

Farrell at Dublin World Meeting of families 2018

Dublin born Kevin Farrell has risen to great heights in the RCC.

He is now the Cardinal Carmelengo appointed by Francis.

Farrell started off his life by joining the Legionaries of Christ – founded by the now exposed arch paedophile and druggie Maciel Marciel.

Of course Farrell saw NOTHING when he was in the order.

He then joined Washington diocese and was right hand man to the arch abuser Theodore McCarrick.

Once again Farrell heard or saw NOTHING.

His ability to see nothing got him made auxiliary bishop of Washington, bishop of Dallas and finally a Roman cardinal.

He seems to be a great favourite of Francis,?

Now Francis has put him in charge of all finances as Cardinal Camerlengo.


“The Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church is an office of the papal household that administers the property and revenues of the Holy See. Formerly, his responsibilities included the fiscal administration of the Patrimony of Saint Peter. As regulated in the apostolic constitution Pastor bonus of 1988, the camerlengo is always a cardinal, though this was not the case prior to the 15th century. His heraldic arms are ornamented with two keys – one gold, one silver – in saltire, surmounted by an ombrellino, a canopy or umbrella of alternating red and yellow stripes. These also form part of the coat of arms of the Holy See during a papal interregnum (sede vacante). The camerlengo has been Kevin Farrell since his appointment by Pope Francis on 14 February 2019″.

Do you believe Farrell in this video.

I don’t.

He is currently under an investigation with mafia connections.


I do not believe him one bit another Nicholls
Blog is wrong he has nothing to do with Finance that’s all now under the Economy Team.
Farrell has been appointed in charge of Confidential affairs.
Remember Curia is constantly changing under Pope Francis.


Totally lying.
McCarrick’s close associates should be side lined simply because of how it looks, not promoted.
There is no such thing as a good RC cleric.


No, I don’t believe him at all. That smirk, a barely concealed smile, it tells it all. More significantly, I worked in an environment where if you were in charge, or one of the leadership group, if something went wrong, the question that was asked was: “Why didn’t you know. It was your job to know. If you didn’t know, then you weren’t doing your job” It’s called responsibility, accountability. Farrell is just smiling away, dodging any responsibility or accountability, and knows that he can get away with it. For now. The facts will eventually show that he did know what was going on at some level, but chose not to do anything about it. He’s a liar.


Pat, can you please provide a link to the investigation about a possible relationship with the Mafia. Thank you.


Starts tonight at 6.30 with The Vigil of the Moral Remains of Archbishop Tartaglia.
Surely you would at least Pray for His Soul

You will all RETURN even Bishop Pat unless Paul is going to be the Celebrant of Bishop Buckley send off but hopefully in years to Come.



Return to what ya stupid cretin, and I presume you meant his mortal soul, not his moral. A bit nasty to mention Patsy’s send off totally unnecessary.


It states The Reception of Mortal Remains.
See you on Clyde Street at 6.15 for Guard of Honour 🙂 🙂 🙂

It says Bishop Pat years to come however is the SSPX giving you the Viaticum (don’t think so as you have made no contact to Carluke).

I would never call a Man a female name and more so an Independent Bishop


It is interesting that Farrell was originally a LC, and then left to join the Washington Archdiocese. I’d be interested to know why he left the LCs? Was there any sense he had that things were not right in that organisation, and he bailed out ? I’m sure he would have known rumours that were going around about Maciel and even sensed a very odd dysfunctional culture. Then he moved out. Rather than doing anything or confronting it. Seems a pattern of behaviour on his part, methinks ! Rather like so many clergy, who know things are wrong and that odd behaviours are happening all around them. But, rather than calling them out, or having the courage to stand up against them, simply keep their heads down and protect their rather comfortable and secure lives. That seems to be the way it works for the clergy.



I know you can’t spell but read your own post, you wrote Moral Remains, you IDIOT! As for Viaticum I’ve already told you, I hope you need it before me. Your Mental Health Issues are getting worse by the day, it’s time you were Sectioned.


What shifty characters Cardinal Farrell and archbishop-designate Farrell of Dublin are. No wonder Francis likes them.


10:49: Are you one of his dim, crazy, and greatly misguided followers? History will judge him harshly. As he joins our community, plans are afoot to make it clear we don’t want him. Just watch out!


I have to agree with the comments on here about Farrell, there is no way that he could not have known about McCarrick or at least heard rumour’s. It is extremely concerning that this man has been promoted to Camerlengo.


Rcc is bit similar to mafia cos it relies on OMERTA and secrecy & silence. it’s Crimes are world wide child abuses and transferring priests, bishops and cardinals (cardinal law for one to shield him from immunity and extradition between countries).

Also their expertise in transferring monies to another state or obscure fund management before declaring bankruptcy. This got Dolan promoted to Cardinal as I believe. No proof but it does look like it.

Farrell (k) MO was, hear no evil, see no evil and do nothing merchant. He was a chauffeur driver for Marciel as he was close to him as opposed to his remarks that he wasn’t. That came from ex LEGIONNAIRE of christ (LC) irishman.

Church militant exposed him re more information had come to light than we thought.

See here link to CM article :

Comments below on that article were interesting and at times, bit informative.


That CM article does put a different light on Farrell’s butter wouldn’t melt in my mouth distancing of himself from Maciel and McCarrick. He’s lying. Pure and simple.


Bishop Pat, I don’t know what on earth is going on in background but it is very serious, and I have a feeling in my gut there will be no covering up or getting ‘out’ of it for those involved.
Does my gut serve me right?
Does your gut give you the same feeling?
Don’t post this if you think. Up to you


Today’s blog does raise the bigger question about clerical omertà and the implicit culture of protecting, ignoring, not hearing, not addressing many dysfunctional and even criminal behaviours of other clergy. It has been hinted at many times already on this blog over the months about the way that those clergy who are seen as good and holy, are at the same time implicitly connected to the sinful and criminal things that go on around them commissioned by their brother priests. And yet, how many of them say or do anything about it ? I don’t believe the usual excuse “I didn’t know”. It’s usually a question of “I didn’t want or choose to know”. There is a whole depth of implicit collusion and shared guilt in the silence of so many clergy over the decades. At some level we have thought of them as good and holy. At another level, they are mired up to their necks in the shit that inhabits their Church and clergy. It stinks, and they stink. Never mind the smell of the sheep. What about the corrupt smell of clergy sin that has rubbed off on to them ? I don’t believe Farrell. He knew at some level about Maciel and about McCarrick. He just chose not to bring it to the level of action. Why ? Self-interest. Clerical omertà. Misguided loyalty. All of them unworthy motives.


Of course Farrell is lying – his mannerisms, smirk, modulated speech pattern void of concern for victims and devil may care, hear no evil, say no evil, do no evil attitude says he knew and he’s not telling otherwise he’d incriminate himself and do what must never be done – damage the reputation of the church!!


I don’t think you need a psychology qualification to assess the smug satisfaction in Farrell. Like the biblical Pharisees and the Scribes, they feel they have it all sown up. They have their own little world and merely pay lip service to the society they live in. This is where you come in, Pat. I may not always like your use of language and sometimes infantile jeering, but you are doing something worthwhile. When I think of the cover-ups in Mount Mellary, Glenstal, Armagh, Dublin, Maynooth and Galway (please don’t neglect) my blood boils.


I’ve belonged to several organisations and institutions over my working life which are concerned with significant and important areas of public policy and life. I have been a Catholic all my life. I have to say that I have never felt about any of the people I worked with, including the leaders, such a sense of distrust that I feel these days about leaders in the Roman Catholic Church, and that includes the Pope, the bishops and priests. I’m very sad to have to say that. It is not all about the abuse crisis and the wickedness that was done by individual priest / perpetrators. That was bad enough It is as much to do with the institutional malaise and wrongdoing that accompanied that wickedness. Delay, coverup, obfuscation, dragging heels, self-protection, clergy looking after their own……. There’s a distinct whiff of that in the Farrell interview. As well as that, there is a sense that this Church is at war with itself, especially at its very centre, and the Pope and some Cardinals and Bishops are working at cross purposes and playing out a silent warfare that undermines them and the Church. Some of it has to do with finances. Some of it has to down with power politics. Some of it has to do with the misbehaviours of those hight up – the KOBs, the MCarricks, the Maciels and many, many others. The end result is that people like me now do not know whom to trust and believe. It is very dispiriting. I certainly don’t believe Farrell. I’m not sure I even believe my own parish priest anymore, nice guy though he is. He is part of a system that has been shown to look after itself, to protect itself, to be partial with the truth, and to portray a public image that is often not in sync with what is really happening. As I say, it is very dispiriting. I don’t blame myself. I blame those to whom I have looked up to over the decades. I’ve belonged to several organisations and institutions over my working life which are concerned with significant and important areas of public policy and life. I have been a Catholic all my life. I have to say that I have never felt about any of the people I worked with, including the leaders, such a sense of distrust that I feel these days about leaders in the Roman Catholic Church, and that includes the Pope, the bishops and priests. I’m very sad to have to say that. It is not all about the abuse crisis and the wickedness that was done by individual priest / perpetrators. That was bad enough It is as much to do with the institutional malaise and wrongdoing that accompanied that wickedness. Delay, coverup, obfuscation, dragging heels, self-protection, clergy looking after their own……. There’s a distinct whiff of that in the Farrell interview. As well as that, there is a sense that this Church is at war with itself, especially at its very centre, and the Pope and some Cardinals and Bishops are working at cross purposes and playing out a silent warfare that undermines them and the Church. Some of it has to do with finances. Some of it has to down with power politics. Some of it has to do with the misbehaviours of those hight up – the KOBs, the MCarricks, the Maciels and many, many others. The end result is that people like me now do not know whom to trust and believe. It is very dispiriting. I certainly don’t believe Farrell. I’m not sure I even believe my own parish priest anymore, nice guy though he is. He is part of a system that has been shown to look after itself, to protect itself, to be partial with the truth, and to portray a public image that is often not in sync with what is really happening. As I say, it is very dispiriting. I don’t blame myself. I blame those to whom I have looked up to over the decades. I / we have been very badly let down..


I repeat what has been said many times before on this site: that a significant number of RC clerics do not actually believe a lot of the religious “stuff” they outwardly profess, “teach” and expect their followers to adhere to. Most will never admit to any doubts: they cannot risk forgoing the privileges, power and advantages of their position, and having become so accustomed they convince themselves of the need to continue in the “role.”
But, as per Matthew 7:16: “By their fruits you shall know them……”
How else does one explain what has been consistently exposed worldwide as the significant hallmarks of the RCC clergy: abuse of children, adults, power, privilege, lies, deceit and rampant corruption?
And do not for a moment minimise such a travesty by consideration of the “good priests .”
You have every right to feel let down. Don’t internalise any regret or feelings of misplaced guilt. Rejoice that the “scales have fallen from your eyes.”


MMM at 6.18: I cannot disagree with you in your observations. When I absorb the continuous reports which have defined very clearly the sins, wrongs, corruption and criminality of the institutional church, I am stunned more each time. Yes, we can argue that as long as I remain a cleric, I represent this reprehensible behaviour and will forever, however unjust, be associated with it. Certainly when I was ordained in the mid 70’s this is not what I ever thought could happen. Only that I was guided by the exemplary witness of some colleagues, family, friends and parishioners I do not know if I’d have remained. I did and have been endeavouring to just live “the gospel”, which I always believed to be my starting point – not without difficulty or challenge. Whatever helpful, pastoral care I can give is now my priority in a diminished and diminishing church, as we know it. The “Church” for me is the parish I work in. The constant criticisms of a dysfunctional institution, deserved mostly, is very difficult to survive some days.


And I do, @ 7:36, feel for some of those clerics who embarked as well intentioned altruistic seminarians back in the 60’s onwards. Against all odds, some have retained that selfless altruism, but now find themselves as an older grouping, obliged for lack of realistic alternatives coerced to represent an institution they no longer have trust in, and which is now so widely derided.
Several “smug” commentators, together with some plainly smirkingly self defensive ones, snidingly refer to ex seminarians as having “failed” as if they, the commentators,are in some way superior for having attained “ontological superiority.” They have just no idea of how glad the vast majority of ex sems are at having opted out of potentially ending up with the disillusioned deluded despots in their cold parochial houses.


I’m a retired detective with a large English force. I was a detective of very senior rank for 11 years. Trained and skilled in the art of interview and interrogation. Assessing the body language and mannerisms of a suspect was an integral part of our job.
My opinion is that man is telling lies!!


Never mind about this Cardinal in Rome, even if he is a clearly lying. What about the brass neck of guys lower down the food chain in our country – people like Rawhide Purcell and others, who just give us the two fingers in spite of the clear evidence of their wrongdoing? Like Farrell, they are just smirking at us as they sit it out, knowing that they will carry on regardless. It’s outrageous. I’m not sure we will put up with it for much longer. I doubt if we will do a Trump and invade Ara Coeli or anything like that. I think the best, and probably only way forward to make our distaste felt is – withhold your money ! They will take notice.


2.12: Same old nonsense from begrudgers and haters. Don’t paint all of us with your cynical, lying brush strokes.That’s so unjust and unfair.


@4.41pm Go away, you have nothing to offer anyone only your spiteful scorn and bitterness. You are just trailer trash.


Another constructive contribution from ‘father’ – and they wonder why we say there’s no such thing as a good RC


She is a Medjugorje fanatic according to the old hag at CTS. How will that go down with the weegies? I wonder.


It was so touching and moving Reception
His Brother spoke from the Heart.
Surprised Archbishop Cushley and not his Brother so maybe tomorrow it will be other way around.
+Keenan on you tube saying Monsignor Hugh Bradley will be there for a year or two however one thing for certain Monsignor Hugh will be staying in Holy Cross
+ Cushley laid down his marker a New Leader for Glasgow it was like a flashback to when Pope Benedict laid his marker on the day of Saint John Paul’s funeral.
# + Cushley for Glasgow and to lead Scotland’s Roman Catholic’s


8.41pm , . . . you neglect the fact that Bishop Hugh will be given the nod, without doubt.


Nobody gives a hang who goes to Glasgow or anywhere in Scotland for that matter. Same few old boring Scots queens arguing the toss per usual over appointments. Yawn! Get a feckin life.


What perverse glee does the illiterate idiot Jim S get from predicting episcopal futures as if he had the remotest clue. He didn’t even know the difference between a Diocesan Administrator and an Apostolic Administrator.
He also said he was university educated. Not in English he wasn’t.


Don’t tell me she didn’t know what KOB was up to all those years. She may have even been… well, let’s just say, an ex-lover. Who knows.


Let the man rest in peace you moron. Making allegations like this is childish, unnecessary and libellous.


Glasgow is a City of Class and therefore deserves the Best on a World Wide Stage.
Glasgow will not want an Archbishop that goes about in a Benedictine Habit.
If you take the office you take the clerical garb that goes with the office of Archbishop


The principal celebrant tomorrow is Monsignor Hugh Canon Bradley with Fr Tartaglia concelebrating. Wee +John K has no right making public comments about how long a replacement will take. Very undignified, particularly when +Philip’s funeral hasn’t even been yet. The fact that he doesnt realise this is a bit concerning . Much that I like him, he should stick to commenting on matters re his own Diocese.


Being part of the Church for decades not one of the sects within it of course I know the difference between an Administrator and an Apostolic Administrator.
When Bishop John Mone resigned the Holy Father appointed Archbishop Conti as Apostolic Administrator and he in turn appointed Father Boyd as his Administrator in Paisley.
Glasgow is different as Archbishop Philip has sadly passed away.
And in Motherwell Bishop Toal was originally appointed Apostolic Administrator.


Many have already commented that Keenan is overplaying his hand. Someone on here recently called him Rent a Gob. He’s proving that right.
What does or doesn’t happen in Glasgow is none of his business.


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