


If DERMOT LEDWITH FARRELL is forcing sick priests to consult an archdiocesan medic – it raises very serious questions about human rights and medical privilege and privacy!

If he is forcing priests to be medically assessed with an obligatory HIV test it is a reach of human rights and medical privilege.

An unknown, but not tiny, number of Dublin priests are HIV+.

There is absolutely no reason why DLF would be entitled to that private information.

It’s simply none of his business!


Medical Privilege/Clerical Confidentiality.says:
May 26, 2022 at 11:00 am

In light of the comments made by “AB’ House” at 08:04 if it is true that Archbishop Farrell will not accept the professional recommendations of independent clinical professionals that is a very serious situation for the priests of the Archdiocese of Dublin.

It would be incredibly STUPID for any priest to agree to be assessed by a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist CHOSEN by the Archdiocese of Dublin or any other diocese for that matter without the following safeguards.

It would behove any priest who is requested by his Ordinary to undertake any kind of evaluation to have a written undertaking that the consultation will be subject to medical privilege between the cleric and the medical/clinical professional.

This undertaking should be confirmed in writing by the diocesan solicitor on behalf the Ordinary. Of course, the Ordinary will refuse to give such an undertaking via his solicitor because he will be bound in law. However, compromise is always advisable; the cleric should settle for an agreement where the Ordinary signs a document recognising the existence of the medical privilege. Within any document that signed it should be acknowledged by all parties that the “findings” of the consultation are to remain confidential at all times.

The document should explicitly acknowledge that any report produced cannot be released to the Ordinary under any circumstances without the written and witnessed consent of the cleric. It is appropriate to remind readers that when the reputation of a priest is at stake — Canon Law for certain juridical acts — requires the attestation of a priest notary. If the matter is potentially going to be contentious — then the priest should insist upon the involvement of a legal professional.
The cleric needs to navigate the difficult balance between threats from his Ordinary that failure to undertake the assessment could constitute disobedience with the adage that obedience is owed to the Ordinary in everything that is lawful and just.

And the “chosen” medical/clinical professional must further confirm in writing that the consultation and the report that emanate from same will remain at all times confidential and subject to clinical confidentiality, unless the cleric gives written consent for the report to be shared with the Ordinary. In heels is totally unacceptable.

If the cleric does not take positive steps to protect his good name and reputation he is (potentially) in the most naïve manner imaginable facilitating and providing potentially justification for Farrell to suspend/remove his faculties by a Decree. Because it would be foolish to think that Archbishop Farrell would act at any time in the best interests of any cleric in a contentious matter

And if the matter is sufficiently serious (a delict) the medical evidence obtained (with the consent of the cleric) if it is not subject to privilege can be utilised/weaponised in an administrative/judicial penal process. In the United States, priests that are not economically productive their lack of productivity to preserve the patrimony of the diocese has been used as a justification for laicisation.

I completely agree with his final observation that Farrell is only interested in money.

When PADDY WALSH came after me in D& in 1998, I refused to communicate with him except through my solicitor.

That sent Walsh around the bend and I hot no letters afterwards.

Priests – if DLF or any other bishop pursues you find a good Protestant or Humanist solicitor and hide behind his shirt

He can make a lot of trouble for your bishop.

205 replies on “HAD DLF GOT HIS OWN “DR MENGELE” NOW?”

Pat, it would be more professional of you if you just referred to Archbishop Farrell without the “L”. I think it’s grossly unfair and unkind of you. Respect is not a huge ask of you. That aside, if what’s reported or alleged about the Archbishop requesting professional medical assessment by his chosen “doctors”, then I consider this as outrageous and a violation of human rights. The proposal must be repudiated by every cleric in the Diocese. If the Archbishop doesn’t trust the individual priest’s doctor or therapist, he has no right to force any procedure on a priest. That’s a complete abuse of power and authority. If a priest is absent for long periods and availing of medical certificates, the correct approach should be one of ensuring that such a priest is helped, supported and enabled back into ministry, if possible. There may well be a case for challenging particular priests about their absence for long periods, but threatening guys with accessing all medical information is vicious and sinister. I am shocked that the Archbishop would countenance such a scenario. God help us. Again Pat, desist from insulting the Archbishop.


Is the archdiocese not simply using the occupational health procedure that they would use for a lay employee who was unwell? An occupational health doctor is an expert on function in the work context and their report would supplement the sick notes and letters provided by the GP of a priest. That’s the theory, anyway. It’s the norm in lay employment and will be difficult for clergy to adjust to if things have not usually been done this way in the past.
However, in lay employment, workers have recourse to protection from their unions, which counterbalance the power of the bosses. That’s not the case when an individual priest is facing a mighty diocesan machine. Priests need urgently to gain employment rights as well as responsibilities. The ACP could have done that but its focus is too much on changing doctrine and on moaning. A clerical branch in a lay trade union is what’s needed.


Priests engaging Independent professional services wont be encouraged by the RCC Freemasons, they insist on controlling outcomes, theIr behaviour confirms that these corrupt and self entitled Bastards all believe themselves to be God himself & above the law in every situation.


The medical cert request was probably the invention of Eoin (I’ll get up on a warm glass of milk”) The poor creature was upset when he was forced out of his Captain role just before he would have got his army pension would have given him some independence and an income to spend on his warm glasses of milk.. Since he was fucked over by the diocese, he’s very happy to do the same to other clergy… Eoin has not changed since his days in Clonliffe. He had more hearts broken in Mater Dei than …………….. Anyway Vicar for clergy is a laugh title, more correct would be Vicar against Clergy. Poor DL will eventually learn that he has surrounded himself with dross


When did respecting human rights become a priority for the Institutional Church ;
when outrageous violations of human rights impacts on the lives of the clerical fraternity, that’s when!


Spot on, 8:57, although it’s not even human rights, it’s any minor inconvenience for the clergy. As another commenter mentioned, there is nothing unusual for the world of work here; the real difference is in work you get a contract.
But then you can’t expect priests to go around vowing obedience and be happy when they’re expected to be obedient…. they’re wired that way. 😂


It is known . It is a notifiable illness and conversations around the figures are private but not sealed. As with all notifiable illness, the latest being Covid-19. The same rights of Privacy you cite Bishop Buckley do not apply ( Rep.of Ireland). It is still before midnight this last Thursday of May. My Blogging ceases at 12.00 ( 01.00 GMT)


A good solicitor in the UK costs around £400 plus VAT an hour. How could a priest afford that? Dioceses have the resources to instruct good solicitors, so there will never be parity of representation between the sides. This solicitor destroyed my bishop when a false accusation was made against me – but I had family to help with costs.


Criminal/regulatory lawyers are the best for dealing with the RCC and its draconian inquisitorial investigations.


Bishops give not one iota about human rights – its all about the Church, everyone is disposable. What exactly did Bishop Casey do to pay Annie Murphy the child support for their son when he was exposed for being a lying and hypocritical thief?


Dermot Farrell is only interested in money. A trait he picked up from his cousin Ledwith begging from Americans.
I wonder if he is from Cavan, he would sell his mother.


12:03 Cavan priests and nuns are way too cute & secretive to wind up on this blog!! 🤣🤣🤣


I would put literally nothing past the church but since it’s main interests have been a comfortable life for the clergy and promoting unquestioning obedience rather than experimentation and science, I doubt we can expect a revelation that they were sewing twins together with the rest of them.
Any clergy undergoing assessments with health professionals will find they have given consent to the assessments and any disclosure of information in the consent forms they will have signed first. That’s how it works.


Exactly, 12:25am. An occupational health assessment would only be undertaken with the subject’s written consent and only disclosed to third parties with the subject’s consent. A priest could decline consent in either or both circumstances but the diocese would be entitled to view that as non-cooperation and proceed without the OT evidence and give weight to the non-cooperation. I suppose an issue here is that the Church in such circumstances is behaving like a business and priests might think this is contrary to the usual warm words about compassion, mercy and pastoral accompaniment.


Surely nobody in their right mind can have sufficient cognitive dissonance to believe those warm words by now?!!
I think that in occupational health even if the subject doesn’t consent to the details of their health being disclosed to the employer they could still agree to the advisor making recommendations. I suppose it would be up to the employer to decide how they view this and obviously the church would be very fast to see that as being uncooperative like you say.


Simply pointing out that it is unrepresentative and how there’s no future if the only people you can engage with are the older people. Where are the men in the post-Vatican II Church? Also, why is it your business?


Because I’m very concerned at how you’ll feel when the twinks start blocking you on Grindr.


9:28am yes, Misogynist Cult full of hypocrites praying to Our Lady, The Mother of Jesus whilst all the while exploiting women & orphans all over the world & now letting a few female participants in lowly roles only because of emergency level lack of male vocations. It must just kill them & also to have to bring over the priests from the third world to wealthy parishes they’d normally covet for themselves in The West.


10:09, but y’all keep saying nobody young goes to mass and the Vatican 2 church is only old people, which means a synod of old people IS representative.
Mother of God thank you for saving the workplace from these idiots. 🤣


Roman Catholic Church Safeguarding is nothing more than self policing packaged as accountability- a system not worth the paper it’s written on – yet another link in the chain of RCC concealment of wrongdoings.


All dioceses on the Island of Ireland need to be independently investigated.
Safeguarding MUST be completely independent of the Church.


9:40am the access that Church has to schools is wholly inappropriate and could be cited as endangerment in light of the well documented abuse recorded worldwide.


Here’s the thing.
When they’re ordained priests vow obedience. They’ve also signed an oath of fidelity.
So y’all need to STFU when your bishop expects what you’ve freely given. 😂


The Rcc always had its call on professionals assigned various tasks for Holy Mother Church. Who makes up the Knights of Saint Columbanus and the Knights of Columbus-predominantly professional classes.


If you want to know about Dermot Farrell’s behaviour talk to Fr. Chris Miley. The AB is trying to coerce him to leave. A very similar situation to Phonsie and Fr. Richard.
Bishops are sick with power


He can’t force him to leave, all Chris has to do is produce a sick cert. He doesn’t have to see DLF doctor if he doesn’t want to, even if he does the doctors can differ, they are both equally qualified. If DLF cuts off the money Chris should stay in the house and contact the social for an interim payment.


9.43: C. Miley is years off the radar and light years away from reality!! His name should not be played around with..


8:56am they are all sick and twisted from bottom to top, fake Christians delighting in and seeking opportunities to hurt others at every opportunity. Evil and disgusting vultures and parasites with zero moral compass.


8.56: Do you know Chris Miley? You obviously don’t know anything as if you did, you’d never subject his life to scrutiny. You are devious in referencing his name as he’s been around long before AB Farrell. Chris is deserving of our prayers.


10:45am is not “everyone” deserving of our prayers, colleague?? Be very careful or public will not pay us for masses if they infer that we make “judgements” on whether or not we pray for them……


10:34 We already do infer that.
It’s noticeable how priests never prayed for clerical child sexual abuse to end the way they pray for abortion to end. Your priorities have been clear to the public for many decades now.


When Dermot was Pp in Dunboyne, he will recall several encounters that were off highly suspicious circumstances. People in glass houses.


Questions need be asked about the acting Chancellor of the Diocese Fr. Paul Coyle. He has processed the papers of numerous gay clergy. The hypocrisy here is astounding!


10:59am The Vatican must have bonds and stocks in hair dye companies and cosmetic dental clinics around the world.


11:18 Well, would ya look at “Da Shine” on that clergyman, an amazing tan he has too, sure he’d put Jordan to shame! Hair, teeth, tan – I bet he does a “quick mass”!!

Liked by 1 person

What is the problem with priests using hair dye? If it helps us feel younger and more confident, what is the issue?


I agree with the commentator at 10.04 am that those in positions of authority within the Church really dislike having to litigate before the secular courts. And, I agree that if their reputation is being threatened or if their chances at further ecclesiastical preferment is compromised they will come to a prompt settlement. Also, it is the case that the vast majority of dioceses in Ireland are in a precarious financial state, so they can ill-afford to be squandering precious resources on an internal dispute.

It has been fairly pointed out in the comments that the cost of retaining a solicitor and (if necessary) having counsel instructed is expensive. For some priests this may be an insurmountable obstacle because they will balk at the cost. However, it is also the case that if a priest is in difficulty with his Ordinary, he can ill-afford NOT to have his interests protected. I would suggest it is a prudent investment in his priesthood.

I would hope that those who are contemplating the priesthood – those in the seminary, and those who have been ordained realise that they are on their own. Under no circumstances can any cleric today operate under the misguided illusion that their best interests will be protected by their Ordinary, and that the Ordinary will act with integrity.

Furthermore, Ordinaries, do not like being their non-existent authority been challenged. And for any priest who pushes back against the unreasonableness of his ecclesiastical superior can anticipate on-going retaliatory zeal from his Ordinary for a considerable period of time in the future. That is the harsh and hard reality.


When I brought Daly to the high court I got legal aid.
When I took a libel case against Michael Cleary and a radio station, which I won my lawyers did it “no foal no fee”.

Priests have options.


Can I just say that ‘no foal no fee’ is the best spelling mistake ever. I hope you and your foal are very happy together.


10:48am We hope your “foal” did the “business” at the finishing post! Dreadful for you to be forced into such stressful proceedings but good the system there when needed.


I was awarded £ 120,000 – £ 246,000 in today’s money.
The lawyers got £ 115,000 and I got £ 5,000 🙂
But I “won” 😀


I’d spell it foal but I think I meant an auto correct thing rather than a spelling mistake lol. I pictured you leading a foal out of court. 😛


Legal Aid has been chiefly abolished by this Tory government, and few firms of any merit now touch this type of work. As for conditional fee agreements (“no win, no fee”), the kind of firms that handle this type of work is dubious unless they are significant catastrophic injury cases which an excellent chance of success.


No one will do libel /defamation work without being paid upfront. Your case was before the world of Facebook, and Twitter, where libels and legal action are threatened every second.


Reputable lawyers will do no foal cases if your case is strong enough.


With lawyers, you get what you pay for. If you are ever arrested, accept a ‘duty solicitor’ under no circumstances. You might as well be asked to be driven straight to prison. Pat, you should know this. Look how silly Betty Turpin looked instructing a high street conveyancer to take a pop at you! He had to back down.


Hey, diocesan priests reading this, remember these words?
‘Do you promise obedience to me and my successors?’?
The number of times you’ve bullied peoole on here saying that it didn’t mean you gave up your freedom and they didn’t understand! Funny how the obedience you’ve actually promised presents you with such problems.
Perhaps this is why priests aren’t allowed to marry, because they can’t be relied on to mean the vows or will pretend they don’t understand them.
to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction:
The soldiers refused to obey (orders).
to obey the rules of international law


LOL there is no mention of grammer or speling.
Have you taken your medicine today? Medicine 💊💉


I concur the RCC church doesn’t look kindly on lay or clergy resorting to secular legal remedies and have deep pockets – BUT here’s the thing if the litigation or even ‘without prejudice’ exchange threatens their reputation they will settle.
It’s like a game of poker – they will throw any and every bit of dirt, they will try and damage your reputation and their mask will slip.
BUT it’s worth it – if you’ve got a bold litigator who isn’t intimidated or afraid of them and you have truth, justice and human dignity on your side you will win.
Oh and you will see that the men with colllars will lie, cheat, deceive and throw their toys out of the pram – I realised the instance they began to lie that we had them on the back foot.
Does anyone know a good canon lawyer who can be relied on to defend lay people?


Go for a proper lawyer. Personally I’d DM that guy at Slater and Gordon on Twitter for advice.
Yes, look at the way they carry on on here. To be fair Pat does a wonderful job but the comments obviously from clergy on here have probably done even more to wither church attendance. 😂


11am true for you, never realised exactly how widespread their nasty viciousness was until I read it on here on advice to access this blog after negative treatments. You’d recognise some of them poison ivys on here too – anonymous my arse!! 🤣🤣🤣


Priest canonists are always going to be conflicted. I only know two solicitors trained in canon law. One is a former cleric (and so can’t practise), and the other is a faithful catholic in his diocese’s pocket. In Italy, lay canon lawyers are forced to suck up to the church to remain in favour and obtain work. I’d rely on your rights under the law of the country where you live and instruct a solicitor to defend them.


Paddy McCaffetty has a cheek to lecture us on abortions, he should maybe keep an eye on his carbon foot print, swanning off to Barcelona for 5 days.


Sitges is very popular this year it must be cheap enough to get to, Pat have you ever been, you are well travelled?


Sitges is a very good and safe place for the LGBT community to be able to express themselves


10:17am that’s like Green Party Eamon Ryan who hypocritically overlooks all the unnecessary and expensive jaunts to far flung locations by all his colleagues they too often poking their noses in global affairs that are none of their business & that they clearly do not have the skills to overcome when we see the mess in our Irish health service as one example.


The newly unwell Clergy since the changes were announced you will be entitled to Government assistance as some of you have been absent for a long time.
Illness Benefit rates are paid at four different rates. The department works out which rate you are paid based on your average weekly earnings in the relevant tax year.
The rates are as follows:
Average weekly earnings Your personal rate Extra for dependent adult Combined rate (if you have adult dependent)
€300 or more €208.00 €138.00 €346
€220 – €299.99 €162.90 €89.30 €252.20
€150 – €219.99 €134.20 €89.30 €223.50
less than €150 € 93.30 €89.30 €182.60


Apart from all UK and Ireland – US, Canada, Lithuania, Israel, Egypt, South Africa, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Channel Islands, Turkey , Poland, Hungary, Greece.

Some of these trips were holidays. Others were to celebrate weddings.


11:40am Malta now is becoming very popular for weddings, Bishop Pat. My friends daughter had a beautiful gathering there recently. No doubt it will be one of the next locations where you will be invited to celebrate nuptials.


It isn’t fair to compare Mengele to the Catholic church. Humanity benefits from unethical and unrepeatable Nazi medical experimentation in understanding treating conditions such as hypothermia. Good can come out of some terrible evil. Other evils just leave thousands of abused children, and we already know how abuse works.


My favourite dilemma in medical ethics! Although I don’t tend to use it with my students because it’s too emotive. I tend to use the Minnesota starvation experiment as research which can’t be done again, insulin coma therapy as an example of belief triumphing over evidence as well as of bad uncontrolled research and Milgram as research which is just no use at all. 😂


And yet, dear m, your own abuser wasn’t a priest, as you aspired to be. And it doesn’t seem to be assisting your obsession by posting here day in day out about variations on a single theme flogged to extinction.


11.40: My heavens, Pat, aren’t you well travelled? You’d never have managed so many breaks, destinations or good times as a Catholic priest. You’re doing well financially, obviously. Can I join the Oratory…


My holidays consist of a week on January and a week in September.
When travelling for weddings my expenses were covered.
These trips too place over 50 years 😀

I’ve known priests who owned race horses, art collections, companies, villas and yachts in the Aegean Sea.


12:07pm Joe & Mary Public are sometimes mesmerised to discover after their passing of exactly how affluent some clergy were when this wealth becomes apparent via their relatives. That’s what a lifetime of professional level conniving & guilt tripping of the gullible and vulnerable sheep earns in luxuries to bequest to their beneficiaries.


I know of a priest that owns a caravan in France, and one also sits on the presbytery grounds and is an utter eye sore. It hasn’t moved in over a year.


2:34 Ah, I thought you couldn’t have been, otherwise you would know that First Acquisition is the first lesson in semenary.


Hey priests, remember these words?
‘Do you promise obedience to me and my successors?’
Did they mean anything when you assented to them or did you keep your fingers crossed?


Obedience is rightfully owed to your bishop in everything that is lawful and just. That is not justification for a bishop to act like a tyrant and/or to treat his priests like vassals. The days of prince bishops are long gone.


Pro tip: Making sure you are fit to work and proving the bishop has discharged his duty of care to you is not tyranny. 🤣
Try having a real job.


12:23pm Try telling that to some of the Prince Bishops featured on this blog over the years. They never learn. You won’t change them – it’s all part of being a fully paid up member of the Cult, nothing or no one else matters, not one iota. Zip your wallet & skip happily into the warm and friendly sunset 🌆 🌞


Ah yes I’ve seen that – a priest is cowed by the notion of a legal dispute with their bishop because they fear it threatens their benefits of clergy – pension, healthcare – never was the vow of celibacy a case of having someone by the balls figuratively and literally!
And my o my do the Treasurer’s and money men enjoy putting the squeeze on recalcitrant clergy especially in Birmingham where the Treasurer is or was a little Hitler Deacon or Westminster where the Neo Cats, Ordinariate and Opus Dei reign supreme!!
Poor clergy stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to disputes etc which is why so many give up the fight and get the hell out of Dodge.


12:41pm Well, Holy God, Bless us & Save us from all harm with eejits like you around taking the time to avert your gaze from the exact location of the Grinder Swindler to send a message to this blog! You’ve let him get away again, haven’t you???? Sharp he is too, he probably spotted you & you texting away as he disappeared 👻 – no wonder you are nervous, you are a right eejit!! Friday would be a great day to harness him once & for all!! 🤣😇


Is it the same priest that was involved with Christopher Stalford? What was the connection? Peter OHare was his parish catholic chaplain would he have any information?


Have you ever met Peter O’Hare? What is your experience of him? He has a tumultuous temper.


Omg that’s awful; I hope he makes a speedy recovery. Is Eugene caring for Edward or why is he there late nights? He has not covered any masses.


Eugene can’t look after himself never mind anyone else. He should concentrate on business in his own church. Get well soon Edward.


Pat should you be disclosing Edwards medical information on the blog? Are you friends with him?


Eugene and Edward were seminarians together I presume, although Eugene was kept behind a year because of his attitude


Eugenes health hasn’t been the greatest either after he was diagnosed with diabetes. If Tony doesn’t change his diet soon he will end up the same.


Unbeknown to poor unsuspecting lay people I reckon many a priest dies having a million £ cash in his bank account.


Tim Bartlett is a multi millionaire but will die with no wife or children. That is a man that is a true servant of God.


Bishop Buckley is a rich man, he has lots of friends and family, plus Ed. He has integrity and is the most decent of men I know.


Thank you for your compliments but I am not a rich man.

I pay for my cars and holidays on payment plans.

But I am most fortunate in having all I need.


5.56 – yes Tim’s family own Mauds ice cream chains and also have a garage outside Ballycastle and a restaurant in Shipquay street.


3.29: After all Pat’s travels as outlined, I’d just about manage Ballydehob!! You’re welcome to carry my luggage… Honestly but you must be straight!!…😬😬😬😾😸😾😸😻😻👤👤👤👤…


I wish it were a lie – I agree hard to believe but the truth is often stranger than fiction.
No kids, no overheads, no mortgage, no dependents and of a miserly bent it soon racks up – oh and compound interest dear boy.
Oh yes many a priest with a obscene amount in their bank account!!


Pat hope you are enjoying some fine wine in the lovely sun. I am tipsy already on the white jungle juice. Have a nice weekend.


3.49: The world is full of begrudgery…..too many disgruntled, miserable snoops around. They should head to Mosney Summer Camp with their cohorts…and be wrapped in straitjackets…


I reported the priest for being rude and monster like behaviour and the bishop didn’t even write back or acknowledge they just cover up everything.


No doubt Treanor didn’t take it serious or didn’t even care, you should speak to a journalist or your local mla representative.


Mad Maria back again ffs. Pat you should’nt give this woman air time. Even her sister said it on here last week


Kathleen McDonald, the nun that went to England and came back pregnant with a black baby in the 80s has died in Donegal.


Kate as we knew her, was my second cousin. A great lady who paid a very heavy price for one drunken evening. But she never lost her faith and lived like nun even after she left the convent. Sje loved a wee smoke and a flutter. Other than that she had very little in her life. Fly high with the angels Auntie Kate


Interesting the attitudes on display today of fear of women, hatred of old people, showing a lack of maturity or even manners, and exactly the mindset which has brought the church to where it is. It’s abundantly clear that the church needs more vaginas and fewer dicks, cunts and tops and bottoms.


Alvin at 4.55pm
It would be called ledwith Academy to train godness aka lady priestess or druids course or a course on how to cover it up legally with no accountability 🤷‍♀️.
Lecturers would be obviously the man himself, ledwith plus his relative (nephew?) to look after the finances of ledwith academy PLC. 😉🤣🤣🤣


Pat, why do we not have a parish priest in Poleglass anymore? Fr Keenan and Delia wrecked the parish and now they have disappeared.


I agree. They are very rough in Poleglass and they don’t even go to mass. Why do they deserve a priests when its us out in the countryside that pay so much for needy parishes?


That’s why Fr Magill had to be moved also. The parishioners tortured him for money and were knocking the door in the middle of the night. Near have him a breakdown the lack of sleep.


Why would you want one, dangerous cult.
Set up your own church or you could try one of the pagan religions. You don’t need a money grubbing paedophile in those religions.


Greetings from Las Vegas everyone. I have come here to get married. Please say a prayer that it will go well.


St Brigids Belfast I’m attending the 7 pm in St Brigid’s in Belfast. Fr O’Donnell is not here. It’s that effeminate chap Fr Dominic McGrattan.


Dominic is so white he is nearly see through. When he was hospital chaplain and he was doing a sick call he would scare the patients, they thought he was a ghost.


I think it’s just his make up (dna) and he doesn’t take to the sun that well. He has some shake on that walk though


There should not be barriers put in place to get birth certificates. Bring a bottle of wine to get it quicker, like that’s not on.


Pat do you help people fraudulently fill in DLA forms? Ours does, and signs Irish Passports without knowing the people. He refuses to fill in British Passports now because you have to fill in your personal details and he said it’s none of the parishioners business where he lives.


Thats the same Priest that helped a gay man get a housing executive house by spray painting graffiti on the side of the flat he wanted out of. It may not be right but at least he is helping.


If he has got caught in doing that, he would have been locked up for a hate crime. Very risky and stupid behaviour.


The priest was right. Thats ministry at the margins and really helping out a suffering person just the same as pat did years ago in divis.


That’s disgusting, Cus there are people out there who are genuinely the victims of hate crime


Do you believe in the supernatural? We had a wee get together last night, some wine and cheese, and towards the end of the night my dead dad came to visit me on the stairs of the house. I was not even scared just overcome with joy.


Thats definitely a sign that he is still with you. I give readings to my froends who want to chat to their departed loved ones and it brings so much consolation


Yes frankie. You connected with my late granny and we were so grateful to hear she was ok. And to finally find out where her jewellery was. God bless you for all your kindness.

Boston cardinal tells Italian bishops ‘facing truth’ is only way to tackle abuse
By Inés San Martín
May 26, 2022
“ROME – As the Italian bishops’ conference debates this week how to best address the clerical sexual abuse crisis and the calls for a nationwide investigation, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston, head of the papal commission for the protection of children, told them that the only way forward is with the truth.Speaking from experience, as he has spent much of the past 40 years addressing the scandals, O’Malley said, “We have nothing to fear by telling the truth. The truth will set us free. Acknowledging people’s stories of abuse, listening to survivors and committing to working together is not easy,” but “it is the only way.”


What on earth is going on in the world? Priests, masturbating in public, spray painting homophobic graffiti on houses, filling fraudulent forms in, sleeping with each other, living in their boyfriends house. Why does the bishops not act?


The Knit and Knatter club it was called. Mostly aimed at young mothers, it was great and he was a great teacher to those starting out.


People on here complaining about their priests. They should come to my parish. The priest has three Alsatian dogs in the house and they go bonkers when anyone goes near the office. I was there to try and get an anniversary mass said and left terrified. Maybe he’s doing that to keep us all away?


Many employers require medical tests of employees and co-operation with the employer’s chosen occupational health provider is a matter of disciplinary at gross misconduct level for those not cooperative.
The Holy Goat has nothing to hide. Bring on the tests. But be warned, if I am treated as an employee I will report to Revenue as an employee.


Sick of this emergency phone. What part of emergency do these plebs not understand. Had a simple woman ring up to ask me could she book a baptism and that it was an emergency as she has forgot to do it last month.

Italian Bishops to Examine Clerical Abuse, but Only to a Point
(ITALY) New York Times May 27, 2022 By Elisabetta Povoledo
“The Italian Bishops’ Conference on Friday presented its plan to investigate clerical abuse, but critics say it is insufficient and disappointing.Italian bishops said on Friday that they would carry out a long-demanded investigation into clerical sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons, but victims and their advocates immediately said the plan fell short of what was needed.Seeking to address the concerns about the revelations of abuse that have devastated the church worldwide, the bishops announced that they would commission a report examining cases from 2020-21, to be published in November, as well as a second report that would analyze how clerical abuse had been handled in Italy in the past two decades.”


There is still time on this Friday night for people to pray a decade of the rosary. Today is Sorrowful.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary,
that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection,
implored your help, or sought your intercession,
was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence,
I fly unto you, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother.
To you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.
O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
despise not my petitions,
but in your mercy, hear and answer me.


9.49: The word “despise” is very wrongly used all too often. We may “dislike” someone as I’m sure bishops do. Pat strongly dislikes many but I would never accuse him of “despising” anyone. Despite my abhorrence of some of Pat’s annunciations, I would not and do not despise him.


Pat why is Byrne living rent free in a Dublin Parochial House. Is this the arrangement after the Maynooth sex scandal 🤔


The reason is Michael Jack Byrne is incardinated into the Archdiocese. Free accommodation and he is part of the Group VHI Health Cover.


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