

YESTERDAY was a historic day when we say an RC cardinal – the third in line in the global church – being sentenced to 6 years in prison for sexually abusing boys.

And not only did it happen – it was broadcast live all over the world.

From the time I watched the Ballarat swimming pool victims being interviewed I believed that Pell was guilty.

I know others disagree – and I may be proven wrong by the appeal.

I believe the appeal will uphold the conviction and the sentence.

A commentator said recently that this sexual abuse crisis is more serious for the church than the Protestant Reformation.

I think they are right.

The RC hierarchy has spent 2,000 years preaching virginity and celibacy to laity and priests.

And at the same time popes, cardinals, archbishops and bishops have been having all the sex they want and were and are laughing at us behind our backs.

If they want sex with a woman, a man or a child – they will have it – whether we like it or not.

In fact RC moral theology was built on sex as evil – and the more they told the rest of us to avoid this evil – the more sex they were getting themselves!

We are living in the era that will see the collapse of the RC institution.

What will be left? We have no way of knowing.

When I was born the RC Church governed most of Ireland and most of her people.

Today – 66 years later – the RC Church is a byword for corruption, evil and sexual vileness. 

Thank God, we have lived to see this day of exposure.

159 replies on “THE PELL SENTENCING”

Dear Bishop Buckley
Have you read the Joanna Bogle blog? She is supporting Mr Pell. She does not believe a single word of the allegations, and to me, it just shows why so many boys and girls never said a word to their parents or family about a priest or nun sexually abusing them. Her attitude is what they would expect – total dismissal and total lack of belief in the young boy or girl’s allegations. She is the prime example of why so many perverted priests and nuns got away with it.
I have read articles from staunch catholic supporters asking the question why the children never spoke up for years. Joanna Bogle is an example why. Can you imagine her response if she had children, if one of her own children came to her and said their local parish priest has sexually abused them over many years. What would her reaction and response would be – “Don’t be silly” is the reply, and no doubt she would dismiss it as the child making lies.
What do you think of her fervent support for Mr George Pell? Is she blind sighted? Does she have blinkers on? Is she totally in denial that sex abuse has happened and continues to happen in her church?
Her blog is here for anyone who would enjoy reading it –


Wow, what a smear against Joanna Bogle, whose only crime is to have linked to Bolt and Weigel and to have written the following:

“Dear Sir, No – the whole point about the Cardinal Pell case is that the jury – and all of us – must not leave the facts aside and talk only about child abuse affecting various families, or about the Church, or about our feelings on these or related matters. We must, on the contrary, stick to examining the facts alleged about a particular event at a particular time. That is what a court is asked to do, and all concerned must remove all other considerations from their minds. So: was the Cardinal in the sacristy at the time alleged or was he, as witnesses have stated, in a procession walking through the crowded cathedral and then greeting people outside? How did the man who now makes the allegation explain his ability to go to his place in choir, unhurt, and sing as if nothing had happened? Why, if attacked as described, did he not shout or scream for help, especially as there were a large number of people nearby? Why did his friend not do so? These are among the many questions.

“Our entire justice system rests on the understanding that the facts of a case must be established, on evidence given and examined. Whatever your opinions about a man’s work or about events in the news, or about religion or race or nationality, you must leave these aside as you concentrate on listening to the information about the incident and establishing what occurred.

“I am honestly appalled – and slightly frightened – by the realisation that in Australia today this is not the common understanding of what a court should do.”


Joanna Bogle is linked to Bolt and Weigel and includes the Patrick Coffin show because she and they are all of the Raymond Burke school and naturally don’t want to lose one of their own, i.e. George Pell himself. Aside from the abuse itself, one of the most terrifying ordeals for the victim – or indeed for a whistle-blower – is to come up against the closed ranks of a powerful institution. Only the other day the rebarbative future Prime Minister Boris Johnson declared in his usual disrespectful way that “all this malarkey” concerning abuse inquiries was money “waffed up the wall” ( whereas the cost of Brexit is presumably money well-spent ), even though ( or more accurately because ) his fellow Old Etonian and Conservative Minister, the late Sir Peter Morrison, has been identified as “having a penchant for small boys”. MI5 knew about it – Morrison pretended the Director-General was his girlfriend! – and so did Mrs Thatcher who then made him her Parliamentary Private Secretary. Similarly David Steel, the former Liberal Leader, has been required at last to admit that he had known since 1979 that the monstrous Sir Cyril Smith was an abuser of small boys, but enabled him to remain an MP until 1992. Mrs Thatcher knew about this too but had Jolly Old Cyril knighted in 1988!
@12:08 am is quite correct to assert that “Auntie Joanna” ( as she likes to be known, not having any kids herself ) tells anybody who doesn’t agree with her or who needs a stiff talking-to and to get back to their rosaries: “Don’t be silly!” We are all rather silly in Auntie Joanna’s eyes: women who deserve respect, gays, priests who use the Novus Ordo, and children who tell lies about Father.
Auntie Joanna is, I’m afraid, a figure of fun only to the queenie traditionalist priests who find her a useful idiot to promote their Burkean agenda, but actually cannot stand her.


I think the post at 12:08 is fair comment. The questions asked there are eminently reasonable. It is precisely the tendency to disbelief of Paedo Pell’s guilt that deterred victims in general from coming forward sooner (if at all).
Bogle is a fool if she cannot answer her own questions; and clearly she can’t, or has no wish to do so.
Arguably, the most preposterous of her questions (according to your post) is why didn’t those boys shout for help. Well, leaving aside the obvious explanation (that it would be impossible to do so while the mouth is stuffed with someone else’s gorged member), the boys were frozen with shock and terror. They were being confronted by a big, fat, lumbering aggressive giant (Paedo Pell, I think, is over six-feet tall), and they were only little boys. What’s more (and here’s the killer for Bogle), he was a bloody Roman Catholic archbishop, for crying out loud!! Neither boy would, even remotely, have expected such outrageous behaviour from a ‘holy’ man. Therefore logically, (and logic seems to be missing from most of Paedo Pell’s cheerleaders), at least some of the boys’ shock came from the SOURCE of this unexpected behaviour and not just because of the behaviour itself.


Paedo Pell is 6ft 3ins tall. So it shouldn’t take a genius to understand the terror and shock that would have struck those boys when confronted by such a violent aggressor (though it may take longer for most of Paedo Pell’s cheerleaders to follow suit, since common sense among them is singularly absent😕).😆


BUT, the fact is that Card Pell was supposed to have abused 2 boys (one of whom repeatedly said no abuse had occurred) whilst wearing full vestments in a cathedral surrounded by priests, servers, a congregation et al must call the verdict into question. Also, the Cardinal’s secretary said that he would have been with him at all times ..


He husband Jamie is a barrister and former Army officer so I think she’s well informed.



Either word may be used adjectivally of ‘penis’.

‘Gorged’ is popular in fiction. (I suppose because it suggests hunger for sex😲)


2.08: Magna, thank God you never reached ordination. What a disaster you’d have been for parishioners with your incapacity for decency or humanity. I hope you give better example to your nieces and nephews, if you have any. Your have a disposition for perversion in your interpretation of event, particularly issues of a sexual nature.


Sometimes people who are sexually abused are too ashamed to make it known; they don’t want publicity, especially the almost inevitable lewd innuendoes. You, surely, can see this where one male is abused by another: if he isn’t gay or bisexual, he might fear his sexuality’s being called into question.
The surviving victim testified that Pell ‘parted’ his alb and then exposed his penis. To my knowledge, an alb cannot be parted, so there must have been a hole or slit in the vestment. This would have made it possible for Pell to behave in the way the victim described.
In my opinion, Pell noticed that two choirboys slipped out of the procession and headed for the priests’ sacristy. He then followed them, alone, planning to corner them and abuse them. He spotted an opportunity to gratify himself sexually, and he was not going to waste it.
The whole, sordid experience took only minutes. Pell was confident that he would be alone for this time, and, indeed, his confidence was not misplaced.


the impossibility of the story shows up in MC’s effort to recount it convincingly
a poster claimed that Weigel and Bolt are Cardinal Burke fans who want to save one of their own. Not so, Bolt is atheist. Not mentioned in liberal human rights lawyer Brennan, SJ, who sat in on the trial and pointed ou tthe impossibilities in the prosecution case.


Your post intrigues me. What is it in my comment at 2:08 that has you so upset and typing indignant complaints to the blog? Was it my phrase ‘gorged member’? I should have thought this a politer reference than, er, ‘har*on’, or ‘st*ffy’, or… You get my drift, don’t you? Don’t you realise that I was trying not to disturb the delicate sensibilities of fragile people , like you. You should have been grateful, then, not critical. However, I am open to a belated thank-you.
Maybe there’s a very simple reason for your dissatisfaction and distress…you’re a bloody prude who needs to grow up in a hurry!😬


I think the distaste is at MC choosing and delighting in his choice of words, and repeating them, in this context. A bit sleazy and lascivious I’d say.


Six years in prison at the word of one man alleging events from 22 years ago.
It could happen to any of us.


9.26: Magna, you become creepier by the day. A vulgar, abusive, obnoxious and dysfunctional piece of humanity. Your hatred is very deep, destructive and dangerous. You are, essentially, a moral coward because you wouldn’t have the courage to publicly express this hatred.


Could happen for abusing adults — if you even put your hand on someone’s knee or patted their bum or even if you didn’t — heard of #metoo?


10.34: You are a moral coward. It’s easy to sit behind your laptop and pour out your vicious, nasty and hate inciting rhetoric. You wouldn’t say these things on the streets or in an open, public square. No, you are a moral coward but also a vile human being. Keep off the drink: it’s sizzling your brain.


Nonces don’t pray. That’s why they are nonces.
Men like the odious Pell, if they trouble themselves at all, pay only lip sevice to God.


You shouldn’t have your hand on anyone’s knee, much less his or her bum. To do so without their consent is abuse.


Fr V from the Graan used to visit our house and put his hand on my knee and thigh. I was about 14. This was in the 1980s. My mother ignored it because V was good craic and he would do it by the way of illustrating a story or being friendly. My mother thought he was hilarious.
I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t think it was right and felt uncomfortable as we were not a tactile family. My father left the room when he was there.
Well one day my much older brother-in-law arrived home from his work at Enterprise Ulster and witnessed this. He only went to Mass at funerals and was a tough labourer.
He said straight to V’s face “why have you got your hand on his leg?” V blushed red and we all did. V said he had to go and his next visits were rare and formal and then they stopped altogether.


Today a hand on a knee or a pat on the bottom is Abuse — but it was not so seen at all 40 years ago. Much longer ago than that the pioneering gay liberationist Edward Carpenter used to pat bottoms as part of his campaign. (
Putting one’s hand on someone’s knee was not abuse, but was seen as either an affectionate gesture or as “making a pass” — and making a pass is not a crime.
“Without their consent” — oh, but the “victim” could allege absence of consent 50 years later and send you to jail. You could not prove she had consented unless you got a signed document from her at the time, foreseeing how your gesture could be criminalized 50 years later.


I said that the blog is a public forum, you twerp.
How the hell does my posting under the username ‘Magna Carta’ affect this one way or the other, you burke?


Oh, dear! Is your argument so weak that you felt the need to move the goalposts? From condemnation of me for not making my comments publicly (which I already do, since the blog is a public forum) to condemnation of me for not making them ‘on the streets, or in an open public square’. Jeez! You don’t know when to lie down, do you? I’ll just have to give you another bloody nose then, shan’t I?
Tell you what: I’ll make you a deal instead; you supply the soap box and the ‘open public square’, and I’ll jump up and preach.


7.01: Magna, don’t lie to yourself. You just don’t possess moral courage. Not an ounce. I know for certain that you wouldn’t dare reveal your true identity to anyone with the hate inciting, abusivevrhetiruc you use anonymously on this blog. If you define courage as screaming, abusing and shouting at people in the way you do on this blog, then you are more emotionally and spiritually deficient than we previously thought. You are a COWARD.


I think I know the man. Touchy-feely type.
I hate it when people touch me.
Priests should keep their hands to themselves.


1.03: Thank you for referincing this article fir our attention. It is a very thought provoking article and makes valid observations. Having thought about this article and others written in Australian papers, I believe Pell was framed. I believe he will win his appeal in June. From the very beginning I had my doubts about the narrative of one man’s evidence.


Dr Ian Paisley was prophetically correct: the institutional Roman Catholic Church IS the ‘whore of Babylon’.
This filthy institution (with her bone-idle, work-shy, gentlemen-of-leisure priests) has wreaked so much moral havoc, has done so much damage to the innocent (to children), that it should be declared a public health hazard and an international criminal organisation.
(Just sayin’ it like it is, like.😆)


1.40: Magna, at this hour how much had you drank? An ignorant comment from an almost sizzled brain. Enough said. You add nothing to meaningful debate but prejuduce, bias and hatred. Spew away……


But Magna Carta, if he or she were Australian, would fit right in with the witch-hunt abuse and hysteria that is the dominant style of speech and behavior there at the moment.


And Dr Paisley doesn’t seem to have done such a great job with his children, did he ? I watched Ian Jr on the news the other night, sitting wrapped up and cold as he was interviewed. I bet he was wishing he could be off on one of those sleazy freebies to Sri Lanka, Mauritius, Seychelles. Oh, sorry, it was a family holiday ! Ian Jr is dodgy.


Paisley did a great job on Kincora so he did. Straight off the mark right away so he was.


1.40 a.m.
Sounds as if you have a major axe to grind. Such vindictiveness, perhaps because you were prevented from continuing to ordination, makes you an unsafe and subjectivist commentator.


The problem with the Pell case is it appears to be a conviction based on a written statement of a now deceased witness who obviously can’t be cross examined and the testimony of another witness without any evidence, is that enough to be found guilty ? Anyone could be accused in this way, the specific details of the abuse are of course another matter and whether there are contradictions in Pells personality and outlook but that’s also not evidence.


You’re a burke.
Aussie law ALLOWS for conviction if a jury believes even uncorroborated testimony. The jury that convicted Paedo Pell obviously believed his accuser.
Paedo Pell’s defence cannot reasonably argue that the jury’s verdict was unreasonable (like the expression?) because Aussie law ALLOWS for this sort of conviction.
Hope Paedo Pell has brought fresh underpants with him, cos he’ll be where he is for more than a while.😆


9.34: You’re speaking through your Wikipedia again – I mean, your a**e….🐕🐩🐩


“a written statement of a now deceased person” — first I’ve heard of that. If you are referring to the other alleged victim, it seems that he made no statement whatever, except two oral statements to his mother denying that he was ever a victim of abuse.


@ 6.37
No, there is no “written statement from a now deceased witness.”
There is a statement from 1 live witness that Pell accosted himself and a dead person when they were both children. The dead man never claimed to have been assaulted by anyone at all. In fact, he denied to his mother ever being assaulted by anyone.


7.12: Maggie, in your own back would be an infinitely and preferable place to bury that freshly grinded axe!! Don’t you think? Would put you out of your misery….I’m only joking….🐴😂😂😂


6 years is nothing hi. Will he be out in 3. Said it before. The attic is being cleaned sort of. What’s happening on the ground floor but


Hello fly, hi. Beggora fly I was thinkin the same meself, so I was, 6 years is nothin and he’ll be home for Christmas pudd be 2022!. The higher th rise the harder th fall fly, and all th kings horses and all th kings men couldn’t put him together again. The ground floor still can’t get over the amount of dirt in the attic fly, hi. Bye.


Pat Mullaney has took til the bed since the closure of the Bum Bum she’s heartscalded so she is for she do miss the sweet treats and the temptations you see.


I think we will have to wait until early June for Pell’s appeal in order for all of this to be settled. I still feel uneasy about his conviction. Yet, I respect the process, even if I fear the process so far appears to be somewhat flawed. My hope is that the appeal court will be objective and dispassionate and have a regard to the facts and to administering justice for everybody in this case.
My worry is that we are making / have made Pell in to a bogeyman and scapegoat, and have conveniently ignored the facts.
I sense that the fact that his appeal has been fast-tracked to early June is indicative of two possible things:
1. An unease within the Victoria judiciary that something may have gone wrong and that they need to fix it as quickly as possible.
2. A desire to put this matter to rest as quickly as possible because of the ramifications this case has for peace and calm in Australia, and to lance a boil that has been festering dangerously for so long.
So, I will wait for a final judgement at the appeal court.
(And, please, I’d prefer no threats of physical violence against those who do not share your point of view. This is supposed to be a blog to discuss civilly and intelligently these issues. Not a place for people to vent violent emotions. If you can’t do it civilly (even with humour !), then don’t do it at all. I’m sure + Pat will be deleting questionable comments. Thanks for removing that egregiously nasty comment the other day, + Pat.)


It’s scarifying. If you’re going to try and be sarcastic, then try and get it right. Otherwise it doesn’t work.


How do you know that the jury which convicted Pell was not objective? How do you know that it wasn’t dispassionate? How do you know that it had no regard for the facts in this case and that it wasn’t concerned with ‘administering justice’?
Have you spoken with the jury? Were you even at the trial? How do you know the things about this jury that your condescending post implies? Have you a sensible answer?
As for Paedo Pell’s appeal, it was ‘fast-tracked’ because of his age, not because of what you, er, sensed.


How do you know the jury were objective, “Carta”?
How do you know they were dispassionate?
Have you spoken to jury? Were you even at the trial?
How do YOU know the things about this jury that YOUR typically condescending post implies?


Why, thank ee!
I take all such compliments humbly, and with almost inexpressible gratitude.😆


The fact that 8% of clergy in Oz are guilty of abuse is STAGGERING and is a damning indictment of both bishops and seminary screening over the last 60 to 70 years.

The clergy have no one to blame but themselves for the increasing anti-clerical sentiment rippling across the globe.

Unless the Church starts to practice real transparency, the atmosphere is only going to become more visceral.



His age AND his state of health were factors in the decision to allow Paedo Pell an early appeal-hearing. This was reported in the Press.


Pat Mullaney and cafe Bon Bon needs investigated. Why did he take his favourites there and get info from them. Hickey is not as innocent as people make out.


Vatican Press office director, Alessandro Gisotti has stated; ‘With maximum respect to Australian authorities and the country’s judicial system, the Holy See awaits the result of the appeal process. Cardinal Pell has reiterated his innocence and has the right to defend himself until the last level.’


I’d say the Unholy See is crossing collective fingers rather than offering fervent prayer for Paedo Pell’s acquittal…cos Jesus ain’t gonna help that guilty bastardo establish the lie that he’s innocent.


It seems to me this blog has been hijacked and taken over by bullies like MC et al whose only purpose is to bully, insult and abuse others. Whilst it’s a public forum for debate I find it troubling that this blog always people to speak to others in a way that most platforms would deem clearly offensive. It seems that the MC character is effectively given the freedom to deliberately offend. Just yesterday a comment was removed because someone was threatened physically, is this blog deliberately setting people against one another? I noticed this has been named and deemed an offensive blog and now I can see why, it’s justifiably named. What staggers me is that it’s the personal blog of a bishop. It’s hardly leading by example allowing such vile behaviour to be tolerated on here.


JS, if you post your address on the blog, I’ll mail you a pin: being bloated with so much pomposity cannot be comfortable.


You post your address first Maggie girl. We will send a big knitting needle as a pin would be useless for the amount of hot air you are puffed up with 😀


2.12: Magna, it’s a farm fork we’d need to burst your inflated ego! It’s a gargantuan, insidious ego revealing a deep psychological illness. Get HELP….🐗🐗…You hedgehog….


Sorry, 1:10 was not me. You got it wrong. He’s got a point, though, don’t you think ? MC can be particularly vile on a bad day.


Most on here appreciate Magna’s views, me included.
So bog off JS….as well as your anonymous posts…you a Newbie or not.
Magna ain’t going anywhere…he is the most intelligent and balanced poster ever.
And noticeable isn’t worried about Pells incarceration.
Why are you?…. just keep scarting your lawn.


2.29: That Carta thing is permanently vile. Hasn’t got a decent bone in its’ body. It’s a nasty, putrid trollope, deserving only contempt.


Most on here appreciate…….
How do you know this? Are you the one being referred to?


That’s an unforgivable insult: I’m ALWAYS particularly vile.😈
Ack! I’m just a lovable rogue.😆


Well said JS but you’re wasting your time saying it. Buckley allows the “Magna Carta” Composite to act as it pleases.


3.01: There are so few younger clerics that your comment is silly. Many non clerics comment on this blog and we recognise utter nonsense and hatred when we see it.


JS, In order to really threaten violence against “someone”, one would need to know the identity of the intended target.
In case you are unaware, you post under a pseudonym! So please tell us, how could you suffer physical violence?
Also, sometimes when people are angry, emotions are verbalised rhetorically in order to fully convey the level of felt revulsion. Child sexual abuse certainly elicits such responses in most normal people. We all think and say things that we would never put into action. Such is life.
I find it strange that for someone who criticises this blog, you also seem to have an avid interest in it and devote quite some time to writing comments, under the JS and other tags.
If I had your expressed sentiments, I know what I would do: I just wouldn’t bother reading this blog…


This blog is, I believe, a good forum for discussing things that are happening in the Church today, and new ways of being Church, some of which is embodied in + Pat and his Oratory Society. I might not agree with everything + Pat does or says, or his model, but at least it is something that breaks away from the dysfunctional model that is the Roman Catholic Church. And, I admire + Pat for his honesty. He is transparent, and says who he is and what he believes, and how he lives. That has an integrity to it. Unlike so much that is the clergy of the RC Church these days. So, I like this blog. What I do not like is that it is also a forum for people to abuse others. MC is a case in point. Although, some of the substance of what MCF says when not being abusive is fine and is worthy of discussion. So, I will stick with this blog and try to discuss things sensibly, rationally and courteously.


PS to 7:01 – I certainly won’t be migrating to become a contributor on the Joanna Bogle blog ! Now, I’ll go back to my preprandial – a Campari Soda.


6:28 & 7:23
Don’t forget about the Kooky Kollared Kubs! 👿
aka, Josie,Kerry one eye, Lillie the pink, the crackbat ! etc. 😜


JS at 7:03
A Campari IS, by definition, a ‘preprandial’, since it is an aperitif.
Guffaw, guffaw, guffaw 😆


Whereas I have always thought KOB had more willing than unwilling partners, I don’t think it has been the case with Pell. In addition to molesting children, I imagine hundreds of seminarians and young priests have been defiled by the nonce.


The foul fiend. There’s probably hardly a seminarian in Australia that hasn’t been meddled with.


If magna was ordained, one can only imagine what would have happened. Rejection is a bitter pill. Rejection from an institution like the Church is a pretty poor statement indeed.


2.56: Underlying Magna’s abusive language and faux outrage is his experience of rejection from the seminary. That along with other such related experiences combine to create a monstrous hatred within. On the evidence of much of his commentary he seems devoid of any human empathy, kindness or mercy, forever in an apopalytic state of anger. He is, of course, an amalgam of personalities, each equally unedifying and gratuitously vulgar. Sadly too, Pat facilitates the myriad of extrememes in his personae.


My dear, dear, fellow poster, rejection by today’s Roman Catholic Church would be a lasting privilege, and should be worn as a badge of honour.😆


7: 31
I’m in total agreement, MC. Who would want to be a associated with such shameful corruption and hypocrisy.


7.31: Indeed Magna, rejection felt by normal people m8ght be a badge of honour but in your case the bite of being rejected from the seminary has turned you into a wizened, nasty, dysfunctional human being, evidenced by your constant abuse towards others on this blog. The incessant nastiness of your words displays a very twisted mind. It’s a pity because you are capable of making rational arguments. You turn many people against you and this blog. .


Lollie, you’ve come out of
the shadows and into
the light, sounding ever
so uncharitable and delusional as ever.
You’re well able to
dole out abuse Josie. 😡
I’m assuming you weren’t ‘rejected’ by the seminary. What’s very twisted is hypocrisy Josie. Did you ever hear of righteousness indignation? Try put yourself in the shoes of a victim of one of your 😲colleagues who ‘made it’ through the seminary to ordination. There’s thousands of clerical abusers in the church and plenty homegrown.
382 victims of clerical abusers in Poland
between 1990 to 2018, a conservative estimate. There’s thousands turning against the clergy and Rcc, Josie. That ought to be your primary concern, luv. 😇


Pat, your blog has been hijacked by a few individuals, each commenting under different pseudonyms and anonymous. Sadly, they have used this blog to engage in a tyranny of abusive behaviour. It’s unacceptable that you give your imprimatur to hate inciting language. Shame. Any intelligent, balanced, reasonable and rational debate is now gone. Insult and abuse are now the norm.


It’s been like that since Magna arrived a few years ago. If you’ve the time or interest scroll back a few years to Pat’s old blog. The comments were witty and joshing went out, together with gossip and innuendo. It was fun.
Then MC arrived and the vicious abuse has driven away the old hands and the lightness that often characterised the blog.
Pat’s been told this but seems not to care.
The conspiracy theory is that Pat is MC but their style’s are too different.
I think Pat just wants a high number of comments, even if they are abusive, repetitive or frankly just dull.


6.59: A superb summation of Pat and his boring blog which has been pilfered by a handful of cracked, disgruntled clerics, ex-clerics, failed seminarians and a sprinkling of wannabe lay folk whose are masterful at abuse, insult and vindictiveness. Crazy, uninspiring and a hate inciting blog.


MC drove away Pip, Cecily, Sr Mary, Sean Page, Leitrim Len, DC, the old geezer with his big chair up on the North coast and many others. Case closed.


Pity about you. Do you not like change? Miss your little bit of innuendo, gossip and fun? Being the victim of clerical abuse is not funny, sonny.


Much truth in your comments Anon@ 6:59.
The blog has indeed been degraded from being a former interesting engaging site to one now overrun by rancour and intolerance. While we are all entitled to feel intolerant of all forms of abuse, nevertheless its articulation by some contributors here simply encourages escalation into personalised attacks on individuals rather than fair yet critical debate of disputed viewpoints.
I feel less inclined to contribute as a result.


Francis’s friend Cardinal Godfried Danneels has died at the age 85. He was once recorded telling a victim of clerical sexual abuse that “I don’t think you’d do yourself a favor by shouting this from the rooftops.”


Danneels actually tried to make the victim appropriate the perpetrators guilt!
Another sick and twisted perverter of the faith and of innocent minds.


The perpetrator was both a bishop and the victim’s uncle, but in the real not the figurative sense. Yet Francis has sent out a ‘Santo subito’ message for the old fraud.


‘JS’ aka ‘Brian Redmond’ aka ‘Anon’, you are not concerned about Pell.
But you are most concerned about your own bacon!
You have some big skeletons in your own cupboard which you are terrified will be exposed.
You have presented yourself as a priest who worked in Africa (read your comments when you started posting on this blog) and a retired person with property and pensions.
Your poor memory is your downfall…


Are you the old biddy who yesterday admitted that she has concreted over her garden? I can’t be doing with that. I mow my lawns back and front especially when visitors are expected.


3.27: Magna responding to himself, just written less intelligently….You are a Trollope Magna dear! …


8.00: JUST SAYING, JUST SAYING…Now I forget what I was JUST SAYING …..😂😂😂😂😂


Riddle me this riddle me that, if you invert one of JS’ intials and join them both you get a B!


You’re okay, JS. You’d certainly put the cat among the pigeons on Auntie Joanna’s blog, so might be good for a laugh. See how long you could stand it! Don’t be silly!


Once you use the words ‘you fool’ we know you are a ‘ sheep donated pennies cleric’.
Keep scarifying your scart lawn and drink up your Campari.
You destroyed this brilliant blog today.


7.01: Just Saying, you might take the blinkers off your eyes and acknowledge that there are many good priests who, despite the awful anger they feel at the present church crisis, are giving very faithful witness to the gospel of Christ. They too deserve support and encouragement. You shouldn’t rely on this blog for ALL TRUTH. Your comments in these last few days are very contradictory. You should re-read them to notice your doublespeak, confusion and contradictions. Then, give us a break from your repetitive lecturing.


JS is a cleric.
He’s a great convenient distraction from Cardinal Pell’s conviction and sentencing, as is the abuse directed at Magna. Is Pell to become Pope lads?


++Daneels, may he rest in peace, oversaw the destruction of the Catholic Church in Belgium, by every known metric.
He counselled an unwilling King of the Belgians to sign their Abortion Act, had an unexplained young man living in his palace when the police raided it, told victims to shut up, was on the loggia on the night Bergoglio appeared, despite all that. On the balance of probabilities he was free and easy sexually, as liberals tend to be.
What a life.


Didn’t I say it on a previous blog? Didn’t I?! That I thought Paedo Pell had psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies? Well, DIDN’T I?!!😲


Goodness, Magna darling, it’s been years since I’ve heard of someone drinking Campari! Do you remember how we used to call priests who were a bit off, Campari types? Of course I was always partial to a snowball.


You were indeed, Mommie Dearest. Very partial.
Me? Well, despite your best efforts to to tease my nose and tempt my budded tongue, I never quite managed to acquire a taste for the finer wines (for any wines, really).
It was always lager and curry for me.😦
Pappy’s genes?😕


“JS”, Run along now and do your Ignatian spiritual exercises in your new ‘regimented religious life’.
Yourself, Hughie & Fanny – pathetic bunch you are – should do a good long meditation on hell and its pains. Because that is where you all are going unless you show some repentance and public remorse for the degradation and putrefaction of the National Seminary into it’s current shambolic state!


Hello Fanny/Gaynooth produced goon @ 9:41.
You haven’t the intelligence to see the irony in your own comment.
Good to see the truth is hitting you where it hurts!


Anonymous at 6: 50 says that JS Brian Redmond and Anon are the same person. Since Anon is an abbreviation of Anonymous, they are saying I and JS are the same person as they.
This doesn’t make any sense.


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