53 pm

Arrogant patronising comes with the clerical collar,
giving many clerics a sense of superiority with entitlement.
You are now displaying ignorance of psychology and psychotherapeutics.
A long way to go to surpass your education….
No, junior. I’d have a long way to go to surpass your nonsense.
You sound like the type wanting everyone to put up, pay up and shut up.
Go away man, and pray your office. That’s if you still pray the office.
The ignorance of twits, regardless of clerical rank, is bliss.


4.30: Don’t Get your angry knickers in a knit, dearie. A good Education is wonderful. Methinks you are a jealous, undeveloped and rather supercilious type…relax, have a dream, chill out, take a glass of water – wine woukd be wasted on you, philistine!!


Sorry you didn’t get the collar yourself 4.30pm – sounds as if you failed to get or got it and full of anger. That’s the truth, you were turfed out like do many other misfits and spoiled cretins who cone on here day and day in. Sad and pathetic thinking of what may have been, rejected and now living in a life of despair and sadness. Maybe in a pretend marriage and relationship.


4.30: Hey man, go to anger management classes. I think you need to do so urgently…You poor sod!


7:13 pm
LOL. 😂
Are you for real or totally deluded. 😵( just askin, like) 😳
There’s huge numbers wanting to get out but can’t make it. 😝


When I was a kid I used to look at priests and think what an arrogant ignorant shower of wasters (it wasn’t so apparent that they were deviants then although I would have loved our parish priest to be shuffled on somewhere else). The more they get this message the better 😂


4 15: A gross exaggeration and a LIE. Mist unfair to the majority of priests. But It’s easy to put us down these days. It’s unfair and unjust.



What is incredibly unfair and profoundly unjust is the re-abuse of survivors who come forward. It is only a matter of time before more investigations and ” reports” will have to carried out this side of the Atlantic.


You should never criticise a priest. I know of a man who was killed by a lorry just after he said bad things about a priest. God punished him.


@6:57> I don’t think that criticising a priest is a mortal sin even in your convoluted RC religion. So the unfortunate accident victim may well have been, (in catholic theology terms) in the “state of grace”. Perhaps in arranging the lorry job your God may well have been rewarding him by calling him home to Heaven early.
[Couldn’t help give this as a typical thinking of RC theology: convolution extrordinaire!]


5:17 pm & 5:25 pm
Samples of more nonsense from clerical juveniles unconsciously projecting themselves.
Oh, the “games clerical juveniles play”.


7.16: I’m not a cleric…(5.17) but the shite some people pour out here is bizarre. Look to your own heart, sir! Get a life.


A comment to A@ 5:25: That you are so deluded and out of touch in believing those of us who left seminaries are “misfits and spoiled cretins….living in despair and sadness” [these are YOUR words], confirms how so many arrogant RC clerics perceive themselves as being the chosen superior ontologically changed special ones. Some may say that you’re just so insecure that you gain self perceived status by deriding others.
There would be no point trying to debate the validity of your opinion with you, for, in relation to +Pat’s blog, when I and others have tried to intelligently discuss such issues with RC clerics of your ilk, there is invariably no response , or at most, abusive verbal diarrhoea which simply confirms your exceptionalism.
Good luck in your clerical life, for it sound like you need all the luck going


As per usual: no response from the gob$h1tes!
Their flabber is gasted.
Their cover is blown.
Hot air the lot.
It’s very well known.


Many priests desperately need to be evangelized
It is very apparent from comments by priests to this blog.


6:14 pm

They are numerous. Maybe it includes yourself.
It was a priest who said it to me.I had to agree with him.


8:07 pm

I don’t believe you for a second.

You sound like a nasty little cleric not long on the job. Dearie!


@8:07: You say, “not long on the JOB”
Yes, that’s what it is, a job. So forget all the speciallness, the vocational calling, the ontological change stuff, and all those other attributes you clerical lot ascribe to yourselves to justify your exceptionalism. Most of you are a parisitical lot of lazy shysters living the high hog on the backs of the ordinary workers.


The Maynooth abuser Priest who forced two seminarians into Sauna babylonia for the naked party event must be sent to the jail.


4.05: As expressed by others, you are an imbecilic fool and fraud. Do try to go beyond your pubescent stage of development, or forever remain twisted and emotionally stunted. Such idiocy!! Get nicely drunk on your whiskey and have pleasant fantasies…


My mother died of coronavirus and I got one day compassionate leave (I have worked through because I’m a keyworker).
Beyond that I would have had to go off sick.
The pampered clergy need to realise that you don’t get unlimited leave out here in the real world and if you keep going off sick you get fired.
You all need to pull yourselves together, stop having crises and get your hands dirty.
You’re a disgrace, the lot of you.


6.30: I have had many bereavements in my family and took just two or three days off to recover a little. I think that’s ok once you can get another priest to cover you. But there is a myth floating around that priests take inordinate time off after the death of a family member. That’s patently untrue. We are not superhuman and immune to grief. If Fr. McGlynn is still out of his parish, his absence may be very personal and legitimate. It is grossly unfair to suggest that he and all clerics are cavalier and selfish about their bereavement time off. It suits an anti clerical agenda. It is a LIE. Since the middle of March I have officiated at the funerals of three parishioners who died tragically, within a period of 4 weeks. I had several parishioners who died from the coronavirus and many who died if cancer. In all of this I have witnessed huge grief which affected me, particularly those who died by suicide since I lost two friends to same in the last year. I know I am not an unfeeling, incompassionate priest. I am very affected by the losses and grief I experience in my parish. I am well aware of the reality of vicarious trauma in my work and thus, as advised by a wise therapist, I take time out when necessary, but generally I cope. I believe it is totally unacceptable to generalise about priests supposedly taking weeks off!!!


And what about all the c/o bishop’s house ones.
Once you’re in orders you are on a winner for life.
In a real job all of the clergy on extended leave would be sacked. This is more than fair and you’re just whinging because you don’t like that people have sussed clerics’ easy life.
You know full well canon law obliges your diocese to look after you until you die or incardinate elsewhere.
I will repeat this (Incidentally there are a couple of posts shouting LIE in capital letters so you obviously have time to browse this blog repeatedly) once you are a Deacon you are provided for for life and have none of the insecurity that real people do.
Hence the fear that Elsie and other bishops cut money to clergy, you don’t want to live on a state pension. I hope he does, it would make you realise what a pampered, privileged, spoilt brat you are, always moaning ‘It’ s not fair’!
If you don’t think the way the faithful think about you is fair, welcome to the result of your privilege.


It’s not about him talking time out to grieve – if he need it he needs it. He’s human too but he needs to put the afford of his parishioners and parish into the hands of someone who can help him – even if that’s only someone who can ack as spokesperson and who can stop the rumour mill and the speculation.


6.30: A disgrace! Really? I am sorry you lost your mother to coronavirus. Did one of the “disgraceful” clerics officiate at your mother’s funeral mass and if so, did you receive Holy Communion from a “disgraceful” priest? Just wondering.. I am somehow sceptical of your story though! Do you live alongside clergy to make so offensive a comment…You really haven’t a clue, have you?


+Pat — 8th Jul 2020 at 12:38 pm — Excellent quote from Rahner.
How can you have any good to say about Rahner SJ.
He denied that Jesus was God the Son and asserted that He was purely a human Messiah.


Research it, like a good man.
Try ‘Meditations on the Sacraments’ (1977), for starters.


7:23 pm
It’s c/o Bishops house courtesy of funding from the laity. It’s therefore not surprising there is such concern with the drop in monies due to Covid-19. There’s a small army gone “missing in action”. God works in mysterious ways.


3.45: Our Patsy, always the heroine…always the icon….Jesus, if only you were as good as you imagine, you would be wonderful. But….You ain’t no Cure D’ars. Absolutely not. If you had any psychology or bereavement cousmelling techniques, you wouldn’t make so crass an observation. Some people fall apart on the death of loved ones, even priests! But you are such a heartless brat when it comes to Catholic Priests. A horrible, nasty person.


Well holy Moses.

We are getting in a mighty twist even pretending not be members of the clerical fraternity.

What’s the problem ?

Here’s another quote for meditation:

” The most dangerous type of atheism is not theoretical atheism, but practical atheism —that’s the most dangerous type. And the world, even the church, is filled up with people who pay lip service to God and not life service. And there is always a danger that we will make it appear externally that we believe in God when internally we don’t. We say with our mouths that we believe in him, but we live with our lives like he never existed. That is the ever-present danger confronting religion. That’s a dangerous type of atheism.“ —

Martin Luther King, Jr. American clergyman, activist, and leader in the American Civil Rights Movement 1929 – 1968


Lol I love the way several comments here make out people didn’t ‘make it’ – to ordination presumably, thereby indicating how they consider their own state the summit of human achievement. As we have seen repeatedly here, the trade of priest craft hardly attracts quality, but misfits who can’t live outside for some reason and need Nanny to spoon feed them.
Apart from anything else, the attraction of priesthood is further decreased by the simple fact that everyone except the blind faithful sheep would automatically and reasonably assume you’re a paedophile!



Revolting comment. We had enough from you here when you used to post pseudonymously – before you were shown the door – for screeds such as this.


What a disgraceful statement to make, and you will be called to account for it. I do not think anybody would think like you and the Faithful are not blind, it is lowlifes like you who are blind with hatred for the clergy. Thanks be to God for the many good holy priests we have.


9:36 pm

Some of the faithful are not blind. However, many of the faithful are not only blind, but completely ignorant of the abusive culture within the institutional Catholic Church.


Lol it won’t take you long to count them. They’re very good at putting on a front (that’s what they learn in seminary) but the reality behind the scenes is quite different.
I hope my comment has scandalised you – although really it is the unholy priests who have done that and the sooner the blind faithful realise they are being played, the better for humanity. Baaaaaaa


9.36, do you thank God also for the many unholy priest? Because that’s the logic of your gratitude, and of the notion that priests somehow have a higher calling (a vocation) from the Almighty himself.
You have a duty to thank God for every paedophile priests, and for every cover-up bishop, archbishop, and pope.
Well, what’s keeping you?


Anon@ 8:32: If I may, through your reply button, I’ll add to my comment above in the same vein as your own.
At 76 years old now I look back at my decision to quit seminary in 1967 in 3rd divinity, at age of 23. It was a difficult decision for me at that time with respect to disappointing family expectations and knowledge of an uncertain future employment wise. But to put it clearly: it was the best decision I ever made.
I’m certain that had I remained to be ordained I would ultimately have had to quit priesthood. In a purely practical sense I could have remained and coasted through ordination. But even then I was becoming increasingly aware and concerned that so much of Roman Catholic belief and teaching just did not make sense, and that there was something inherently wrong with clerical life, attitudes, and lifestyle.
So now at 76, I consider myself very fortunate to have had a fulfilling family life and career, and count myself extremely lucky not to be like so many older current priests, regretfully aware of the futility and inconsequential nature of their life’s work, and still clinging to a forlorn hope of some celestial reward. Or worse still, knowing that it has all been a sham they’ve had to maintain in the absence of any viable alternative.
I suspect that much of the vicious hostile comment from RC clerics on this blog comes from the latter variety of disillusioned priests who cling to a misguided belief of their exceptionalism at having “climbed the successful ladder” to ordination.
Was it all worthwhile chaps?


Just checked, and note, as Martin above points out, not a word from the gob*******!
Par for the course I suppose. Makes me think of those who might argue about the deckchairs as the Titanic sinks lower, except this lot of clerical buffoons can’t even muster an argument.


Poly you’ve gave yourself away again Baaa;ing like a sheep, now get to your bed and stay off the Gargle you know it’s not good for you. It makes you bitter and twisted and jealous that you were flung out and never made it.


Where is Lollipop Josie, Lilly the Pinko, Kerry one eye, the Crackbat, et al.
All gone anonymous. Girls, stay off the www. We don’t want to read reports
while viewing pics of bits and bobs having been on public display. Don’t leave down the KKK.


9.30: All the wee girls yook speak of are fed up with no offers of handsome gay men on this blog!! Too many queens and perverts, so they headed to Cadiz!!


10:54 pm
Make sure to keep the bits and bobs off the you know what, or else! Nite girls.


Don’t take the criticism to heart, Bp Pat, I know you can be quite sensitive at times when I’ve called you over the coals. I must admit, I always like a good disappearance story.


What are you suggesting @ 9:37 pm, while attempting to sound knowledgeable and clever but oozing smugness ? I could ‘produce’ citations, but I won’t. Silly.


Don’t be a sore loser @ 10.07. I should think being a loser here bad enough without showing yourself up as someone who can’t cope with it as an adult.

Pull yourself together.



9:23 pm

Lose what, exactly. Don’t be so juvenile.

Good educators don’t spoon feed. Do the work.

Silly lad.


Good educators support their work with evidence, especially when they make such statements about theologians of Rahner’s intellectual weight.
Bad ‘educators’, on the other hand,…Well, you already know what they can’t do, don’t you?


10:53 pm
Stop showing yourself up to be such a juvenile. The priesthood seems full of adolescents.
I’m not doing, work, as such.. I told you already, look up “Meditations on the Sacraments”.
Did you look it up? No. You are too busy trying prove something to yourself, by scoring points.
Grow up.


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