

We have all known that DLF was sent to Dublin for one reason, and one reason only – to sort out the drastic state of the finances.

He is now bringing in financial and property experts.

Churches, presbyteries and other church properties will be sold and cash piled high in accounts and clever investments.

This in itself is not wrong.

Every family, group and institution must look after its finances.

But what about the pastoral future of the church in Dublin?

The numbers of priests will dwindle quickly.

Seminarians will be as scare as the Corncrake.

Congregations will not only dwindle but in many cases disappear altogether.

What will be “church” then?

Where will the Gospel be preached?

Where the Kingdom of God on earth?

Will be be left with a small very rich entity called RC IRELAND LTD?

I suppose one answer would be to turn the bigger churches into casinos?

And maybe Knock will be Ireland’s Las Vagas?

Why is DLF not hiring a FAITH MANAGER instead of an ASSET MANAGER?

Oh! I forgot, DLF is supposed to be that!


@10:52 absolutely, screwing Peter to keep Paul in opulent luxury, thatā€™s their normal modus operandi. Those poor victims & survivors wonā€™t get a red cent if church can pay some fat cat legal or property eagle to provide a get out clause. Zero moral compass in RCC.


Pat Buckley:
‘This blog is to highlight wrongdoing and corruption in the RCC’
(Comment at 2:46, May 18, 2022)
The RCC: Look at the social workers.


Every diocese on the Island of Ireland needs to be independently investigated.
Safeguarding MUST be completely independent of the RCC.


Context is everything. The extirpation of evil demands a prior identification of its extent.


Especially that diocese which in association with seminary authorities, terminated your association with it.


Mournful Mick, former Senior Social Worker, is the man to go to on matters pertaining to Social Work, including, Social Work cover ups. I’m still waiting for an answer to whether he
remained in contact with former classmates from his days in Maynooth, back in the mid to late sixties. If so, Mick, are any bishops or retired bishops?


I don’t think Mournful had the grades to get one of the coveted diocesan places in Maynooth. He was in an order.


Did you know Mournful Mick?
Surely he obtained a BA in philosophy including philosophical aspects of catholic ‘farrago’.


@2:50. Wait away mate! Iā€™ve no inclination to share any personal info, bearing in mind a recent comment that the idiots with no ability to contribute usefully demonstrate their vacuity by siezing on any personal information for ad hominem criticism and baseless supposition. Might that apply?
There seems a couple of troll wannabees inhabiting the blog just to mock and ridicule: theyā€™ve nothing useful to say.
To quote Whitmanā€™s ā€ Leaves of Grass ā€œ,

I exist as I am, that is enough.
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And if each and all be aware, I sit content.


Hold your horses, Mick!
What useful contributions on this blog are you making in order to prevent sexual abuse of children, abuse of vulnerable adults, rape of women and male religious by priests, and its concealment by superiors including hierarchs within the catholic church? Were you not a leader of a child protection team during your professional life as a Social Worker? Have you no expertise to offer on this blog other than grand philosophical speculative discourse on the existence of God or promotion of new atheists good without God notions while repeating ad nauseum your anti catholic ā€˜farragoā€™ narrative. Adults are aware Social Work scandals exist, Mick.


You already shared too much Mmm. You declared the education you received in Ireland was mediocre. That it was only when you progressed to higher studies in the UK you were properly educated. Some here though would quibble with that last sentence.


Our PP said a few Sundays ago that, in 20 years’ time, there will be only 30 priests left in Down & Connor. That’s defeatist talk and a sign of hopelessness and lack of faith. DLF selling off the assets is similarly defeatist.


Heā€™s probably being a bit optimistic there. More like 10 years. And itā€™s not defeatist, it is realistic. And the reason is simple. Not enough men coming forward for priesthood and ministry. Do you blame them ? If you were a 20 year old, would you join a priesthood that has shown itself to be dysfunctional, self-serving, damaging, and even criminal ? I think not. So, until the idiots in Rome and elsewhere decide to re-envision priesthood and make it something that is a healthy, integrated ministry of Christian service, then it is only going to get worse. Actually, the quicker the better, then once it has crumbled we can begin to rebuild from the ruins and ashes. DFL having the assets valued and managed makes sense, particularly since he is going to have to continue paying out huge sums of money to the victims of abuse. That is not going to go away for a long time. He should count himself lucky he is not in the USA because the diocese would have had to declare bankruptcy by now. DFL and the current crop of bishops are having to manage the egregiously careless sins of their predecessors, but since they want to be part of the Church establishment and be implicit and supportive of its existence, then they need to accept the burden. Tough ! I donā€™t feel sorry for them. They continue to inflict unnecessary hardships and wounds on the faithful by their intransigence and inability to stand up and say what is right and just, because they are scared of their own shadows. Thatā€™s not leadership. Thatā€™s just covering your own arse !


Ah, @2:40, the old ā€˜springtime of vocationsā€™ myth ! Just around the corner ! What complete tosh, and fool you for believing it and pedalling it. There may well have been an increase in vocations worldwide, because that will include third world countries where a vocation to the priesthood is still seen as a vehicle to education and advancement. Just as it did in Ireland decades ago. That will come to an end soon in the next few decade as the reality of life takes over those countries and other opportunities arise. Back nearer home, I doubt there was an increase in vocations, and what increase if any you claim there was will have been provided by odd traditionalist types taking refuge from themselves and the world in Tridentine practices. Stick with the facts and accept that priesthood as currently envisioned by the RCC is a withering plant and needs harsh pruning and cutting back, and grafting on with some realistic, sane, sensible additions ā€“ namely removal of mandatory celibacy, deconstruction of the clerical culture of apartness and being special and unaccountable, and opening of priestly ministry, indeed all ministries in the Church, to women and a whole range of diverse people ā€“ yes, including out gays, trans, bi people etc. They are already there in the clergy ranks, just hidden, and usually more anti anybody else than the generality because they are trying to hide themselves. Methinks the lay doth protest too much, sort of stuff.


Instead of being “realistic”, the PP should have trust and faith. Vocations rose during the JPII and Benedict XVI pontificates, before falling under Francis. There will be more priests under a better Pope.

Liked by 1 person

Anon@ 11:18 & 2:20. Thank you. It’s refreshing, but rare, to see such intelligent perceptive articulation on the blog.


2.20 – Your tired 1970s manifesto has been implemented in full by the Anglicans, for all the good it did them. I suspect that you don’t go to any church. Perhaps the Anglicans are a better fit for you.


You’re showing your age, dear. It hasn’t been called the third world since about 1982.


Mick, why are you, a devout atheist, concerned or otherwise for the state of the church, numbers of vocations or reenvisioning of priesthood? Is it a wee bit of ego massaging with intellectually sounding buzz words in an attempt to triangulate supporters?


You would think that as a charity the salary would be given, because you would think a charity would be required to be accountable for the use of charitable funds to pay staff and not open to wide ranging salary differences you get in the commercial world.
Christians have values about the use of money as well.


Mission is at the heart of all Archbishop Farrell does after all he is a Priest first and foremost.
The Archbishop not a financial manager or property director so he rightly so brings in the expertise.
It is the parishes money and will be reinvested in parishes.
Archbishop Farrell has inherited a financial mess and trying his best by owning up he knows nothing about property he is a Priest.
Too many building with under 25% in them will need to be amalgamating.
Pray for Archbishop Farrell as he would rather have vocations and clergy but it is not there so Building for the Future.
Sadly they cannot be a RC Ireland plc .ie it would need to be RC Dublin plc ie as we cannot be LTD however it is a charitable organisation.


12:50am Not only does Jim S. know nothing about the RCC (as Pat pointed out recently), he also cannot write properly.


Unfortunately Jim S cannot understand Jealousy however he will….
Daily in Our Beautiful Cathedrals and Churches.
This blog makes it as it goes along just as a few bishops have said this week more so Bishop Drainey.
Ordinations start next week Armagh on 26th.


Isnā€™t he Irish and also gay, whoā€™s getting enoigh sex thanks? His literary skills are poor.
Bela Govanā€™s literary skill are on a par, despite Scotlandā€™s high reputation for elementary education. And Bela, we are told, is also partial to a gay tryst on a regular basis.


Pat, leaving aside your sneering and contempt at the archbishop by using DLF, it is appropriate that, at last, we will have a more transparent appraisal of all properties in the Diocese which are surplus to requurement. FYI, many pastoral initiatives and projects are beginning in earnest in the Diocese with a greater emphasis on the training of and involvement of lay people. Parishes are engaging with the Building Hope initiatives, not without difficulty, but realise the absolute necessity for doing so. We will require professionally trained individuals in all our parishes to both manage and administer parishes. Pat, you seem to want to throw the coldest arctic buckets of ice on any positive pastoral initiative taken by Archbishop Dermot Farrell. If you seriously and prayerfully reflected on the documents provided for all initiatives, the GOSPEL is the cornerstone of all plans and mission. So far, meetings in parishes are ensuring that CHRIST and his GOSPEL remain our focus. I say well done to our Archbishop. He is engaging, focused and decisive. God bless him in all his work. To achieve the renewal, reorganizing and consolidating of all resources and trained personnel, we need finances. Simple as. The priests and Parish Teams are working ever more closely together. Were we not doing this, you’d be the first to shout in condemnation. Open your eyes Pat and soften your cold, cynical heart.


Indeed, the Gospel is the cornerstone of all plans and mission.The mission of the Church,and the task given by God for the people of God to accomplish in the world is the Great Commission, preaching repentance, preaching the Kingdom, being servants of the Master, workers in His vineyard. So, what was going on in the Archdiocese of Dublin to warrant ā€˜The Murphy Reportā€™? Why did Archbishop Farrell inherit such a financial mess?


I must have missed that part in the Gospel where Jesus appointed an asset manager. I must have missed that part where Jesus was a bully. I must have missed that part where he covered up for his cousinā€™s abuse and then paid him off.
Dermot Ledwith Farrell is a real shinning light of Christian behaviour šŸ™„


Did you not know of the relative recent historical findings in Ballymagash Co. Gonowhere circa mid/late 20 century when secret scrolls were found in a milk churn containing the authentic version of the gospel of peanuts! šŸ¤­


@ 11:47am

Well we know your literary skills are not up to par youā€™ve just proved it again, itā€™s ā€˜enough not enoighā€™ nor should you believe that others indulge in trystā€™s like you Jim or what ever name youā€™re using today. Ya foul faggot.šŸ˜


Sad language to use foul names but just shows how low one can go.
May God Bless You.


Bella Govsn Willy, you are confusing two different idioms:
up to scratch and
on a par with.
How do you communicate on a daily basis?
It was one of your fellow nationals who told the blogā€™s readers of your sexual exploits. Pointing the finger in such a vular way fools no one. We have seen how the most publicly homophic a person is, the more likely they have questions to answer.


Property is their real business, the religion bit is only a ā€œfrontā€ similar to the head shops, vape shops & barbers some are making their ā€œrealā€ money on more lucrative under the counter merchandise. Farrell is just another RCC racketeer sitting on church property millions much of it sourced under the counter. Scumbags. Itā€™s probably good news for anyone they owe though. Payback time and move on. Knock would be a fine spot for a Casino, a tad closer for the collared frocks than the Miami and Las Vegas casinos they look forward to frequenting on their annual trips to Florida & The West Coast. Different chips šŸŸ theyā€™ll have to bring the Killaloe Ger with them.


Casino Royle -Religious Disney Park (avoid meadow)-and *Gaynooth*.


@9:25 Boiler House Gay Sauna, Dublin is a subsidiary of Knock, Lourdes & Gaynooth


Bit when it’s sold, it’s gone and will never be repurchased. What do you put the proceeds of the sale into? The Oxbridge colleges seldom part with real estate and hence their wealth.


9:35 I expect theyā€™ll be able to find some idiotic sheep to finance any future purchases ā€“ thatā€™s who paid for any current property!


Oul Gossip Alert @ 1:50pm
OMG! Patsy, I’m just back home and that evil oul bitch is still gibbering like a budgie with her foul lies. Is there any way we can have her sectioned? šŸ™„


8:19. A completely accurate analysis . The RCC is nothing but a business with Christ being prostituted to get the punters in


You have to laugh at those getting up on their high horses and moaning about church finances. It’s these same bucks who don’t contribute anything to the church. What a bunch of hypocritical loons.


@9:16 they have no real need of the pennies that Joe Soap can afford they have much bigger fish resident in their cesspool


Remarkable how you can see who commenters are and how much they put in the collection.
You’re stupid, aren’t you.


You were warned that all it takes for hou to be identified is four or five words from your store.


Develop a residential model?
Can one assume that Dermot Ledwith Farrell is planning to have all the priests live together?
That should be fun. Good luck šŸ‘


Think DLF is looking for a RED HAT cos Vatican Inc valued bishops with some financial skills as they are looking for one.
He is the first one from my reckoning re advertising a property manager.
Burke motto re ‘ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing’.
If we as abused did nothing by not raising our voices, rcc would learn nothing. By raising our voices, rcc became v uncomfortable and went into a secrecy mode with no sign of transparency.
Bishops get promoted to cardinal for what they did re finances re cardinal dolan and setting up a business fund inc(cementry) to divert monies from abuses fund.
Interesting re Church militant take on mc elroy is here :


I am certain that most of he cynics and critucs today are never seen doing anything worthwhile but sit on the fence and complain, scoff, mock and lieā€¦the little bullies on laptops, mostly, apart from some genuine, though challenging and searingly honest commenters. Why the need to smash efforts at reorganising and renewing? Why? Well done to Archbishop Farrell. God bless and guide his ministry. He is decisive and perceptive.


What makes you so certain ā€˜the cynics and critics,ā€™ unknown anonymous commentators, are never seen doing anything worthwhile in worldā€¦a silly stupid ridiculous generalization. Precisely what lies are you referring to in your comment? Maybe people have already come off the fence or are coming off the fence. Are cynics and critics comments too honest, searing and challenging, perceptive and direct?


1.54: Use your discerning intelligence to know the difference between those who are genuine in their honesty – which I value in any analysis – and those who just condemn all the time. They’re predictable, fatuous and continually sneering. Hopefully you are in the former category. Constructive and positive narratives are always fruitful, not the denigrating and nasty soundbyte approach to crises, as all too frequently seen on this blog.


Would you like to share your discerning intelligence to inform us who you think lied, who are genuine in their honesty, -which most people value-and those attempting to just ‘pull the wool’ all the time. In terms of dealing with crises: 1. God, 2, leadership changes,3. acting quickly and decisively when personnel problems occur 4. donā€™t employ personnel likely to create more problems- don’t create ‘jobs for the boys’ 5. only sell, close, or amalgamate, non-sustainable, non-profitable aspects of operation as a very last resort 6. be imaginative-a root and branch complete thorough analysis of all aspects, assumptions, and organizational operations,7.God.


11:56 Whatā€™s the plan for reorganizing renewing and recharging the spiritual batteries for priests and the people ?


And you’ll all still be refusing to see that you had a whole nation and government in your control and literally threw it away because you wouldn’t stop your clergy raping children.


Typical response of someone who weaponizes CSA for their own gratification with no care for victims.


Its sounds like the one gaining vicarious gratification through weaponizing CSA is you, projecting yourself, which is very concerning.


There are some Muslims doing pop up stalls both here and the UK.
They’re talking to passers by and telling them why do Christians celebrate eating of fresh and drinking of blood? What’s that all about ?
Eating the prophet Jesus.
Also wondering did Rome borrow the idea of human sacrifice from the Maya culture. Its got some people thinking.
These Muslims are extremely adept at the English language and are super friendly, plausible and very calm.
They will become dominant eventually, of that there’s no doubt.
Average brood is 6 or 7 kids.
Probably it’s rise is directly linked to the ultimate demise of the RCC.


Commenter at 3.37, 5.05 & 6.24.

Unconscionable to refer explicitly to the monstrous crime of the sexual abuse of children in pursuit of your hedonistic agenda. There are no depths to which you will not sink.


The individuals making reference, weaponizing CSA, and possibly obtaining vicarious gratification, are those desperately attempting to defend the church. What compounds their unconscionable remarks is their disgusting accusations against those of us challenging CSA within the church. When it comes to hedonism, sinking and depths, challenging errant clerical colleagues. Donā€™t you dare attempt to include me with such cathbotts or errant clerics in your manipulative faux disgust


LOLā€¦ I always thought + Buckleyā€™s blog was focusing on child abuse in the catholic church, love. Yeaaa. Thereā€™s enough to be getting on with trying to clean up a subsection of a small section of society responsible for abusing children. No one is trying to block the expiration of societal evil. Yeaaa. You canā€™t be all things to all men, love. One small sector at a time. I hope you donā€™t have fake concern for victims of a subsection of a small sector of society or have a revolting agenda of your own, love Yeaaa.
I must dashā€¦baby Dave is crying his little eyes outā€¦. Bless himā€¦!šŸ‘šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘©ā€šŸ¼


Fake concern for victims. False conclusion of the evidence.
Anyone acknowledging that child sexual abuse is a monstrous crime is not in the business of defending anyone or exonerating any institution. Quite the contrary. They are perfectly correct in prosecuting those who, for their own nefarious reasons (self indulgence, hedonism, sexual gratification, pedophilia etc.) seek to block the extirpation of that societal evil by exclusively focussing on a small sector of the general population. Duplicitous fake concern for the victims. A revolting agenda thatā€™s not hidden to anyone fearless enough to follow the evidence.


Dublin has always had people that looked after the property. When I served in a parish I recall very good staff members who assisted. All thatā€™s happening here is replacing talent that left with redundancy. So many good people were forced to leave in Dublin.


Iā€™m contemplating becoming a Guru. I am thinking of setting up a new religious order called The Troubadours who will busk in every main street in the Land with Youtube videos, Facebook videos and eventually concerts. There will be no obligation for listenersā€™ to place money in baskets’. Providence will provide. Consider the liliesā€™ā€¦


DLF should use to property portfolio to create a pension fund. Let any priest 60 or older retire on pension if they wish. Any who remain will be motivated and willing to work with him.


2.50pm unsettled cases have to take precedence, any outstanding claimants would be well advised to lodge the appropriate legal paperwork immediately to ensure they are paid out before the loot disappears for the benefit of the abusers.


Pat you mention the Pastoral plan. Is that not in good hands with the former teacher Gareth? Thereā€™s also a Scottish lass running something too. The mission is protect the assets! Meanwhile the diocese is shrinking quicker than anyone realizes. The majority of Dubs donā€™t care.


Where would today’s bishops be without their plans, workshops, strategies and synods? More clipboard than crozier with this lot.


You describe how NGOs operate; plans,workshops strategies, talk shops, conferences…
Where is Jesus Christ, Gospel, Repentance, Salvation, Witness, Prayer, Life in the Holy Spirit….gone? And why…?


4.39 – the Irish bishops would be too embarrassed and self-conscious to even mention Jesus Christ, Gospel, Salvation and the other things you list.


Your daily reminder that the cathbots are talking about payroll, warning and identifying commenters because they love silencing people who comment here.


Pat I’m surprised at your take on this because I read it quite differently. I assumed that the church was having to pay someone to do this because at one time they would get freebies from Catholic financial advisors, solicitors, estate agents, accountants and others, but no longer do so and were forced to pay for it in house.
So I actually saw this job as a sign that support for the church was falling and it has fewer supporters who are professionals and also trying to buy their way šŸ˜‚


5.00: How ignorant you are! How crassly ignorant! The elderly probably contribute more to society than you could ever imagine. You are an abuser with this attitude. An abuser.


Clement XII (1730-1740) for most of his ten years as Bishop of Rome carried out his ministry from his bed.


Two points of information.
1. It was Pope St Paul VI, of happy memory, who decided in 1975, cardinals ovee 80 may not vote in a conclave.
2. The 1983 Code of Canon Law, under Pole St John Paul II, of happy memory, stipulates a bishop shall submit his letter of retirement on reaching 75.


Papa Ironside makes bishops hand in their retirement at 75 and he stops cardinals voting at 80. Is that ageist?


Amazing and straight to the point Grandma’s lace.
I just hope the Bishop’s inform the younger clergy leave Grandma’s lace in the sacristy or in their bedrooms.
The under 40 year old clergy seem to have a fetish for lace.


@ 6:05pm
You’ve been on the google again and we’ve had enough information from you already. Them two auld melts might be of happy memory to you but not to many others.šŸ™„


6.35 From memory didn’t Iornside push himself around with wheel movements. Papa Francis not humble enough for that!!!! Anyway with all that pasta those tyres need daily pumping I guess!!!


Francis has done so much damage. His years have seen a reverse the JP2-Benedict gain in vocations, for the most part, and has seen him taking care to appoint the likes of Jozef De Kesel to Mechelen-Brussels where he destroyed a traditional priestly society with as many vocations as the National Seminary, and unlike there, these were French or Belgian vocations. Francis was probably panicked the great gain of the Spirit of V2, the de-facto destruction of Belgian Catholicism might be slowly reversed. The deeply sinister, creepy and now dead Danneels, who was on the balcony with Francis, had wanted de Kezel as his immediate successor, but Benedict wisely ignored him. Francis represents a dying boomer vision of the Church, a failed vision. His fragrant protection of a priest who raped children in the Confessional, Mauro Inzoli, his effort to restore his priesthood, and his patronage of so many bishops with sexual and financial allegations (like Maradiaga the swindler) against them, are among the many crimes the oligarch media ignore.
Yet I am given to wonder whether the destruction of Catholicism was by design with a few of them with their Masonic and pederastic leanings. Time will solve most of that problem, so despite all Francis could do, he could not destroy the revival that really took hold under Pope Benedict. Benedict is so old, but his understanding of the Vatican Council has a life and youthfulness about it.


Cynics stand back. This is a very sensible post. Clergy are hopeless at managing property portfolios. Get the best you can to ensure its proper management.


To Whom It May Concern: I read some very interesting articles today while I was in the Local Studies section of the library written by none other than Killaloe priest, Fr Ger Fitzgerald, about his time at Maynooth. Very insightful read. I made sure to make a copy, You can all thank Bishop Emeritus Willie Walsh for Ger being accepted into the Diocese of Killaloe. Willie is a very interesting figure. Apparently he put the ā‚¬1.5 m. proceeds from the sale of land at Westbourne into a fund and paid it all out to clerical abuse victims.


7.18 There is an Armagh connection to the three priests mentioned in that newspaper article. All covered up of course !!!!


ā€ Late Vocationsā€ were always sinister, always. Waterford is an iconic instance of same. I wonder how many women he dated as a teacherā€¦or men even ? I know the answer. Very sinister motivations to ā€œLate Vocations.ā€


9:28 I donā€™t take requests from minions. Send me your email and Iā€™ll forward the article on to you.


@9:28 Better yet, how about I write a piece about The Rise & Fall of Fr Ger Fitzgerald and send it out on the news wire?


9:28 How fitting it would be to submit an article on GF to the news wire so that it coincides with his ordination anniversary mentioned in the article. Donā€™t test me minions.


DLF is wise getting in properly qualified finance and property experts. That might avoid a repeat of the scandalous underselling of Clonliffe by Dermo, who as usual waded bombasticly into areas on which he had no expertise.


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