



Robert could have answered his critics on the Blog.

He decided not to that – which is his right.

Instead he sent me the messages above.

I publish them in an attempt to put Robert’s perspective.


“Ths latest “breakout” virus, which was named after the first animal to show symptoms, was discovered in 1958. It is a rare infection that hitherto had been mainly spread by wild animals in parts of west and central Africa. The World Health Organisation declared the current monkeypox outbreak a public-health emergency last month, having reported more than 32,000 cases from more than 80 countries. The global outbreak is primarily among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men”.

So it is a fact that global Monkeypox outbreak is primarily present in men who have sex with men.

In his first video Robert basically says that if you “go against nature”, nature will pay you back.

He does not go as far as saying that Monkeypox is a punishment from God. I don’t know what Robert believes about that statement.

Was Tuberculosis nature or God paying people back – and for what?

Is lung cancer nature or God punishing smokers – and even non smokers?

Is throat cancer nature or God punishing alcohol drinkers – even though non drinkers get it?

Are miscarriages a punishment from nature or God?

Does nature or God punish lesbians with ovarian cancer?

Then why do nuns get all the same woman problems.

The things we experience from nature presently in the context of validate change is certainly a reaction of nature.

But I don’t think Nature wants to punish men for putting their Willie’s anywhere.

And in spite of what the RCC says I don’t think God is worried either about willies.

I think God is much mote interested in Love, in Justice and in Compassion.

Isn’t it interesting that Jesus personally never said anything about homosexuals or homosexuality.

If it was important to God then surely would have made a great fuss about it.

It’s about men thinking they know what God wants.

Maybe we all need saving from Religionpox.




Abstinence is the most idiotic suggestion for preventing pregnancy and disease.
The reality is people don’t abstain, and we see how well the idea works with the clergy. 😂
Experts in humanity, my arse.


The man who had the monkeypox is an extreme example..he never went for an STI examine in his life and had advanced Syphilis and HIV. Most gay men are responsible and go for regular sti tests, especially if they take PrEP


Why do they go for regular sti tests? Because they are promiscuous?

Gay men knowingly put themselves at risk through immoral behaviour. There are consequences, not from God, but from nature.

Robert Nugent is right. Nature will strike you back if you mess with it.

If I overeat, I become sick. If I habitually overeat, I become fat, and risk developing issues with my health, like diabetes, heart problems, etc.

RN is correct, but the PC moral brigade don’t want to listen to his eminently sensible words.



So, you agree with me?

Everything I said in my post at 12.49 is absolutely true.

People need to take ownership of their sexual behaviours and responsibility for any adverse consequences. It’s called ‘being grown up’.


Some of the collared lads who appear on this blog could at least work towards that, at least mentally aspire to it, if the celibacy they meant to follow is impossible. Homosex orgies or perving at women in toilets or worse, is what priests are meant to be doing. Abstinence is not impossible, just difficult for most.


As usual, Robert ducks out when.challenged. The monkeypox story is an excuse. Robert, I don’t believe you. On that video you thrashed so.many good young men, including priests. Why are you so enraged with change in society – we have worse to come – and jump with angst when you see the apocalypse on the horizon?. Robert is forever knocking down so many priests. Ha told us just about 2 hours ago that he was away on 2 retreats at the weekend..etc…like an all male bonding sessions!! Then tonight “the wife” requested him to take the children to sports, which he dutifully did but went to a local church for adoration where THE LORD spoke to him. He then made reference again to “the wife” expecting him to do things since he was absent. Robert, count yourself lucky you’re not my partner with such misogynistic, controlling and chauvinist attitudes. You’d be rolling down a hill. You, Robert, are so passive aggressive snd coercive. Not nice traits. Your excuse to let go in bursts of anger yesterday because you were worried about monkey pox has no validity..Now just answer truthfully.


Robert Nugent is a top class creep isn’t he. I would never have a bad bone in my body but people who cheat on their wives with men deserve to get MonkeyPox


11.56. What’s your name, Father Stalker?

Putting up a name connected to Robert’s employer is noted and is the vile harrassment of Karen and Bill.


In fairness Robert Nugent would never make such a vindictive statement as that adulterers ‘deserve to get MonkeyPox’. But Aids showed everyone that reckless sex is a health hazard, and insofar as that is what he is saying he is perfectly rational. No need to attribute to him monstrous ideas of a vindictive God.


Agreed. Reckless sex is a major cause of the spread of HIV and Monkeypox. However, in less economically developed countries both are spread more by heterosexual sex than by men who have sex with men. If Mr Nugent wants to argue that his reasons for opposing gay sex is monkeypox, he needs to extend it to cover heterosexual people too. So no one should have any sex at all. (Incidentally monkeypox is not necessarily a STI, though close and prolonged physical contact which causes transmission is very frequent).
Having a broad range of sexual partners, whether you are engaging in heterosexual or homosexual sense, from a public health perspective is less than ideal and on this I suspect Mr Nugent and I would agree. But using the current outbreak of monkeypox is more economically developed countries as proof that homosexual sex is against natural law is rather feeble. It also seems to be clutching at anything to argue against homosexual sex and homosexuality.
Mr Nugent may not be homophobic, and since I don’t know for sure, whatever I suspect, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt. But his arguments don’t add up. When God sent plagues upon the Egyptians, they appeared to me to be rather well targeted. If HIV and monkeypox are meant as a warning to those who fail to follow one interpretation of Christian teaching, God appears to have lost his ability to target specific groups with plagues over the millennia since there seem to be too many “casualties” outside the aberrant groups.
To my mind, however, God loves His people and isn’t some psychopathic sadist who inflicts this sort of thing on people to “bring them to heel”. After all, He sacrificed Himself on the Cross and has always surely had more loving and subtle ways to act than plagues and torment and retribution. His followers, to my mind, have been rather more gifted in that direction than Him even within living memory. Catholic mother and baby homes, Magdalen laundries, industrial schools and junior seminaries are examples that come readily to my mind. And other religious groups of humans inflicting their ideas of “godliness” on the vulnerable are just as bad. Mr Nugent might well reflect …


We are all ambassadors for our employers, and employees’ values should align. If a footballer said something that did not align with their club’s values, they would be dismissed and, no doubt, lose valuable sponsorship too.


1.24 Agreed, the RCC has a terminal branding problem, clergy and their mob laity indicate symptoms of severe infestation on this blog & elsewhere.


Unfortunately, if a bisexual cheating husband acquires Monkey pox, the probability his wife or, partner will contract it, is high. So, maybe it’s not a such good idea to wish Monkey pox on anyone.


Dangerous enough territory when anyone thinks that “God is on my side because he said so”. Part of being a person of faith is continual self reflection, openess to one’s limitations and weaknesses. Perhaps those who sleep walk through the spiritual life might indeed be said to have religionpox. If we have any hope of being found to be sincere believers we must endeavour to extricate God from our back pockets.


Actually God is on my side. Because I said so. Because he is the creation of my own imagination, so of course he agrees with all my biases.

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Robert Nugent has a very exciting spiritual life. Most of his critics have none at all. The only answer to him is to show what a saner and serener spiritual life looks like in practice.


They’ll have more to bother them than a lack of vocations if this is the case. Dreadful disease.


Robert Nugent has a full time job, a wife & children, where does he find time for all this. He’s a windbag making money off the church with his utube adverts. He’s all talk.

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He makes me want to vomit, with all the effigies/statues of the Virgin Mary, and, Jesus, behind him, it is all so false, and looks as if he is trying to impress, and convince us how how “religious” he is, note I did not say holy. Why would anyone take any advise for that gobshite? He must be making money off the back of those videos, no one in there right mind would talk ad nauseam, as he does, unless he is a narcissist. If anyone could put me off religion, he does, although it would not be difficult. Why is he so obsessed with homosexuality, and from what I have read on here, he is also a frequent crawthumper, what a combination! God help the Irish, if married men become Roman Catholic priests, I can see he would be first in the queue, not one person would attend a Mass by him, you’d be there all day, he wouldn’t know when to stop, Is it possible he has, Religious obsessive compulsive disorder. Poor wife, she must be sick to the teeth with him.


Is the solicitor who represented Fr Jerry Carey in court for his beach incident also representing him in his negotiations with Killaloe?


I’m bitterly disappointed, Pat, that you would feature the bald-headed judgementalism of such an obvious uneducated freak like this man on your blog. His sole purpose is to morally shit-stir.


Robert Nugent thought he had one over on you but never in a million years will anyone get one over on you


The guy in the picture had undiagnosed aids and syphilis. He then contracted monkeypox, hence the nose. Please don’t scaremonger.


To be frank, 6:16 scaremongering isn’t what’s going on, it’s about trolling the blog. That’s why you get all the homophobic comments, for example. They’re from gay clergy who have either appeared here or are worried they are going to.


8.43 Being gay is no longer a crime, Thank God. Yes, it is against the rules for Roman Catholic clergy but engagement in other civil & criminal matters is probably of more concern to the more determined clerical trolls on this blog.


The doctrine of abstinence is both self evident and unrealistic, out of kilter with the human condition.
Proponents of abstinence inhale moral superiority: recipients are shamed and despair at its nativity.
Abstinence is always an option but so too are condoms for both oral and anal sex – it’s called safe sex.


I though it was funny that Robert concedes that his father should have knew better regarding bringing the Ram home but was succumbed because of his wife – rather Adam and Eve I thought ensuring the woman took the blame.
Robert puts great emphasis on not going against nature and not putting things where they shouldn’t go – like many religious he is preoccupied with anal penetration – or is he saying that fellatio too is putting things where they ought not to go?
I suspect his interest in homosexuality is complex and definitely confused not to mention ignorant of the pathology of Monkeypox – no way Robert is a scientist as well as a theologian!!
Oh and some of my best friends are black, one legged, lesbians.


Robert Nugent is a gobshite, end of.
The trope that God somehow introduces diseases to punish gays is as old as the hills and was widely bandied about in the 80s and 90s about HIV. Not only is it completely unsound scientifically it makes no sense in layman’s terms either. If God did this, how come humans have been able to control/almost defeat HIV and already have a vaccine for monkeypox? What about lesbians -how come they aren’t under the remit? What’s God doing about them? A strap-on disease? Or is muff diving OK, but gay sex between males not OK? When and where exactly did God say this? He didn’t, so we are obliged to assume the RCC and Robert simply made it up. Like everything else. Plenty to say about gays but funnily enough very little to say about Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Operation Condor or the invasion of Iraq.
The likes of Robert are not only obviously homophobic but their misinformation is an active danger to society. That he chose to include this information in a video ostensibly about religion is a strong indicator of homophobia -I highly doubt that public health for gays is a top priority for Robert.
The question is are there closet gay issues at play here?


The trope that ‘God introduces diseases to punish gays’ is not espoused by Robert Nugent and it is just a smear to ascribe it to him.


Watch the video. it is heavily inferred. Or is he now doing public health videos? Funny that as he would take a vaccination for covid, the knob.


The trope about God introducing things to punish people has never been fully exploited. For example the version I like is the trope about God introducing priests to punish people for giving money to grifters and being stupid enough to trust them with their children.


7.10 you may have a point. I worked for years with a family man, he married young, was ambitious, took his young wife abroad to join a vibrant family business his parents were building overseas. When she was expecting their first child, she insisted on moving home to be near her family. Apparently her pregnancy was an “accident”, they had agreed to delay a family for a few years. He moved back with her, grovelled for his old job back, 3 more children followed in quick succession along with a big mortgage and he was the sole earner. I always noted he was incredibly critical of gay people and would bring up the subject out of the blue. Some 20 years later, an ex colleague still in touch with him informs me that he left wife when kids grew up and is living very happily with his male partner. A very competitive guy he was, I am a woman and when he realised that despite my humble exterior, I was seriously on the road to the top of my career, he soon forgot the part I played in getting him his job back when he returned from overseas. I had married in the meantime & when he realised I was on my way career wise, he spent a lot of time “advising” me that I had a biological clock & that I would make a lovely mum! I did become his boss and in due course I did juggle that with having a family but I never trusted him! You are possibly correct in your analysis of Mr Nugent, time will tell.


If the LGBT community are in love, they are in love. It is no skin off my nose. I do not judge them. ☮️
The problem with the modern day feminist secular society is that they cannot take any criticism or a different point of view.
It is perfectly reasonable for RN to communicate his opinion. It is typical of certain characters to get their knickers or socks in a twist about it. They would create a storm in a teacup.
Why do Roscommon car registrations have RN instead of R? Is there a mysterious 33rd county beginning with R?
The former Roscommon football manager stepped away from his role. Tom Thundering “Disgrace Deenihan” must also step away from his Episcopal seat. It is the right thing to do.


9:48, Mayo have a new football manager. Will he lead them to the Holy Grail?
The clergymen and parishioners of the Meath diocese are deserving of a new Episcopal appointment. One who will sort out this Silverstream charade once and for all.


My primary objection to Nugent is this – of all the sin we are capable of –
Failure to act justly
Act mercifully
Small minded gossips
Failure to give charitably
Barbaric acts of cruelty
Indifference to human suffering
Failure to love God with all our hearts etc.
HE IS OBSESSED with the sexual
Watching porn, masturbating etc. While these have the potential to be sinful they pale in comparison to the above list (it’s not a comprehensive list).
I can’t help feel that if Nugent addressed some of the topics above rather than bleat on about sexual sin, I might listen. But he, and is ilk, are consumed with what other people might be getting up to with their clothes off.
I quote from above – “I don’t want to cause anyone pain or suffering. But the
poor man who has lost his nose, is horrific”.
That is nauseatingly insincere – I bet he nearly wet his pants with excitement at the idea that this is what happens to nasty homosexual ( some of whom are his dear friend) 🤢


Robert seems like he received his sex education on the farm in Ireland – ergo animals often put things in all sorts of places and think nothing of it – it’s only natural and no judgement is made on the animal in heat or otherwise.
Human sexuality discussions left to clergy or right wing Catholics (think Chis West) is naive and dangerous – abstinence isn’t a solution it’s a clerical way of avoiding a human, messy and complex issue!
Remember even Benedict said that a rent boy who uses a condom is on the road to conversion – no shit, Sherlock – sorry to break the news but every rent boy wears a condom it’s the Abbots down in the Boilerroom you ought to be worried about.
Robert – do us all a favour and read In the Closet by Frederick Martel or Corrupter of Boys by Dyan Elliott – it will be an education and enlightening.


Robert darling Boardroom not Bedroom.
News flash: Vatican send out memo saying they won’t be investing in pornography, prostitution, contraceptive pills and abortifacients – oh and arms trade.
Well thank the good Lord for that!


I very much doubt if God has anything to do with disease or who gets it. Having said that, it does behove those who are at risk to take sensible precautions and to protect themselves and others. The notion that you have the right to just carry on with risky behaviour (which you do have !) is the right thing to do seems a bit stupid. So, I would have thought that while we leave God out of the argument, we still encourage those who are at risk to be sensible in this situation – get the vaccine, moderate your behaviour, think of your health and the health of those around you (remember, monkeypox can be spread by any intimate contact including coming in to contact with sheets and bedding, unlike HIV which is actually pretty difficult to contract requiring inoculation of the virus in to the bloodstream by some means). If any constituency feels that such sensible advice is discriminatory then they need to get real. Asking people to moderate their behaviour and to act responsible is not discriminatory. It has been revealing, sometimes pretty ridiculous, the way in which some commentators and authorities have turned contortions in order not to state the bleeding obvious, which is that this breakout is almost exclusively amongst men who have sex with men and who have casual and multiple sexual contacts. Just so they are not seen as upsetting that constituency. Well, the Purcells of this world need to think again and to grow up and start to have a sense of responsibility for themselves and for others. Please.

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You do have the right to carry on with dangerous, risky behaviour. Look at all the churches there are out there. If you didn’t have that right they would have been closed down.

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Is there a clear reference to Monkeypox on the video? Robert always uses 6 sentences and more when 1 would do. He could have expressed his point in 2 minutes but he didn’t. The basic problem with the video is that it assumes he focus of homosexuality is sex. which it is not. Love between two men or women is far, far more than sex. Some heteroxsexual men have relationships that are based on sex. They do not last long. The same can be said of homosexual men. Most men create loving, lasting relationships with women. The same can be said of homosexual men. To stereotype homosexuality as simply a sexual orientation is to fail to understand God’s gift of love for and to us, gay or straight.


I think RN may be quite sympathetic to gay love. His hostility to gay sex comes from the Catechism, which he adores, and from his farmyard notions of what’s natural.


Pat, you have obviously distanced yourself from Robert Nugent since the Silverstream exposures. More recently you have devoted your blog to his You Tube videos. Robert has become more strident in his criticisms of the church, priests and Bishops. I accept some of his criticisms re: liturgical celebrations and the lack of competent church leadership on a variety of urgent issues. But his demeanour, theological certainties and spiritual arrogance are a complete turn off. He’s waving of his hands and raising of his voice are so passive aggressive that you expect the screen to implode! It’s a pity Robert finds criticism with practically everyone who dares think different to him.


All the signs are that it’s going to be a dull day again- but on a a positive note, there are already 40 comments and none so far from Bill and Karen, so at least there’s hope.


9.47 In your zeal to bear false witness against me, you seem to have gotten a wee bit confused. Why would I go the gym with Bill? P.S. Pat is deleting the comment with my name as the handle which I did not write.


9.50: Karen from wherever: why do you always focus on your travails only? You’ve had your infamous times on this stage. You’ve become the proverbial scorned queen. Don’t you think you ought to refind your dignity and self respect? The blog is not about you today. Go and take a chill pill, dearie, Miss Attention Seeker!

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10.24 I’ll take a chill pill when you tell us who you really are and what your connection to Fr Ger the fornicator is.


8.32 The fact that you went out of your way to mention our names says to me that you subconsciously wish for us to comment…Stop acting the maggot 🤣🔥


The sooner GF surrenders and apologizes the better for all. I dont know what parallel universe he’s living in but knocking off women and taking their money while a card-carrying RCC padre is not on. Come out with your hands up Ger


Canon, you know as well as I do, that won’t happen. 🙄
I’m kinda hoping he does have a go at being a Cistercian (he wouldn’t stay) because it would make the farce of the Irish church even clearer.


” Danny” you should find healthier places to find hope that my presence or absence. I shall not comment for Karen, since I do not know her.


The one thing Robert Nugent loves, more than himself. and that’s publicity and You Tube hits and Likes.
The best medicine for Robert is to ignore him completely and a large dose of indifference.
Cut off the oxygen of publicity and he’ll be just fine – fan the flame and the white heat of moral superiority is kindled.
Trust me, that will do the trick!


9.02 I’m not sure what to make of Robert Nugent but he is entitled to voice his opinions and use social media just as Bishop Fintan & other clerics has all their twitters & UTubes and what nots to spread their message whatever that might be.


Life is really tough at the minute but if anyone needs a good laugh….
Donald Trump is representing HIMSELF in the lawsuit he has just brought against the federal government to try to stop them going through the security documents he took home.
He’s either run out of lawyers, or no lawyer will take him because they like being paid and his lawyers get disbarred anyway.
Get more popcorn in.


It’s strange that main stream media an their ‘experts ‘ are not advising people on how to avoid monkeypox the way they constantly did with covid even to the extent of locking the country down , 5k limits , mask wearing, social distancing, the list goes on. Yet nothing from liberal lefty media preaching at people on how to avoid monkeypox .


The risk of catching Monkeypox is low to the general population unlike Covid 19 which is highly transmissible.


Oh good, it’s going to be another day where Pat Buckley throws someone to the mob, does minimal moderating only throwing out the death threats, and gets 400 idiotic, abusive, vile, racist, homophobic comments.
You like feedback, so it’s time to admit you’ve let it slide because you’re getting past it, son.


It’s because the tactics of his enemies have changed. They successfully got the previous blog suspended and have used data protection laws to remove what they can. WordPress has more liberal policies on what you can say, which is actually to Pat’s disadvantage because, previous attempts to shut him down having failed, they’re now flooding the blog with the most offensive comments they can so nobody wants to read it.
They are exploiting Pat’s only weakness, which is his kind heart and his desire to give anonymous voice to the voiceless.


9.32 the book & movie on Pats crusades fighting the Vatican’s corrupt apostles in Ireland & beyond for decades is long awaited. Starring roles for Karen & Bill etc.


Here lies Dash
The favourite spaniel of Her Majesty Queen Victoria
In his 10th year
His attachment was without selfishness
His playfulness without malice
His fidelity without deceit
Reader: If you would be beloved and die regretted
Profit by the example of Dash


That wee poem is lovely so it is. It was very touching- cos my wee dog ‘Prince’ died a couple of weeks ago.. He was a wee rescue dog and I only had him since 26 September last year- he had a couple of previous owners and they didn’t treat him well, so I did my best to give him a happy life- even though I probably patted him and hugged him too much lol. we went for walks every day but he was so strong- it was more like him walking me!!! Anyway, I miss him a lot but I have his ashes and hopefully I will find a replacement one day. It’s too soon to start looking yet but the right dog will find me x


Awk Greg, I’m so sorry to hear that- heartbreaking. Losing a pet is terrible. I had two dogs but all they ever did was fight and nearly murder each other. They weren’t a good match at all. But it sounds like your Prince was perfect. Rest in Peace Prince


Louis Spagnuolo a close friend of Qatar Princess Kasia Gallanio (45) has confirmed she was against drugs and was not an alcoholic despite claims she died in her Marbella apartment from a drugs overdose.
Born in Los Angeles of Polish origin, Gallanio was in a bitter custody battle with her husband Abdelaziz bin Khalifa al-Tham, uncle of the Emir of Qatar amid allegations that he sexually assaulted his eldest child, a claim he denies. He lives with the 3 children on the luxurious Avenue Montaigne off the Champ-Elysees.


Pat, surely this should be moderated out retrospectively. It has no relevance to today’s or any other day’s blog subjects.


Some Killaloe priests found Fr Jerry Carey to be condescending and arrogant over the decades. Schoolyard bully type, you’re not in my gang Carey, his gang still protecting him despite his court appearance and suspension.


9.34 he wasn’t popular with the Killaloe clergy, you will find his cabal majority in the lay circles.


I always found him approachable and up for a bit of craic, but he was always in the company of women! Many had suspicions and i would not blame him if he was, but what he did clearly changed my opinion of him, I’d love to pass him right now just so I could shrug him off. I had his (now) old number in my phone as I’m sure many did. Everyman gets an urge, but not a packed or public place. He really disappointed alot of people.


I have watched quite a few of RN’s videos and one thing I have noticed is when he refers to our Lord he seldom if ever refers to Him as Jesus but always Christ. Maybe it’s just me but I find this unusual.


I think it may be indicative of no close personal relationship with God. To these people, God is more conceptual than real and personal.


Ok, so it seems that Fr Jerry Carey is being facilitated by the Diocese of Killaloe in Nenagh, Fr Gerard Fitzgerald being facilitated in Roscrea and other members in service to the Diocese facilitated to profit from historic and ongoing serious wrongdoing.


Can we have some verification that this is the case? Has GF been in Roscrea? What exactly is going on Bishop Fintan Monahan?


Canon Todd
You should know Canon Law cases can take a while when the accused thinks they have done no wrong.
A court case should be an automatic dismissal.
They will hang on till they are dismissed.


11.36. What nonsense, my husband is a lorry driver, if he was found drunk at the wheel, he’d be dismissed instantly & we’d lose everything. Oh, but a priest can take out his dick on Salthill beach in front of children and then play games with the Bishop for years to get his wages and probably a big lump sum. Do the parents in Nenagh know about him. No law in this country unless you a poor person without connections. Disgusting.


That was very well-handed by Robert. A calm and collected response, born out of love and concern for others. There isn’t a bad, malicious bone in his body. His crime is simply that he cares.


If Jesus were around today, he would embrace those with monkeypox, just as he did leppers. We need to be less condemnatory and judgemental and show more compassion.


Are you sure Jesus would do that? The Bible is full of hyperbole.
I’m inclined to think that Jesus embraced lepers in his mind. His ’embrace’ was conceptual, not physical?


Well, if Jesus did, wasn’t he setting a bad example? Leprosy is communicable, though not highly so. Perhaps Jesus knew this, and wasn’t being as ‘loving’ as some make out.

Trouble is this story is often told by do-gooders to put moral pressure on people to take silly risks with others.

If Jesus embraced a leper, he must have known that he wasn’t at risk: after all, he had a mission, and contracting leprosy would have taken him to a leper colony rather than calvary. What am I saying? He could have cured himself!

I wonder did Jesus use his power to heal himself? From common ailments, like colds, toothache, headache, etc. That would have been cheating, would it not? Not REALLY human? Like us?


I don’t have the references to hand but I believe nuns don’t actually get all the same women problems as women regularly having sex with a man. As I remember they fare better for some conditions and worse for others.
As for the other life events you list, my personal view is there needn’t be a reason for these things happening, they just happen. 🤷


Robert’s defence, “I was not some heartless man” and that he has no hatred doesn’t really stand up. If it were so he would just stay quiet. Notice how the mainstream media have been so careful not to stigmatise any group when discussing monkeypox. Of course, one can’t avoid the obvious that the virus is spreading among MSM (men who have sex with men). But no need to try to save us. We are well educated on the dangers of sexual infections. We’ve had to be, precisely because of the ignorant nonsense that was disseminated for years.
I’m old enough to remember the early days of HIV/Aids and the nonsense about it: you could get it from a handshake, sitting on a toilet, etc. I know a Tipperary/Limerick GP who still thinks HIV can be transmitted through sharing the communion chalice. What nonsense. In fact, I clearly remember Paddy McGoldrick ( good old Magoo who most thought was boring) telling us in Maynooth in 1986 that there was zilch chance of contracting HIV from a chalice. You’d pick up more on a Dublin Bus touching the internal handles.

So, no, Mr Robert, keep your fake care to yourself. We gay men have learned the hard way that your concern is always tinged with disdain for our “otherness”. For years too, the church’s treatment and care of HIV/Aids patients had a hierarchy of victims: Basil Hume is a case in point, hiding his own gayness, he talked of the “innocent” victims, the hetero women, blood transfusions, etc. Of course this is true, in one way, but when you start talking of “innocent”victims, it implies others are not innocent. And that’s a slippery slope to bigotry and homophobia. Isn’t it amazing how often homophobia is driven by closeted gay men!


Basil Hume wasn’t gay. While in seminary, wasn’t he going to leave at one point over his love for a woman?


Basil Hume was never in seminary. He was a monk of Ampleforth and monastic formation is in house. His theological studies were outside.
Even if there was a woman, don’t read that literally. Every gay bishop had a girlfriend in the past. It’s part of the narrative to show that they are human and not asexual. It also sends everyone off on the wrong trail.


Not many Catholics understand the difference between a seminary and a novitiate.


But Pat at 3:16 if you look at Basil Hume and start thinking not gay that’s another level. 😂


Could Monkeypox be the reason for the Bishop of Kilmore’s recent temporary absence without explanation? I wonder.


I don’t get Robert’s self-defence here. MonkeyPox has nothing to do with anal intercourse per se, which was the target of Robert’s disapproval and disgust (and one might say, particular morbid fascination). MonkeyPox is an issue for people who are highly promiscuous with *any* sort of direct skin-on-skin physical contact, targeting particularly men whose most ready sex partners aren’t women but other men. It’s got nothing to do *directly* with anal sex.


I would hope Bishop Pat has seen how people like Robert become unhelful in canonical trials and Bishops need firm evidence.
As for Karen she is still burning a candle for Ger and wishes they could turn the clock back too late now.
Does anyone have the webcam like number to McCann’s case in September so we can watch it.


Hey pat, a very good afternoon to you form London. Could I respectfully suggest that you don’t moderate comments “too” closely? Sometimes some of the more interesting things said on the blog are not necessarily in relation to the actual post. For instance, the people writing about their dogs today- I found that really moving and inspirational (I have always believed that dogs and other pets go to heaven where they await their owners) and for me that was very helpful. It would be a pity if the blog lost it’s spontaneity so please go carefully Pat x


Pat, your nature is too nice, you don’t like saying no and your enemies will maneuver and chip away at you.
Beyond what you’ve always said, that you have sole discretion of what will appear here, I suspect you won’t like it but a written comment policy will help to stop the cult’s apparatchiks pushing you.


Wowsa! Two fake comments using my name this morning on the blog and it’s only mid-day! I wonder why anonymous commentators would want to waste Pat’s time like this unless of course they have an agenda and don’t want me to spill the beans about Fr Ger & his convicted criminal pal?


We are having a number of problems on the Blog – people using other people’s names, people submitting multiple silly comments to clog up the blog etc.
I have decided that for the foreseeable future I will only publish comments about the days chosen topic.
I may at my discretion, make some exceptions to this rule.
There are many outstanding issues remaining to be resolved – Ger, Killaloe, Ryan Mc Aleer etc etc.
I will be keeping an eye on all these issues and will blog about them accordingly.


Thanks Pat- a wise decision that many of us have urged you to make: hopefully that will give us a break from the B and K show.


12.07 yes, recently there has been an increasing number of comments clearly being posted to undermine the value of your support to victims & survivors & to detract from extremely serious civil and criminal matters outstanding in various Diocese. However, you will see for yourself the harm that these types can do on behalf of their influential benefactors with an agenda. Karen and Bill etc., will be grateful for the support that you provide as the RCC is clearly adamant in immoral and unchristian pursuit of its own interests at all levels.


That sounds very fair Pat and will keep the trolls out but make sure all new evidence or story’s get published. We all love the bit of gossip too 🤩


There’s too much fighting and squabbling in the comments Pat- I think we should just all pray for each other and act like Christians (PS- its my birthday this weekend so I would appreciate prayers)


You’re 100% right Kaiden. All these fights are not important to me- my problem is how to heat the house and put food on the table- and buy school uniforms as well for eight children. Bishop pat, we need to focus on the real problems that people are having. I will pray for you on your birthday and light a candle for you Kaiden.


Happy Birthday Kaiden- many happy returns, hope you have a lovely day. Will you do anything nice?


It seens that monkeypox vaccine stocks are running low. They are, in fact, smallpox vaccines rushed out of storage. I was fascinated to read that the US military is rationing supplies and is only giving them to the US Navy. Is giving the navy priority another stereotype being expressed?


I’m a Robert fan and appreciate all that he does, but surely he must’ve read the blog comments? Curiosity would lead anyone to – including him and his ever inquisitive mind. So I don’t know if I buy that part of his message.


Some people don’t read comments about themselves. Bergoglio only reads one newspaper. When Thatcher was PM she didn’t read them either but relied on a daily digest curated by Bernard Ingham.
I imagine that Robert’s friends and acquaintances have told him that he is generating interest in Pat’s comm box, but Robert might be deciding that it’s better for him not to read the comments. I’d be tempted to read them if it were me, though.


Heart disease is the biggest cause of male deaths in the UK. Is that God’s punishment too for overindulgence and a lack of exercise?


No, not a punishment, but a consequence.
God’s creation is ordered, not random.
When we ignore this order (we are mostly free to do so) we invite, and have ti suffer, the consequences.


Who is the target audience for Robert’s video about monkeypox? He is not qualified to give public health advice. Promiscous people likely to get monkeypox won’t be watching Robert’s video, and his fans/typical viewers are not likely to be in the sort of situations and places where it spreads, so they don’t need warned or educated, if that is the purpose of the video. Or is the purpose to spread fear, disgust and condemnation?
It would be more Robert’s line to pursue internal Church matters, eg his promised investigation of what happened in Thurles seminary.


I’m not saying this is Robert’s motivation because I haven’t watched the video concerned but in the trad circles he moves in there is a widespread belief that we are in the end days of the world. They focus on things like public health issues as a way of bolstering this belief, and monkey pox would be a godsend (lol) to this agenda.


It cannot be good for such people’s mental health to think along those lines. I often think people were much better off in the past before instant and rolling news about world events and things over which we have little or no control.


1.20 The Bishop responsible for Thurles should have sorted out Thurles long ago. Where is the responsible leadership? Hiding behind lay & clerical mobsters doing dirty work to maintain silence is no longer working. Thankfully those days are on the way out.


Hello Pat- I submitted a comment earlier but it wasn’t published. I hope I didnt say anything that sounded offensive, I would never say or do anything to hurt anybody….and now because the comment didn’t appear I am upset in case I hurt you or offended you some way. Please tell me I didn’t hurt you Pat- this will wreck my day, thinking that I have made you sad.


Gay, bisexual, and other “men who have sex with men”?? Isn’t that expression a tautology for either “gay” or “bisexual”? What else is a man who has sex with men? 🤔


@2.19pm You’d be astounded at the number of married men who enjoy sex with other men. They can’t all be bisexual, can they? Or does it say something about the fluidity of such categories and the social constraints that impose them. I’ve had sex with lots of rural married men. And it’s always so passionate and enjoyable. I ask them why they need it on the side and they tell me their wives have no interest, never want sex. Is this really true? I’d love a female perspective. I’m genuinely curious. I find it such a turn on when the man has fathered children with this same sex organ that’s entering me.


Indeed, if memory serves me right, one of the categories available when writing a Grindr profile is “straight”. Or maybe that’s on Fabguys. I haven’t been on either for years, so it might be different now.


Astonishing (or maybe it isn’t, given that it’s a sick seminary) that this 2.39 character (Flurry Gin) was a student in Maynooth.


You should be ashamed of yourself for helping these men cheat on their wives, and betray their children. I know you aren’t, but you should be.


100% correct. Such men should not have got married in the first place. The told a lie on their wedding day and their marriages should be annuled so that their unfortunate wives can start again with a man who is truly attracted to women.


@2.49pm No, it’s the medical profession staying out of cultural battles about how people define themselves and it is simply an accurate description of the physical reality.


@5.37pm You sound like an old priest. Always blame the woman in an affair. Always blame the other man if he’s involved with a priest, damaging his vocation. But never blame the straying priest or straying husband.
Anyway, I’m not doing any damage to children or wives. They don’t know O exist and can’t possibly know. It’s a victimless crime, if you like. You’ll be horrified, but it is so. No one is getting hurt because no one knows. Also this is pure no strings attached sex. It’s physical and not emotional. There is no intention or desire to draw these men away from their families and they are happy with their children.
You know, life is complicated as is morality. You should reflect on your own morality. I’m sure a forensic investigation of anyone’s life would throw up something they’d prefer to forget.
I was a Catholic but abandoned it and I’ve also abandoned Christianity. I’m what you might call a Deist now. So my entire moral code is bring reworked. Life does that you know. To change often is to be perfect as that of queen, Cardinal Newman said.
My presence here is out of continued socio culturel interest. All great religious traditions bear enormous amounts of wisdom within them. I mean any tradition that has lasted over 1000 years. Christianity has imbued the world with the wisdom of Greece and Rome and Jerusalem. That in itself, apart from any supernatural dimension, has immense value.
To the other blogger -why should it astonish that I was in Maynooth? You must live a very closeted life. People enter Maynooth with the most noble intentions. I was not sexually active in those years. My orientation was well repressed, thanks to Holy Mother Church. Don’t jump to conclusions. If I am corrupt in your eyes, it happened after Maynooth. Let’s not blame the place for everything. In my day, the repression was emotional and intellectual. It was quite like East Germany in the 1950s.


7.02pm. You said that you had Paddy McGoldrick as a lecturer in the 80s. I was in Maynooth in the 80s and 90s and my recollection varies from yours. It didn’t feel much like 1950s East Germany to me.
Also, I disagree with your proposition that sex is purely physical and not emotional. Whether you like it or not, it’s both.


@6.59pm Do you know what advice was given by priests in Dublin for decades when gay men came to them for advice? Get married, that will sort it. I’m not making this up. I know if specific cases.
Also, there are many men who discover or realise fully that they are gay later in life when married already. And you know, that has not changed in the supposed liberal enlightened modern Ireland. They still get married although all around them can see that they are gay, but they are either genuinely blind to the fact, or do conditioned by family and culture that they can’t countenance it.


These are men, including those who do not identify themselves as homosexual or bisexual, who engage in sexual activity with other men (used in public health contexts to avoid excluding men who identify as heterosexual).


In all honesty, I think it’s a cover-category for wimps who are too cowardly to come out as gay or bisexual.
If a man is having sex with men (however occasionally), then he’s on the spectrum, not at the exclusively hetero end of it.


We were obviously on different planets in Maynooth. If your time extended into the 90s you could be one of those awful conservative types who thought you’d clean up after us. We were supposed to be too liberal. I assure you I could have made worse comparisons than East Germany. If one was not mediocre, was curious intellectually and was not a cute Kerry hoor type, Maynooth could be hell. I’m not saying that you are any of those things but your rosy picture of Maynooth is not shared.
You are right that physical sex is never devoid of emotion and an emotional connection but this is a long way from love. I have the love of my life already but we have an open relationship. The best of both worlds. That will drive all the conventional hetero readers crazy. There’s nothing they hate more that others who are happy. But they fail to question the conventions they have signed up to.
I’m enjoying today in Bill’s absence. Maybe Flurry Gin will become the new Bill!


I am a member of the class of 1992. I didn’t go back for our silver jubilee and I don’t have completely positive memories of Maynooth as an institution, though I am very fond of the students who went through it with me and I liked and admired the academic staff, including Martin Henry, Patrick McGoldrick and Tom Corbett, who was kind to me when I was treated badly by a dean. I entered in 1985 so perhaps our paths crossed. I remember Bill.
Tighter discipline was gradually introduced in my time and it suited the deans to suggest that it had been like the wild west previously.
I agree with you that, even now, some men enter marriage to a women despite being gay, or do not realise it at the time they got married. I see young, traditional, Catholic men who give every sign to me of being gay yet they marry young, equally traditional women who have certain reasonable expectations of what their married life should be like. It is for them that I feel most sorry.
I hope that you stay on the blog.


Sorry to hear about MMM’s passing. I have defended him in the past for his social work. How did you know MMM had passed away before his widow announced the sad news?
MMM will be sadly missed for his contributions on this blog. You are not missed. I did not always agree with him, but I respected him.
RIP MMM/Norman
Garngad Lad


Dearest Pat. It is with a profound sense of regret that I must inform you of my husband’s death on 17 August. At the age of 81, he succumbed to a brief illness and passed peacefully surrounded by his family. In accordance with his wishes, and as a reflection of his sincerely held worldview, no prayers were said and we gave him a quiet humanist funeral. His was an insightful and incisive mind, he had the rare ability to challenge accepted beliefs and shine a light into the darkened corners of unenlightened and unempirical thought. In his earlier years, his exit from seminary enabled him to view life through a myopic lense and he disregarded his previously held beliefs with deep scepticism. Like Newton he saw further than others yet retained a humility that other marvelled at. A selfless life of dedication to the social advancement of others, nurturing his his family and deep pride in the sporting and cultural achievements of his native Co. Down were the hallmarks of a remarkable life. If the “unexamined life is not worth living,” my husband was the epitome of introspective- though u=outwardly imagining- good sense and empirical reasoning. Rest in peace Norman.

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Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear this news and my deepest sympathies, Cecily. Your beloved husband Norman/MMM was a rare voice of common sense and wisdom. His contributions will be missed.


If there is a heaven MMM is surely there. His comments were missing for a while.


RIP Michael. May the God you denied welcome you into the flory of His Kingdom for you were a sincere seeker of truth.


We all owe Norman a lot. He stretched our minds and made us see outside the box. Thinking of Cecily, Louise and Norman Jr at this sad and difficult time.


@3.58 pm Cecily
So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your husband. I liked reading his posts on Bishop Pat’s blog. I think he thought there was nothing after death. In one of my posts I assured him there was. I do hope he has had a lovely surprise!
Thinking of you MMM.


9:01, in one of my posts, I wished Norman a pleasant surprise beyond the horizon. As someone else has rightly said, Norman had a great intellect. He contributed greatly to many debates.
I never heard if he read the book of 7 Reasons to Believe in the Afterlife. I was interested in his thoughts on the book. He argued fairly that he was not aware of any proof beyond this world. A pleasant surprise beyond the horizon.


Oh no I really enjoyed MMM views. He was so forward thinking of his time, I will sorely miss him and his cynical mind. My deepest sympathies to his wife and children, MMM the second and Louise.


Pat have you any plans for the Public Holiday on Monday? You could join us in Union Street if you want around 1pm too late. Have a lovely weekend x


Norman (MMM) must have left Maynooth in the early to mid-sixties, before the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council.

I once suggested that he blog on the reason(s) for giving up his beliefs and becoming an atheist. But he never did. Sadly, we’ll never now know. It would have been a very interesting blog. I think Pat liked the idea, too.

Rest in Peace, MMM.


Robert Nugent needs to start looking after his wife better, the woman is at her wits end rearing them children on her own


RIP Norman/Michael and condolences to his widow and family. He was a big character on the blog over a number of years and stuck to his convictions.


I am due a set of twins in October and I’m strongly considering calling one Michael in memory of MMM. RIP big man


Wow, that news has crushed me. Totally devastated to hear of the lost of a fellow blogger and atheist. Forever in my heart, thoughts and memories.


I didn’t always agree with MMM’s (Norman) world view but I respected his intellect, his sharpness and his ability to ask the awkward questions, which mostly remained unanswered. MMM tested our religious faith, beliefs and philosophy. He was mostly a very respectful commenter and acknowledged some very worthwhile contributions from clergy who were robust in their beliefs. MMM gave a sharp edge and tried earnestly to keep focused on the topics of the day. It was rare for him to kick anyone when they were being hammered on this blog. MMM didn’t engage in nastyism of any kind nor had he any tolerance for the superfluous and sham comnentary. Sympathy to his wife and family. May they be comforted. I like Cecily’s reference to something I was taught by a Holy Faith Sister in the 80’s:…”..the unreflected life is a life not worth living.” I know it’s attributable to some author but the good Sister was somewhat like MMM: you had to argue your case logically and intelligently with her. MMM was missed and will be missed on this blog. R.I.P.

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I wonder if that was one of MMMs first actions from heaven to move Bishop Pat to exercise moderation over some silly and repetitive comments. His passing makes us appreciate his erudition and humility.


Pat, following on from yesterday’s and today’s blog, RN has posted another video. One of your regulars, Queenieventus Pluto made a comment re: RN. Personally I believe Robert has dug an even bigger hole for himself. He expresses himself awkwardly and embarrassingly. I have concerns about his hourly videos…We’re all doomed.


Not gonna lie, I went to the video to look at the comments rather than the video and found some of them are even more bizarre than some comments on here.


MMM will be sadly missed by many on this blog. Sincere Sympathy to all who mourn him. Rest in peace.


Very sorry to hear of MMM passing. He was incisive and challenging re our beliefs. He made us stop and think re alternative views. Was wondering where was he when he stopped contributing.

He will be missed on this blog. I’m sure that jesus will welcome and surprise him like the other guy on the cross who never knew jesus.

Its a sad day knowing that MMM passed away. Another valuable blogger gone.

Sincere sympathies to his wife and his extended families. 🙏


To the picture of the woman priest and her comment about Jesus been killed: Jesus said: No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also to take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded. John 10:18.


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