

When my mother was dying I was getting ready to leave the hospital before midnight to go home to sleep to be rested to be with her early next morning.

The charge nurse asked me not to leave just for a while.

Just after midnight two young female doctors entered my mother’s cubicle with a syringe full of a medication.

After they had left the charge nurse called us in and we were with my mother while she passed away peacefully

Three weeks earlier my mother had had a stroke which destroyed he ability to swallow either liquids of solids.

She was perfectly conscious for most of that three weeks and we had aotnof quality time with her – talking abd listening, etc.

I was aware that she was being given morphine.

Morphine is a great drug in the right setting.

But it has side effects – like weakening the heart.

So I realised that that night she died she had received her final dose of morphine – and probably a high dose.

But I did not object.

My mother would never have had any quality of life and I glad to see her going to God without pain or distress.


Was my mother’s three weeks of morphine not really a slow and compassionate form of euthanasia?

Personally, as a Christian a priest and a bishop I would have the IDEAL of going on the whole journey of my death with the Lord at my side – and join my suffering and death with His suffering and death on the Cross.

Will I have the faith and courage to do that?

I hope so.

But I cannot be certain.


What about other people who do not want to face a suffering and painful death?

Especially those who do share our Christian faith.

Should they be allowed to avail of a more up front euthanasia?

Personally, I believe that should be allowed to them.

I know that there are dangers in this area.

The danger of sick people being made to feel they are a burden on others.

The danger of greedy and unprincipled relatives and others putting pressure on the dying person- so that they can benefit from the estate.

Even the danger of overly zealous doctors putting pressure on the dying.

The danger of a “creeping euthanasia” – stretching from the dying elderly to the disabled, the depressed etc.

And so a state allowed euthanasia would need to gave the strictest possible laws and regulations built around it.

Maybe even involving judicial control?

Jesus does not need each of us to undergo a crucifying death.

He underwent that for all of us.

I think we must discuss this topic with intelligence, logic, compassion and lack of hysteria.

And in the end it is a decision for for the politicians guided by the wishes and votes of the electorate.


People went to the UK for abortions… people voted to change the law – but all that changed were the travel plans.

People go to Switzerland for euthanasia… follow the logic.

I cannot tell anybody how to die. I have not lived their life, shared their fears, measured their bravery. I can walk with them. If their moral choice varies with mine I can we with the, somewhat unwillingly like Simon of Cyrene. The person who chooses euthanasia is still carry the mark of Christ. It is for me to see beyond my limitations. I am not required to agree with abortion or euthanasia. I am required to Minister.


Boris Johnson will be gone within a week, I think. No sorrow here because of his using this island as a Tory Tool recently. My view anyway.


Let’s hope you’re right. No sorrow in this island either.
We must all aim to live our life in such a way that we don’t have to have our grave on the grounds of Chelsea Royal Hospital to stop people pissing on it.


I doubt that he’ll resign: he’s arrogant almost to the point of megalomania. And his own party has not the stomach for a vote of no confidence in him.


I’m looking forward to the parties when this crowd is voted out at the next election. Although I want them to stay in power till then to ensure they screw the country over so badly that even Tory voters change their minds (they’re starting to) and we don’t have another conservative government in my life time.


You know my background +Pat and leaving religion aside, a person can be uncomfortable and in extreme bone pain but their brain has stopped them from communicating. This is a very sad affair. We know that morphine based drugs can suppress breathing and weaken heart function but it does not kill you instantly unless of a massive overdose.
When people have extreme strokes following a brain bleed they cannot move their body and cannot speak of the intensity of their discomfort.
I firmly believe that after trying my very best to prolong life in my job that if someone wanted to ease their suffering with euthanasia I would fully support it. I most certainly have not done this practice but I also have heard young children and old 97 Years of age squealing in pain because the morphine In their system wasn’t breakthrough enough.
Them sounds do not leave you regardless of any training, textbooks or religion.
My dear school friend many years ago asked me to accompany him to Dignatast in Switzerland to end his life as he suffered hard from motor neurone disease. I refused thinking back then as a Catholic and what Jesus suffered. Do I regret it. Absolutely.
Padre Pio once said. Suffering is a gift from God. Blessed is thee who can profit by it
Yours Hugh


Suffering is a gift from God?
Pio, and his kind (among them Mother Teresa) practically deified suffering and, I’m sure, turned many against the very idea of a loving God.
Biblically, Jesus did not achieve salvation for humankind through suffering, but through obedience to the Father (love), for which he suffered. This is where masochistic head-the-balls like Pio and Teresa parted with divine reality.


That’s not euthanasia because the intention isn’t to kill.
Any Catlicks who have a problem with that should remember that the bishops move(d) round abusing priests to protect the reputation of the church and not because they’re a crime promoting, child abusing, money laundering criminal cabal fronted by a church.


May your mother Rest in Peace, Bishop Buckley. She is smiling down on you and rightfully very proud of all that you do for others. 🙏


Pat, I remember you saying years ago about seeing your mum after her death and finding it very consoling. Could you remind us of the circumstances of that please?


3.04: Many people have similar experiences about loved ones after their death. It can be a very consoling experience. But it can also be unnerving for some. My experience of my mother after her death was a most comforting experience and after 30 years it is still vivid in my mind. God is good…


3:04, 5:10,
Many people have had similar experiences.
Many people have been there with close loved ones before they passed from this life.
People who have suffered a miscarriage have sensed that the unborn child has passed to the next life. Some are consoled by the experience.
The topic of the today is a difficult one. The journey many of us have made with a close loved one would not have been the same, if it had not been a natural passing. A natural passing can be a difficult path but I feel it is one that we must make.
Life from womb to tomb is precious.
Anyone who has sensed a loved one who has passed from this life knows from that experience that our consciousness does exist outside of our bodies. It is the testimony of many. Trust worthy testimonies that I fully believe.
As Christians, we must always respect life. We should not be deterred by the secular society, even if our numbers are few.


I did not hear from him.

It’s a mortal sin just now for the media to give me any credit.


9.39: Don’t worry Pat about IT. To have a religious faith or outlook on life is to be a dinosaur in the world view of the Irish Times. Its liberalism has no tolerance or little time for those of a religious faith. Fintan O Toole and Rosita Sweetman and others go all apoplectic at Catholic Christians. They are the new elite orthodoxy who are as extremist as those they condemn. Secularist ideology is very prejudiced and bigoted against those of faith, prayer and Christian spirituality.


Patsy McGarry probably calculated that this would make him persona non grata among Ireland’s lamentable order of bishops.
May your mother continue to ever Rest In Peace.
You covered yourself the grave dangers of legal euthanasia. We could well complete our journey to a Belgium without the great beer and architecture where it has become state sponsored suicide for the most vulnerable whether children or old parent the children want dead for their money (one can instance a few wicked instances in this dump of a country where treatment just stopped and an uncle had an agonising death from starvation and thirst). At best there would be increasing propaganda that the old have a duty to die. People can be so wicked over the little pittance of money and some rotten house in a village. That failed organisation, the HSE, would, with legal euthanasia, probably use it as a cover for clearing beds, so they can afford another 60 Managers of Change and Experience and daily taxis for all middle and senior managers.
Catholics must never abandon struggle to defend the lives of the unborn and the most vulnerable (obviously this must not feed into an erroneous idea that the death penalty is wrong, defending as it does society against the most wicked, and it should be noted that post update the relevant CCC words are just weasel words which mean sweet Fanny Adams).


6:17am When my brother moved in with his secretary, my sister in law went to Court and applied for an attachment of earnings order as he lived like a king with his new birdie but gave his wife nothing to house or feed their kids. Surely now church victims now can do the same as church is obviously insured for all eventualities including loss of income?


The argument about euthanasia being already present by giving more morphine to a patient is made frequently. Dying with Dignity, as it’s now referred to, is the giving of absolute right to any person who, in their “suffering” feel they want to end their lives. We are told about all kinds of “conditions” which must be met before a person chooses to end their lives. If we could trust the medical profession on these conditions, we may have some reassurance that people choosing to end their lives would be very rare cases. Holland and Belgium have very liberal euthanasia laws, now extending to children. There are so many issues which must be discussed re: euthanasia – family pressure on elderly loved ones, doctors advising all too radically, subtle pressure on the disabled, chronically Iill, people with untreatable neurological illnesses, people who are in deep depression – people who are made feel they are a burden and “worthless” as a result. We were told that abortion wiukd be safe, legal and rare…We know the numbers are now horrendous. The same will happen once euthanasia as an “alternative” becomes law. Again, look to our European neighbours and to Canada and USA…


Yes! We could call on the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence to hold a prayer vigil outside.


Stephen and Colm will be Ordained to the Sacred Priesthood on Sunday 26th June in Saint Patricks Cathedral Armagh by His Grace Eamon Martin
Keep both of them in your Prayers

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8.59: Your delinquent types should be locked up.. You horrible idiot. You auld queenie bitch.


I like the idea of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence holding a prayer vigil outside the cathedral as Wilson is ordained. Great LGBTQ solidarity. Please make it happen Bishop Pat.


8:49am Wilson not getting off to a great start, he’s featured on this blog even before he makes it to Ordination!


My own mother died the same way. She was in one “driver” which administered morphine. A week or so before her passing, a second “driver” was introduced. Like you , I did not object as my mother was in complete agony and had no quality of life. Drs and nurses in general do their best for patients and we saw this as an act of compassion and kindness towards her


My mother is 90 and was diagnosed with vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s eight years ago, although her forgetfulness was apparent for at least 4 years. We thought it was old age rather than an illness. We have cared for her at home without any state aid at all. The only help was providing a hospital bed to prevent bedsores and an electric hoist. She has been bedbound for the last 18 months and is doubly incontinent. She is only alive because the doctor prescribed fortisip drinks, which we put in her tea. She eats around eight Ritz crackers a day. She can’t hold a conversation and comes out with a continuous, almost chant, “Please, Lord, Take me”. The psychiatric nurses said this is called “stemming”, a form of negative vocalization. She is desperate to go, confused and agitated, but I don’t feel I can stop giving her the fortisip drinks as she would starve to death without them. It’s awful to watch, and when they debate euthanasia in parliament and bang on about “the dignity of life”, they ought to witness her suffering. She was a daily mass goer but has completely forgotten her faith and prayers, so there is no consolation there. I am now resolved that I would make my way to Switzerland if I received a similar diagnosis.


Anon@ 9:21. I’m sorry for your mother, and your family’s distress at her suffering. The feeling of helplessness in this situation can’t be easy to bear.
Your situation, and others of a similar nature, begs questions of believers of orthodox Christian religion.
1) How is such suffering on a blameless individual compatible with the alleged existence of an all powerful compassionate god?
2) If, as professed by Christian believers, humankind now endures pain as a result of some “rebellious behaviour”, apple or otherwise, by our long gone ancestor, what kind of god must it be who now insists we too now suffer the consequences? Surely this alleged God must be vicious and violent in the extreme, particularly when innocent infants suffer?
I’ve many more questions, but see no point in asking them. As in the past, the customary responses will be fatuous gobbledygook, and of course, ad hominem aggro.
For my part, if able I too would use Dignitas or similar, and have told family to “pull the plug” when that time comes.


11.55: MMN, there’s no need for your referencing anyone who expresses a view different to you as “gobbledygook” speak! Rather offensive, arrogant and dismissive of you. Euthanasia is not primarily a religious issue but Catholic teachings have much to offer on this medical, moral and ethical issue. So far no c8ntributiin is “gobbledygook”. Just LISTEN to all arguments, irrespective of a person’s religious beliefs. Incidentally, as with abortion, there are thousands of non believers who are anti abortion and anti euthanasia, especially those in the legal, medical and scientific professions. We cannot arbitrarily sign a dotted line and “get rid” of another human being. We are not disposable entities as human beings. Utilitarian arguments like yours are dangerous. I’m not surprised at your choices!!


Jesus suffered more than most, MMM, and he was entirely blameless. It’s the nature of our world, not God’s

God could turn this world into Heaven on Earth, but then, he would have to force us all to be saints, even baby killers, like Joe ‘the Irishman’😅 Biden, and his sidekick, Nancy Pelosi. No logic, there, MMM. And we know how much you appreciate logic.

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What kind of person are you MMM? Your comment begins sympathetically with the other poster’s mother and family, and then, bizzarely, slides into an occasion for attacking their Christian faith. Are you really so bloodyminded in your strident atheism, so callous, that you would attempt to undermine perhaps the only thing that family has left? Their faith? Their hope?

What an absolute coward and shit you are!


Martin@2:49. It’s interesting to note that you make no attempt to answer my questions, and in your second sentence launch into ad hominem criticism.
And @ 3:25, you obviously resent legitimate questions by seeing them as an attack.



‘Stemming’? I think you meant ‘stimming’. We all engage in this, from time to time; there isn’t necessarily anything wrong with it. In your poor mother’s case, it is perfectly understandable: she’s had more than enough and, logically, wants the release death will bring her.

My own mother, in her last illness, communicated this wish to me by nodding her head (she was too ill, too exhausted, to speak) after I asked whether she just wanted to go (to die). She suffered with Alzheimer’s, too.

I don’t understand why you aren’t receiving a care package for her. Do you live outside the UK?


2.49 Such trite summations of anothers point of view. You have assimilated to The Borg…so you will hardly revisit your thinking through another worldview. Incidentally the newly elected talented and handsome David Pocock in the ACT intends to bring a bil through the Australian Houses on assisted dying; Anthony O Leary has a wonderful letter in the Irish Times pertinent to why people like Pocock are so needed.


2.49 its not thousands anyway….its millions!!!!! Get two ( grips yourself…lol…lol


Yes, sorry, I forgot the word. Stimming as in self-stimulating behaviours? We live in England, and my mother would have to fund her care. However, we promised her we wouldn’t put her in a home and had her with us all through lockdown. We did try employing nursing help, but they would keep changing and arriving at different hours, which made it more distressing for her and intrusive for us. I want to stop giving her Fortisip but feel that this might be morally wrong. It’s hard to know what to do. She wants to go.


Your distress and predicament must be almost unbearable, not to mention your dear mother’s.
I posted at 3.11.
I belong to a prayer circle. We all pray for anyone in need once I send out a mass text to the circle. I shall do this for your mother, and the family, right away.


10.38pm: MMM, you need help in understanding my comnent earlier. There is no ad hominem approach.. I merely ask you to RESPECTFULLY LISTEN to all viewpoints. Your favourite phrase of accusation now is…”ad hominem”…Try a little more creativity…I believe in God. My religious beliefs inform my views in these major moral and ethical issues. You views are informed by atheism. I respect that. Try to reciprocate the respect. Incidentally I have also studied philosophy and psychology, so my world view and moral convictions are very intellectually grounded, beyond just my Catholic belief in the absolute sanctity and sacredness of life.


9:21 You are at the sharp end of the reality of being legally obliged to live with the horrible consequences of dementia, the illness which doesn’t even have the grace to kill you.
My own mother had a similar situation but was in a home and Covid intervened to end it when she was 89 with no physical illness.
I’m with you – if I was diagnosed with dementia I would be dead well before I got to the point of not being able to make a decision. Fortunately I’m a former psychiatric nurse and so have inside knowledge of how to do it if for some reason I can’t get to a jurisdiction with legal euthanasia.


Euthanasia was common via people dying on their death beds. One of my relatives was given a cupful of morphine as I found out. He died later -. next day.
Re twitter on cordileone, some Americans were scathing on that Archbishop by saying Pelosi >abused in terms of importance in tackling the problem.
Its more political as it gets. Why didn’t he do it much earlier 1 year ago or 5 years ago or 10 years ago when Pelosi views were known.
HC being used as a weapon to bash Pelosi. What about Joe Biden or irish politicians who advocated the same thing as Pelosi. 🤷‍♀️


5.05: Get a grip Millicent…you forever misread comments and interpret them wrongly. Nothing trite about my comnent re: MMM – but you are very full of trite!!!


Sample of one selection in twitter re cordileone is this :
Salvatore Cordileone, the Catholic Bishop of San Francisco, will no longer give Nancy Pelosi communion because of her stance on abortion rights.
This is a reminder that he is an ardent hater of LGBTQ rights and an ardent supporter of protecting hundreds of his pedo priests.


Rembert Weakland was an ardent lover of LGBT rights and an ardent supporter of protecting hundreds of his pedo priests.

Setting aside the hyperbole of hundreds, the abuse and enabling of it occured under the current archbishop’s lib predecessors in the 70s and 80s.


@ 11:40am
DG do tell us where you get the information that Archbishop Cordelone is an ardent supporter of ‘hundreds’ of his ‘pedo’ priests. I think you’re exaggerating about that, give us your evidence.


Anon at 2.51pm
See here link to Jeff Anderson law firm. I came across his name before re Fr Murphy and Bishop Weakland in a movie documentary.
That Archbishop refuse to release all the names of clerical abusers to date (look at yesterday’s date). His diocese is the ONLY diocese to refuse or stonewalling all the names (183 names so far) as we speak now.
The report listed more than 200 accused clergy across the three dioceses of the Bay Area: San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose.
I saw the figure of 183 on SNAP website or Bishop accountability site.
Cordileone actions so far :
1. DUI.
2. Sprinklers to homeless outside his place.
3. Withholding all abusers names to authorities especially lawyers.
4. Failed in court to overturn that all victims isn’t statue barred and constitutional as well.
5. Issue Canon law no 915 to Pelosi. 🤷‍♀️


Anon at 2.51pm

See link to twitter. It’s an example of cordileone ardent defence of his abuser priests by stonewalling and refusing to hand out all the names.

Cordileone diocese is the ONLY diocese to refuse or release all the details relating to abuser priests.

Figures bandied around from the original 183 to new figure 285 now.


Just checked out Jeff Anderson Associates, he is an atheist and alcoholic, he is known in legal circles as an adrenaline chaser and self promoter. In his role as co-council in abuse cases around the country as “The Jeff Anderson Franchise System” as he makes a fortune out of these cases. So I’d take anything from that quarter with a pinch of salt.


According to the intermet he became an atheist when working on the sex abuse cases of children. He is now a catholic after going to AA meetings and is now reformed alcoholic. He is winning cases that allow victims voices to be heard.


Pat, I fully support ridding the world of suffering and pain, and since you’re the biggest pain around I’d gladly help you out with the big injection any time you wish. You’ll be at home in hell, and we’ll be much happier on earth.


5.22 Liam Bergin once offered Mark Mc Connelogue one of those ( “a hot injection”) as he moved the teapot in his direction. Mark was truely appalled to be fair.


McConnellogue was a loss to the RCC priesthood….the most honourable student I ever encountered……he wisely quit the Irish College….i am sure it opened his eyes……exceptional in integrity…

..a loss to the RCC but he preserved his very soul.


6.23 😂😂😂👩‍🎨👨‍🎨 A red hat on the way!!!! Vive La France!!!!! The Magnificat sung from Notre Dame on youtube always refreshes my soul.





6.05 I am sitting at Le Petit BRETON in Drumcondra…..would you like me to call up and collect them ? Lol… Avec mes amis…bien sur…!


6.24 There always were and still are alot of really good men in the Archdiocese of Armagh….some tragic dross as ever….but Armagh have not had a good leader in a very long time… i liked O Fiaich and he liked me!!! I have no doubt my life would have been different if he had lived…..probably as well he didn’t…..but he really had no heed in the diocese…..Sweeney would have done something with it but the Wounded Wounder saw to that…..don’t be too hard on Armagh….has had no care….none at all.


Pat, Archbishop Farrell treats his priests with the utmost respect. He is a very pastoral man, T. God. He has given all his priests the changes before the likes of you gets them. You are an interfering auld queen. God bless Archbishop Farrell and all priests who are affected by the summer changes. Take a dose of humility tablets!!!


Is it true that St Kevin’s Harrington Street has been told to stop doing the Traditional Latin Mass? Does anybody know?


6.39 It is my informed opinion that things are so bad under Bergoglio that Cordilione has made a pitch for the papacy from outside the College of Cardinals. He has Balls….few of them do….so go easy on the treasured Mass of centuries.


7.17….a long time ago indeed I did….and i am not looking for it back!!!!! All life after enlightenment is about loss…..rather the surrender; Loss.


I think a lot of women are afraid of religion being in charge of hospitals. The rule of the foetal heart beat would mean a dead woman could be attached to a machine until the little heart stopped and it would not have been matured enough to survive outside the mother’s body. A mid wife a few years ago told a father whose wife was dying that she could not give treatment to his dying wife as we live in a Catholic country. Women who are fighting for rights are terrified of the dictatorship of the church . If only the church coulld come across as a loving caring church instead of questions marks over a suicide? that Robert Nugent is trying to solve the gay affairs and strange case of ,Ledwith who was training priests then went off into the night to a new age religion
Priests having sex on the altar and satanic meetings of ex bishop and clerics meetings according to this blog.
The author of the Roe case wants it overturned so there can be more ,”white domestic products,’ for adoption.could not the rich money couples help the mothers bring up their babies in a loving Christian way by being a adopted aunt uncle.
The court justice using the words domestic products hints at surrogacy. It would break the heart of the other justice who has 8 children if she had to give away any of her children


You mean the fiction of a foetal heart beat. This emotive lie is made up from the pulsing electrical activity in the growing heart cells which are not a heart.
This idea is complete lie.


Will euthanasia be as rare as abortion, ie not rare at all, even though the pro-abortion campaigners told us it would be rare?


Bishop Pat, i have resisted all day dialoging with your edifying account on your mother….I have my own account…..I am conflicted about telling the story….I wont today but i am sure if I do in the future you will print it… one should die suffering or in pain….They still do. Horrendous religious interference….


Bishop Patrick Buckley, the next pope should apologise to you for the manner in which Cathal Daly treated you and the dictate from the Vatican to Paddy Walsh to destroy you; they persecuted you and what sticks in their craw and is at play constantly on this Blog; you survived them and thrive. Scandalous entirely.


I was “powerless” against them.

But by being an intelligent survivor and thriver I have overcome.


8.34 Pat, you are good man. I was sent by Bollox Lennon without the knowledge of Tomas O Fiach ( Chrisy Mohan…an absolute Shit…told Lennon that i was sitting on my arse at home…exact words) to Cathal Daly for summer appointment in 1989….landed in St Pauls ( mickey dallat!!! AND curran) …..for as long as i live i shall remember the way Divis Flats residents spoke of you Pat…..can never be taken from you. Bill Mulvihill


Well done Pat, an example to many. No RCC bully-battering behaviour here.


9.30 the only thing Curran had more of than the children he abused were the collection of Grandfather Clocks…which I put up with for that summer….his brother Colm in Maynooth of my time was the very lovliest and kindest of persons.


Bishop Buckley , I respect your judgement, I expect in time Eamonn Martin will do cerebral cartwheels; no aptitude for whats in a man there!!!!! Hollow men.


In truth it must be pointed out…the Archbishop in the USA who has come to notoriety on the Blog was driving his mother at the time…..just saying like…as another contributor puts it…..he was breaking the law ( all penalties apply) but who put the police up to doing him? Michael Hickey was got…and got off…. oh yes, a judge lived in Tenure!!! Fuxking sick!!!


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