

Since publishing my open letter to Fr. Ger Fitzgerald on this blog (April 2nd), I have been somewhat overwhelmed at the sheer number of comments.  On the whole, most are very supportive, however, in an effort to be upfront and honest in describing my relationship with Fr. Ger, I have allowed myself to become the subject of ridicule, scorn and judgment by certain elements.  Perhaps you wonder why I do not wish to reveal my true identity, but in light of the above, I think it best to continue using my pseudonym “Carole” for now. 

I do not expect anyone to take sides between myself and Fr. Ger.  What I do expect is that those reading this blog will understand the devastating impact Fr. Ger’s actions have had, not only on me, but also on Yvonne. To be clear; I am only speaking from my own experience; Yvonne did not ask me to write anything.  I do this of my own volition, and with a desire to bring all that has happened out of the darkness and into the light. 

Fr. Ger is an ordained RC priest in the Diocese of Killaloe—a diocese which I happen to be a parishioner in.  When Fr. Ger first initiated contact with me in May 2020, he was still in a position of religious epistemic authority.  When Fr. Ger had the affair with Yvonne, who also was a parishioner, he was in the exact same position of epistemic power/authority.  A religious authority knows that they hold this authoritative position, they hold it by choice, and they are morally obliged to act in accordance with the religious teachings of the church.  This statement forms the basis for my grievances against Fr. Ger.    

Further to this, there are a few important points regarding Fr. Ger’s behaviour which I would like to briefly discuss here:

Ger, you often referred to Yvonne in your conversations with me as “Snakey Drakey”.  I went along with it because I felt it wasn’t my place to correct you.  I kept my mouth shut about a lot of things out of fear of having you get upset with me—my mistake…if you are always walking on eggshells around someone, it’s a sign that something is wrong.   For keeping my mouth shut in regards to your moniker for Yvonne, I wish to take this opportunity to apologise to her.  You also sent me screenshots of very personal messages between you and Yvonne because you wanted to prove that you had told her you were sorry.  Saying you are sorry in a message is not sufficient. Ger. Why does it take a lay person to tell you that?  Yvonne once made some comments (under “Anonymous” ) on Bishop Buckley’s blog (31.10.21), in which she wrote:

 “Guards had to pull me away from river last night, litterly… [sic]”. 

You, Fr. Ger, sent me a screenshot of that message and you texted underneath:  “Have you ever read such bull in all your days…the same oul shite she sent me when she made everything public…”

Did you really think Yvonne was making it up Ger?  A similar incident happened with me:  When I texted you on 25.2.22, begging you for the umpteenth time to meet me in order to resolve our issues, you said you were “physically sick” and to leave you alone.  That same evening, I told you by text that I was having suicidal thoughts and you did not respond at all to that message. 

The very next day, I found you dining out in the Castleconnell café with one of your lady friends.  I took your photo outside with your friend in order to keep as evidence that you were once again preoccupied with yourself and didn’t give a damn about my emotional state of mind.  As a priest who was once entrusted with pastoral ministry, you have the moral duty and obligation to help others who are suffering.  It is all part of that thing called “religious epistemic authority” which you knew about when you signed up to be a priest.  Sure, you can give great sermons and brilliant lectures on theological matters in the New Testament, but why the hell did they not teach you at Maynooth how to have compassion on others?   Is your own suffering so great that you can not take on board other people’s pain?  Shouldn’t Yvonne and myself have been taken seriously?  You tried to gaslight me all the time, Ger,  and the irony here is that you yourself struggle with your own mental health.   I could say a lot more on this subject, but best I desist…

Ger, you have let down a lot of people.  I am not here to condemn you; none of us are without sin.  We all make bad choices.  What I want is for you to face the facts surrounding your appalling interactions with women parishioners and your serious breech of religious epistemic trust.  My sincere hope is that you can learn from all of this and go on to bigger and better things outside of the church.  As you told me once in a message, “The Best is Yet to Come”.  





Thank you for your letter and enclosures.

Masses will be offered.

I would be happy to give your son a full Wedding Mass which would also be fully legal.

225 replies on ““CAROLE” – CLARIFIES AND EXPANDS.”

Caroline, I think your innate caring nature causes you to feel some sympathy for his inadequacies. But you bear no responsibility for “making him better,” and all that entails.
Just accept that life throws up some losers and leeches. Move on.
And you have no requirement to justify yourself to this blog’s more small minded or any other individuals.
Cut yourself off from this chapter of life’s experiences and move on.
I wish you well.


Thank you…maybe I have a “saviour” complex ?! 😁. I cannot move on until the priest apologises. He will apologise or else I’ll have to keep writing open letters…and there are other platforms I can use.


11.38 p.m and also Carole at 11.20 p.m;
1 – how long has Ger been at your parish?
2 – is this his first parish posting?
3 – the RCC now teaches that if we throw ourselves at “church” we will be converted by suffering such that the illusion will be that it isn’t suffering any more. Since JP II sacraments are a total pitfall – you should abstain outright, God didn’t say you need them.
3 – the RCC abolished prayer
4 – the RCC abolished the agency of individual believers (or perhaps there never was any in your part of Ireland)
5 – what you call “epistemic authority” (EA for short) I call credence. (Senior philosophers are teaching wrongly about EA.)
6 – EA is no-one’s to take
7 – it should only be given in degrees and you should vary it strictly according as circumstances develop, which means, often, zero
8 – If Ger wants to describe whom he hereby admits he wronged, in those terms and then doesn’t want to discuss it, he is creating difficulties for this to be sorted out
9 – Cleo was reported by Bp Pat to have “supported” the wronged individual at one time, has she stopped doing so?
10 – I wasted nearly half my life in a similar situation with some variations
11 – but it is the RCC that puts people like Ger up to preaching like that. Ger was told in effect that if he doesn’t, he won’t get saved.
12 – my guess is that 11.38 is someone who takes the RCC less seriously than you do
13 – some of the self-proclaimed defenders of Ger are actually telling you you should have ignored him and his bad training, and the RCC, all along like they probably do
14 – irrespective of him being a public figure, they are how God is getting through to us with one of life’s urgent lessons.


Also, YD was upset but Ger’s reported behaviour is that of a calculator. He starts by picking the losing side, then drifts, then calculates. The RCC doesn’t help one convert, since JP II or perhaps well before then.


Carole: You say you cannot move on until he apologises. Really?
That means you have a supercharged “saviour complex”. That, frankly, is dangerous, …for you, and essentially involves you ACCEPTING responsibility for his actions, or lack of.
His track record inclines me to think of leopards and spots.
“Flogging a dead horse” also comes to mind.
Talk it over with someone wise, and concentrate on your own feelings rather than any, I mean ANY on him, what he has done, or should do.
Best wishes.


11:20 Carole, I know that it may be difficult to comprehend but please accept that you are one of many who have been targetted & exploited by a fully paid up member of the worldwide Mafia that is the Roman Catholic Church. Any assistance that you have received from the Bishop & his Ahem! Safeguarding Officer has only been carried out to keep the legal side of things straight from their own viewpoint. All priests sadly however innocent and well meaning they may be on an individual basis are fully paid up members of the toxic Mafia that is the RCC and due to the nature of their existence they are voyueristic on social media & it is regrettable that you found yourself targetted. Be safe and well.


In fairness Carole, you are being very unkind here. I’m not trying to defend Ger at all and he was wrong to take advantage of your friendship in your home and when ye went out to eat etc but you allowed it to happen and you were happy to do so. Theres nobody more vulnerable than myself but i have to be responsible for my own stupid decisions. I have choices. You did seem to be very fond of Ger, it didn’t work out for whatever reason but you can’t come on a blog like this just to get revenge.. The pictures going up here on the blog are totally unnecessary. I think you had one up recently of Ger and his friend on the street and it was very unfair to have his friends picture uo on the blog like it w


10.26: MMM: I agree with you. Carole must surely be aware that once she goes public with her story, she will attract both support and ridicule. It’s her side we are receiving and I believe she should protect herself by choosing carefully those she speaks with. I suspect there’s much more to these dramas than we are receiving but I think Carole should find greater inner strength through therapy. Sometimes when we give our story to another person(s) or forum, greater hurt can ensue and we can be retraumatised by the horrible abusive rhetoric printed.


Carole acknowledges that Ger has mental health issues.
Carole clearly has her own struggles – as indicated by her note on suicide.
Will publishing this really help either party? OR will it be a short but futile boost for one at the expense of the other?


I would suggest that helping either party is unlikely to be the function of publishing. The function is to cast light into a situation which at least one character would obviously prefer remain unknown.
Further functions are possibly to cajole the bishop and certainly to warn any other woman he’s thinking of screwing (over).
This isn’t helping, this is karma and destroying the respectable facade of a predator. It’s what happens when men take advantage of women, when other men don’t slap them down, and they’ve picked the wrong woman.


All very true assuming a preditor is involved…. looks like 2 damaged people to me, both needing help. Clearly Ger was not trained to manage chastity while in seminary. His Dean is now married. His seminary president exiled. He is a victim too


Evil Troublemaking CatLicks Preying on Unsuspecting Parishioners 🍟⛽️🍟🚨says:

11:01pm all them priests and the showers that’s hang around with them have mental health issues but too far up their own backsides making trouble for themselves & everyone else to admit it or do anything about it.


Don’t look back Carole – Best Wishes for a happier and brighter future for you and your family ❤️


11.38pm Well said. Pat, i think you have been most insensitive with the pictures tonight and all week.


Carole should be issued compensation by Killaloe Diocese like the issuing of the cash settlement for the two ex raped seminarians.


@ 9:38am
Are you for real? The Carole wan knew what she was doing getting involved with the scumbag Fitzgerald, she doesn’t deserve a penny, More like a good kick up the arse for shaming her family.🙄


Mr. Buckley I have been reading your public blog all over the week-end and all I have to say is to you and you too Carole who says “he is struggling with his own mental issues” – you have certainly picked the wrong time to slaughter Ger Fitzgerald on this blog. He has only this January buried his beloved dad, a dad he loved dearly and died so suddenly with Ger watching him take his last breath. You are heartless and despicable with your behaviour. Ger is a very very vulnerable person and does not at this time deserve this ridicule and humiliation put on this blog by you and your bloggers. For everyone’s sake I sincerely hope that he is not being told about what’s going on here because you Bishop Buckley and your bloggers are really pushing him over the edge. Its absolutely disgusting and childish putting up photos of Mr. Fitzgerald which adds fuel to fire. I hope ye can sleep at night.


@ 11:38pm

The despicable Fitzgerald a disgrace to The Sacred Priesthood deserves everything he gets. He deserves every bit of ridicule and humiliation he gets, he brought it on himself by becoming involved with these loose women and causing scandal to the Faithful.


Does causing scandal to the Faithful matter anymore? The boiler house, monastic bonking and a silent tacitly supporting bishop comes to mind, all featured on this blog.


His Malicious Gossiping Faithful are feigning being Scandalized by Fr Ger Fitzgerald!says:

12:07 ye didn’t mind until he caught himself out! Now acting all scandalized & pretend ye didn’t know, ye seem to have opinions & plenty lies to peddle on everyone else’s business around the town of Ennis – suck it up buttercups.


Bela, this blog exposes abuse corruption and crime in the Catholic Church.
It is not a blog highlighting good priests. There is a scarcity of courageous clerical whistleblowers in the Catholic Church so you’re unlikely to read too many good priests stories exposing Church abuse corruption or criminality. But we live in hope…


Perhaps it will help Ger realise he jas no place in the RC priesthood, and he will move on to a career he can be happy in and find peace.


@ 12:52pm

Get a grip ya stupid cretin, I don’t know anything about Ennis or anybody in it. All I know about these despicable people is what I’ve read on this blog. If you’d actually read my comment I was giving my opinion that Fitzgerald and his strumpets are as bad as each other.
My sympathies are with their families who must be black affronted with them.


@ 10:51am
If doesn’t it should, unfortunately all we hear about on this blog is all these dreadful priests who do cause scandal. I”m always hoping Patsy will surprise us one day and give us a story about a good priest.😏


@ 4:25pm
I can still live in hope, and I do, that there are good holy priest’s, we just never hear about them on here. I don’t think there is a scarcity of clerical whistleblowers, there are certainly plenty on here, if we believe them. Mary Queen of The Clergy, pray for us.


11:38 Give Respect to Get Respect & if you happen to be an ordained priest, practice what you preach. It’s not rocket science. Carole & Yvonne have lost loved ones as well Im sure as we all have – it’s not an excuse to treat others so badly. No doubt Fr Fitzgerald will throw a massive sickie to get out of his entirely self created mess. I’m off now to snore my head off after I say prayers for Carole & Yvonne & all victims of church related abuse. Don’t let the bed bugs bite! 🐜


12:45am Fr Ger Fitzgerald & his friends showed that they don’t respect anyone when he was in Ennis. A more self entitled bunch of devious troublemakers you will struggle to find anywhere else in Ireland. That situation was brewing with him & Carey for years in Ennis. It was only a matter of time and their colleagues & community associates knowingly enabled them. That’s how the Mafia works. Dangerous lot they are.


Ger Fitzgerald has no time to be checking this blog – he’s too busy searching Facebook for his next conquest. The only priests that come on here are the ones still living a double life & the other ones that cover up for & defend them.


100 percent right 11.17
And ger is at the centre of it. Very self entitled, they don’t like it when they don’t get their way. Their Buble came crashing down hard last year.


I have serious reservations about those photos, Ger is clearly unaware he is being photographed in most of them. Are you upholding any journalistic standards Pat, have you done any fact checking, have you tried to talk to Ger?


You might have reservations but I think you’ll find the law says you can be photographed in public. Basically if you do something in public you yourself have published it.
It would be different if someone photographed you inside your own house from outside.
But I’d be delighted if you wasted a lawyer’s consultation fee to find out. 🤣


6:28 why are you not asleep or saying your prayers at this early hour of the morning Father?? You are not upholding the standards of your priesthood. What are your reasons for checking this blog. We can see RCC does nothing to help victims or survivors so you are on here in the interests of your abusive & corrupt organisation.


@10:17. You misunderstand me, my issue with the photographs is that there is not one showing Ger and Carole as a couple, a few of Ger at different locations and most selfies of Carole with Ger unaware in the background.


@11.25 I am not a priest or any form of religious, I work for a living hence early rising, unlike your good self who can afford to crawl out of bed at 11.25. Who is paying your way I wonder.


I’ve got plenty of photographs of Ger being photographed with me and plenty of our trips together when he knew damn well he was being photographed. Do you want to see the video of us in the car having fun and listening to music?


1:46 You do realize there are a few steps in between being complete strangers and being a couple don’t you, 😂


Ger can’t comment on the truth he can only spin lies to deflect from attention from himself.
That’s reality.


I know all about Ger being with his Dad when he took his last breath. I drove past his house when it was happening. I saw the ambulances. I messaged Ger and he told me his Dad had a heart attack. I was in shock. I told him I would pray for him at church. An hour later I messaged him and he told me his father had died. I didn’t want to intrude on him while he was grieving but I couldn’t just leave so I sat in my car on his street for a few hours just praying and worrying about him. I lost my own father in 2020 (when I was in the relationship with Ger) and heard my Dad gasp out his final words to me on the phone. I couldn’t be with my Dad when he died because of Covid. I didn’t get to hold his hand. He died alone. I was very vulnerable after my father’s death. That didn’t stop Fr. Ger from taking advantage of me. You consider me heartless and despicable? I am telling the truth. The truth hurts doesn’t it? What about my pain? What about Yvonne’s pain? Our voices are trying to be diminished because the Ger & the church wants to cover up what is going on. Not on my watch.


I wrote a long comment which I don’t see yet in response to 11:38 pm. If I don’t see it re-appear, I’ll try again. How does Ger sleep at night knowing he destroyed (at least) two women’s lives? Is he capable of showing any remorse? Ger is probably only thinking of Ger at the moment.


@7.16 am Carole

Ger isn’t upset about his actions towards you and Yvonne and and and …….
What he is upset about is how it is affecting him and that people now know about his abusive behaviour towards women.
He should be taken off the streets, hidden inside some monastery or other, never to see the light of day again.


Carole maybe the only reason you want Ger to respond or apologies is to validate your hurt – you don’t need it to move on. Your hurt is valid without it. Stop prolonging you pain and allow yourself to heal. Don’t show your video or anymore pics of your relationship with Ger to the people on this platform – you don’t need them to validate your pain. Sadly your pain is entertaining the people on here and no one who loves and cares for you would ask you to spread all the information you have on this platform – engaging on this blog will not help you or anyone.
Please don’t feel you must wait for Ger to apologies before you can move on – don’t give him that power over you. You deserve to be loved. I hope you really to find peace. Peace can be found in you Carole and can only be found within. Please do consider this.


@11:38, totally agree. Carole my heart goes out to you. I know you are hurting and have been hurt in the past by men, however, airing your grievances here is not the answer.
From an outsiders perspective it reads to me that you want an apology/ meeting with Ger to discuss your friendship. He hasn’t facilitated this so the ultimatum is to write on Pat’s blog.
Carole, maybe take a few days to yourself to consider what you are doing to someone you say you cared for…..


I agree 12.34

He’s upset he’s been found out publicly. He’s only concerned about himself and he’s at he’s player way for so long he genuinely doesn’t see what he’s doing wrong. He’s a child that needs to grow up


@ 4 pm
Only Carole can say what will help her move on. It’s easy for people to say what she should do when it hasn’t happened to them.


One more comment for 11:38 pm: heartless and despicable is how I would describe Ger who rang his family member the other night and told him to tell Pat that Tusla will take my children away from me, that I slept with half the men where I live, that my husband had me sectioned, etc. etc. Slanderous lies. What kind of person uses/threatens innocent children in order to save his own ass?! So spare me your self righteous pity for Ger.


Carole, priests do this all the time aided and abetted by their lay volunteers in local communities. They are extremely clever at shutting down the truth by spreading lies and innuendo that fits with their own agenda of protecting their own interests. They are intrusive in every way imaginable and use any official and unofficial connections they have anywhere to source information on parishioners. The Church is above the law it seems never mind the parameters of human decency.


7:37am Carole the Church has used children as weapons to control women forever. That’s why they holding onto schools like limpets to a rock. Tusla need to take a closer look at their own referencing system, priests & church cronies vouching for & getting their crony families jobs through Tusla & the like as fosterccarers & child minders, running church playgroups. That was despicable that Fr Ger Fitzgerald slandered your character & threatened to have your children taken away – what an utter low life but that’s what they all like, he’s well trained & you saw for yourself how he is protected by them.


11:18 That’s also behind the notional ban on contraception. It’s impossible to think of anything else when you’ve got 16 children.


Reply to 12:18 – spot on! Why aren’t people more outraged about the fact that he threatened to take my children away from me? He’s still a priest for God’s sake. Anyone threatens my children again and I will make sure you pay—through the legal system of course….and then through the media. Don’t fuck with my children Fighting Fitzgerald or you will regret it.


Adding a comment to my previous one: Fr Ger Fitzgerald baptised my children. Have you no shame Ger threatening to have them taken away from their mother?? You are beyond reproach and what you have done only proves that you did not take your vows seriously. I can forgive you for all the rest of your f-in lies but for what you said about my children will never be forgiven or forgotten.


‘For everyone’s sake I sincerely hope that he is not being told about what’s going on here’
Why don’t you ask him when you report back?


9:28 Why?? I’m sure Ger & his toxic cohort are glued to this blog or maybe he’s too busy with his new conquest or conquests. Or maybe Cleo and Bishop Monaghan are holding his hand and checking his temperature 🤒 even as we speak!


@9.28 am
Why shouldn’t Ger be told?
He’s supposed to be an adult, a grown man not a screaming little boy.
Why shouldn’t he be told?


Patdon’t post my long essay of a comment it’s yvonne I’ll need to think about it first to phrase it properly not very well written. Thanks !


4:52am Nah!! That’s just too obvious!! Ger will be holed up one of the safe hands hatchet men or women – he’s still on the payroll so they’ll be working out what to do.


The two of them will hit the roof when De Valera knocks on the door or he might send Donald Trumps sidekick to knock them up!


6:16 And by contributing you are….

Another glorious opportunity for a cathbot to demonstrate the fruits of cathbot education 😂


10:09am. 🤣🤣🤣. So True. Just another vicious 2 faced funeral thug!!!
Looking like bulldogs what chewed a wasp!!


6:16am Whatever!! We are what you’ve made us, Father!

Decades of your Crap, No More!

Get Behind Me Satan 😈😈😈


This blog exposes the evil of abuse corruption and criminality in the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland and Internationally.


My first thoughts on reading this is that there is a basic duty of care due to parishoners under a priest. This has patently been ignored and really at this stage Ger should be handing over his collar to the bishop. Plenty of men have left the priesthood and there is no shame in it at all.
What is clear from all this is that Ger forms relationships to fill a void. We all do to some extent but in Ger’s case it is literally because he is a priest. Again to rectify this he needs to leave the church and go and do something absorbing and time consuming like a degree. I have no doubt Ger could become a fine historian. His obvious passion for letters etc from historical figures indicates this is where his future should lie.
Carole -you have certainly been wronged and wronged badly. Ger should not have accepted gifts etc and allowed an emotional relationship to occur though to be fair he may have needed moral support at the time. At the same time as an unhappily married woman he should have been aware of that and stayed well clear. Some priests seem to expect and take a ridiculous amount of charity from friends etc and they shouldnt be doing it. Carole I hope this blog brings you closure and I hope Ger can see a way to live a normal healthy life.


Thanks Fr. Todd unctious. I’ll get real closure when Ger apologises. I won’t accept a written apology. Only in person with the Bishop present.


Carole must try to move on, Bp Pat, and stop depriving readers of the queer scandals, so many of us enjoy.


Apart from leaving their friendship and sponging off Carole how EXACTLY has she been abused Pat? Abuse is a very strong word. I can understand her anger and hurt but I don’t see any abuse.


Ger withdrew from your friendship, I can understand the hurt and pain that might have caused, but apart from that and sponging off you Carole what really awful thing has he done?

Liked by 1 person

@8.02 am
What has he done? Do you really need to ask?
He should not have gotten involved with women at all.
He is a disgrace to the Priesthood!
Get rid!!!


Says slot about a man character who sponges off women financially and emotionally saying he’s broke and her always paying for meals.


@11.38pm I had to go through a horrendous ordeal involving the roman catholic church while my Mother was slowly passing away in pain. During this time they continued to mentally torture me and calling me a liar! I’m one of the many many Survivor’s of clerical child sexual abuse and they never let up on piling pressure on me and my family, especially my Mother! Don’t you dare try to make this one sided!!! Don’t shoot the messenger. Blame it on the perpetrators!!!! It’s people like you who makes it so mentally difficult for ‘us’ to come forward about our abuse as children. Bishop Buckley is the only person we feel comfortable speaking with! They practically slowly killed my Mother in my opinion. She was under so much stress and anxiety, just like she was 40yrs ago.


I am so sorry for the suffering that you and your family had to endure and I agree with you about Bishop Buckley.


You are not alone in having to go through a horrendous ordeal involving the Rcc.
When the institutional church covered up child rape for generations, continue to cover up abuse of vulnerable adults, rape of religious sisters by clergy, seminarian abuse,etc, religious epistemic authority is not to be taken seriously. These people do not seem to take the Gospel or moral theology or the teachings of the Rcc too seriously. When things go wrong, priests will hide behind their bishops skirts, while bishops hide behind the skirts of Rome. Lawyers seem to be running the Rcc, such is the extent of abuse/cover up.


8:59am Thank you for sharing your experience and I hope that it helps you to do so. Sadly, the Roman Catholic Church clergy and volunteers are as someone put it on here recently – wolves in sheep’s clothing – they glean extremely personal information from vulnerable adults and children at the lowest points of their lives and go on to use this information as knives to twist in wounds of their victims just as Fr Ger Fitzgerald has done by having his relatives contact Carole to inform her that he will report her to Tusla and have her children removed. She has also allegedly been informed by a third party that he has been smearing her character and making her out to be a woman of loose morals. This is very commonplace practice from church types and cronies like Fitzgerald and his ilk. Nothing is sacred, they will use personal data including from church offices, financial collections, personal contacts in public service & government departments. Remember you are dealing with a church that were people trafficking for financial gain over 50 years ago when they sold babies to non vetted Yanks some of whom abused the kids & now these old people traumatised and unable to access essential medical information in old and ill health etc., so thoroughly has their identity been eroded by the toxic nuns and priests and doctors & others who were complicit in this most grevious deception. No disrespect to the Jewish religion, but this was also a Holocaust on a par with The Famine. Our catbots condemn the Nazis & blame the British for the Famine but the RCC was just as bad. I am sorry that you were given such a terrible time when your dear mother was dying and I hope that life is a bit brighter for you now and that you find the ability to share your experiences here on this blog in some way cathartic. Take care ❤️


Carole, what you describe appears to follow a pattern that occurs in a toxic narcissistic relationship of ‘love bombing’, ‘devaluation’ and ‘discard’. The person you loved was involved with a series of other women, and in narcissistic terms, needed other sources of ‘supply’. It’s not about love for the narcissist, but rather the need for admiration and control through manipulative behaviours. If you haven’t come across these terms and others (gaslighting, bread-crumbing, hoovering) it might be worth doing some research to see whether these behaviours resonate with your experience. It is well established that one of the chief professions to which narcissists are drawn is the priesthood. Below is a link to one of Darren Magee’s videos on the obstacles to recovering from a narcissistic relationship. Sometimes narcissists are unaware of what they are, and their chances for recovery are slim. I wish you well as I do all other women and men who read this blog and who have been affected by such relationships.


You’re welcome, Carole. What you have experienced is really tough to break free from, and the natural desire for justice or even revenge can get in the way of healing. I agree with MMM and Martin’s earlier comments. Perhaps the best way forward might be to seek therapy with someone who understands narcissistic abuse. Not all therapists do. As far as Ger is concerned, there is little likelihood that you will receive closure or a sincere apology. You have to find your own closure. While you place your focus on Ger and what he has done, is doing, might do, he’s living rent free in your mind. If you can, and I know it is not easy, try to switch the focus to you. Invest in you, focus on self-care, therapy, reflection, spirituality, anything that gives you joy.
This time can be very positive and productive and enable anyone who has been in this type of relationship to gain inner strength and understanding and explore how and why they missed the red flags, or found it difficult to establish appropriate boundaries.
Carole, you’ll know when you have healed. You won’t be triggered anymore by something associated with him, he won’t be your first thought when you wake up in the morning or your last thought at night. You won’t need to seek justice or even to tell your story anymore, because it won’t matter. And when healing has taken place, it is much easier to forgive and release someone with love. Take good care of yourself and thrive.


You are not a psychologist/psychiatrist, stop with the jargon. It’s unhelpful to Carol. Seek professional help


11.17: A very sensible, kind and compassionate respinse to Carole. I Hooe She will follow this advice as I think at this stage her focus should now be about self care. The longer Carole stays on this blog, I don’t believe she’ll find any peace or healing of any kind. Focusing on Ger will elicit negative emotions and can lead to total despair and greater hurt. .


11:55am no doubt you could recommend someone Father! Counsellor the church recommend told our neighbour that marriage problems were all her fault & when she went to independent private counsellor they pointed out how her husband was gaslighting her & abusing her Mentally, physically & financially. RCC is friend to no woman or child.


“The Best is Yet To Come”
Maybe – but there will be some karma coming his way before he gets anywhere close to that.


Carole, can I point a few things out to you. 1. Ger was out of ministry when you met him, he was not preforming his priestly duties and was tied to no parish. He had brought scandal to Ennis parish and told to step down and all of Ennis knew Fr Fitzgerald was never going back to ministry. 2. He was free to engage in relationships if he chose and you were aware of how he had treated Ms Drake. 3. You entered into a relationship with Ger and history repeated itself. Your hurt and rejection from him is now playing out in this blog.
You both made wrong choices and although you feel that publishing your story will give you some closure, I do not believe that you are protecting other women from future advances from Ger but wanting to further humiliate him as he rejected you and it is this rejection that pushes you onto Bishop Buckley’s blog. Rejection is horrible, I get that and you require some therapy to help to cope.
Both you Carole and Ger are vulnerable adults and you both require professional help and although most people are supportive, leaving yourself open ridicule and judgement will never give you closure.
Wishing you every good wish for the future.


Ger was still in ministry when he contacted Carole in May 2020. Some of their days out were with Ger dressed in clerical.


Bishop Pat, in all fairness and we need to be fair to both parties. Ger is out of ministry for the last year and its likely he’ll not go back. During the Yvonne scandal he was publicly celebrating Mass on Facebook. He is out of Ministry and Carole knew his history. Bad choices on both sides.


Ger was not out of ministry when I meant him. I have proof. He was going places with me while he was seeing Yvonne only I didn’t know about Yvonne at the time.


Oh, Carole, you know the faithful are far more interested in discrediting victims than in anything which might be called truth. They’ll probably say he was out of the country next, or you’re a man or some other shit, I don’t know.
Actually all they prove is you have successfully caught out one of the brotherhood.
Any reasonable person would be criticizing him not you.


10.24: Carole, you knew about YD and Ger, so why did you choose to liaise with him in the knowledge of his pattern with women? You are deeply hurt. You are angry. So too is Ger. I really believe you both need to take greater responsibility for this situation. I also believe you will not receive any closure for this failed relatrelationship by publicising so much information on this blog. There has to be a better way for you to deal with this hurt. As horrendous as Ger’s behaviour was, your own behaviour isn’t exactly honourable, considering you are married and have a family. You both broke sacred vows. I truly hope you will find more trusting people who will help you reconcile with this brokenness in your life.


Carole found that basically, Ger Fintan and Cleo had no real interest in helping her to closure.

This was the only place she could turn.


Reply to 10:52 – YES he was in Cloughleigh. All can be documented. How many other women was he seeing at the same time? Hmmm 🤔


Carol at 1.29 If those photos are from his time in Cloughleigh, why are you only coming unto the blog now? Why didn’t you back Yvonne then, she needed help then.
It seems to me you began your relationship after the Yvonne saga after he left Ennis. Stop trying to change the goalposts. Play fair


Going places with someone doesn’t mean your in a relationship. I go golfing with a female friend quite regularly. We are not in a relationship just friends.


10:52am Fr Ger Fitzgerald was like a child in a sweet shop in Cloughleigh, playing his banjo day & night, it’s a wonder he didn’t lock up the Church & say Mass in the shop next door altogether. He adored the aul bit of gossip & everything and all the free buns & sweets he could scoff. It all went to his head!! And a few other places as well it seems. We didn’t realise he was being so horrible to poor Yvonne until it all came out in public and we hope that she is ok now. Shocking to think he had lots of women on the go – the sweet shop and the food runs were handy for meeting impressionable women it seems like. I hope he don’t go off to be a social worker he seems to have a predatory streak in him, that’s no good & downright dangerous for vulnerable people that need social workers to be genuine.


2:06 I began the relationship with Ger before Yvonne. Didn’t know about her till all became public. The priest told me all kinds of half truths and made her out to look as bad as he is making me look. I didn’t know Yvonne personally so I believed his bullshit lies. I was gullible and didn’t think a priest could lie 🤣🤣🤣


Reply to 11:51 we made all kinds of plans but from my personal experience, Ger promises a lot of things but finds it difficult to actually fulfill the promises. “Promises made, promises kept” was a phrase he used often but in regards to promises he made to me, it was a different story. He led me on for a long time and then when it didn’t suit him any longer he dumped me. He knew that I was willing to leave my marriage (not my children) for him and that probably scared him because he wasn’t expecting that. I think he thought that because I am married it was perfectly safe and convenient to use me for as long as he could. I really don’t give a crap if people think negatively about me for expecting more from Ger. I always used to believe in true love and happy endings. Now I know it is only in fairy tales. Because he is a priest, the onus was on him to act responsibly and honourably with me. End of story.


Out of ministry already: interesting. Carole, not even the most credulous can call him an epistemic authority (EA). Was that what he was calling himself? Is the five figure sum his severance? The RCC has turned itself over the last 40 to 70 years, into pure intensity and hysteria. It has been picking on men who displayed attitudes like Ger’s (perhaps he picked it up at school), because it thinks they are spiritual. Was it a catholic school he went to? Carole, you must look for religion outside the RCC. And find out where you got your own saviour complex from. The value of your evidence ought to be to support Yvonne.


Can I ask Carole when your relationship was strong, what was your and Ger’s plan for the future? Did ye plan a future?


9:55am they are all dangerous – addicted to all sorts – Ger was unusual in how he kept going outside the Mafia circle for his kicks. They normally keep it In-house in small communities like Ennis. But Carey got caught out during Covid.


Just a thought, but looking at the pictures of the thongs you could start a range of merchandise.
Pants with ‘stolen from the laundry at Maynooth’ for certain.
But you could also do Cistercian cowls with ‘Please return to the Boilerhouse’ on them and Benedictine ones with ‘Whoopsie’ on them.


I feel like after Carole’s last post Ger’s friends (or more accurately, codependents) have reassured him that he couldn’t possibly appear on this blog again this week and are raging that here we are. 😱


@Carol 10.30am
Thank you. I know how hard it is for you right now. Coming out in public is and negative, condescending and stoneyhearted comments don’t help! Until they’re in your situation, they’ll never know. They still treat priests as God himself! How ridiculous in this day and age that they can’t see a man. A man who pretends to be something he’s not, immaterial of his ‘great sermons’ He should practice what he preaches. Keep strong and never let these naysayers stop you from speaking your truth! That’s what is wrong with the brainwashed catholics. Well, until it comes to their door. You’re in my prayers x


Hi Carol please do inquire about the compensation package from Killaloe. Recently there was a pay out for the two ex Killaloe seminarians who were sexually abused in Maynooth. I’m sure the Diocese will listen and issue a cash settlement. Maybe you could meet the two lads and they can explain the procedure they went through.


Compensation is a matter between Carol and Ger. As I understand it, there was no sexual contact. If Carol corrects me, I will apologize. As I see it they are both adults, one who is married with children. I do not see what any of this has got anything to do with the church except laicization.


Your comment has touched me deeply. Thank you and much appreciated. Yvonne was treated very unfairly. One of the reasons I have been speaking out is so that she and everyone else out there will know that Ger’s attachments to women parishioners is a pattern. It cannot be allowed to happen again while he is still a priest. Once he is laicised then he will be free to do whatever he wants. Hopefully he will wiser when it comes to his relationships with women. Once he is free of the constraints of the RC church, he can live an authentic life; it is my fervent hope that he will find peace and contentment.


Sorry Carole, you do not have that power over Ger, only Ger can do that, you are not his judge and juror. Look after yourself. Ger is not in a parish and probably never will be again. Be grateful for that much.


12:10 It’s interesting how often the faithful use the language of the court when there is no mention of a crime or even civil proceedings.
It suggests that they have a fantasy of being judge and jury themselves, which judging (LOL) by the way they talk to Pat Buckley probably isn’t far from their actual fantasy.


12:10pm you are not Judge & Juror and people are entitled to decide for themselves what they should and should not be grateful for. Our family member was stopped in the street & told They should be grateful for what They had which happens to be what They worked for in order to attempt to shut them up in church interests. What a bloody cheek shower you self entitled and arrogant chapel lickers are.


Des Hillary should have stayed put on the Missions instead of covering up the mess of Michael Collins in Scariff.


What came of those comments regarding Fr de Malleray FSSP’s alleged mistress on Sunday’s article? Maybe she should speak up!


Don’t be ridiculous, she’s supposedly happily married now and not living near London. And how do you know she was his ‘mistress’? They could have just been close friends!


First of all Fitzgerald has not been out of ministry with no chance of getting back in for a mere lapse of vow, which I can agree, people are human which can be forgivable as I have seen it done with priests being moved on for such mistakes.
Fitzgerald is out of ministry with no chance of getting he’s foot back in the door for he’s appauling behaviour, devious women playing ways, awful attitude and lies ,repeatedly towards he’s bishop, he’s friends and especially the women that have spoken the truth about him. It’s unacceptable for a normal man to do it it’s a disgrace for a priest to carrying that way. He has shown he’s true colours. This is not the first serious or second incident he has been brought up to Fintan for he has been in trouble quite a few times. There is a lot more on he’s file in that church than a lot of people realize and the appauling disrespectful manner he has treated women.


12:52 & 2:20 – I am certain that there’s a lot more in his church file which begs the question, why is he still a priest? I’m still waiting to hear about where the money in his account came from and what did he do with it. It will come out eventually.


Carole at 2:34 Totally certain although I expect it has now been shredded. The church has started doing that after the police started raiding diocesan offices in Belgium. Before they used to get notice and could make documentation disappear.
Humans do the same things over and over, even if we don’t want to and what is revealed about all of these priests is likely the tip of the iceberg.


True for you – Fr Fitzgerald has spent the past year chasing as many skirts as he can grab. Actions speak louder than words. He has no respect for himself, the Church or any of the women unfortunate to have come onto his radar as Carole & Yvonne have experienced. His family and friends are not respectful people either, never have been. Bad news and best avoided. Many have fallen foul in different ways. Birds of a feather flock together including bullying priests using their positions to threaten mothers with kids and all that awful toxic carry on.


2.34: Carole, you made one big mistake in your life, sadly, and you seem convulsed with anger and hurt. Pouring out your emotions and feelings won’t necessarily bring peace to you. Some today have given you good advice. Perhaps you should reflect on it. In a few days time, you’ll be replaced by another issue and you’ll be feeling no better in your life. You may need some quiet time to ponder your life.


1:44pm Or maybe Ger Fitzgerald is gone Global like Del Boy!


Nobody else went public they didn’t have the platform. Other people have spoken and gone to fintan. All kept quiet and covered up.
If Ms drake had not taken to social media in the manner she did, he would still be saying mass or moved on another parish quietly.


For heaven’s sake Pat, can we not move on from this Carol and Ger saga?! It’s become monotonous and boring, and has the depressing character of something that is going to run ad infinitum.


12:41 Bishop Pat, since when has the RCC shown any genuine remorse or taken any positive or tangible action to alleviate the human suffering they have caused and continue to cause at local and international level. Fr Bored is trying to shut this subject down, probably one of the Killaloe priests.


Ah gawan Patsy human suffering is what’s going on in the Ukraine not this boring shite.


How can you equate some aul one raging that she’s been ghosted by a lad she fancied to what’s going on in the Ukraine Pat????????


@12.41 You call this human suffering? Come on, get things into a better, more true perspective. You really do need to leave this topic.


Jesus it’s almost like they want us to talk about suffering on the other side of Europe rather than here!


2:03 pm
The RCC does not deliver justice or alleviate human suffering caused by the clerical fraternity. Shutting up, shutting down, covering up or shutting in, has been the well documented modus operandi of the Institutional Church to protect their fraternal interests.


12.36: Well spoken. At this stage of this story, it’s time for Carole to regain her dignity. She wiukd be well advised to receive professional therapy. Ger needs therapy too. They are adults and cannot have walked blindly into this situation. They share responsibility for this hurt together.


Translation: ‘Shut up about how a priest screwed you over because WE want him to be able to pretend he has any dignity left’.


@12.36 pm

Dear Fr Bored out of your skull

Go to bed dear and stop boring the arse off the rest of us.

Others are interested in today’s topic even if you aren’t.


Well, Holy God, but ye are a desperate shower down there in County Clare. This would never happen in Connemara, that little fecker from Ennis only made it as far as Salthill before we nabbed him. Good Job Too. Good Luck to you Carole you are a great woman. That Fr Fitzgerald isn’t fit to wipe your shoes, girl x


12:56pm. 🤣🤣🤣. Where is Car Park Carey – he always had plenty to say for himself & lots of opinions where it suited him but blind to the rights of others outside of his contemptible and abusive circle in Clare.


1:43 Is Fr Gerry Carey working in the bank in Tipperary?


LOL.. Too right he wouldn’t be entertained in Connemara, I suppose one could say, we’re a law onto ourselves
I won’t even allude to specific examples of that🙂


Indian food doesn’t have the same impact on twinks than it does older men, therefore it’s less messy


Bishop Pat, I simply cannot wait to hear more about the Erotic Adventures of Kitty “Whoopsie” Kirby and his Two Little Kittens in Holland. What do your sources tell you?


Pat, I think that ger thought of this “Carole” lady as a mother figure, from reading her replies she seems to be a lot older than both yvonne and ger…. she took him into her home showed him motherly love, cooked meals for him bought him clothes just like a mother would. And then when “carole” declared that she had feeling for him ger realised that she wasn’t the mother figure that he had thought she was and decided to cut ties….. this has now lead to this lady “carole” feeling she was wronged by him, but maybe she’s in the wrong, he was very vulnerable after the whole yvonne thing and she lovingly took him into her home she has said it herself…… maybe she thought that this would be her happy ending, since there was no sexyal activity you wonder who had the wrong end of the stick?


JH 2:38, you are making some fair points. As fair as anyone can make from the outside looking in. In the woman’s own testimony, she grew to love the man.
If a man spends money treating a woman, it does not make the woman his possession. If a woman spends money treating a man, it does not make the man her possession.
If someone is looking for gifts to be returned, does it mean that the gifts were conditional and not freely given?


In the end, I decided to let him keep the gifts but he chose to send them back via Cleo and the other Fr Ger in a box marked “Ennis Parish” 🤣


2.34 Carole. In all fairness, how is it your business how much money Ger has? You are not his ex wife seeking divorce.


Carole spent over Euro 2,000 on Ger as he always pleaded poverty. Last week he sent her € 500 via Cleo.


Anon, a lot of priests lovers or ex lovers get bitter, but all they want is attention and love


Still Pat, it’s not her business. She has to stop trying to control the outcome as she’ll get bitter. He’s not worth that


Cop on people. It’s not about how much money he has or doesn’t have. It’s about the origin of the money and where it went. You people don’t know the full story and I’m not going to tell you anything except that the Bishop knows about it and he will deal with it.


All very cryptic Carole and if I do say a little bit confusing….
I’m at a loss as to you being in a relationship with Ger before and during his time with Yvonne. Did you not read this blog and understand how terribly that poor lady was treated by the Diocese and the people of Cloughleigh ? How could you believe his lies after he was forced out of his parish and out of his ministry? Did you seriously believe he was husband material?? You continued to see him until he didn’t want/need you anymore. He is truly awful for sure but you certainly have to take some responsibility. This blog will not bring you closure.


7:05pm CathBots on here are obsessed with money and sex. So nosey but very secretive about themselves. Gossip is a diversion tactic to cover up what they at themselves.


@7:37 I was blinded by my feelings for the priest. Lesson learned. I hope that my coming forward on the blog will help others who are suffering at the hands of clergy to speak out and not be afraid. I want to thank Bishop Buckley for all the genuine concern & support that he has shown me throughout this ordeal. I know that he has my back. Thanks Pat 👏


3.05 she wouldn’t f gt anything back off him if she hadn’t gone to the diocese, says slot about him. He got caught cheating and lying after everything she did for him. What way should she react. He’s free ride cane crashing down


Prosper Keating who testified against the deviant former abbot of Ealing has won a record out of court settlement from the bastards. He did this largely because of the way they treated him even after abusing him:
‘I took the difficult decision to launch this lawsuit against St Benedict’s School, Ealing after the new management gaslighted me over my objections to their failure to comply with GDPR rules. I had submitted this GDPR request after the publication of the IICSA Report on Ealing Abbey and St Benedict’s School.
This GDPR episode forced me to conclude that while the new management was making all the right noises about atonement for the past and moving on towards a bright new future, the institution was still a public menace.’
Absolute legend.
Thanks Prosper for doing so much to undermine the edifice of abuse.


Swiss Catholic Church to open historic abuse study
GMA Network News [Philippines]
April 5, 2022
” At a press conference Monday, the Conference of Swiss Bishops, the Central Roman Catholic Conference of Switzerland and the Conference of Unions of Orders and Other Communities of Consecrated Life in Switzerland said they mandated the University of Zurich the mandate to study past attacks.
“It is necessary to highlight the crimes of the past committed within the Roman Catholic Church. We must learn the lessons and do everything possible so that no injustice can happen again,” said Joseph Maria Bonnemain, bishop of Coire and head of the Swiss bishops’ conference.
“The leadership has a duty to learn from the past and to do everything possible to ensure that people are adequately protected in their dignity and sexual integrity,” he said in the speech posted online.”


Why do priests have such a high sex drive? Is it Cus they don’t get it often or they want it more?


I don’t think they have an unusually high sex drive. Some don’t think about what it would be like to live without sex with the sex drive they have got. Some don’t care.
If anyone actually manages to be celibate it’s either because they have a low sex drive or have worked out how to live celibateliy.
Nobody gets taught how to do it in formation because the church doesn’t know beyond pious platitudes.
The majority not in relationships or shagging will be masturbating away like any other man does who isn’t getting any.


I think it’s because they are not getting it, a priest who I will not name always looks at my crotch area when I am in shorts and it’s actually very unnerving


Fra….we all know you like it very much, you feel special when he does that- you’re always telling us. Enjoy your beer and poppoadoms!


3.03pm. Bigger fool her Pat. €2,000 and still hadn’t seen the light. What Ger has said , if it’s true, re her husband and children is unacceptable and hurtful but Carole is responsible for “spoiling” him during their time together. It’s a hell of a lot of money and that was her own doing.


3.06: A thoroughly ignorant comment from an unlearned idiot. Such makey up theories. Really, you people…as Hyacinth Bucket would say…..You people…low graders.


4:15 Thank you for confirming what you really think of us common people, Father. Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice, Shame on Me. We won’t be Back. ✌️

In shockingly frank deposition, former bishop admits moving alleged abusers from treatment to ministry.
Kevin Clarke
April 04, 2022
” In testimony conducted over four days in April 2021, Bishop Howard Hubbard, the former leader of the Diocese of Albany, N.Y., described in unusually frank terms how he moved diocesan priests who had been accused of molesting children in and out of treatment centers and back into ministry. He admitted that the transfers were consistently made without informing local police, families of abuse victims or Catholics in Albany’s parishes, where the men were reassigned.” ” It has shed, again, a light on the fact that the church does not accompany survivors from the beginning and has abandoned them.”


There are so many sordid examples I still think Cardinal Cushing giving Paul Shanley a permanent apostolate to street youth in 1970 after various complaints of crimes against young boys in the sixties including from a mother in 1961, from another priest in 1967 concerning a 16 yo boy (the first properly recorded) was notably wicked and complicit.


I am neighbours with a priest who has men stay over several times in the year and they come and go at all hours.


5.38: Yes, I agree that 5.32 is a dirty git!! A nosey, meddlesome idiot. A dirt bag!!


I had the displeasure of meeting Ger and he is much better out of the profession than in. Was never cut out for it. Carole I want to congratulate you on speaking your truth.


Carol do not thank him for he isn’t a nice person himself.
Sold many a priest and ex colleagues down the river.
I feel sorry for the ones that use to go to confession with him, for they may as well have been talking to Heat magazine.


“My priest”, the man isn’t a dog, he is a human being. You are probably one of these morons expecting “my refugees”, get a grip

Liked by 1 person

Speaking of refugees is there still a hold up Pat or have you received any yet? I couldn’t sign up to collect them.


Simply signing up is not a guarantee refugees will be place with anyone. I’d say applicants in the major cities in the U.K. will be considered first.


God help them coming to Belfast for my neighbours are not compatible with life never mind housing people in crisis


We need more brave people like Carole to come forward and speak out about their experiences. Shine your lights on these dark people within the RCC. Expose them for the charlatans they are


Bishop Pat, thank you so much for your help and prayers, in doing so you have helped me get pregnant, and I will realise my dream.


We keep hearing about shortage of priests but do you think the forgein ones will bring as much scandal?


Lidl is a wonderful shop. It’s the only shop I pop in for a bottle of wine and panic buy a canoe and a set of screwdrivers.


Lol I’m the same, it’s great Lidl. I love the fruit and veg from there, it’s always nice and fresh and lasts a heck of a lot longer than from Tesco or Asda.


Anon@1:39. Which Lidl do you use? I ask as I do not find y Lidl’s veg to last as long as Tesco’s.
Living alone, I find broccoli and cauli go off towards the end of my weekly shopping cycle.


I wish them boyfriends of priests would expose them like Carole. Fair play to Carole, maybe one day I will be able to tell my own truth but you inspire me.


@Eamon Bax at 9:28 Thank you. If I have inspired you then I have achieved my goal of trying to set an example. I hope you will be able to share your story one day too. Mind yourself.


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