



“The Parish Priest of St Philomena’s, Provanmill, in the Archdiocese of Glasgow, Fr John “Nancy” Gannon, has a convicted sex offender actively working and ministering in his parish. I attended Mass there at the weekend (3rd Sunday, Lent) and can confirm the said offender was present and seems to have some sort of liturgical role before and after Mass.

Ronan O’Neill, who is related to Gannon through both their mothers, was convicted in 2019 of Sexually Assaulting a female friend at a party; he admitted the offence to her sometimes afterwards during a University project before pleading Guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

He was tagged for 9 months, ordered to do 300 hours of community service and put on the sex offenders register for 5 years from 2019 until 2024. Therefore he is still on the register whilst having a role in the parish.

As a side, Ronan O’Neill is the nephew of and lives with his uncle Terry, who was a member of the English Benedictine Community on Fort Augustus on the banks of Loch Ness. Terry was asked to leave the monastery shortly before it was closed under a cloud of allegations.

Further to that, Gannon is a friend of the recently convicted Paedophile Priest, Fr Neil McGarritty, and continues to entertain him in the parish house. “



Is Fr Gannon correct in having his sex offender relative working in the parish and church?

On the one hand, you could say it is a very Christian thing to do – to give an offender a second chance and the opportunity to have support in his battle not to reoffend.

On the other hand, you could say the offender is a threat to women and should not be able to move freely in a congregation that expects people there not to be a danger?



MARTIN KERR, a convicted Belfast paedophile, was the head altar boy and a scout leader at St Peters Cathedral Belfast.

Eventually, he was convicted of the serious and serial sexual abuse of altar boys and scouts.

He wrote to me from prison and asked me to visit him and minister to him.

Of course, as a Christian and priest, I responded positively.

After he was released from prison, I helped his get housing in an industrial and shopping area where no families or young people lived.

I discussed his position with my congregation, and we allowed him to attend Mass and play the organ. Every member of the congregation knew all about him and was involved in supervising him.

I was also his supervising person for the local police / social services liaison team.

But Kerr let all of us down completely and reoffended.

I was the one who discovered the reoffending and immediately reported it to the police and he was rearrested within the hour and returned to prison.


No, they shouldn’t be allowed to play any role. They should not expect to do so, and should keep their heads down for the rest of their lives.

There is no cure for paedophilia, and while not all convicted paedophiles reoffend, there is still the ever-present risk that they will do so.

Any convicted paedophile who insists on playing such a role should be viewed with deep suspicion. Paedophiles get off on power, and any paedophile who seeks a power position in the Church remains a very serious risk to children.

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Reactionary comment. Not every sexual offence is pedophile. How blameless is your own sexual behaviour?


For clarity
Clerics engage in varied sexual offences
There are
Predators of vulnerable parishioners
Passive aggressive intimidation and harrassment, libelling and slandering.
And more…….
But then you already know that only too well hence your “reaction”.
The legal sexual behaviour of private citizens is none of your business, yet another pathetic attempt at deflection by a self interested lay or clerical Romanist.


8:55 If you read the blog title today you’ll find the question is about sex offenders and doesn’t specify what type of offense. If you do this in your exams you’ll fail them.
Very disturbed by your total lack of moral sense in asking 10:34 how blameless their own sexual behaviour is. I’m not seeing the relevance but if you’re in the UK or Ireland will be able to help you with your impulses about children.


This is not a confession box Father.

Don’t be coming on here asking personal questions.

We know what ye like by now.


Pathetic attempt to backtrack. Pat’s post was about sexual offences. Your obsessive compulsion reduced that to pedophilia. Clergy and religious are among the most determined in the country to safeguard children. Despite collapsing every topic to CSA, you are not in the slightest bit concerned about children’s safety. Your sole motivation is anti Catholic. And thus you collude in turning the spotlight from where it should rest: on the continuing abuse of children by families and those known to them – the overwhelming locus of the current cases.

The obvious question is why you are so obsessive about this. What are you hiding?


‘Reactionary comment’? (Duh!) Of course it was reactionary: all comments on this blog are. You’ll go far.
Not every sexual offence is paedophile?? (Again, duh!) I didn’t say it was. But MOST sexual offences in the Catholic Church ARE paedophile. So, I reckoned such crimes warranted a small mention. Yes?
How blameless is my own sexual behaviour? How the hell did my post lead you to call into question MY ‘sexual behaviour’? You are the one who sounds reactionary here, or perhaps I should have said ‘self-defensive by deflection.’
I was molested as a 6-year-old boy by an older boy in a barley field. I know how manipulative, how bullying paedophiles can be. Which is why they are drawn to power like flies to the proverbial.
In future, try reading your comments before posting them. Better discovering how crass they are for yourself than suffering the embarrassment of having it pointed out to you by complete strangers.


Most sexual assault reported here is with adults, not children or minors. Most of the mentions of abuse of minors refers to dead perpetrators.


The nature of a paedophile is they thrive on power and get a kick out of gaining the trust of their victims and families. Paedophiles need therapy in dealing with this dreadful sexuality. The scary thing is how many undetected paedophiles are there still in powerful positions.

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A high proportion of serving clerics had their first homosexual experience in seminary.
Sometimes this is consensual and sometimes it becomes a mode of survival
And that’s where the rot sets in and spreads as we have witnessed.


Give me strength, Lord!
I said most such offences in the ‘Catholic Church’. Believe it or not, the Catholic Church is bigger than this blog.


Sadly, this is increasing as more people are being thrown onto the streets and becoming more vulnerable in many ways.


10:34 the Holy Ones are not dealing very well with the fact that their number is up and that no one living in the real world is going to allow themselves to be dictated to by a bunch of malicious paedophile protectors and money fiddlers. It is 2023 after all.

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Categorically NO, there are NO circumstances where paedophiles should be allowed to carry on working in any part of the Roman Catholic Church but every day hundreds of cases of this happening are revealed around the world proving that actions speak louder than words from The Vatican.


Folks: don’t bother to look at the other comments. This one by Anon @ 10:34 sums up the key facts.
I comment from considerable professional and practical experience.


If something is alleged and is forwarded to the Gardai, Police, PSNI to investigate, he or she should stand down while an investigation takes place. If the investigation is carried out by a Kangaroo type court and not by the Gardai/Police/PSNI then let them continue what they are doing. I am sure that if the Gardai/Police/PSNI are made aware of something to investigate they will and in time make their findings known.


You genuinely couldn’t make this up – all those connections move this out of a situation where a priest might have been deceived.
I’m just wondering how bad the allegations would have to be for anyone to be asked to leave Fort Augustus, a veritable paedophile haven.

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The Roman Catholic Church is nothing more than a money and sex scammers ring, every day more and more revelations.
Any priest with self respect would just leave but they don’t.

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8:56 you heard it here, folks. Roman Catholicism doesn’t make its followers behave any different to anyone else and they’re just fine with that.
Which raises the question of what its purpose is, but 11:33 has answered that.

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Money given on charitable Trust for a soup kitchen must be used to feed the poor.
Property given to a charitable trust for education or housing must be used for that purpose and in accordance with the written instructions of the benefactor.
Incidentally, this also raises the legal arrangements of parishes. The debt of a parish is legally the parishes – because the parish is legally a seperate entity to the diocese. No diocese seems to wade in to cover the debts.
But all too often dioceses seem happy to transfer wealther from a parish to a diocese.
Proverbally, the diocese will have it’s cake and eat it.

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Having their cake and eating it is what the Romanist church is all about.

Pay up, put up and shut up or else. That’s their modus operandi.

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One would have thought that the RC already has such a poor reputation that the hierarchy would not risk more damage by continuing to move offending clerics from one location to another, employing them in administrative roles, allowing them access in schools and hospitals but they do.
It’s like they are in denial even when it comes to clerics who have been before the courts.

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Priests appear to be in the priesthood solely for themselves and for what they can get and many addicted to feeding their own egos – not the flock entrusted to them. Technology has created an addiction for the spotlight in some. This frequently backfires as we have seen on this blog and elsewhere.


Pat, personally I would not have any member of my family work in any capacity in a parish. EVER. If I wanted to help a relative in any way, it would be a completely private arrangement. If the relative had a sex abuse crime, there’s absolutely no way I would countenance giving work or responsibilities of any kind. It’s totally against child safeguarding polices. Help, yes, but at a complete distance from any parish or church setting. The helping of Mr. Kerry was admirable but sadly his reoffending put an end to extending safety and security for him. Pat, you applauded the priest for helping his relative as a Christian thing to do: You gave acceptance, kindness, support and mercy for Mr. Kerr, yet when the sinner and perpetrator is a priest, crucifixion isn’t good enough! They should experience the most horrible ignominy possibe. Why the big difference – as a CHRISTIAN???


Unfortunately there are some clerics & their networks who “want to be SEEN” helping others and who have “ZERO regard for child or public safety and well being”.
This has been repeatedly highlighted and proven and yet international governments & policing authorities allow this international ring of abuse to continue.
The power and money and influence that the abusive & criminal Roman Catholic Church continues to exert is a matter of intense public interest as it deserves maximum investigation and spotlight in order to make the world a safer place for all and not just the over privileged clerics and their networks of compromised associations.


These despicable paedophile protectors & their types ring their lay & clerical cronies and they are all laughing their ballocks off at Buckley, his blog, the homeless, the volunteers and the dullards and plebs silly enough to fund
gin and champers parties & you could name the guest list.
That’s exactly what they’re doing – make no mistake. A danger to society.

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Fr John Gannon is a phoney – what he’s doing is really stupid and not in keeping with the message of the gospels.


Most clerics are phoneys, they clearly don’t even believe the crap they are peddling themselves but it’s profitable and affords them a very privileged lifestyle so they stick with it and their family, friends and networks also benefit.

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This blog is indeed monitored by the Holy Ones & their cohorts. The feeling of entitlement and of “we know better” will never leave them.


Reading you whole blog the real question is can you trust Fr Gannon to report this relative if he re offends. The answer is no. Unlike you he is not an impartial supervisor of any sort. He plays with fire. The Devil often takes kindness for weakness, and alas Charity of this sort all too often is the root of weakness.


Sex offenders are separated from other prisoners for their own safety – nonces are despised by the criminal fraternity.
A sex offender should definitely not have a role in a parish setting – I get all the second chance, conversion etc but the focus shouldn’t be on the sex offender but the safety of vulnerable people in the parish.
For me it’s zero tolerance and no role it would be hard enough monitoring them just as parishioners .
But clergy protect their own and sex offending clergy find themselves back in the fold with access – H&N and Byrne spring to mind – Gardiner was grooming Byrne or was Byrne grooming Gardener.

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Clerics and their cohorts couldn’t care less about the safety of vulnerable or anyone outside their own Mafia. They smile at the sheep and laugh at them behind their backs and use any opportunity to manipulate.

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Jeez Elsie set up Quigley so he had access to primary schools FFS – true wasn’t convicted but Elsie knew enough to know he was a risk to children.


+Elsie had sent Quigley to the USA for treatment (i.e. passing the buck) but +Elsie moved to Westminster before Joe Quigley returned from the unsuccessful treatment in the USA and it was then +Nursie in Birmingham who suspended Quigley but failed spectacularly to monitor and supervise Quigley’s behaviour, which included celebrating public Masses and inspecting schools! Quigley was finally laicised in September 2022 following his conviction and prison sentence of 11yrs 6months handed down over 12 months ago. Neither +Elsie or +Nursie have been brought to account for their gross lack of action and cover-ups, despite the Pope’s new laws to facilitate such action. This is typical of the RCC: all mouth but no trousers (pun intended)!

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The Vicar General thread in Brum common to +Elsie and + Nursie was John Moran who straddled both their reigns. He would have been instrumental in the oversight / supervision of Quigley. Seems to have dropped the ball somehow, somewhere, along the line ! He’s still alive – Harvington Hall, I think. So, ask him what went on. Not that he will tell you ! Much too much of a cute whore, that one !


Clerics party on proceeds of profit from slave labour, child trafficking and other “activities”says:

@ Are you serious?
These Bishops installed a priest who’s card had been marked as a Schools Inspector and he was later convicted in a court of law?
Why isn’t the Roman Catholic Church simply liquidated by Criminal Investigations and repayments for abuse, slave labour etc. made to victims by liquidating church proceeds of crime.

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The buck stops with + Elsie and + Nursie in all these matters. They will try to slope shoulders in order to avoid responsibility, and apologise profusely, but you can’t get away that all of the Quigley stuff happened on their watch. Neither has a great track record in these matters of safeguarding. I think they both believe that their status as bishops, and all that special ontological change stuff, protects them from too much criticism. I mean, they are only doing the Lord’s work, aren’t they ?!

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Anonymous @ 11.47am

I have read the article. There was no scandal. There was a victim of a stalker. The priest as he was then, Fr Timothy Menezes was the victim.
Get a grip and tell the truth.


There should be no priest families involved in any aspect of school classrooms or management etc.
They do what they like and flock together to cover up for it.

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Absolutely not.
Those Bishops and others that facilitate them to do so should be excommunicated.
Few trust the Roman Catholic Church to self govern in light of the continual daily emergence of more and more verified stories of moving priests around, keeping them on payroll and placing them in administrative roles out of public view whilst they focus on discrediting their victims.
Anyone subscribing money to this toxic Mafia and unable to understand the incessant demands for money under the guise of various titles should be aware that silence costs money, bribery is an expensive outlay as the Roman Catholic hierarchy struggle to keep more scandals emerging on the basis that it’ll do for their day.
They don’t give a damn about the victims.

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It’s the same all over
Remember Fr Rory Coyle, he used to be Frau Amy’s master of ceremonies until… well, you know.


The authorities at the Irish Gay Semenary at Maynooth University authorities determined that Fr Gerard Fitzgerald was the bizz.
Fitzgerald is another attention seeking Killaloe cleric with a thirst for the media and gave interviews to the Irish media aimed at deflecting what he knew to be the truth as he was an active participant along with other Killaloe diocese clerics at Maynooth Semenary.


There seems to be a plethora of meetings in Killaloo with council of priests meetings council of trust meetings while clouds of hot air is generated at planning for the future meetings in various pastoral areas. What on earth is going on in Killaloo…?


They must be nearly smothered down there, God help them because the usual suspects certainly won’t.


When the Maynooth Seminary Summer of Love 2016 story broke that Kevin McElroy was in Cork, Kevin fled back to Down and Connor and his priest “friends” washed their hands of their good-looking, dashing friend.
People like Ronan Sheehan and Kevin McElroy have stories to tell about seminarians and priests. They and others will talk if they are axed hence that’s why you will find them working in church offices or being moved around in the various project management roles designed to keep more truths from emerging.


Having tea every night in a seminarian’s room sounds more catholic than telling the truth about what’s really going on: sex parties. Ask Fr Goldilocks in East Anglia.


the Garden of Eden in St Mary’s Square in Maynooth was unveiled in 1995 for the bicentenary, the joke was that they were going to audition for Adam and Eve to stand in the garden, but there was too many Eve’s and not enough Adam’s!
1995!! – those Maynooth walls have decades of stories to tell.


8.23: And when more stories unfold will it be that even you didn’t qualify as Adam!! Seeing that you primarily belonged to the Eve and Dorothy Society at Maynooth, your girlie demeaour precluded you from looking macho and manly…Have you transitioned to manhood yet? We can imagine you looking all coy, tittery and smiley behind your curls..T. God I was trained in the 70’s – when men were men.


The Adam and Eve garden at Maynooth was Ledwith’s parting shot, following on from the hideous statue outside the library of JPII and the children he commissioned from Imogen Stuart and which will surely be thrown into the Lyreen river one day, just like the way statues of slave owners have been pulled down in the States and in England.

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That garden was and still is one big phallic symbol. How appropriate given all that happened in the rooms overlooking it – staff and students!


10.45: That’s unfair little girlie one! I am a true man and male. No equivocation about my maleness. Grow up.


The Catholic Church in Ireland should be made to cough up and settle all of its outstanding debts instead of spending hundreds of thousands on luxurious lifestyles, travel and education for its pretty boys that it’s paying hush money to, Fr now Dr Rory Coyle being a very recent example having cost his Diocese somewhere in the region of €400,000/£300,000 whilst he’s been pursuing a Mickey Mouse doctorate, hanging out with the Irish GAA scene in London, posing on gay dating apps, openly has a gay partner which is fine if he has actually left ministry but he won’t give up the money & the perks and is now back in Ireland saying mass.
Don’t forget the Irish Roman Catholic Church were selling human beings (adoption) for profit, they turned a blind eye to clergy buggering young boys, they set the suspects up in new places, they stigmatised innocent young girls and intimidated their families to abandon them. They sold influence in an afterlife for cash.
Good thing the church is not a private sector organisation or after the discovery of 9000 murders/ manslaughters you would imagine the company would be prosecuted, disbanded and its assets siezed, not to mention members behind bars.
The state regulated and inspected the mother & baby homes, but did nothing about death and neglect. FF, FG and the civil service were equally responsible.
The deaths of 9000 innocents comes behind the antics of the rampant homosexuals in Maynooth Pat? Satan was in the Mother and Baby homes Pat, where was God?

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These clerical parasites don’t believe in God, they use him as a front for their big money scam. Absent. Non existent. A figment of imagination. A delusional image emotionally and psychologically embedded and foisted on naive children and endorsed for their own ends by clerical parasites ……….
I could go on, but no point: minds cowed into submissive acquiescence clinging desperately for some meaning to their lives just won’t, …..well, as they say , “wake up and smell the coffee!”
As Bob Dylan sang: “The times they are a changing.”


I can say this, being a former Student at Maynooth, they were gay lay students from the university who had the hots for John Acton and Michael Jack Byrne (they were a few others). I did hear of a “secret” fan club among the LGBTQ community on campus who, let say, are far from saintly when it comes to the attractive semenarians. Their intentions are no way saintly. Just to say that I was never part of this club, but there is a reason why Maynooth is the gay capital university of Ireland.


The Maynooth Abuser Seminarians who have violated the lives of young adult men through acts of violence and male rape, these men must issue an immediate apology and contribute to the redress scheme.


In my time, One Maynooth seminarian had a fetish for gay sex in sacred spaces and the other seminarian has a sexual fetish for hair.
What went on in Kildorrery Church wasn’t their first rodeo and it continues elsewhere.


Wh is Rory and JPL celebrating public Masses for congregations, given that there is credible evidence of them making sexual advances to people to whom they should not be bothering – an ex pupil and a straight policeman. And, no doubt, to many others. Sounds to me that due diligence should apply, and an abundance of caution, allowing them to have public and trusted access to congregations.


Ireland is a class-ridden and chauvinist society, like Victorian England. The pity is that the churches did little or nothing to challenge society. Instead churches imported society’s caste system and in so doing forgot the Gospel.


Didn’t Catholic churches in Ireland once have separate pews for the rich and poor? Especially in Dublin?


At least that system was transparent
Clerical methods of prejudiced segregation these days are far more sinister and damaging.


When Philip Tartaglia was being ordained Bishop of Paisley in 2005 he chose Archbishop Raymond Burke, then of St Louis as one of the three ordaining bishops.

It is safe to assume that he knew Burke and liked and/or admired him.

Did he share any or many of Burke’s views?


For many of these younger trads the Latin Mass and dressing up is a sexual act and turn on – a hot line crossdressing.


You’ve just shown that you don’t understand how the Latin mass brigade think. They want to avoid sex except for reproduction and to ensure women are continually pregnant and knackered with kids. So they create a fantasy reconstruction of the 1950s as they imagine it. The point is to sublimate sex not act it out.
This is why the ‘trad’ movement is another ticking time bomb of abuse, because if that fantasy doesn’t attract kiddy fiddlers nothing will. The SSPX has been going longer than the ‘trad’ movement in communion with Rome and is plagued with paedos.

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There appear to be paedophiles and all other forms of abusers in every nook and cranny of the Roman Catholic Church.
Are the Holy Ones paying Putin to create major distraction so they can carry on regardless.


Must I again list all the Novus Ordo Missae stars of the blog? Sexual degenerates who hate the TLM, every one of them.


To the clergy, a girl/boy is guilty of enticing a pure and wonderful priest to lust after them! Normal people see the Priests as perverts in orders! It’s always the girl’s/boy’s fault!

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Fr Shane O’Neill the curate of Tramore and Phonsie’s former master of ceremonies was sent to Maynooth as a director of formation!

He was in Maynooth during the 2016 Summer of Love.


They’ve always had a “thing” for the gingers in Maynooth.
Play the game and come out on top.


Have often wondered how wee Daniel and his wife got married in a church. Did Fr. Trendy who turns up to all these gigs for different singers, weddings, funerals etc have something to do with it.


Irish crooner Daniel O’Donnell from rural Co Donegal & his wife Majella (a divorcee with 2 kids) are very well known and wealthy individuals.
Several trendy clerics travel on their Daniel O’Donnell luxurious cruise trips.
If you have plenty money, the Roman Catholic Church will find a way to facilitate your every whim.


Probably the same as Boris Johnston. Boris baptised in the RC church and married outside. Those marriages were not canonically recognised and so he was allowed to be married in Westminster cathedral.
Money doesn’t enter into it. Same rule applies to all.


Maynooth Seminary has been the undoing of many a young life.
They go to Maynooth like the legendary lamb among wolves.

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The presbyteries are mostly filled with middle-aged or elderly homosexuals.
The police in Ireland have informed their government not to suggest police stations as an option for homeless as they have pointed out that they only have offices and cells.


They won’t place empty presbyteries or church buildings on the market whilst there are outstanding financial claims against them.


If Priests behaved in a manner befitting their positions, there wouldn’t be any accusations.

So many people have said its wrong that Priests can’t marry. I don’t disagree, but there are rules and they are fully aware of the rules so if these rules don’t appeal, than find another club to join.

Priests having their cake and eating it is getting very tiresome indeed.

The Bishops clearly only view it as a bad bad thing if priests get caught and victim goes public. Bishop and his teams then set to work slandering the victims and their friends and families as we’ve all seen repeatedly on this blog and elsewhere.

That’s the narritive, they can and do whatever the f*ck they like, just dont get caught.

Tom Deenihan in Meath, Fintan Monahan in Killaloe, Phonsie Cullinan in Waterford are particularly proactive in all of the above and more.


Get real!
What other club would give them all that they have now.
They won’t cut off their own noses to spite their faces
But they have no problem or conscience in knowingly and deliberately destroying victims and whistleblowers or anyone else they perceive may expose all of their cozy arrangements.

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I think the majority of priests likely to get married and who had any regard for rules, left in the exodus to get married in the sixties and seventies.


The Roman Catholic Church is internationally recognised as the biggest paedophile ring in the world. No other paedophile ring has the power and wealth to self-protect and continue to operate at full hilt.

So why is anyone surprised when convicted sex offenders and paedophiles, financial embezzlers are discovered in support and in front line roles in the Roman Catholic Church.

Safeguarding my arse!

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The newsagents are advertising for a bouncer, another consequence of the Covid and the cost of living crisis.


The topic today highlights Byrnes desire to have Gardiner, a convicted child abuser who downloaded 5000 images and is on the sex register.
Why he wanted a convicted felon in his presbytery and close to children (school) is breathtaking and one can only marvel and be disturbed by his motivations.
Sadly RCC attracts child abusers and is a haven for them – don’t lock up your daughters lock up your children and keep sex offenders far from them.

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That they do. But the ‘faithful’s attitude of avoiding the question of abuse is also a magnet for paedophiles.
They whinge when their attitudes are called out but on this blog we have seen RCs say that the abuse crisis is in the past, that safeguarding is ineffective, that safeguarding is over-intrusive, that no child could now be abused, that ‘nobody’ would dream of not acting on a complaint, that they *know* no complaint of abuse has ever been made about a priest from a particular minor seminary (👈🏿 this last one is mind-boggling).
Any paedophile reading the comments on this blog will be happy that he can continue to get away with it in the RC church. And they don’t even realize their own attitude is a big flashing sign saying Welcome.

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It’s extraordinary the way RCs have literally nothing sensible to say when associated with child abuse and flip between saying they’re being persecuted (they’re not) and saying nobody is blameless. The latter is particularly stupid (and actually appears in the comments today). Actually I personally have only ever had consensual sex with adults so as far as paedophilia is concerned, yes I’m blameless. And if you can’t tell that child rape is morally different from consensual adult sex outside marriage, you might just belong to a paedophile-enabling cult.

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Scotland Yard apologised for “huge” mistakes made at the time including oversights, missed opportunities and ignored leads – in December 2021 an Inquest heard that mistakes by police “probably” contributed to the deaths of victims of Stephen Port.
The Casey Report has found the Met Police to be institutionally racist, sexist and homophobic.

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2:53 Your daily reminder that cult members would rather people suffered rape and any other violence from clergy, think everyone is as criminal as them, and take no responsibility for their actions.
… just like any other criminals.


It hasn’t put any of the Irish clerics off the Grindr or maybe they don’t read the English tabloid press. Most of them have been to Maynooth Seminary you know so possibly consider tabloids to be far beneath them.


More madness from America. A priest professor in a Catholic university is allowed to keep his job but isn’t allowed to be alone with anyone aged 24 or under (which is the predominant age bracket in a university). The priest was a keynote speaker at a Pope Francis love-in, held in the university and attended by heretics such as Austen Ivereigh.


Fr Tony Jones, a Birmingham priest convicted back in 2007 for downloading child pornography and remains on the sex offenders register. He has, in recent years, been celebrating Mass in the Maryvale Institute for staff and nuns and students, despite being suspended from Ministry. Another +Nursie failure to supervise or for the current VG, Canon Richard Walker, to monitor?

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Or where are any of the other Missing in Action clerics in Ireland.
These missing clerics are being financed by parishioners making this a matter of public safety and interest.


You really need to get your facts right if you are going to be posting on this blog and traducing people. By supervised agreement he had a very limited involvement with the Maryvale sisters, as well as a lay role as facilities administrator. Maryvale has now closed, and like the rest of the staff Tony Jones has nothing to do with the place, and is living quietly as a retired person who is in his 70s. In his defence, Tony Jones has complied with whatever safeguarding restrictions were put on him, and at the same time fulfilled a valuable role at Maryvale, where there are only adults and not children. As for the school, I am not sure how proximate it is, but I have no doubt that within short distances of most schools there will be people on the sex offenders’ register working, passing by, even living. That will have been take in to account in the safeguarding assessment of his involvement in Maryvale. I suspect you are just trying to cause trouble and unsettle someone who has done all that has been asked by him, and who has kept to any safeguarding agreement that has been settled on him. I’d ask you, please, to be very careful in what you post here without knowing or recognising the facts. And, no, I am not the VG, or + Nursie, or anybody involved with Birmingham Archdiocese. I know Tony Jones and I know that, having made a grave error in his priestly behaviour, he has tried to do everything to make amends, keep to any restrictions on him, and to live a decent and good life. Maybe give him, and others, a chance…. ?


1:50pm they all keep their jobs regardless of what they do in the old boys and girls club.

There is zero accountability or consequences for clergy and religious in the Roman Catholic Church.

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3.18: Utter nonsense. There’s zero credibility in your comments. Zero. And written from a skewed heart and mind.


4:41 clearly lives on a desert island somewhere! Probably has his very own Man Friday.


The cult guarantees Lifetime membership in return for complicity regardless of impact on victims.


And if I’m not mistaken Maryvale is right next to a primary school – wonder if they know a registered sex offender is on their doorstep.
Ha ha ha poor Richard Walker he wouldn’t say boo to a goose and is being guided by the previous incumbent- Walker is VG by proxy.
Yes Birmingham isn’t short of a child abuser positively awash with them.

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3:45 If you look on the internet you can find how police supervise those on the sex offenders register, since you obviously don’t know. 😂


By John Lavenburg
Mar 22, 2023
..“With this open letter, I wish to express my profound regret and sorrow over the tragic and inexcusable harm done to you by clergy sexual abuse,” Wester said. “As Archbishop of Santa Fe, I apologize to each of you and to all those who have been harmed by sexual abuse perpetrated by Roman Catholic Clergy in this archdiocese.” Wester added that the archdiocese “takes full responsibility for the abuse.” “I am ashamed of what happened to you and even more so that it happened within the auspices of the Catholic Church,” the archbishop said.“I pray that this moment will be yet another step in the healing process and that you will find the peace and well-being that is your God-given right,” Wester said.


No sexual abuser Roman Catholic cleric should be allowed to minister, if found guilty in a court of law, one problem exists some are not found guilty and continue in their role, until they are caught again. Whether the sexual abuse involves a male, female, or child, or animal. Neither should sexual abuser Roman Catholic nuns or, religious sex abuser Brothers have any responsibility in the church.
If a priest, or, anyone from the religious orders is accused of sex abuse they should not be allowed to minister in anyway until they are cleared.
Neither should a priest, even be allowed to concelebrate Mass, as has happened recently at the Basilica of Santa Prassede in Rome where it did just that, Father Marko Rupnik a serial sexual abuser of at least nine Roman Catholic nuns, Rupnik’s superior in the Society of Jesus, told reporters that Rupnik remains free to concelebrate Masses within the context of his community.
Though members of Rupnik’s Jesuit community were present at the Mass it was also opened to the public.
If the Jesuits had any faith, one would have thought the spiritual abuse of those women would have been even more pertinent, where Rupnik gave absolution to the women he had sex with, not a bit of it! It glaringly showed the lack of concern his religious Jesuit superiors have for Catholicism or Francis Vos estis lux mundi, which it seems isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, as Hans Zollner indicated recently.
Why Roman Catholics continue to support this cesspit is beyond comprehension, presumably it’s that old carrot, the promise of eternal life which never loses it charm/pull for some.

1)Jesuits sent abusive priests to retire on Gonzaga’s campus
Originally published December 17, 2018 at 6:51 am Updated December 18, 2018 at 4:30 pm

2)Call to sack sex-abuse priest
THE Roman Catholic Church today faced calls to expel a former Coventry Roman Catholic Benedictine monk/priest for sexually abusing a suicidal parishioner who sought his spiritual guidance….Fitzpatrick returned to Douai Abbey Berkshire and continued to serve four Roman Catholic parishes in Berkshire.
ByCoventry Live
10:53, 26 JUL 2001UPDATED21:49, 26 APR 2013

Church Safeguarding Consultancy › managing-thos…
11 Apr 2020 —

3)A careful grace: Accountability for sex offenders in the church
Can a church protect children and minister to convicted sex offenders?


Was Paul Prior in Maynooth at the time of the summer of love? What was his contribution? Or his view? If there


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