


By: midnightmurphy

After the strenuous Christmas festivities, I decided to have a cultural day before heading back to the Big Smog. My plan was simple – to visit the Jewish Cemetery of Limerick. I had heard about this place’s existence. I knew that it was located close to the University of Limerick. The precise location was a mystery to me. During my ill spent university days, I had never sought it out. Now, almost quarter of a century later it was time.
When it comes to Jewish people, my hometown has a shameful past. In the 1871 census the Jewish population of Limerick had doubled from the previous 1861 census. It now comprised of two people. Over the following thirty years the population expanded as some Jewish folk from Lithuania fleeing persecution came to Limerick. By 1900 the population was almost 200 people. Then in 1904 some catholic bishop declared that they were unwelcome in Limerick as they were doing the devil’s work.


Their businesses were boycotted, and their properties vandalised. The boycott may have lasted only a few years, but by 1930 the Jewish population had reduced. After World War 2 the Jewish population of Ireland (approximately 5000 people) left Ireland in large numbers for Israel. They’d not suffered in Ireland as they had on the mainland during the horrors of World War 2, but I guess they wanted a home with their own people. The Jewish Graveyard in Limerick fell into dereliction. Until 1990 when Limerick Civic Trust restored the cemetery.





One Maynooth person has resolved not to visit the Boiler House gay sauna in 2019

One Maynooth person has resolved to remove the Daddyhunt app from his mobile.

One Maynooth person has promised not to send any other seminarian’s Grindr profile to the president.

One Maynooth person has resolved not to visit his mistress in the West of Ireland during 2019.

One young priest has resolved not to again invite Chris Derwin, Georgeous, Horney Andy, Mark Moriarty and Rory Coyle to his parties.

One Maynooth person has decided to sell his villa in the nude resort of Cap di Agde and give the money to Brother Kevin for the homeless.

One Maynooth person has resolved to come clean about rape.

One Maynooth person has resolved not to return to the Sauna Babylonia in 2019.

One Maynooth person has resolved to end their relationship with a music student.

One Maynooth person has resolved to give up altar sex.

One Maynooth person has resolved not to visit Paris every month in 2019.



An utterly inane, useless contribution by another boring blogger. All crap. The first of January is world day of prayer for peace. Can we not engage in this noble exercise. The other stories are nonsensical, especially the Maynooth comedic nonsense. Mary, Mother of God, touch the crazy minds that are troublemakers…..


You should sooner ask Our Lady to clean up the national seminary rather than issuing hollow harangues.
Also ask the BVM to heal your vicious tongue!


Pat: I agree with above first comment, in that subsequent to MidnightMurphy’s perceptive historical comment, the remainder is truly inane and demeans any meaningful observation you seek to make.
Please try to do better in 2019.


MMM, I appreciate all your contributions. You may not like aspects of my style. I know what I am doing. Your last sentence is like a teacher’s comment on the school report of a bold boy 😀


MadMadMad at1:41am!!!

I don’t appreciate your mad comments, the disgraceful and uncalled for comments you made about my person on yesterdays blog tells us what an unchristian vitriolic auld gargle merchant you are. I’m sorry Patsy didn’t publish my reply, very unfair of her. You don’t like my salutation to The Immaculate Mother of God well that’s too bad I won’t be changing for the likes of you!


Indeed it is not comedy. It is a series of statements all tracing back to one person… thst must be one of the lay members of staff because those resolutions are unbecoming of a cleric.


12 For what have I to do with judging those outside? Is it not those who are inside that you are to judge? 13 God will judge those outside. “Drive out the wicked person from among you.” (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)
Meditate on this scripture Fr 12:10. If the Church had applied the words of the Holy Spirit to each pervert and liar in its midst, we would not be in this mess we are in. Go and pray about that instead of spouting your inebriated nonsense!


10.49: Seems like you are the inebriated one with your misjudged criticism of 12.10. Even Satan can quote scripture!!!!Keep your caca to yourself. Oh, I was in my bed early as I had a busy day today – a funeral and a wedding. And, I don’t drink.



Prayer for peace?

Should we not engage in this noble exercise??

Don’t you mean (where the institutional Church is concerned) ‘should we not BEGIN to engage in…’ .

That’s the problem: the institutional Church doesn’t pray; never has, really, in any meaningful, or identifiable way.


Are you people blind?

For the love of God, open your eyes and hearts!

Before it is too late.


11.05: Mags, if you ‘pray’ which I doubt, the true fruits of genuine prayer are not visible in your morally reprehenensible attitudes. YOU SPOUT ONLY HATRED. God has blessed me with a genuinely good humanity which is beautifully divinised by the magnificence of his mercy and love. I depend for that gift of GRACE every moment of my life. Maggie, dear Lady, you should try “God’s Grace”.


Self-praise (And boy! Are you full of it?) is no recommendation, as you well know, but seem to have forgotten.
And ‘Mags, dear lady’? Really? Is this the ‘fruit of true prayer’ in your life?


Happy New Year. Pat . One of my resolutions is to try to be less judgemental of other people in the New Year. Pat could I be so bold as to ask you to desist from using those obsene cartoons you are so fond of. I think they are beneath you and add nothing to your arguments. God bless and keep up the good work.


Proddies papists north south Brit or Fenian All the same in the end. New Year New Start Put Christ at centre and avoid thinking my team is the perfect wan hi


Since today is world day of prayer and peace I earnestly pray that the RC institution comes clean about its past abuses and allows those who have been abused to have justice and peace in their hearts. I pray that the evil perpetrated by this institution with their beatings, their physical, emotional, mental and sexual abuse is exposed and that justice and peace of God is bestowed upon us all. I pray that the blindfolds are taken off all enablers and they can see the hurt and abuse which has been caused. I pray that the love of God envelops us all and helps us to expose the evil that has been perpetrated by the RC institution, the church we were brought up in. I pray that we can finally leave behind the hurt and move forward in Christ and leave this evil behind and bring those who have tortured us to justice. But most of all I pray that we continue to experience God’s love and peace


2.02: You need to pray for deliverance from your hatred and that you may recognise ALL abuse in society, even today. We need to pray also for the many good people in the Church, including many good priests and religious. God bless them too.


How many more times must this be said?!
A priest or religious who vows ‘holy’ obedience to another, fallible and sinful human being is betraying not only his conscience, but Christ, and the Body of Christ.
For heaven’s sake, this isn’t highbrow knowledge, or esoteric wisdom; it is plain common sense!
They are Christ-betrayers. And if you (God forbid!) hang around them long enough, apart from feeling the irresistible urge to shower afterwards, you’ll find out exactly where their actual loyalty lies.
Grow up, you idiots!!


Fr “Magna Carta” and his multi personalities at 10:53 – how many more times must this be said?? YOU ARE COMPLETELY OFF THE WALL!

Vows of priests and religious DO NOT “betray” Christ!

Your twisted and mischievous mindsets are full of lies and distortions of reality. We see you lot for what you are, Fr “Composite Carta” – an entity with more personalities than the Gerasene demoniac!


A common New Year’s resolution for the rest of the Maynooth whores: get fit, get thin, get hot, get laid.


I thought one of the Maynooth choristers was going to have a heart attack during the concert as he was puce with laughter when they sang “O Come All Ye Faithful”.


Bucket loads of clerical hate coming in today – written after New Years party – alcohol and sex fuelled. What they don’t realise is – the more hate that comes in the more reassured I become that I am hitting so many nails on the head. Thank you clerical “gentlemen” 😇


If you can prove any of these scurrilous allegations about our fine yummy young men, you diabolical hoor, I’ll eat my biretta.


My predictions for 2019:
the CSA scandal is going to get a lot closer to Pope Francis;
and Timbo will not get a mitre, not even Kilmore.


10 .53: The hate filled raving madness of a drunk. But a dangerous drunkard. Haven’t you and Pat got off to a great start by encouraging and enabling a most horrendous abuse on this blog? Ad nauseam repetitive soundbytes, obnoxious slurs, caricaturing all before you, judging, condemning – just being racist, biased and ugly in thought, word and deed. I thank God for the gift of PRIESTHOOD and for guving me a most glorious contentment in shepherding his people, a gift I never take for granted and through his grace alone I focus on CHRIST. Thank God too for the wonderful priests who have inspired my by the dedication and holiness of their lives, often lived out with an amazing quiet fidelity to CHRIST – yes Magna, to CHRIST. Despite your insidious effort to tar all of us with your crazy judgments, you won’t succeed. Take a deep breath instead and allow God to embrace you with his healing peace. Or is God just a concept to you because your nastiness is far from any goodness or human decency that is inate (from God) in most normal, balanced people. A great start indeed to 2019 – same old, same old hate speech. Go drink it up!!



Well, priest, now that you’ve got that off your narrow chest, do you feel any better? Self-justified and self-vindicated?

I did try, priest, to read your post with greater seriousness and respect than you wrote it, but I’m afraid its unintended comedic moments had me in wry stitches.

Roman Catholic priesthood as gift? Now there’s a thought more taxing to the human intellect than any theorem in astro-physics (and given the, by now, staple revelations of sexual abuse by ‘gifted’ Roman Catholic priests, a dark, but nevertheless hilarious, irony).

I suppose I should expect a Roman Catholic priest, like you, to accept such self-evident nonsense about priesthood, because it provides some balm against what you know to be contrarily true: Roman Catholic priesthood, as historically theologised and structurally constituted, has been a yoke round the necks of ordinary Catholics for generations. Not just because, as social parasites, you drain the wealth of financially hard-pressed families, but because too many of you have allowed the ‘gift’ of priesthood to allow you to think yourselves invincible and untouchable, righteous, and qualified to do, and say, whatever the hell you liked. And dont doubt the salient fact that Hell was behind all of it.

It doesnt help either priest that it was the ex-Nazi pope, Benedict, who, in recent years, ressurrected this preposterous notion of priesthood as gift…er, the very man who, as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, sat on reports, from around the world, that your ‘gifted’ colleagues were raping and sodomising minors, and that it was all being covered up. (Well, Benedict already knew, since he was arguably the greatest practitioner of this dark art: as prefect of the CDF, he would have known more about ‘gifted’ priestly sexual abuse and its cover-up than anyone else in the Vatican (and, indeed, anyone else around the world).

Sadly, Roman Catholic priesthood need not have presented in this way, but historically, this is the path that was chosen by self-regarding, self-aggrandising priests, like you.

Jesus called ALL of us to be servants of one another, but Roman Catholic priests have traditionally ‘pulled rank’ on the laity, believing themselves ontologically superior, and perfectly entitled to be obeyed. Even your use of the phrase ‘gift of PRIESTHOOD’ (especially in such an accented way) suggests your self-perceived superiority. And use of such self-lionising phrases as ‘vocation to the priesthood’ and priests as ‘men set apart’ bring home the supercillious, sniffy attitude you have to the laity. Add to this the fact that you expect the laity to support financially your avoidance of paid employment, and your arrogance, priest, simply beggars belief.

What’s more priest, your calling yourself ‘shepherd’ manifests your internalised (and probably unrecognised…by you) clericalism, since the metaphor projects yourself as sole and legitimate guardian and guide, and the laity as powerless, and unable theologically and spiritually to contribute anything even remotely positive to your mammoth and resonsible role as a leader.

If I were you, priest, I wouldn’t ever again speak of Roman Catholic priesthood as gift, unless, at best, you enjoy being laughed or, at worst, seek the deepest contempt you undoubtedly deserve.


Magna, you are an awful man 😐 what a start to 2019. Every clergyman can learn from that post. It is an apt reply to people who say they serve God through the church and then run out of derogatory words to say. A blessed new year to you.


I don’t know what you’re talking about “Magna” sure aren’t ye a priest yerself?


Magna, the sense of rage, jealousy, vindictiveness and hatred of your heart is pitiable. Your efforts at trying to encourage hatred is despicable. Your evident hatred eradicates any semblance of humanity you may have and makes your expressions irrelevant. Go take a jump over the cliff and relieve yourself and others of further misery.


1.02: Magna – you’re overtaken by an uncontrollable rage and jealousy. You are a serial abuser of others through your racist, hate language. Shame. You morally defunct, imbalanced, delusional fool.


Thank you, Bishop Pat.

I have rarely come across such a deeply arrogant and self-serving mindset as his.


Thanks Magna: one of your best comments: an excellent analysis of the self aggrandizement of many of the RC clerical caste too self absorbed to recognise it.


11.51: Good priests of Ireland, and there are many, don’t allow vicious trolls like Magna to kill your soul and spirut with his hate filled language. He is stuck in adolescent anger and immaturity. That’s his problem. I went to my local Church at Christmas and what a revelation. With all the stories of horrendous abuse and corruption there was standing room only. The welcome given to everyone was warm and genuine, the homily was well prepared, relevant and inspired, the music, heavenly and the atmosphere was uplifting. It was what I expected and we were not disappointed. Many work colleagues had similar experiences in their parish church. While we acknowledge the awful wrongs and abuses, let’s not judge all priests or religious with dark strokes. I attended a funeral of a parishioner since Christmas and again I experienced the sensitivity, care and kindness of a visiting priest. Let’s give credit where it’s due.


1.22: None of us expect you, Magna to give credit to any good deed done by any priest. You should allow the good Lord to touch your poisonous, nasty, vengeful, racist and stenchy heart. There isn’t a gene of decency, humanity or fairness in your body. Sadly, drink has irreparable damaged your brain. But we’ll keep praying for you. Thank God for our many, many good PRIESTS.


1.22: Magna, proof yet again of your sordid, petty, jealous mind. Your past experiences of rejection must really, really hurt that you resort to such hate filled rhetoric when challenged by the TRUTH. Sleep happy with your deep rotteness of heart. Your hatred is almost contagious by the very words you write. What a crappy life you live depending on this blog for self gratification and a sense of being ‘relevant’. GET HELP.


Many, many good PRIESTS’? Interesting that you’ve accented the word ‘priests’ rather than (as one might expect…given the point you were making) the word ‘good’.
I’ll keep looking for these ‘many’. They must be shy, because I’ve yet to find any.


Actually Jesus Christ did quite a good job in founding his church, and it’s still alive and kicking when you know where to look.


Yes, he was.

I watched the entire programme and tried to be as objective as possible. But the reactions of certain Catholic organisers were obsequious to the point nausea. This is not spiritually healthy, treating the pope as a demi-god.

These attitudes need to change, otherwise the clerical environment in which child-sexual abuse by priests flourished will continue.


We know exactly who owns the Villa in the nudey resort don’t we?

Pat is “marking the cards” of these men in Maynooth.

Do they seriously think, given all that’s been happening in the Church worldwide, that it’s not going to “come out” what they are up to???

Because it will!


Pat Mullaney has the New Year resolutions to cut down on the Cafe Bum Bums and the few drinks in the Roost for the waistline getting a bit Mr Blobby and to use a higher SPF on the aul holyers you can’t be too careful wouldn’t want to get burnt now would we


Getting a beach-ready body is a noble ambition. This year I’m sticking to a two-weeker in a mobile home in Millisle. President Mullaney made me reflect deeply on my carbon footprint all over the Christmas, so no more nudey beaches for me.


Pat Mullaney says she’s more concerned about the carbon fuckprint of Gaynooth seminarians so she is.


I often tell people: if I’m dying in a hospital and a nun or Eucharistic minister comes, I’m going to strangle them —no I’m just kidding. But I’m going to be really irritated that a priest didn’t show up. I’m not interested in a deacon coming either. He cannot do a thing for me. What I need is for a priest to hear my confession, anoint me (of which only he can do) and then I want to get the Apostolic Blessing at the end. Right? So I don’t have to spend any time in Purgatory. A bit a self-interest there, but it’s legitimate.


You don’t need your confession heard at end of life
Treat every day as your last and be prepared.
You don’t need the last rites either, you can get the sacrament of the sick once a moth at Rossnowlagh friary and I suspect at other venues too.
Why in under the good Lord would you want anything if you know u are dying
Most people in hospital with a terminal illness are told nowadays if they are near end of life.
And everyday u go out in your car there is a possibility you won’t come home alive…so make your peace with god every day.


Anonymous at 12:21. Be careful. All that glitters isn’t gold. I too have been at services in the past where all seemed good and holy. It was just a pity that the priest delivering the homily (with which I couldn’t disagree) was later exposed as a serial abuser. So don’t just rely on words nor on the atmosphere. Hypocrites are everywhere. It may seem harsh tarnishing all priests with the same brush but until they give real leadership and turn against a self serving institution then that is a decision I have taken. You cannot serve God exclusively whilst trying to serve the interests of self seeking men. Unfortunately Roman Catholicism has tried for years to do this. My faith is in God not in any church. Whilst it is essential for believers to assemble it cannot serve any Godly purpose if those who seek to lead are serving the interests of their organisation before the interests of God.


5.04: I serve God too. I accept your observation about wolves in sheeps clothing but let us at least encourage those we recognise as genuinely good guys and who keep going against what must appear a bleak background at times and an almost impossible task.


Th auld church is not a church any more It’s a club or a fetish or a new society sort of. Priests don’t make sense without people so. And vice versa. I believe the Oratory was created so priests who don’t fit in might have a haven. What about the laity who don’t fit in They need to be included in the overall debate. Not just hatch match dispatch hi but true spiritual growth. That ll put the wind up thskirts of the cologne smelling collective hi


The laity who don’t fit in can feck off to the “Church of Ireland”. There’s all shapes and sizes in it. If you ask two Anglicans for their theoligical stance on something you’ll get three different answers lol.


4.01: MMM – what are you drinking? You too have a hatred for Catholic Priests. Your atheism is a smug, self serving and self contained mindset that is as morally blind as those you choose to condemn and write off – on Mags evidence. Can’t you recognise his twisted beliefs, underpinned by hatred? Open your mind a little more honestly and clearly.


Those ofus who have been “run off the road” by the RC junta have a righteous anger against them WE have met them at their worst.


Anonymous at 6:32pm
Excellent post I agree with everything said, God Bless You.
Evviva Maria!


Open the mind to what? The sham of holiness in institutional Roman Catholicism and its priests?
Haven’t you anything better to do with your time than make preposterous suggestions?


10.06: Inane comment Magna. Have you nothing better to do than post your preposterous incitement to hatred which is criminal intent? Your perpetual state of faux outrage achieves nothing. Too much vino in your blood….


Er, who was he/she asking? Himself, herself, or the ether?
Asking questions in this way is pointless without producing credible and conclusive evidence.
Pell was a justly tried and convicted serial child molestor. For heaven’s sake stop trying to make a martyr of this priest-paedophile!
I don’t know who’s more revolting. You or Pell.


The slaughter of the innocents is about to kick off in Ireland and Dermo is busy putting out statements on Brexit. Talk about priorities.


7.37: No doubt you’d condemn the same man were he to make a statement about the evil of abortion, telling us that he has his priorities wrong. Can’t win with the enemies and haters of the Catholic Church.


6:00pm. I have no problem whatsoever encouraging all who are genuine followers of Christ whilst they seek to fulfill God’s word. It is the charlatans and the hypocrites who irk me. It is those who say “do this” whilst they do something contrary to the word of God and then try and cover it up. I have been beaten, humiliated and been left emotionally scarred by these so called clerics, some who have went on to attain high office in the RC church . I didn’t see Christ in them then and I don’t see any evidence of Christ in them now. As people I do not hate them. However I hate their hypocrisy and the fact that they continue to deceive people. That being said I applaud everyone who lives and teaches God’s word


Pat at you’re age you need to start getting a good grip of yourself, this blog has descended into anarchy!

It getting worse by the hour! Sadly.


Mark Moriarty always enjoyed the company of Rory Coyle. The house party in the Parochial hse in Tralee. The incident involved Mark Moriarty, Rory Coyle, Horney Andy, King Puck, Chris Derwin and Gorgeous. Rory Coyle added Morarity on Grindr. Moriarty’s grindr account name was Matthias. Mark Moriarty has many names on various adult websites, one for hooks ups and one for exchange of certain photos, one does hope Mark with his certain traits does not dwell into the area of minors lile his best friends, Chris Derwin and Rory Coyle.


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