

RTE’s Pat Kenny stand his ground with Covid denier

I personally think its time that the government in Ireland and the UK got tough on Covid Deniers and Conspiracy nuts.

Covid is a threat to the life of each one of us.

If certain individuals don’t want to get vacinnated that’s their right.

But steps must be taken to stop them infecting others.

There has to be a balance between the COMMON GOOD and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

I am very fortunate. I have had 3 full Pfizer vaccines in February April and November and am due to get the booster in March.

Fair play to the authorities in Northern Ireland for rolling out the vaccines so we’ll and so thoroughly.

Northern Ireland is ahead of the Republic and the rest of the UK in this. Well done.

I think that we should:

1. Introduce covid passports for everyone.

2. I think that mask wearing should be compulsory in all public spaces with penalties for those disobeying.

3. These covid passports should be obligatory for gaining entrance into workplaces, hospitals, GP surgeries, shoos, schools, pubs, restaurants, churches etc.

Of course I am a supporter of human rights etc.

But I do not believe that any individual has the “human right” to infect another person with a disease that will make them very ill or kill them.

I am not saying that the current vaccines are perfect.

But I am saying that they are the best defence we have just now against a massive threat to mankind.

And we are all too vulnerable just now to pander to conspiracy nuts.


Totally. And they should also be refused publicly funded healthcare when they get it. If they’re going to take health advice off insane people of Facebook that’s where they should also get their care and allow routine care to continue for responsible people.


12.04am What about the obese, smokers, alcoholics, those with fast cars, mountain climbers, those who refuse to exercise, the promiscuous? Should they be refused publicly funded treatment too, and if not, why not?

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Since Scotland put a price tax on alcohol per unit of alcohol on drinks, drink related deaths have been halved in a year. In that same year mind you, drug related deaths quadrupled.


I think that’s a step too far. But I do think the vaccinated should be looked after before the unvaccinated.


+Pat, I agree on the vaccinated being treated first.
People have to take responsibility for their actions. If they decline a vaccine and then they require treatment, they must pay. I agree to disagree.


5:04 Seamus, educate yourself before making such a comment. If you are in ministry you have a duty to inform yourself on all aspects of this matter rather than parroting nonsense.


7:29, you offer no reason for the unvaccinated to receive free treatment. Choices have consequences. A problem in today’s world is people not taking responsibility for their choices.



With respect Seamus, have you informed yourself on all aspects of the Covid pandemic?
If you are in ministry you have a duty to do so as have your colleagues in the clerical establishment. As you rightly say, choices have consequences. Have you any idea of the numbers of people in Great Britain, Ireland and USA who died as a consequence of being vaccinated with Covid vaccine? Any idea of those with adverse reactions and the nature of these reactions ? Any idea of what the creator of the PCR test had to say on its application to Covid testing? Any idea of what Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology used in Covid vaccines has to say on the jabs? Any idea when the Covid 19 vaccine patents were filed? If you wish to find out more information check Government websites (Your Choice) or for Ireland or in America or in Europe. I could say more but will finish by saying somehow I doubt if those in
the clerical establishment will have to resort to publicly funded health care. Pax.


“Any idea of what the creator of the PCR test had to say on its application to Covid testing?”
When did the creator of the PCR test have something to say on its application to Covid testing??
The creator of the PCR test died in August 2019 before Covid-19 was identified, and as such, could not have made any specific assertion about the use of PCR testing for Covid-19.


You’re a great man to side step challenging questions.
Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test has stated that no infection of illness can be accurately diagnosed with PCR. Not applicable, Seamus.
You are pompously bleeping on in relation to pro-life-so, deal with vaccine deaths
and adverse reactions, Seamus! Fully inform yourself along with your clerical colleagues.


We either live with Omicron or go back into lockdowns – costing sanity and billions of £.
If you are concerned about Omicron – that is your right.
But instead of calling for Govt to tell you what to do – stay home.
Let the rest of us risk living.


Why don’t all the scaredy cats stay at home, behind their sofas, quadruple vaxxed and treble masked and get food delivered and never meet anyone? Don’t make the rest of us, especially children, who have no risk yet are greatly harmed by lockdown, not forgetting either all the people dying of undiagnosed conditions due to the monomaniacal focus on a condition with a 99.8% survival rate.


Theist vulnerable should start shielding again as we can not afford another lock down


How did the Omi get here? Only the vaxxed are allowed to travel. Therefore a vaxxed person(s) must have brought it here.


The Omi started in Holland, went to SA and spread from there to the rest of the world. The first case in Ireland was brought by a traveller from GB, who would have had to provide proof of vaccination. My send dose was two months ago. How do I know I’m not an asymptomatic transmitter?


Could somebody please tell me, is there a Hindu convention going on in Liverpool at this time?
I ask purely out of curiosity you see, nothing more — I do not ask because I am practically being stalked or anything strange like that. . . 🤔
I do not consider myself to be a god, or goddess, of any sort; and therefore, I believe myself to be quite unworthy of any such attentions or following. . .


I totally disagree Pat. My mother is still alive thank God, she is nearing 90, her comment on the pandemic is and I quote “It’s like TB when I was a child, some people got it and died, some people got it and lived with it and some people never got it at all. Sometimes one person in a household got it and none of the others were affected” She has three vaccines as have I. I totally accept that there is a pandemic and some people are going to die, I was a front line worker during the initial stages of the pandemic when we were told that if you got COVID you were going to die, I never missed a day at work. the reality of the situation is that the health service cannot cope with a large number of old people getting sick at the same time, ( that’s you, me and Mom Pat.) and they are scaremongering and setting different groups against each other. First it was people traveling internationally, then it was students having house parties, now it is primary school children. What rubbish. Everyone has a right to decide what goes into their body. I got vaccinated, not because I felt I needed it, but because I needed the cert to travel.

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1.25: You say you got the vaccines purely for travel purposes. If your travel was necessary for work, that was sensible. Your arguments after that are so reckless and irresponsible. You are, in essence, an anti vaxer. I find people like you to be utterly selfish, irresponsible and morally foolish. The common good supersedes your selfishness. Many people who are in hospital are anti vaxers….should be in bottom of list as far as I’m concerned. Those who adhere to protocols and those who are seriously ill from other illnesses should and must be a priority over people like you.


Not at all dear boy, I feel that people should have the right to decide what to put into their bodies. You are a victim of government propaganda trying to set one sector of society against another in order to deflect from their own ineptitude in dealing with the pandemic. The virus is going to spread regardless and mutate, that’s what viruses do. They are trying to slow the spread so me, Mom and Pat don’t arrive in hospital at the same time.


The logical thing would have been for the health service to increase the number of ICU beds and train up nurses to man them. They had two years to do it.


I only got vaxxed so I could travel also I’m not a looker and I’m a sex tourist so was glad to get vaxxed in the end


Spot on Pat ! The people who do not take the jab are putting everyone at risk , and should face sanctions . It is the only way this can go .I think they should even be refused hospital care if they ignore all the evidence , and refuse the jabs .


Because vaccines don’t work by stopping an individual getting the disease. You don’t understand this, do you.


That’s the whole point of vaccines. I get it to stop me getting sick. Whether I’m vaxxed or not won’t affect your immune system. Your body will either fight it naturally or because, like me, you’ve been vaxxed. My vax status makes no difference to you getting it or how much or how little you will be affected by it.



From NHS Direct:

How vaccines work
Vaccines teach your immune system how to create antibodies that protect you from diseases.

It’s much safer for your immune system to learn this through vaccination than by catching the diseases and treating them.

Once your immune system knows how to fight a disease, it can often protect you for many years.


I’m surprised some people ever leave the house. They might get run over, fall down a hole, get into a fight (if visiting Glasgow). Best to stay indoors, just to be on the safe side.


Lol read up about how a certain coverage (it differs with different viruses and I won’t give the science because you won’t understand) of vaccination is needed to make the virus die out.
That’s actually how vaccines work.
The NHS website puts it like that to try to get people to take the vaccine.
You don’t get this do you?
If you have the vaccine it really isn’t about you.


10.20: Sir, I follow the science of this virus and be assured i’ll listen to their responsible recommendations any time before the selfish conspirators and freedom of choicers have their reckless way….You are utterly ridiculous and an endangerment to all of us in the presence of this virus. Get real.


11:03 Of course it doesn’t, when Pat puts something up about vaccine it attracts an even weirder crowd than usual 😂


Madam at 10:41: We would all be more convinced about you and science if you didn’t try to sound like Dr Johnson. You’re really on the arts side.


Anyone who refuses to be Vacinated. Well what can you say. You can’t fix stupid. Arrogant and Ignorant people. It is mostly the Republican lunatics in America. Yes. Take their jobs away from them all. Idiots.


Let’s have hard verifiable facts on all aspects of covid rather than fear mongering. Example: do children need the covid shot? If not why not? If they do, why?


If anyone wants hard verifiable facts about covid (and are not merely pretending to) a good place to look is Edzard Ernst’s blog and look for posts about covid. There are even discussions with antivaxxers in the comments which answer frequent queries in real time.


I contracted hiv in 2007 and back then there was no prep. Stigma still remains unfortunately, if there is anything out there to protect you/us from more serious illnesses, then take it. I am U=U thanks to advances in technology. Hopefully one day we can eliminate Covid


Sorry, I meant to type more!
In response to 7:16am,
If you get the flu vaccine, it doesn’t mean that you won’t get a sniffle. Vaccines help to prevent hospitalisation and serious health complications.


People have had two years to lose weight. Often the most strident demanders of lockdowns, masks and vaccines are salad-dodgers such as Stephen Nolan.


Stephen Nolan has not been vaccinated and therefore should not be getting his gastric band on the nhs, he has plenty of money to be going private for it


No, she’s an intelligent woman, very aware of her duty to her subjects, so will take all necessary precautions.


You can take all the precautions you like, but inevitably each and every one of us will get the rona. Some are at higher risk than others, including the very old, such as HMQ.


She was glad-handing, unmasked, with Boris and co at the G8 summit. Only the waiters and waitresses wore masks.


ROFL. Just promise me one thing, Neil. Please treat any disease you get in the future with homeopathy.


Ah Pat – behave yourself
The vaccine nor booster does not stop you from infecting another person . It is to protect the individual should they contract covid as the vaccine is believed to have medical benefits for the respiratory system and therefore will Help hospitals .
With or without the vaccine , each person can still catch covid and transmit covid . Do you disagree with this medical fact ?
Here’s a scenario – two friends queue up to enter a pub . Both are covid positive and don’t know it as they both have no symptoms . But only one gains entry to the pub as they have the vaccine passport . The other is turned away and sent home .
Which one is the super spreader ??


Self inflicted. We are going to have waves of all sorts of illnesses we haven’t seen for ages, and they will kill.


TB is on the spread and also Syphilis has been increasing ten fold the past two years in NI.


5:43 pm. Oh, dear, can we expect a TB pass and Syphilis pass roll out in the near future?


Lol a syphilis pass you did make me laugh out loud, but unlike Covid syphilis is a silent and dormant killer If left untreated for many years, so get tested


Bloody heck, that’s awful.
Yes, as alluded to in your post, 7:34am– the medical community usually get their facts from much larger numbers. They also go by correctly correlated and collected statistics and not just individual cases of one person dying from COVID-19.

I am sorry sorry to hear you lost your friend, I hope you are alright x


One rule for plebs and another for Sinn Fein IRA – Bobby Storey funeral was a disgrace – when I couldn’t even get to see my loving boyfriend die of Covid


Could you imagine, say, if a Cardinal, a Prince of the Church no less, perhaps one given to dressing up in all the dusty finery he can find, would refuse to be vaccinated but fall ill? What do you think God is telling to try the world by such an event? Would such a prelate feel humbled by the hand of the Most High (about whose eternal punishments he speaks so willingly and often)? Would he run with all the haste his condition allowed to the doctor for the vaccine?

No. He would work his hardest to prove to us all that he is an ignorant, benighted narcissist.

Just imagine!


@ 9:07am

Yes thanks be to God and His Holy Mother, this excellent prelate survived. The power of prayer form all the lovely people on this blog who prayed for him.😏


Bishop Patrick, your fellow Bishop in Clogher is resigning. I don’t know much about Bishop Duffy but from what I am reliably told he is a kindly man. That is rare with present Irish bishops.


I see Cordileone of SF, who has not been jabbed, has been disinvited by a parish he was due to visit: Sounds about right to me. Why should he be free to wander around and put other people at risk because of his crack pot ideas. I guess the same could be said of some of his moral positions on issues ? And, I wonder if people in his offices have the right to say that they will not work in close proximity to him since he is unvaccinated ? I would. If he terminated you, you would have very good grounds for suing the arse of him. I think probably Cordileone and other bishops are slowly getting the message that they do not have the last word about things, and that people will challenge them when necessary. About time.


Has he any crack pot ideas about people driving under the influence with their elderly mother et al. on board?


Bishop Larry caved in at the last minute because senior clergy didn’t want sleepy Joe again. Didn’t a Dominican not cave in at the minute at Portsmouth??


9.15: There is no former abbess of Mt. Mellary. Don’t be such an ignoramus. People like you should be given lethal doses to stop you spluttering s***e.


@12.11am The Church of Ireland wannabe PP in Enniskillen is undermining Bishop Larry. The ex teacher permanent deacon in the same Enniskillen parish acts as if he is the Bidhop of Clogher.


In Scotland my experience is never entertain a Permanent Deacon. Unless you want them to very slowly undermine you as PP.


Clogher has loads of nut jobs. Angry Deery in Derrygonnelly, the biker weirdo from Garrison and Connolly who has had more moves than a mad womans drawers.


12:33 I’m sure any attempt to ‘undermine’ you was firmly in the context of your attitude (which stinks) and inability to work with other people ‘father’.


Have you seen the size of the camper van Quinn has? How the hell does he afford that?


Some people get the vaccine and it works, some get it and it works for a while, some get it and it doesn’t work at all and doctors don’t know why. My daughter who is young,healthy and vaccinated got Covid, her flatmates didn’t and neither did anyone she worked with. Its a lottery.


No medicine, not even surgery, is guaranteed to work. If you are told a remedy is guaranteed it’s always a scam.


Quinn from Belcoo has major issues and a good few others in that diocese. Bishop Larry has his work cut out with the Bishop (deacon) in Enniskillen.


Yes but what about the break in at the church. At the time it was claimed nothing was stolen and then a week later there was over £1k stolen?


Fr Quinn was the angriest seminarian I’ve ever met.
What does he keep in his caravan?


Well done to Pat Kenny keeping his cool and professionalism, with that loud mouthed oul Dub berating him.
The only person “making his life hell ” is himself,with his disgusting self entitlement and “look at me,I’m so important ” attitude.
He should be sacked immediately.
Of course this ignoramus and others like him are a threat to others and have to be sidelined – ignoring their left wing nutcase supporters in the press and “social media”.


One danger of requiring vaccines (as is the case in Austria) is that it creates a precedent for when abnormal behaviour creates wider social problems. Should homosexual men be required to take pre-exposure prophylaxis, or the array of vaccinations for the sexually transmitted diseases more common in that group? Should testing for such diseases be mandatory for all those not within marriage, civil partnership or established relationships? All of these would almost certainly have some wider social benefit.
The other credible argument against such measures is that it would further weaken public trust in government institutions. In the same year, EU authorities have condemned (British) vaccines, implemented their own programmes slowly and, forgetful of their earlier errors, now seem keen to use the force of law, ignoring the effects of their previous incompetence (such as lower vaccination rates).
Over himself, over his own mind and body, the individual is sovereign.


I think we should all get vaccinated and for the next few weeks revert back to – no unnecessary travelling and no unnecessary gathering.


It’s funny, you want to get tough with covidiots but you won’t get tough with the idiots that troll your blog with the intention of ruining it for sensible commenters.
You won’t publish this comment.


I wasn’t a believer of the Covid until I got it, my word it floored me and I implore you all to get vaccinated, wear your masks, wash them dirty hands and socially distance


I am a nurse in the nhs and as controversial as it may seem ginger people have a defence mechanism against Covid 19 that is currently being examined by scientists


Camilla brought Tom up a Catholic at least. Don’t you just love the C of E vicars like the hideous Mrs Bottley standing in a Cathedral and proclaimi g its history that pre-dates Anglicanism – Henry VIII’s invention.


Gingers to the front line then, if Covid doesn’t have an impact on them then they won’t need PPE or have to socially fists me or wear masks or get vaccinated!


You commented yesterday or the day before that you’re beginning to think Roman Catholicism is an illness. Perhaps it’s like covid denial or anti vax nonsense – a refusal to see the plain facts in front of you and not caring who dies as a result of your refusal.


Even the comment between the North and the Republic in the Blog today is the subject of a very interesting essayist: How fear fuels the vaccine wars. Paul Kingsworth. UnHerd.
Bishop Pat, the semblance of a papal edict is not absent from the Blog article today.


Good – I’ve just seen in the news we will have covid passes despite a Tory revolt. Good sense has won out, now let’s get rid of the corrupt government.


Fair play to Pat and his interlocutor for both engaging with each other and openly, politely expressing strong views, without getting insulting.


Wonder if Fan will go ahead with her super-spreader event in the Maynooth museum this evening? The Daily Telegraph reports that young vaxxed people are the biggest transmitters and Fan is assembling a group of then to hear a worthy lecture on climate change and sing unmasked, expelling droplets everywhere.


Your repetitive self-referential narrative surfaces this year once again. One wonders where the resentment comes from. Were you turned down at the audition for boy soprano? The carol service is one of the highlights of the academic, liturgical and cultural year.


The carol service (or concert as most see it) in Maynooth is aliturgical, given that it is Christmas music when it’s still advent. A seminary should know better than that and the college liturgy commission used to deplore that. It also treats liturgy as spectacle. It is run by the music department and is a concert, fundamentally. As you say, it is a cultural event. It is nit a religious one in any real sense. In my time it was a much simpler affair on one night and you just turned up. No tickets required. That fraud Ledwith turned it into a spectacle and a hit ticket for donors. MU does the same, using an alleged church service to schmooze donors, to no benefit to the seminary, which is, after all, why Maynooth exists in the first place.
The scramble for tickets is also incongruous. The college chapel is virtually unused liturgically the rest of the year and has become a concert venue/graduation hall/museum. Where are all these carol fans the rest of the year? That is a silent rebuke to Fan and her colleagues.
And finally, when she has a captive audience of once a year attendees, why does Fan give them a first year geography lecture about climate change, such as any secular lecturer could deliver? Jesus doesn’t get a look in.

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A mixture of the worst kind of nostalgia, resentment, ill will, bad theology, peevishness, negativity and, (to complete the biblical aggregate), untruth.

But, none of this is new from you. For the last two or three days you’ve been like a greyhound waiting to burst out from the trap for your annual dose of therapy.

Jesus is wherever two or three gather in his name. And there will be many more than that of those who do gather in that name.

When was the last time you got together with at least one other in the name of Jesus?

If the event raises the hair on the back of your neck, don’t tune in. You’ll have spared us all the annual rant about your abortion-loving choristers, et alii aliaeque.


2:36 Your comment is like fresh air to me. Most churches try to use occasions of having the unchurched in their worship as an opportunity to evangelise. The fact that you don’t want to do that and only want liturgical worship, only for the established crowd, is great. The Roman strumpet ceasing to seek converts can only mean less suffering in the world.


As we speak, Fanny’s logging on to the Greenpeace website to get the finishing touches for her lecture and Sir John O’Keefe is running around asking the choristers to take off their “I repealed the 8th badges”.


I am very interested about how wound up people get about vaccine mandates. I don’t know the legal framework in Ireland but know that in the UK there is already a legal framework for compulsory medical treatment in another situation. If you are detained in hospital under certain sections of the Mental Health Act you can be given medical treatment by force, and one of the reasons given for this is that it is for your own health but you are refusing it.
Surely this would be a precedent for compulsory vaccination.


Silly comment. The Mental Health Act is applied when a person is deemed seriously psychotic needing compulsory care.


1. You’re wrong.
2. You didn’t even understand the comment.
Who does your laces for you?


If this was an exercise in bringing out the Statist mind-think to exacerbate hate of others and to slavishly follow doctrine and dogma versus sense then this article and the comments that it has engendered is doing a fine job of playing into the State propaganda fear mongering, which is bordering on the tactics used in WWII by the Nazis (An irrational hatred of a section of society who refuse to conform to State control, when there is no justification for doing so) :

Let us critically appraise the falsehoods being stated:

1) Covid is a threat to the life of each one of us – This is obviously untrue. The Worldwide data shows that the average age of death by Covid 1984 was 82 years of age and that the risk of death to the rest of the population on average was akin to being struck by lightening. (This of course changed after the jab was introduced and now people of all ages are dying suddenly mostly from jab induced blood clots. Do your own research and do not accept what is pushed into your mind by the MSM TV News)

2) If certain individuals don’t want to get vaccinated that’s their right – This is true but the tenet of this article is that this right should be limited or withdrawn based on nothing other than false beliefs (At this point, it may well be worthwhile pointing out that the administering of mandatory jabs was marked out at the Nuremberg Trials as being against Human Rights and a war crime. It is now enshrined in International Law as a crime against humanity)

3) But steps must be taken to stop them infecting others – This is one of the most common myths and lies perpetrated by the Statists and by people who consume the fear laden MSM TV News, that the jab affects people’s ability to spread the virus. LETS ALL BE CRYSTAL CLEAR ABOUT THIS SO THAT THIS LIE IS NOT PERPETRATED ANY MORE; the jab does NOT affect your ability to catch or spread Covid 1984. All it is purported to do is to limit the seriousness of the effects of Covid 1984 when and if you contract it so that the NHS is not overwhelmed but you would also be correct in believing that this false belief assertion tactic IS being used to trick the public. This will be many people’s AHAH MOMENT!

4) There has to be a balance between the COMMON GOOD and INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS – Again, this follows on the deceit of the previous false assertion that an individual’s right not to take the jab has an effect on others, which is patently false. NOTHING will prevent you from catching Covid 1984 because it is, we are told, contagious, just like nothing can prevent you from catching the cold or flu. If anything, all the jab COULD do is reduce the number of people requiring hospital admission, which is a noble and sensible intention but not one which was needed in this instance as the numbers of admissions anticipated in advance never materialised (NB: THIS IS THE ONLY PURPOSE OF A VACCINE, although the jab is NOT a vaccine. It is an experimental gene-therapy)

5) Introduce Covid passports for everyone (This is a dangerous, unnecessary and utterly pointless and fear-based propaganda strategy to allow the State to infringe on people’s inalienable right to be free and is approaching the Nazi war time strategy of alienation, hatred, marginalisation and lies to whip up the public to hate on their neighbour)

6) I think that mask wearing should be compulsory in all public spaces with penalties for those disobeying – Note the feature of punishment and the control agenda language used. This is all classic State oppression to follow idiotic rules for the sake of the pursuit of power; MASKS CAN NOT PROTECT YOU FROM COVID1984. It is contagious. All masks COULD do is limit the rate of spread. However, masks (muzzles) are completely ineffectual as a control measure and anybody who is proficient in epidemiology and risk assessments will tell you that PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is the last and least effective control measure and is only utilised where safe systems and procedures have not worked. Part of the Risk Assessment function is to identify the hazard (wearing a mask) and then weigh up the potential damage or risk to health of wearing a mask (muzzle), which is both known and verified. NB: THE CLUE – The masks (muzzle) that the State is pushing is a surgeon’s mask that is rated for spread of germs for a maximum of 20mins, which means that we would need to each use 72 masks each day or in Britain 1,576,800,000,000 (1Trillion and 576Billion and 800 Million masks per year and in the World = 1.1 to the power of 22 masks per year, which would bring about a worldwide crisis for safe disposal alone. Then there are the fabric mask wearers/ washers. How many times are these masks washed/ effective?

7) These Covid passports should be obligatory for gaining entrance into workplaces, hospitals, GP surgeries, schools, pubs, restaurants, churches etc – This would deny basic, fundamental and inalienable rights that are enshrined in law. There is no need or justification for doing so. This is a State power grab policy. Wasn’t the exact same thing required of Jews by the Nazi’s during WWII?

8) Of course I am a supporter of human rights etc – Obviously not!

9) But I do not believe that any individual has the “human right” to infect another person with a disease that will make them very ill or kill them – NB: NONE OF US HAS ANY CONTROL OF WHETHER OR NOT WE CAN CONTRACT OR PASS ON A VIRUS. THE CLUE IS IN THE WORD CONTAGIOUS

But this statement about the right to infect, is based upon the false and dangerous belief that a jab can protect infectiousness and someone’s ability to spread. IT CAN NOT

10) I am not saying that the current vaccines are perfect. But I am saying that they are the best defence we have just now against a massive threat to mankind – What is this belief based upon because it is not based upon facts or empirical data. What the data showed is that the average age of deaths was 82 years of age and that the causal factors were common amongst patients who had other co-morbidities. The only sensible course of action therefore, which is a proven scientific methodology is for the at risk group to supplement their diet with VIt D, ZInc and high dose Vit C to boost the body’s immune system and to limit the ability of Covid 1984 to affect cells. This just so happens to be the least expensive option with the least risk of side-effects.

11) And we are all too vulnerable just now to pander to conspiracy nuts – We are not in any way more vulnerable now than before. Humans evolved along with viruses and are ideally designed to manage them, to reach herd-immunity quickly and neutralise the threat.

It is a feature of someone having already lost the argument or for Statists to use the term, ‘Conspiracy’ as this was a fear and ridicule based tool invented by the CIA to pour scorn on the existence of UFO/ UAP and it was a very successful strategy that has worked for 70+ years. This is why the State still use it because it works and plays on the propensity of people to be spiteful to thy neighbour and to tend to seek safety by staying with the herd (The Herd Mentality) However, since 17th December 2017, the USA Government has admitted that UFO’s/ UAP’s are indeed real, which blows their own concept of ‘Conspiracy’ well and truly out of the water.

If someone is using ‘Conspiracy’ in their argument, they are almost certainly lying to you or are unthinking Statists.

I just want to gently conclude by saying that my reply is not an attack on Bishop Buckley for we are all victims of State mind-manipulation propaganda and that we should always be humble and sensitive to those who have been surreptitiously blind-sided by lies and it is my hope that Bishop Buckley see’s this trick now and can modify his language accordingly.

Finally, IF we were living with a Pandemic it may be rational to fear it but we are not.

How can we be certain that we are not in a Pandemic?

This is easy: All aeroplane flights would be grounded, as the cabin air system cannot filter out viruses, which means that everyone on a flight will breathe in everyone else’s germs and most notably, our wise overlords would not be having Christmas Parties and would be following a do as I do policy and not a do as I say policy.


Also of relevance is the psychopathic commenter who commented the last time you had a post about covid and acknowledged he was posting shit to wind people up. He is also the one who commented the other day that rules don’t matter.
Now he will no doubt snap back that he’s doing this as a joke and to wind people up. However a lack of concern for other people is a major feature of personality disorders, and posting comments in a pandemic which other people may believe and put themselves at risk is very dangerous.
To this commenter:
People without personality disorders don’t automatically assume everyone is pretending and that it is all a drama. If you think that, and are either thinking I’m pretending or feeling nothing or complete rage at this point, get help.
Oh, and since these people are drawn to religion and particularly ministry to try to make up the deficiencies in your personality, if you’re a priest, resign now. The world isn’t pretending and ministry isn’t a fiction.


The reason for posting is simply to educate and precisely because I care.
I did not post to wind anybody up. In fact, I put my name to my posts.
On the contrary, I am acutely aware that people can become wedded to State propaganda to the extent that it renders them of incapable of reasoned thought and that challenging their false belief leads to them attacking the messenger with verbal abuse, which some may say comes with the territory and I accept criticism if it is reasoned and progressive.
In this regard, we are all victims.
All that I wish for is for people to critically appraise their sources of information and not to slavishly believe the MSM narrative agenda.


‘The reason for posting is simply to educate’
Strange, didn’t come across like that. 😂


Owner of this blog would do well in 1984 animal farm with his dogmatic and dictatorial statements. C dalyand rcc must be proud of him via his training 🤣.
Masks doesnt work for deaf people cos we need to lip read other people.
Isolation rules not very conductive for our mental health.
* mandatory vaccinations doesn’t work cos vaccinated people transmit same high viral load to others as unvaccinated. What’s the point of vaccine passport. Its not about health, its all about control. Another piece of Orwell work of 1984, control and control.
* no flexibility and no alternatives, one size fit all approach done by govt here which doesn’t work.
* Covid is airborne.
* Spanish flu lasted 2 years with no flights, no tv, all radios, masks and no vaccine at that time.
Owner of this blog would do well in PR department run by Herr Gobbels. 😉🤓


You gave me a belly laugh… they are in short supply…. for your last sentence. Pat, today showed his apostolic lineage in the tenor of what he blogged. I suspect however, it was hurriedly done as opposed to the HR department you speak of…. Catholic Bishops ( Bishop Buckley) are not in our time reputed for their lateral thinking.


Virtually everything you say is untrue.
And you know full well both that lip reading is remarkably inefficient and that you can get transparent masks to facilitate it.


4:22, 4:24, 4:27
One of the disadvantages of communication by comments is you can’t tell who’s deaf.
… like me.
I had the advantage of an oralist education (you won’t understand what that is) so understand the limitations of lip reading and…. Have a selection of transparent masks.


anon at 3.38pm
your comments is a sign of non expert person,its a dead give away when you say’ remarkably inefficient’.
You dont have a foggiest idea of what means to be deaf person in every day life as regards to communication.
Its sheer example of deafsplaining as explained by a poster at 4.24pm (thanks to 4.24pm).
Imagine a big crowd where you cant get into to talk or chat to a person, i could lip read up to 50 to 70 yards without going over to the person in question or move to him or her etc. Lip reading is remarkably efficient in that score but not in everything or situations. Could use sign language up to 200 yards and communicating etc.
Not every deaf person is an expert in lip reading as its a skill that’s taught at very early age. Ex class mate of mine is streets ahead of me re lip reading as he can lip read as far as he can.
Problems with lip reading is many and varied but not life crippling, a very useful tool when it comes to referee decisions or players discussing tactics or body language. Dodgy accents is one of them especially Kerry accents especially Healy Rae. The easiest accent of them all is Dublin accent as i could tell he or she is from Dublin. Fastest is Tipperary and Donegal as i would struggle to catch up with them.
Posters at 4.22pm, 5.24pm and 4.27pm, thank you and much appreciated.


The issue is not that some deaf people have transparent masks, but that most of the hearing (who would be lip read, do not).
There’s no need for the bitchy, passive aggressive comment about me not knowing what an “oralist education” is. Why should I know that? It is hardly general knowledge or something that an educated person would be assumed to know. I can’t be arsed to Google it.


Actually the problem here is that a deaf person is trying to use elements of deaf life and culture to support being anti mask or ? vaccine.


4:22 Another covid business opportunity- transparent masks! You might become another covid billionaire.


Does anybody know where you can buy these translucent glow-up ceramic plant pots from by any chance? I have looked on the IKEA website, and even further afield, but to no avail! I have some Thuja occidentalis plants and some conifers that will look great in these.
Also, do these take batteries or do they come with an outlet adapter? I just can’t seem to find them anywhere.


Pat I have one thing I’m disappointed with today. I was hoping some idiot was going to comment that there’s some big plot with 5G and science should disprove it.

Come on, guys, get it together to make yourself look even more ridiculous.


Problem; Pandemic
Solution: Vaccination
Governments (and Church): Use fear as management device and Omicron is being levered to secure maximum financial return on any range of businesses involved in exploiting the pandemic (vaccines, PPE, face masks, passports etc).
All you needs to know about Omicron: The SA scientist who discovered it said British Government creating hype and drama – yes it does spread but few deaths and 0 ITU admissions in SA. It will be the same here – modelling isn’t reality it’s a device to engender fear based upon hypothesis.
Omicron nowhere near as bad as Delta variant – New Year drama will be dissipating and we will learn to live with Covid (a newvariant of the cold or flu)


‘modelling isn’t reality it’s a device to engender fear based upon hypothesis.’

I’m literally crying with laughter.


In the UK GPs are coining it in doing Covid jabs. The Government has allowed them to step back from their ordinary duties – for which they are still. being paid through the capitation payments for each practice – and asked them to run Covid vaccination clinics for which they are getting an enhanced fee for each jab they deliver, something like £15 plus a pop. So, they carry on getting paid not to do their proper day job, and then are paid extra to do vaccinations during the time they should really be doing their day job ! No wonder you can’t get to see a GP. It’s always the same, GPs manage to get more for doing less. And the Government falls for it every time.


Pat these commentators today are more absurd than when you rile the alphabet (lgbtqixyz) people up, utterly bonkers


I completely agree, from someone denying that Covid is real (we must be living a dream) to some nutter who is claiming that gingers are immune from Covid and should be on the front line it’s been a wacky day


There is a case for the ginger scenario as Covid 19 originated in China and they don’t have the ginger gene and scientists are looking into whether and how the ginger gene fights off Covid by naturally suppressing the disease and not letting it take over


All hail King Harry, King of Covid and Queen Sarah Ferguson, wife of a peadophile and mother to two horses, gitty up


+Pat, few to anyone denies it is real, except that no possibly earthly way it is remotely serious. It has an almost complete recovery rate. The measures are serious given the economic destruction wrought by the measures, which now includes near 10% inflation in the US and thousands of suicides and vax deaths and injuries. Omicron, which unscrambled means moronic has killed maybe one and like with almost all COVID cases, the case is likely an instance of a chronically unhealthy man or woman who perished in the main from something else. The purpose of this lockdown has allowed institutions and governments, plus those connected to them, to accrue power and wealth they hitherto only aspired to.
+Pat, you have posted so much good stuff, and God bless you and keep for that, but sadly this is unthinking compliance with institutional fearmongering.


My brothers and sisters in Christ who are Pro-Life and vaccinated, are very sensible and have a good understanding of the meaning of life. They can walk with their heads held high.
My fellow comment makers of different faiths and none who are Pro-Life and vaccinated, are very sensible and have a good understanding of the meaning of life. They too can walk with their heads held high.
Pat Kenny has had a good pandemic. He’s been very vocal and a strong advocate of facemasks before they came in. He’s been leading the campaign on the use of antigen tests and has been grilling government on their ineptness. His discussions with Luke O’Neill, the immunology professor, are worth looking out for, usually about twice a week.
The guy who took the video in the park was completely out of order to mention the location of the park. Unvaccinated medical staff should be nowhere near patients.
There are many stories on this blog of clerics behaving badly. There are many stories during this pandemic of medics behaving badly.


The Tánaiste threw the CMO under a bus last year and even reversed the bus for good measure. The government does not want to be going into lockdowns or closing sectors of the economy.
Have some people forgotten about the queue of ambulances outside Northern Ireland hospitals last year? It was around this time last year.
We are in a different place so far this time of year after the vaccination roll out but the booster is crucial. People need to be careful this winter. After Easter we could well be out of the woods please God.



What you thought modelling Covid transmission was real – SAGE hypotheses all the time and get it wide of the mark every time – Tory MPs voted against their own government because they are sceptical of the modelling – I’m glad I made you laugh but here’s another one for you – science often isn’t an exact science it’s often just a hypothesis.


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