

Hello +Pat

In March of this year (see attachment) a letter was sent to all priests regarding the financial status of the Northern Brethren Fund.

A fund used to support the sick and retired clergy of H&N. The letter suggested that there was an issue with income to the extent that no further financial support would be forthcoming for sick/retired clergy until there was a review of income and remedial action had been taken.

Scrutiny of the latest accounts from the charity commission suggest investments of in excess of £2million and stockbroker fees of in excess of £20k (see attachment)

Following what I assume was disquiet amongst clergy a statement was made by the Diocesan Finance Office proposing to cover monthly payments for 6 months whilst “we devise a policy for provision for retired clergy that ensures equitability, clarity, transparency and peace of mind.” (see attachment)

This raises multiple questions:

On what basis has the distribution of funds been made – who has made those decisions? In December 2021 the Superior of the Fund Fr David Smith (working with a treasurer and one other officer) was replaced by Fr Peter Stott (retaining the treasurer and officer) . In January 2023 a further two clergy were added to the list of trustees.

Why is over £20k being paid in stockbroking fees.

PERHAPS linked to this – the recent investigation for the Dicastery sent out surveys to people and priests.

The survey to priests had three additional areas of questioning: 1. related to the purchase of the new Bishops House 2. related to the availability of Bishop Robert to the clergy 3. related to the care of sick and retired clergy.

This is purely speculation on my part but I believe that these three additional questions would not have arisen unless they had been brought up by the clergy with Archbishop McMahon at the meeting with him in Washington prior to the issue of the survey. Of course the executive summary gives no information which pertains to the data collected from the clergy about this question.

Fr David Smith (a former social care worker? ) has previously wielded a great deal of power in terms of care of the sick/retired clergy and the distribution of NBF funds. Given the statement by the Diocesan Finance Office: “we devise a policy for provision for retired clergy that ensures equitability, clarity, transparency and peace of mind.” (see attachment)

I would wonder on what basis finance has been offered by the NBF and whether the funds were seen by Fr David Smith as his own largesse? I am told (hearsay) that he is a bully who had some sort of hold over Bishop Robert. While that is hearsay I do know that he had complaints officially raised against him.

There are currently in the region of 60 retired priests in the RCDHN – the demand for funds for retired clergy will I would guess be at its peak. How many priests are there really left to retire? Should the capital not be spent now? How many retired clergy are going to need it in the future?

The material I am attaching – with the exception of the charity commission information – is not in the public domain.



This Blog, interestingly has more daily readers in the UK than in any other country.

For instance, by 5 pm. yesterday, these were the visitors’ figures for the UK and Ireland

So, we certainly cannot ignore or neglect our UK readers and supporters.

Furthermore, this blog deals with the sexual scandals caused by RCC bishops and priests.

Such scandals are a huge betrayal of trust to the laity.

But the other huge betrayal of trust to the laity is the all pervading financial scandals in the RCC.

The laity is entitled to carefully supervise the funds that they and their forebears have donated to the Church.

But, traditionally, priests and bishops controlled the funds and told and showed the laity NOTHING.

That has now changed.

The people of Hexham and Newcastle want to know EVERYTHING about what has been happening in their diocese – especially during the disgraceful incumbency of Robert Byrne.


Today’s blog is there to assist the people of H&N.


And the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle has assets of more than £100 million pounds according to the last accounts submitted!!!!


Church types appear to be a very light fingered bunch who never accept responsibility for their crimes. The public have more than had their fill of the extreme levels of arrogance and self entitlement that emits from this internationally recognised purveyor of all manner of financial and sexual and other abuses inflicted by the types that join their ranks in both lay and clerical roles.

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No wonder young people are reluctant to become priests if this is how they are treated in old age. What a horrible greedy man is Bishop Byrne. What are his Irish connections. Byrne is not a good Anglo Saxon name.


I do keep saying that the decline in church attendance and clergy is caused by the clergy and church members’ behaviour, rather than anything external or (ludicrously) Vatican 2.


12:57 Ah yes, that famous document of the Council that Archbishop Lefebvre signed:’Rideas’. The one that told people to behave badly.
No doubt you think it’s also the one that told priest to abuse children and dress up as clowns. The former activity was already recorded as a problem in the twelfth century.


Did you ever….tell a Justice Vatican II made me do it then see what happens.


It is scandalous to read that RC Bishops wield so much financial power over what is essentially public money and property. These compromised Bishops treat anyone who is if no use to them in the most cruel and ruthless manner. Many elderly priests may no longer have family to support or to take these horrible greedy Bishops to task for abusing elderly and vulnerable old men in this terrible way they having given their lives to the church. Any young man contemplating a future in the RC should have this aspect brought to his attention. Bishop Byrne ought to be thoroughly ashamed of himself, he is no Christian for sure. Bishops mind their bed fellows and gals, to hell with everyone else.

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He has greed written all over him Bridie. God help those old priests, not all of them were bad eggs. Not easy either years ago to go home to Mammy and tell her what was really going on in those places. Even some children were branded liars by their own families back not so long ago when people were absolutely petrified of the big mighty church & the power it had over the everyday lives of the ordinary people.


It behoves us as adults to exercise a certain caution in life to avoid scams, etc.
WHY would anyone except a body with such an extensive criminal history to take care of its clergy? How is that even sensible? The other crime it keeps appearing in the news for is financial crime, and if you’re one of the ‘good’ priests you’re part of the cover story and ripe to be ripped off.

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These two bishops are peas in a pod! One has resigned, and the other is still forcing his way forward, but for how long? Portsmouth is in desperate need of an Apostolic Visitation. If H&N needed investigating then, logic says PORTSMOUTH does too.


We are currently undergoing the latest fleecing in Portsmouth, with Egan wanting to raise £14 million.
There are huge questions about how tens of millions of pounds has been spent which was raised from the last 2 fundraising campaigns ‘Living our Faith’ and then the ‘our parishes future campaign’ – millions of pounds gone! Where, that needs clarification. Then we have the raiding of the Priest Retirement Fund and the Schools Building Fund.
We have NOTHING to show for all that money, except a very expensive upgrade made to HAUSCHILD’S offices – looks like Sir Alan Sugar’s boardroom. (Although she doesn’t get to fire anyone because they keep resigning!) Check out the E-news for the latest ‘exciting opportunities’ – even if just for a laugh. The roles they keep dreaming up and offering huge salaries for is actually sickening.

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The hint is in the title if you can call a fundraiser ‘Living our Faith’.
How stupid would you have to be after that not to see that the faith in question is funds?


10:02: “Our” faithful don’t have an issue with “Living “our” Faith”. We all walk in the light of God in our community, we show by example. You may not want to admit it because you have been rightfully excluded but “ours” is the “only” true pathway to the Holy Spirit. You would have peace and joy in your life if you walked with us.


10:40 That’s ok, take your time: you have to be ready to admit you’ve been scammed.

‘One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.’

Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Bishops caught with their pants at half-mast or covering up for wayward priests, or bishops caught with their fingers in the cookie jar is going to cause bamboozling or cognitive dissonance. Conflating the Holy Spirit with those who bamboozle is not very prudent. Have a big idea of God.


FIVE MILLION POUNDS was spent on a building for the schools and academies department in Portsmouth.
St Swithun Wells House, 22 Edinburgh Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO1 1DH
The building is now empty and the rental agreement broken. EGAN and HAUSCHILD have wasted millions on the Academisation process and it has been a complete and total failure. (A process under the skilful leadership of none other than the former Administrator of Portsmouth Cathedral and soon-to-be school chaplain, CANON PJ SMITH).


Money’s too tight to mention in Newcastle and Hexham……or is it?
Well, it depends on who you are and what you’re doing, who you
know and who you don’t know. Those in the know know.


The survey to priests had three additional areas of questioning: 1. related to the purchase of the new Bishops House 2. related to the availability of Bishop Robert to the clergy 3. related to the care of sick and retired clergy.
1. No new bishop’s house, but a schools office costing more than BYRNE’S Palace. We’re told £5 million (Plus renovation of Curial offices)
2. Availability of EGAN for clergy – he’s not available at all and he hides behind COO / Committees / Framework for colaboration / EP’S / Trustees / VG / PA / Personal Executive Assistant/ priest private secretary.
3. Care of sick and retired clergy – emptied the fund that took care of them. Is pretending to raise 1/3 of current fundraising scheme for the sick and retired clergy but hasn’t yet paid monies into the account.
See the similarities!

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The average Mass-goer is generous and in general, the faithful do love their priests. They give and support the Parish and very often the Diocese raids the parish funds.
Paying executives huge amounts of money, whilst not being able to provide to sick and retired priests, is SCANDALOUS because people give money on good faith, not for £100k salaries but for their parishes and their priests.
Disgraceful stewardship.

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Your preoccupation is showing.
The scam perpetrated by the cult has always been to get the marks to give money to one thing then use it for another.
Eg to build a church then sell the church, or give money to the church and find it’s been spent on solicitors or property deals.
If you’re scandalized, or even surprised by this, it just shows you’ve also been scammed. The crime is the point and the ‘religion’ is the cover story.

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why would any intelligent and well educated young man throw his life into the bear pit of any corrupt compromised Bishop with an eye for the twinks. It sounds as if seminarians are subjected to “horrendous physical and psychological initiation tests” in what seems to be an increasing number of dangerous seminaries including Maynooth in Ireland where 2 Killaloe seminarians were allegedly injured and where a well publicised “so called summer of love” took place although same was denied by student priests who were later ordained. It is understood that not all of these priests who denied what allegedly went on in Maynooth remain in ministry.


There is a surprising and wonderful letter from a priest about the H&N scandal in this week’s Tablet, well worth a look, could have easily been a comment on this blog.


I see Douthwaite’s name appearing as a Northern Brethren’s Fund Superior. Canon Paul Douthwaite. Canon, I presume of H&N ? Another of +Bobby’s appointments to the Chapter. He gets about this Douthwaite boy !


I doubt if he got the Canon title from anywhere else but Hexham and Newcastle. He wasn’t long enough a Redemptorist (not that they take titles) and neither was he in the military diocese long enough to get it either. Maybe it came with his prison work ? Has the prison role finished for him now ? All a bit unclear. What I will say about him is that he is very good at reinventing himself when he has to move on. Maybe he’s settled now ?


The “devil” is in the detail, Fr’s & Co.
But you know that and attempt to undermine concrete evidence because the Roman Catholic Church is an Oppressor addicted perpetrating and supporting and covering up for all manner of abuse, antisocial behaviour and criminality executed by your members.

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Fr David Smith had no hold and certainly no allegiance to the Bishop. That, as the contributor says, is totally speculation. In fact Fr David dislikes the hierarchy and has confronted their behaviour. He is no bully but speaks his mind. Truth to power which they don’t like. He’s straight as a die !!


Bishop Pat
As a retired priest from the Diocese of H & N I have read your blog with interest but this is the first time I have ever written anything.
I think I can speak for the vast majority of the priests and express my gratitude to Father David Smith in the way he show’s compassion to all us “oldies”
It is a pity that Bishop Byrne did not appoint him as EV for clergy .But instead appointed the present EV who like all appointee of the late bishop lacked experience and care for us.Rather looking for his own advancement.Yes Father David can be straight at times but he is the stuff that our Diocese wants at this moment in time. A man caring for his brother priests and his people.He does not suffer hypocrites gladly and of course how could he agree with the Bishop.
And by the way Bishop Pat I recently went to St Mary’s Cathedral to pray before the Lord.Found it shut!!Was I surprised not really as Canon Lerche the Dean a true Byrne supporter while he was in power and now seeking the bishop’s hat has turned our beloved Cathedral into a fortress(He is a true bully)and we “oldies”know it as many have suffered at his hands.


Good to hear from another oldie who has benefited from the support of Fr David.
He is insightful, kind and compassionate and his social work background is a significant strength when dealing with the complexities of old age, ensuring we are supported, in being able to be as independent as our health allows while keeping a watchful over our wellbeing. Fr David works well with the social worker ( a woman – not appreciated for her professionalism) for S&R and thankfully they are highly competent in managing our sometimes failing health. Sorry to say the same cannot be said for the person in charge of care for the clergy. I suggest another poor appointment by Bishop Byrne.


I have spoken to a number of my retired priest friends in other Dioceses.When I speak about the way we are cared for by Father David Smith and his social worker their first comment is how they wish they had such an individual.Thank you Father David for all your care.I am so sorry you were so undervalued by the late bishop and some of our fellow priests.


Dear Bishop, I am new to your blog. A friend of mine sent us your link. The documents you shared about church closures are so helpful to us.
I’m really interested about the reading figures you have published. So many from the UK. Do you happen to know how many read your blog on the Isle of Wight?


When Philip first arrived he used to arrange overnight gatherings at Marwell Zoo.
They we excruciating. They did more harm than good. He wasn’t interested in building adult relationships with his co-workers and we could all see through his pretence.
Of course, the sleepovers with the bidhop at the Zoo no longer take place. He’s more distant today than ever. Afraid of being tackled on all his scandal no doubt!


It would be good on this blog if there was an easier ‘like’ or thumbs up facility that also shows the number of likes a comment has got similar to


Seanie, can you post the link for “rate the Bishop” and for “rate your local RCC” like the “rate the teacher” equivalent but used to evaluate clergy and religious.
Cheers matey!


Last week HN advertised for a “Fund Raising Manager” on a salary of £40/45K. It beggars belief when they have assets of over £100million that they dare ask the people of the Diocese to “fund raise” and at the same time pay someone to organise it!

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Your informer takes the time to get his fame on your blog and rightly so but Pat you are a Honourable Priest and Man but sadly you are falling into a bad den with the keyboard wizards.
Surely before contacting you the first route for any disheartened Clergy or Lay Faith is to their Bishop and then to yourself to seek action.
This is another action make the balls and Pat will fire so stop being used by the keyboard clergy.
Robert Byrne is history to Hexham and Newcastle and Archbishop Malcolm is holding the fort pending a new Bishop and Archbishop Malcolm is very approachable.


Bishops in our experience sometimes mishandle and use confidential information submitted to protect the financial interests of the RC and Bishops, clergy and religious have been known to exploit vulnerabilities revealed by those seeking help for future use against the complainants. Bishops and their teams put the interests of the church first all of the time and every time as has been highlighted in the thousands of accounts published in commission reports and inquiry findings as well as in published books and newspapers and online for decades now. When in ministry I was saddened to overhear how certain parishioners were mocked and ridiculed although my colleagues were outwardly very pleasant to them. It is liberating to no longer be involved in any way. I do not retain any connection with those who chose to remain. If they have a genuine need to know what life is like afterwards, they are welcome to step out and try it. It hasn’t always been easy but I’m very glad I did it.


The first route for any disheartened priest is to their Bishop, in theory,
but in practice it is the last route for most disheartened priests. Pat is
not naive when it comes to ball makers. Are you making a ball of your
own, I wonder.


‘An anonymous informer takes the time to get his fame on your blog and rightly so’ How does that work?


Head of Fundraising
Full time role, based in Portsmouth
Salary: £50,000-£55,000 per annum
The Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth is spread across five counties on England’s South Coast, and the Channel Islands. Working from our 87 parishes and over 130 churches we are the local Church for the whole of Hampshire, Berkshire, the Isle of Wight, Jersey, and the Bailiwick of Guernsey as well as the Southern Part of Oxfordshire and the Eastern part of Dorset.
Due to some restructuring, an exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Diocese as Head of Fundraising.


Full time role, based in Portsmouth
Salary: £50,000-£55,000 per annum
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth as the Head of Communications in a full-time permanent role. The post holder will manage a small team and work closely with the Bishop, clergy, and senior lay staff, providing advice and support as well as hands-on delivery of creative and high-quality content.


What the hell do you need a head of communications for? Is Red faced Egan going to start doing Tik Tok dances next. Preach the gospel and do good works and that will communicate all that needs to be communicated.


I do keep commenting here that the Roman cult isn’t about preaching the gospel or good works, and I for one, am not surprised in the least if these things are not happening.


1:03 The ecclesiastical crooks and their members rely on expensively sourced spin, plus nasty misfits with deep grudges some going back to the time of Napoleon and anything else that works for these robbing crooks.


Not tonight, Josephine! I’ve had a hard day’s night at the office dealing with endless crookery. It’s left me so dizzy I’m in a tizzy. More rum!


I’ve added two current job vacancies advertised in PORTSMOUTH. Both of these roles were fulfilled by one man on less than the now combined salary of £110k.
He resigned suddenly. I know Hauschild couldn’t stand him (he pre-dated her!)
They have money to burn in PORTSMOUTH

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They saying ‘you get what you pay for’ is an old myth to
justify paying astronomical fees for those claiming to be worth it.


Fr. Davide have you been listening to a certain COO? You’re not worth it. Don’t believe everything you’re told, Fr.


It reminded us that time anf again that the laity have no power nor any control over their monies donated or given voluntary on Sunday cash collections. Thus the laity have NO say in all of this and STILL they (h&n) are asking the laity to cough up MORE to their coffers that benefits them, not the laity.
You can see it for yourself that all trustees are totally priests.
H and n is a very wealthy diocese as they were able to afford a spanking house for ex Bishop who was forced to resign. What was the purchase price at that time, remind me again.
Again accounts of today doesn’t cover that scope cos it’s not relevant.
Accounts produced on today blog isnt good enough cos there is a multi layered picture of accounts which doesn’t include accounts of H and N, investment accounts, other hidden accounts not produced by h and n diocese. Today blog showed one side of their story re accounts with no linkage to other accounts. No accounts of previous years which might be more helpful as regards to the whole picture that gives you a fair idea of revenues and expenses over the years, leading up to 2022.
I could see figures such
As addition and disposals, what was the sale and purchases , a property or an asset as they didn’t specify what, it’s not clear.
Did they have a nursing home of their own, or was it being outsourced et al. There is a clear definition of what constitutes an asset that accountant must decide which to apply, is it an asset or an expense? Asset would include depreciation but none in their accounts which should also show up in income and expenditure accounts plus showing a deduction in the balance sheet. So nothing there of that nature.
Few titbits here :
Relief grants is account speak for any grant from the
government or local authorities. Again I would ask relief grant for what? Again it’s not clear in these accounts cos they don’t mention when and whom did they apply?
I wouldn’t trust that figure for investment cos it’s valued at market value which isn’t a very reliable guide. Shares or investment figures goes up and down randomly. It might drop massively tmw or next week cos nobody knows. I would rather see it valued at a historical cost figure. Revaluation is a very dodgy area cos it’s based on assumptions as you would need a market valuer to assess it correctly. That was the problem back in 2008 when banks failed cos they didn’t value it properly.
Examples of market valuer would be an auctioneer, estate agents. Investment area is quite difficult to value cos it’s fluctuating constantly.
Stockbroker fees seems to be quite high and fixed. It’s usually a percentage of the amount invested in, usually ranging from 0.75 to 3.0/4.0. You can work it out, using the math. Say 2.5m at 2% comes out as 50k etc.

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Murph at 11.37am

LOLOL re spank.

Should have said ‘spanking new house’.

Or in Oscar Wilde’s words in one of his poems such as ‘spic and Span’ re house 👀😏

That Bishop didn’t retire cos he RESIGNED. He was reported to the police by a priest as the rest was history.


In the Diocesan Directory for 2018 there is a finance director in the schools department. By 2023 there isn’t. Is this how the schools fund was able to be redirected?


11.50: Why are you asking? Silly child! We don’t give in to bullies like you…all concerned have even treated with proper respect and care. Well done to Archbishop Farrell….🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🥰…None of your business, nosey one!


Fr Peter Stott is a deceiver and his letter is on a par with those scam emails I keep receiving. He says there is only £10,000 in the main fund when records show they have £2,500,000 capital. Like most people when times are hard you cut spending, or use your capital.


Anon at 12.44pm
Please note that these accounts are a SNAPSHOT at that time (30th June 2022). It doesn’t mean these accounts are the same today or tomorrow or 3 months before.
Investment figure is just a market valuation based on their assumptions at that time. They can’t withdraw it immediately cos it will incur severe penalty costs. So therefore they rely on dividends, investment income via bank interest or bonds or shares to keep them coming in etc.
What jumped out at me was their reserve policy which was sufficient in my estimation- 3 to 4 months of operating costs of 47k. It works out as average 15k to 11k respectively. It looks good in terms of working capital spending as they should be able to manage. But it looks like that their spending went boom.
So they said 15k in expenditure costs per month as you can work out as 180k per year in terms of yearly expenditure.
They could use relief grants to cover this by stealth in order to keep it going such as working capital.
I do not know that’s the rules for relief grants. There is a strict rule now applied for all charities as it must spilt into unrestricted and restricted funds. That rule has to be stipulated by a donor or a govt agency or local authority. So it seems to me that they are liberally applying it to unrestricted which enables them to spend big without a slap on their wrists. Think it’s their spending but they aren’t telling us the full story. Cos they said’ main funds’ what do they mean by that, is it bank account or is it just petty cash book for day to day expenses. So again, it’s not very clear. They are playing with words re ‘main funds’ cos they do have reserve policy locked at 42k for every 3 or 4 months.
So what really happened? This we don’t know cos accounts shown above isnt enough. The way I see was that they loosened the rules such as reserve policy and spending went out of the whack.
Hence bad stewardship.


BREAKING: The “Archbishop of Canterbury” has been fined more than £500 and given penalty points after he was caught speeding in London.


Speeding is a crime. It is also a sin. St Paul is very clear when he tells us, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. Scarcely a week ago, Justin Welby promised to obey the King. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves” (Romans 13:1-2). In spite of how we might try to twist the Scriptures, as Christians we have a God-directed responsibility to obey the laws that our government has established (unless the laws contradict God’s Word). We also need to ask ourselves what kind of example we are to the people who know we are Christians and who we are trying to reach with the gospel of Christ. How many times have we seen someone speeding by us, only to notice the fish or some other Christian symbol on their bumper? This definitely sends the wrong message.
It is interesting how we try to justify our actions, even knowing they are not in compliance with the will of God or with established laws. As for exceeding the posted speed limit, we often tell ourselves that it’s not nearly as bad as the so-called “bigger” sins such as lying or adultery or murder. But Solomon, the wisest man to ever have lived, put it this way: “Doing wrong is like a joke to a fool”.


3:07 Perhaps he should have taken a page out of the Romanist book and pretended he didn’t know it was a crime.


Anon@ 3.07: And of course it follows that the “laws” mentioned in the Old Testament must be complied with as well. Yes, I acknowledge that some of them are weird, crazy and plain stupid, ………..but the law of God is
absolute and we must comply……..!
Sez you!
Catch yerself on!


Anonymous at 3.07.
You are wrong. Motoring offences are not crimes unless they are reckless or a danger to life.
You do need to declare them for insurance purposes.
As I said, it is no big deal. How many motorists go through life without an endirsement?
I suspect some posters think they are having a go at an RC bishop. They are wrong to think that as he is the primate of the Anglican communion.


Render to Caesar the things of Caesar and to God the things of God unless you happen to be a member of clergy club whereby civil duties don’t count..


But if he isn’t really an archbishop it doesn’t matter and he probably wasn’t even really driving.
I swear you lot are so illogical.


Why does H&N have four lots of solicitors?
Collingwood Legal (employment lawyers – do they get many claims?)
Muckle LLP (commercial law)
Square One Law (corporate law)
Winkworth Sherwood (expensive London solicitors – ecclesiastical?)


Response to 10.24 insider. Would you like to define your relationship within the RCDHN which allows you to define Fr Smith as ‘straight as a die’? You have obviously never had an experience as a parishioner under his management. Perhaps those clergy in the diocese who have the courage to speak the truth about the complaints made – the rude and abusive text messages and rants – might speak up? I suggest you reread the blog post about appointed canons from several days ago. one canon – Michael campion was described as ‘straight as a die’ – THERE IS A priest who lives up to that description. FR Smith in no way measures up. he has a reputation as a bully and has had complaints made against him.


Couldn’t agree more that in this case the person who is accusing Father David Smith of being a bully is themselves a bully


A diocese today has a few key functions- it’s raison d etre – preaching the gospel, serving the poor, worshipping God – are subservient to these key functions and provide a means to achieving these key functions.
These functions are;
Caring for the ever increasing number of sick and retired clergy (with an end game goal of throwing them overboard and on to the mercy of the state)
Managing their sizeable property and investment portfolio.
Employing CEO and expensive lawyers to mitigate and minimise compensation claims whilst recognising some provision for cases they know they will lose and have to pay out.
Filing for the protections of bankruptcy will be part and parcel of running a diocese and bishops will be appointed for their expertise in bankruptcy management (or protecting the assets).
Most UK dioceses have staggering reserves and Gubay money is deeply cherished if not worshipped ((Manmon)
Byrne was running a cartel (gay) and wanted to enjoy and savour the pickings plus he enjoyed power and wealth whilst masquerading as a poor and simple (although corpulent) Friar (Tuck).


2:45 what we choose to spend our money on is none of your business. It’s a long way to Larne.


In relation to the comment about Fr David Smith, I would suggest that had the initial complaint against Fr Smith been dealt with swiftly and in accordance with the complaints procedure the situation may not have escalated. Two senior members of the diocesan clergy failed to carry out a thorough and appropriate investigation. The personal and professional skills required to deal with the complaint were seriously lacking. Other individuals with a significant role within the diocese also failed to respond in an appropriate and timely fashion. The complaints procedure itself had more holes than a colander!!! This resulted in Fr David being treated appallingly. He was vilified and abused for carrying out his canonical role while being undermined at every turn by a small group of individuals who wielded significant power and control in a parish he took over. There is a great deal of background information not in the public domain, which if known, would significantly challenge the bullying assertion. Fr David is a hard worker who cares passionately about his priesthood, his brother priests (especially the Sick and Retired) the parishioners and his task of protecting the sacraments. In my humble opinion, the leadership of the diocese, at many levels, was woefully inadequate and as a result one person has suffered immeasurably.


Gubay Money is well protected from the hands of clerics. The Churches of both Ireland and England have to apply for grants. There are no clerics on the board of the Controlling Trust.


Any competent priests in Hexham and Newcastle at all please?
Any priests that could actually take on areas of responsibility that haven’t been linked with Bishop Robert Byrne and haven’t been accused of bullying?
Haven’t been accused of rape?
Haven’t been accused of child abuse?
Haven’t been reported to safeguarding?
Are pastoral?
Aren’t lazy?
Aren’t right wing or left wing?
Please say yes?


There are.
Thankfully, Bishop Robert made some good decisions in bringing into the Diocese priests and religious from other areas as well as making “some” good appointments from within.
H&N is struggling to cope with what has been brought to the surface from this truly horrid episode in its deeply spiritual history.
Bishop Robert’s leadership has allowed to take hold the rot and division and the lack of spiritual or theological grounding for many of its works,that has gradually eroded away it’s moral code for many years.
Objectively, we have an older priesthood, many of whom suffered at the hands of Bishop Lyndsey and became demotivated and not valued.
Since then the Diocese has been tossed in one direction and then another.
What we are currently experiencing is being tossed from side to side on stormy seas whilst many of the passengers are drilling holes into what is meant to deliver us to safe shores.
Will we survive? I take heart when the priest leads us in prayer before communion ……look not on our sins but on the faith of your Church and grant her Peace and Unity.
It is time to end this division.
Give us a good and experienced Bishop who can lead the diocese into Peace and Unity.
Who dare take the decisions that he will have to make and others have avoided
Who will care for his priests as a true father but also correct if needed and direct them to pastures new.
Who will clear those clerics and lay who have been at the fore for far too long and been the block to others contributing and participating.
Who will sort out the mess of the unclear boundaries between the Charity, the Company, The Ecclesiastical and Academy works.
Who will dare to ask the question about Catholic Schools remaining a relevant work.
Who will accept the resignation of his VG, Canons and EVs from all of their roles and ask them and any others who have been named in recent events to spend time in prayer and reflect on their ministry and if there are any issues in their lives that could cause further hurt to the Body of Christ in H&N.
Who will set up a Commission (or use the Northern Brethren Fund) to care and support, current older and retired clergy in their, physical, mental and spiritual well being.
Finally, this not the time for our Cathedral or Churches to be closed – they should be open and we should be praying for our Diocese, and for all those hurt and whose lives have been affected by the actions of priests, faithful and Bishops.


And from those who seek to further Roman Catholic Church related abuse, corruption and criminality
Their blatant disregard for the serious distress to victims and survivors should guarantee them a right good roasting on the final day.
Hear us God.


Should you find yourself in a chronically leaking boat, energy devoted to changing vessels is likely to be more productive than energy devoted to patching leaks.


This post is outrageous!
Fr David is a down to earth plain speaking Georgie with no airs or graces. You find a more hard working priest.
I recently heard him speak about a project he’s involved with him Africa, and he was fantastic.
He literally has raised thousands of pounds in his own free time.
I’m sick of all the priest bashing on here, when we have some wonderful priests doing great things that no one hears about.


I agree, it’s sickening to read and very sad for Fr. David. I feel for some of the priests having to read these comments. There ARE some good ones out there.


The priest basher was a fellow colleague. Try walking in the shoes of a survivor-victim for a couple of decades- then experience survivor bashing
from cathbots and some clerics posting on this blog. No one wants to hear from those shunned Catholics, including the hierarchy. Fact.


Thank you for your support in all this. We’re incredibly grateful to you for exposing the scoundrels. If not for your blog, we’d have nowhere to turn!


The Chief Operating Officer of Portsmouth (AKA MEEEGAIN £100K+++) is blowing a gasket +Pat. She is busy today (which is why she hasn’t been able to comment today, yet) but I’m sure we’ll hear from her later tonight when she sits down with a bottle of wine! 😉


At least she’s no longer having to spend her hard-earned money posting tins of Heinz tomato soup to Rome.


They’ll need a good fella to take over from Byrne. When Egan is finished in Portsmouth there will be a huge mess to clear up! 6 more years of him yet.
There is hope for the future. But we’ll have to wait a bit.


Wish we had more plain speaking priests in Hexham and Newcastle then the mess we are in would not have been allowed to happen.Fully support Father David Smith.Sad a number of his fellow priests were not prepared to support him against a few parishioners who thought they were better than the rest of us.Thank you Father David for all your kindness and priesthood.Wish there were more like you in H & N.


Poppycock and Nonsense – and your quotation or citation. from Paul is disingenuous and misleading – for many laws are unjust and immoral and speeding is a classic example – doing 100-150mph on the M1 is speeding doing 25mph in a 20moh zone isn’t speeding it’s virtually stalling.
These so called laws are political devices to squeeze people dry – they are unjust and although statutory (imposed by the state) can be contested and can result in acquittal.
St Paul was a prisoner, he broke the law and was executed by the state – he was anti establishment and resisted unjust and immoral law.


Very wise not to have a cleric on the board they are a menace and invariably incompetent and self important.
I’d advise anybody who is unlucky enough to have a Catholic priest on a board – get rid, they have divided loyalty and if there is a leak it’s them.


I am really sorry to God for breaking my vow of celibacy and sleeping with other clergy men. I have enjoyed all the sex I have had but I recognise it was wrong and hope God will forgive me.


5.39. Your plea via this blog makes as much sense as the whole religious rigmarole of praying, confessing sins, observing requirements such as Mass etc etc.
The whole religious guilt psyche is indoctrinated in childhood and creates the clerically foisted absolution merry go round.


I do hope the full report into H&N enables the diocese to undergo a deep clean! This is probably a one and only chance for mismanagement, poor leadership at many levels, Sodom and Gomorrah type behaviours to be addressed. The diocese and faithful can then move on, look to the future and begin to heal.


JPL is staying in Our Lady Queen of Peace this weekend again Pat. What are his links with Fr Gory? I mean Rory, I beg your pardon.


There is no evidence of that. Not that it is important. She describes herself as Christian but not devout. Fatima had a horrific childhood. She was the daughter of a Turkish Cypriot mother and Greek Cypriot father.
All credit to her for being such an outstanding athlete. An absolute role model.
You have the nerve to write such utter drivel


6.55: Roberta dear, you don’t need to keep telling us you’re a proud lesbio!! Live what you are but stop your silliness in repeating it..


More power to you, Roberta. Healthy self love and acceptance is very important. Never mind those cathbots types and their collared cronies.


Yer right so yea are pride goes before a fall especially a fall
from grace even for clerical boring big wigs like uncle Ted.


Leave our Pat alone, I love the bones of him! In Union street tonight if you want to join us Pat, loved our time at the wedding last year in the devenish, we defo need to do it again – have a great night mate im steaming


Spot on.
I couldn’t agree more with every word in your post. Let’s hope it will be a youngish bishop with energy and mileage to see things through. Stability is what’s needed.


Surely Pat God loves each and everyone of us.He showed this by sending His Son to die for us.But Pat don’t get 08.30 message.Who is A&T?


The Scots College claim that they are unable to find new premises of their own, so they are moving into the Beda. They should take over the former Dutch College on the Aventine, which has been empty for years, thanks to the renewal of Dutch Catholicism after Vatican II.


Is the Swedish College still going? Mons Furiò Cesare was rector when I last visited. The Icelandic bishop who turned out to be a nonce was visiting.


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