


Pat’s note

Alquin Reid was a deacon in Australia who was refused ordination and asked to seek laicisation. Instead Reid went to France and set up his own DIY monastery in the diocese of Toulouse. Recently he was illicitly ordained by rogue archbishop Vigano and the Bishop of Toulouse tried to suppress Reid’s monastery.

Reid is a long term mate of Kirby’s and with a similar background and is supported by the right wing Peter Kwasniewsky, whose son is a monk of Silverstream.

Dear Fr. Reid,

Following your illicit ordination as a priest in Rome by Archbishop Viganò, I note that Peter Kwasniewski has become one of your most fervent admirers and supporters. To the best of my knowledge, I am the FIRST individual to publicly name your ordaining prelate, [Viganò] online.


For the obvious reason the fact that [Viganò] was the ordaining prelate cannot be publicly admitted, because that could beget very severe canonical consequences for Archbishop Viganò, because he is not the flavour of the month with the reigning Supreme Pontiff.

Do you, however, accept that Archbishop Viganò wilfully and deliberately and without a scintilla of justification violated the provisions of Canon 1383, by ordaining you a priest without the appropriate dimissorial letter from the Ordinary of the Diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, Bishop Dominique Rey? If not; why not?

Were you aware of the text of Canon 1383, which reads: “A bishop who, contrary to the prescript of can. 1015, ordains without legitimate dimissorial letters someone who is not his subject is prohibited for a year from conferring the order. The person who has received the ordination, however, is ipso facto suspended from the order received”.

Archbishop Viganò is not an idiot. He holds a doctorate in both Canon and Civil Law (Utroque Iure) from the Pontifical Lateran University. Regardless of one’s views on Viganò, he was appointed Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, which is one of the most prestigious appointments for any Nuncio. And, that makes his actions in ordaining you all the more egregious and indefensible.

You, Fr. Reid, are also a highly intelligent man, I note that you also hold a PhD; hence, you should have known better to violate the canonical tradition of the Church. Those who know better, suggest that your justification for being illicitly ordained a priest in order to celebrate the Mass by invoking past actions of Dom Gérard Calvet OSB, abbot of Barroux, is intellectually arrogant and canonically unjustifiable. Do you accept that characterisation?

When Archbishop Viganò was visiting your monastery in France — who raised the issue of the ordination? Did you tell him about your difficulties in being ordained a priest? Did Archbishop Viganò volunteer to ordain you or did you ask him to confer the illicit ordination?

Did you apprise Archbishop Viganò of some of the issues that have bedevilled you from the past?

Presumably, if you did, you vehemently denied the accusations that have been made against you in the past — is that a reasonable assumption?

Did you discuss your intended ordination with Cardinal Burke and the consequences that would flow from that canonically illicit act? After all, he was the Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, he would have been able to provide you with expert canonical advice. If you did speak to him about your plans — did he dissuade you?

The scandal-ridden Silverstream Priory located in the Diocese of Meath, displays an autistic-like devotion to the Traditional Latin Mass. And that is a known reality. If, Bishop Thomas Deenihan, Ordinary of the Diocese of Meath, refuses to ordain any of the solemnly professed monks of Silverstream Priory, do you think they should request diaconal and priestly ordination from Archbishop Viganò? Would you be willing to facilitate an introduction?


Are you aware that your biggest fan, Peter Kwasniewski, has a son who is a monk of Silverstream? His name is Br. Isaias.


Do you consider the former Prior of Silverstream, Elijah Carroll (who according to the founding prior of Silverstream, Dom Mark Kirby, has an addiction to gay porn), to be an individual that would be suitable for ordination to the priesthood? Would you support his candidacy for ordination to the diaconate and thereafter to the priesthood? If not; why not?

Has Peter Kwasniewski become a useful patsy for your fundraising efforts to keep your non-canonical monastery in existence by highlighting and praising your illicit ordination?

Have you been able to quantify an increase in revenue to your Priory every time Peter Kwasniewski mentions you in a positive light?

Has Peter Kwasniewski ever discussed with you the possibility of his son becoming a member of your community?

It is my intention to post this missive of questions on my blog, because I believe transparency is good for the church and all organisations.

+ Pat Buckley

PS: I have decided to copy this e-mail to Bishop Deenihan because it touches on a matter pertaining to canonical discipline within his diocese and to Mr. Kwasniewski for reasons that should be self-evident.

PPS: You are welcome to post a reply that I will publish unedited on my blog — if you so choose.


Dear Bishop Buckley,

Thank you for the courtesy of emailing me before posting on your blog. The least I can do is to give you the courtesy of a reply, which I ask that you do indeed post unedited on your blog, preferably with your original post please.

You refer to my “illicit ordination as a priest in Rome by Archbishop Viganò”. This, I am afraid, is a false assumption on your part, even if it seems to be a commonly held one.

I am, of course, well aware of the canonical realities to which you refer. Our monastery’s decision to accept ordinations was made in good conscience and in full awareness of the canonical realities involved. I would presume that you yourself, My Lord, having accepted episcopal consecration canonically irregularly, would understand that sometimes circumstances may arise in which one must act ‘outside the box’ as it were. Almighty God is the ultimate judge of such things, and in respect of that judgment, we are at peace. The salvation of souls is the supreme law.

You have, presumably, read our public statements in respect of our actions, but I respectfully draw them to the attention of your readers:

1. Our statement of 13 May, following the publication of the fact of our ordinations by our diocesan Chancery:

Statement – Communiqué – Monastère Saint-Benoît (

2. My Homily on Pentecost Sunday, following the news that Rome had acted against our Bishop (as we had feared it would) A Homily for Pentecost Sunday – Monastère Saint-Benoît (

It is to be noted that Rome’s action was conveyed to the Bishop in a letter signed by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops on April 28th. This pre-dates the Bishop’s knowledge of our ordinations, giving the lie to those who say that Rome acted against him because of us. It had been moving in this direction for at least two years previously.

I would ask you and your readers to please pray for our bishop and our diocese: he is being very unjustly treated and we fear that he may be removed. The diocese has only one new seminarian this year and is losing others; clergy also. Bishop Rey may have made mistakes, but he has done so in trying to do his best to be an energetic father and a shepherd. Neither he, nor the diocese, deserve the treatment being meted out from Rome at this time.

All of this does go to prove – I am truly sad to say – that the very fears we had earlier on this year about Rome taking steps against our bishop (and thereby putting our vocations and continued existence in jeopardy) were in fact justified. I was shocked at how quickly it all transpired and – please believe me – utterly humbled that in God’s Providence we had been given what is necessary for our survival in this storm.

3. Our statement of 21 June following the diocese’s decree attempting to close our Public Association of the Faithful (which is currently subject to hierarchical recourse, and is thus suspended): Statement – Communiqué – Monastère Saint-Benoît (

4. My July interview with Rorate Caeli, summarising the situation at that time, and addressing some of the concerns raised about me personally by some journalists: ​ RORATE CÆLI: Rorate Exclusive: Interview with Dom Alcuin Reid on his ordination, his community, the diocese of Fréjus-Toulon, and Desiderio Desideravi (

I would add that there are many salacious rumours on the internet resulting directly from an attack made in May 2010 by The Age newspaper orchestrated by a known and long-standing calumniator (now deceased) in order to attack me shortly after I moved to France, and through me also to attack both Pope Benedict and Cardinal Pell. After legal representation The Age duly withdrew the articles, but traces of them remain in blogs and comments here and there – you have linked to some yourself. A monk simply does not have the money to pay for the legal work necessary to have them all removed, even if we may have to take legal action against some individuals who continue to perpetuate them.

I have hidden nothing of my past from my ecclesiastical superiors and my 2009 incardination into the Diocese of Frejus-Toulon (at the invitation of the bishop) respected all due canonical processes.

Until after our ordinations in April of this year I have never been the subject of any ecclesiastical sanction whatsoever. The three visitations this monastery has had in recent years reported nothing untoward: quite the contrary, they praised the integrity of our life and recommended that ordinations be conferred. The bishop did not proceed with them because of the fear of Rome – a fear we now know was not unfounded.

5. Our summer newsletter, page three of which contains a further reflection on the stance we have taken: monastère_saint-benoît_-_newsletter_-_time_after_pentecost_2022.pdf (

I hope that what we have published will assist your readers in judging for themselves the steps we have taken and the issues that you raise.

Dr Kwasniewski and I have corresponded often enough in respect of academic matters. He is perfectly free to express his opinion in respect of our actions. We have not solicited this. What he says should, naturally, be judged on its merits. He and I have not corresponded in respect of any detail of Silverstream Priory’s crisis (I did once say I hoped things were getting better) or about his son’s situation in the light of it. I am not aware of any donations that have arrived because of his opinions.

In respect of Silverstream itself, since being informed first-hand of its difficulties in July 2020 our house has been praying and fasting and offering what little practical support we can at various levels to assist them in moving forward. I hope and pray that will be possible: there are good men there and it would be​ to the Church’s loss if they cannot persevere in their vocations. I would add that the fact that Dom Benedict remains in canonical limbo is a scandal that must be addressed. A way for both he and the community to move forward must be found as a matter of long-overdue justice. In respect of any other matters at Silverstream, I have no basis on which to either comment nor to judge: I neither know the truth or otherwise of what you assert.

My Lord, we are quite different in what some would call our “churchmanship,” and I regret, if I am correctly informed, that you would reject some Catholic teaching to which I believe we are all called to convert and to live. But in so far as you raise issues of genuine concern, I am happy to say what I can. In the current situation, however, there are details about our ordinations which must at present remain secret. I am sorry about this, but beg your understanding and that of your readers.

It would be a pleasure to welcome you to our small monastery as our guest if the opportunity ever presents itself: to pray together would be a joy.

In Domino,

Dom Alcuin Reid.


Bishop Buckley is threatened daily and faces adversity head on, a stronger character I have never known


There is more that unites you and Dom Alcuin than divides you. You are both aware of how the RCC operates and its dirty tricks. I’d heard some of the stories about him and his monastery, and I am glad I have had the opportunity to hear his side of the story.


10.59: That may indeed be true that there is a similarity of a kind between Pat and Dom Alcuin but the striking difference is that Dom Alcuin argues his case intelligently, coherently, with clarity and deep logical thinking. He may not be correct in all things but he’s calm and rational. Also, it’s very noticeable that his narrative is balanced and without the snide, confrontational and demeaning language so often used against many on this blog. I admire his recognition of the wrong and injustice done against Dom Anderson. The effort to completely taint Dom Alcuin is sinister and will not work because he is very able and competent in arguing logically and powerfully. God’s Holy Spirit be with him…


I don’t know anything about silver stream antics so I can’t comment but fairplay to him for responding and it was well written!


I like the little polite threat you got pat that they would take legal action against anyone that continues to post those links they had removed.


Another nutcase who is more catholic than the pope – on his own terms of course. These crackpots want to turn the church into a quasi-theatrical society more interested in dressing up in outdated costumery and swanning about in clouds of perfumed incense chanting latin motets than in coping with the demands of being church in the real world for real people. For these nuts the struggles of real people are irrelavent.
They would reduce the whole thing to an elitist fringe group.
Beware of those who hold secrets from the church. Those who live by the truth have no need of secrets, their deeds are transparent.
It may dress like a monk, talk like a monk, live in a monastery like a monk but real monks don’t have secret ordinations by unnamed renegade prelates. These are dangerous frauds.


Exactly. The monastery didn’t NEED a priest. If no priest was available to celebrate mass for them in their preferred way I refuse to believe the few of them couldn’t swallow their pride and drive to attend mass in another parish.

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And the current RCC is not a big fraud, with its systematic cover-up of abuse and financial scandals? I say allow Dom Alcuin and his community to live the gospel as they see fit, without judgment by nasty people like you who through the term “nutcase”, “frauds”, and “crackpot” around liberally. You seem to have such a vitriolic soul for one claiming to be a Christian.

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The Church has always had it’s secrets. They have always had “mental reservations” for numerous issues. For instance, if a person walked in to your house and asked you to hide them or they would be killed and the person arrived looking for them. Do you
A) Not lie and tell the murderer where they are.
B) Lie but in the knowledge that you save the person?
I would assume Alcuin has assessed that naming the Bishop would potentially lead to harm therefore he is well within his rights to “mentally reserve” that information. Bishop Pat protects his sources for the same reasons.


4.52: Frere Jacques: isn’t it wonderful to write such a flowery description about the life Dom Alcuin wants to inhabit, of which you disapprove? Whever I hear that cliched phrase “..being church in a real world for real people..”, I immediately look for the evidence of “real” church and “real” people. Surprise, they’re everywhere!! Hmmmmm…despite all our modernist and liberal tdndencies!! There are many people who receive wonderful spiritual nourishment from priests who are loyal to the moral tenets and teachings of the church, many who receive blessings and comfort from a faith that is clear, rich in tradition and spirituality and the ancient choral music of the Church. . It’s too easy to refer to people like Dom Alcuin as “nutcases”: It’s an ignorant attitude to have. I wish him well and pray that God will guide him with the Holy Spirit.


Frere Jacques, the fly in the ointment is that real people in the real world have voted with their feet and rejected the menu offered by those who, without cringing with embarrassment, talk about “being Church”. The unpopular Novus Ordo, far from filling the churches, as intended by the reform, has emptied them.


4:52am! Fighting talk, fuelled by drink? I bet you don’t go to Mass of any description.


Dom Alcuin is a great writer. He is clear, concise and coherent. His response to Pat and his lawyer friend’s letter is very interesting and admirable. Dom Alcuin is eloquent in defense and very capable of intellectual rigour in arguing the questions put to him. Pat’s efforts to implicate him in strange “activities” was well trounced by his logic and reasoning. It seems to me that Dom Alcuin and his community are deeply prayerful, kind, united in purpose and genuine in their spiritual journeys. I can’t fathom why Pat would want to create a “scandal” about Dom Alcuin. From his response, I accept his bona fide. God bless him and his colleagues. I admire his strength and integrity.

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It is good to see that Reid acknowledged the long overdue justice outstanding in respect of Dom Benedict Andersen.


Dom Alcuin is to be commended for responding to Bishop Pat so respectfully, as well as pointing out the absolute “scandal” that is the ongoing character assassination against Dom Benedict by Silverstream and Deenihan.


Pat, This is one you should pursue. Many more illicit ordinations could be revealed and, who knows, Vigeron could be the ‘go to’ bishop for fanatics and those who have rightly been refused ordination by their bishop. I wonder if Burke is also involved as a cheer leader? Mere speculation, of course.


Reid was ordained with an English deacon from Portsmouth diocese. The talk round here (from someone who knows his family) is that it was some Eastern European bishop that did it, rather than someone high profile.


And this, dear bishops, is how you reply to a letter from bishop Buckley.
Doesn’t actually say the rumours aren’t true, though.

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+Pat, after a bit of stale blogging it is great to see something “juicy”. I love the inherent mischief in your missive to Fr Reid. It seems to me at least that you are suggesting that if Deenihan in Meath not careful — some of the crackpots at Silverstone who are obsessed with the TLM will seek ordination illicitly behind the back of Deenihan. Peter Kwasniewski by his writings is providing an intellectual justification for this action in the future. Every so often I look at his Facebook page and his prolific output is impressive but totally misguided. All credit to Fr Reid for his swift reply. I am impressed that he makes reference to unacceptable treatment of Fr Andersen.


Was not Pat illicitly ordained by a maverick bishop? What’s the difference? Personally, I’d choose Dom Alcuin’s route if I was so inclined and determined? He is rooted in the sacred traditions of the Church and has a clear view of its ecclesiology and theology which is not a wishy washy, kumbaya type of pick and choose!! I think his letter is very interesting and we’ll written, coherently and enlightening and noticeably there’s no mendacious intent against anyone.


Pat, I am impressed with this blog. I am even more impressed that Dom Reid responded so quickly and that you have published his response. Dom Reid is an intelligent man who writes with great finesse. However, this does not disguise the reality that Dom Reid called himself to the priesthood; he was not called to the service of God’s altar in the name of the Church. His justification is predicated upon a defective ecclesiology, which does not exculpate his wholly indefensible act. In light of his considerable education Dom Reid should have known better and called himself to a higher standard. He should have spent a lot more time in prayer supplicating for a more positive outcome.
HIS actions and HIS actions alone along with the ordaining prelate give justification to the current Pontificate and their restrictions restrict on TLM. So-called traditionalists have brought the actions of Pope Francis upon themselves and this is a reality that Dom Reid blithely ignores in his self-justification.
When I see some of the imbeciles that have recently been ordained to the priesthood in Ireland and in parts of the United States, I can understand Dom Reid sense of frustration and disappointment, but that does not excuse his unconscionable act.
Pat, I feel you are right to make the connection to Dom Reid’s actions and what could occur at Silverstream.
The difference is, of course, Fr Reid owns his monastery in France, Silverstream Priory, as you brought to our attention sometime ago is actually owned by a Trust wholly controlled by officialdom within the Diocese of Meath. Therein, lies the fundamental difference.


Rule of St Benedict chapter 5:
1 The first step of humility is unhesitating obedience, 2 which comes naturally to those who cherish Christ above all. 3 Because of the holy service they have professed, or because of dread of hell and for the glory of everlasting life, 4 they carry out the superior’s order as promptly as if the command came from God himself. 5 The Lord says of men like this: No sooner did he hear than he obeyed me (Ps 17[18]:45); 6 again, he tells teachers: Whoever listens to you, listens to me (Luke 10:16). 7 Such people as these immediately put aside their own concerns, abandon their own will, 8 and lay down whatever they have in hand, leaving it unfinished. With the ready step of obedience, they follow the voice of authority in their actions.

15 For the obedience shown to superiors is given to God, as he himself said: Whoever listens to you, listens to me (Luke 10:16).
He encapsulates exactly the problem with the so-called trad movement: they’re not Catholics and their approach to authority is so far outside of Catholic tradition as to be Protestant.
Don’t be taken in by the kind answer. The Catholic way would be to bear patiently and seek the sacraments where they can.


Victim blaming. Traditionalists and TLM are a slight enough element, but Summorum Pontificum was long delayed justice after years of de-facto suppression of what was Mass for over a millennium, which was against even the suggestion of +Annibale Bugnini who headed Concilium with formulation of the New Mass, for he sought an extension of the Agatha Christie indult worldwide, as a kindly man.
Dom Reid and his little monastery hardly provide justification for scattering vibrant communities of young families who won’t ever to the boomer Mass, who ofttimes raised money for churches they can no longer use. They need to start sit ins and seizing some, as happened in France. Otherwise those places will be certain to close. V2 as realised (if not as envisaged) has proven an utter failure in the West with it basically disappearing in places as diverse and once Catholic as Belgium or Czechia. It’s likely the next Pope will see this bitter anger of Francis and Roche as senseless. The efforts of Benedict to understand V2 in a more subtle and traditional way will be revisited. Dom Reid probably erred in using the increasingly unhinged +Vigano, and acting now painted an ever bigger target on +Rey in Rome, but his community was increasingly boxed in. Sometimes, as Fr Reid said, improvisation of a sort is needed. Fr Reid certainly showed himself more credible in his letter, drawing a parallel to +Pat, than all those trembling and greedy company men who waste the time and money, and destroy the hopes, of so many worldwide. These days, it’s who dares wins.



I am very impressed that Fr. Reid mentions Fr. Benedict Andersen the latter being a monk of Silverstream Priory. It might be no harm to remind your readership of the injustices that Fr. Andersen has suffered and continues to suffer as a result of being a whistleblower. It is eloquently set out in this article. I continue to be amazed that Bishop Deenihan allows Silverstream to function within the Diocese of Meath. He could petition the Holy See for a decree of suppression and then sell the property for a tidy profit.

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The fact that Dom Benedict Andersen, the true Prior of Silverstream, remains in canonical limbo is absolutely scandalous. Dom Alcuin Reid has hit the nail on the head. Tom Deenihan’s inability to deal with the Silverstream charade with integrity seriously undermines his Episcopal leadership.


The prominent gay rights activist turned priest eh – would make you wonder who is doing the recruitment these days


Alex can be a raging homosexual and also choose celibacy, it’s not hard. But I would recommend sex to all Clergy and implore them to leave.


He is for Dublin next week, there is a massive Colombian population there now, it won’t be long before foreign gangs take off in this lovely island.


I thought he was Brazilian with Mexican based roots? He’s cute as a button regardless.


Alquin Reid clearly has the Irish Bishops and their cohorts seething this morning. They are not happy that Reid has shown you the common courtesy of a reply in preference to launching an all out character assignation behind the scenes as per the normal Irish Roman Catholic modus operandi.


Mark Viduka is very well connected in the RCC for a lay man. He has massive gambling issues and was declared bankrupt in 2002


He dwindled all his wife’s inheritance and she got an annulment by claiming he married her under false pretences.


Pat may we all offer our condolences to the child victims in the Thai atrocity. Them poor children – innocent and never to be forgotten.

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4:20 Don’t forget the Tuam Babies & victims of church related abuse worldwide.


The picture of the nun is like Mary Clavin the ex Vocational director in Maynooth. Mary is in a nursing home and is incontinent.


My mother has had to move 3 times to various nursing homes as they have all been inadequate and not looked after her properly.
I visited one day and found faeces all over the walls and was horrified that staff were just standing round talking.
Incontinence is not something that should be joked about and invariably will happen to most of us at some stage of our lives.


I know about this as we have our mother living with us, 90, and doubly incontinent. The washing machine is on twice a day. I wonder, Pauline, have you ever cleaned up after your mother?


Pauline you shouldn’t air your dirty laundry in public have some respect for your mother and her privacy


Nuns shouldn’t be vocational directors for seminarians. You wouldn’t get a priest being vocational director for female novices, in the unlikely event of their being any in the modernised orders.


Brendan has put on a pile of weight, he was doing a piece about pig farming last month and I couldn’t believe it was him.


That third person is a retired and shamed criminal who got debarred from the law society. His name is Mark Viduka from Australia and he is a horrible man.


Fr Harry Kewell could tell you a thing or two about Sharky Mark V. Who helped him recover from his bankruptcy?


Bishop Buckley do you think you and the William Mulvihill will ever be on good terms again?
Is he barred for life from your good blog?
Forgiveness is so important in life.


If our Pat is wise he will dump that balloon for good. Have a lovely weekend you all, I’m off thank god, heading to the Screaming Goat for a few wine.


@1.46 pm
I think Bill Mulvihill with his untrustworthiness has caused enough problems for Pat, best keep away from Bill.


1.46: Bill is yesterday’s man. He brought out the worst in people..He is a contrarian agitator and utterly untrustworthy. And far too foul, violent and iffensive. He had his time on this stage. Time to say goodbye Bill!!


I use to trust our parish priests over the years, but not anymore. I only told the priest about me stealing from my employer and now the entire neighbour hood found out. A sheer gossip and he’s a disgrace.


Pat why would you allow Maria to slander a priests name like this?
She’s repented to God but has a moral obligation to tell her employers about her misdemeanour.


+Pat, I am really enjoying the blog today. I love your beautifully drafted missive to Dom Alcuin Reid. But I have enjoyed reading his response all the more.
As has been observed on the blog earlier, Dom Reid, does not explicitly deny he was ordained by Archbishop Viganò. There was a strong suspicion for a time that it was Bishop Athanasius Schneider, who is an auxiliary bishop in Kazakhstan. Schneider is an out and out traditionalist, however, he would not disregard the canonical discipline of the Church. Also, while Cardinal Burke might be sympathetic to Dom Reid, he, too, would not have countenanced such an action. Both of these men can be disregarded as the ordaining prelate.
In an act of charity, Dom Reid, makes reference to the fact that Bishop Rey, “may have made mistakes”. Bishop Rey is a very nasty piece of work. He is an absolute tyrant. He sees himself as a Prince Bishop and any challenge to his authority is brutally crushed. He is a little too obsessed with “lace” for my liking. The Holy See was right to move against Rey, and the sooner he is removed from the diocese the better, because he is truly a malign influence. This will provoke a backlash from traditionalists, however, we have seen over the years that those who support “tradition” often have dark secrets in the cupboard, usually bondage gear and chains.
Bishop Rey was right to suppress Dom Reid’s community, but in fairness, the issue in that diocese is not the Ordinary but the vicar general. One does not need a doctorate in Canon Law to know that the hierarchical recourse is bound to be rejected, because Dom Reid acted in a disobedient manner and has disregarded without justification the sacramental order within the Church.
He would have been far more honourable to have approached the SSPX and left the Church, and in due course, Dom Reid could have been ordained by one of the bishops within the SSPX.


Pat could you do a blog on the ethical treatment of animals? I’m heartbroken and disgusted. My neighbour was going to bundoran for two weeks and couldn’t get anyone to look after her sog and she actually took it to the bet and got it put down. A most beautiful little Jack Russel. Life is cheap these days.


Tom Deenihan and the Famous night out in Hull which means he goes easy on his own failing flock when he should come down much harder.


For the first time, the world is mostly populated by black/brown skin people.
It should not be long now before Britain gets their first PM that is this colour.
Liz Truss was a terrible winner of that battle and her opponent Rashi Sumak should have won it.


2:39 I admire you, I honestly do. It’s difficult to make a comment that literally has no facts in it at all.
Let me guess…. you’re RC, aren’t you?


GB would not accept and tolerate black PM they can barely accept female one however I am fan of Choriza May


Eugene O’Neill is a pompous git. The sheer arrogance of that ‘man’ to refuse me my wedding in St Patrick’s will haunt him.


I was denied a wedding also because I have moved out of the vicinity. Fr McAleese was very understanding but when he went to clear it with Fr O’Neill he said no.


Where is the cost of living crisis happening? Is anyone actually affected by it? I haven’t seen much of a difference.


Pete you are one obnoxious man who is probably white and privileged and from south belfast while proper real people struggle and have to shop in asda


If only other priests, monks and bishops followed Dom Alquin’s great example and engaged with the blog and offered an explanation/defence/rebuttal/admission, as the case may be. As it is, the “no comment” approach allows things to run and run. Tell the truth and shame the devil, the old people used to say.


I know a woman whose husband is a brilliant builder, much in demand, but she can’t get him to put up a shelf at home. He says why she he bring his work home with him. I think Gordon Ramsey’s wife, Tania, does all the cooking in their house. They have two kitchens in the house, in a his and hers arrangement, but Gordon’s is hardly used.


My husband has never cooked for us, it’s chippy that and Chinese take away. Would love a wee potato dinner treat


CLARE County Council has expressed “serious concerns” that a €25m HSE plan for an elderly care unit on Church-owned lands at St Flannan’s College in Ennis may prejudice the future expansion of the secondary school.
Putting the project on hold, the Council has sent a Further Information (FI) request to the HSE to state that it has serious concerns that the proposed development particularly on lands zoned community may prejudice the future expansion of the school.


4:56 where will all this end, is nothing straight in Killaloe? Surely there is a less controversial site for the new hospital?


An interview with Fr Ray Lyons, who has previously been mentioned here in connection with Fr John Paul Little, has been doing the rounds of social media. In it he says after decades belonging to the party he is finally ashamed to be a Tory:
It totally figures that if you belong to a church notorious for covering up child rape you would also belong to a party that has killed tens of thousands of citizens with austerity cuts and wants to send asylum seekers to Rwanda.


Bojos Rwanda escapade was just one of his strokes, in a premiership where he talked of controlling migration it increased by magnitude. If Liz Truss manages to get a handle on things, Rwanda might be revivified, but just as a make believe for UK voters. The UK had the choice between Polish and other migrants or the trafficked people brought in on boats. With Brexit they chose the latter.


If Tom Deenihan doesn’t think that Silverstream would resort to the services of the likes of Vigano to illicitly ordain Porn Again Elijah, Aussie Surfer, or Kwasniewski Junior, he’s delusional. The trail has been blazed by Alcuin Reid, and Kwasniewski Senior is providing the theological basis.
Also, where is Kitty Kirby? Is he still being hidden and idolised by the nuns in Holland? Does he still have those young men with him to service all his needs?


They are all corrupt. Is there anyone normal in the RCC? Muslims get berated but the majority of them are good living people.


9:22 clergy from the RC religion internationally infamous for protecting paedophiles must be ran off school premises urgently & permanently.


You all want to free Palestine, yet one of them was beheaded on the West Bank earlier today. Why you ask? He was gay! Which is illegal in Palestine.


Funny how you never tweet about IDF murder of Palestinian children and journalists. Nothing to say about Shireen Akleh? Not suprised.
LGBTQ issues within both Palestine and Israel need to be sorted out – conservative Jews are strongly against homosexuality. At any rate this issue shouldnt be used by Zionists to distract from the daily murder of Palestinians and the building of illegal settlements.


Do NOT free Palestine until they can treat EVERYONE that is not a criminal with the respect they deserve RIP Ahmad


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