


Can. 87 §1. A diocesan bishop, whenever he judges that it contributes to their spiritual good, is able to dispense the faithful from universal and particular disciplinary laws issued for his territory or his subjects by the supreme authority of the Church. He is not able to dispense, however, from procedural or penal laws nor from those whose dispensation is specially reserved to the Apostolic See or some other authority.

§2. If recourse to the Holy See is difficult and, at the same time, there is danger of grave harm in delay, any ordinary is able to dispense from these same laws even if dispensation is reserved to the Holy See, provided that it concerns a dispensation which the Holy See is accustomed to grant under the same circumstances, without prejudice to the prescript of can. 291.


We have now arrived at the point in the RCC whereby certain adherents of the Latin Mass are urging bishops to disobey Pope Francis and the Vatican on the suppression of the Latin Mass.

This is quite a serious development – since many of these Latin Mass folk reject the teachings and practices of the Second Vatican Council – which was a full Church Council.

Is this in fact, not urging bishops to revolt against Francis and Rome and go into schism?

I think that schism in the RCC has been on the cards for some time in different ways.

On the left the German Church has been following a path of its own on the questions of giving Holy Communion to the divorced and Protestants and on the question of the blessing of same sex marriage and unions.

On the right we have people clamouring for the refusal of Holy Communion to pro abortion politicians and clamouring for the Latin Mass.

Do we now have two Roman Catholic churches?

1. The Liberal Roman Catholic Church?

2. The Right Wing Roman Catholic Church?

And, can these two work together.

Or do they need to split and be two distinct Roman Catholic Churches?

1000 years ago the Church split into Eastern and Western.

In the 16th century the Western Church split into the Catholic and Protestant churches.

Are we now facing a new split?


Yes there are two churches. Francis’s actions have forced the so-called trads to show that they are really about disobedience and their own Protestantised idea of being church.
They are exactly like the Old calendarists in the East – except that they all voluntarily went into schism. I think that is because of there not being one single Orthodox church – in the west you have to stay and try to wrest control of the Vatican.
I wonder when the crypto- sedevacantist crowd will stage a takeover of St Peter’s!


Catholics only wish to worship as their ancestors did, not engage in something modelled on a Masonic ceremony, something which has destroyed Catholicism in northern Europe. TC is vindictive, now even advertising the traditional Mass is forbidden. Bishops are ignoring it mostly. It is the work of the ignorant figure skater Roche, someone ignorant of the Agatha Christie indult. It was worked out, nay confirmed in 1986 that the Mass cannot be banned. Francis isn’t long for the world. May he repent. This grinch measure doesn’t matter really. The only bishops giving it heed were hostile to TLM anyhow, like putting a Puerto Rican priest who offered a Latin New Mass into a mental home! They only allowed him a single restricted TLM before TC.
The perceptiveness of Archbishop Lefebvre is so clear now. They hate the priesthood and Mass as it always was.
Anyhow it’s a bit odd to devote a whole post to Anthony Stein and his thoughts.
Has +Pat run out of gossip?


Fr Paul OConnell, Georgia has stated that Catholic schools are not good places for children to be educated.


1.00 yes exactly, our ancestors AND our younger selves who were not placed in the wrong in our English traditional mass, no matter how we are “gaslit” by the heavies from all gangs. Council, which Montini delayed till after he substituted faith with Rahnerism and Teilhardism, didn’t ban the reforms.


I might remind you that the Holy Church of Russia follows the Old Calendar. Interesting that She makes provisions for the Old Believers. It only took five hundred years for Her to realize accommodation was better than burnings at the stake and other craftiness.
As to the Greeks the abandonment of the Julian was due to the state. Deep in their hearts religious Greeks prefer the Julian. As to the Liturgical change witness how a Bishop caused his Greek parishioners to engage in a shoving match just because he dared to read the gospel in modern Greek. Now that is participatio actuosa.
Does anyone know what Ireland was doing while England was still following the Julian? Did She follow the Julian or the Gregorian for the great festivals of Christmas and Easter while She was celebrating her Pio Quinto masses on the cold mountains?


Seraphim you’re being naughty. What of all the ‘true orthodox’ churches? Sounds just like someone we know. 😜


Many thanks to you, Alvin, for that interesting web site. My grandfather who died in the 1918 flu epidemic left my father two huge Irish history tomes which are informative but a bit jingoistic. (One includes pics of the Irish Catholic bishops of the time.) Your site seems to offer a more scholarly approach. This should keep me out of trouble for a little while.


The split occurred when Lefebrve was excommunicated and founded a new church. Those who reject the Second Vatican Council should through their lot in with them.


The church can not reform and regroup. It does not and should not have to modernise itself


That’s foolish 11:55 as Mgsr Bugnini granted England and Wales plus many priests an indult for ’67, which Archbishop Lefebvre used. Mgsr Bugnini urged Paul VI to grant the English ‘Agatha Christie’ or Heenan Heenan indult universally as happened in ’84.


Nonsense on stilts.
If anyone from the past saw Fr Boyle offer a Low or High Mass in the chapel in Dun Laoghaire and afterwards saw some trembling Fr McPencilneck in some diocesan church offer the NOM surrounded by girls and old women with those silly sashes, the ancestor would say the diocesan church had the new religion. Archbishop Lefebvre said as much. Some five years after V2 an almost completely changed Mass and Office was imposed on nearly all at the desire of a few avant garde clerical academics who thought nothing of stealing the Mass loved by the poor, ripping up sanctuaries made by their penny offerings. None of the men on Concilium ever had a parish or the cure of souls in any form.
The doubtful latae sententiae excommunication came nearly a decade and a half after the alleged canonical suppression of the SSPX. Archbishop Lefebvre became tired as Cardinal Ratzinger kept making offers and changing them after they were accepted. Such doubledealing was a basis for nothing, hence ‘operation survival’ and the Econe consecrations.
Now no one can mock a diocesan priest too much. Fr won’t be allowed offer any old Mass on any but his own private time in the rectory. If did otherwise, complaints would be made. Sad.
I ask has +Pat run out of things to say? I think not. I hope not. There remain so many victims to be heard. Sometimes they can big stout diocesan priests with very bad memories of Maynooth or St Peter’s college or wherever, and not just the more typical adult layman or lay woman. Anyhow, pervy Kirby is in perfect standing. Presumably the secret deal is he doesn’t try come back to Silverstream. No more larping as an abbot who seems really to have despised the old Mass. Fr Andersen is a refugee. Purcell resigned because his health was bad, not because he was having a gay old time. It’s a parallel world, and a not truthful one.


What does that mean? I know what it means, it means nothing.
A person might choose an SSPX chapel over, say, the diocesan TLM simply because Harrington could be left wholly alone, but a new archbishop could suppress it. They offer the NOM too, but asking for reasons is likely V2. Normally there are rules, but the days of Francis are lawless times. Harrington St is vibrant, not dying like other diocesan parishes. I have in fact only rarely gone to the chapel in Mounttown, but it could necessary if I wish to hear the Mass Of All Time in the future.


You can’t “reject the teachings and practices of the Second Vatican Council – which was a full Church Council” because no-one knows what they are; it certainly didn’t reform cruelty in Ireland. Heenan’s autobiography says he didn’t know what they were: the bishops had been coralled for they knew not what for four autumns – and each time they came back the goal posts had been moved (by shakers like Wojtyla and Ratzinger) – and thought it polite to applaud the close of council.
I and people around me did study the books and we didn’t get anything out of them. I think if people were serious in wanting a traditional mass they would use the English one facing the people that so inspired us. I think the so called “rebellion” is just as irrelevant as the supposed “crackdown”. Crackpots all round. I don’t think the rebels are doing any more for our faith and morals than the strongarmers – Parolins, Ouellets and Re’s – are doing.
The liturgical reforms preceded the council and were done away with by the same Montini who had delayed their introduction. Since Montini abolished them, church trappings are no longer of significance. Bishops, most of whom are regarded as underlings, are entitled to implement actual ceremonial rules – which we already had before Roche’s first shot and haven’t changed anyway (as the wishy washy Ratzinger tried to imply they had). The public should use their nous – like we did in the “bad” days – and stop package dealing ceremonies with beliefs.
Jesus and Holy Spirit gave us our actual beliefs, and they didn’t include prying into private lives except if one was a creep. People just sat, and sit quietly through whatever mass was, and is and that’s that. Since when was mass or “eucharist” supposed to be so special? The fuss is made by people who consider themselves insiders but the real action (as ever) is with us outsiders from the whole circus. And sermons / grandstanding by bigwigs that tell us what to do should always have been ignored. The Vatican City isn’t interested in the meaning of Holy Scriptures.


The “Mass” is central, to what WE do.
It’s reserved for US, the Chosen Few.
Only We, raise Host to sky.
‘Cos We’ve been chosen to stand up high.
So you lesser laity, what’s come to pass,
You can like it or lump it, ….or kiss my 🐴🐴🐴🐴


I referred to a movement and to fogeys, and especially as they elevate ceremony the exact same way PF does. Outside the pocket handkerchief statelet international head office, are some who make statements of varying value on matters of non-ceremonial faith, and on general affairs (which Bp Pat has commendably kept out of this post). Suffragan bishops being regarded by archbishops (and “above”) as underlings, are entitled to prudentially and at their own discretion invite adherents of any movement to transfer out of their diocese / reduce faculties. “Influencers” will get nowhere by pitting them for poor reasons against the heavies who pressure them unduly already.


Are the pontificating Youtubers making money from pontific✉ating on YouTube? If so how does it operate? 💰💲


They all they donation links in their bios, Patreon, Vimeo, PayPal, for ads make little and YouTube demonetizes for nothing. There’s God grifters from all angles, lib Cath, trad Cath and whatever. Pervy Kirby sort of said gimmiedat when this TLM hater formed a traditional monastery and tapped into that pipeline. He couldn’t touch young men over the web, atho the web helped to entrap them. They’re all e boys anyhow.


If social media is any indication, you don’t see many trads defending Kirby or Silverstream. They go to great lengths for people like Fr Jackson FSSP (“maybe demons planted the hard drive!”) but, strangely, not for Kirby.


Of course they will ignore the instructions about the Latin Mass. same way as German/priests Bishops ignored the instruction not to blessed Same sex couples in a union. The traditional movement is the fastest growing movement in the church and if Pope Francis does not like it, the. It must be good.


It isn’t though, is it? The number of Latin masses in England and Wales has been static for some years now, like the numbers attending. They have a few vocations but those men come from large, brainwashed families. They are hardly Newman or Barbieri.

There is renewal, but mostly on the fringes among laypeople.


Germans are the pioneering forward thinking inclusive Priest/Bishops just like you Bishop Buckley. They are right to ignore instructions from the Papal, which is why our parish is lucky to have a priest like this, he helps parishioners get DLA, filling in forms, support at meetings etc if they have no access to a trade union rep etc. While he has many positive traits there have been many a rumour about possible dark dealings about him but we all are only human after all and at the end of the day it’s only rumour until founded true.


Ah,no, Bishop Pat. Twice in the one week! Will our frilly wearing feathered
traddie friends have a feather left on them before the end of the day. Meow!


I don’t care diddly squat about the Latin Mass Brigade and whether they stage some kind of coup, schism, or unilateral declaration of independence. They are a fringe element of swivel eyed loonies who make more noise than they have bulk. The will probably always be there on the edges, providing a little colour but generally more of a nuisance, however they are not a threat, and are largely irrelevant to what is happening in the rest of the Church. To be honest, giving them the oxygen of publicity is being too kind to them. I would just ignore them and leave them to their own devices, and eventually we will see that they will become even odder and more and more irrelevant to the real agenda of world and Church. Just ignore the traditonalist twats.


Why should we listen to that institutional organisation – rcc, who’s involved in organised crime ranging from cocaine parties to abuses to incompetence of their business🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Their target is to dismantle the eucharist. Possible reason – plenty of cardinals are freemason, some don’t believe in JC, some go for rent boys or handsome gay priests.
Once they have discarded the TLM then the next target will be NO mass with no eucharist, just a ‘meal’. They are thinking in long term of 100 years.
Maybe eastern orthodox churches were right to split from rcc in 1066. Then rcc changed their rules on married priests to celibacy cis wives were claiming their rights on rcc properties.
Rcc is always evolving in terms of glacial pace. They changed from apostles to bishops to cardinals to Pope. Their doctrines were non existent circa 300ad before Constantine.
Example of their evolution was their loss of papal states then they came up with an idea of ‘infallibility’. They sought to compensate it with their loss of papal states.
Once TLM mass goes, what will rcc compenstate with? A ‘meal’ or women priests or 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️who knows really, not me.


King Stephen became an evil man in medieval historiography as he firmly opposed the Hildebrandine or Gregorian rhetoric against respectably married country priests. Cynicism is understandable. TLM is a rounding error numerically. Does Francis not have better things to do with his time? Did he have a mean Latin master like in that Monty Python ‘Life of Brian’ sketch?


DG, right about MO, divide to rule for deniability, then contradict that to wrong foot everybody in each others’ eyes. Never mind meal, Smarties already, confectioned by confectors, JP II urging us to clamour to join the queue, even Cdl Pell knows better. You need more non-ceremonical faith / belief, we don’t need to be a monk to say 3 psalms a day (average) in 3 months, or 9 a day in 1 month. We can recite Lord’s Prayer continually under breath, good for the souls of all around.


Good points, Alvin.
All are monks in the sense of being alone in conscience before God.
The ‘Jesus prayer’, ” Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner…” is another prayer which can be recited continually and can lead by the divine grace to contemplation.


The Council has one meaning only for us how can each one of us in his personal and family and social life be faithful to the teaching of Jesus Christ, Our Lord, as the Church makes known that teaching in the Vatican Council.


Funny, this history doesn’t mention the Nazi-loving paedo predator Fr Ramon Angles SSPX. 🧐


Latin Mass folk reject the teachings and practices of the Second Vatican Council = a non pastoral matter.
The German Church has been following a path of … blessing of same sex marriage and unions = pastoral care.
On the right… the refusal of Holy Communion to pro abortion politicians: People cannot have 2 masters. They are either followers of Christ and are Pro-Life or else they have a different master and they support the modern day holocaust that is abortion.
… and clamouring for the Latin Mass = a non pastoral matter.
“Do we now have two Roman Catholic churches?
1. The Liberal Roman Catholic Church?
2. The Right Wing Roman Catholic Church?”
Decide and you divide. Group 1 will have left leaning and right leaning liberals. Group 2 will have left leaning and right leaning right wingers.
Is there anything to be said for living in Christian unity? Embracing what we share and being respectful of differences.


Tell us Seamus, do you favour a large proportion of the congregation sitting out of “communion” like we did in the so called “bad” days? Cdl Pell thinks the same as me on that (even if he doesn’t realise). The quality of our unity was not strained then.


“ What they are doing is bringing shame on the church and should stop trying to apply sexuality standards from thousands of years ago.” Prof. Mc Convey on the recent events in his Presbyterian Persuasion of Christianity. Now what exactly was the ethic of thousands of years ago may not be as they would instruct us. However, Oh to have such enlightenment among RCC prelates; Eamonn Martin and his bereavement comment after the same sex marriage referendum… to say nothing of what Parolin said; “ a defeat for humanity “ ( I am almost sure they were his words). Power and its exercise in the field of human dynamics is where the RCC has particular acumen in destruction for centuries. Shame on them when they are so aware of what has perpetuated the institution for so long in the general collective of their clergy. Tragic is the silence within the clergy to speak as Mc Conkey has done in such a caring fashion in relation to this local Dublin 4 matter.


…..error…. Mc Conkey….. Prof. Convey … hmmm… his expertise is the Devil himself…..dark things anyway.


Greetings from Venezuela I wish you all a prosperous festive period. Stay safe and healthy


@ William Mulvihill 11.22 and 11.41. I think you mean Prof Sam McConkey. But, whatever of the error, your point still stands.


Wee Billy Mul is very cute- I fancied him when he was in Upper Killeavey- if only he had been sane as well



How terribly Aquinian of you. I don’t think what you reference is what my comment intended. I hope a Chateauheuf is being quaffed!


I wish our parish would adapt the Latin mass as it would make it more interesting and fun. Especially with the priest we have at the helm, any day now I’m waiting on him falling asleep standing up


Yesterday or the day before a priest was being slammed for Race Horse Commentary Mass and now one is being slammed for being a Tortoise


Somewhere in between the pace of a tortoise and a race horse
commentary- moderate-would be more appropriate including prayerful, with meaning.


Fermanagh born, belfast based Gary Donegan has a lot to answer for after his latest behaviour. Those in glass houses……


Yes people in one pane of glass houses should never sing too loud either. When I was little I would pray to Jesus every night for him to get me a new bike, I learned one day that that’s not how it works, so instead if I had just stole one and asked him for forgiveness, then this would be acceptable behaviour, right? No it would not.


Memories of Fr Neal Carlin, whose first Christmas it is away from home. He loved this time of year and dressing up as Santa for the wee ones on Christmas Eve. Happy Xmas


Don’t forget Fr Tony Corr who they claimed died of a heart attack. Cover up. RIP and happy Christmas Tony, forever young


I also have heard rumours of Fr Fr Tony Corr from Lurgan and his alleged heart attack. He died young in his sleep recently. Amy conducted the funeral in Dromore diocese. Can of worms.


Fr Tony’s heart attack at a young age was managed by Armagh Archdiocese. We never got the full details. Most of the clergy in Dromore who knew Tony well and his loving family didn’t appreciate his funeral taken over by the Archbishop of Armagh who knew nothing about the man.


At this moment of Advent, all the critics who pribably never go bear a Church, should desist, with the Larne Blogger, from such criticisms. Try CHRIST narratives and seasonal good wil, mercy and human kindness instead.


‘never go bear a Church’

Another very funny Freudian misspelling. From urban dictionary:

Big Gay Bear
A homosexual man who is hairy. He looks “butch” but when he talks, purses fly out of his mouth.


Wow Pat this will alarm Pat McCafferty who only in the summer past assured his flock that he will still celebrate it regardless of what Frankie boy says


He’s mad as a brush. We put up with him in the parish because we feel a bit sorry for him but he’s definitely one sandwich short of a picnic


He hogs the spotlight too much for me, constantly craving media attention, I think the man is lonely


McCafferty is not lonely sure his best mate Pinot Grigio comes to his house daily for a catch up


Really? Sure in his own mind he is the saviour of the world! Remember that fiasco of him touring the streets in the open top car last year thinking he was the Pope? Cringe!


Catholicism will rightly split down the middle Pat you are right, Conservative catholic’s and liberal ones. They will split as fast as Dallat did when he got that woman pregnant.


As a parishioner of Fr Dallat, while I don’t think he is womanising again, you can see the lust he has for some women and it’s a tad creepy


Who else remembers him in his glory days as chaplain in Jordanstown?
“A tad creepy”, as another commentator said above.


Most of the Tridentine traditionalist types couldn’t conjugate a Latin verb or recognise the difference between active and passive voice, or decline a Latin noun, pronoun, or adjective. They haven’t a clue what they are mouthing. It’s all a fake sham, an excuse for being prissy and dressing up like spoiled little girls. It’s a complete nonsense.


I’d usually stay out of this topic, for I’m a firm Bible-believing Protestant, and I have been for the last seventeen years,

But my son and his family are still Catholics and, living in a small English rural town, attend a Tridentine Mass every Saturday evening.

And one of my grandsons is learning some basic Latin; I’m tutoring him.

I cannot see that the Papal Powers stretch to the Bishop of Rome telling English Catholics that they cannot hear a Latin Mass.

I can distinctly remember that when I was a boy in London, t wait preached from the pulpit that Pius XII (Mussolini’s pal) was the Bishop of Rome, but Cardinal Griffin was the Archbishop of Westminster and our Supremo..

The Papal powers only operated if there was a serious dispute between Bishops on a matter of faith or morals. I cannot see that the Tridentine Mass is a matter of Faith, or of Morals.


Frank has got the bit between his teeth and with Roche’s help is going to sort out the Tradtionalist / EF/ Latin Mass / Sedevacantist lot. He’s a Jesuit, remember, and is not used to putting up with people not pulling the line. What he says goes, and if you disagree with him you will surely be done over. He isn’t going to hang about and he doesn’t have many more years to go, so expect swift and decisive action. Just like his latest pronouncements on the Tradtionalist / EF stuff. Way to go, Frankie…..!


An international terrorist as I blogged on Bishop Buckley’s blog in 2018 before he landed for the Eucharistic Games ( no irreverence to Eucharist intended). I did not contact the Advertising Authority for the manner in which they used “ family” …. It should have been “ Catholic families” …. Advertising Authority washed their hands of my enquiry… too hot to handle. RCC bishops ( in public) very close to the Northern Quango trying to muscle in on Presbyterian control ( close in the sense of shared approach)….a terrible reactionary element in Religion on the island now that progress on social issues is in full swing. It started with the coming of the French Enlightenment to Ireland in 1991.


As one Greek Catholic commentator said upon the release of Traditionis Custodes:

“A papacy big enough to fulfill your wishes can also destroy them”



The Church you mean ? ‘‘Twas ever thus and always twill be….they cause it so they can forgive it…. The Power Of The Keys; the lock and the key; sin. No baby ever born needed anyone to wash them clean( spiritually).


Pat did you even get the chance to meet the late Father Niall Molloy who was tragically beaten to death? They still have not found his culprits, he was a gentleman


They know who did it but he was wrongly acquitted of his murder despite pleas from a priest he worked with who wanted to cover it all up


We don’t have recorded mass in our parish as the priest done away with this but one day he accidentally played Boom, boom, boom, boom by the Vengaboys


@4.10pm You mean Fr Martin McVeigh the PPP, Pomeroy Porn Priest. Just read the statement issued by Sean Brady about this disgrace to give you a laugh. He was quickly sent to Clogherhead after the porn scandal . When addressing First Holy Communion Children in Clogherhead he talked about abortion. This is the Archdiocese of Armagh and the present Archbishop is allowing this porn priest and other perverts like McCamley to carry on.


@8.59pm Is it true Pat that Abp Eamon is embarrassed to be seen in the company of the big Cavan wounded healer?


Fr Brankin mentioned him a few weeks back in mass, they were good friends from years ago and his loss deeply impacted him. Merry Christmas to you all and Fr Brankin who does fantastic work in Oliver Plunket


Fr Brankin is a nervous wreck, a lovely wee man but a gush of wind puts the fear of god in him


McKeever the old Armagh seminary snitch visitor who then reported all back to red hatted weasel Daly on his Sems. Give us a break will you. Was up and down to Ara Coeli at the time like a mad womans drawers. Faul was up to Gough barracks too like a mad thing. The Armagh clergy at that time was full of touts.


Bishop Donal McKeown will be isolating over Christmas as he has also tested positive for Covid 19, may he make a speedy recovery


I know how to get parishioners back to mass, hire Father Conor McGrath and they will come back in space loads; for the youngest and most attractive priest in NI also has the personality and charm


What I meant in my earlier post was targeting of faith or belief in JC – eucharist(mass).
Cos some cardinals or bishops or a Pope were then freemasons. Although, I could be wrong there.
Once TLM is removed or in decline aka minimisation of TLM and slow death of TLM and by extension, people’s faith/belief over centuries.
Then they might remove words of Consecration in NO mass to make it more like ‘meal’. Almost near complete destruction of faith or belief in JC by then.
JC didn’t approve of it 👆, did he? No one knows really, not even me🤷‍♂️.


He may be the youngest but he is not the most attractive, that goes to our Pp Fr Rory Sheehan, he is like a fine wine, gets better looking with age, I hope Fr Conor will also


Absolutely ! He added such colour and life to the proceedings. And, it is always good for us to have an entitled snob in our midst to remind us of our humble status. I mean, a baker’s son, after all ! I so miss that upper class posh Ulster accent. How did he pronounce Messiaen ?


Good afternoon Bishop Pat. I have just arrived home from my shift at work and have rushed to your blog to inform you that Tricia showed up this afternoon and we have exchanged numbers and are arranging to meet up after the festive period due to prior commitments on both sides. Thank you for this platform for allowing Tricia to air her concerns about her homophobic attack and the subsequent support you gave her, your work is invaluable and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.


Dear Bishop {at, I want to thank you- and I know Roberta will be in touch too. Last week, as you recall, I was verbally abused on the glider and called a big dyke. Lots of people on the blog were really supportive and it made me feel better. Roberta reached out- and I accepted her invitation and went to the bookies where she works today. Long story short- we are going for coffee on Christmas Eve. I really think she could be a good friend. There are lots of gay bars and sites etc but really nothing for lesbians. I am looking forward to a better new year- merry Christmas to you and yours, Bishop Pat. All my love xx


Ack Tricia luv, I’m over the moon to read that- was terrible what happened to you last week luv, I was awful sad about it. You girls have been through enough and youse all deserve the best. I hope it all works out for you and Roberta. She sounds like a lovely wee girl too. Happy Christmas till the both of youse.


Mary, good in ye. Fair play girls. If I’d got the howl of the fella that shouted at that wee girl, he’d never have forgot it so he wouldn’t. Imagine that in this day and age. Happy Christmas girls.


You would think the RCC would be in favour of condoms, it would be one way they could cover up sexual abuse by washing away the DNA evidence


Bishop Pat you have an open invitation to attend midnight mass with and the kids, I think Fr Delia Neeson is taking her first sermon for the puppet Keenan


Brankin, a nervous wreck like? Will that’s a massive change for he was like a bull in a china shop around ten years ago


I wonder how Jolly, Walsh and several others are getting on this Christmas at HM’s pleasure ? I\m sure Walsh will have received a Farnborough card and the two sided closely typed A4 Christmas Message from Aldo. That will keep him occupied for a few days. Dear me, those self satisfied clerics of yesteryear ! It remains to be seen how the new crop behave and end up in a decade or two’s time. I suppose their Christmas Message will be a video clip of a EF Mass posted on Facebook with them all turned out in the latest vintage lace and brocade that has been discovered in some bottom drawer of a sacristy and lovingly restored. Ah well, I guess it’s better than buggering kids.


Is that the same Cousins @8.40pm who was the poodle of Cocoa de Bournville and Vinny?


@10.51pm The same chief Canonist Noddy who has succesfully kept out of the limelight. He was in cahoots with Mgr Dan Leonard who put the Paedo priests on the plane to America. Noddy Cousins has escaped through the net. Vincent elevated him.


Pat. Where is thon big Dean these days. Sure we miss him so we do. It’s lonely in The Loney without thon big man so it is.


He is in Portstewart and well in with the Morelli family. He often eats at the shack and best foid on the north coast. He is keeping well and looking after himself. He has the bakery fortune to fall back on. Not many poor bugger has that to fall back on. Also a big friend from the SDLP who he regularly wines and dines.


Ach shure I miss the oul craic we used have on Pat’s blog. Now it’s all bonking monks and mocking skunks, …..I mean the smell of sex obsessed clerics and not the sheep!
Just wish the blog was more like when we had characters like Big Lily sticking their oar in instead of the present motley crew. They just seem a snide critical pretentious lot.
And all this “in-crowd” commentry and preoccupation with clerical manoeuvring about monks and monasteries: who cares? Utterly boring.


On the 22nd day of December, we continued our Advent reading of the 24 chapters of the Gospel of Luke.
“Latin Mass are urging bishops to disobey Pope Francis”
22:02 and the chief priests and the teachers of the law were looking for some way to get rid of Jesus, for they were afraid of the people.
“I think that schism in the RCC has been on the cards for some time in different ways.”
22:24 A dispute also arose among them as to which of them was considered to be greatest.
“Do we now have two Roman Catholic churches?”
22:27 For who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves.


What is the difference between a Gerund and a Gerundive?
What does that matter to someone attending a Latin Mass? But that of course refers to Classical Latin,
The Latin of the Tridentine Mass, and of course the Latin of the Catholic Latin Bible, is Sixteenth Century Church Latin – with massively different Vocabulary, Grammar, and Syntax,


Catholic Latin Bible is Sixteenth-Century Church Latin. What?
Vetus Latina and Vulgate date to the time of St Jerome (340’s – 420).


The more you open your mouth, so to speak, the bigger the hole you find yourself in. Gerunds and gerundives are as much essential to medieval ecclesiastical Latin as to Cicero, Sallust and Juvenal. Grammar, syntax and vocabulary (no capitals) change more slowly in a language not spoken as a living tongue.


Reverend Father Seamus Mary Tuohy OP has been appointed temporary prior of St Mary’s Tallaght by Reverend Father John Mary Harris OP donec aliter provideatur.


I have said it already, but to make a point sola, I will just say that is the opinion of Anthony Stein.
Anyhow, the FSSP have expressed doubts about the applicability of TC, but no one will consider defying the Holy Father unless there be an unavoidable attack on their charism inspired by his advisors. Archbishop Lefebvre experienced this attack after apparently gaining canonical standing for the SSPX in the early 70s. This is a documentary on +Lefebvre. It is a production of the Society but it operates without polemic. I would note that the Dutch radicals who precipitated +Lefebvre’s resignation as Holy Ghost Superior might be regretful now unless they be atheists. The Faith is basically dead in the Low Countries. Stone dead such that Cardinal Wim Eijk passed a church to the SSPX as he knew it had no future in diocesan hands.


Your ponderous SSPX contributions and US-like cultural warior outpourings are doing nothing to revive the church you describe with a whiff of irony as dead (despite the Lord’s promise to be with us until the end of time). If anything, you brand of opining alienates.


I was leading up to a major story about Birmingham and had made a few comments about the cover up. You went and killed it for some other silly topic man. Others have shared you have done the same with them. What’s the point man.


Anonymoussays: 12/23/2021 at 12:54 am Catholic Latin Bible is Sixteenth-Century Church Latin. What? Vetus Latina and Vulgate date to the time of St Jerome (340’s – 420)
You need to read up on these things,
The Council of Trent produced the new Tridentine Mass and made it near enough the compulsory form Of Mass for the entire Western church, and ordered a new Latin translation of the Bible to be prepared, printed. and made mandatory,
Previously there had been several styles of Mass, For example there was the Old Sarum Mass and the styles of Mass that were particular to individual Religious Orders.


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