


20190113_1707033949750487287458742.jpgNOEL “AIRMILES” TREANOR

The victim, we will call her Maire, was brutally sexually abused by this priest in his car, and on parish property that led her to have experienced massive mental and emotional suffering for 30 years!

She has consistently asked Noel Treanor and he consistently tells her he will not meet her “as it is a police matter”!

So it the PSNI who should give Maria pastoral care – not the principle pastor of D&C?

Is it the job of the PSNI to minister to Maire?

Is it the PSNI’s mission to provide Maire with therapy and counselling after massive priestly sexual abuse?

Is it the PSNI’s role to heal and restore Maria’s faith and prayer life that was destroyed by a rapacious D&C priest?


These things are the MISSION of Noel Treanor as a priest and bishop and as the overseer of the church in this area.

And yet, Treanor, with his cold autistic heart, is refusing to meet this poor woman and help her – while he refers her to the state police!

Is he not behaving like Pilate who sent Jesus to Herod?

Treanor has also been putting up his safeguarding minions to put Marie off.

She last spoke some time ago to a Philip O’Hara who is listed on the D&C website as:

Designated Liaison Person for Safeguarding Children and Adults
Philip O’Hara

He was the last person to tell her that Treanor would not meet her and that she should deal with the PSNI.

I sent Mr. O’Hara and email this morning:

Dear Philip,

Is it true that Noel Treanor is refusing to meet ***** from St Matthews parish?

She is, as you know, an alleged victim of Father ***** ******.

Is Noel not interested in giving her:

1. The listening ear of a shepherd.

2. Assistance with counselling and therapy?

No police investigation will be hampered by pastoral care.

She wants to meet her bishop!

Why is he refusing to meet her as Pope Francis tells bishops to do?

+ Pat Buckley

I’m sure the first thing that Philip did was to refer the email to Messrs O’Hagan and Glover.

They will bring it to Airmiles Noel at the Cordon Blue lunch table in Chateau Noel.

And it will probably be ignored – and maybe even laughed at over a classic red from Pomerol.

Here is O’Hara’s reply and my answer to him:

Dear Father Pat,

Thank you for kindly drawing this issue to my attention. We respect the confidentiality of anyone who has contact with the Diocese of Down and Connor Safeguarding Office.

I will note the issues you have raised in this communication.


Philip O Hara

Designated Liaison Person , Diocese of Down and Connor Safeguarding Office


Dear Philip,

You know as well as I do that this is no answer to my previous mail.

Does your conscience not tell you not to do the bad things the Treanor, O’Hagan and Glover trio tell you to do?

I know they pay you well. But is that not todays equilalent of the 30 pieces of silver?

For Gods sake, like all of us, you have a death bed and a meeting with the Lord to face.

I expect emails like this from clerics.

But not from a father and grandfather.

Have they already destroyed your faith and integrity.

May God forgive you!

Bishop Pat.

PS: I have been dealing with xxxxx for several years and unlike Treanor I did not turn her away.


While tears flow in parishes all over Down & Connor, the wine flows at Chateau Noel


Maria has asked me to tell my readers that she reported her abuse to Father Aidan Keenan when he was parish priest of St Matthew’s Parish in Belfast.

Father Aidan immediately reported her abuse and the abusing priest to the PSNI and notified the diocese.

She claims that Father Aidan told her that he moved from St. Matthew’s – where he wanted to stay – because he reported her abuse to the PSNI.

She had told numerous priests before Father Aidan that she had been abused and that while these men said they would do something about it they never did.

In fact, other Down and Connor priests plied her with wine at a time she did not drink.

Maria will have nothing bad said against Father Aidan as he was the first to believe and help her.

She does say that Delia Neeson is playing an unhealthy role in Father Aidan’s life and that at times, Delia blocked Maria from having access to Father Aidan.


This is typical of the Catholic Church. Any problem which they create, they simply wring their hands and say ‘No comment’. So not only is Treanor found wanting in terms of his pastoral skills he is also guilty of cowardice. If a sheep gets hurt , the shepherd tends to it . Treanor’ s idea of shepherding would appear to be – leave the sheep to suffer. This is beyond contempt. The more I hear of this individual the more saddened and angry I become. How could such a man become a bishop? But then again how could McCarrick become a cardinal? Treanor’s lack of compassion and respect for this woman is only prolonging and exacerbating her suffering. This has been the modus operandi for years. Create havoc and if you are found out keep schtum. Meanwhile Treanor will continue to live in his luxury pad uncaring that one of his sheep is in turmoil. take off your blinkers Treanor and open your heart . Ask yourself. What would Jesus do? He certainly would not take your course of action.


Is Bp trainer on the train so much he can’t talk to people hi. All this is serious stuff and there may need to be protocols in place. But hi but the thing is if people are being treated with respect and their issues are being properly addressed. Seems not but by on here.


If the above series of events are true, which I’m assuming they are, they reflect very poorly on the leadership of Bishop Treanor and his team. It is unconscionable after all we’ve been through in the Church that any Bishop or Safeguarding Team would treat a victim/survivor in this cold, distant, incompassionate way. Undoubtedly there are circumstances which cannot be publicly printed because of ongoing investigations. However, the needs, ferlings, pain and concerns of any abuse victim/survivor must be paramount above all. This involves the Bishop personally meeting such individuals. To fail in this is a colossal failure, morally and spiritually. It goes against all that Christ demands. It is these obstinate, selfish, legal and self protecting approaches that place all of us under such negative and soul destroying criticism. I hope this woman will receive kindness, compassion and justice and hope too that the “eyes of the blind will be opened”, in this case those of Bishop Treanor and his team. I feel a profound shame for the way this woman is being treated. God bless her and her family.


Pat you will find that Bishop Noel is following the correct protocol set down by safeguarding guidelines and guidelines of the PSNI themselves. Why does the lady in question not seek pastoral support from the many priests in the diocese. She speaks highly of Fr Keenans past support so he would be the obvious choice. She doesn’t need to request a meeting with the Bishop simply for pastoral help but I sense you are using this as a cynical ploy to beat Bishop Noel with. Let the police investigation take its course without pre-empting its conclusions. You have caused Fr Keenan a great injustice in the last few days intimating he had to leave St Matthews for false reasons. Today you state the real and true reasons he had to leave. You are now similarly causing the same injustice to Bishop Treanor.


Treanor should be behaving as a Christian pastor and he is not.
The ultimate protocol is the Gospel.
He is behaving like a ceo.


9.28: Pat, when you use the pain, hurt and abuse of others- as you frequently do – you deepen the hurt of that individual. You move swiftly from one story to another, supposedly out of care, but more for your own self aggrandizement. You will use the abuse of others in your nasty, vindictive, anti Church agenda. These days you have chosen Bishop Treanor as your target andvyour now abuse the “abused woman” to further your aggressive hatred towards him. You are ABUSING an already abused woman in your vicious vendetta. That I find morally reprehensible. It is totally not of CHRIST. There are specific guidelines drawn up by the state and church which all of us must now adhere to with diligence. For you to try and preempt or second guess any findings or judgments is despicable. Also, you told lies yesterday about Fr. Keenan. Do you habe the integrity or honesty of conscience to apologise to him? Please stop ABUSING already deeply wounded and abused people.


I have been and am in touch with the lady Treanor will not meet.

She asked me to highlight this and has thanked me today for so doing.

I do not hate Noel Treanor or anyone else.

I hate their utter corruption and neglect.

What lie did I tell about Aidan Keenan?


I never said Aidan HAD to leave St. Matthews.
I said he told Maria he was moved as a punishment for helping her the way he did.


I much prefer lighter stories, Bp Pat, ones about +Nolly’s spending habits, or his fabled marble toilet seat, for example, or some casual reports on the private lives of other bishops.


I thought Francis had said that bishops should have the smell of the sheep about them ? Well, certainly nothing I read here suggests that + Noel even approximates to that. More like the smell of eau de some expensive, exclusive, made especially for him eau de perfum from some chic Parisian boulevard. And, looking at pictures of The Priests, I’m sure that Mgr O’Hagan et al have an upmarket perfume about them too, and it won’t be masculine and manly, I assure you ! More prissy, camp, queeny, particular, exclusive and limp.
There appears to be a gaping chasm between the way these people live their lives – their expectations, their sense of entitlement, their profligacy – and the way the vast majority of us live our lives. Whereas once people did not know about this, now we do know about it, and people rightly see it as being an outrage. Especially given that we pay for the vast majority of it.
Another example is the plan of + Martin of Dublin to retire to his apartment in Rome near the Colosseum ! Which of us, for God’s sake, could aspire to that ? And where has that money come from, I ask you ?
The clerical hierarchy of the Church needs to realise that the good times are coming to an end. The Church is in the situation of imploding, and if it is to survive it, and they, will have to become much more aligned with the realities of the world and the people, rather than living in a gilded cage as little princes. It is coming down the tracks, and they simply don’t understand what is going to hit them over the next few decades.


Piss Off 1158. Sounds to me as though you have a personal interest in that kind of lifestyle ? Got your own comfortable little pad all sorted out for your clerical retirement, courtesy of Holy Mother the Church ? Paid for by the likes of us. Entitled shit, is what you are !


So Pat from what you say is that basically Noel should just follow your lead and ignore the PSNI and it’s guidelines. Life is not as clear cut as that. If you’re not careful with such silly advice as this you could get yourself lifted again.


Bishop Treanor is not the only Bishop who refuses to meet victims/survivors of Church related abuse.🤕
What Jesus would or wouldn’t do is irrelevant. 😆
What takes precedence is
not shepherding or pastoral concern or the gospel; what takes precedence is what advice is given by solicitors. Moral, spiritual or gospel considerations of Jesus don’t matter a jot! 😂
Pope Fancis says one thing publicly, calling on Bishops
to tell the truth, 😇
Meanwhile, his Bishops’ policy seems to be to follow legal advice. Pastoral concern ,quite frankly ,is laughable and totally removed from the reality on the ground. 👿
The Bishops are middle management in the Rc institution/organization.
The concerns of the institution/organization take precedence. 😂
They don’t give a damn ; why would they, after years of lies and cover ups. 👺


9:18 and 10:10. Nobody is saying +Treanor should ignore the psni. What is being clearly said however is that as a supposed Christian leader he should follow the protocol of the gospel. That is the definitive instruction for Christians. That he continually fails to do so lends credence to the idea that he simply is not a Christian and the actions of his VG and the darkness Joe Glover would tend to suggest the same. If someone fails you then the bible says we should confront them with the truth. Let those who have ears hear and those who can speak speak. As far as I am aware +Treanor has lost neither of those faculties. You either obey Christ’s teachings or you don’t. No ambiguity there in the word of God. You can’t pick and choose. This whole Down and Saga is an abomination and a desperate reflection on its leadership. However these issues need to keep being raised, challenged and exposed. BP Pat, is the priest who has been accused still in ministry?


Next time if I get in trouble with the Police I’ll just follow your simple advice and tell them the bible takes precedence over the law and I follow the bible and not the law of the land. Don’t think that’s going to prevent me from getting slung in a cell or appearing in Court. Your advice is foolish, infantile and simplistic. Render to Caeser what belong to him.


10:10. Life is clear cut. It’s us mere mortals who make it complicated. We are discussing so called Christian leaders. It does matter what Christ would do. His teachings are explicit. Sorry you can’t have it both ways. Either your for Christ or against him. Christ was pure and we need to aspire to that state. Whilst we never will achieve it we need to keep trying. Ignoring victims and prolonging their suffering puts us further away from God. Not exactly what one would call leadership from church leaders.


Oh, him ?! Has he dared to come back home yet ? He’d probably get picked up at the airport by the PSNI. So, I doubt if he will dare to show his face at home again. He’s in exile now forever. Unless he comes clean and follows Francis’ exhortation to turn himself in. Which I very much doubt. But he should. Even if he is innocent. At least he can show he is innocent. His continued absence suggests that he does have something to hide. Maybe the PSNI will eventually put out a European arrest warrant, and then the Spanish / Tenerife people might pick him up and send him back to face the music. Let’s hope. In the meantime, I trust that he is not sleeping very well in his sunshine haven, and that his conscience is causing him some trouble.

As to Treanor and O’Hagan tipping him off. Well, that could well be seen as frustrating the course of justice. They will have known that he was likely to be questioned by the PSNI, but their interaction with him resulted in him doing a bolt pretty soon after. The two events together could be construed as perverting the course of justice ? Now, wouldn’t that be interesting to see, + Treanor and his VG in front of The Beak ? There would be no more Chateau Pomerol for lunch Chez Noel then for quite a while !!


You are clearly totally ignorant of the facts of this case judging by your sweeping idiotic judgements. If there was a case to answer do you not think the PSNI would have had him extradited by now from Spain? This has been highlighted months ago and it takes only weeks for someone to be extradited from there.


As regards your and Aidan Keenan’s version of this story:
It is absolutely crystal clear to all priests and others with responsibility in D&C diocese that the police are immediately involved when there is an allegation of child sexual abuse – indeed any crime of that nature.
So Aidan’s allegation that he was “punished” by the Bishop for reporting to the PSNI simply doesn’t make sense.
We are ALL expected to report these matters to the police and, if you don’t, it’s not Bishop Noel you should be worried about.
Aidan’s being moved though, from St Matthew’s to Nativity, is indeed very strange.
To move him from one parish where he was causing havoc and inflict him – a clearly unwell man – on another parish, makes no sense at all.
To entrust him with such a large and challenging parish as Poleglass is utterly nonsensical and shows appallingly poor judgement on behalf of Noel and his advisors.
The only place Aidan should have been moved to was somewhere like Nazareth Care Village. Permanently. And a police exclusion order put on the mad woman who is controlling his life.
There is undoubtedly a whole lot more to this story and what you have written, Pat, cannot be taken at face value.
You have clearly presented a version that feeds your own spiteful hate and, yet again, projects your delusions about yourself, as the crusading “righteous” campaigner.


I am writing what has been told to me. I will publish any other credible version of the story.
I do think that Aidan should be given a less onerous ministry and that Big Delia be returnrd to her husband in Moneyglass as she is clearly making a serious situation worse.


As a parishioner of Poleglass I find it offensive and unfair what you continue to write about Fr Keenan. You often say that people shouldn’t take it upon themselves to diagnose the health issues of others. But here you are doing so yourself in relation to Fr Keenan. I think you are just using Fr Keenan in order to punish his bishop. You clearly have no idea about our parish and it’s PP because what you write is clearly false and laughable. Stick to facts and not fiction.


I absolutely knew that would be your childish response to my 11.45am post. Says it all really about how petty and nasty you are.


Yes, Pat, that’s definitely the Moneyglass Heifer at 11:45am now grazing in Poleglass 🤣


Trying to defend Delia. Is like trying to raise the titanic. It won’t work. Her role is not appropriate. She is being allowed to dictate the running of the parish. She may well be good intentioned but that’s not the point. She has no defined role within the church, is not on their payroll and should never be interfering with the running of that parish. Neither should she be visiting the sick with Keenan on pastoral duties. If Keenan was to visit either of my parents accompanied by Delia I would refuse her entry. Has she signed confidentiality forms? I doubt it but then again as in all matters +Treanor buries his head in the sand. Seems to be a feeling that if he ignores things that they just go away. This isn’t so. The least +Treanor owes his flock is courtesy and respect . He demonstrates neither. Either he is incompetent or listens to bad advice from a Christian perspective. Career priests like O’Hagan and Glover need to be moved aside. What do they do to contribute to the spread of the gospel? Sweet fanny adams. These three individuals have a lot to answer for . Down and Connor has never in my lifetime been blessed with good pastoral leaders. It’s always been about protecting the church. They will do anything but the right thing in order to uphold their institution. It’s a pity they don’t uphold the word of God.


Why don’t you just shut it and leave the diocese instead of keeping yapping on this blog over the last few days.


The Moneyglass Heifer, I kid you all not, has been known to intimate to others that she is a close confidante of +Noel – that he confides in her and calls her for advice on tricky diocesan matters. That’s the level we are talking about 🤣😂


Fr Paddy McWilliams will be up le marra on an aul tractor, with a trailer on the back, to take thon big heifer that’s causin conniptions in Poleglass back til Moneyglass so he will.
She snuck away up til Bilfast on aul Farmer Neeson so she did and tawlt the folk he was tatie bread. Ye cudden be up to thon big one so ye cudden.
If ye see a big hape of an auld heifer on the back of a trailer le marra, goin up the M2, be sure til wave at her now.


I think the thing here is how a refusal is phrased. If the bishop can’t see the survivors on police instructions the letter saying that can still be phrased in a pastoral way and perhaps run past the police first. If the law is OK with it the person could be directed elsewhere. Again the way the letter is phrased is everything.
I don’t understand why priests’ housekeepers have so often been live in? There is such a job advertised in Down and Connor as I write this and it’s only twelve hours a week, which would not mean living in.
If the housekeeper lives in is this an informal agreement?


There is nothing to stop a bishop having pastoral contact with victims even during a police investigation.

The police operate from a criminal justice perspective.

The bishop from a pastoral one.

Its just that Treanor cannot be bothered.


Pat, you are very ignorant and misinformed here about the guidelines and victims of abuse and contact with a bishop during a police investigation. They are very clear. Treanor is doing nothing wrong.


Treanor can meet victims, listen to them, get them counselling.

How would that interfere with a police investigation?

If I can meet them Airmiles Treanor can.


PS: The victin gave me permission to use her real name.

I decided not to.


I’ve noticed today that there have been some very defensive and aggressive comments, evidently from priests, who do not like the idea that the rest of us now see beyond what they want us to see, and clearly see and note the entitled comfort that they have become accustomed to and take as their right. They have been rumbled, and they do not like it. Hence the really quite defensive comments, telling us that we know nothing, and to mind our own business, and that we are fools who know nothing. Well, sorry to tell you, dear Fathers, that we know an awful lot, and we are no longer prepared to turn a blind eye, or to indulge you anymore. Which has always been at our expense, remember. + Pat may not be the paragon of virtue and wisdom that he might think he is, but he at least is transparent, and has taken a path where he provides for himself and supports his own ministry, I believe in quite a simple and unextravagent lifestyle. That’s got an integrity about it. Whereas the rest of you…..well, integrity is what you do not have.


I am not indeed a paragon of virtue and have never claimed to be. I am very human and a sinner. I have a very good life and share what I have with others. My home is an open door. Like most people I live in two rooms for heating purposes etc – the kitchen and bedroom. I suppose my one luxury is my car. I have loved cars since childhood. I buy a 4 year old car on loan and pay for it over 5 years. All my failings and mistakes can be googled. I do not lie and do not live a double life.


Don’t fool yourself clown. I commented earlier as an ordinary lay person and not as a Priest. How you jump to conclusions is laughable. Wishful thinking on your part. Try and get over the fact in your deluded mind that it’s not just clergy posting on here.


Traynors troops are poor quality and thin on the ground. He has to use them as best he can. It’s a slow painful retreat. The general prefers to stay in his bunker.


1:11pm. Because unlike you I actually care that people in the diocese are being taken for idiots. And I’ll keep posting so if you don’t like it go and watch ceebeebies


BP. Maybe he’s built himself, Frauline Eugenie and the darkness a wee (nah. It would have to be salubrious) bomb shelter


2:51. Maybe he can’t trust his mandarins in Lisbreen cos they’re posting on here!! Delia is a space cadet. She lives in delusional world. Orthopaedic surgeon by night , counsellor to bishops and priests during the day. Is there nothing Delia can’t do? The woman needs prayed for


I think that fundamentally Noel is a good man but he’s afraid of people and he runs away from them constantly with very unfortunate pastoral consequences. He was a bad choice for bishop but there you go – nothing can be done about that now.

I think it is also most unfortunate the clowns and knaves who have Noel’s confidence (and I don’t mean Joe Glover and Eugene O’Hagan).

There is a small cabal of clergy and Noel thinks they’re the best thing since sliced bread. But they are not. They have no pastoral judgement or skills themselves and that is filtering down into how the diocese is being badly administered. The “lifestyle” of some of these “pals” of Noel’s is also an accident waiting to happen.

Noel is probably unable now to extricate himself from the influence of these individuals as they have made him dependent upon them. They tell him what he wants to hear and he is quite happy to be fooled accordingly.

I’m afraid the confusion and upset will undoubtedly continue for the foreseeable future. That’s the opinion of this lay-woman observer for what it’s worth. My views are drawn from my own listening and observing – to and of – both clerics and laity.

We must pray, pray and pray!


We assume you mean “gay lifestyle”, e.g. promiscuous, drinking, bar hopping, using drugs, cross-dressing and orgies, etc.


Promiscuous gay sex, one night stands, gay bars, gay hols, playing around abroad, etc.


Any news on Dublin? We hope DMs retirement is imminent. We need a new leader! Any idea who may succeed to the Archdiocese?


Dublin PP – the talk is that he is retiring this year and going to live in Rome. You will notice he has been very quiet lately. I think this is because of his pre retirement mode and the bits and pieces pronounced by Bill Mulvihill.


What’s the craic with Mulvihill these days?
He’s gone very quiet on you Pat, has he wised up and caught on to you?


3.39: I hope you get what you deserve, the back end of the remotest villge! A retard! You are one of the utterly lazy, disgruntled priests or a silly, idiotic pretend one. Either way, stuff your caca back where it came from!!


Amy in Armagh is no doubt delighted that the focus is of him these past few days. I have to say I miss your blogs on his grace Pat and the ridiculous picture with the balloon. Is Amy behaving? Any news on Gates? Has all settled in Magherafelt? Will you be revisiting Armagh soon or can Amy assume he’s safe?


Amy and her situations are never off my mind. Gates is putting in his time in Magherafelt and Thomasina is recovering from her problems.


Pat you are a nasty man, with nothing to offer but sin.
You spend your life mocking other’s! A very Christian deed, would Jesus do what you do?


Apparently +Noel has been busy in the Middle East for the last week, as part of the annual Holy Land Co-ordination visit. The other Irish participant was +Alan McGuckian.


If you are a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a lawyer, indeed pretty much anything nowadays, and if you belong to an organisation and institution, you are subject to validation, assessment, performance review. So, over on this side of the water, there is OFSTED for schools, there is an Inspector of Constabulary, and Inspector of Prison, and inspector of pretty much anything. So, why is it that large institutions like the Church and its dioceses are not subject to some sort of review by an independent body that ensures that it is performing correctly and well, spending its money wisely, giving value for money etc. Why is it that priests are not reviewed for their performance, just like so many other people who work ? You may say that is the task of the Nuncio, but in reality a diocese and its bishop is pretty much autonomous and gets on with things as they want, accountable to pretty much nobody. Oh, to God, of course. But, I’m not sure the buggers even bother about what He thinks most of the time ! That is why you can have such idiocies happening in places like D&C. No accountability, no being required to perform to a standard, being able to carry on blithely in dysfunction and bad performance for as long as they like. My solution ? The people are the solution. Stop paying for it all. Then they will come and ask why, and then we can hold them to account. This kind of situation would never be tolerated in any other walk of life, so why should we have to put up with it in the Church ? Answers on a postcard, please….


I don’t think the Church will notice or miss the nothing you contribute. Get over yourself darling @4.17pm. Your continuous ranting is giving me a migrane. Nobody gives a fig what mantra you keep repeating, it’s not going to make a blind bit of difference – don’t you understand that.


I should imagine it has something to do with the wealth Irish dioceses have built up over the years, with reports of some well in excess of €/£100 million each. Bishoprics are more or less a greasy pole to administer investment portfolios.


Noel in the Middle East? Has he joined the caliphate. Pity he wasn’t busy sorting out the shit in his own diocese. Anything for a wee jaunt away. Bishop air miles


“Being silent, is being complicit ”
You all have no idea what it’s like to be abused at 11yrs of age.
You have no idea what it’s like to go into the confession box the next day to face your abuser to confess your sins to.
You have no idea that your innocence has been lost from that moment on.
You have no idea that you will never be the same.
You have no idea that growing up you’ll never fit in.
You have no idea how sad you will feel.
You have no idea that child you yearned for you’ll never have incase it happens to them.
You have no idea that dream wedding you imagined would never happen because you can’t trust.
You have no idea that you would rather end your own life than face another day of pain.
I am your sister or brother. Your child or grandchildren. Your niece or nephew.
You have no idea.

Liked by 1 person

@ 5:46;
Most of these clerics have NO idea of the harm, hurt, damage inflicted on people abused by the church, nor do they give a crap!
Most are too damn narcissistic, too selfish and too brainwashed to give a toss. We’ve heard bull for years, blaming the media narrative, crap!
As for ‘good priests’…their loyalty is to the institution…unless they want a life on ‘the missions’.
Moral cowards!
They keep their mouths tightly shut out of fear. So much for all the theology, saying the office, prayer, all the masses celebrated!
What does it all mean when the chips are down?
The church is being destroyed by the depth of moral corruption of clergy.


Pat, wasn’t the Duke of Edinburgh a very lucky man today? There must be a god after all.
Our nation has been spared a tragedy of unthinkable proportions and millions of loyal subjects have been saved from inconsolable heartbreak.
One will be intoning a Te Deum later in St Patrick’s and leading a candlelight procession of the hungry homeless up the New Lodge in thanksgiving for our Sovereign Lady’s beloved husband’s safe delivery.
(Sure won’t the candles keep the homeless warm on this cold night? And wax, I’m told, isn’t too unpalatable when seasoned properly).
Laissez-les manger de la cire! Vivat Regina!


6.40: And what Lady Eugenia will you do about the homeless and hungry? Gather them around your warm, blazing fire, offer them the finest wine and gourmet sandwich? I doubt it. You’re another keyboard critic – everyone else is corrupt, wrong and un-Christlike!! But woe to those who fail when moralsing about the rest of them….Now Lady Eugenia, onto the highways and byways with your invitations….And remember the words of Jesus – “When you do it to the least of these, you do it to me…”.


@ 7:38
You illustrate my point! Couldn’t give a crap!
The gospel ,ministry and institutional church(protection) is a great pretext for getting up to all sorts! Ask the lads (clerics) convicted of child sexual abuse.


Isn’t it very very odd, the Catholic Church; an institution that calls homosexuality intrinsically disordered;
draws such a high concentration of gay men to the priesthood. How peculiar lads!


Bp Pat
Any information on new bishop of clonfert being announced shortly, if rumour is correct one priest from tuam will follow in the footsteps of archbishop Joseph Cassidy , the man from knock fr Richard gibbons


6:40. Don’t make a joke at the homeless expense. There but for the grace of God go I. It’s gonna be freezing tonight. God love anyone out in the cold. +Treanor and his mates won’t be too worried. They’re happy to see them out on the street unless they are paid for letting the people’s church hall be used to feed them. Really really Christian Fraulein Eugenica.


During the troubles all people had to hold them together was their church. Look what their church was doing to them when they were already traumatised. Abused and robbed them. North Belfast had more than its share of heartache. What did Philbin do? Nothing. What did Walsh do ? Nothing. Treanor is just following suit. He does nothing for his flock but is quite content to live off the sweat of their brows. Yep Noel ur some operator


Pat, isn’t it appalling that a woman has been denied her new constitutional right to have a termination. She was denied this by the Coombe Hospital in Dublin and raised in the Dail today as it is now law. I wonder if the Church had anything to do with this outrageous decision. I wouldn’t be surprised.


8.51: Please know the truthful facts before you ignorantly make so stupid a judgment. And furthermore, remember that abortion is the deliberate killing/destruction of the unborn child. Let’s understand the true meaning of the word ‘abortion’ and stop camoflaoguing the horrible reality. Abortion = killing of the unborn child.


8.51: Barbara, you were probably one of the hundreds who jumped with delight, joy and laughter when the right to abortion – killing of the unborn child – became law in our country. That contemptible laughter was and is morally repugnant. The Coombe have isdued the TRUTH but you choose to lie and spin to move forward the slaughter of the beautuful innocent unborn child. Look into the face of any new born child (or your own children if that is your blessing) and reflect on the horrible ugliness of abortion and how it extinguished the unique and beautiful gift of life. I believe in compassion for women in gravest situations but the onward march for abortion on demand is frightening, for that is what you and others want.


Shame on you. Your indignance over people not being willing to murder unborn babies says a lot about you. Expecting others to murder a baby for your convenience – don’t expect any decent human being to jump to your command. Doing others dirty work for them -some nurses and doctors will never do that.


Fr. O’Neill makes a lot of very valid points. A Sinn Fein voter in every election since I was 18 and growing up in a staunchly republican area with strong republican views myself, I have voted DUP in the last couple of elections as I can no longer stomach to vote for what Sinn Fein has become. I do not follow like a mindless sheep. I am intelligent and well informed. The South now disgusts me with its rabid hatred for any expression of religion. The Southern broadcasters and newspapers are globalist, one-viewed propagandists – only one view of the world and life is allowed. Thank God for Northern Ireland: it was colonised because it was the MOST Gaelic part of Ireland. The South is a vassal state of the EU and big business. I do not at present wish to have it ruling my life.
Sinn Fein are now like the mafia – look at O’Muilleoir and his buying of votes and collusion with Romanian gangmasters. At every corner there is a ” peace and reconciliation office” or such like – usually being staffed by Sinn Fein and their family members. No wonder they changed completely on Europe since they led Ireland against Maastricht ( or whatever), money, money, money…….. look at the foreigners flooding the lower Ormeau etc and the housing they get over locals. There is MONEY being made out of this and the locals have to shut up.
As an Irish person who values her culture I would like to be left in peace to enjoy it: not have it stolen from me. I do not want to be ruled by Dublin leading my children and grandchildren to be enticed into aborting their children and them being indoctrinated into believing sex has nothing to do with chromosomes.
Why don’t you THINK? Present day Sinn Fein are no longer my champions. Go Peadar Toibin, better still go Irexit !


George Orwell “to see what is in front of one’s nose is a constant struggle”. Are you struggling +Treanor or do u see but don’t give a damn? I am sickened yet again but yet again not surprised at the antics and lack of leadership by Noel and all at his salubrious mansion. The man needs to throw the towel in and get a new job sitting behind a desk again in Europe but before he goes he needs to sack joe the darkness and Eugenica


10.42: Barbara, no one is asking you to take a jump but simply to “have a CONSCIENCE” – it may help you to have respect for the sanctity of life at all stages. Abortion is the deliberate act of killing of the unborn child, which you once were. Think of that….


I’ve thought about it dearie. Then again, I don’t stoop to insulting and verbally abusing someone for their views. You lose the argument when you do that.


You don’t insult, yet you campaign for the murder of completely innocent babies -sure aren’t ye just great! You don’t insult, yet you promote the murder of the pre-born on the grounds of some ‘disability’ – such a paragon of virtue! You don’t insult, yet you approve of the severing of full term disabled babies vocal chords prior to being dismembered so that they can be removed from their mother’s wombs – aren’t ye wonderful! Planned Parenthood in the States make a fortune out of selling baby parts, you probably think that’s a great revenue stream.
You don’t insult? You insult our intelligence. Don’t be so smugly self-congratulatory, it’s entirely undeserved.


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