

GER FITZGERALD is once again at the centre of another storm after he became involved in the personal life of another woman – this time a married woman.

And FINTAN MONAHAN is once again running around like a headless chicken 🐔



As part of this whole affair, it has emerged that Ger Fitzgerald has a bank account with a five figure sum of “savings” in it – even though he borrowed money from the woman and she paid for all the meals they went out for together !!!

This new “relationship” did not involve genital sexual activity, but the woman, who can be described as vulnerable, was led to believe they were in a relationship that had a future to it.

Apart from money  meals and gifts, the woman allowed Ger Fitzgerald to stay in her home after his last disaster with Yvonne and allowed him to store his belongings when he had to abandon Cloughleigh.

There are also claims already conveyed to Fintan that this large sum of money does not belong to Ger Fitzgerald?

This claim has been made by a man who is a long-term friend of Ger’s who is also a friend of the new lady.


The central issue here is that Ger Fitzgerald has a long history of becoming intimately, emotionally, and sexually involved with vulnerable women.

These involvements always end with the woman getting hurt and Ger Fitzgerald moving on to the next woman.

And BISHOP FINTAN MONAHAN is tolerating this behaviour, pulling Ger out of holes, not giving the women closure, and letting Ger move on to the next conquest.

Fintan, in fact, is an enabler of the abuse of vulnerable women.

Fintan is also using his safeguarding officer Cleo Yates to molly coddle Ger.

Cleo is bringing gifts to Ger back to the lady.

And brings Ger back his belongings from the lady’s house.

Is that really the job of a safeguarding officer?

Ger hung out in this lady’s house when his sexual affair with Yvonne was exposed.

Who will be Ger’s next target?

Is he in contact with her already?



That’s exactly what I keep asking myself about Boris Johnson. You really have to wonder what they’ve got.


8:37pm Boris Johnson is not pretending to be adhering to the rules of Roman Catholic priesthood, he seems to marry most of his ladies, even if only for a short while!! The ladies that Boris shags are getting far more than a measly bag of chips followed by threats and harassment from Fitzgerald’s thuggy childminder pals and self proclaimed soup kitchen heroes. They seem to be putting out a lot more than soup in Ennis 😂😂😂


Pat where has Mulvihill been? I hope he is ok? I miss his input but he does get alot of needless hassle on here. Tell him I was asking about him please.


9.35: Pat, you indulge William far too much. You don’t need him. He’s a strange man. On the subject matter of Fr. Ger: If true, he should be laicised by his Bishop. His behaviour is outrageous.


Women are treated appallingly by the church and men and priests alike you all need to remember who gave birth to you


Hundreds of millions of men objectify and use women. Porn industry will use them for 10-20 years and then toss them away. You don’t have to look at the church, look at society.


Catholic morality.
Person: Priests have sexually abused children.
Catholics: Look at how children get abused in families. (Although it’s selfish not to have children)
Person: Oh women are treated appallingly by men, priests and the church.
Catholic: Look at the porn industry not us.
Gee it’s almost like there’s a pattern here.


8:36pm True. Ger Fitzgerald listed himself as a widower on his social media pages. One wonders what kind of marriage he must have had. Rest in Peace.


If Ger is a widower then did he take a vow of celibacy during ordination?
I always thought once married you don’t have to take the vow of celibacy; celibacy is only mandatory in the western and Eastern Church if one is not already married – is it the case if windowed?


Was married to God? Now divorced… widowed.
Gone from priesthood for good I’d say. Smartest thing he’s done he’s whole life.


Hopefully he can take up ministry again when he’s grown up and found his feet some more.
He was liked and was a good parish priest, it is just his messing around willy nilly that needs addressing. I’m surprised he hasn’t yet had his eyes scratched out by fighting females, women can get really vicious over things like that. You wouldn’t want to be in the middle of it.
Never have two female cats!


Pat I have no phone it’s in repair shop last 3 weeks. Send me on your number and I’ll give you a ring. I want to hear this, was only thinking the other day, its the 12 month anniversary, might give fintan a buzz 😁


I did send an email to fintan last year asking what he intends to do to protect vulnerable women in the future, you posted it too and that if I find out he hurts other women in the with he’s carryon, especially vulnerable ones, that I would go public about it
and that fintan was told about it.

Might set up the W. A. K. P…
Women abused by killaloe priests!


Hi Yvonne, I am the woman who has come forward about Ger. I was in an abusive relationship in the past and spent time in a women’s shelter. I am a much stronger person now. I am not afraid of Ger or his group of supporters. I am seriously considering revealing my identity in order to prevent other vulnerable women from getting hurt. As of this moment, I have not received any apology from the priest. It appears to me that he refuses to acknowledge any wrongdoing and blames the women who he has been involved with. On top of this, I have been informed that he has begun slandering me via a third party. The RC church must hold Ger accountable for his actions. Enough is enough!


This is so true, Fly. And the really sad thing is the faithful still refuse to see that they have been bitten multiple times already but still refuse to see the reality. In recent years we have the child abuse scandal, bishops making women pregnant, now gay priests (but gays absolutely aren’t allowed in the priesthood), repeat financial scandals, charitable funds being lost (and this actually is a miracle because it’s virtually impossible to do this) by being invested in London property when it should have been for the Pope’s charitable works, nuns being used as sex slaves by priests…
What will it take to make them question this shambles?
I predict future scandals will involve people trafficking, and probably investment in the sex industry, drugs or abortion.
They’re not fussed about any other shibboleth, they won’t be about these.


10.26 wasn’t the newly appointed priest Michael in a scandal with a woman aswell prior to coming to ennis….


Sorry to hear that Carol, sadly it doesn’t surprise me to hear that eejit is at it again…. Hes a sponge… And a KNOB! , I got rid of him for a reasons, reasons he’s non vulnerable supporters and friends will never understand nor will I ever justify it either to anyone.
that man will never be back preaching again, after what I endured, I can promise you that much, if ger or the diocese are under any other illusions at this stage, regarding he’s future in the priesthood they will be in for a serious reality check, far bigger than the one I gave last year.
Thankfully I have a great life this year, and I still haunt everyone from time to time with reminders including diocese😊 got a savge job, great money, even booked 2 holidays this year.
I have no phone at the mo, as I’m using a friend’s to write this I should have one back by Monday or Tuesday ask pat for my number or email address if you want to get in touch, I know what your going through, can be a head fuck, mind yourself…
All the best girly x


He was hanging around in a few ladies houses pat. Pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes and he getting the sympathy vote. Sure didn’t people comment weeks saying too that u were bad pat being nasty, by the sounds of it he’s getting well consoled with half the women in Clare keeping he’s stomach full. Poor thing, what goes around comes around.


He needs to tie a knot in it lol. Seriously though, he should be aware that with him being a bloke- a bloke and a priest- that women are just as easily hurt…
Ger, go jogging or get a cold shower will ye for crying out loud 🤣 🏃‍♀️🏃🏼‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏿‍♀️💨… 🏃🏼… 💨 ⛪ 🍟🐟


It’s ok. Ger is straight. Fintan only acts when it comes to gay priests. Straight priests get a pass. Same with Dermot Farrell and Amy.

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10:56pm Fitzgerald and Carey seem to be well minded and facilitated by the team in Killaloe. No doubt Killaloe Bishop was smart enough to replace Fitzgerald and Carey in their old parishes with 2 experienced cover up merchants with suitable connections to spread lies that suits Killaloe agenda. That’s common cover up practice in most Diocese. What do we know about priests in Clare that replaced Fitzgerald and Carey?? What is the explanation for hefty bank balance of Fitzgerald coupled with being molly coddled by Killaloe Safeguarding Officer whilst Yvonne Drake was hung out to dry and terrorised by Fitzgerald’s friends in Clare.


Someone on here recently wrote that safeguarding is all about protecting the RCC Clergy. This safeguarding woman in Killaloe is key proof that this is the case. Interesting to note that Ger Fitzgerald has been babysat by Killaloe Diocese management for the past year whilst woman he exploited and deceived was given the bums rush by Fintan Monahan. Are he & Carey holed up together in Killaloe?? Seems strange that Fitzgerald did not move away but instead chose to get involved with yet another local woman in the Diocese. Struth!! Truth is stranger than fiction. He looks like a bold child in a sweet shop in that photo!


It seems to me safeguarding is primarily a buffer to protect bishops. Of course, from a public relations perspective, it looks good to have notices in church’s with contact numbers… etc, as if the church is dealing with the issue, genuinely concerned for the safety of all. If the institutional church is genuinely concerned for safety of children, vulnerable adults, etc, safeguarding needs to be completely independent of the church. Interestingly,the theme
of National Board of Safeguarding Conference to be held in May is the ‘Theology of Safeguarding’. Aren’t they great !! Developing a theology of safeguarding while making themselves look ‘good’! A hot air shop, if ever. What is the response to survivors of institutional church abuse? Deafening silence, re-traumatize, gaslighting,..etc.
What efforts have been made to address spiritual abuse of survivors? Any pastoral guidance for priests in responding to abuse victims/survivors? Who chooses those involved in safeguarding and why are they chosen? What kind of salaries are they receiving? What are their backgrounds,…etc…
Lots of questions need to be asked around safeguarding in the church.



Ridiculous salaries!! An extremely expensive buffer paid for by the sheeple. FARCE.


Anyone that bothers to familiarise themselves with the extended family backgrounds and connections of Some existing Safeguarding officers and church playgroup leaders and the like will soon realise that RCC Safeguarding system is just another well controlled internal protection system only for church benefit. It only comes to open public notice when the laity get angry when Buddhas like Fitzgerald challenged as in case of Ennis Parish & the Fitzgerald connections.


The high salaries are understandable when you know that the role is actually to give an appearance of being bothered about safeguarding and be the fall guy if it goes wrong. This would in effect make you unemployable so you would really need to invest in your pension for as long as you have the job and do things like pay your mortgage off. If you manage to keep the job until retirement that’s a bonus.
Mandatory reporting would put an end to this because prison is a far greater threat than starting retirement early after a few crocodile tears and resigning.


All Church hierarchy seem to be enablers of abuse. There is far more to this Fitzgerald scenario than meets the eye. What has he and or his very loyal circle of pushy friends got on them? Why does he just not go away and make a new life for himself, why is the safeguarding woman ferrying his goods to and fro from home of his latest girlfriend. It’s published in newspapers that he claimed he saw nothing in Gaynooth, does this explain his large bank balance? He’s young enough, he hasn’t long been ordained so it’s not like he’s institutionalised – it’s like he’s deliberately antagonising church management. After all that went on last year, it’s unbelievable that he’s still on the lady circuit in Killaloe.


Crossed paths with her the other day she looks really well and is doing great, it was lovely to see, happy for her.

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He comes over all weak, needy, and vulnerable to women, and then their mother instinct kicks in, and they are trapped.


Is that cleos mobile number on the bottom right corner of her picture, for those of you sending fintan calls and emails last year in disgust over Gers behaviour, don’t be shy with giving cleo a buzz either, she gets well paid annually to listen to priests bullshit and cover up for them.


8:45am Ger Fitzgerald enjoys being cosseted by “strong women” who have mainly reared their own kids single handedly or helped their families to do so. He’s looking robust on the sausage, chips and beans. His women will have to push the boat out to buy him a bigger anorak. I bet he loves that Movie: A Night at The Museum!!


I know Ger Fitzgerald from Castleconnell.

First and foremost he’s an unusual fella. He seems very needy and I think he may have joined the priesthood knowing he’d be getting attention and being seen as someone to look up to/turn to. His parents were very strict and his brother is gay – I am not entirely sure his upbringing was the happiest. He had few if any male friends as a teen. You’d see him with girls but they’d be the odd type, not the normal. My impression of him though is a decent enough guy, harmless really. My advice to him would be:

(1) Leave the priesthood. If you cant stay away from chasing then you shouldnt be a priest Ger. Its manipulative behaviour.

(2) Get therapy to stop being needy. It can be done and does work.

(3) Draw the dole and get a degree. It will expand your horizons no end and get you a job in 4 years time. Avoid student fanny at all costs unless they are mature students your own age.

(4) Apologise unreservedly to all the women involved. They need closure and refusal to act like an adult and admit wrong is continuing their hurt needlessly.

My tuppence worth.


Fr. Todd unctious: I appreciate your comment. I sincerely hope that Ger will live an authentic life outside of the church. It will be a liberating experience for him. Despite how Ger has treated me, I wish him well.


Thanks for your comments. Ger’s first priority should be an apology to all the women involved, especially if it was he who “went in for the kill”. He also needs to grow up a bit – having women “minding” him at this age is ridiculous. In your case Carole I hope you feel better soon and can move on to happier times.


Fr. Todd unctious: yes, an apology is in order. He initiated contact with me at the very beginning through social media. I have still not received any answers or explanations from him in regards to what I consider to be his callous treatment of me. I did try several times to speak with him about it but he avoided the situation & even told me that he was sick one evening & I should leave him alone. The very next day, I saw him in a cafe with one of his other female friends and he appeared to be perfectly healthy & happy whilst enjoying his chips and whatnot. Thanks for your kind wishes.


Carole I know him alright but am not his friend or foe. I am from Castleconnell but dont live there anymore. You seem like a smart lady – I wouldnt have thought you’d get much intellectual stimulation from Ger?


Lucky Ger Fitzgerald was exposed in Ennis before all them pretty Ukrainian ladies arrived. He’d be like a child in a sweet shop. He spent more time in the sweet shop next door to church than he did in Church. He’s a big immature baby but dangerous for a role where vulnerable women are involved,


He has degree in history and politics, hence why he volunteers at museum, loves history. Prob looking to get a job out of it…


Am sorry to hear that Carole. The fact that he approached you first is scandalous. The problem is I believe he has never really grown up and cant deal with adult stuff. Its reflected even in his diet!
He needs to apologise to you and everyone else as well as cop on and grow up

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Anybody who is unable to act his or her age shouldn’t be in role where he can cause reckless damage others.
Sometimes bishops or auxiliary bishops will go to great lengths to shield ministers in the hope of preventing abuse and other scandals from even seeing the light of day. Sometimes they will even stalk and harass their victims in the hope of causing more harm and to attempt to get the “heads up” on what is going on in their victims’ lives.
These are serious predatory behaviours but one of the biggest mistakes dangerous predators always make is trying to convince themselves they have gone undetected by the law.
This is just one of many traits which eventually assist CPS and NCA in bringing justice to our communities.
They will work around the clock sometimes for years on cases owing to the very fact that to prove somebody guilty to the criminal standard the evidence must be proved beyond all reasonable doubt and this must be the case when dealing with convicting somebody of a criminal offence. Forr which one first needs to be charged at a police station then bailed to appear at the local criminal magistrates’ court.
Criminal psychologists have long worked out that when predators think they have gotten away with their crimes their behaviour alters. They act differently. They seem to act more confident sometimes overly so.
Psychologists say predators are often too “cocky” and this is what catches them out during real criminal investigations. It is their behaviour and actions, or failing to take action, wich often “seal” the case and secure the most convictions.
Failing to highlight serious criminal offences or other grievances which have taken place and by doing so have enabled or procured an innocent person to be found wrongfully guilty is a serious offence alone. And if this offence allowed for one’s own offences or that of a friend or colleagues’ to be overlooked. Then there can lie the case.


Fr Todd Unctious: you seem to know Ger well…I agree with you that he needs to grow up and act like a mature adult. He took advantage of my kindness & generosity, deceived me in the most cruel way, and made a fool out of me. Today, on this April Fool’s day, the shoe is on the other foot. I hope he kicks himself with it.


Patsy, can you tell us if this Fitzgerald yoke has at least had his faculties removed? He should of course be laicised with immediate effect. Monahan should have dealt with this matter when it first came to light. Ms Darke deserves no sympathy either, she knew what she was getting into


Patsy you’re a naughty bold boy, editing my comment about the Drake wan, was that a freudian slip calling her Darke, she is indeed a dark character. 🙄


Ger is not in active ministry. He is a volunteer in a Limerick museum.

The whole point of being a vulnerable woman is that the abuser is more responsible because the woman is vulnerable.


9:24am I don’t think it’s legal yet anyway to castrate their faculties. I don’t understand his obsession with priesthood, he could just go away and start a big Irish family with one or even more of these women that seem to be mad about him.


I don’t need sympathy love, that man will never preach again, that you can be sure of and if the killaloe diocese or ger are under any other illusions, they will be in for a far bigger reality check than the one I gave them last year. You clearly don’t know me very well.

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Yvonne, if you don’t mind, at some point I’d like to talk to you privately about all this.


And many a little lonely priest has fallen for a woman who paid him a bit of attention.


10:13, it takes two to tango. Women have not fallen off the back of lorries.
If a man is upset that he in a “friend zone”, has the woman truly lost a friend?
If a woman is upset that she in a “friend zone”, has the man truly lost a friend?


9:03am I understand that Ms Drake was a parishioner at a very vulnerable point in her life. She reached out for support to her Parish Priest and he took advantage of her in a most despicable manner plus his circle of nasty two faced community pillar friends subjected her to threats and harassment. Ger Fitzgerald and the Diocese of Killaloe are a disgrace in light of the way this shambles has been dealt with. No need for Cleo Yates to be molly coddling Randy Andy Fitz or his Beach Wanker Pal, Carey. RCC vilifies and proactively engages in retraumatization of victims all over the world, Ennis Parish just another proven example. Toxic.


@ 9.03 am

I don’t believe it. YOU are at it yet again blaming the victim. You did that the other day with the poor man Ryan who was over powered and injured by that Mc Aleer man (or whatever his name was).

You would be completely and utterly useless on a Jury Panel. Justice would never be served.

Useless man you are.


11:32 They would say that Jesus shouldn’t have provoked the Romans to crucify him if the church would allow them to.


Yvonne, you sound like a woman who knows her own mind and will not be walked all over. Full stop.
Good for you, and I really do mean that my lovely. Good on you x


It seems like it’s off with the old and on with the new where Fr Ger is concerned, Bp Pat. Also, perhaps, the five-figure sum relates to a resettlement grant.


10:12 he hasn’t resettled, he is still crapping on his own doorstep. Who cleared him for police vetting and provided his character reference to a position of trust in a Limerick Museum??? Museums often provide programs for vulnerable groups and now he has access to more vulnerable individuals which is entirely wrong given the breach of trust with his parishioner, Yvonne Drake that remains unresolved. Did Killaloe give him this reference knowing the truth about Fitzgerald??


I’ve got to the bottom of it. Ger needs to leave, and Fintan and Cleo need to stop protecting him.

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9:54am True for you. Fitzgerald seems to have been one of those two faced priests surrounded by the local feral families that you often see sucking up to and hoodwinking priests desperate for help & acceptance – these 2 faced rats pretending to be doing good brigade – safeguarding is a joke in most parishes when you take a closer look at the extended connections of the safeguarding officers – look at how Killaloe Safeguarding Manager is minding a priest that basically abused that Drake woman, taking free dinners from her and she after suffering family death and practically homeless. A Dangerous shower of experts at cover up and minding their own deviants. What an eye opener. Much closer scrutiny of church giving references for museum jobs, fostering and child minding and care of vulnerable children and adults and access they getting in enforced involvement they maintaining in schools needs to be urgently re-examined by State & Department of Justice & Garda Vetting Agency. Was Fitzgerald taking money from upset women, where did he accumulate his big bank balance from in a poor council house parish in Clockleegh in Ennis???


Yvonne’s well able for them, she is still putting them through hell 😂 she doesn’t seem to give one shit either, shes a pure character!


I respect you very much as a fellow person and man of God. I read this blog in the hope that I do not make the same mistakes as my colleagues. I believe more people should be open to meeting you also. I will not be a silent priest, to my detriment or not.


Maybe it’s time to speak up and not be silent.

You could start by identifying yourself. Or would that be a step too far to your detriment?

I don’t believe your a seminarian.


Semenarian at 10:16.
Such laudable aspirations.
Pity you’re posting them anonymously on a blog and saying how much you do about abuse. It’s like all the other clerics who claim that here and keep schtum the rest of the time.
Except you’ve appeared on this blog yourself, haven’t you.


Bu you, you’re on here on a daily basis, as you were. Your lapsed rhetoric is easily detected.


I agree with much that you say, that’s what I meant when I said familiarity breeds contempt. Priest’s should have no particular friends with individuals or families. They should act as pastors not friends, as that’s what they are. All this Fr.Tom Dick & Harry shite and hail fellow well met does not work and leads to the scandals we see today.


12.49; Don’t ever think of studying for a psychology or social science degree. Your level of intelligence is way below par. Your IQ must be in your a**e!! What a very silly comment, dunce head..🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡👻👻😱😱🤡🤡🤡😬😬😬


Lay people should organise and campaign to change canon law – a priest should be in the employ of the people – he is their servant and accountable to them – whereas he is accountable to the bishop only and the bishop isn’t competent in many areas.
The people should own the property – church and presbytery and have powers of eviction and termination.


Organising and campaigning won’t do anything. The only thing which will force them to change is to stop giving money.
It’s the only lever, although if done enough be warned the hierarchy will close churches and prioritize their own lifestyle if funds get squeezed.


10:16am as the good people of Ennis saw, it was damn lucky that Fr Fitzgerald and his feral pals didn’t have too much power when they kicked off their protest to keep him in their bosoms. Bishop was lucky Guards could help him. Brazen antisocial and two faced brats Randy Fitz gathers around him as everyone saw. Bully priests & their laity of all classes are a very real issue in RCC communities. They are an essential feature of the corruption and censorship and model of suppression that exists to conceal wrong doing. Bishops know it too & some seem to facilitate it.


@ 1:01pm

I wouldn’t dream of studying for any of those useless woke degrees ya gobshite. I can tell you never past the inter. never mind the leaving as you have no IQ at all and have always been the dunce of the class facing the wall, where you should remain looking at nothing.😏😏😏🥱🥱🥱🤐🤐🤐


“There is a Dominican on the Armagh council of priests: maynooth reject. He came to attention while in cork. He was hearing confession in a secondary school, and asked the teenager boys about their mastrbation habits. A number of them complained to their teachers, who in turn complained to his superior. He was moved, and now resides within the Armagh diocese.”

Would Shylocke who posted this comment on March 29 enlighten us on the exit of Maynooth. Is it worthy of a blog post in itself?


Yes. The type that likes to protest their pro life credentials, thinking people can’t detect what they are at.


Church Militant, whom the archdiocese of Detroit banned from using Catholic in their name, has a long and ignominious record of making things up and distorting evidence. They harass and dox critics. A common method is one them contacts a critic pretending to be a whistleblower and has a link in the message to capture their IP (VPNs are always a good idea). One former SSPX priest now living in Mexico as a gay man (see Judas Project on Youtube) suffered harassment for not helping Mrs Niles on her special project. Fr James Martin SJ was a target but just said they deserve prayer. They employ Milo Hanrahan who attended parties where young boys were molested (see his Joe Rogan podcast). He won’t say who were the abusers. It is interesting that this cult of supposedly repentant gays dwell in Ferndale, Detroit, an area with a large gay population. Handy if they want to temporarily fall off the wagon. I wonder why Gary Voris so hates the SSPX. His pal Coffin is now a Benevacantist. No harassment of him.


Yawn. You want to be careful shooting the messenger. If you’re not careful people will stop going to mass when they hear about the church facilitating abuse!


Whats in the water in Killaloe?? Priests buying extra wide beds & getting cross with delivery men, driving to Salthill Beach to show off their bits in public, getting too close to & taking advantage of vulnerable parishioners, the list goes on. Where is this Papal Nuncio fella, is he no good to sort them out down there in County Clare??


There are some lovely priests in the Diocese of Killaloe, don’t you be putting down all our holy men of God


I agree, I live in a village, I have absolute respect for our priests even though they know I’m not ‘religous’ they never stopped in a street to say hello,nor do I. A few bad eggs in every bunch. Ger is certainly one.


Detroit banned someone from using the word Catholic ??? Do the RC’s have total control over the word Catholic or at least do they think they have? Morons


Pat, your one time colleague, R. Nugent is posting a series of You Tube videos on the Cathechism of the Catholic Church, which are interesting. Also, he has posted a video to applaud and support Anthony Stein, an American whose views resonate with his. All very right wing and in their perspectives, there’s only one way: The Catholic Way. R. Nugent is doing a 30km trek across the Mournes in support of Ukranian Aid. Now, I call that truly giving witness in an exemplary way. God bless him. We seem to be forgetting about the Ukranians and their needs. Sad.

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Robert and I are in touch. We spoke at length today.

I will be supporting his Ukrainian fund.


4.35: And what major project will you both co-operate on next? What an unlikely liaison! What’s or who is in the pipeline for attack and condemnation?


I’m no example I’m just a guy trying to be Catholic. I think as Catholics we can do better and support each other more. We need to help the next generations of Catholics know that we tried.
There is always hope, but we need to keep talking. Pray for Ukraine and Russia.


Are the actions of the D and C Curia starting to come back and haunt them? Solicitors now involved? Was only a matter of time. Pontius Noel Treanor Pilate and his side kick the warbling member of the British empire(wherever that is) will wash their hands of it all. It wasn’t me guv


The Parish Priest in Ennis is a very strict and bossy man and would know Ger Fitzgerald much better than the new Bishop. It’s a wonder he didn’t put law and order on Fitzgerald before the crap totally hit the fan.


Father Rhino is from Ennis himself. He’ll know way too much to be daft enough to take on the local vagabonds.


Killaloe covers more than Co Clare… And some of the Tipp priests ain’t keeping their bits in their trousers either…


7:02pm Clare would be better off if Gerry Carey stayed in Tipperary & the people of Galway weren’t too impressed with his nonsense either.


Please pray for the people of Ukraine. Here is a Prayer to our Lady of All Nations for the people of Ukraine, to be said daily;
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,
Send now your Spirit over the earth,
Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of all nations,
that they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war.
May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed virgin Mary, be our Advocate, Amen.


7.02 Unfortunately, one must go back to The Battle of Lepanto for any signs of Divine intervention on that score.


@ 7:20pm

You’re right about Lepanto Bileen lets get back to The Holy Rosary which won for us that great victory over the Mohammedans, Our Lady of Victories pray for us.


7.38 and 7.51 I doubt many here, maybe even the moderator, know the origins of “ Our Lady of Sorrows “ but this Blog brings many tears to the good Lady if she’s up there!!!!


7.59 Good King, good Kingdom. Bad King, bad kingdom ( a Shakespearean theme). Armagh was and is decent territory by any royal term, seldom blessed with a decent King worthy of the realm.


7.55: William, why your animus and doubting towards Pat? You should be grateful for being allowed so much space on this blog. Your life seems a too full of gloom and doom and misery. Keep all that to yourself. Please.


8.07 There was a man who ran down a corridor once exclaiming ” I am irrelevant, I am irrelevant ” my guess there are quite a few contributors like you on this Blog. Grateful …..allowed…….you say……have a reflection on your comment for goodness sake. For the record, my facilitation to your denigrating of my life is not to continue. My goodness I shudder to think what you are like at a dinner table……or maybe thats the reason for your outlook.


9.52 Its all iron ore in this neck of the woods, a compass is useless but there is technology you would be unfamiliar with…….examining anyones head is antiquated terminology, there are much more up to date methods in how to proceed.


Pat you should post the god awful dirty messages he used to send to Ms Drake while he was an active priest living a double life.

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8.50: William, if you can’t take the heat, get out of the cauldron. You are very proficient at denigrating others..


9.08 Who ? You use cauldron so I presume you are ? Yes…..with a broom . Lots of them on the island but the good ones gather in an open coven, not anonymity . Imagine the privilege of blogging here ” Martin.”


Yes, William, I use the v8000 broom, it goes from naught to sixty in 0.5, can runs rings around you. Comes with a dishwasher too, he’s flexing he’s muscles as we speak. 😊


Bishop Pat, to my knowledge every diocese in Ireland has access to the sea except yours. I shall be absent from your cyber- locked diocese for the immediacy. The dances on Saint Peters Square today are a cause of joy to me and so many …….a token catchup of Wojtywas multitudinous historical sorries……as you say yourself …this Blog is a pugnacious place. Off for a game of Darts……a game where you see whose throwing them!


I agree, I live in a village, I have absolute respect for our priests even though they know I’m not ‘religous’ they never stopped in a street to say hello,nor do I. A few bad eggs in every bunch. Ger is certainly one.


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